diff options
authorAndrei Elkin <>2009-10-09 16:26:37 +0300
committerAndrei Elkin <>2009-10-09 16:26:37 +0300
commit6a541923c390a81a64a373fc91aafaea6f748b85 (patch)
parent66b869d63740a146277346ba7f7ab06264cd6527 (diff)
backporting fixes of bug@45940 to 5.1-rpl+2 to cover failures rpl_heartbeat_* as well.
mysql-test/suite/rpl/r/rpl_stop_middle_group.result: the new result file mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_stop_middle_group.test: renamed from rpl_row_stop_middle_update and added a regression test for bug#45940.
11 files changed, 342 insertions, 170 deletions
diff --git a/mysql-test/suite/rpl/r/rpl_row_stop_middle_update.result b/mysql-test/suite/rpl/r/rpl_row_stop_middle_update.result
deleted file mode 100644
index 1934b01505c..00000000000
--- a/mysql-test/suite/rpl/r/rpl_row_stop_middle_update.result
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-stop slave;
-drop table if exists t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9;
-reset master;
-reset slave;
-drop table if exists t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9;
-start slave;
-create table t1 (words varchar(20)) engine=myisam;
-load data infile '../../std_data/words.dat' into table t1 (words);
-select count(*) from t1;
-select count(*) from t1;
-drop table t1;
-drop table t1;
diff --git a/mysql-test/suite/rpl/r/rpl_stop_middle_group.result b/mysql-test/suite/rpl/r/rpl_stop_middle_group.result
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0bf0384bf85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mysql-test/suite/rpl/r/rpl_stop_middle_group.result
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+stop slave;
+drop table if exists t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9;
+reset master;
+reset slave;
+drop table if exists t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9;
+start slave;
+create table tm (a int auto_increment primary key) engine=myisam;
+create table ti (a int auto_increment primary key) engine=innodb;
+set @@global.debug="+d,stop_slave_middle_group";
+insert into ti set a=null;
+insert into tm set a=null;
+SELECT "NO" AS Last_SQL_Error, @check as `true`;
+Last_SQL_Error true
+NO 1
+select count(*) as one from tm;
+select count(*) as one from ti;
+set @@global.debug="-d";
+truncate table tm;
+truncate table ti;
+set @@global.debug="+d,stop_slave_middle_group";
+set @@global.debug="+d,incomplete_group_in_relay_log";
+insert into ti set a=null;
+insert into tm set a=null;
+SELECT "Fatal error: ... The slave SQL is stopped, leaving the current group of events unfinished with a non-transaction table changed. If the group consists solely of Row-based events, you can try restarting the slave with --slave-exec-mode=IDEMPOTENT, which ignores duplicate key, key not found, and similar errors (see documentation for details)." AS Last_SQL_Error, @check as `true`;
+Last_SQL_Error true
+Fatal error: ... The slave SQL is stopped, leaving the current group of events unfinished with a non-transaction table changed. If the group consists solely of Row-based events, you can try restarting the slave with --slave-exec-mode=IDEMPOTENT, which ignores duplicate key, key not found, and similar errors (see documentation for details). 1
+select count(*) as one from tm;
+select count(*) as zero from ti;
+set @@global.debug="-d";
+stop slave;
+truncate table tm;
+set @@global.debug="+d,stop_slave_middle_group";
+set @@global.debug="+d,incomplete_group_in_relay_log";
+update tm as t1, ti as t2 set t1.a=t1.a * 2, t2.a=t2.a * 2;
+SELECT "Fatal error: ... The slave SQL is stopped, leaving the current group of events unfinished with a non-transaction table changed. If the group consists solely of Row-based events, you can try restarting the slave with --slave-exec-mode=IDEMPOTENT, which ignores duplicate key, key not found, and similar errors (see documentation for details)." AS Last_SQL_Error, @check as `true`;
+Last_SQL_Error true
+Fatal error: ... The slave SQL is stopped, leaving the current group of events unfinished with a non-transaction table changed. If the group consists solely of Row-based events, you can try restarting the slave with --slave-exec-mode=IDEMPOTENT, which ignores duplicate key, key not found, and similar errors (see documentation for details). 1
+select max(a) as two from tm;
+select max(a) as one from ti;
+set @@global.debug="-d";
+drop table tm, ti;
+drop table tm, ti;
diff --git a/mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_row_stop_middle_update-master.opt b/mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_row_stop_middle_update-master.opt
deleted file mode 100644
index b7db8f97bdd..00000000000
--- a/mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_row_stop_middle_update-master.opt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_row_stop_middle_update-slave.opt b/mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_row_stop_middle_update-slave.opt
deleted file mode 100644
index ea49a27adf4..00000000000
--- a/mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_row_stop_middle_update-slave.opt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_row_stop_middle_update.test b/mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_row_stop_middle_update.test
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b24c78e62d..00000000000
--- a/mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_row_stop_middle_update.test
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
--- source include/
--- source include/
--- source include/
-# master is asked to create small Rows events: if only one event is
-# created, stopping slave at the end of that one will show no bug, we
-# need at least two (and stop after first); in this test we use three.
-connection master;
-create table t1 (words varchar(20)) engine=myisam;
-load data infile '../../std_data/words.dat' into table t1 (words);
-select count(*) from t1;
-connection slave;
-# slave will automatically stop the sql thread thanks to the .opt
-# file; it will initiate the stop request after the first
-# Rows_log_event (out of 3) but should wait until the last one is
-# executed before stopping.
-source include/;
-# check that we inserted all rows (waited until the last Rows event)
-select count(*) from t1;
-connection master;
-drop table t1;
-connection slave; # slave SQL thread is stopped
-source include/;
-drop table t1;
diff --git a/mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_stop_middle_group.test b/mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_stop_middle_group.test
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2cd41b45cf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_stop_middle_group.test
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+-- source include/
+-- source include/
+-- source include/
+# Proving that stopping in the middle of applying a group of events
+# does not have immediate effect if a non-transaction table has been changed.
+# The slave sql thread has to try to finish applying first.
+# The tests rely on simulation of the killed status.
+# The matter of testing correlates to some of `rpl_start_stop_slave' that does
+# not require `have_debug'.
+connection master;
+create table tm (a int auto_increment primary key) engine=myisam;
+create table ti (a int auto_increment primary key) engine=innodb;
+set @@global.debug="+d,stop_slave_middle_group";
+connection master;
+insert into ti set a=null;
+insert into tm set a=null; # to simulate killed status on the slave
+connection slave;
+# slave will catch the killed status but won't shut down immediately
+# only after the whole group has done (commit)
+source include/;
+# checking: no error and the group is finished
+let $error= query_get_value("SHOW SLAVE STATUS", Last_SQL_Error, 1);
+let $read = query_get_value("SHOW SLAVE STATUS", Read_Master_Log_Pos, 1);
+let $exec = query_get_value("SHOW SLAVE STATUS", Exec_Master_Log_Pos, 1);
+eval SELECT $read = $exec into @check;
+eval SELECT "NO$error" AS Last_SQL_Error, @check as `true`;
+select count(*) as one from tm;
+select count(*) as one from ti;
+set @@global.debug="-d";
+# bug#45940 issues around rli->last_event_start_time
+# Testing of slave stopped after it had waited (in vain) for
+# the group be finished.
+# It could not be finished because of simulation of failure to
+# receive the terminal part
+# The test relay on simulation of the incomplete group in the relay log
+# Two cases are verified: a mixed transacton and a mixed multi-table update.
+# The mixed transacton.
+source include/;
+connection master;
+truncate table tm; # cleanup of former tests
+truncate table ti;
+#connection slave;
+set @@global.debug="+d,stop_slave_middle_group";
+set @@global.debug="+d,incomplete_group_in_relay_log";
+connection master;
+insert into ti set a=null;
+insert into tm set a=null;
+connection slave;
+# slave will catch the killed status, won't shut down immediately
+# but does it eventually having the whole group unfinished (not committed)
+source include/;
+# checking: the error and group unfinished
+let $error= query_get_value("SHOW SLAVE STATUS", Last_SQL_Error, 1);
+let $read = query_get_value("SHOW SLAVE STATUS", Read_Master_Log_Pos, 1);
+let $exec = query_get_value("SHOW SLAVE STATUS", Exec_Master_Log_Pos, 1);
+eval SELECT $read - $exec > 0 into @check;
+eval SELECT "$error" AS Last_SQL_Error, @check as `true`;
+select count(*) as one from tm;
+select count(*) as zero from ti;
+set @@global.debug="-d";
+# The mixed multi-table update
+stop slave;
+truncate table tm;
+source include/;
+connection master;
+#connection slave;
+set @@global.debug="+d,stop_slave_middle_group";
+set @@global.debug="+d,incomplete_group_in_relay_log";
+connection master;
+update tm as t1, ti as t2 set t1.a=t1.a * 2, t2.a=t2.a * 2;
+connection slave;
+# slave will catch the killed status, won't shut down immediately
+# but does it eventually having the whole group unfinished (not committed)
+source include/;
+# checking: the error and group unfinished
+let $error= query_get_value("SHOW SLAVE STATUS", Last_SQL_Error, 1);
+let $read = query_get_value("SHOW SLAVE STATUS", Read_Master_Log_Pos, 1);
+let $exec = query_get_value("SHOW SLAVE STATUS", Exec_Master_Log_Pos, 1);
+eval SELECT $read - $exec > 0 into @check;
+eval SELECT "$error" AS Last_SQL_Error, @check as `true`;
+select max(a) as two from tm;
+select max(a) as one from ti;
+set @@global.debug="-d";
+# clean-up
+connection master;
+drop table tm, ti;
+connection slave; # slave SQL thread is stopped
+source include/;
+drop table tm, ti;
diff --git a/sql/ b/sql/
index d8dd40c91de..e2f0029eb6e 100644
--- a/sql/
+++ b/sql/
@@ -3272,6 +3272,21 @@ Default database: '%s'. Query: '%s'",
} /* End of if (db_ok(... */
+ {/**
+ The following failure injecion works in cooperation with tests
+ setting @@global.debug= 'd,stop_slave_middle_group'.
+ The sql thread receives the killed status and will proceed
+ to shutdown trying to finish incomplete events group.
+ */
+ DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("stop_slave_middle_group",
+ if (strcmp("COMMIT", query) != 0 &&
+ strcmp("BEGIN", query) != 0)
+ {
+ if (thd->transaction.all.modified_non_trans_table)
+ const_cast<Relay_log_info*>(rli)->abort_slave= 1;
+ };);
+ }
Probably we have set thd->query, thd->db, thd->catalog to point to places
@@ -7475,8 +7490,16 @@ int Rows_log_event::do_apply_event(Relay_log_info const *rli)
thd->transaction.stmt.modified_non_trans_table= TRUE;
} // row processing loop
- DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("STOP_SLAVE_after_first_Rows_event",
- const_cast<Relay_log_info*>(rli)->abort_slave= 1;);
+ {/**
+ The following failure injecion works in cooperation with tests
+ setting @@global.debug= 'd,stop_slave_middle_group'.
+ The sql thread receives the killed status and will proceed
+ to shutdown trying to finish incomplete events group.
+ */
+ DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("stop_slave_middle_group",
+ if (thd->transaction.all.modified_non_trans_table)
+ const_cast<Relay_log_info*>(rli)->abort_slave= 1;);
+ }
if ((error= do_after_row_operations(rli, error)) &&
ignored_error_code(convert_handler_error(error, thd, table)))
@@ -7513,32 +7536,6 @@ int Rows_log_event::do_apply_event(Relay_log_info const *rli)
const_cast<Relay_log_info*>(rli)->cleanup_context(thd, error);
thd->is_slave_error= 1;
- /*
- This code would ideally be placed in do_update_pos() instead, but
- since we have no access to table there, we do the setting of
- last_event_start_time here instead.
- */
- else if (table && (table->s->primary_key == MAX_KEY) &&
- !cache_stmt && get_flags(STMT_END_F) == RLE_NO_FLAGS)
- {
- /*
- ------------ Temporary fix until WL#2975 is implemented ---------
- This event is not the last one (no STMT_END_F). If we stop now
- (in case of terminate_slave_thread()), how will we restart? We
- have to restart from Table_map_log_event, but as this table is
- not transactional, the rows already inserted will still be
- present, and idempotency is not guaranteed (no PK) so we risk
- that repeating leads to double insert. So we desperately try to
- continue, hope we'll eventually leave this buggy situation (by
- executing the final Rows_log_event). If we are in a hopeless
- wait (reached end of last relay log and nothing gets appended
- there), we timeout after one minute, and notify DBA about the
- problem. When WL#2975 is implemented, just remove the member
- Relay_log_info::last_event_start_time and all its occurrences.
- */
- const_cast<Relay_log_info*>(rli)->last_event_start_time= my_time(0);
- }
diff --git a/sql/ b/sql/
index 68cd2bf4673..a335210ce53 100644
--- a/sql/
+++ b/sql/
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ Old_rows_log_event::do_apply_event(Old_rows_log_event *ev, const Relay_log_info
row_start= row_end;
- DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("STOP_SLAVE_after_first_Rows_event",
+ DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("stop_slave_middle_group",
const_cast<Relay_log_info*>(rli)->abort_slave= 1;);
error= do_after_row_operations(table, error);
if (!ev->cache_stmt)
@@ -269,34 +269,6 @@ Old_rows_log_event::do_apply_event(Old_rows_log_event *ev, const Relay_log_info
- /*
- This code would ideally be placed in do_update_pos() instead, but
- since we have no access to table there, we do the setting of
- last_event_start_time here instead.
- */
- if (table && (table->s->primary_key == MAX_KEY) &&
- !ev->cache_stmt &&
- ev->get_flags(Old_rows_log_event::STMT_END_F) == Old_rows_log_event::RLE_NO_FLAGS)
- {
- /*
- ------------ Temporary fix until WL#2975 is implemented ---------
- This event is not the last one (no STMT_END_F). If we stop now
- (in case of terminate_slave_thread()), how will we restart? We
- have to restart from Table_map_log_event, but as this table is
- not transactional, the rows already inserted will still be
- present, and idempotency is not guaranteed (no PK) so we risk
- that repeating leads to double insert. So we desperately try to
- continue, hope we'll eventually leave this buggy situation (by
- executing the final Old_rows_log_event). If we are in a hopeless
- wait (reached end of last relay log and nothing gets appended
- there), we timeout after one minute, and notify DBA about the
- problem. When WL#2975 is implemented, just remove the member
- st_relay_log_info::last_event_start_time and all its occurences.
- */
- const_cast<Relay_log_info*>(rli)->last_event_start_time= my_time(0);
- }
@@ -1744,7 +1716,7 @@ int Old_rows_log_event::do_apply_event(Relay_log_info const *rli)
} // row processing loop
- DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("STOP_SLAVE_after_first_Rows_event",
+ DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("stop_slave_middle_group",
const_cast<Relay_log_info*>(rli)->abort_slave= 1;);
error= do_after_row_operations(rli, error);
if (!cache_stmt)
@@ -1787,33 +1759,6 @@ int Old_rows_log_event::do_apply_event(Relay_log_info const *rli)
- /*
- This code would ideally be placed in do_update_pos() instead, but
- since we have no access to table there, we do the setting of
- last_event_start_time here instead.
- */
- if (table && (table->s->primary_key == MAX_KEY) &&
- !cache_stmt && get_flags(STMT_END_F) == RLE_NO_FLAGS)
- {
- /*
- ------------ Temporary fix until WL#2975 is implemented ---------
- This event is not the last one (no STMT_END_F). If we stop now
- (in case of terminate_slave_thread()), how will we restart? We
- have to restart from Table_map_log_event, but as this table is
- not transactional, the rows already inserted will still be
- present, and idempotency is not guaranteed (no PK) so we risk
- that repeating leads to double insert. So we desperately try to
- continue, hope we'll eventually leave this buggy situation (by
- executing the final Old_rows_log_event). If we are in a hopeless
- wait (reached end of last relay log and nothing gets appended
- there), we timeout after one minute, and notify DBA about the
- problem. When WL#2975 is implemented, just remove the member
- Relay_log_info::last_event_start_time and all its occurrences.
- */
- const_cast<Relay_log_info*>(rli)->last_event_start_time= my_time(0);
- }
diff --git a/sql/ b/sql/
index b3a1bbc31d2..ec3adc79ca2 100644
--- a/sql/
+++ b/sql/
@@ -1195,7 +1195,6 @@ void Relay_log_info::cleanup_context(THD *thd, bool error)
- last_event_start_time= 0;
diff --git a/sql/rpl_rli.h b/sql/rpl_rli.h
index a5410dd0c79..fd36d18adae 100644
--- a/sql/rpl_rli.h
+++ b/sql/rpl_rli.h
@@ -349,12 +349,10 @@ public:
void clear_tables_to_lock();
- Used by row-based replication to detect that it should not stop at
- this event, but give it a chance to send more events. The time
- where the last event inside a group started is stored here. If the
- variable is zero, we are not in a group (but may be in a
- transaction).
- */
+ Used to defer stopping the SQL thread to give it a chance
+ to finish up the current group of events.
+ The timestamp is set and reset in @c sql_slave_killed().
+ */
time_t last_event_start_time;
diff --git a/sql/ b/sql/
index 44993601e78..834ed8ed933 100644
--- a/sql/
+++ b/sql/
@@ -49,6 +49,10 @@
#define FLAGSTR(V,F) ((V)&(F)?#F" ":"")
+ a parameter of sql_slave_killed() to defer the killed status
bool use_slave_mask = 0;
MY_BITMAP slave_error_mask;
char slave_skip_error_names[SHOW_VAR_FUNC_BUFF_SIZE];
@@ -790,46 +794,95 @@ static bool io_slave_killed(THD* thd, Master_info* mi)
DBUG_RETURN(mi->abort_slave || abort_loop || thd->killed);
+ The function analyzes a possible killed status and makes
+ a decision whether to accept it or not.
+ Normally upon accepting the sql thread goes to shutdown.
+ In the event of deffering decision @rli->last_event_start_time waiting
+ timer is set to force the killed status be accepted upon its expiration.
+ @param thd pointer to a THD instance
+ @param rli pointer to Relay_log_info instance
+ @return TRUE the killed status is recognized, FALSE a possible killed
+ status is deferred.
static bool sql_slave_killed(THD* thd, Relay_log_info* rli)
+ bool ret= FALSE;
DBUG_ASSERT(rli->sql_thd == thd);
DBUG_ASSERT(rli->slave_running == 1);// tracking buffer overrun
if (abort_loop || thd->killed || rli->abort_slave)
- if (rli->abort_slave && rli->is_in_group() &&
- thd->transaction.all.modified_non_trans_table)
- /*
- If we are in an unsafe situation (stopping could corrupt replication),
- we give one minute to the slave SQL thread of grace before really
- terminating, in the hope that it will be able to read more events and
- the unsafe situation will soon be left. Note that this one minute starts
- from the last time anything happened in the slave SQL thread. So it's
- really one minute of idleness, we don't timeout if the slave SQL thread
- is actively working.
- */
- if (rli->last_event_start_time == 0)
- DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Slave SQL thread is in an unsafe situation, giving "
- "it some grace period"));
- if (difftime(time(0), rli->last_event_start_time) > 60)
+ if (thd->transaction.all.modified_non_trans_table && rli->is_in_group())
- rli->report(ERROR_LEVEL, 0,
- "SQL thread had to stop in an unsafe situation, in "
- "the middle of applying updates to a "
- "non-transactional table without any primary key. "
- "There is a risk of duplicate updates when the slave "
- "SQL thread is restarted. Please check your tables' "
- "contents after restart.");
+ char msg_stopped[]=
+ "... The slave SQL is stopped, leaving the current group "
+ "of events unfinished with a non-transaction table changed. "
+ "If the group consists solely of Row-based events, you can try "
+ "restarting the slave with --slave-exec-mode=IDEMPOTENT, which "
+ "ignores duplicate key, key not found, and similar errors (see "
+ "documentation for details).";
+ if (rli->abort_slave)
+ {
+ DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Slave SQL thread is being stopped in the middle of"
+ " a group having updated a non-trans table, giving"
+ " it some grace period"));
+ /*
+ Slave sql thread shutdown in face of unfinished group modified
+ Non-trans table is handled via a timer. The slave may eventually
+ give out to complete the current group and in that case there
+ might be issues at consequent slave restart, see the error message.
+ WL#2975 offers a robust solution requiring to store the last exectuted
+ event's coordinates along with the group's coordianates
+ instead of waiting with @c last_event_start_time the timer.
+ */
+ if (rli->last_event_start_time == 0)
+ rli->last_event_start_time= my_time(0);
+ ret= difftime(my_time(0), rli->last_event_start_time) <=
+ DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("stop_slave_middle_group",
+ DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("incomplete_group_in_relay_log",
+ ret= TRUE;);); // time is over
+ if (ret == 0)
+ {
+ rli->report(WARNING_LEVEL, 0,
+ "slave SQL thread is being stopped in the middle "
+ "of applying of a group having updated a non-transaction "
+ "table; waiting for the group completion ... ");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ER(ER_SLAVE_FATAL_ERROR), msg_stopped);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ret= TRUE;
+ msg_stopped);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ret= TRUE;
+ if (ret)
+ rli->last_event_start_time= 0;
@@ -2525,6 +2578,27 @@ static int exec_relay_log_event(THD* thd, Relay_log_info* rli)
delete ev;
+ { /**
+ The following failure injecion works in cooperation with tests
+ setting @@global.debug= 'd,incomplete_group_in_relay_log'.
+ Xid or Commit events are not executed to force the slave sql
+ read hanging if the realy log does not have any more events.
+ */
+ DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("incomplete_group_in_relay_log",
+ if ((ev->get_type_code() == XID_EVENT) ||
+ ((ev->get_type_code() == QUERY_EVENT) &&
+ strcmp("COMMIT", ((Query_log_event *) ev)->query) == 0))
+ {
+ DBUG_ASSERT(thd->transaction.all.modified_non_trans_table);
+ rli->abort_slave= 1;
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&rli->data_lock);
+ delete ev;
+ rli->inc_event_relay_log_pos();
+ };);
+ }
exec_res= apply_event_and_update_pos(ev, thd, rli, TRUE);
@@ -3953,7 +4027,7 @@ static int queue_event(Master_info* mi,const char* buf, ulong event_len)
goto skip_relay_logging;
inc_pos= event_len;