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+<TITLE>John's Linux USB Wacom Page</TITLE>
+ .diff { background: #EEEEFF }
+ .nav { background: #EEEEEE }
+<CENTER><H1>John's Linux USB Wacom Page</H1>Last Modified: December 22, 2002 18:12<BR><A HREF="#changelog">Changelog</A></CENTER><BR><CENTER CLASS=nav>Navigation:
+<A HREF="/wacom/index.php/id/book">MAIN</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="/wacom/index.php/id/intro">NEXT</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="/wacom/index.php/toc">INDEX</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="/wacom/index.php/all"><B>ALL</B></A>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</CENTER><BR><BR>
+<A NAME="intro">
+<H1>1.0 - Introduction</H1>
+<P>This document was written for three reasons: 1) to remind myself
+how I got my brand-new Wacom Intuos2 running on my Redhat 8.0 Linux box in
+case I have to do it again from scratch, 2) to help other people do the same,
+and 3) to help de-mystify the process by explaining why things work as they
+do, and where to look when things seem to be going wrong.
+<P>If you find an error, have a question, or have something to add, please
+contact me directly at
+<A HREF=""></A>.
+Furthermore, please add the word "WACOM" to the subject line. I get hundreds
+of messages a day, so that'll help me see your message amidst the spam.
+<A NAME="expect">
+<H2>1.1 - Expectations</H2>
+<H2>What You Can Expect Today</H2>
+<P>Depending on whether you are using serial or USB tablets, your experience
+will differ, but for the moment at least, the serial tablets have a generally
+simpler configuration. This document currently addresses only the USB
+tablets, but that will change in the future. Mr. Lepied's
+<A HREF="">XInput driver for XFree86</A> web page
+has a good description of the serial configuration process. The goal of
+this website is to make configuration and use of both tablet types as
+simple as possible. Here is what you can expect now:
+<H3>You Should Be Able to Get Your Tablet Working</H3>
+<P>Most all serial and USB tablets are working to a reasonably functional
+degree. I have an old ArtPad (1997) that does not initialize with the
+XFree86 driver, and USB Cintiq users are having a little trouble with the
+kernel drivers. Everyone else should be up and running, namely:
+<LI>Intuos, and
+<H3>All Your Fancy Styluses and Pointers Should Work</H3>
+<P>I have a collection of pointers, pens, and brushes to test; all of them
+work completely as one would expect. Users have reported success with
+their tools as well. I have not tested the airbrush yet, but presumably
+it works just fine. Tools that are known to work include:
+<LI>Graphire2 2D mouse (EC-120-0K),
+<LI>Intuos Pen (GP-300E-01H),
+<LI>Intuos2 2D mouse,
+<LI>Intuos2 4D mouse,
+<LI>Intuos2 Lens cursor,
+<LI>Intuos2 grip pen (XP-501E-00A),
+<LI>Intuos2 stroke pen (XP-120-00A),
+<LI>Intuos2 ink pen (XP-110-00A),
+<H3>You Will Need to Modify Your XF86Config File</H3>
+<P>This project is actively working to become a turn-key system. It will be
+awhile before major distributions like Redhat include these settings
+automatically for you. Until that time, you will need to make some changes
+to your XFree86 configuration files by hand.
+<H3>You May Need to Update Your Kernel</H3>
+<P>This project assumes that you have a kernel version of at least 2.4.18.
+While it may be possible to use this document with older kernels, the
+likelihood of success diminishes the farther back you go. Redhat 8.0
+ships with this kernel, and most of the major distributions are already
+past this point.
+<H3>You Will Need to Work With the Command Line</H3>
+<P>This document details a step-by-step process for setting up and diagnosing
+the tablet. There are no GUI tools to help you through this process- at
+least not today. Some familiarity with the command line is recommended
+since I provide enough information to get the task accomplished, but I do
+not explain how the command line itself operates. Any good book on UNIX
+will do, and I use the bash shell for all my work. If you are not using
+bash, you presumably know what you are doing already.
+<H2>What You Can Expect Soon</H2>
+<P>I have a near-term design goal to get all the tablets and their respective
+tools functioning using the original driver design. This currently includes
+the airbrush (which may work already), the Cintiq, and if possible and time
+permits, the lowly ArtPad. If there are any outstanding problems with the
+original driver, I will take care of them as they come up.
+<P>While the current way of configuring the tablet is sub-par in my opinion,
+it is also the established way of doing things. Merging large-scale changes
+back into either the Linux kernel or the XFree86 code tree will be difficult,
+if for no other reason than insufficient multi-platform testing. To solve
+this problem, the new functionality described below will be implemented in
+a separate project and accessed through the original driver as an advanced
+option. This will allow all the various platforms to use the new code or not
+depending on their own constraints and circumstances. It also allows for
+people to write their own tablet libraries without mucking around in the
+XFree86 code.
+<H2>The Next Steps</H2>
+<P>First and foremost, the tablet needs to be configurable without restarting
+X. By separating the tablet code from the low-level X code, it will be
+possible to talk directly to the tablet engine without interfering
+with the X server's operation. Additionally, it will be possible to use
+either the XInput configuration API or the tablet engine's API to access
+that functionality. The preferred way would probably be an X server
+extension, but today at least, that is outside of the scope of my interest.
+Ask me again in another month.
+<P>The next issue is plug and play. The USB tablets have the
+unfriendly habit of being unaccessible when they are unplugged and replugged.
+Since the X server holds the device open, the tablets cannot reconnect to
+their original position and get bumped to another event slot. The new
+tablet engine will address the problem, and can probably even auto-probe
+for the USB tablets.
+<P>Third, a GUI-based configuration tool should cap things off nicely. I
+intend to replicate the functionality of the Windows configuration tool.
+This includes diagnostics, pressure mappings, button settings, keyboard
+mappings, etc.
+<H2>Your Role</H2>
+I have some expectations as well. If you have a Wacom tablet and you
+use this code, I would appreciate it if you could test the beta releases
+whenever a feature or issue that might affect you comes up. The sooner
+that problems are resolved, the less likely you will be impacted by a
+buggy production release. If you only use the stable builds, none of
+the new features will be available to you until after they have been
+thoroughly hammered out which could be awhile. Of course, nothing is
+stopping you from using the stable builds; they are purposefully
+made available for people and companies who need the tablet drivers as
+stable as possible.
+<A NAME="updates">
+<H2>1.2 - Most Recent Updates</H2>
+<P>This is a list of the updates for the past month or so. The <A HREF="#changelog">Changelog</A> has a more complete
+<P>December 22, 2002 - Added support for the serial Intuos2 under xf86Wacom.c.
+Fixed the sign convention on the mouse wheel for USB Intuos mice. Graphire
+should be fixed, too. Added preliminary support for Volito to kernel driver.
+Cleaned up wacdump and hid-core to compile on Debian Woody without
+warnings. Added build help for Debian Stable users. Added ability to read
+serial devices using wacdump. New package is 0.3.3-beta.
+<P>December 15, 2002 - Added initial framework for new driver code. Fixed
+the mouse wheel for 4D mice. Fairly responsive, almost too responsive, in
+fact. (Updated: quick fix to xf86Wacom.c to remove some debugging code that
+got left in accidentally; new driver version is 0.3.2a, but the package is
+the same.)
+<P>December 13, 2002 - Added development page. New beta build has fix for
+2D mouse wheel. Wacdump displays relative data now. Build environment for
+wacom_drv.o set up for new code.
+<P>December 9, 2002 - Added more information about the parameters accepted
+by the InputDevice section, including the man pages.
+<P>November 24, 2002 - Moved beta tree to version 0.2.0. Added complete
+configure-based environment. wacom.o and wacdump are built by default;
+wacom_drv.o is available in binary and source form.
+<A NAME="success">
+<H2>1.3 - Success Stories</H2>
+<P>Originally, this document dealt only with Redhat 8.0. I will extend this
+to cover as many different distributions as possible, but I can personally
+only test on machines at my disposal. At present, that means Redhat 7.2 and
+8.0. If you have success stories for a distribution or version not mentioned,
+let me know so I can update the document.
+ <LI> Redhat
+ <UL>
+ <LI> Redhat 8.0 - tested on kernel 2.4.18-18.8.0
+ <LI> Redhat 8.0 - tested on kernel 2.4.18-17.8.0
+ <LI> Redhat 7.3 - tested on kernel 2.4.18-17.7.x
+ <LI> Redhat 7.2 - tested on kernel 2.4.18-17.7.x
+ </UL>
+ <LI> Mandrake
+ <UL>
+ <LI> Mandrake 9.0 - tested on ???
+ </UL>
+ <LI> Gentoo
+ <UL>
+ <LI> Gentoo 1.4rc - tested on 2.4.19 kernel, gcc3.2, XFree86 4.2.0
+ </UL>
+ <LI> Debian
+ <UL>
+ <LI>Debian Woody - XFree86 4.2 on 2.4.20
+ <LI>Debian Stable - XFree86 4.1 (see
+ <A HREF="#debwcmdrv">Building wacom_drv.o On Debian Stable</A>)
+ </UL>
+ <LI> Slackware
+ <UL>
+ <LI>Slackware 8.1, (standard release)
+ </UL>
+ <LI> SuSE
+ <UL>
+ <LI>Suse Linux 8.0, kernel 2.4.18, XFree 4.2
+ </UL>
+<A NAME="howto">
+<H2>1.4 - How To Use This Document</H2>
+Where the guide differs between distributions or packages, I have added a
+comment like this to help distinguish between versions.
+<P>In terms of document organization, if you have not figured it out already,
+you can browse the document one page at a time, or you can click on the
+ALL link and view the entire thing in one long page.
+<P>Next, this document was written with the
+assumption that you are starting from
+scratch with a relatively recent distribution of the Linux kernel. Also,
+if you have already added lines to your X11 configuration file (XF86Config),
+you should comment them out and restart X. Since we'll be stepping through
+the entire process, we need X to ignore the tablet until we're ready.
+Otherwise, X will just get in the way.
+<P>Finally, if you know what you're doing, you can leave your X settings
+intact, print this out, switch to runlevel 3, and follow along from the
+console. The newer packages should have an HTML and text version of this
+document in the documentation directory. And of course, there's always
+<A HREF=>lynx</A> for the gurus out there, which is
+why this document is written out in plain vanilla HTML.
+<A NAME="resources">
+<H2>1.5 - Resources and References</H2>
+<TR><TD VALIGN=TOP><A HREF="">Lepied's Wacom XInput driver for XFree86</A></TD><TD>This page contains the original driver and help for serial tablet users.</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD VALIGN=TOP><A HREF="">Lepied's Wacom Mailing List Archive</A></TD><TD>This is an archive of Lepied's driver mailing list.
+<I>Warning: posting directly to the mailing list page does not mail
+to the list. Many posts are missed this way.</I></TD></TR>
+<TR><TD VALIGN=TOP><A HREF="">Subscribe to Lepied's Wacom Mailing List</A></TD><TD>If you want to post to the list and receive notifications about driver updates, this link will subscribe you.</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD VALIGN=TOP><A HREF="">Stefan Runkel's Wacom Tablet HOWTO</A></TD><TD>This page is a bit old, but it covers a lot of details that I mention only briefly. Good reading, even if it is possibly outdated.</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD VALIGN=TOP><A HREF="">Wacom Webpage</A></TD><TD>The Wacom web site contains little information about the Linux drivers, but you
+can look at their nifty new tablets.</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD VALIGN=TOP><A HREF="">pxh: Graphire USB</A></TD><TD>This page is devoted to a Graphire-specific XFree86 driver.</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD VALIGN=TOP><A HREF="">A Webpage Dealing with Cintiq (Wacom PL-500 in particular) on Linux</A></TD><TD>This website deals with getting the Cintiq running; I will be merging this code into
+the kernel soon.</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD VALIGN=TOP><A HREF="">Wacom Intuos USB Micro-HOWTO</A></TD><TD>An older webpage which may not be relevent anymore,
+but was useful to me when I got started.</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD VALIGN=TOP><A HREF="">Wacom Intuos USB on Linux</A></TD><TD>Another page that was useful to
+me when I started.</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD><A HREF="">Wacom Software Developer Support</A></TD><TD>This page contains some documentation for the
+older tablets.</TD></TR>
+<A NAME="faq">
+<H2>1.6 - Frequently Asked Questions</H2>
+<P>This FAQ is based on the questions that I receive in email. If you have
+a question that is not answered here, <A HREF="">send me email directly.</A> Please add
+the word "WACOM" to the subject line to help me distinguish your message from
+the spam I normally receive.</P>
+<LI><A HREF=#WHO>Who is responsible for this code?</A>
+<LI><A HREF=#SUPPORT>Is my tablet supported? What about my special stylus?</A>
+<LI><A HREF=#OTHERS>What about my Penpartner/Graphire/Cintiq?</A>
+<LI><A HREF=#SPURIOUS>How do I get my stylus to stop clicking randomly whenever I use it?</A>
+<LI><A HREF=#FILTER>The old drivers had filtering, how do I enable it now?</A>
+<LI><A HREF=#FEATURE>What happened to feature XYZ?</A>
+<LI><A HREF=#BUSTED>How do I get the special features of my stylus to work?</A>
+<H3>Who is responsible for this code?</H3>
+<P>We are. That is, Linux users with Wacom tablets are responsible for
+the development of this code. The source code
+was written by at least two dozen individuals, none of whom still seem to
+be directly involved in the project. I, John Joganic, took up the code in
+November of 2002, largely to satisfy my own needs, but also because I believe
+Linux needs to be more useful in the graphic and video industries. What I
+ask of you, is to use the drivers and report the problems you encounter.
+<H3>Is my tablet supported? What about my special stylus?</H3>
+<P>Most recent tablets are supported as well all the styluses. The
+<A HREF="#expect">Expectations</A> page has a
+list of all the tablets and styluses that are known to work as well
+as what you can expect out of these drivers now and in the future.
+<H3>What about my Penpartner/Graphire/Cintiq?</H3>
+The USB kernel driver currently seems to support Penpartner, Graphire,
+Graphire2, Intuos, Intuos2, and PL400-800. Based on user reports, the
+Cintiqs may identify themselves as PL series tablets.
+There is no kernel driver necessary for serial tablets.
+The XFree86 wacom driver supports both USB and serial devices. It has
+support for all the USB devices as well as virtually all of the older
+tablet models as well. Depending on how the Cintiq identifies itself,
+it may potentially work with the XFree86 driver as a serial device. There
+are no guarantees as of yet, so I would not buy one (currently over $3000
+USD) on the assumption that it will work without doing some actual research.
+<H3>How do I get my stylus to stop clicking randomly whenever I use it?</H3>
+<P>The "Threshold" setting in the InputDevice section of the XFree86
+configuration file determines the minimum pressure value before a touch
+event is detected. Wacdump can show you what pressure values are actually
+being received from the tablet, and setting the threshold to a value higher
+than that should solve the problem. My stylus oscillates between 0 and 6,
+even if the stylus is not touching the tablet. I use a threshold of 10.</P>
+<H3>The old drivers had filtering, how do I enable it now?</H3>
+<P>At some point, the maintainers of the wacom kernel driver ripped out
+all the good features and moved them into the xf86Wacom driver. Not
+everything works as well as one might like. The "Suppress" setting in
+the InputDevice section specifies the tablet sensitivity.
+<H3>What happened to feature XYZ?</H3>
+<P>As mentioned above, many of the features in the original kernel driver
+were removed and transferred to the xf86Wacom driver. Not all the features
+made the trip. The goal of this website is to have all the original features
+working again as well as all the features available for the windows driver.
+If your favorite feature is not working, drop me a line. I prioritize my
+work based on my perception of user need.
+<H3>How do I get the special features of my stylus to work?</H3>
+<P>There are many different types of stylus, mice, and cursors. All of them
+work to varying degrees, so if you are running into trouble, send me email.
+There are presently known issues with the mouse wheel on 2D mice (fixed in
+0.3.1-beta), and some of the extra buttons on the 4D mice. While the values
+are generally reported correctly to the driver, the xf86Wacom driver does not
+interpret the information properly. The 4D mouse wheel for instance behaves
+completely contrary to expectation (fixed in 0.3.2-beta). These problems will
+be addressed in future production releases (and are available now in the beta
+<P>I do not have an airbrush tool at my disposal. If you have one and it
+does not work for you, let me know. You could be beta-testing the code that
+gets this working.
+<A NAME="dev">
+<H2>1.7 - Development</H2>
+<TR><TD ALIGN=RIGHT>Date:&nbsp;&nbsp;</TD>
+<TD>2002-12-22 (Sunday)</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD ALIGN=RIGHT>Status:&nbsp;&nbsp;</TD>
+<TD>Moving over to SourceForge, and testing new serial driver.
+<TR><TD ALIGN=RIGHT>Estimated Time:&nbsp;&nbsp;</TD>
+<TD>Ready on 2002-12-29 (Sunday)</TD></TR>
+<LI>Added Intuos2 serial to xf86Wacom.c.
+<LI>Added serial tablet code to wacdump.c.
+<LI>Added experimental Volito code to kernel.
+<LI>Split ncurses and Linux input code to avoid namespace collision on Debian.
+<LI>Corrected wheel sign for USB mice.
+<LI>Get code onto SourceForge.
+<LI>Intuos2 2D mouse does not work correctly under xf86Wacom.c
+<LI>Getting test application for XF86 driver together
+<LI>Testing ability to create new pointer devices on the fly
+<LI>Testing ability to fork out new server process
+There are plenty of known issues. If you have one, and it is not listed,
+check the FAQ, and if it's not there either, let me know.
+<LI>2002-12-13: Tablet does not reinitialize properly when replugged (report #1).
+<LI>Nothing outstanding.
+<LI>2002-12-22: Intuos2 2D mouse does not work correctly under xf86Wacom.c
+<A NAME="theory">
+<H2>1.8 - Wacom Driver Theory of Operation</H2>
+<P>Initially at least, the Wacom tablet is an HID compliant device, and when
+first connected to the computer, will identify itself as such.
+Unfortunately, this is not what you want because in this mode, you will not
+get any of the fancy features. The hid-core.c and usbmouse.c files contain
+exceptions for the wacom; when the device is detected, they ignore the
+tablet. In this way, the more sophisticated wacom driver
+has the opportunity to assume control.
+<P>The first thing that the driver does is register itself with the USB
+subsystem and wait for work to do. When the user plugs the device in, or
+the device is first detected, the USB subsystem shops the vendor and
+device identifier around, checking it against different drivers. The
+wacom driver takes responsibility for the tablet and then notifies the
+event system that it will be providing data. It then asks the tablet to
+switch from HID-compliant mode to "mode 2", a wacom-specific protocol which
+allows for values like pressure, Z rotation,
+and tilt. As information arrives, the wacom driver dutifully converts
+the data into real-world values and hands it on to the event system.
+<P>From here, any usermode application can get access to the event data
+by opening /dev/input/event0. A stream of events including mouse movements,
+clicks, and proximity updates can be read from the device. One such
+application that would be interested in this data is the X system itself.
+An XInput driver (wacom_drv.o) collects that information,
+applies various forms of filtering, and offers it to GUI-based applications
+throught the XInput API. A graphics program like gimp can then get access
+to the positions of various tools by querying X directly.
+<P>By breaking the responsibility for the data into three distinct levels,
+we keep the kernel code simple and robust, the applications generalized,
+and the fancy features commonly accessible to all GUI applications in the
+X window system itself. This document walks down the entire data path from
+the kernel driver to the gimp application.
+<A NAME="starthere">
+<H1>2.0 - Getting It Together</H1>
+<P>This section is devoted to preparing your system for the installation.
+In some cases, your distribution may have automatically loaded certain
+modules which you will now need to unload. Incidentally, some distributions
+detect new hardware on boot. If you allow Redhat's "anaconda" for instance
+to automatically configure (or remove) your tablet, it may undo some of the
+settings you will make here. Until Redhat's installation program recognizes
+Wacom tablets as non-HID devices by default, you are best off in my opinion
+to <i>not</i> allow it to configure the device. Just a warning.
+<A NAME="beforestart">
+<H2>2.1 - Before We Start</H2>
+<P>From the beginning, let's make certain that we are on the
+same page. First, unplug the USB Wacom. If you have Wacom related lines
+in your XF86Config file, you should comment them out or remove them; then
+restart X.<BR>
+<P>Unload the old modules.
+[jej@ayukawa jej]$ su -
+[root@ayukawa root]# lsmod | grep wacom
+<B>wacom</B> 8020 0 (unused)
+input 5920 0 [<B>evdev</B> <B>wacom</B> mousedev keybdev hid]
+usbcore 77024 1 [<B>wacom</B> usb-storage snd printer hid usb-uhci]
+[root@ayukawa root]# rmmod wacom evdev
+The kernel now knows nothing about the Wacom or how to handle event-based
+input devices. If you get an error unloading (busy driver perhaps), try
+<P>Check the presence of the input devices in the /dev/input directory.
+You should find approximately 114 devices with names such as event*, mouse*,
+keyboard, js*, and ttyACM*. We are interested in two devices, mouse0 and
+[root@ayukawa root]# cd /dev/input
+[root@ayukawa input]# ls -la mouse0 event0
+crw------- 1 root root 13, 64 Aug 30 16:31 event0
+crw------- 1 root root 13, 32 Aug 30 16:31 mouse0
+[root@ayukawa input]# xxd mouse0
+xxd: mouse0: No such device
+[root@ayukawa input]# xxd event0
+xxd: event0: No such device
+<P>On some distributions, Mandrake 9.0 for instance, the /dev directory is
+managed by devfs; Redhat 8.0 does not use it. When devfs is running, the
+/dev/input directory and/or its contents may be missing if the driver is not
+loaded. If you are not using devfs and the /dev/input directory or
+mouse0/event0 devices are not present, your distribution may be lacking these
+devices. This could be an oversight, or it could be an indication that your
+distribution is too old.
+<P>If after executing <i>xxd mouse0</i> you <B>did not</B>
+receive the "xxd: mouse0: No such device" message, then the input device
+is still loaded; go back and try running <i>rmmod evdev</i> again.
+Once the new drivers are compiled and installed, this command will stream
+information from the Wacom tablet. mouse0 behaves like a PS/2 style mouse.
+event0 provides extensive information about the tablet including position,
+tilt, pressure, and buttons. It can also track at least two different tools
+simultaneously (Intuos2).<BR>
+<A NAME="download">
+<H2>2.2 - Downloading the Code</H2>
+The file <A HREF="/wacom/wacpack-0.2.0.tar.gz">wacpack-0.2.0.tar.gz</A> is the stable package and contains
+files that you will need to get the tablet working. The current beta
+package <A HREF="/wacom/wacpack-0.3.3-beta.tar.gz">wacpack-0.3.3-beta.tar.gz</A> is also available and may be
+used by people who are willing to risk an occasional kernel panic to help
+test new features. I will never put a beta package on this site that I am
+not running myself on my primary development machine, so you can be certain
+that if there are any obvious show stoppers, they will be fixed before you
+get to see them.
+<H3>Stable files included for wacpack-0.2.0:</H3>
+<TR><TD VALIGN=TOP>configure</TD><TD>- configure script for distribution independent builds</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD VALIGN=TOP>prebuilt/wacom_drv.o</TD><TD>- binary X11 driver for the wacom (26-j0.2.0)</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD VALIGN=TOP>src/wacom.c</TD><TD>- a stable, working kernel driver (1.30-j0.2.0)</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD VALIGN=TOP>src/wacdump.c</TD><TD>- a simple program for displaying tablet event data directly using ncurses; current version is 0.2.0</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD VALIGN=TOP>src/usbmouse.c</TD><TD>- replacement kernel driver (2.4.19), use only if needed</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD VALIGN=TOP>src/hid-core.c</TD><TD>- replacement kernel driver (2.4.19), use only if needed</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD VALIGN=TOP>src/hiddev.c</TD><TD>- replacement kernel driver (2.4.19), use only if needed</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD VALIGN=TOP>src/hid-input.c</TD><TD>- replacement kernel driver (2.4.19), use only if needed</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD VALIGN=TOP>src/xf86Wacom.c</TD><TD>- source for wacom_drv.o; requires XF86 build environment to compile. Binary available in prebuilt directory.</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD VALIGN=TOP>GPL</TD><TD>- the GNU General Public License, in case you did not already have twenty or more lying around</TD></TR>
+<H3>Beta files included for wacpack-0.3.2-beta:</H3>
+<TR><TD VALIGN=TOP>configure</TD><TD>- configure script for distribution independent builds</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD VALIGN=TOP>prebuilt/wacom_drv.o</TD><TD>- binary X11 driver for the wacom (26-j0.3.2a)</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD VALIGN=TOP>src/wacom.c</TD><TD>- a stable, working kernel driver (1.30-j0.3.1)</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD VALIGN=TOP>src/wacdump.c</TD><TD>- a simple program for displaying tablet event data directly using ncurses; current version is 0.3.2</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD VALIGN=TOP>src/usbmouse.c</TD><TD>- replacement kernel driver (2.4.19), use only if needed</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD VALIGN=TOP>src/hid-core.c</TD><TD>- replacement kernel driver (2.4.19), use only if needed</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD VALIGN=TOP>src/hiddev.c</TD><TD>- replacement kernel driver (2.4.19), use only if needed</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD VALIGN=TOP>src/hid-input.c</TD><TD>- replacement kernel driver (2.4.19), use only if needed</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD VALIGN=TOP>src/xf86Wacom.c</TD><TD>- legacy source for wacom_drv.o; requires XF86 build environment to compile.</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD VALIGN=TOP>src/wcm-beta.c</TD><TD>- beta source for wacom_drv.o; requires XF86 build environment to compile.</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD VALIGN=TOP>src/wcm-beta.h</TD><TD>- beta source for wacom_drv.o; requires XF86 build environment to compile.</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD VALIGN=TOP>GPL</TD><TD>- the GNU General Public License, in case you did not already have twenty or more lying around</TD></TR>
+<H3>Stable Packages by Version and Date:</H3>
+<TR><TD VALIGN=TOP><A HREF="/wacom/wacpack-0.2.0.tar.gz">wacpack-0.2.0.tar.gz</A></TD><TD> - 2002-11-24</TD><TD>Configure-based package</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD VALIGN=TOP><A HREF="/wacom/wacpack-0.1b.tar.gz">wacpack-0.1b.tar.gz</A></TD><TD> - 2002-11-06</TD><TD></TD></TR>
+<TR><TD VALIGN=TOP><A HREF="/wacom/wacpack-0.1a.tar.gz">wacpack-0.1a.tar.gz</A></TD><TD> - 2002-11-05</TD><TD></TD></TR>
+<TR><TD VALIGN=TOP><A HREF="/wacom/wacpack-0.1.tar.gz">wacpack-0.1.tar.gz</A></TD><TD> - 2002-11-04</TD><TD></TD></TR>
+<H3>Beta Packages by Version and Date:</H3>
+<TR><TD VALIGN=TOP><A HREF="/wacom/wacpack-0.3.3-beta.tar.gz">wacpack-0.3.3-beta.tar.gz</A></TD><TD> - 2002-12-22</TD><TD>Serial Intuos2, serial wacdump, Volito added, USB mouse wheel direction fixed, kernel 2.4.20 friendly</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD VALIGN=TOP><A HREF="/wacom/wacpack-0.3.2-beta.tar.gz">wacpack-0.3.2-beta.tar.gz</A></TD><TD> - 2002-12-15</TD><TD>Fix for 4D mice and working beta driver shell</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD VALIGN=TOP><A HREF="/wacom/wacpack-0.3.1-beta.tar.gz">wacpack-0.3.1-beta.tar.gz</A></TD><TD> - 2002-12-13</TD><TD>Fix for 2D mice and relative events in wacdump</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD VALIGN=TOP><A HREF="/wacom/wacpack-0.3.0-beta.tar.gz">wacpack-0.3.0-beta.tar.gz</A></TD><TD> - 2002-11-24</TD><TD>Configure-based package</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD VALIGN=TOP><A HREF="/wacom/wacpack-0.1g-beta.tar.gz">wacpack-0.1g-beta.tar.gz</A></TD><TD> - 2002-11-14</TD><TD>wacdump updated; displays ranges, cleaner output</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD VALIGN=TOP><A HREF="/wacom/wacpack-0.1f-beta.tar.gz">wacpack-0.1f-beta.tar.gz</A></TD><TD> - 2002-11-14</TD><TD>build environment for xf86Wacom added</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD VALIGN=TOP><A HREF="/wacom/wacpack-0.1e-beta.tar.gz">wacpack-0.1e-beta.tar.gz</A></TD><TD> - 2002-11-11</TD><TD>fixed range for I2-6x8</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD VALIGN=TOP><A HREF="/wacom/wacpack-0.1d-beta.tar.gz">wacpack-0.1d-beta.tar.gz</A></TD><TD> - 2002-11-10</TD><TD>updated wacdump, fixed range for I2-12x12</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD VALIGN=TOP><A HREF="/wacom/wacpack-0.1c-beta.tar.gz">wacpack-0.1c-beta.tar.gz</A></TD><TD> - 2002-11-09</TD><TD>updates to range, pressure, and mouse events</TD></TR>
+<A NAME="config">
+<H2>2.3 - Configuring the Package</H2>
+Versions of wacpack-0.2.0 and greater are based on GNU's configure script
+based build environment. The upside is that more details are guessed by
+default. The downside is that the default configuration builds only the
+kernel driver and wacdump programs (which should cover almost everybody),
+but if you need a different module built, you will have to reconfigure the
+package first. This is mostly because different modules have different
+dependencies, some of which are difficult to resolve.
+A list of the options currently available in the stable package is
+presented below. Remember that for every --enable option, there is also
+an equivalent --disable option.
+ <TH ALIGN=LEFT>Builds</TH></TR>
+ <TD>wacom.o kernel driver</TD></TR>
+ <TD>wacdump event monitor</TD></TR>
+ <TD>hid.o replacement kernel driver (not normally necessary)</TD></TR>
+ <TD>usbmouse.o replacement kernel driver (not normally necessary)</TD></TR>
+ <TD>wacom_drv.o XFree86 driver (binary is available in prebuilt directory)</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD>--enable-modver</TD><TD>best guess</TD>
+ <TD>enables kernel module versioning; usually guesses correctly, but
+ can be enabled or disabled if not</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD>--with-kernel=dir</TD><TD>best guess</TD>
+ <TD>Specifies the kernel source directory if configure cannot guess correctly.</TD></TR>
+ <TD>Specifies the XFree86 build directory.</TD></TR>
+<TR><TD>--with-arch=arch</TD><TD>best guess</TD>
+ <TD>Specifies the architecture if configure guesses incorrectly.</TD></TR>
+<P>Chances are high that you will be able to run the configure script without
+any options and have it execute correctly. Here is a sample output of the
+script on a Redhat 8.0 system:
+[jej@ayukawa wacpack]$ ./configure
+checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
+checking whether build environment is sane... yes
+checking for processor type... <B>i686</B>
+checking for kernel module versioning... <B>yes</B>
+checking for kernel sources... <B>/usr/src/linux-2.4</B>
+ architecture - i686
+ module versioning - yes
+ kernel - yes
+ XFree86 - no
+ wacom.o - yes
+ wacdump - yes
+ hid.o - no
+ usbmouse.o - no
+ wacom_drv.o - no
+<P>The processor type is determined by the script and used to build the
+kernel modules. Similarily, the script attempts to discover if the kernel
+is using module versioning by looking for version numbers in the usb.o
+module of the currently active kernel. This may not work well on all
+distributions, so if you get a line like "checking for kernel module versioning... confused" or "maybe; assuming yes", you'll have to manually enable or
+disable the option if it guesses incorrectly.
+<P>The kernel source directory is assumed to be either /usr/src/linux-2.4
+or /usr/src/linux. If your kernel sources are elsewhere, you will need to
+specify the directory with the --with-kernel option.
+<P>Generally, you will not need to build wacom_drv.o since it ships in
+binary form in the prebuilt directory. It is compiled with glibc with
+gcc 3.2 on a Redhat 8.0 system; if this will not work for you, building
+from source may be your only option. See the
+<A HREF="#builddrv">Building wacom_drv.o From Scratch</A> page
+for more information.
+<P>The configure script is pretty simple, so if you find any problems and
+are inclined to fix them, please send me your patch so I can include the
+change in future releases.
+<P>The following sample command-line will build everything but wacdump
+while disabling module versioning:
+[jej@ayukawa wacpack]$ ./configure --enable-hid --enable-usbmouse \
+ --enable-wacomdrv --with-xf86=/usr/src/redhat/BUILD/XFree86-4.2.0 \
+ --disable-modver --disable-wacdump
+checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
+checking whether build environment is sane... yes
+checking for processor type... i686
+checking for kernel module versioning... <B>yes</B>
+checking for kernel sources... /usr/src/linux-2.4
+checking for valid XFree86 build environment... <B>ok</B>
+ architecture - i686
+ module versioning - <B>no</B>
+ kernel - yes
+ XFree86 - <B>yes</B>
+ wacom.o - yes
+ wacdump - <B>no</B>
+ hid.o - <B>yes</B>
+ usbmouse.o - <B>yes</B>
+ wacom_drv.o - <B>yes</B>
+<P>Notice that the configure script guessed module versioning was enabled
+by default, but was disabled by the command-line option --disable-modver.
+Similarly, the wacdump program which is enabled by default was also disabled.
+All the kernel modules and the XFree86 wacom driver are enabled.
+<P>If the configure script fails to find something that it is looking for,
+it may disable some options that you previously enabled on the command-line.
+If this happens, check the output for a warning like the following:
+*** Unable to compile wacom_drv.o without XF86 build environment
+*** wacom_drv.o will not be built
+<P>In this particular case, the XFree86 driver was enabled, but the
+--with-xf86 option was not specified. Without the build environment,
+the module cannot be compiled and was consequently disabled.
+<A NAME="kernel">
+<H1>3.0 - The Kernel Driver</H1>
+<P>The kernel driver for the Wacom Intuos that ships with the
+Linux kernel through 2.4.19, and in particular Redhat 8.0, does
+not work correctly. The bug is pretty simple and you can fix it yourself.
+Optionally, you can compile the version that I provide directly and swap
+the new module for the old one. This avoids having to rebuild the entire
+<P>Kernel modules must be recompiled for each new kernel so I can't
+just provide binaries. By the time you read this, my present kernel
+will be entirely out of date with yours. Additionally, this fix will
+appear in 2.4.20, so until you upgrade your kernel to that point, each
+time you upgrade to a version less than that, you will need to recompile this
+driver and swap it for the old one. In many cases, distributions like
+Redhat will "back-port" the fixes to older kernels, so keep an eye out
+for the change. Your driver may already be fixed.</P>
+<A NAME="newwacom">
+<H2>3.1 - Updated wacom.c</H2>
+The wacom.c driver that is available in <A HREF="/wacom/wacpack-0.2.0.tar.gz">wacpack-0.2.0.tar.gz</A> has a
+number of updates which cannot be found in many distributions yet.
+<P>First and foremost, it fixes an error that shipped with
+the 2.4.19 kernel and was subsequently fixed in 2.4.20. This bug fix was
+made available in the Redhat 8.0 back-ported kernel version 2.4.18-18.x.y.
+Other distributions may not yet be updated.
+<P>This driver contains several changes provided by Wacom UNIX developer
+Ping Cheng. Items include revised pressure code, better handling of 2D
+mice and lens cursors.
+<P>The driver also contains additional debugging code which may be useful in
+diagnosing data flow problems of which there are many, unfortunately.
+<A NAME="buildwacom">
+<H2>3.2 - Building wacom.c</H2>
+<P>Building the kernel driver requires having the kernel source. If you
+are running on Redhat, you can get it by installing the kernel-source RPM.
+At the time of this writing, I have the following RPMs installed:
+On a Redhat 8.0 machine, the kernel source is installed to /usr/src/linux-2.4. You
+will need to know where your source is installed to continue with the next
+step. After unpacking the <A HREF="/wacom/wacpack-0.2.0.tar.gz">wacpack-0.2.0.tar.gz</A> file, configure the
+package. If your kernel is not located at either /usr/src/linux-2.4 or
+/usr/src/linux, use the --with-kernel option as shown below. Otherwise,
+just run <I>configure</I> without any options.
+[jej@ayukawa wacpack]$ ./configure --with-kernel=/home/jej/src/linux
+checking for valid kernel source tree... <B>ok</B>
+ architecture - i686
+ module versioning - yes
+ kernel - <B>yes</B>
+ XFree86 - no
+ wacom.o - yes
+ wacdump - yes
+ hid.o - no
+ usbmouse.o - no
+ wacom_drv.o - no
+<P>If you did not receive an error or warning and the BUILD ENVIRONMENT
+summary shows "kernel - yes" then your kernel source tree was detected.
+If not, then you will need to look at the error or warning and determine
+the correct source directory. Now is also a good time to verify that the
+architecture was correctly detected. The --with-arch option allows you
+to change the value.
+<P>Another detail that you need to be concerned about is module
+versioning. If it reads "yes" or "no" then the configure script
+has determined the correct setting. If it says "unknown," then it will
+default disabled, and you may have to enable it manually with --enable-modver.
+If module versioning is disable when it should be enabled, depmod will
+complain about missing symbols. If it is enabled when it should be disabled,
+the code may not compile, and it almost certainly will not load properly.
+If in doubt, leave it disabled for now and enable it later if depmod complains.
+<P>To build the driver, just run <i>make</i>. The
+output will be a file called wacom.o in the src directory.
+This is your replacement driver.
+<A NAME="testwacom">
+<H2>3.3 - Testing If wacom.o Will Load</H2>
+<P>Before we install the wacom driver, we need to test that it will load
+properly. We do this by loading the driver manually. WARNING: there is a
+small chance that this will bomb your kernel, so we run <i>sync</i> to write
+all the stale buffers to the disk. People using ext3 have little to worry
+about, but it's always good to be prepared for the worst. At the very least,
+save your work.
+[jej@ayukawa wacom]# su -
+[root@ayukawa root]# cd /home/jej/src/wacom/src
+[root@ayukawa src]# sync
+[root@ayukawa src]# rmmod wacom
+[root@ayukawa src]# insmod wacom.o # for those about to rock, we salute you.
+<P>Well, if you did not bomb, then good. And if you did, well, sorry. So
+far, we have not had any reports of this happening, so please send in yours.
+<P>If you get errors inserting the module, then you may need to reconfigure
+and build with module versioning disabled. If it loads without a hitch,
+move on to the next part.
+<A NAME="installwacom">
+<H2>3.4 - Installing wacom.o</H2>
+<P>To install or not to install, that is the question.
+Since the driver is in memory, you can pretty much use it this way
+throughout the rest of this document. Anywhere you see
+<i>modprobe wacom</i>, you'll instead need to <i>insmod wacom.o</i>.
+You'll also need to be careful that you use the correct path to wacom.o
+since insmod will load the driver from the kernel modules directory if it
+fails to find the module you specified. The result is that you'll
+be using the wrong driver.
+<P>Why would you not install the driver? Well, for one, you may be using
+a beta driver, and if the system crashes (you get an Oops or things come
+unglued in other ways), it would be nice to reboot and have the original
+drivers load instead.
+<P>When should I install the driver? When you're comfortable that the
+driver will not crash your system. The wacpack tarballs will be marked
+as beta if I am not absolutely convinced that they are stable. On the
+other hand, the new features will be in beta tarballs before they are
+marked stable, so there you have it. For the first time through this document,
+I would recommend installing the files found in the stable tarball. If you
+really know what you're doing, just load the drivers manually like in the
+previous section <A HREF="#testwacom">Testing If wacom.o Will Load</A>.
+<P CLASS=diff>On some distributions, Mandrake included, the wacom.o driver
+that appears in the kernel modules directory appears to be compressed. If
+you cannot find wacom.o using the method below, try locating wacom.o.gz
+instead. People who encountered this problem were able to run gzip on the
+module and copy that instead.</P>
+<P>Installing the driver requires knowing where it belongs. A
+little research will help here. By using the <i>locate</i> command, you
+can find all copies of the original driver on the computer.</P>
+jej@ayukawa wacom]$ locate wacom.o
+[jej@ayukawa wacom]$ uname -r
+On this computer, there are two kernels installed. <I>uname</i> identifies
+the currently active kernel as 2.4.18-18.8.0. The correct driver to replace
+is therefore at /lib/modules/2.4.18-18.8.0/kernel/drivers/usb/wacom.o. You
+will need to be root to replace this file, and it is a very good idea to
+make a backup copy.
+[jej@ayukawa wacom]$ su -
+[jej@ayukawa root]# cd /lib/modules/2.4.18-18.8.0/kernel/drivers/usb
+[jej@ayukawa usb]# cp <B>wacom.o</B> /home/jej/src/wacom/<B>wacom_old.o</B>
+[jej@ayukawa usb]# cp /home/jej/src/wacom/<B>wacom.o</B> <B>wacom.o</B>
+Here, I've saved the original to wacom_old.o and copied my new driver over it.
+Substitute directory names as appropriate.
+<P>Finally, it is always a good thing to update the module dependencies.
+This is where you find out if the module was compiled without kernel module
+versioning. The following command, even if it generates errors is relatively
+benign. If it fails, then there is no harm done. It just means that you will
+have to load modules in the correct order since the system will not be able to
+guess for you.
+[jej@ayukawa usb]# depmod -e
+If you get no errors and no output, everything is fine, and the module was
+compiled, linked, and installed properly. If you received unresolved symbols
+like usb_set_idle or printk, then you need to reconfigure with module
+versioning enabled and recompile. Or not. As I said, it is not critical.
+<A NAME="loadwacom">
+<H2>3.5 - Loading the wacom Driver</H2>
+<P>If you have installed the driver, now is the time to test whether it will
+load when needed. If you have not installed it, but are instead using insmod,
+substitute <i>insmod mydir/wacom/wacom.o</i> where you see
+<i>modprobe wacom</i> below. It is important that you use the correct
+wacom.o file, the one you just built, since insmod may load the old driver
+if it cannot find the one you have specified.
+<P>I am assuming
+that you are using a USB device, so you will also need to modprobe for usb-uhci.
+The important features of the stylus are available through the Linux event
+drivers, so load those too. With some clever additions to /etc/modules.conf,
+you can probably have these automatically loading for you whenever the tablet
+is activated. So far, I haven't figured out how to make this work reliably,
+so I've added the commands to my /etc/rc.d/rc.local file.
+On Redhat 7.2 and possibly on other older distributions, mousedev and input
+are not loaded by default. Without them, the wacom driver may fail to load,
+due to unresolved symbols, and the mouse driver may not receive wacom mouse
+events, even if loaded afterwards.
+[jej@ayukawa usb]# rmmod wacom
+[jej@ayukawa usb]# modprobe usb-uhci
+<SPAN CLASS=diff>[jej@ayukawa usb]# modprobe input</SPAN>
+<SPAN CLASS=diff>[jej@ayukawa usb]# modprobe mousedev</SPAN>
+[jej@ayukawa usb]# modprobe wacom
+[jej@ayukawa usb]# modprobe evdev
+<P>Check the system log for status messages pertaining to the wacom.
+Here's a copy of the messages from my version of the driver.
+[jej@ayukawa usb]# grep -i wacom /var/log/messages | tail
+Dec 22 21:23:35 ayukawa kernel: usb.c: registered new driver wacom
+Dec 22 21:23:35 ayukawa kernel: wacom.c: <B>v1.30-j0.2.0</B> Vojtech Pavlik &lt;;
+Dec 22 21:23:35 ayukawa kernel: wacom.c: USB Wacom Graphire and Wacom Intuos tablet driver (MODIFIED)
+<P>The original driver was version 1.21.3. This version number
+is 1.30-j0.2.0 so the correct driver was loaded.</P>
+<A NAME="testtablet">
+<H2>3.6 - Testing Tablet Detection</H2>
+<P>In this section we will plug the tablet into the computer and determine
+which driver, if any, claims control over the tablet. There are at least
+three drivers that are interested: 1) hid.o which may think it is an HID
+device, 2) usbmouse.o which may think it is an HID mouse, and 3) the wacom
+driver which should identify the tablet as its own. Any number of problems
+may be experienced here, so be prepared to spend some time looking at the
+logs. A good way to do this, if you are running X, is to open a separate
+xterm, su to root, and run <i>tail -f /var/log/messages</i>. The console
+window will stream anything that is appended to the log.
+<A NAME="plugin">
+<H3>3.6.1 - Plug It In</H3>
+<P>Test the tablet detection by plugging the wacom into the USB port and
+checking /var/log/messages again. You should see a flurry of activity. The
+exact output depends a lot on your particular kernel and distribution.
+This is Redhat 8.0 (2.4.18-17.8.0):<BR>
+[jej@ayukawa usb]# tail /var/log/messages
+Dec 22 21:26:11 ayukawa kernel: hub.c: USB new device connect on bus2/2, assigned device number 2
+Dec 22 21:26:11 ayukawa kernel: <B>input0: Wacom Intuos2 12x12</B> on usb2:2.0
+Dec 22 21:26:14 ayukawa /etc/hotplug/usb.agent: Setup wacom hid for USB product 56a/44/115
+Dec 22 21:26:14 ayukawa /etc/hotplug/usb.agent: Setup <B>mousedev</B> for USB product 56a/44/115
+<PRE CLASS=diff>
+And here it is again on Redhat 7.2 (2.4.18-17.7.x):<BR>
+[jej@sasami root]# tail /var/log/messages
+Dec 22 21:28:38 sasami kernel: hub.c: USB new device connect on bus1/1, assigned device number 2
+Dec 22 21:28:38 sasami kernel: <B>input0: Wacom Intuos2 12x12</B> on usb1:2.0
+Dec 22 21:28:39 sasami kernel: usb.c: registered new driver hiddev
+Dec 22 21:28:39 sasami kernel: usb.c: registered new driver hid
+Dec 22 21:28:39 sasami kernel: hid-core.c: v1.8.1 Andreas Gal, Vojtech Pavlik &lt;;
+Dec 22 21:28:39 sasami kernel: hid-core.c: USB HID support drivers
+Dec 22 21:28:39 sasami kernel: mice: <B>PS/2 mouse</B> device common for all mice
+<P>If all went well like above, the USB device was successfully detected and
+handled by the wacom driver; secondly, it was assigned input0. This
+presumably means that information like pressure and tilt will be received on
+/dev/input/event0. Lastly, the tablet was setup with mousedev or the generic
+PS/2 USB mouse driver, so that information should appear on /dev/input/mouse0.
+<P>If instead you got any of the following lines in your log, the wacom
+driver <i>did not get control</i>. Either hid or usbmouse did.
+ <B>input0,hiddev0: USB HID v1.00 Mouse</B> [Tablet XD-0608-U] on usb1:5.0
+ <B>input0: Tablet XD-1212-U</B> on usb2:2.0
+<P>The next section describes what to do if the wacom driver did not get
+control. Otherwise, skip on to
+<A HREF="#viewdata">Viewing the Raw Data</A>.
+<A NAME="noctrl">
+<H3>3.6.2 - Wacom Driver Does Not Get Control</H3>
+<P>If the wacom driver did not get control, and instead you see
+"Tablet XD-1212-U" or similar in its place, then this section is for
+you. Otherwise, consider yourself lucky and skip on to the next section,
+<A HREF="#viewdata">Viewing the Raw Data</A>. For the unlucky,
+there is a good possibility that your kernel is slightly out of date and
+that your usbmouse.c and hid-core.c files need some help.
+<P>When the Tablet XD-1212-U driver comes up, either usbmouse.o or hid.o
+has discovered your tablet, decided it was an HID device, and grabbed it.
+This is bad news because HID tablets seem to only output relative
+coordinates and nothing about pressure. You are in good company though
+because a number of people have reported this, even on some fairly
+up-to-date distributions. Now let's fix it.
+<A NAME="buildhid">
+<H3>3.6.3 - Building usbmouse.o and hid.o</H3>
+<P>In the <A HREF="/wacom/wacpack-0.2.0.tar.gz">wacpack-0.2.0.tar.gz</A> file, you will find the 2.4.19 versions
+of usbmouse.c and hid-core.c files which have special exceptions for wacom.
+These files are not built by default, so you will need to reconfigure the
+package and run make again.
+<DIV CLASS=diff>
+At least one person has reported errors building these files on Debian Woody
+running kernel version 2.4.20. This is not surprising since the
+source code came from 2.4.19, but I will do what I can to get these drivers updated in the near future.
+[jej@ayukawa wacom]$ ./configure --enable-hid --enable-usbmouse
+ hid.o - <B>yes</B>
+ usbmouse.o - <B>yes</B>
+[jej@ayukawa wacom]$ make
+[jej@ayukawa wacom]$ cd src
+[jej@ayukawa src]$ ls -la hid.o usbmouse.o
+-rw-rw-r-- 1 jej jej 26590 Dec 22 18:56 hid.o
+-rw-rw-r-- 1 jej jej 4848 Dec 22 18:56 usbmouse.o
+<P> First off, if the code does not build, and you cannot chase the problem
+down yourself, send me a line. If your kernel is much older than 2.4.18,
+then you may have to resign yourself to the fact that the 2.4.19 drivers
+are not going to work for you. I would recommend upgrading your kernel. Some
+people are already running kernel version 2.4.20 and have encountered
+problems building as well. I will update these drivers to 2.4.20 as soon as possible.
+<P>Rather than copy these files to the kernel modules directory right
+away, it would be wise to test whether they get the job done. We should also
+verify that they load properly.
+[jej@ayukawa src]$ su -
+[root@ayukawa root]# cd /home/jej/src/wacom/src
+[root@ayukawa src]# rmmod hid usbmouse wacom
+[root@ayukawa src]# insmod hid.o
+[root@ayukawa src]# insmod usbmouse.o
+[root@ayukawa src]# insmod wacom.o
+As for unloading the old drivers, none of them should be busy, but if you
+run into trouble, you can use <i>lsmod</i> to check the dependencies
+and try again. Now let's check how the wacom driver managed:
+[jej@ayukawa wacom]# tail -15 /var/log/messages
+Dec 22 21:07:38 ayukawa kernel: usbmouse.c: <B>mouse_init (MODIFIED DEBUG)</B>
+Dec 22 21:07:38 ayukawa kernel: usb.c: registered new driver usb_mouse
+Dec 22 21:07:39 ayukawa kernel: hid-core.c: <B>hid_init (MODIFIED DEBUG)</B>
+Dec 22 21:07:39 ayukawa kernel: usb.c: registered new driver hiddev
+Dec 22 21:07:39 ayukawa kernel: usb.c: registered new driver hid
+Dec 22 21:07:44 ayukawa kernel: usb.c: registered new driver wacom
+Dec 22 21:07:44 ayukawa kernel: usbmouse.c: <B>usb_mouse_probe: ignoring wacom</B>
+Dec 22 21:07:44 ayukawa kernel: input0: <B>Wacom Intuos2 12x12</B> on usb2:8.0
+Dec 22 21:07:44 ayukawa kernel: wacom.c: v1.30-j0.2.0 Vojtech Pavlik &lt;;
+Dec 22 21:07:44 ayukawa kernel: wacom.c: USB Wacom Graphire and Wacom Intuos tablet driver <B>(MODIFIED-DEBUG)</B>
+<P>If everything is working correctly, the log should look similar to the
+lines above. I removed some of the extraneous information, so if you have
+more than this, you should be fine. The most important thing here is that
+the usb_mouse_probe detected and ignored the wacom. It actually gets
+several shots at it, but I removed the redundant lines. For the final test,
+unplug and replug the tablet. Now check the log. The wacom driver should
+be calling the shots from here on out.
+<P>If all is well, and you are installing modules rather than <i>insmod</i>'ing
+them as you go, then now is the time to copy the usbmouse.o and hid.o
+drivers to their proper places in the kernel modules directory.
+<SPAN CLASS=diff>As before with some other distributions, if the files in the
+kernel module directory are compressed, you'll need to run gzip on the .o
+files to get .o.gz files.</SPAN>
+Use <i>locate</i> as you did for the wacom.o file if necessary and don't
+forget to backup the originals.
+<A NAME="morehid">
+<H3>3.6.4 - More about hid.o</H3>
+<P>Incidentally, the hid.o file may not be necessary, but I've included the
+source to build it anyway because hid-core.c contains a lot of wacom related
+code. If the hid.o driver gets called upon to control the wacom, and it is
+compiled in debug mode, you may see a line similar to the following in the
+Dec 22 21:11:44 ayukawa kernel: usb_hid_configure: configuring device 56A.44 (WACOM), quirk is 4 (IGNORE)
+If you get this message, but with a different quirk, or if the wacom driver
+still is not getting control by this point, there is a possibility that your
+tablet is not listed in any of the driver files. If so, continue on to the
+next section. Otherwise, if you are up and running, skip to
+<A HREF="#viewdata">Viewing the Raw Data</A>.
+<A NAME="newtablet">
+<H3>3.6.5 - Unknown Tablet?</H3>
+To determine whether your device is listed in the driver, we need to determine
+the device identifier. It can be discovered by doing the following:
+[root@ayukawa root]# grep -i 56a /var/log/messages | tail -10
+Dec 22 21:03:09 ayukawa /etc/hotplug/usb.agent: Setup mousedev for USB product <B>56a/44/115</B>
+Dec 22 21:27:48 ayukawa kernel: usb.c: USB device 2 (vend/prod <B>0x56a/0x44</B>) is not claimed by any active driver.
+<P>In this case, the tablet identifier is 56a/44 (also written 0x56a/0x44).
+The model is determined by the second number; the Intuos2 12x12 is 0x44 for
+<P>In the wacom.c file, you will find a table called "wacom_ids." Look for
+your device identifier. Only the identifiers listed are handled by the
+wacom driver, so if it is missing, it needs to be added. Also look in
+hid-core.c. It has a table called "hid_blacklist" which identifies devices
+to ignore. The code is a little strange, but PENPARTNER is 0x00, GRAPHIRE is
+0x10, INTUOS is 0x20, PL is 0x30, and INTUOS2 is 0x40. A table entry like
+INTUOS2 + 4 would therefore be 0x44.
+<P>If you've gotten this far, and still cannot get it to work, send me email
+with your device identifier and as much of an explanation of where things did
+and did not work as described. I'll see what I can do about at least finding
+out why it did not work. Then we can go on to solutions.
+<P>The next section assumes you have things working up to this point.
+<A NAME="viewdata">
+<H2>3.7 - Viewing the Raw Data</H2>
+<P>View the raw data from the tablet,
+by returning to the /dev/input directory and streaming the data directly
+from the device. Be patient here because this is where a lot of people
+are getting stuck.
+[root@ayukawa usb]# cd /dev/input
+[root@ayukawa input]# xxd event0
+0000000: e65d c33d 597d 0100 0100 4101 0100 0000 .].=Y}....A.....
+0000010: e65d c33d 5c7d 0100 0400 0000 b701 2800 .].=\}........(.
+0000020: e65d c33d d9bb 0100 0100 4101 0000 0000 .].=......A.....
+0000030: e65d c33d dcbb 0100 0400 0000 b701 2800 .].=..........(.
+First off, you have to move the mouse or tap the pen to get any output.
+Second, you might not get anything at all. Don't panic. This
+seems to happen occasionally. Unfortunately, the work-around is neither
+straightfoward nor foolproof. I am currently talking with Wacom developers
+about this and hopefully we'll get it solved soon.
+<P>If absolutely no output occurs, you should check your messages
+file for the following line:
+[jej@sasami root]# tail /var/log/messages
+Dec 22 17:31:06 sasami kernel: <B>wacom_intuos_irq: received unknown report #1</B>
+Dec 22 17:31:09 sasami last message repeated 195 times
+This is a common failure mode of the driver, and I am investigated the cause.
+Each time this has happened to me though, I <I>have</I> been
+able to get it to work. Simply unload and reload the driver.
+[jej@sasami root]# rmmod wacom
+[jej@sasami root]# modprobe wacom
+[jej@sasami root]# tail /var/log/messages
+Dec 22 17:31:31 sasami kernel: usb.c: deregistering driver wacom
+Dec 22 17:31:34 sasami kernel: usb.c: registered new driver wacom
+Dec 22 17:31:35 sasami kernel: input0: Wacom Intuos2 12x12 on usb1:2.0
+Dec 22 17:31:35 sasami kernel: wacom.c: v1.30-j0.2.0 Vojtech Pavlik &lt;;
+<P>Apparently, the device driver and the tablet occassionally get out of
+sync with the tablet thinking it's still in HID mode when in fact it
+should be in "mode 2." By unloading and reloading the driver manually,
+the initialization code has another opportunity to get it right. Try the
+<I>xxd /dev/input/event0</I> again. This time, it <I>should</I> work. If
+not, send me some email. I am trying to create a repeatable test case
+for the Wacom developers, and your problem may be just what we need to
+get this bug fixed.
+<P>Incidentally, if you have a program running that is connected to
+/dev/input/event0 (like X or wacdump for instance), it is possible that
+the tablet will not reattach back to the same event. I have seen the
+wacom reattach to /dev/input/event1 when unloading and reloading the
+wacom driver with wacdump running for instance.
+<P>You should also try running <i>xxd</i> on /dev/input/mouse0.
+You should get streams of data when the mouse and pen are moved
+around the surface of the tablet. It is this device that X will
+look at for mouse movement. Use Ctrl-C to exit xxd.
+<A NAME="wacdump">
+<H1>4.0 - wacdump</H1>
+<P>wacdump.c parses and displays the raw event output. You must
+be root to run it unless you've set the permissions on /dev/input/event0
+such that you can read it. This program can run simultaneously with X,
+but it's best if X has not be configured for the tablet yet.
+wacdump is enabled by default in the configure script, so it should be
+built automatically when you run <I>make</I>.
+<P>The command line usage of wacdump (wacpack-0.2.0) is pretty simple:
+Usage: wacdump [-d device]
+ -?, -h, --help - usage
+ -d, --device device - use specified device
+<P>If you know that the tablet is attached to a device other than
+/dev/input/event0, you can override it with the -d option, but otherwise,
+the default is correct. If you connect the /dev/input/event0 and get an
+end-of-file error, then the wacom is probably attached to a different event.
+<P>When you run wacdump, nothing will happen until you place a mouse or
+pen near the surface. After that, the screen will clear and you will see
+a screen similar to the following output:
+Wacom Intuos2 12x12 bus=3, vndr=56A, prd=44, ver=115
+ KEY=00000000.00000000 0000 0000 00000000
+ ABS=00000000.00000000 0000 0000 00000000
+ MSC=3DD488B5.0000F385 0004 0000 0028102E
+ X=+17623 (+00000 .. +30480) Y=+10730 (+00000 .. +31680)
+ RZ=-00058 (-00900 .. +00899) THROTTLE=+00000 (-01023 .. +01023)
+ WHEEL=+00000 (+00000 .. +01023) PRESSURE=+00005 (+00000 .. +01023)
+DISTANCE=+00007 (+00000 .. +00015) TILT_X=+00094 (+00000 .. +00127)
+ TILT_Y=+00122 (+00000 .. +00127)
+ WHEEL=+00000
+ SERIAL=0028102E
+<P>This output comes from version 0.3.2 of the wacdump program.
+<P>The first row displays the model number, vendor id, product id, and
+revision number.
+<P>The next block shows events as they arrive. Only the
+event types that the device claims to generate are displayed.
+The quickly changing numbers are timestamps.
+<P>The middle block shows absolute positions of various device parameters.
+It also shows the ranges that the device claims to provide. If your device
+exceeds these ranges, please let me know so I can fix the
+driver. All the available positions are displayed, even though some of
+them are not available for certain pointers. Different tablets will have
+different capabilities; these are capabilities registered specifically for
+your tablet by the wacom.o kernel driver.
+<P>The second WHEEL value is from the relative events channel. Presently,
+only the beta drivers report relative events.
+<P>The serial number of the current stylus is displayed next. When two
+pointers are present, the serial number will alternate. This is especially
+true of Intuos2 models and possibly less accurate of other models.
+<P>Lastly, the button positions are displayed. Some mice have more buttons
+than others; the ones displayed are the ones that the tablet offers. Buttons
+like "Pen" or "Airbrush" are displayed as "Down" when the tool is in proximity
+to the surface.
+<P>Whenever you are curious if the device is working properly, wacdump is
+a useful tool for determine exactly what is coming from the tablet. You can
+run it in conjunction with X or without. The display is constrained to 80x25
+so it can also be used on the main console terminal.
+<A NAME="x11">
+<H1>5.0 - Configuring X11</H1>
+Two steps must be completed to get X to recognize the Wacom. First,
+you need to add some lines to XF86Config to inform X of the tablet's
+existence. Second, you need to update the XInput driver that pertains
+to the Wacom since the one that ships with XFree86 is not very functional.
+Neither driver holds a candle to the windows driver though, so you'll
+have to take what you get for the time being. Updates to the XFree86 driver
+are available in the stable and beta releases on the
+<A HREF="#download">Downloading the Code</A> page. You may
+also check <A HREF="">Lepied's Wacom Site</A> which
+has source code up to version 26 as of this writing.
+<A NAME="inputdev">
+<H2>5.1 - Adding the InputDevices</H2>
+<P>The X Window system identifies the stylus and eraser on your tablet as
+XInput devices. Applications that want to know the absolute position of
+your stylus can request that information directly, and this generally
+bypasses whatever the mouse happens to be doing at the time. This design
+is not without problems though. For one, changing your setup or adding
+a new tool requires making changes to the XF86Config file and restarting
+X. This should be fixed in the future.
+<P>For now however, add the InputDevice sections to your XF86Config file. This
+assumes you are running XFree86 4.x. <SPAN CLASS=diff>On some distributions,
+this file is called XF86Config-4</SPAN>.
+Section "InputDevice"
+ Driver "wacom"
+ Identifier "cursor"
+ Option "Device" "/dev/input/event0"
+ Option "Type" "cursor"
+ Option "Mode" "relative"
+ Option "USB" "on"
+ Option "Speed" "3.0"
+ <B>Option "Threshold" "10"</B>
+Section "InputDevice"
+ Driver "wacom"
+ Identifier "stylus"
+ Option "Device" "/dev/input/event0"
+ Option "Type" "stylus"
+ Option "Mode" "absolute"
+ Option "USB" "on"
+ Option "Tilt" "on"
+ #Option "TiltInvert" "on"
+ <B>Option "Threshold" "10"</B>
+Section "InputDevice"
+ Driver "wacom"
+ Identifier "eraser"
+ Option "Device" "/dev/input/event0"
+ Option "Type" "eraser"
+ Option "Mode" "absolute"
+ Option "USB" "on"
+ Option "Tilt" "on"
+ #Option "TiltInvert" "on"
+ <B>Option "Threshold" "10"</B>
+#Section "InputDevice"
+# Driver "wacom"
+# Identifier "tablet"
+# Option "Device" "/dev/input/event0"
+# Option "Type" "beta"
+<P>The first three sections identify the cursor, stylus, and eraser devices
+to XInput. Notice that all three reference /dev/input/event0. Additionally,
+the TiltInvert option has been commented out. You may want to experiment
+with these values.
+<P>The fourth InputDevice section is for the new beta driver. Unless you
+are actually testing this code, I do not recommend using this section, at
+least not at present. There is no harm in leaving it in the file, commented
+in or out, just so long as it is not used in the ServerLayout section
+described later.
+<P><B>The threshold value is very important.</B> Various wacom tablets behave
+differently in terms of how the "TOUCH" event is detected. On some tablets,
+the device itself makes the determination, and on others, the driver detects
+the event by examining the pressure value. To make matters more complex,
+the ranges are all different so what is good for my Intous2 may not be good
+for your Graphire. I am providing a default value of 10. If the pressure
+exceeds that value, a "TOUCH" event is sent to the XInput system. If this
+is too hard, you may want to reduce it. If the value is too low, you will
+encounter the reviled "spurious touch" problem where the stylus clicks
+randomly as you move it around the screen.
+<P>Also, people using serial tablets will need completely different settings.
+Please see <A HREF="">Lepied's Wacom Site</A> for
+more details.
+<P>I am including a copy of the man page for the driver. Some of the fields
+pertain only to the serial device, and some of the fields may be deprecated
+under XFree86 4.2.0. Try them out, see what happens.</P>
+WACOM(4x) XFree86 WACOM(4x)
+ wacom - Wacom input driver
+ Section "InputDevice"
+ Identifier "idevname"
+ Driver "wacom"
+ Option "Device" "devpath"
+ ...
+ EndSection
+ wacom is an XFree86 input driver for Wacom devices.
+ The wacom driver functions as a pointer input device, and may be used
+ as the X server's core pointer.
+ This driver supports the Wacom IV and Wacom V protocols. Preliminary
+ support is available for USB devices on some Linux platforms.
+ Please refer to XF86Config(5x) for general configuration details and
+ for options that can be used with all input drivers. This section only
+ covers configuration details specific to this driver.
+ Multiple instances of the Wacom devices can cohabit. It can be useful
+ to define multiple devices with different active zones. Each device
+ supports the following entries:
+ Option "Type" "stylus"|"eraser"|"cursor"
+ sets the type of tool the device represent. This option is
+ mandatory.
+ Option "Device" "path"
+ sets the path to the special file which represents serial
+ line where the tablet is plugged. You have to specify it
+ for each subsection with the same value if you want to have
+ multiple devices with the same tablet. This option is
+ mandatory.
+ Option "USB" "on"
+ tells the driver to dialog with the tablet the USB way.
+ This option is only available on some Linux platforms.
+ Option "DeviceName" "name"
+ sets the name of the X device.
+ Option "Suppress" "Inumber"
+ sets the position increment under which not to transmit
+ coordinates. This entry must be specified only in the
+ first Wacom subsection if you have multiple devices for one
+ tablet. If you don’t specify this entry, the default value
+ is computed to
+ Option "Mode" "Relative"|"Absolute"
+ sets the mode of the device.
+ Option "Tilt" "on"
+ enables tilt report if your tablet supports it (ROM version
+ 1.4 and above). If this is enabled, multiple devices at
+ the same time will not be reported.
+ Option "HistorySize" "number"
+ sets the motion history size. By default the value is zero.
+ Option "AlwaysCore" "on"
+ enables the sharing of the core pointer. When this feature
+ is enabled, the device will take control of the core
+ pointer (and thus will emit core events) and at the same
+ time will be able, when asked so, to report extended
+ events. You can use the last available integer feedback to
+ control this feature. When the value of the feedback is
+ zero, the feature is disabled. The feature is enabled for
+ any other value.
+ Option "TopX" "number"
+ X coordinate of the top corner of the active zone.
+ Option "TopY" "number"
+ Y coordinate of the top corner of the active zone.
+ Option "BottomX" "Inumber"
+ X coordinate of the bottom corner of the active zone.
+ Option "BottomY" "number"
+ Y coordinate of the bottom corner of the active zone.
+ Option "KeepShape" "on"
+ When this option is enabled, the active zone begins
+ according to TopX and TopY. The bottom corner is adjusted
+ to keep the ratio width/height of the active zone the same
+ as the screen while maximizing the area described by TopX,
+ TopY, BottomX, BottomY.
+ Option "DebugLevel" number
+ sets the level of debugging info reported.
+ Option "BaudRate" "38400", "19200" or "9600" (default)
+ changes the serial link speed. This option is only avail‐
+ able for wacom V models (Intuos).
+ Option "Serial" "number"
+ sets the serial number associated with the physical device.
+ This allows to have multiple devices of the same type (i.e.
+ multiple pens). This option is only available on wacom V
+ devices (Intuos). To see which serial number belongs to a
+ device, you have to set the DebugLevel to 6 and watch the
+ output of the X server.
+ Option "Threshold" "number"
+ sets the pressure threshold used to generate a button 1
+ events of stylus devices for some models of tablets (Intuos
+ and Graphire).
+ XFree86(1), XF86Config(5x), xf86config(1), Xserver(1), X(7x).
+ Frederic Lepied &lt;;
+4.2.0 Version WACOM(4x)
+<A NAME="mouse1">
+<H2>5.2 - Mouse1</H2>
+<P>Adding the Mouse1 device is <I>probably not something you want to do</I>,
+and Redhat's Anaconda program will do it for you if you boot the machine with
+the tablet plugged in. You'll need to be careful about this.
+<P>When you use the mouse1 input device, the data flows from the wacom
+kernel driver, through the event subsystem, down into the mousedev driver,
+out the /dev/input/mouse0 device, and finally into the XInput mouse driver.
+You effectively lose all your absolute positioning information because the
+mousedev driver converts it into relative data. Additionally, the XFree86
+wacom driver does not get control of the cursor because mouse1 is providing
+those events.
+<P>Therefore, if you have a Mouse1 section, leave it. Redhat 8.0 at least,
+expects it to be there; however, you will not be using it, so make certain
+that it is commented out of the section covered next.
+<A NAME="srvlayout">
+<H2>5.3 - ServerLayout</H2>
+<P>The ServerLayout section describes what devices the X server will use.
+Modify the ServerLayout section to reflect the new devices. Make certain
+to comment out the Mouse1 device.
+Section "ServerLayout"
+ Screen 0 "Screen0" 0 0
+ InputDevice "Mouse0" "CorePointer"
+ InputDevice "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
+ <B>InputDevice "cursor" "SendCoreEvents"
+ InputDevice "stylus" "SendCoreEvents"
+ InputDevice "eraser" "SendCoreEvents"</B>
+ #InputDevice "Mouse1" "SendCoreEvents"
+ #InputDevice "tablet" "SendCoreEvents"
+<P>This section determines which devices are actually used by the server. In
+the case above, the cursor, stylus, and eraser devices are selected while
+the mouse1 and tablet devices are commented out. At present, this is the
+correct configuration for proper operation of the tablet whether you are
+using the beta package or the production package.
+<P>The new wacom_drv.o driver contains two independent implementations of the
+tablet code. Using the "tablet" device instead of the cursor/stylus/eraser
+devices will enable that code. Presently, that will do little for you since
+the code is fairly volatile and is simply a testbed for various design ideas.
+As it becomes more useful, I will update this section.
+<P>You have completed the XF86Config file changes. By aware that if you reboot
+your computer with the Wacom plugged in and Redhat's Anaconda program notices,
+it will treat the tablet as a USB mouse and reconfigure this file incorrectly.
+You may need to go back and check the file to ensure that everything is
+still correct afterwards. Rebooting with the device detached seems to
+reverse the process, but again, you should check the file to be certain.
+My recommendation is to tell Anaconda to ignore the tablet until the device
+detection works properly.
+<A NAME="wacomdrv">
+<H2>5.4 - Updating wacom_drv.o</H2>
+<P>There are a number of wacom_drv.o files about. XFree86 is shipping
+version 23. Redhat 8.0 is shipping version 25. Lepied's page has the
+source code for 26, but the binary identifies itself as 23ss1. The
+<A HREF="#download">Downloading the Code</A> page currently
+offers source and binary for 26-j0.2.0 in the stable package
+and 26-j0.3.2a in the beta version. In total, I recommend
+using the drivers in the packages that I provide since they correspond with
+what is shown in this document. Any new functionality that gets added will
+be built on top of these files as well.
+<P>Note: the binary wacom_drv.o file is located in the prebuilt directory
+of the stable and beta packages. Building this file from source (which is
+provided) is a major hassle, and I do not recommend it unless you are
+developer yourself or the binary is simply not compatible with your system.
+Instructions for rebuilding from source are available in the Appendix
+under <A HREF="#builddrv">Building wacom_drv.o From Scratch</A>.
+<P>With that said, locate and replace wacom_drv.o. Using <i>locate</i> again, we find
+the driver in the X11 tree. This directory is pretty standard, so it is
+unlikely that your file will be located elsewhere. Note the assumption is
+that you are using XFree86 4.x. Anything from the 3.x version probably won't
+[root@ayukawa root]# locate wacom_drv.o
+[root@ayukawa root]# cd /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/input
+[root@ayukawa input]# cp <B>wacom_drv.o</B> /home/jej/src/wacom/<B>wacom_drv_old.o</B>
+[root@ayukawa input]# cp /home/jej/src/wacom/prebuilt/<B>wacom_drv.o wacom_drv.o</B>
+Again, the old file is copied away, and replaced with the newer version. The
+binary modules are presently built on a Redhat 8.0 system using gcc 3.2 under
+glibc. This should work for most, if not all, major distributions. If it
+does not load on yours, please let me know.
+<A NAME="restartx">
+<H2>5.5 - Restart X</H2>
+<P>Finally, restart X. You may wish to do this from runlevel 3 for
+testing purposes.
+[root@ayukawa root]# init 3
+...processes starting and stopping...
+[root@ayukawa root]# startx
+If the X server dies, you can always back-out the changes to the XF86Config
+file and try again. Worse case, copy the wacom_drv_old.o file back to
+its original place. But first, look at the XFree86 log file for clues.
+You might want to do this even if everything works correctly. When things
+are running right, the following lines appear in my log file.
+[root@ayukawa root]# grep -i wacom /var/log/XFree86.0.log
+(II) LoadModule: "wacom"
+(II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/input/wacom_drv.o
+(II) Module wacom: vendor="The XFree86 Project"
+(II) Wacom driver level: <B>26-j0.2.0</B> $
+(II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "eraser" (type: Wacom Eraser)
+(II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "stylus" (type: Wacom Stylus)
+(II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "cursor" (type: Wacom Cursor)
+(==) Wacom Kernel Input device name: "Wacom Intuos2 12x12"
+(==) Wacom tablet maximum X=30480 maximum Y=30480 X resolution=0 Y resolution=0
+(==) Wacom Cursor top X=0 top Y=0 bottom X=30480 bottom Y=30480
+(==) Wacom Stylus top X=0 top Y=0 bottom X=30480 bottom Y=30480
+(==) Wacom Eraser top X=0 top Y=0 bottom X=30480 bottom Y=30480
+Notice the driver version 26-j0.2.0 above. This is the new stable
+wacom_drv.o driver. The beta driver is currently 26-j0.3.2a.
+<P>First things first, you should lift the mouse off the tablet and place it
+back down. This seems to help reset things internally. When you replace the
+mouse, the cursor should jump to that portion of the screen. If everything is
+working correctly, the mouse should work in absolute mode with the four
+corners of the tablet corresponding with the four corners of the screen. If
+the cursor stops short of an edge, then the kernel driver limits are probably
+incorrect. Please let me know so that I can update the driver.
+<P>Next, remove the mouse and try using the eraser end of the stylus.
+Hovering over the surface of the tablet should move the cursor. Touching the
+eraser tip to the surface should generate a click. If you invert the
+pen and use the stylus tip, you should get a similar result. If the pen
+tip generates spurious touch events, you will need to increase the threshold
+value in the InputDevice section. Wacdump is useful for determining the
+appropriate value. My pen pressure oscillates between 0 and 6 so I use
+a threshold of 10 to compensate.
+<A NAME="ptrstat">
+<H2>5.6 - Check the Pointer Status</H2>
+<P>You can check the XInput pointer status by using <i>xsetpointer</i>
+as below. The man page states that calling xsetpointer with the name of
+a particular device will set it as the primary pointing device. So far,
+that has not been the case in my experience; however, that is the subject
+of current development, so try it, and if it doesn't work, stay tuned.
+[root@ayukawa log]# xsetpointer -l
+"eraser" [XExtensionDevice]
+"stylus" [XExtensionDevice]
+"cursor" [XExtensionDevice]
+"Mouse0" [XPointer]
+"keyboard" [XKeyboard]
+<A NAME="gimp">
+<H1>6.0 - Working With Gimp</H1>
+<DIV CLASS=diff>It has been suggested that gimp should be recompiled from
+source (v1.2.3) on Mandrake 9.0. This does not seem to be true for Redhat
+<P>Bring up <i>gimp</i> and select "File|Dialogs|Input Devices".
+You will see a drop-down list with all three devices present. After enabling
+them, you can see their respective statuses by calling up "File|Dialogs|Device
+Status". It has been recommended that the devices be set to "Screen" mode
+rather than "Window."
+<P>I have successfully been able to use gimp with several different pens,
+including the tips and erasers. Tilt does not appear to be used by gimp
+at present, but pressure works fine.
+<A NAME="changelog">
+<H1>7.0 - Changelog</H1>
+<LI>2002-12-22 - John E. Joganic &lt;;<BR>
+* Added serial code to wacdump<BR>
+* Added serial protocols IV 1.0 - 1.4.<BR>
+* Added serial protocol V 1.0 - 1.1.<BR>
+* Intuos mouse wheels are now positive when rolled backwards per PS/2
+ Intellimouse convention<BR>
+* Added Intuos2 to xf86Wacom.c<BR>
+* Added build help for Debian Stable users<BR>
+<LI>2002-12-17 - John E. Joganic &lt;;<BR>
+* Merged code from 2.4.20 hid-core.c<BR>
+* Added configuration code to handle kernels still at 2.4.19<BR>
+* Split wacdump curses code into wacscrn.c to solve namespace collision<BR>
+* Added volito to wacom.c<BR>
+<LI>2002-12-16 - John E. Joganic &lt;;<BR>
+* House cleaning on the website.<BR>
+* Dropped the Intuos constraint from the document name.<BR>
+* Added the expectations page.<BR>
+* Changed the internal indexing to identifier rather than chapter.
+<LI>2002-12-15 - John E. Joganic &lt;;<BR>
+* Removed some debugging code, redeployed package with wacom_drv.o version
+ 0.3.2a.<BR>
+* New build has fix for 4D mouse wheel.<BR>
+* wcm-beta.c fleshed out with new driver code.<BR>
+<LI>2002-12-13 - John E. Joganic &lt;;<BR>
+* Added development page.<BR>
+* New build has relative events and fix for 2D mouse wheel.<BR>
+* wcm-beta.c added to build.<BR>
+<LI>2002-12-09 - John E. Joganic &lt;;<BR>
+* Added detail on "Threshold" parameter.<BR>
+* Included man page.
+<LI>2002-11-24 - John E. Joganic &lt;;<BR>
+* Updated docs for version 0.2.0.<BR>
+* Package uses configure-based scripts.<BR>
+<LI>2002-11-14 - John E. Joganic &lt;;<BR>
+* Moved wacom_drv.o to prebuilt directory.<BR>
+* Added xf86Wacom.c (version 26) to package along with changes to Makefile<BR>
+* Extended documentation on X11 setup including caveat over Mouse1 device.<BR>
+* Added xf86Wacom.c build instructions.<BR>
+* Updated wacdump (0.2) to display identifiers, maximum values, and all
+ registered event types.<BR>
+* Added highlighting in wacdump to display button down state.<BR>
+<LI>2002-11-11 - John E. Joganic &lt;;<BR>
+* wacom.c - fixed ranges for intuos2 6x8<BR>
+<LI>2002-11-10 - John E. Joganic &lt;;<BR>
+* wacdump.c - updated display to identify values<BR>
+* wacom.c - fixed ranges for intuos2 12x12<BR>
+<LI>2002-11-09 - John E. Joganic &lt;;<BR>
+* wacom.c - merged some of Cheng's changes, fixes to the
+pressure calculation, device ranges.<BR>
+* wacom.c - added an extra device (0x47) for M. T.<BR>
+* wacdump.c - added text messages for event types<BR>
+* wacdump.c - added usage and device override option<BR>
+* wacdump.c - exits when channel is closed.<BR>
+* Fixed module dependency problem in wacom.o and hid.o<BR>
+* Added clarification for devfs and Mandrake 9.0<BR>
+<LI>2002-11-06 - John E. Joganic &lt;;<BR>
+* Busted page out into discrete chapters.<BR>
+* Added some php magic to turn it into an active book.<BR>
+* Added Mandrake 9.0<BR>
+* Gimp may need to be compiled from source (1.2.3)
+<LI>2002-11-05 - John E. Joganic &lt;;<BR>
+* Updated wacom driver with Christer Nilsson's 2.4.20 patch<BR>
+* Added RedHat 7.3 success<BR>
+* Added more discussion on the device driver election.<BR>
+* Added more discussion on HID mode 1 and the correct mode 2.<BR>
+* Added usbmouse.c and hid-core.c to wacpack-0.1b.<BR>
+<LI>2002-11-04 - John E. Joganic &lt;;<BR>
+* Added update section.<BR>
+* Added success stories.<BR>
+* Added RedHat 7.2 specific information<BR>
+* Added more information about "unknown report #1"<BR>
+<A NAME="contact">
+<H1>8.0 - Contacts</H1>
+<P>John Joganic can be contacted at the following email address:
+<A HREF="mailto:"></A>.
+If at all possible, please include the word "WACOM" in the subject line.
+I receive hundreds of messages a day, and this little addition will help
+me find your message in the tons of spam.
+<A NAME="appendix">
+<H1>9.0 - Appendix</H1>
+<P>This section is for everything that is either not critical or simply
+too complex to describe in the document above without becoming overly
+<A NAME="builddrv">
+<H2>9.1 - Building wacom_drv.o From Scratch</H2>
+<P>I should tell you out-right that this is an ugly, time consuming process.
+If you manage to get this working in fewer steps, by all means, let me know.
+<P>Why would you want to do this? Two reasons. One, you are a developer
+and need to make changes to the source code directly. Two, your distribution
+uses c libraries or configuration options that are not compatible with the
+wacom_drv.o file that I provide. People running libc5 for instance, would
+need to build their own driver.
+Timothy Klein has submitted a brief howto for compiling on Debian Stable
+which is still running XFree86 4.1 as of this writing. It covers steps
+one through four of this document, and a savvy developer should be able
+to figure out step five on his own. If someone solves step five and
+generates a patch to, I'll see what I can do about getting
+it into the configuration script. That document is on the <A HREF="#debwcmdrv">Building wacom_drv.o On Debian Stable</A> page.
+<P>You will need the X source code to rebuild the wacom_drv.o driver.
+The build configuration for X generates a number of header files that are
+necessary but not installed by default on most distributions. Consequently,
+you will need to not only get the source, but build it, practically in its
+entirety. Then, after all that, the configure script can be instructed to
+hook into the X build tree and rebuild xf86Wacom.c at any time without
+having to rebuild X again.
+<P>Since I am running Redhat 8.0 and cannot really pull down the original
+XFree86 4.2.0 source code, compile it, and expect it to work on my
+system, I need to instead use the source RPM provided by Redhat. If you
+choose to go this route, I provide pretty detailed instructions for making
+this work. If your distribution works differently, or you are using Gentoo
+where most everything is source code by default, you'll need to handle this
+as best as possible according to your particular situation.
+<P><H3>Step One: Get The Source</H3>
+<P>On Redhat 8.0, I discovered the version number for my currently installed
+XFree86 packages by running <I>rpm -q XFree86</I>. This reported version
+4.2.0-72, therefore the source package is XFree86-4.2.0-72.src.rpm.
+I downloaded the package from Redhat directly and installed it to the system
+as follows:
+[root@sen src]# rpm -ivh XFree86-4.2.0-72.src.rpm
+ 1:XFree86 ########################################### [100%]
+<P>This installs a number of files to the /usr/src/redhat directory,
+particularly in the SOURCES and SPECS subdirectories. Other distributions
+undoubtedly install elsewhere. Look for the XFree86.spec file which should
+be located in the SPECS directory. This file contains all the information
+necessary to patch the orginal XFree86-4.2.0 source code to the level that
+Redhat is distributing in their regular binary package. The source code
+and patch files are located in SOURCES.
+<H3>Step Two: Build the Source</H3>
+<P>This step describes how to build the source from the RPM itself. If
+you are building from some other mechanism, I honestly cannot offer much
+assistance since I generally don't build my X system from scratch.
+If you'd like to write up a short section on building the
+server for your particular distribution, I would be happy to include it here.
+<P>Next, you don't actually have to build the entire thing. The
+point at which the xf86Wacom.c driver can be built however,
+is not until somewhere in the middle of the build process. The driver
+depends on a number of header files that are created dynamically so until
+they are generated, wacom_drv.o cannot be compiled. My solution
+was to open a separate terminal in the wacom driver directory and
+periodically attempt to build it. When it successfully built, I stopped
+the X build process. Here's how to build the source for an RPM that's
+been exploded out into the SPECS and SOURCES directories.
+[root@sen root]# cd /usr/src/redhat
+[root@sen redhat]# rpmbuild -bc SPECS/XFree86.spec
+<P>Not every distribution has <I>rpmbuild</I>; try using just <i>rpm</i>
+instead. At some point, Redhat split the build functionality into separate
+programs. If after looking through the <i>rpm</i> man page, you still
+cannot get this to work, send me some email, and I'll look into it.
+<P>The important item is the "-bc" option of <I>rpmbuild</I> which unpacks,
+patches, and builds the source without actually installing. While it is also
+possible to simply unpack and patch using the "-bp" option, there does not
+seem to be a way to just build. The "-bc" option simply deletes all the
+files provided by "-bp" and recreates them again. The downside of this is
+that if you wanted to simply unpack, patch, and then copy the new xf86Wacom.c
+file over the old one, you'll find that the build step deletes it and starts
+over again. I have gotten this to work by creating a new patch file, but
+this requires a bit more effort, so I don't recommend it right off.
+<H3>Step Three: Build the Original Driver</H3>
+<P>The xf86Wacom.c file is buried pretty deep in the X build tree. If it
+is in a different location than the one I have provided below, try using
+<I>find . -name xf86Wacom.c</I> from the BUILD directory.
+[root@sen redhat]# cd BUILD/XFree86-4.2.0/xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/input/wacom
+[root@sen wacom]# ls
+Imakefile xf86Wacom.c.Wacom-USB-driver-a25-update
+Makefile xf86Wacom.c
+The "a25-update" file is the original xf86Wacom.c file before Redhat's patch.
+If you open xf86Wacom.c, you'll find that it is version 25, at least as
+of this writing and this distribution. The presence of the Makefile means
+that the configuration has at least been run for this directory. If you
+have built a sufficient portion of the X source files, then all the header
+files that you need have been generated, and you can build xf86Wacom.c. Try
+it, and if it does not build, wait a bit. The absence of xf86Version.h
+for instance, is a good indication that the build process is not ready.
+[root@sen wacom]# make
+rm -f xf86Wacom.o
+gcc -O2 -march=i386 ... -c xf86Wacom.c
+rm -f wacom_drv.o
+ld -r xf86Wacom.o -o wacom_drv.o
+<H3>Step Four: Build the New Driver</H3>
+<P>With a valid build environment, it should be possible to copy the
+updated driver source over the old one, run <i>make</i>, and get an updated
+<BLOCKQUOTE><DIV class=diff>The beta package contains a version xf86Wacom.c that depends
+on wcm-beta.c and wcm-beta.h. If you are compiling this version, you will
+need to copy all three files. Secondly, the driver will build and link, but
+will not be usable since the current X build environment does not expect the
+wcm-beta code to be compiled. This problem is addressed correctly in the
+automated build process discussed below.
+[root@sen wacom]# cp xf86Wacom.c xf86Wacom_old.c
+[root@sen wacom]# cp /home/jej/src/wacom/src/xf86Wacom.c xf86Wacom.c
+[root@sen wacom]# make
+rm -f xf86Wacom.o
+gcc -O2 -march=i386 ... -c xf86Wacom.c
+rm -f wacom_drv.o
+ld -r xf86Wacom.o -o wacom_drv.o
+If the source did not build correctly the second time, it is possible
+that the Imake-based build environment has generated a makefile that
+will not work correctly for the new code. Your options are to generate
+a patch file that can be applied by the build process, hack the makefile
+in the driver directory to work properly, or to find some
+way to get Imake to reconfigure. This is probably less of a hassle for people
+building from source, but to be fair, all the commands and information you
+need to reconfigure from RPM are listed in the beginning of the build output.
+You might also want to continue ahead to see if the default build rule does
+not work for you.
+<H3> Step Five: Automating the Build Process</H3>
+<P>Copying the updated source file into the build tree and compiling from
+there is not convenient. By configuring the package with the --with-xf86
+option set to the XFree86 build tree and enabling the driver using the
+--enable-wacomdrv option, you can build the driver outside of the X build
+[jej@ayukawa wacom]$ ./configure \
+ --with-xf86=/usr/src/redhat/BUILD/XFree86-4.2.0 \
+ --enable-wacomdrv
+ XFree86 - yes
+ wacom_drv.o - yes
+[jej@ayukawa wacom]$ make
+<P>The makefile rule which builds the driver is contained within src/
+and is modified according to the configuration to generate a rule similar to
+this in src/Makefile:
+xf86Wacom.o: xf86Wacom.c
+ gcc -O2 -march=i386 -mcpu=$(ARCHITECTURE) -pipe -ansi \
+ -pedantic -Wall -Wpointer-arith -fno-merge-constants \
+ -I. -I$(XF86_DIR)/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/common \
+ -I$(XF86_DIR)/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/loader \
+ -I$(XF86_DIR)/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/os-support \
+ -I$(XF86_DIR)/programs/Xserver/include \
+ -I$(XF86_DIR)/programs/Xserver/mi \
+ -I$(XF86_DIR)/exports/include/X11 \
+ -I$(XF86_DIR)/include/extensions \
+ -I$(XF86_DIR) \
+ -I$(XF86_DIR)/exports/include \
+ -Dlinux -D__i386__ -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=199309L -D_POSIX_SOURCE \
+ -DXFree86Server -DXF86VIDMODE -DXvMCExtension \
+ -o xf86Wacom.o -c xf86Wacom.c
+<BLOCKQUOTE><DIV class=diff>In the beta package, a similar rule applies to wcm-beta.c.
+<P>The options and directories specified come directly from the output of the
+make command in the previous step. All the root and parent directories have
+been replaced with the macro XF86_DIR which in this case is set by the
+configuration script to /usr/src/redhat/BUILD/XFree86-4.2.0/xc. If the
+options that you see in your build are identical to those above, then the
+default rule will work for you now. If not, you'll need to make some
+alterations. You can update the file and rerun automake,
+update the and rerun configure, or just update the Makefile
+<P>So long as the X build tree exists, the include directories will point to
+the correct locations, and the driver will build. If space is an issue, you
+can probably remove all the non-essential directories, but be careful; the
+dependency tree in X is huge.
+<P>Although a bit of a hassle, it is possible to compile the xf86Wacom.c
+file into the wacom_drv.o driver from outside the X build tree. If you
+have any comments, questions, or suggestions regarding this process,
+please send email to <A HREF=""></A> with a subject of "WACOM_DRV".
+<A NAME="debwcmdrv">
+<H2>9.2 - Building wacom_drv.o On Debian Stable</H2>
+The following documentation for building wacom_drv.o on Debian Stable
+was written by Timothy Klein. If you have any problems or questions,
+go ahead and post them to the list, or send email to me directly. If
+I cannot provide a satisfactory answer, I'll forward your email on to
+Just thought I would give you some brief notes on compiling wacom_drv.o
+on Debian Stable. This must be done, as the Stable version of Debian
+has XFree86 v., and your pre-compiled module is for a later
+version of X (4.2?). X complains about the server having ABI 2, and the
+module having ABI 3, and refuses to load. So one must compile the
+wacom_drv.o module for Debian Stable.
+The good news is that, while it requires a *huge* download, and takes a
+bit of time, it is easy.
+Debian wacom_drv.o Compilation
+<B>1. Download the Debian source package for XFree86.</B>
+For Debian Stable this is three files:
+Note that these are *big* files. The 'diff' file is 1.5 megabytes, and
+the 'orig' file is 52 megabytes. So if you have a 28.8 modem
+connection, this is going to be painful.
+These files can be obtained automatically by using the command:
+apt-get source xfree86
+It is not necessary to be root to download the source package. After it
+is downloaded, the package will be automatically extracted. Using this
+method requires that you have a valid 'source' line in your
+'/etc/apt/sources.list' file, though.
+You can also just download the three packages above from your favorite
+Debian mirror. If you do that, you need to extract them yourself, which
+is done with the following command:
+dpkg-source -x xfree86_4.1.0-16.dsc &lt;only for manual download&gt;
+Either method will give you a 'xfree86-4.1.0' directory in the download
+directory. For both this step, and the later package creation, you are
+going to need tools from the 'dpkg-dev' package. So install that with
+'apt-get' if you don't already have it installed.
+<B>2. Make sure you have the requisite build dependencies.</B>
+XFree86 requires certain packages to compile. It seems that 'dpkg' is
+pretty good about telling you what packages it needs if they are not
+installed (probably a nice script included by the Debian X maintainer).
+Thus, you can just try and compile it and see what it complains about
+not having and, at that point, install the needed packages with apt-get.
+The other, cleaner, option is to run:
+apt-get build-dep xfree86
+This command will attempt to automatically install (or once in a blue
+moon uninstall) all the necessary packages to compile XFree86. You need
+to be 'root' to do this.
+<B>3. Begin the Build Process for xfree86</B>
+Become 'root' (or you could use fakeroot), and change into the
+'xfree86-4.1.0' directory. Then run:
+The source will begin to compile. It will take a while. If you have a
+really old machine, like a Pentium 166 or such, go on a vacation. It
+may be done when you return.
+<B>4. Recompile the wacom_drv.o module.</B>
+The source you need to replace and recompile will be in the following
+Replace the 'xf86Wacom.c' file therein with the one provided. While X
+does need to have some configuration done for this to compile, and that
+configuration is accomplished automatically by the build process, it
+does not necessarily need to finish compiling the whole package. So,
+once a 'Makefile' is created automatically by the build scripts in this
+directory, you can attempt to run 'make' from time to time. Once it
+compiles without error, you can halt the very lengthy build process of
+the XFree86 package.
+<BLOCKQUOTE><DIV CLASS=diff>This may not work with the current beta package
+since it also contains the wcm-beta.c and wcm-beta.h files. You can
+solve this by updating the Makefile, or proceed to step five
+on the <A HREF="#builddrv">Building wacom_drv.o From Scratch</A> page.
+The command line options for building the driver will undoubtably have
+changed, so be prepared to update the Makefile in the wacpack/src directory.
+<B>5. Move the wacom_drv.o module to the proper place.</B>
+That's it. Once the 'make' command compiles without error, you will
+have several new files in the directory. The one we are interested in
+is 'wacom_drv.o.' Now you can just move the 'wacom_drv.o' file to the
+This will also require 'root' privileges.
+You may want to add that to you HOWTO, for my fellow Debian users. And
+thanks again for the very nice work on the HOWTO and the drivers.
+<CENTER><B>Copyright (C) 2002 - John E. Joganic</B></CENTER>