diff options
authorBob Friesenhahn <>2010-06-11 22:25:36 +0000
committerBob Friesenhahn <>2010-06-11 22:25:36 +0000
commitd30823e3829de75a5eb4f6d4729c3a5c51ca2dd3 (patch)
parenta6ea66c2afa6c9d0ac600f03c7ad1c44436a5608 (diff)
* tools/tiffcrop.c: Applied patch from Richard Nolde: Corrected
European page size dimensions. Added an option to allow the user to specify a custom page size on the command line. Fix the case where a page size specified with a fractional part was being coerced to an integer by retyping the variables that define the paper size.
3 files changed, 746 insertions, 603 deletions
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index fc83a3cc..63be91f9 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
2010-06-11 Bob Friesenhahn <>
+ * tools/tiffcrop.c: Applied patch from Richard Nolde: Corrected
+ European page size dimensions. Added an option to allow the user
+ to specify a custom page size on the command line. Fix the case
+ where a page size specified with a fractional part was being
+ coerced to an integer by retyping the variables that define the
+ paper size.
* html/index.html: Update for the 3.9.3 release.
* tools/tiffcp.c (tiffcp): Applied Tom Lane's patch to reject
diff --git a/man/tiffcrop.1 b/man/tiffcrop.1
index 5b8e4e52..f01b17d9 100644
--- a/man/tiffcrop.1
+++ b/man/tiffcrop.1
@@ -1,569 +1,571 @@
-.\" $Id: tiffcrop.1,v 1.5 2009-09-24 21:57:11 bfriesen Exp $
-.\" tiffcrop -- a port of tiffcp.c extended to include extended processing of images
-.\" Original code:
-.\" Copyright (c) 1988-1997 Sam Leffler
-.\" Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
-.\" Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and
-.\" its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided
-.\" that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in
-.\" all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of
-.\" Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or
-.\" publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written
-.\" permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics.
-.\" Additional code Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Richard Nolde
-.\" Lasted Updated 9/2009
-.\" .if n .po 0
-.TH "TIFFCROP" "1" "December, 2008" "libtiff" ""
-tiffcrop \- select, copy, crop, convert, extract, and/or process one or more
-.B tiffcrop
-.I options
-.I "src1.tif ... srcN.tif dst.tif"
-.I Tiffcrop
-processes one or more files created according
-to the Tag Image File Format, Revision 6.0, specification
-into one or more
-.I Tiffcrop
-is most often used to extract portions of an image for processing
-with bar code recognizer or OCR software when that software cannot
-restrict the region of interest to a specific portion of the image
-or to improve efficiency when the regions of interest must be rotated.
-It can also be used to subdivide all or part of a processed image into
-smaller sections and export individual images or sections of images
-as separate files or separate images within one or more files derived
-from the original input image or images.
-The available functions can be grouped broadly into three classes:
-Those that select individual images or sections of images from the input files.
-The options \-N for sequences or lists of individual images in the input files,
-\-Z for zones, \-z for regions, \-X and \-Y for fixed sized selections,
-\-m for margins, \-U for units, and \-E for edge reference provide a variety of
-ways to specify portions of the input image.
-Those that allow the individual images or selections to be exported to one or
-more output files in different groupings and control the organization of the
-data in the output images. The options \-P for page size grouping, \-S for
-subdivision into columns and rows and \-e for export mode options that produce
-one or more files from each input image. The options \-r, \-s, \-t, \-w control
-strip and tile format and sizes while \-B \-L \-c \-f modify the endian addressing
-scheme, the compression options, and the bit fill sequence of images as they
-are written.
-Those that perform some action on each image that is selected from the input file.
-The options include \-R for rotate, \-I for inversion of the photometric
-interpretation and/or data values, and \-F to flip (mirror) the image horizontally
-or vertically.
-Functions are applied to the input image(s) in the following order:
-cropping, fixed area extraction, zone and region extraction,
-inversion, mirroring, rotation.
-Functions are applied to the output image(s) in the following order:
-export mode options for grouping zones, regions, or images into
-one or more files,
-.I or
-row and column divisions with output margins,
-.I or
-page size divisions with page orientation options.
-Finally, strip, tile, byte order, output resolution, and compression options are
-applied to all output images.
-The output file(s) may be organized and compressed using a different
-algorithm from the input files.
-By default,
-.I tiffcrop
-will copy all the understood tags in a
-directory of an input file to the associated directory in the output file.
-Options can be used to force the resultant image to be written as strips
-or tiles of data, respectively.
-.I Tiffcrop
-can be used to reorganize the storage characteristics of data
-in a file, and to reorganize, extract, rotate, and otherwise
-process the image data as specified at the same time whereas
-tiffcp does not alter the image data within the file.
-Using the options for selecting individual input images and the
-options for exporting images and/or segments defined as zones or
-regions of each input image,
-.I tiffcrop
-can perform the functions of tiffcp and tiffsplit in a single pass
-while applying multiple operations to individual selections or images.
-.B \-h
-Display the syntax summary for tiffcrop.
-.B \-v
-Report the current version and last modification date for tiffcrop.
-.B \-N odd|even|#,#\-#,#|last
-Specify one or more series or range(s) of images within each file to process.
-The words
-.B odd
-.B even
-may be used to specify all odd or even numbered images counting from one.
-Note that internally, TIFF images are numbered from zero rather than one
-but since this convention is not obvious to most users, tiffcrop used 1
-to specifiy the first image in a multipage file. The word
-.B last
-may be used in place of a number in the sequence to indicate the
-final image in the file without knowing how many images there are.
-Ranges of images may be specified with a dash and multiple sets
-can be indicated by joining them in a comma\-separated list. eg. use
-.B \-N 1,5\-7,last
-to process the 1st, 5th through 7th, and final image in the file.
-.B \-E top|bottom|left|right
-Specify the top, bottom, left, or right edge as the reference from
-which to calcuate the width and length of crop regions or sequence
-of postions for zones. When used with the \-e option for exporting
-zones or regions, the reference edge determines how composite images
-are arranged. Using \-E left or right causes successive zones or
-regions to be merged horizontally whereas using \-E top or bottom
-causes successive zones or regions to be arranged vertically. This
-option has no effect on export layout when multiple zones or regions
-are not being exported to composite images. Edges may be abbreviated
-to the first letter.
-.B \-e combined|divided|image|multiple|separate
-Specify the export mode for images and selections from input images.
-The final filename on the command line is considered to be the
-destination file or filename stem for automatically generated
-sequences of files. Modes may be abbreviated to the first letter.
-combined All images and selections are written to a single file with
-multiple selections from one image combined into a single image (default)
-divided All images and selections are written to a single file
-with each selection from one image written to a new image
-image Each input image is written to a new file (numeric filename sequence)
-with multiple selections from the image combined into one image
-multiple Each input image is written to a new file (numeric filename sequence)
-with each selection from the image written to a new image
-separate Individual selections from each image are written to separate files
-.B \-U in|cm|px
-Specify the type of units to apply to dimensions for margins and
-crop regions for input and output images. Inches or centimeters
-are converted to pixels using the resolution unit specified in the
-TIFF file (which defaults to inches if not specified in the IFD).
-.B \-m #,#,#,#
-Specify margins to be removed from the input image. The order must
-be top, left, bottom, right with only commas separating the elements
-of the list. Margins are scaled according to the current units and
-removed before any other extractions are computed..
-.B \-X #
-Set the horizontal (X\-axis) dimension of a region to extract relative to
-the specified origin reference. If the origin is the top or bottom
-edge, the X axis value will be assumed to start at the left edge.
-.B \-Y #
-Set the vertical (Y\-axis) dimension of a region to extract relative to
-the specified origin reference. If the origin is the left or right
-edge, the Y axis value will be assumed to start at the top.
-.B \-Z #:#,#:#
-Specify zones of the image designated as position X of Y equal sized portions
-measured from the reference edge, eg 1:3 would be first third of the
-image starting from the reference edge minus any margins specified
-for the confining edges. Multiple zones can be specified as a comma
-separated list but they must reference the same edge. To extract the
-top quarter and the bottom third of an image you would use
-.B \-Z 1:4,3:3.
-.B \-z x1,y1,x2,y2: ... :xN,yN,xN+1,yN+1
-Specify a series of coordinates to define regions for processing and exporting.
-The coordinates represent the top left and lower right corners of each region
-in the current units, eg inch, cm, or pixels. Pixels are counted from one to
-width or height and inches or cm are calculated from image resolution data.
-Each colon delimited series of four values represents the horizontal and vertical
-offsets from the top and left edges of the image, regardless of the edge specified
-with the \-E option. The first and third values represent the horizontal offsets of
-the corner points from the left edge while the second and fourth values represent
-the vertical offsets from the top edge.
-.B \-F horiz|vert
-Flip, ie mirror, the image or extracted region horizontally or vertically.
-.B \-R 90|180|270
-Rotate the image or extracted region 90, 180, or 270 degrees clockwise.
-.B \\-I [black|white|data|both]
-Invert color space, eg dark to light for bilevel and grayscale images.
-This can be used to modify negative images to positive or to correct
-images that have the PHOTOMETRIC_INTERPRETATIN tag set incorrectly.
-If the value is black or white, the PHOTOMETRIC_INTERPRETATION tag is set to
-MinIsBlack or MinIsWhite, without altering the image data. If the argument
-is data or both, the data values of the image are modified. Specifying both
-inverts the data and the PHOTOMETRIC_INTERPRETATION tag, whereas using data
-inverts the data but not the PHOTOMETRIC_INTERPRETATION tag.
-No support for modifying the color space of color images in this release.
-.B \-H #
-Set the horizontal resolution of output images to #
-expressed in the current units.
-.B \-V #
-Set the vertical resolution of the output images to #
-expressed in the current units.
-.B \-J #
-Set the horizontal margin of an output page size to #
-expressed in the current units when sectioning image into columns x rows
-subimages using the \-S cols:rows option.
-.B \-K #
-Set the vertical margin of an output page size to #
-expressed in the current units when sectioning image into columns x rows
-submiages using the \-S cols:rows option.
-.B \-O portrait|landscape|auto
-Set the output orientation of the pages or sections.
-Auto will use the arrangement that requires the fewest pages.
-This option is only meaningful in conjunction with the -P
-option to format an image to fit on a specific paper size.
-.B \-P page
-Format the output images to fit on page size paper. Use
-\-P list to show the supported page sizes and dimensions.
-.B \-S cols:rows
-Divide each image into cols across and rows down equal sections.
-.B \-B
-Force output to be written with Big\-Endian byte order.
-This option only has an effect when the output file is created or
-overwritten and not when it is appended to.
-.B \-C
-Suppress the use of ``strip chopping'' when reading images
-that have a single strip/tile of uncompressed data.
-.B \-c
-Specify the compression to use for data written to the output file:
-.B none
-for no compression,
-.B packbits
-for PackBits compression,
-.B lzw
-for Lempel\-Ziv & Welch compression,
-.B jpeg
-for baseline JPEG compression.
-.B zip
-for Deflate compression,
-.B g3
-for CCITT Group 3 (T.4) compression,
-.B g4
-for CCITT Group 4 (T.6) compression.
-By default
-.I tiffcrop
-will compress data according to the value of the
-.I Compression
-tag found in the source file.
-Group 3 and Group 4 compression algorithms can only
-be used with bilevel data.
-Group 3 compression can be specified together with several
-T.4\-specific options:
-.B 1d
-for 1\-dimensional encoding,
-.B 2d
-for 2\-dimensional encoding,
-.B fill
-to force each encoded scanline to be zero\-filled so that the
-terminating EOL code lies on a byte boundary.
-Group 3\-specific options are specified by appending a ``:''\-separated
-list to the ``g3'' option; e.g.
-.B "\-c g3:2d:fill"
-to get 2D\-encoded data with byte\-aligned EOL codes.
-compression can be specified together with a
-.I predictor
-A predictor value of 2 causes
-each scanline of the output image to undergo horizontal
-differencing before it is encoded; a value
-of 1 forces each scanline to be encoded without differencing.
-LZW\-specific options are specified by appending a ``:''\-separated
-list to the ``lzw'' option; e.g.
-.B "\-c lzw:2"
-compression with horizontal differencing.
-.B \-f
-Specify the bit fill order to use in writing output data.
-By default,
-.I tiffcrop
-will create a new file with the same fill order as the original.
-.B "\-f lsb2msb"
-will force data to be written with the FillOrder tag set to
-.B "\-f msb2lsb"
-will force data to be written with the FillOrder tag set to
-.B \-i
-Ignore non\-fatal read errors and continue processing of the input file.
-.B \-l
-Specify the length of a tile (in pixels).
-.I Tiffcrop
-attempts to set the tile dimensions so
-that no more than 8 kilobytes of data appear in a tile.
-.B \-L
-Force output to be written with Little\-Endian byte order.
-This option only has an effect when the output file is created or
-overwritten and not when it is appended to.
-.B \-M
-Suppress the use of memory\-mapped files when reading images.
-.B \-p
-Specify the planar configuration to use in writing image data
-that has more than one sample per pixel.
-By default,
-.I tiffcrop
-will create a new file with the same planar configuration as
-the original.
-.B "\-p contig"
-will force data to be written with multi\-sample data packed
-together, while
-.B "\-p separate"
-will force samples to be written in separate planes.
-.B \-r
-Specify the number of rows (scanlines) in each strip of data
-written to the output file.
-By default (or when value
-.B 0
-is specified),
-.I tiffcrop
-attempts to set the rows/strip that no more than 8 kilobytes of
-data appear in a strip. If you specify the special value
-.B \-1
-it will results in infinite number of the rows per strip. The entire image
-will be the one strip in that case.
-.B \-s
-Force the output file to be written with data organized in strips
-(rather than tiles).
-.B \-t
-Force the output file to be written with data organized in tiles
-(rather than strips).
-.B \-w
-Specify the width of a tile (in pixels).
-.I tiffcrop
-attempts to set the tile dimensions so
-that no more than 8 kilobytes of data appear in a tile.
-.I tiffcrop
-attempts to set the tile dimensions so
-that no more than 8 kilobytes of data appear in a tile.
-Debug and dump facility
-.B \-D opt1:value1,opt2:value2,opt3:value3:opt4:value4
-Display program progress and/or dump raw data to non\-TIFF files.
-Options include the following and must be joined as a comma
-separated list. The use of this option is generally limited to
-program debugging and development of future options. An equal sign
-may be substituted for the colon in option:value pairs.
-debug:N Display limited program progress indicators where larger N
-increase the level of detail.
-format:txt|raw Format any logged data as ASCII text or raw binary
-values. ASCII text dumps include strings of ones and zeroes representing
-the binary values in the image data plus identifying headers.
-level:N Specify the level of detail presented in the dump files.
-This can vary from dumps of the entire input or output image data to dumps
-of data processed by specific functions. Current range of levels is 1 to 3.
-When dump files are being written, each image will be written to a separate
-file with the name built by adding a numeric sequence value to the dumpname
-and an extension of .txt for ASCII dumps or .bin for binary dumps.
-The four debug/dump options are independent, though it makes little sense to
-specify a dump file without specifying a detail level.
-Note: Tiffcrop may be compiled with -DDEVELMODE to enable additional very
- low level debug reporting.
-The following concatenates two files and writes the result using
-tiffcrop \-c lzw a.tif b.tif result.tif
-To convert a G3 1d\-encoded
-to a single strip of G4\-encoded data the following might be used:
-tiffcrop \-c g4 \-r 10000 g3.tif g4.tif
-(1000 is just a number that is larger than the number of rows in
-the source file.)
-To extract a selected set of images from a multi\-image TIFF file
-use the \-N option described above. Thus, to copy the 1st and 3rd
-images of image file "album.tif" to "result.tif":
-tiffcrop \-N 1,3 album.tif result.tif
-Invert a bilevel image scan of a microfilmed document and crop off margins of
-0.25 inches on the left and right, 0.5 inch on the top, and 0.75 inch on the
-bottom. From the remaining portion of the image, select the second and third
-quarters, ie, one half of the area left from the center to each margin.
-tiffcrop \-U in \-m 0.5,0.25,0.75,0.25 \-E left \-Z 2:4,3:4 \-I both MicrofilmNegative.tif MicrofilmPostiveCenter.tif
-Extract only the final image of a large Architectural E sized
-multipage TIFF file and rotate it 90 degrees clockwise while
-reformatting the output to fit on tabloid sized sheets with one
-quarter of an inch on each side:
-tiffcrop \-N last \-R 90 \-O auto \-P tabloid \-U in \-J 0.25 \-K 0.25 \-H 300 \-V 300 Big\-PlatMap.tif BigPlatMap\-Tabloid.tif
-The output images will have a specified resolution of 300 dpi in both
-directions. The orientation of each page will be determined by whichever
-choice requires the fewest pages. To specify a specific orientation, use
-the portrait or landscape option. The paper size option does not resample
-the image. It breaks each original image into a series of smaller images
-that will fit on the target paper size at the specified resolution.
-Extract two regions 2048 pixels wide by 2048 pixels high from each page of
-a multi\-page input file and write each region to a separate output file.
-tiffcrop \-U px \-z 1,1,2048,2048:1,2049,2048,4097 \-e separate CheckScans.tiff Check
-The output file names will use the stem Check with a numeric suffix which is
-incremented for each region of each image, eg Check\-001.tiff, Check\-002.tiff ...
-Check\-NNN.tiff. To produce a unique file for each page of the input image
-with one new image for each region of the input image on that page, change
-the export option to \-e multiple.
-In general, bilevel, grayscale, palette and RGB(A) data with bit depths
-from 1 to 32 bits should work in both interleaved and separate plane
-formats. Unlike tiffcp, tiffcrop can read and write tiled images with
-bits per sample that are not a multiple of 8 in both interleaved and
-separate planar format. Floating point data types are supported at
-bit depts of 16, 24, 32 and 64 bits per sample.
-Not all images can be converted from one compression scheme to another.
-Data with some photometric interpretations and/or bit depths are tied to
-specific compression schemes and vice-versa, e.g. Group 3/4 compression
-is only usable for bilevel data. JPEG compression is only useable on 8
-bit per sample data (or 12 bit if
-was compiled with 12 bit JPEG support). Support for OJPEG compressed
-images is problematic at best. Since OJPEG compression is no longer
-supported for writing images with LibTIFF, these images will be updated
-to the newer JPEG compression when they are copied or processed. This
-may cause the image to appear color shifted or distorted after conversion.
-In some cases, it is possible to remove the original compression from
-image data using the option -cnone.
-Tiffcrop does not currently provide options to up or downsample data to
-different bit depths or convert data from one photometric interpretation
-to another, e.g. 16 bits per sample to 8 bits per sample or RGB to grayscale.
-Tiffcrop is very loosely derived from code in
-.I tiffcp
-with extensive modifications and additions to support the selection of input
-images and regions and the exporting of them to one or more output files in
-various groupings. The image manipulation routines are entirely new and
-additional ones may be added in the future. It will handle tiled images with
-bit depths that are not a multiple of eight that tiffcp may refuse to read.
-.I Tiffcrop
-was designed to handle large files containing many moderate sized images
-with memory usage that is independent of the number of images in the file.
-In order to support compression modes that are not based on individual
-scanlines, e.g. JPEG, it now reads images by strip or tile rather than by
-indvidual scanlines. In addition to the memory required by the input and
-output buffers associated with
-one or more buffers at least as large as the largest image to be read are
-required. The design favors large volume document processing uses over
-scientific or graphical manipulation of large datasets as might be found
-in research or remote sensing scenarios.
-.BR pal2rgb (1),
-.BR tiffinfo (1),
-.BR tiffcmp (1),
-.BR tiffcp (1),
-.BR tiffmedian (1),
-.BR tiffsplit (1),
-.BR libtiff (3TIFF)
-Libtiff library home page:
+.\" $Id: tiffcrop.1,v 1.6 2010-06-11 22:25:36 bfriesen Exp $
+.\" tiffcrop -- a port of tiffcp.c extended to include extended processing of images
+.\" Original code:
+.\" Copyright (c) 1988-1997 Sam Leffler
+.\" Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
+.\" Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and
+.\" its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided
+.\" that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in
+.\" all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of
+.\" Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or
+.\" publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written
+.\" permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics.
+.\" Additional code Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Richard Nolde
+.\" Lasted Updated 9/2009
+.\" .if n .po 0
+.TH "TIFFCROP" "1" "December, 2008" "libtiff" ""
+tiffcrop \- select, copy, crop, convert, extract, and/or process one or more
+.B tiffcrop
+.I options
+.I "src1.tif ... srcN.tif dst.tif"
+.I Tiffcrop
+processes one or more files created according
+to the Tag Image File Format, Revision 6.0, specification
+into one or more
+.I Tiffcrop
+is most often used to extract portions of an image for processing
+with bar code recognizer or OCR software when that software cannot
+restrict the region of interest to a specific portion of the image
+or to improve efficiency when the regions of interest must be rotated.
+It can also be used to subdivide all or part of a processed image into
+smaller sections and export individual images or sections of images
+as separate files or separate images within one or more files derived
+from the original input image or images.
+The available functions can be grouped broadly into three classes:
+Those that select individual images or sections of images from the input files.
+The options \-N for sequences or lists of individual images in the input files,
+\-Z for zones, \-z for regions, \-X and \-Y for fixed sized selections,
+\-m for margins, \-U for units, and \-E for edge reference provide a variety of
+ways to specify portions of the input image.
+Those that allow the individual images or selections to be exported to one or
+more output files in different groupings and control the organization of the
+data in the output images. The options \-P for page size grouping, \-S for
+subdivision into columns and rows and \-e for export mode options that produce
+one or more files from each input image. The options \-r, \-s, \-t, \-w control
+strip and tile format and sizes while \-B \-L \-c \-f modify the endian addressing
+scheme, the compression options, and the bit fill sequence of images as they
+are written.
+Those that perform some action on each image that is selected from the input file.
+The options include \-R for rotate, \-I for inversion of the photometric
+interpretation and/or data values, and \-F to flip (mirror) the image horizontally
+or vertically.
+Functions are applied to the input image(s) in the following order:
+cropping, fixed area extraction, zone and region extraction,
+inversion, mirroring, rotation.
+Functions are applied to the output image(s) in the following order:
+export mode options for grouping zones, regions, or images into
+one or more files,
+.I or
+row and column divisions with output margins,
+.I or
+page size divisions with page orientation options.
+Finally, strip, tile, byte order, output resolution, and compression options are
+applied to all output images.
+The output file(s) may be organized and compressed using a different
+algorithm from the input files.
+By default,
+.I tiffcrop
+will copy all the understood tags in a
+directory of an input file to the associated directory in the output file.
+Options can be used to force the resultant image to be written as strips
+or tiles of data, respectively.
+.I Tiffcrop
+can be used to reorganize the storage characteristics of data
+in a file, and to reorganize, extract, rotate, and otherwise
+process the image data as specified at the same time whereas
+tiffcp does not alter the image data within the file.
+Using the options for selecting individual input images and the
+options for exporting images and/or segments defined as zones or
+regions of each input image,
+.I tiffcrop
+can perform the functions of tiffcp and tiffsplit in a single pass
+while applying multiple operations to individual selections or images.
+.B \-h
+Display the syntax summary for tiffcrop.
+.B \-v
+Report the current version and last modification date for tiffcrop.
+.B \-N odd|even|#,#\-#,#|last
+Specify one or more series or range(s) of images within each file to process.
+The words
+.B odd
+.B even
+may be used to specify all odd or even numbered images counting from one.
+Note that internally, TIFF images are numbered from zero rather than one
+but since this convention is not obvious to most users, tiffcrop used 1
+to specifiy the first image in a multipage file. The word
+.B last
+may be used in place of a number in the sequence to indicate the
+final image in the file without knowing how many images there are.
+Ranges of images may be specified with a dash and multiple sets
+can be indicated by joining them in a comma\-separated list. eg. use
+.B \-N 1,5\-7,last
+to process the 1st, 5th through 7th, and final image in the file.
+.B \-E top|bottom|left|right
+Specify the top, bottom, left, or right edge as the reference from
+which to calcuate the width and length of crop regions or sequence
+of postions for zones. When used with the \-e option for exporting
+zones or regions, the reference edge determines how composite images
+are arranged. Using \-E left or right causes successive zones or
+regions to be merged horizontally whereas using \-E top or bottom
+causes successive zones or regions to be arranged vertically. This
+option has no effect on export layout when multiple zones or regions
+are not being exported to composite images. Edges may be abbreviated
+to the first letter.
+.B \-e combined|divided|image|multiple|separate
+Specify the export mode for images and selections from input images.
+The final filename on the command line is considered to be the
+destination file or filename stem for automatically generated
+sequences of files. Modes may be abbreviated to the first letter.
+combined All images and selections are written to a single file with
+multiple selections from one image combined into a single image (default)
+divided All images and selections are written to a single file
+with each selection from one image written to a new image
+image Each input image is written to a new file (numeric filename sequence)
+with multiple selections from the image combined into one image
+multiple Each input image is written to a new file (numeric filename sequence)
+with each selection from the image written to a new image
+separate Individual selections from each image are written to separate files
+.B \-U in|cm|px
+Specify the type of units to apply to dimensions for margins and
+crop regions for input and output images. Inches or centimeters
+are converted to pixels using the resolution unit specified in the
+TIFF file (which defaults to inches if not specified in the IFD).
+.B \-m #,#,#,#
+Specify margins to be removed from the input image. The order must
+be top, left, bottom, right with only commas separating the elements
+of the list. Margins are scaled according to the current units and
+removed before any other extractions are computed..
+.B \-X #
+Set the horizontal (X\-axis) dimension of a region to extract relative to
+the specified origin reference. If the origin is the top or bottom
+edge, the X axis value will be assumed to start at the left edge.
+.B \-Y #
+Set the vertical (Y\-axis) dimension of a region to extract relative to
+the specified origin reference. If the origin is the left or right
+edge, the Y axis value will be assumed to start at the top.
+.B \-Z #:#,#:#
+Specify zones of the image designated as position X of Y equal sized portions
+measured from the reference edge, eg 1:3 would be first third of the
+image starting from the reference edge minus any margins specified
+for the confining edges. Multiple zones can be specified as a comma
+separated list but they must reference the same edge. To extract the
+top quarter and the bottom third of an image you would use
+.B \-Z 1:4,3:3.
+.B \-z x1,y1,x2,y2: ... :xN,yN,xN+1,yN+1
+Specify a series of coordinates to define regions for processing and exporting.
+The coordinates represent the top left and lower right corners of each region
+in the current units, eg inch, cm, or pixels. Pixels are counted from one to
+width or height and inches or cm are calculated from image resolution data.
+Each colon delimited series of four values represents the horizontal and vertical
+offsets from the top and left edges of the image, regardless of the edge specified
+with the \-E option. The first and third values represent the horizontal offsets of
+the corner points from the left edge while the second and fourth values represent
+the vertical offsets from the top edge.
+.B \-F horiz|vert
+Flip, ie mirror, the image or extracted region horizontally or vertically.
+.B \-R 90|180|270
+Rotate the image or extracted region 90, 180, or 270 degrees clockwise.
+.B \\-I [black|white|data|both]
+Invert color space, eg dark to light for bilevel and grayscale images.
+This can be used to modify negative images to positive or to correct
+images that have the PHOTOMETRIC_INTERPRETATIN tag set incorrectly.
+If the value is black or white, the PHOTOMETRIC_INTERPRETATION tag is set to
+MinIsBlack or MinIsWhite, without altering the image data. If the argument
+is data or both, the data values of the image are modified. Specifying both
+inverts the data and the PHOTOMETRIC_INTERPRETATION tag, whereas using data
+inverts the data but not the PHOTOMETRIC_INTERPRETATION tag.
+No support for modifying the color space of color images in this release.
+.B \-H #
+Set the horizontal resolution of output images to #
+expressed in the current units.
+.B \-V #
+Set the vertical resolution of the output images to #
+expressed in the current units.
+.B \-J #
+Set the horizontal margin of an output page size to #
+expressed in the current units when sectioning image into columns x rows
+subimages using the \-S cols:rows option.
+.B \-K #
+Set the vertical margin of an output page size to #
+expressed in the current units when sectioning image into columns x rows
+submiages using the \-S cols:rows option.
+.B \-O portrait|landscape|auto
+Set the output orientation of the pages or sections.
+Auto will use the arrangement that requires the fewest pages.
+This option is only meaningful in conjunction with the -P
+option to format an image to fit on a specific paper size.
+.B \-P page
+Format the output images to fit on page size paper. Use
+\-P list to show the supported page sizes and dimensions.
+You can define a custom page size by entering the width and length of the
+page in the current units with the following format #.#x#.#.
+.B \-S cols:rows
+Divide each image into cols across and rows down equal sections.
+.B \-B
+Force output to be written with Big\-Endian byte order.
+This option only has an effect when the output file is created or
+overwritten and not when it is appended to.
+.B \-C
+Suppress the use of ``strip chopping'' when reading images
+that have a single strip/tile of uncompressed data.
+.B \-c
+Specify the compression to use for data written to the output file:
+.B none
+for no compression,
+.B packbits
+for PackBits compression,
+.B lzw
+for Lempel\-Ziv & Welch compression,
+.B jpeg
+for baseline JPEG compression.
+.B zip
+for Deflate compression,
+.B g3
+for CCITT Group 3 (T.4) compression,
+.B g4
+for CCITT Group 4 (T.6) compression.
+By default
+.I tiffcrop
+will compress data according to the value of the
+.I Compression
+tag found in the source file.
+Group 3 and Group 4 compression algorithms can only
+be used with bilevel data.
+Group 3 compression can be specified together with several
+T.4\-specific options:
+.B 1d
+for 1\-dimensional encoding,
+.B 2d
+for 2\-dimensional encoding,
+.B fill
+to force each encoded scanline to be zero\-filled so that the
+terminating EOL code lies on a byte boundary.
+Group 3\-specific options are specified by appending a ``:''\-separated
+list to the ``g3'' option; e.g.
+.B "\-c g3:2d:fill"
+to get 2D\-encoded data with byte\-aligned EOL codes.
+compression can be specified together with a
+.I predictor
+A predictor value of 2 causes
+each scanline of the output image to undergo horizontal
+differencing before it is encoded; a value
+of 1 forces each scanline to be encoded without differencing.
+LZW\-specific options are specified by appending a ``:''\-separated
+list to the ``lzw'' option; e.g.
+.B "\-c lzw:2"
+compression with horizontal differencing.
+.B \-f
+Specify the bit fill order to use in writing output data.
+By default,
+.I tiffcrop
+will create a new file with the same fill order as the original.
+.B "\-f lsb2msb"
+will force data to be written with the FillOrder tag set to
+.B "\-f msb2lsb"
+will force data to be written with the FillOrder tag set to
+.B \-i
+Ignore non\-fatal read errors and continue processing of the input file.
+.B \-l
+Specify the length of a tile (in pixels).
+.I Tiffcrop
+attempts to set the tile dimensions so
+that no more than 8 kilobytes of data appear in a tile.
+.B \-L
+Force output to be written with Little\-Endian byte order.
+This option only has an effect when the output file is created or
+overwritten and not when it is appended to.
+.B \-M
+Suppress the use of memory\-mapped files when reading images.
+.B \-p
+Specify the planar configuration to use in writing image data
+that has more than one sample per pixel.
+By default,
+.I tiffcrop
+will create a new file with the same planar configuration as
+the original.
+.B "\-p contig"
+will force data to be written with multi\-sample data packed
+together, while
+.B "\-p separate"
+will force samples to be written in separate planes.
+.B \-r
+Specify the number of rows (scanlines) in each strip of data
+written to the output file.
+By default (or when value
+.B 0
+is specified),
+.I tiffcrop
+attempts to set the rows/strip that no more than 8 kilobytes of
+data appear in a strip. If you specify the special value
+.B \-1
+it will results in infinite number of the rows per strip. The entire image
+will be the one strip in that case.
+.B \-s
+Force the output file to be written with data organized in strips
+(rather than tiles).
+.B \-t
+Force the output file to be written with data organized in tiles
+(rather than strips).
+.B \-w
+Specify the width of a tile (in pixels).
+.I tiffcrop
+attempts to set the tile dimensions so
+that no more than 8 kilobytes of data appear in a tile.
+.I tiffcrop
+attempts to set the tile dimensions so
+that no more than 8 kilobytes of data appear in a tile.
+Debug and dump facility
+.B \-D opt1:value1,opt2:value2,opt3:value3:opt4:value4
+Display program progress and/or dump raw data to non\-TIFF files.
+Options include the following and must be joined as a comma
+separated list. The use of this option is generally limited to
+program debugging and development of future options. An equal sign
+may be substituted for the colon in option:value pairs.
+debug:N Display limited program progress indicators where larger N
+increase the level of detail.
+format:txt|raw Format any logged data as ASCII text or raw binary
+values. ASCII text dumps include strings of ones and zeroes representing
+the binary values in the image data plus identifying headers.
+level:N Specify the level of detail presented in the dump files.
+This can vary from dumps of the entire input or output image data to dumps
+of data processed by specific functions. Current range of levels is 1 to 3.
+When dump files are being written, each image will be written to a separate
+file with the name built by adding a numeric sequence value to the dumpname
+and an extension of .txt for ASCII dumps or .bin for binary dumps.
+The four debug/dump options are independent, though it makes little sense to
+specify a dump file without specifying a detail level.
+Note: Tiffcrop may be compiled with -DDEVELMODE to enable additional very
+ low level debug reporting.
+The following concatenates two files and writes the result using
+tiffcrop \-c lzw a.tif b.tif result.tif
+To convert a G3 1d\-encoded
+to a single strip of G4\-encoded data the following might be used:
+tiffcrop \-c g4 \-r 10000 g3.tif g4.tif
+(1000 is just a number that is larger than the number of rows in
+the source file.)
+To extract a selected set of images from a multi\-image TIFF file
+use the \-N option described above. Thus, to copy the 1st and 3rd
+images of image file "album.tif" to "result.tif":
+tiffcrop \-N 1,3 album.tif result.tif
+Invert a bilevel image scan of a microfilmed document and crop off margins of
+0.25 inches on the left and right, 0.5 inch on the top, and 0.75 inch on the
+bottom. From the remaining portion of the image, select the second and third
+quarters, ie, one half of the area left from the center to each margin.
+tiffcrop \-U in \-m 0.5,0.25,0.75,0.25 \-E left \-Z 2:4,3:4 \-I both MicrofilmNegative.tif MicrofilmPostiveCenter.tif
+Extract only the final image of a large Architectural E sized
+multipage TIFF file and rotate it 90 degrees clockwise while
+reformatting the output to fit on tabloid sized sheets with one
+quarter of an inch on each side:
+tiffcrop \-N last \-R 90 \-O auto \-P tabloid \-U in \-J 0.25 \-K 0.25 \-H 300 \-V 300 Big\-PlatMap.tif BigPlatMap\-Tabloid.tif
+The output images will have a specified resolution of 300 dpi in both
+directions. The orientation of each page will be determined by whichever
+choice requires the fewest pages. To specify a specific orientation, use
+the portrait or landscape option. The paper size option does not resample
+the image. It breaks each original image into a series of smaller images
+that will fit on the target paper size at the specified resolution.
+Extract two regions 2048 pixels wide by 2048 pixels high from each page of
+a multi\-page input file and write each region to a separate output file.
+tiffcrop \-U px \-z 1,1,2048,2048:1,2049,2048,4097 \-e separate CheckScans.tiff Check
+The output file names will use the stem Check with a numeric suffix which is
+incremented for each region of each image, eg Check\-001.tiff, Check\-002.tiff ...
+Check\-NNN.tiff. To produce a unique file for each page of the input image
+with one new image for each region of the input image on that page, change
+the export option to \-e multiple.
+In general, bilevel, grayscale, palette and RGB(A) data with bit depths
+from 1 to 32 bits should work in both interleaved and separate plane
+formats. Unlike tiffcp, tiffcrop can read and write tiled images with
+bits per sample that are not a multiple of 8 in both interleaved and
+separate planar format. Floating point data types are supported at
+bit depts of 16, 24, 32 and 64 bits per sample.
+Not all images can be converted from one compression scheme to another.
+Data with some photometric interpretations and/or bit depths are tied to
+specific compression schemes and vice-versa, e.g. Group 3/4 compression
+is only usable for bilevel data. JPEG compression is only useable on 8
+bit per sample data (or 12 bit if
+was compiled with 12 bit JPEG support). Support for OJPEG compressed
+images is problematic at best. Since OJPEG compression is no longer
+supported for writing images with LibTIFF, these images will be updated
+to the newer JPEG compression when they are copied or processed. This
+may cause the image to appear color shifted or distorted after conversion.
+In some cases, it is possible to remove the original compression from
+image data using the option -cnone.
+Tiffcrop does not currently provide options to up or downsample data to
+different bit depths or convert data from one photometric interpretation
+to another, e.g. 16 bits per sample to 8 bits per sample or RGB to grayscale.
+Tiffcrop is very loosely derived from code in
+.I tiffcp
+with extensive modifications and additions to support the selection of input
+images and regions and the exporting of them to one or more output files in
+various groupings. The image manipulation routines are entirely new and
+additional ones may be added in the future. It will handle tiled images with
+bit depths that are not a multiple of eight that tiffcp may refuse to read.
+.I Tiffcrop
+was designed to handle large files containing many moderate sized images
+with memory usage that is independent of the number of images in the file.
+In order to support compression modes that are not based on individual
+scanlines, e.g. JPEG, it now reads images by strip or tile rather than by
+indvidual scanlines. In addition to the memory required by the input and
+output buffers associated with
+one or more buffers at least as large as the largest image to be read are
+required. The design favors large volume document processing uses over
+scientific or graphical manipulation of large datasets as might be found
+in research or remote sensing scenarios.
+.BR pal2rgb (1),
+.BR tiffinfo (1),
+.BR tiffcmp (1),
+.BR tiffcp (1),
+.BR tiffmedian (1),
+.BR tiffsplit (1),
+.BR libtiff (3TIFF)
+Libtiff library home page:
diff --git a/tools/tiffcrop.c b/tools/tiffcrop.c
index 20192921..18027695 100644
--- a/tools/tiffcrop.c
+++ b/tools/tiffcrop.c
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* $Id: tiffcrop.c,v 1.16 2010-03-10 18:56:50 bfriesen Exp $ */
+/* $Id: tiffcrop.c,v 1.17 2010-06-11 22:25:36 bfriesen Exp $ */
/* tiffcrop.c -- a port of tiffcp.c extended to include manipulations of
* the image data through additional options listed below
@@ -327,7 +327,9 @@ struct paperdef {
double asratio;
-/* Paper Size Width Length Aspect Ratio */
+/* European page sizes corrected from update sent by
+ * thomas . jarosch @ intra2net . com on 5/7/2010
+ * Paper Size Width Length Aspect Ratio */
struct paperdef PaperTable[MAX_PAPERNAMES] = {
{"default", 8.500, 14.000, 0.607},
{"pa4", 8.264, 11.000, 0.751},
@@ -352,31 +354,31 @@ struct paperdef PaperTable[MAX_PAPERNAMES] = {
{"envelope-dl", 4.333, 8.681, 0.499},
{"envelope-c5", 6.389, 9.028, 0.708},
{"europostcard", 4.139, 5.833, 0.710},
- {"a0", 33.111, 46.806, 0.707},
- {"a1", 23.389, 33.111, 0.706},
- {"a2", 16.542, 23.389, 0.707},
- {"a3", 11.694, 16.542, 0.707},
- {"a4", 8.264, 11.694, 0.707},
- {"a5", 5.833, 8.264, 0.706},
- {"a6", 4.125, 5.833, 0.707},
- {"a7", 2.917, 4.125, 0.707},
- {"a8", 2.056, 2.917, 0.705},
- {"a9", 1.458, 2.056, 0.709},
- {"a10", 1.014, 1.458, 0.695},
- {"b0", 39.375, 55.667, 0.707},
- {"b1", 27.833, 39.375, 0.707},
- {"b2", 19.681, 27.833, 0.707},
- {"b3", 13.903, 19.681, 0.706},
- {"b4", 9.847, 13.903, 0.708},
- {"b5", 6.931, 9.847, 0.704},
- {"b6", 4.917, 6.931, 0.709},
- {"c0", 36.097, 51.069, 0.707},
- {"c1", 25.514, 36.097, 0.707},
- {"c2", 18.028, 25.514, 0.707},
- {"c3", 12.750, 18.028, 0.707},
- {"c4", 9.014, 12.750, 0.707},
- {"c5", 6.375, 9.014, 0.707},
- {"c6", 4.486, 6.375, 0.704},
+ {"a0", 33.110, 46.811, 0.707},
+ {"a1", 23.386, 33.110, 0.706},
+ {"a2", 16.535, 23.386, 0.707},
+ {"a3", 11.693, 16.535, 0.707},
+ {"a4", 8.268, 11.693, 0.707},
+ {"a5", 5.827, 8.268, 0.705},
+ {"a6", 4.134, 5.827, 0.709},
+ {"a7", 2.913, 4.134, 0.705},
+ {"a8", 2.047, 2.913, 0.703},
+ {"a9", 1.457, 2.047, 0.712},
+ {"a10", 1.024, 1.457, 0.703},
+ {"b0", 39.370, 55.669, 0.707},
+ {"b1", 27.835, 39.370, 0.707},
+ {"b2", 19.685, 27.835, 0.707},
+ {"b3", 13.898, 19.685, 0.706},
+ {"b4", 9.843, 13.898, 0.708},
+ {"b5", 6.929, 9.843, 0.704},
+ {"b6", 4.921, 6.929, 0.710},
+ {"c0", 36.102, 51.063, 0.707},
+ {"c1", 25.512, 36.102, 0.707},
+ {"c2", 18.031, 25.512, 0.707},
+ {"c3", 12.756, 18.031, 0.707},
+ {"c4", 9.016, 12.756, 0.707},
+ {"c5", 6.378, 9.016, 0.707},
+ {"c6", 4.488, 6.378, 0.704},
{"", 0.000, 0.000, 1.000},
@@ -698,6 +700,8 @@ static char* stuff[] = {
" ",
" -O orient orientation for output image, portrait, landscape, auto",
" -P page page size for output image segments, eg letter, legal, tabloid, etc",
+" use #.#x#.# to specify a custom page size in the currently defined units",
+" where #.# represents the width and length",
" -S cols:rows Divide the image into equal sized segments using cols across and rows down.",
" ",
" -F hor|vert|both",
@@ -961,7 +965,7 @@ static int readSeparateTilesIntoBuffer (TIFF* in, uint8 *obuf,
tbuff = (unsigned char *)_TIFFmalloc(tilesize + 8);
if (!tbuff)
- TIFFError ("readSeparateStripsIntoBuffer",
+ TIFFError ("readSeparateTilesIntoBuffer",
"Unable to allocate tile read buffer for sample %d", sample);
for (i = 0; i < sample; i++)
_TIFFfree (srcbuffs[i]);
@@ -1526,7 +1530,7 @@ static struct cpTag {
#define CopyTag(tag, count, type) cpTag(in, out, tag, count, type)
-/* Fucntions written by Richard Nolde, with exceptions noted. */
+/* Functions written by Richard Nolde, with exceptions noted. */
void process_command_opts (int argc, char *argv[], char *mp, char *mode, uint32 *dirnum,
uint16 *defconfig, uint16 *deffillorder, uint32 *deftilewidth,
uint32 *deftilelength, uint32 *defrowsperstrip,
@@ -1898,6 +1902,12 @@ void process_command_opts (int argc, char *argv[], char *mp, char *mode, uint32
case 'P': /* page size selection */
+ if (sscanf(optarg, "%lfx%lf", &page->width, &page->length) == 2)
+ {
+ strcpy (page->name, "Custom");
+ page->mode |= PAGE_MODE_PAPERSIZE;
+ break;
+ }
if (get_page_geometry (optarg, page))
if (!strcmp(optarg, "list"))
@@ -5446,9 +5456,9 @@ computeOutputPixelOffsets (struct crop_mask *crop, struct image_data *image,
struct dump_opts* dump)
double scale;
- uint32 iwidth, ilength; /* Input image width and length */
- uint32 owidth, olength; /* Output image width and length */
- uint32 pwidth, plength; /* Output page width and length */
+ double pwidth, plength; /* Output page width and length in user units*/
+ uint32 iwidth, ilength; /* Input image width and length in pixels*/
+ uint32 owidth, olength; /* Output image width and length in pixels*/
uint32 orows, ocols; /* rows and cols for output */
uint32 hmargin, vmargin; /* Horizontal and vertical margins */
uint32 x1, x2, y1, y2, line_bytes;
@@ -5514,7 +5524,7 @@ computeOutputPixelOffsets (struct crop_mask *crop, struct image_data *image,
"Hmargin: %3.2f, Vmargin: %3.2f\n",
page->name, page->vres, page->hres,
page->hmargin, page->vmargin);
- TIFFError("", "Res_unit: %d, Scale: %3.2f, Page width: %d, length: %d\n",
+ TIFFError("", "Res_unit: %d, Scale: %3.2f, Page width: %3.2f, length: %3.2f\n",
page->res_unit, scale, pwidth, plength);
@@ -5703,8 +5713,77 @@ loadImage(TIFF* in, struct image_data *image, struct dump_opts *dump, unsigned c
res_unit = RESUNIT_INCH;
if (!TIFFGetField(in, TIFFTAG_COMPRESSION, &input_compression))
input_compression = COMPRESSION_NONE;
- scanlinesize = TIFFScanlineSize(in);
+#ifdef DEBUG2
+ char compressionid[16];
+ switch (compression)
+ {
+ case COMPRESSION_NONE: /* 1 dump mode */
+ stcrcpy ("None/dump", compressionid);
+ break;
+ case COMPRESSION_CCITTRLE: /* 2 CCITT modified Huffman RLE */
+ stcrcpy ("Huffman RLE", compressionid);
+ break;
+ case COMPRESSION_CCITTFAX3: /* 3 CCITT Group 3 fax encoding */
+ case COMPRESSION_CCITT_T4: /* 3 CCITT T.4 (TIFF 6 name) */
+ stcrcpy ("Group3 Fax", compressionid);
+ break;
+ case COMPRESSION_CCITTFAX4: /* 4 CCITT Group 4 fax encoding */
+ case COMPRESSION_CCITT_T6: /* 4 CCITT T.6 (TIFF 6 name) */
+ stcrcpy ("Group4 Fax", compressionid);
+ break;
+ case COMPRESSION_LZW: /* 5 Lempel-Ziv & Welch */
+ stcrcpy ("LZW", compressionid);
+ break;
+ case COMPRESSION_OJPEG: /* 6 !6.0 JPEG */
+ stcrcpy ("Old Jpeg", compressionid);
+ break;
+ case COMPRESSION_JPEG: /* 7 %JPEG DCT compression */
+ stcrcpy ("New Jpeg", compressionid);
+ break;
+ case COMPRESSION_NEXT: /* 32766 NeXT 2-bit RLE */
+ stcrcpy ("Next RLE", compressionid);
+ break;
+ case COMPRESSION_CCITTRLEW: /* 32771 #1 w/ word alignment */
+ stcrcpy ("CITTRLEW", compressionid);
+ break;
+ case COMPRESSION_PACKBITS: /* 32773 Macintosh RLE */
+ stcrcpy ("Mac Packbits", compressionid);
+ break;
+ case COMPRESSION_THUNDERSCAN: /* 32809 ThunderScan RLE */
+ stcrcpy ("Thunderscan", compressionid);
+ break;
+ case COMPRESSION_IT8CTPAD: /* 32895 IT8 CT w/padding */
+ stcrcpy ("IT8 padded", compressionid);
+ break;
+ case COMPRESSION_IT8LW: /* 32896 IT8 Linework RLE */
+ stcrcpy ("IT8 RLE", compressionid);
+ break;
+ case COMPRESSION_IT8MP: /* 32897 IT8 Monochrome picture */
+ stcrcpy ("IT8 mono", compressionid);
+ break;
+ case COMPRESSION_IT8BL: /* 32898 IT8 Binary line art */
+ stcrcpy ("IT8 lineart", compressionid);
+ break;
+ case COMPRESSION_PIXARFILM: /* 32908 Pixar companded 10bit LZW */
+ stcrcpy ("Pixar 10 bit", compressionid);
+ break;
+ case COMPRESSION_PIXARLOG: /* 32909 Pixar companded 11bit ZIP */
+ stcrcpy ("Pixar 11bit", compressionid);
+ break;
+ case COMPRESSION_DEFLATE: /* 32946 Deflate compression */
+ stcrcpy ("Deflate", compressionid);
+ break;
+ case COMPRESSION_ADOBE_DEFLATE: /* 8 Deflate compression */
+ stcrcpy ("Adobe deflate", compressionid);
+ break;
+ default:
+ stcrcpy ("None/unknown", compressionid);
+ break;
+ }
+ scanlinesize = TIFFScanlineSize(in);
image->bps = bps;
image->spp = spp;
image->planar = planar;
@@ -5714,6 +5793,55 @@ loadImage(TIFF* in, struct image_data *image, struct dump_opts *dump, unsigned c
image->yres = yres;
image->res_unit = res_unit;
image->photometric = photometric;
+#ifdef DEBUG2
+ char photmetricid[12];
+ switch (photometric)
+ {
+ strcpy (photometricid, "MinIsWhite");
+ break;
+ strcpy (photometricid, "MinIsBlack");
+ break;
+ strcpy (photometricid, "RGB");
+ break;
+ strcpy (photometricid, "Palette");
+ break;
+ strcpy (photometricid, "Mask");
+ break;
+ strcpy (photometricid, "Separated");
+ break;
+ strcpy (photometricid, "YCBCR");
+ break;
+ strcpy (photometricid, "CIELab");
+ break;
+ strcpy (photometricid, "ICCLab");
+ break;
+ strcpy (photometricid, "ITULab");
+ break;
+ strcpy (photometricid, "LogL");
+ break;
+ strcpy (photometricid, "LOGLuv");
+ break;
+ default:
+ strcpy (photometricid, "Unknown");
+ break;
+ }
+ TIFFError("loadImage", "Input photometric interpretation %s", photometricid);
image->orientation = orientation;
switch (orientation)
@@ -6781,6 +6909,12 @@ writeSingleSection(TIFF *in, TIFF *out, struct image_data *image,
TIFFSetField(out, TIFFTAG_PHOTOMETRIC, image->photometric);
+#ifdef DEBUG2
+ TIFFError("writeSingleSection", "Input photometric: %s",
+ (input_photmetric == PHOTMETRIC_RGB) ? "RGB" :
+ ((input_photometric == PHOTOMETRIC_YCBCR) ? "YCbCr" : "Not RGB or YCrCr"));
if (((input_photometric == PHOTOMETRIC_LOGL) ||
(input_photometric == PHOTOMETRIC_LOGLUV)) &&
((compression != COMPRESSION_SGILOG) &&