path: root/rsvg/src/
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Diffstat (limited to 'rsvg/src/')
1 files changed, 525 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rsvg/src/ b/rsvg/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8a10317f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsvg/src/
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+//! The `pattern` element.
+use markup5ever::{expanded_name, local_name, namespace_url, ns};
+use crate::aspect_ratio::*;
+use crate::coord_units::CoordUnits;
+use crate::document::{AcquiredNode, AcquiredNodes, NodeId, NodeStack};
+use crate::drawing_ctx::Viewport;
+use crate::element::{set_attribute, ElementData, ElementTrait};
+use crate::error::*;
+use crate::href::{is_href, set_href};
+use crate::length::*;
+use crate::node::{Node, NodeBorrow, WeakNode};
+use crate::parsers::ParseValue;
+use crate::rect::Rect;
+use crate::session::Session;
+use crate::transform::{Transform, TransformAttribute};
+use crate::unit_interval::UnitInterval;
+use crate::viewbox::*;
+use crate::xml::Attributes;
+coord_units!(PatternUnits, CoordUnits::ObjectBoundingBox);
+coord_units!(PatternContentUnits, CoordUnits::UserSpaceOnUse);
+#[derive(Clone, Default)]
+struct Common {
+ units: Option<PatternUnits>,
+ content_units: Option<PatternContentUnits>,
+ // This Option<Option<ViewBox>> is a bit strange. We want a field
+ // with value None to mean, "this field isn't resolved yet". However,
+ // the vbox can very well be *not* specified in the SVG file.
+ // In that case, the fully resolved pattern will have a .vbox=Some(None) value.
+ vbox: Option<Option<ViewBox>>,
+ preserve_aspect_ratio: Option<AspectRatio>,
+ transform: Option<TransformAttribute>,
+ x: Option<Length<Horizontal>>,
+ y: Option<Length<Vertical>>,
+ width: Option<ULength<Horizontal>>,
+ height: Option<ULength<Vertical>>,
+/// State used during the pattern resolution process
+/// This is the current node's pattern information, plus the fallback
+/// that should be used in case that information is not complete for a
+/// resolved pattern yet.
+struct Unresolved {
+ pattern: UnresolvedPattern,
+ fallback: Option<NodeId>,
+/// Keeps track of which Pattern provided a non-empty set of children during pattern resolution
+enum UnresolvedChildren {
+ /// Points back to the original Pattern if it had no usable children
+ Unresolved,
+ /// Points back to the original Pattern, as no pattern in the
+ /// chain of fallbacks had usable children. This only gets returned
+ /// by resolve_from_defaults().
+ ResolvedEmpty,
+ /// Points back to the Pattern that had usable children.
+ WithChildren(WeakNode),
+/// Keeps track of which Pattern provided a non-empty set of children during pattern resolution
+enum Children {
+ Empty,
+ /// Points back to the Pattern that had usable children
+ WithChildren(WeakNode),
+/// Main structure used during pattern resolution. For unresolved
+/// patterns, we store all fields as Option<T> - if None, it means
+/// that the field is not specified; if Some(T), it means that the
+/// field was specified.
+struct UnresolvedPattern {
+ common: Common,
+ // Point back to our corresponding node, or to the fallback node which has children.
+ // If the value is None, it means we are fully resolved and didn't find any children
+ // among the fallbacks.
+ children: UnresolvedChildren,
+pub struct ResolvedPattern {
+ units: PatternUnits,
+ content_units: PatternContentUnits,
+ vbox: Option<ViewBox>,
+ preserve_aspect_ratio: AspectRatio,
+ transform: TransformAttribute,
+ x: Length<Horizontal>,
+ y: Length<Vertical>,
+ width: ULength<Horizontal>,
+ height: ULength<Vertical>,
+ opacity: UnitInterval,
+ // Link to the node whose children are the pattern's resolved children.
+ children: Children,
+/// Pattern normalized to user-space units.
+pub struct UserSpacePattern {
+ pub width: f64,
+ pub height: f64,
+ pub transform: Transform,
+ pub coord_transform: Transform,
+ pub content_transform: Transform,
+ pub opacity: UnitInterval,
+ // This one is private so the caller has to go through fn acquire_pattern_node()
+ node_with_children: Node,
+pub struct Pattern {
+ common: Common,
+ fallback: Option<NodeId>,
+impl ElementTrait for Pattern {
+ fn set_attributes(&mut self, attrs: &Attributes, session: &Session) {
+ for (attr, value) in attrs.iter() {
+ match attr.expanded() {
+ expanded_name!("", "patternUnits") => {
+ set_attribute(&mut self.common.units, attr.parse(value), session)
+ }
+ expanded_name!("", "patternContentUnits") => {
+ set_attribute(&mut self.common.content_units, attr.parse(value), session);
+ }
+ expanded_name!("", "viewBox") => {
+ set_attribute(&mut self.common.vbox, attr.parse(value), session)
+ }
+ expanded_name!("", "preserveAspectRatio") => {
+ set_attribute(
+ &mut self.common.preserve_aspect_ratio,
+ attr.parse(value),
+ session,
+ );
+ }
+ expanded_name!("", "patternTransform") => {
+ set_attribute(&mut self.common.transform, attr.parse(value), session);
+ }
+ ref a if is_href(a) => {
+ let mut href = None;
+ set_attribute(
+ &mut href,
+ NodeId::parse(value).map(Some).attribute(attr.clone()),
+ session,
+ );
+ set_href(a, &mut self.fallback, href);
+ }
+ expanded_name!("", "x") => {
+ set_attribute(&mut self.common.x, attr.parse(value), session)
+ }
+ expanded_name!("", "y") => {
+ set_attribute(&mut self.common.y, attr.parse(value), session)
+ }
+ expanded_name!("", "width") => {
+ set_attribute(&mut self.common.width, attr.parse(value), session)
+ }
+ expanded_name!("", "height") => {
+ set_attribute(&mut self.common.height, attr.parse(value), session)
+ }
+ _ => (),
+ }
+ }
+ }
+impl UnresolvedPattern {
+ fn into_resolved(self, opacity: UnitInterval) -> ResolvedPattern {
+ assert!(self.is_resolved());
+ ResolvedPattern {
+ units: self.common.units.unwrap(),
+ content_units: self.common.content_units.unwrap(),
+ vbox: self.common.vbox.unwrap(),
+ preserve_aspect_ratio: self.common.preserve_aspect_ratio.unwrap(),
+ transform: self.common.transform.unwrap(),
+ x: self.common.x.unwrap(),
+ y: self.common.y.unwrap(),
+ width: self.common.width.unwrap(),
+ height: self.common.height.unwrap(),
+ opacity,
+ children: self.children.to_resolved(),
+ }
+ }
+ fn is_resolved(&self) -> bool {
+ self.common.units.is_some()
+ && self.common.content_units.is_some()
+ && self.common.vbox.is_some()
+ && self.common.preserve_aspect_ratio.is_some()
+ && self.common.transform.is_some()
+ && self.common.x.is_some()
+ && self.common.y.is_some()
+ && self.common.width.is_some()
+ && self.common.height.is_some()
+ && self.children.is_resolved()
+ }
+ fn resolve_from_fallback(&self, fallback: &UnresolvedPattern) -> UnresolvedPattern {
+ let units = self.common.units.or(fallback.common.units);
+ let content_units = self.common.content_units.or(fallback.common.content_units);
+ let vbox = self.common.vbox.or(fallback.common.vbox);
+ let preserve_aspect_ratio = self
+ .common
+ .preserve_aspect_ratio
+ .or(fallback.common.preserve_aspect_ratio);
+ let transform = self.common.transform.or(fallback.common.transform);
+ let x = self.common.x.or(fallback.common.x);
+ let y = self.common.y.or(fallback.common.y);
+ let width = self.common.width.or(fallback.common.width);
+ let height = self.common.height.or(fallback.common.height);
+ let children = self.children.resolve_from_fallback(&fallback.children);
+ UnresolvedPattern {
+ common: Common {
+ units,
+ content_units,
+ vbox,
+ preserve_aspect_ratio,
+ transform,
+ x,
+ y,
+ width,
+ height,
+ },
+ children,
+ }
+ }
+ fn resolve_from_defaults(&self) -> UnresolvedPattern {
+ let units = self.common.units.or_else(|| Some(PatternUnits::default()));
+ let content_units = self
+ .common
+ .content_units
+ .or_else(|| Some(PatternContentUnits::default()));
+ let vbox = self.common.vbox.or(Some(None));
+ let preserve_aspect_ratio = self
+ .common
+ .preserve_aspect_ratio
+ .or_else(|| Some(AspectRatio::default()));
+ let transform = self
+ .common
+ .transform
+ .or_else(|| Some(TransformAttribute::default()));
+ let x = self.common.x.or_else(|| Some(Default::default()));
+ let y = self.common.y.or_else(|| Some(Default::default()));
+ let width = self.common.width.or_else(|| Some(Default::default()));
+ let height = self.common.height.or_else(|| Some(Default::default()));
+ let children = self.children.resolve_from_defaults();
+ UnresolvedPattern {
+ common: Common {
+ units,
+ content_units,
+ vbox,
+ preserve_aspect_ratio,
+ transform,
+ x,
+ y,
+ width,
+ height,
+ },
+ children,
+ }
+ }
+impl UnresolvedChildren {
+ fn from_node(node: &Node) -> UnresolvedChildren {
+ let weak = node.downgrade();
+ if node.children().any(|child| child.is_element()) {
+ UnresolvedChildren::WithChildren(weak)
+ } else {
+ UnresolvedChildren::Unresolved
+ }
+ }
+ fn is_resolved(&self) -> bool {
+ !matches!(*self, UnresolvedChildren::Unresolved)
+ }
+ fn resolve_from_fallback(&self, fallback: &UnresolvedChildren) -> UnresolvedChildren {
+ use UnresolvedChildren::*;
+ match (self, fallback) {
+ (&Unresolved, &Unresolved) => Unresolved,
+ (WithChildren(wc), _) => WithChildren(wc.clone()),
+ (_, WithChildren(wc)) => WithChildren(wc.clone()),
+ (_, _) => unreachable!(),
+ }
+ }
+ fn resolve_from_defaults(&self) -> UnresolvedChildren {
+ use UnresolvedChildren::*;
+ match *self {
+ Unresolved => ResolvedEmpty,
+ _ => (*self).clone(),
+ }
+ }
+ fn to_resolved(&self) -> Children {
+ use UnresolvedChildren::*;
+ assert!(self.is_resolved());
+ match *self {
+ ResolvedEmpty => Children::Empty,
+ WithChildren(ref wc) => Children::WithChildren(wc.clone()),
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ }
+ }
+fn nonempty_rect(bbox: &Option<Rect>) -> Option<Rect> {
+ match *bbox {
+ None => None,
+ Some(r) if r.is_empty() => None,
+ Some(r) => Some(r),
+ }
+impl ResolvedPattern {
+ fn node_with_children(&self) -> Option<Node> {
+ match self.children {
+ // This means we didn't find any children among the fallbacks,
+ // so there is nothing to render.
+ Children::Empty => None,
+ Children::WithChildren(ref wc) => Some(wc.upgrade().unwrap()),
+ }
+ }
+ fn get_rect(&self, params: &NormalizeParams) -> Rect {
+ let x = self.x.to_user(params);
+ let y = self.y.to_user(params);
+ let w = self.width.to_user(params);
+ let h = self.height.to_user(params);
+ Rect::new(x, y, x + w, y + h)
+ }
+ pub fn to_user_space(
+ &self,
+ object_bbox: &Option<Rect>,
+ viewport: &Viewport,
+ values: &NormalizeValues,
+ ) -> Option<UserSpacePattern> {
+ let node_with_children = self.node_with_children()?;
+ let view_params = viewport.with_units(self.units.0);
+ let params = NormalizeParams::from_values(values, &view_params);
+ let rect = self.get_rect(&params);
+ // Create the pattern coordinate system
+ let (width, height, coord_transform) = match self.units {
+ PatternUnits(CoordUnits::ObjectBoundingBox) => {
+ let bbrect = nonempty_rect(object_bbox)?;
+ (
+ rect.width() * bbrect.width(),
+ rect.height() * bbrect.height(),
+ Transform::new_translate(
+ bbrect.x0 + rect.x0 * bbrect.width(),
+ bbrect.y0 + rect.y0 * bbrect.height(),
+ ),
+ )
+ }
+ PatternUnits(CoordUnits::UserSpaceOnUse) => (
+ rect.width(),
+ rect.height(),
+ Transform::new_translate(rect.x0, rect.y0),
+ ),
+ };
+ let pattern_transform = self.transform.to_transform();
+ let coord_transform = coord_transform.post_transform(&pattern_transform);
+ // Create the pattern contents coordinate system
+ let content_transform = if let Some(vbox) = self.vbox {
+ // If there is a vbox, use that
+ let r = self
+ .preserve_aspect_ratio
+ .compute(&vbox, &Rect::from_size(width, height));
+ let sw = r.width() / vbox.width();
+ let sh = r.height() / vbox.height();
+ let x = r.x0 - vbox.x0 * sw;
+ let y = r.y0 - vbox.y0 * sh;
+ Transform::new_scale(sw, sh).pre_translate(x, y)
+ } else {
+ match self.content_units {
+ PatternContentUnits(CoordUnits::ObjectBoundingBox) => {
+ let bbrect = nonempty_rect(object_bbox)?;
+ Transform::new_scale(bbrect.width(), bbrect.height())
+ }
+ PatternContentUnits(CoordUnits::UserSpaceOnUse) => Transform::identity(),
+ }
+ };
+ Some(UserSpacePattern {
+ width,
+ height,
+ transform: pattern_transform,
+ coord_transform,
+ content_transform,
+ opacity: self.opacity,
+ node_with_children,
+ })
+ }
+impl UserSpacePattern {
+ /// Gets the `<pattern>` node that contains the children to be drawn for the pattern's contents.
+ ///
+ /// This has to go through [AcquiredNodes] to catch circular references among
+ /// patterns and their children.
+ pub fn acquire_pattern_node(
+ &self,
+ acquired_nodes: &mut AcquiredNodes<'_>,
+ ) -> Result<AcquiredNode, AcquireError> {
+ acquired_nodes.acquire_ref(&self.node_with_children)
+ }
+impl Pattern {
+ fn get_unresolved(&self, node: &Node) -> Unresolved {
+ let pattern = UnresolvedPattern {
+ common: self.common.clone(),
+ children: UnresolvedChildren::from_node(node),
+ };
+ Unresolved {
+ pattern,
+ fallback: self.fallback.clone(),
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn resolve(
+ &self,
+ node: &Node,
+ acquired_nodes: &mut AcquiredNodes<'_>,
+ opacity: UnitInterval,
+ session: &Session,
+ ) -> Result<ResolvedPattern, AcquireError> {
+ let Unresolved {
+ mut pattern,
+ mut fallback,
+ } = self.get_unresolved(node);
+ let mut stack = NodeStack::new();
+ while !pattern.is_resolved() {
+ if let Some(ref node_id) = fallback {
+ match acquired_nodes.acquire(node_id) {
+ Ok(acquired) => {
+ let acquired_node = acquired.get();
+ if stack.contains(acquired_node) {
+ return Err(AcquireError::CircularReference(acquired_node.clone()));
+ }
+ match *acquired_node.borrow_element_data() {
+ ElementData::Pattern(ref p) => {
+ let unresolved = p.get_unresolved(acquired_node);
+ pattern = pattern.resolve_from_fallback(&unresolved.pattern);
+ fallback = unresolved.fallback;
+ stack.push(acquired_node);
+ }
+ _ => return Err(AcquireError::InvalidLinkType(node_id.clone())),
+ }
+ }
+ Err(AcquireError::MaxReferencesExceeded) => {
+ return Err(AcquireError::MaxReferencesExceeded)
+ }
+ Err(e) => {
+ rsvg_log!(session, "Stopping pattern resolution: {}", e);
+ pattern = pattern.resolve_from_defaults();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ pattern = pattern.resolve_from_defaults();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(pattern.into_resolved(opacity))
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ use crate::node::NodeData;
+ use markup5ever::{namespace_url, ns, QualName};
+ #[test]
+ fn pattern_resolved_from_defaults_is_really_resolved() {
+ let node = Node::new(NodeData::new_element(
+ &Session::default(),
+ &QualName::new(None, ns!(svg), local_name!("pattern")),
+ Attributes::new(),
+ ));
+ let unresolved = borrow_element_as!(node, Pattern).get_unresolved(&node);
+ let pattern = unresolved.pattern.resolve_from_defaults();
+ assert!(pattern.is_resolved());
+ }