path: root/doc/api/tmpl/gphoto2-camera.sgml
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Diffstat (limited to 'doc/api/tmpl/gphoto2-camera.sgml')
1 files changed, 569 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/api/tmpl/gphoto2-camera.sgml b/doc/api/tmpl/gphoto2-camera.sgml
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+++ b/doc/api/tmpl/gphoto2-camera.sgml
@@ -0,0 +1,569 @@
+<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
+<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
+The structure giving you access to your camera
+<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
+This section describes the operations that you can perform on a #Camera.
+Error reporting can be performed using #gp_camera_set_error and #gp_camera_get_error. Before a camera driver generates any error, it should use #gp_camera_set_error to explain why the error occurred and how it can be resolved.
+ <example>
+ <title>Error reporting</title>
+ <programlisting>
+ char c;
+ int result;
+ /*
+ *If any error occurs here, just pass it along because
+ * the error hasn't been generated here.
+ */
+ result = #gp_port_read (camera->port, &amp;c, 1);
+ if (result < 0)
+ return (result);
+ if (c != 0x05) {
+ /* Unrecoverable error. Generate an error. */
+ #gp_camera_set_error (camera, _("'0x%x' has been received, but "
+ "0x05 has been expected. Error recovery is not possible in "
+ "this situation. Please reset your camera."));
+ }
+ </programlisting>
+ </example>
+ The frontend can now query the error using #gp_camera_get_error. Note that,
+ in the following example, we explicitly clear the error before calling
+ the function that could generate an error.
+ <example>
+ <title>Querying errors</title>
+ <programlisting>
+ int result;
+ #CameraText text;
+ #gp_camera_set_error (camera, NULL);
+ result = gp_camera_get_about (camera, &amp;text);
+ if (result < 0)
+ printf ("Error ('%s'): '%s'", #gp_result_as_string (result),
+ #gp_camera_get_error (camera));
+ </programlisting>
+ </example>
+<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
+#CameraFilesystem, #GPPort
+<!-- ##### USER_FUNCTION CameraExitFunc ##### -->
+ Implement this function in camera drivers if you need to clean up on
+ exit. You need this function for example if you use camera->pl and
+ allocated memory for that on #camera_init. Then, you would free the
+ memory here.
+@camera: a #Camera
+@Returns: a GPhoto2 error code
+<!-- ##### USER_FUNCTION CameraGetConfigFunc ##### -->
+ Implement this function if your camera supports some configuration
+ operations (like adjusting exposure).
+@camera: a #Camera
+@Returns: a GPhoto2 error code
+<!-- ##### USER_FUNCTION CameraSetConfigFunc ##### -->
+ If you implement the #CameraGetConfigFunc, you should also implement this
+ function in order to make it possible for frontends to actually adjust
+ configuration options. Parse the @widget tree and check for each item
+ if the value has been changed (using #gp_widget_changed). If this is the
+ case, adjust this configuration option on the camera.
+@camera: a #Camera
+@widget: a #CameraWidget created by #gp_camera_get_config
+@Returns: a GPhoto2 error code
+<!-- ##### USER_FUNCTION CameraCaptureFunc ##### -->
+ Implement this function if your camera supports remote capturing of images.
+ When capturing an image, this image needs to be saved on the camera. The
+ location of the image on the camera should then be written into
+ supplied @path so that the frontend will know where to get the
+ newly captured image from. Don't forget to tell the #CameraFilesystem
+ (camera->fs) that a new picture is on the camera using
+ #gp_filesystem_append.
+@camera: a #Camera
+@type: a #CameraCaptureType
+@path: a #CameraFilePath
+@Returns: a GPhoto2 error code
+<!-- ##### USER_FUNCTION CameraCapturePreviewFunc ##### -->
+ Implement this function if your camera supports capturing
+ previews of low resolution. Those previews must not be stored on the camera.
+ They need to be written to the supplied @file (using for example
+ #gp_file_set_data_and_size).
+@camera: a #Camera
+@file: a #CameraFile
+@Returns: a GPhoto2 error code
+<!-- ##### USER_FUNCTION CameraSummaryFunc ##### -->
+ Implement this function if your camera provides static information and
+ non-configurable data like serial number or number of pictures taken. All
+ configurable data should be displayed through #CameraGetConfigFunc
+ instead.
+@camera: a #Camera
+@text: a #CameraText
+@Returns: a GPhoto2 error code
+<!-- ##### USER_FUNCTION CameraManualFunc ##### -->
+ Implement this function if you need to give the user instructions on
+ how to use his camera. Here, you can for example inform the user about known
+ limitations of the protocol.
+@camera: a #Camera
+@text: a #CameraText
+@Returns: a GPhoto2 error code
+<!-- ##### USER_FUNCTION CameraAboutFunc ##### -->
+ Implement this function if you want to give frontends the possibility to
+ inform users who wrote this driver or who contributed to it.
+@camera: a #Camera
+@text: a #CameraText
+@Returns: a GPhoto2 error code
+<!-- ##### USER_FUNCTION CameraPrePostFunc ##### -->
+<!-- ##### STRUCT CameraPrivateLibrary ##### -->
+<!-- ##### STRUCT CameraPrivateCore ##### -->
+<!-- ##### TYPEDEF CameraText ##### -->
+<!-- ##### STRUCT CameraFunctions ##### -->
+ Those functions are optionally. Depending on the features of the protocol,
+ you would implement some functions and leave others out. Tell gphoto2
+ what functions you provide on #camera_init.
+<!-- ##### STRUCT Camera ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION gp_camera_new ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION gp_camera_ref ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION gp_camera_unref ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION gp_camera_free ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION gp_camera_set_abilities ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION gp_camera_get_abilities ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION gp_camera_set_port_info ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION gp_camera_get_port_info ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION gp_camera_get_port_speed ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION gp_camera_set_port_speed ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION gp_camera_init ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION gp_camera_exit ##### -->
+<!-- ##### TYPEDEF CameraFilePath ##### -->
+<!-- ##### ENUM CameraCaptureType ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION gp_camera_capture ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION gp_camera_capture_preview ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION gp_camera_get_config ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION gp_camera_set_config ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION gp_camera_folder_list_files ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION gp_camera_folder_list_folders ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION gp_camera_folder_put_file ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION gp_camera_folder_delete_all ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION gp_camera_folder_make_dir ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION gp_camera_folder_remove_dir ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION gp_camera_file_get ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION gp_camera_file_delete ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION gp_camera_file_get_info ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION gp_camera_file_set_info ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION gp_camera_get_manual ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION gp_camera_get_summary ##### -->
+<!-- ##### FUNCTION gp_camera_get_about ##### -->