path: root/
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* cmake: BUILD_CLAR is now BUILD_TESTSethomson/clar_no_moreEdward Thomson2021-10-171-1/+1
| | | | | Nobody knows what CLAR is. The test building option should be `BUILD_TESTS`.
* Update README.mdshijing2021-09-121-0/+1
| | | Add git24j to the language bindings
* README: update build badges for our branchesEdward Thomson2021-09-051-1/+1
* README: link to more information about cmakeEdward Thomson2021-07-301-0/+2
* README: not FreenodeEdward Thomson2021-06-251-1/+2
* Update for additional Delphi bindingstodaysoftware2021-03-261-0/+1
| | | Delphi/Free pascal bindings targeting the latest version of libgit2
* README: it's actually our main branchEdward Thomson2021-03-041-3/+3
| | | | [skip ci]
* Add new bindings for the R languageJeroen Ooms2021-02-111-0/+1
* README: instructions for using libgit2 without compilingethomson/readmeEdward Thomson2021-01-071-0/+23
* README: show v1.1 build statusEdward Thomson2020-12-131-1/+1
* ci: only report main branch in README statusEdward Thomson2020-11-241-1/+1
* docs: update README with updated build linksEdward Thomson2020-11-231-2/+2
* Update README.mdA-Ovchinnikov-mx2020-05-111-0/+15
| | | Add instructions for building libgit2 in MinGW environment
* update build matrix to reflect our latest releasesPatrick Steinhardt2020-04-011-1/+1
* cmake: use install directories provided via GNUInstallDirsPatrick Steinhardt2020-03-141-3/+3
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | We currently hand-code logic to configure where to install our artifacts via the `LIB_INSTALL_DIR`, `INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR` and `BIN_INSTALL_DIR` variables. This is reinventing the wheel, as CMake already provide a way to do that via `CMAKE_INSTALL_<DIR>` paths, e.g. `CMAKE_INSTALL_LIB`. This requires users of libgit2 to know about the discrepancy and will require special hacks for any build systems that handle these variables in an automated way. One such example is Gentoo Linux, which sets up these paths in both the cmake and cmake-utils eclass. So let's stop doing that: the GNUInstallDirs module handles it in a better way for us, especially so as the actual values are dependent on CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX. This commit removes our own set of variables and instead refers users to use the standard ones. As a second benefit, this commit also fixes our pkgconfig generation to use the GNUInstallDirs module. We had a bug there where we ignored the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX when configuring the libdir and includedir keys, so if libdir was set to "lib64", then libdir would be an invalid path. With GNUInstallDirs, we can now use `CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_LIBDIR`, which handles the prefix for us.
* README: add language binding link to wasm-gitPeter Salomonsen2020-02-231-0/+2
* README: update our build matrix to reflect current releasesPatrick Steinhardt2020-02-191-2/+1
| | | | | | As noted in docs/, we only provide security updates for the latest two releases. Let's thus drop the build status of both v0.27 and v0.26 branches, adding the new v0.99 branch instead.
* Update link to Julia libgit2ayush-15062020-01-301-1/+1
* Update chat resources in README.mdDrew DeVault2019-09-151-4/+4
* Fix broken link in READMEEric Huss2019-06-201-1/+1
* split out security-relevant bits from readmePatrick Steinhardt2019-05-241-3/+1
| | | | | | | | | | GitHub has recently introduced a new set of tools that aims to ease the process around vulnerability reports and security fixes. Part of those tools is a new security tab for projects that will display contents from a new file. Move relevant parts from to this new file to make use of this feature.
* Update URL to git2-rsDominik Ritter2019-03-051-1/+1
* README: use correct badge for nightliesEdward Thomson2019-02-131-1/+1
| | | | | The URL was incorrect for the nightly badge image; it was erroneously showing the master branch continuous integration build badge.
* README: include build badge for v0.28 buildsEdward Thomson2019-02-121-0/+1
| | | | Include a build badge for `maint/v0.28` builds.
* ci: add coverity badge to the READMEEdward Thomson2019-01-281-1/+1
* Use cdecl calling conventions on Win32Edward Thomson2019-01-171-1/+0
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | The recommendation from engineers within Microsoft is that libraries should have a calling convention specified in the public API, and that calling convention should be cdecl unless there are strong reasons to use a different calling convention. We previously offered end-users the choice between cdecl and stdcall calling conventions. We did this for presumed wider compatibility: most Windows applications will use cdecl, but C# and PInvoke default to stdcall for WINAPI compatibility. (On Windows, the standard library functions are are stdcall so PInvoke also defaults to stdcall.) However, C# and PInvoke can easily call cdecl APIs by specifying an annotation. Thus, we will explicitly declare ourselves cdecl and remove the option to build as stdcall.
* README: add maint/v0.26 branch statusethomson/badgificationEdward Thomson2018-09-221-0/+1
* README: more CI status badgesEdward Thomson2018-09-221-2/+5
* README: rename "VSTS" to "Azure DevOps"ethomson/ci-renameEdward Thomson2018-09-181-2/+2
| | | | | Visual Studio Team Services is now a family of applications named "Azure DevOps". Update the README to refer to it thusly.
* README: update the build badge to Azure PipelinesEdward Thomson2018-09-181-1/+1
| | | | | VSTS is now a family of components; "Azure Pipelines" is the build and release pipeline application.
* README: remove travisethomson/travisEdward Thomson2018-09-031-1/+0
* readme: remove appveyor build badgeEdward Thomson2018-08-091-1/+0
* ci: add VSTS build badge to READMEethomson/vsts-build-badgeEdward Thomson2018-08-021-0/+1
* detail how to list all build optionsPatrick Steinhardt2018-05-301-0/+9
| | | | | | | We do not list all build options inside of the, and we definitly shouldn't do so. But in order to help people discover what can be configured, add instructions on how to have CMake generate the list of all knobs together with their current value.
* fix link to `test_index_racy__diff`Patrick Steinhardt2018-05-301-1/+1
| | | | | The syntax for links is `[description](link)z, not the other way round. Fix this.
* docs: reorganize documentsPatrick Steinhardt2018-05-301-7/+7
| | | | | | | | | | Our non-technical documents are currently floating around loosely in our project's root, making it harden than necessary to discover what one is searching for. We do have a "docs/" directory, though, which serves exactly that purpose of hosting documentation. Move our non-technical documentation into the "docs/" directory. Adjust all links to these documents.
* add table of contentsPatrick Steinhardt2018-05-301-0/+21
| | | | | | | By now, our README has grown quite long, and at multiple occassions people were unable to find the correct spot in our documentation. Add a table of contents to at least present an overview over all topics that are being covered by our README.
* add notes on how to report security issuesPatrick Steinhardt2018-01-291-0/+6
* README: add up some marketingEdward Thomson2017-11-241-2/+14
* README: document test outputEdward Thomson2017-11-241-0/+10
* README: clarify why one would run libgit2_clarEdward Thomson2017-11-241-0/+23
| | | | | | Since we recommend `ctest -V`, it's not clear why somebody would want to run `libgit2_clar`. Indicate that it's helpful when running individual tests or suites.
* README: provide quick start paragraphEdward Thomson2017-11-241-0/+24
| | | | | Provide a very simple quick start paragraph that highlights how easy it is to get started, and points people toward common problems.
* README: drop VS command shell instructionsEdward Thomson2017-11-241-10/+0
| | | | | Users should not be advised to use the VS command prompt; instead, they should let cmake find their Visual Studio installation.
* README: suggest `ctest -V` for getting startedEdward Thomson2017-11-241-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | | Suggest that users run `ctest -V` instead of `make test` when getting started. `ctest -V` is superior over alternatives as: 1. Unlike `make test`, it gives output. Users getting started with the library believe that it is hung. 2. `ctest -V` shows verbose output; showing suite names is helpful for giving users more feedback immediately.
* README: Mention Guile-Git bindings.Mathieu Othacehe2017-09-091-0/+2
* Update README: VS -> VSTSethomson/vs_to_vstsEdward Thomson2017-05-111-4/+3
| | | | | libgit2 is no longer used in Visual Studio Team Services, it's used in Visual Studio Team Services.
* README: document our relation to changes in upstreamPatrick Steinhardt2017-04-111-0/+10
| | | | | | libgit2 is a mere consumer of changes which are trickling down from the upstream git.git project. This commit documents the ramifications caused by this relation.
* README: Mention how to run testsRichard Ipsum2017-03-051-0/+8
* Merge pull request #4037 from libgit2/cmn/goalsCarlos Martín Nieto2016-12-201-3/+11
|\ | | | | README: be more explicit in the goals and scope
| * README: be more explicit in the goals and scopecmn/goalsCarlos Martín Nieto2016-12-191-3/+11
| | | | | | | | | | Make it clearer from the get-go that we do not aim to implement user-facing commands from the git tool.