path: root/src/util/win32
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/util/win32')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 308 deletions
diff --git a/src/util/win32/findfile.c b/src/util/win32/findfile.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 725a90167..000000000
--- a/src/util/win32/findfile.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,286 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) the libgit2 contributors. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This file is part of libgit2, distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with
- * a Linking Exception. For full terms see the included COPYING file.
- */
-#include "findfile.h"
-#include "path_w32.h"
-#include "utf-conv.h"
-#include "fs_path.h"
-#define REG_GITFORWINDOWS_KEY L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\Git_is1"
-#define REG_GITFORWINDOWS_KEY_WOW64 L"SOFTWARE\\Wow6432Node\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\Git_is1"
-static int git_win32__expand_path(git_win32_path dest, const wchar_t *src)
- DWORD len = ExpandEnvironmentStringsW(src, dest, GIT_WIN_PATH_UTF16);
- if (!len || len > GIT_WIN_PATH_UTF16)
- return -1;
- return 0;
-static int win32_path_to_8(git_str *dest, const wchar_t *src)
- git_win32_utf8_path utf8_path;
- if (git_win32_path_to_utf8(utf8_path, src) < 0) {
- git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_OS, "unable to convert path to UTF-8");
- return -1;
- }
- /* Convert backslashes to forward slashes */
- git_fs_path_mkposix(utf8_path);
- return git_str_sets(dest, utf8_path);
-static git_win32_path mock_registry;
-static bool mock_registry_set;
-extern int git_win32__set_registry_system_dir(const wchar_t *mock_sysdir)
- if (!mock_sysdir) {
- mock_registry[0] = L'\0';
- mock_registry_set = false;
- } else {
- size_t len = wcslen(mock_sysdir);
- if (len > GIT_WIN_PATH_MAX) {
- git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_INVALID, "mock path too long");
- return -1;
- }
- wcscpy(mock_registry, mock_sysdir);
- mock_registry_set = true;
- }
- return 0;
-static int lookup_registry_key(
- git_win32_path out,
- const HKEY hive,
- const wchar_t* key,
- const wchar_t *value)
- HKEY hkey;
- DWORD type, size;
- int error = GIT_ENOTFOUND;
- /*
- * Registry data may not be NUL terminated, provide room to do
- * it ourselves.
- */
- size = (DWORD)((sizeof(git_win32_path) - 1) * sizeof(wchar_t));
- if (RegOpenKeyExW(hive, key, 0, KEY_READ, &hkey) != 0)
- if (RegQueryValueExW(hkey, value, NULL, &type, (LPBYTE)out, &size) == 0 &&
- type == REG_SZ &&
- size > 0 &&
- size < sizeof(git_win32_path)) {
- size_t wsize = size / sizeof(wchar_t);
- size_t len = wsize - 1;
- if (out[wsize - 1] != L'\0') {
- len = wsize;
- out[wsize] = L'\0';
- }
- if (out[len - 1] == L'\\')
- out[len - 1] = L'\0';
- if (_waccess(out, F_OK) == 0)
- error = 0;
- }
- RegCloseKey(hkey);
- return error;
-static int find_sysdir_in_registry(git_win32_path out)
- if (mock_registry_set) {
- if (mock_registry[0] == L'\0')
- wcscpy(out, mock_registry);
- return 0;
- }
- if (lookup_registry_key(out, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, REG_GITFORWINDOWS_KEY, L"InstallLocation") == 0 ||
- lookup_registry_key(out, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, REG_GITFORWINDOWS_KEY_WOW64, L"InstallLocation") == 0 ||
- lookup_registry_key(out, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REG_GITFORWINDOWS_KEY, L"InstallLocation") == 0 ||
- lookup_registry_key(out, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REG_GITFORWINDOWS_KEY_WOW64, L"InstallLocation") == 0)
- return 0;
-static int find_sysdir_in_path(git_win32_path out)
- size_t out_len;
- if (git_win32_path_find_executable(out, L"git.exe") < 0 &&
- git_win32_path_find_executable(out, L"git.cmd") < 0)
- out_len = wcslen(out);
- /* Trim the file name */
- if (out_len <= CONST_STRLEN(L"git.exe"))
- out_len -= CONST_STRLEN(L"git.exe");
- if (out_len && out[out_len - 1] == L'\\')
- out_len--;
- /*
- * Git for Windows usually places the command in a 'bin' or
- * 'cmd' directory, trim that.
- */
- if (out_len >= CONST_STRLEN(L"\\bin") &&
- wcsncmp(&out[out_len - CONST_STRLEN(L"\\bin")], L"\\bin", CONST_STRLEN(L"\\bin")) == 0)
- out_len -= CONST_STRLEN(L"\\bin");
- else if (out_len >= CONST_STRLEN(L"\\cmd") &&
- wcsncmp(&out[out_len - CONST_STRLEN(L"\\cmd")], L"\\cmd", CONST_STRLEN(L"\\cmd")) == 0)
- out_len -= CONST_STRLEN(L"\\cmd");
- if (!out_len)
- out[out_len] = L'\0';
- return 0;
-static int win32_find_existing_dirs(
- git_str* out,
- const wchar_t* tmpl[])
- git_win32_path path16;
- git_str buf = GIT_STR_INIT;
- git_str_clear(out);
- for (; *tmpl != NULL; tmpl++) {
- if (!git_win32__expand_path(path16, *tmpl) &&
- path16[0] != L'%' &&
- !_waccess(path16, F_OK)) {
- win32_path_to_8(&buf, path16);
- if (buf.size)
- git_str_join(out, GIT_PATH_LIST_SEPARATOR, out->ptr, buf.ptr);
- }
- }
- git_str_dispose(&buf);
- return (git_str_oom(out) ? -1 : 0);
-static int append_subdir(git_str *out, git_str *path, const char *subdir)
- static const char* architecture_roots[] = {
- "",
- "mingw64",
- "mingw32",
- };
- const char **root;
- size_t orig_path_len = path->size;
- for (root = architecture_roots; *root; root++) {
- if ((*root[0] && git_str_joinpath(path, path->ptr, *root) < 0) ||
- git_str_joinpath(path, path->ptr, subdir) < 0)
- return -1;
- if (git_fs_path_exists(path->ptr) &&
- git_str_join(out, GIT_PATH_LIST_SEPARATOR, out->ptr, path->ptr) < 0)
- return -1;
- git_str_truncate(path, orig_path_len);
- }
- return 0;
-int git_win32__find_system_dirs(git_str *out, const char *subdir)
- git_win32_path pathdir, regdir;
- git_str path8 = GIT_STR_INIT;
- bool has_pathdir, has_regdir;
- int error;
- has_pathdir = (find_sysdir_in_path(pathdir) == 0);
- has_regdir = (find_sysdir_in_registry(regdir) == 0);
- if (!has_pathdir && !has_regdir)
- return 0;
- /*
- * Usually the git in the path is the same git in the registry,
- * in this case there's no need to duplicate the paths.
- */
- if (has_pathdir && has_regdir && wcscmp(pathdir, regdir) == 0)
- has_regdir = false;
- if (has_pathdir) {
- if ((error = win32_path_to_8(&path8, pathdir)) < 0 ||
- (error = append_subdir(out, &path8, subdir)) < 0)
- goto done;
- }
- if (has_regdir) {
- if ((error = win32_path_to_8(&path8, regdir)) < 0 ||
- (error = append_subdir(out, &path8, subdir)) < 0)
- goto done;
- }
- git_str_dispose(&path8);
- return error;
-int git_win32__find_global_dirs(git_str *out)
- static const wchar_t *global_tmpls[4] = {
- L"%HOME%\\",
- };
- return win32_find_existing_dirs(out, global_tmpls);
-int git_win32__find_xdg_dirs(git_str *out)
- static const wchar_t *global_tmpls[7] = {
- L"%XDG_CONFIG_HOME%\\git",
- L"%APPDATA%\\git",
- L"%HOME%\\.config\\git",
- L"%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%\\.config\\git",
- L"%USERPROFILE%\\.config\\git",
- };
- return win32_find_existing_dirs(out, global_tmpls);
-int git_win32__find_programdata_dirs(git_str *out)
- static const wchar_t *programdata_tmpls[2] = {
- };
- return win32_find_existing_dirs(out, programdata_tmpls);
diff --git a/src/util/win32/findfile.h b/src/util/win32/findfile.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b191d1fe..000000000
--- a/src/util/win32/findfile.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) the libgit2 contributors. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This file is part of libgit2, distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with
- * a Linking Exception. For full terms see the included COPYING file.
- */
-#ifndef INCLUDE_win32_findfile_h__
-#define INCLUDE_win32_findfile_h__
-#include "git2_util.h"
-/** Sets the mock registry root for Git for Windows for testing. */
-extern int git_win32__set_registry_system_dir(const wchar_t *mock_sysdir);
-extern int git_win32__find_system_dirs(git_str *out, const char *subpath);
-extern int git_win32__find_global_dirs(git_str *out);
-extern int git_win32__find_xdg_dirs(git_str *out);
-extern int git_win32__find_programdata_dirs(git_str *out);