diff options
authorPhilip Withnall <>2019-06-25 11:53:03 +0000
committerPhilip Withnall <>2019-06-25 11:53:03 +0000
commit4040bb06e1473be10601c88c92868f39d1958349 (patch)
parent79e5446e3123837911c77abafac759b29cb09d81 (diff)
parentce21b620b7c2260a05631a865ee4a5773497ec0a (diff)
Merge branch 'drop-autotools' into 'master'
build: Drop autotools build system Closes #27 See merge request GNOME/libgdata!8
19 files changed, 0 insertions, 3171 deletions
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c8727ff..00000000
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-language: c
-sudo: required
- # test installation
-dist: trusty
-- sudo apt-get update
-- sudo apt-get build-dep libgdata-dev
-- ./ && ./configure && make -j8 && make -j8 check && sudo make install
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b589b31..00000000
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-This is a placeholder ChangeLog; the real one is generated from `git log` at
-dist time.
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index 144e54e7..00000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,867 +0,0 @@
-SUBDIRS = . po docs gdata/tests
-# Marshalling
- gdata/gdata-marshal.c \
- gdata/gdata-marshal.h
-gdata/gdata-marshal.h: $(top_srcdir)/gdata/gdata-marshal.list
- $(AM_V_GEN) $(GLIB_GENMARSHAL) --prefix=gdata_marshal --header $< > $@
-gdata/gdata-marshal.c: $(top_srcdir)/gdata/gdata-marshal.list gdata/gdata-marshal.h
- $(AM_V_GEN) $(GLIB_GENMARSHAL) --prefix=gdata_marshal --header --body $< > $@
-EXTRA_DIST += $(top_srcdir)/gdata/gdata-marshal.list
-# Enums
- gdata/gdata-enums.c \
- gdata/gdata-enums.h \
- gdata/media/gdata-media-enums.c \
- gdata/media/gdata-media-enums.h \
- gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-enums.c \
- gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-enums.h \
- gdata/services/freebase/gdata-freebase-enums.c \
- gdata/services/freebase/gdata-freebase-enums.h \
- gdata/services/picasaweb/gdata-picasaweb-enums.c \
- gdata/services/picasaweb/gdata-picasaweb-enums.h \
- gdata/services/youtube/gdata-youtube-enums.c \
- gdata/services/youtube/gdata-youtube-enums.h
-gdata/gdata-enums.h: $(gdata_headers) Makefile
- --fhead "#ifndef GDATA_ENUMS_H\n#define GDATA_ENUMS_H\n\n#include <glib-object.h>\n\nG_BEGIN_DECLS\n" \
- --fprod "/* enumerations from \"@filename@\" */\n" \
- --vhead "GType @enum_name@_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;\n#define GDATA_TYPE_@ENUMSHORT@ (@enum_name@_get_type())\n" \
- --ftail "G_END_DECLS\n\n#endif /* !GDATA_ENUMS_H */" $(addprefix $(srcdir)/,$(gdata_headers)) > gdata/gdata-enums.h.tmp \
- && sed "s/g_data/gdata/" gdata/gdata-enums.h.tmp > gdata/gdata-enums.h \
- && rm -f gdata/gdata-enums.h.tmp)
-gdata/gdata-enums.c: $(gdata_headers) Makefile gdata/gdata-enums.h
- --fhead "#include \"gdata-service.h\"\n#include \"gdata-parsable.h\"\n#include \"gdata-batch-operation.h\"\n#include \"gdata-enums.h\"\n#include \"gdata-client-login-authorizer.h\"" \
- --fprod "\n/* enumerations from \"@filename@\" */" \
- --vhead "GType\n@enum_name@_get_type (void)\n{\n static GType etype = 0;\n if (etype == 0) {\n static const G@Type@Value values[] = {" \
- --vprod " { @VALUENAME@, \"@VALUENAME@\", \"@valuenick@\" }," \
- --vtail " { 0, NULL, NULL }\n };\n etype = g_@type@_register_static (\"@EnumName@\", values);\n }\n return etype;\n}\n" \
- $(addprefix $(srcdir)/,$(gdata_headers)) > gdata/gdata-enums.c.tmp \
- && sed "s/g_data/gdata/" gdata/gdata-enums.c.tmp > gdata/gdata-enums.c \
- && rm -f gdata/gdata-enums.c.tmp)
-gdata/media/gdata-media-enums.h: $(gdata_media_headers) Makefile
- --fhead "#ifndef GDATA_MEDIA_ENUMS_H\n#define GDATA_MEDIA_ENUMS_H\n\n#include <glib-object.h>\n\nG_BEGIN_DECLS\n" \
- --fprod "/* enumerations from \"@filename@\" */\n" \
- --vhead "GType @enum_name@_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;\n#define GDATA_TYPE_@ENUMSHORT@ (@enum_name@_get_type())\n" \
- --ftail "G_END_DECLS\n\n#endif /* !GDATA_MEDIA_ENUMS_H */" \
- $(addprefix $(srcdir)/,$(gdata_media_headers)) > gdata/media/gdata-media-enums.h.tmp \
- && sed "s/g_data/gdata/" gdata/media/gdata-media-enums.h.tmp > gdata/media/gdata-media-enums.h.tmp2 \
- && sed "s/GDATA_TYPE_DATA/GDATA_TYPE/" gdata/media/gdata-media-enums.h.tmp2 > gdata/media/gdata-media-enums.h \
- && rm -f gdata/media/gdata-media-enums.h.tmp \
- && rm -f gdata/media/gdata-media-enums.h.tmp2)
-gdata/media/gdata-media-enums.c: $(gdata_media_headers) Makefile gdata/media/gdata-media-enums.h
- --fhead "#include \"gdata-media-content.h\"\n#include \"gdata-media-enums.h\"" \
- --fprod "\n/* enumerations from \"@filename@\" */" \
- --vhead "GType\n@enum_name@_get_type (void)\n{\n static GType etype = 0;\n if (etype == 0) {\n static const G@Type@Value values[] = {" \
- --vprod " { @VALUENAME@, \"@VALUENAME@\", \"@valuenick@\" }," \
- --vtail " { 0, NULL, NULL }\n };\n etype = g_@type@_register_static (\"@EnumName@\", values);\n }\n return etype;\n}\n" \
- $(addprefix $(srcdir)/,$(gdata_media_headers)) > gdata/media/gdata-media-enums.c.tmp \
- && sed "s/g_data/gdata/" gdata/media/gdata-media-enums.c.tmp > gdata/media/gdata-media-enums.c \
- && rm -f gdata/media/gdata-media-enums.c.tmp)
-gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-enums.h: $(gdata_documents_headers) Makefile
- --fhead "#ifndef GDATA_DOCUMENTS_ENUMS_H\n#define GDATA_DOCUMENTS_ENUMS_H\n\n#include <glib-object.h>\n\nG_BEGIN_DECLS\n" \
- --fprod "/* enumerations from \"@filename@\" */\n" \
- --vhead "GType @enum_name@_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;\n#define GDATA_TYPE_@ENUMSHORT@ (@enum_name@_get_type())\n" \
- --ftail "G_END_DECLS\n\n#endif /* !GDATA_DOCUMENTS_ENUMS_H */" \
- $(addprefix $(srcdir)/,$(gdata_documents_headers)) > gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-enums.h.tmp \
- && sed "s/g_data/gdata/" gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-enums.h.tmp > gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-enums.h \
- && rm -f gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-enums.h.tmp)
-gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-enums.c: $(gdata_documents_headers) Makefile gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-enums.h
- --fhead "#include \"gdata-documents-service.h\"\n#include \"gdata-documents-text.h\"\n#include \"gdata-documents-spreadsheet.h\"\n#include \"gdata-documents-drawing.h\"\n#include \"gdata-documents-pdf.h\"\n#include \"gdata-documents-presentation.h\"\n#include \"gdata-documents-enums.h\"" \
- --fprod "\n/* enumerations from \"@filename@\" */" \
- --vhead "GType\n@enum_name@_get_type (void)\n{\n static GType etype = 0;\n if (etype == 0) {\n static const G@Type@Value values[] = {" \
- --vprod " { @VALUENAME@, \"@VALUENAME@\", \"@valuenick@\" }," \
- --vtail " { 0, NULL, NULL }\n };\n etype = g_@type@_register_static (\"@EnumName@\", values);\n }\n return etype;\n}\n" \
- $(addprefix $(srcdir)/,$(gdata_documents_headers)) > gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-enums.c.tmp \
- && sed "s/g_data/gdata/" gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-enums.c.tmp > gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-enums.c \
- && rm -f gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-enums.c.tmp)
-gdata/services/freebase/gdata-freebase-enums.h: $(gdata_freebase_headers) Makefile
- --fhead "#ifndef GDATA_FREEBASE_ENUMS_H\n#define GDATA_FREEBASE_ENUMS_H\n\n#include <glib-object.h>\n\nG_BEGIN_DECLS\n" \
- --fprod "/* enumerations from \"@filename@\" */\n" \
- --vhead "GType @enum_name@_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;\n#define GDATA_TYPE_@ENUMSHORT@ (@enum_name@_get_type())\n" \
- --ftail "G_END_DECLS\n\n#endif /* !GDATA_FREEBASE_ENUMS_H */" \
- $(addprefix $(srcdir)/,$(gdata_freebase_headers)) > gdata/services/freebase/gdata-freebase-enums.h.tmp \
- && sed "s/g_data_freebase/gdata_freebase/" gdata/services/freebase/gdata-freebase-enums.h.tmp > gdata/services/freebase/gdata-freebase-enums.h.tmp2 \
- && sed "s/GDATA_TYPE_DATA_FREEBASE/GDATA_TYPE_FREEBASE/" gdata/services/freebase/gdata-freebase-enums.h.tmp2 > gdata/services/freebase/gdata-freebase-enums.h \
- && rm -f gdata/services/freebase/gdata-freebase-enums.h.tmp \
- && rm -f gdata/services/freebase/gdata-freebase-enums.h.tmp2)
-gdata/services/freebase/gdata-freebase-enums.c: $(gdata_freebase_headers) Makefile gdata/services/freebase/gdata-freebase-enums.h
- --fhead "#include \"gdata-freebase-service.h\"\n#include \"gdata-freebase-search-query.h\"\n#include \"gdata-freebase-result.h\"\n#include \"gdata-freebase-enums.h\"" \
- --fprod "\n/* enumerations from \"@filename@\" */" \
- --vhead "GType\n@enum_name@_get_type (void)\n{\n static GType etype = 0;\n if (etype == 0) {\n static const G@Type@Value values[] = {" \
- --vprod " { @VALUENAME@, \"@VALUENAME@\", \"@valuenick@\" }," \
- --vtail " { 0, NULL, NULL }\n };\n etype = g_@type@_register_static (\"@EnumName@\", values);\n }\n return etype;\n}\n" \
- $(addprefix $(srcdir)/,$(gdata_freebase_headers)) > gdata/services/freebase/gdata-freebase-enums.c.tmp \
- && sed "s/g_data_freebase/gdata_freebase/" gdata/services/freebase/gdata-freebase-enums.c.tmp > gdata/services/freebase/gdata-freebase-enums.c \
- && rm -f gdata/services/freebase/gdata-freebase-enums.c.tmp)
-gdata/services/picasaweb/gdata-picasaweb-enums.h: $(gdata_picasaweb_headers) Makefile
- --fhead "#ifndef GDATA_PICASAWEB_ENUMS_H\n#define GDATA_PICASAWEB_ENUMS_H\n\n#include <glib-object.h>\n\nG_BEGIN_DECLS\n" \
- --fprod "/* enumerations from \"@filename@\" */\n" \
- --vhead "GType @enum_name@_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;\n#define GDATA_TYPE_@ENUMSHORT@ (@enum_name@_get_type())\n" \
- --ftail "G_END_DECLS\n\n#endif /* !GDATA_PICASAWEB_ENUMS_H */" \
- $(addprefix $(srcdir)/,$(gdata_picasaweb_headers)) > gdata/services/picasaweb/gdata-picasaweb-enums.h.tmp \
- && sed "s/g_data_picasa_web/gdata_picasaweb/" gdata/services/picasaweb/gdata-picasaweb-enums.h.tmp > gdata/services/picasaweb/gdata-picasaweb-enums.h.tmp2 \
- && sed "s/GDATA_TYPE_DATA_PICASA_WEB/GDATA_TYPE_PICASAWEB/" gdata/services/picasaweb/gdata-picasaweb-enums.h.tmp2 > gdata/services/picasaweb/gdata-picasaweb-enums.h \
- && rm -f gdata/services/picasaweb/gdata-picasaweb-enums.h.tmp \
- && rm -f gdata/services/picasaweb/gdata-picasaweb-enums.h.tmp2)
-gdata/services/picasaweb/gdata-picasaweb-enums.c: $(gdata_picasaweb_headers) Makefile gdata/services/picasaweb/gdata-picasaweb-enums.h
- --fhead "#include \"gdata-picasaweb-album.h\"\n#include \"gdata-picasaweb-enums.h\"" \
- --fprod "\n/* enumerations from \"@filename@\" */" \
- --vhead "GType\n@enum_name@_get_type (void)\n{\n static GType etype = 0;\n if (etype == 0) {\n static const G@Type@Value values[] = {" \
- --vprod " { @VALUENAME@, \"@VALUENAME@\", \"@valuenick@\" }," \
- --vtail " { 0, NULL, NULL }\n };\n etype = g_@type@_register_static (\"@EnumName@\", values);\n }\n return etype;\n}\n" \
- $(addprefix $(srcdir)/,$(gdata_picasaweb_headers)) > gdata/services/picasaweb/gdata-picasaweb-enums.c.tmp \
- && sed "s/g_data_picasa_web/gdata_picasaweb/" gdata/services/picasaweb/gdata-picasaweb-enums.c.tmp > gdata/services/picasaweb/gdata-picasaweb-enums.c \
- && rm -f gdata/services/picasaweb/gdata-picasaweb-enums.c.tmp)
-gdata/services/youtube/gdata-youtube-enums.h: $(gdata_youtube_headers) Makefile
- --fhead "#ifndef GDATA_YOUTUBE_ENUMS_H\n#define GDATA_YOUTUBE_ENUMS_H\n\n#include <glib-object.h>\n\nG_BEGIN_DECLS\n" \
- --fprod "/* enumerations from \"@filename@\" */\n" \
- --vhead "GType @enum_name@_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;\n#define GDATA_TYPE_@ENUMSHORT@ (@enum_name@_get_type())\n" \
- --ftail "G_END_DECLS\n\n#endif /* !GDATA_YOUTUBE_ENUMS_H */" \
- $(addprefix $(srcdir)/,$(gdata_youtube_headers)) > gdata/services/youtube/gdata-youtube-enums.h.tmp \
- && sed "s/g_data_you_tube/gdata_youtube/" gdata/services/youtube/gdata-youtube-enums.h.tmp > gdata/services/youtube/gdata-youtube-enums.h.tmp2 \
- && sed "s/GDATA_TYPE_DATA_YOU_TUBE/GDATA_TYPE_YOUTUBE/" gdata/services/youtube/gdata-youtube-enums.h.tmp2 > gdata/services/youtube/gdata-youtube-enums.h \
- && rm -f gdata/services/youtube/gdata-youtube-enums.h.tmp \
- && rm -f gdata/services/youtube/gdata-youtube-enums.h.tmp2)
-gdata/services/youtube/gdata-youtube-enums.c: $(gdata_youtube_headers) Makefile gdata/services/youtube/gdata-youtube-enums.h
- --fhead "#include \"gdata-youtube-service.h\"\n#include \"gdata-youtube-query.h\"\n#include \"gdata-youtube-enums.h\"" \
- --fprod "\n/* enumerations from \"@filename@\" */" \
- --vhead "GType\n@enum_name@_get_type (void)\n{\n static GType etype = 0;\n if (etype == 0) {\n static const G@Type@Value values[] = {" \
- --vprod " { @VALUENAME@, \"@VALUENAME@\", \"@valuenick@\" }," \
- --vtail " { 0, NULL, NULL }\n };\n etype = g_@type@_register_static (\"@EnumName@\", values);\n }\n return etype;\n}\n" \
- $(addprefix $(srcdir)/,$(gdata_youtube_headers)) > gdata/services/youtube/gdata-youtube-enums.c.tmp \
- && sed "s/g_data_you_tube/gdata_youtube/" gdata/services/youtube/gdata-youtube-enums.c.tmp > gdata/services/youtube/gdata-youtube-enums.c \
- && rm -f gdata/services/youtube/gdata-youtube-enums.c.tmp)
-# libgdata library
-lib_LTLIBRARIES = gdata/
-gdataincludedir = $(pkgincludedir)/gdata
-gdata_headers = \
- gdata/gdata.h \
- gdata/gdata-entry.h \
- gdata/gdata-feed.h \
- gdata/gdata-service.h \
- gdata/gdata-query.h \
- gdata/gdata-commentable.h \
- gdata/gdata-comment.h \
- gdata/gdata-access-handler.h \
- gdata/gdata-access-rule.h \
- gdata/gdata-parsable.h \
- gdata/gdata-download-stream.h \
- gdata/gdata-upload-stream.h \
- gdata/gdata-comparable.h \
- gdata/gdata-batch-operation.h \
- gdata/gdata-batchable.h \
- gdata/gdata-authorizer.h \
- gdata/gdata-authorization-domain.h \
- gdata/gdata-client-login-authorizer.h \
- gdata/gdata-oauth1-authorizer.h \
- gdata/gdata-oauth2-authorizer.h \
- $(NULL)
-gdata_headers += \
- gdata/gdata-goa-authorizer.h \
- $(NULL)
-# The following headers are private, and shouldn't be installed:
-private_headers = \
- gdata/gdata-private.h \
- gdata/gdata-batch-private.h \
- gdata/gdata-batch-feed.h \
- gdata/gdata-parser.h \
- gdata/gdata-buffer.h \
- gdata/gd/gdata-gd-feed-link.h \
- gdata/exif/gdata-exif-tags.h \
- gdata/georss/gdata-georss-where.h
-gdatainclude_HEADERS = \
- $(gdata_headers) \
- gdata/gdata-enums.h \
- gdata/gdata-types.h \
- gdata/gdata-version.h
-gdataatomincludedir = $(gdataincludedir)/atom
-gdataatominclude_HEADERS = \
- gdata/atom/gdata-author.h \
- gdata/atom/gdata-category.h \
- gdata/atom/gdata-generator.h \
- gdata/atom/gdata-link.h
-gdataappincludedir = $(gdataincludedir)/app
-gdataappinclude_HEADERS = \
- gdata/app/gdata-app-categories.h
-gdatagdincludedir = $(gdataincludedir)/gd
-gdatagdinclude_HEADERS = \
- gdata/gd/gdata-gd-email-address.h \
- gdata/gd/gdata-gd-im-address.h \
- gdata/gd/gdata-gd-organization.h \
- gdata/gd/gdata-gd-phone-number.h \
- gdata/gd/gdata-gd-postal-address.h \
- gdata/gd/gdata-gd-reminder.h \
- gdata/gd/gdata-gd-when.h \
- gdata/gd/gdata-gd-where.h \
- gdata/gd/gdata-gd-who.h \
- gdata/gd/gdata-gd-name.h
-gdatagcontactincludedir = $(gdataincludedir)/gcontact
-gdatagcontactinclude_HEADERS = \
- gdata/gcontact/gdata-gcontact-calendar.h \
- gdata/gcontact/gdata-gcontact-event.h \
- gdata/gcontact/gdata-gcontact-external-id.h \
- gdata/gcontact/gdata-gcontact-jot.h \
- gdata/gcontact/gdata-gcontact-language.h \
- gdata/gcontact/gdata-gcontact-relation.h \
- gdata/gcontact/gdata-gcontact-website.h
-gdatamediaincludedir = $(gdataincludedir)/media
-gdata_media_headers = \
- gdata/media/gdata-media-category.h \
- gdata/media/gdata-media-content.h \
- gdata/media/gdata-media-credit.h \
- gdata/media/gdata-media-thumbnail.h
-private_headers += gdata/media/gdata-media-group.h
-gdatamediainclude_HEADERS = \
- $(gdata_media_headers) \
- gdata/media/gdata-media-enums.h
-gdatacalendarincludedir = $(gdataincludedir)/services/calendar
-gdatacalendarinclude_HEADERS = \
- gdata/services/calendar/gdata-calendar-service.h \
- gdata/services/calendar/gdata-calendar-calendar.h \
- gdata/services/calendar/gdata-calendar-event.h \
- gdata/services/calendar/gdata-calendar-query.h \
- gdata/services/calendar/gdata-calendar-feed.h \
- gdata/services/calendar/gdata-calendar-access-rule.h \
- $(NULL)
-gdatacontactsincludedir = $(gdataincludedir)/services/contacts
-gdatacontactsinclude_HEADERS = \
- gdata/services/contacts/gdata-contacts-service.h \
- gdata/services/contacts/gdata-contacts-contact.h \
- gdata/services/contacts/gdata-contacts-group.h \
- gdata/services/contacts/gdata-contacts-query.h
-gdatadocumentsincludedir = $(gdataincludedir)/services/documents
-gdata_documents_headers = \
- gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-service.h \
- gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-metadata.h \
- gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-feed.h \
- gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-entry.h \
- gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-query.h \
- gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-document.h \
- gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-text.h \
- gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-presentation.h \
- gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-folder.h \
- gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-drawing.h \
- gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-pdf.h \
- gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-spreadsheet.h \
- gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-upload-query.h \
- gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-access-rule.h
-private_headers += \
- gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-entry-private.h \
- gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-utils.h
-gdatadocumentsinclude_HEADERS = \
- $(gdata_documents_headers) \
- gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-enums.h
-gdatapicasawebincludedir = $(gdataincludedir)/services/picasaweb
-gdata_picasaweb_headers = \
- gdata/services/picasaweb/gdata-picasaweb-service.h \
- gdata/services/picasaweb/gdata-picasaweb-query.h \
- gdata/services/picasaweb/gdata-picasaweb-file.h \
- gdata/services/picasaweb/gdata-picasaweb-album.h \
- gdata/services/picasaweb/gdata-picasaweb-user.h \
- gdata/services/picasaweb/gdata-picasaweb-feed.h \
- gdata/services/picasaweb/gdata-picasaweb-comment.h
-gdatapicasawebinclude_HEADERS = \
- $(gdata_picasaweb_headers) \
- gdata/services/picasaweb/gdata-picasaweb-enums.h
-gdatayoutubeincludedir = $(gdataincludedir)/services/youtube
-gdata_youtube_headers = \
- gdata/services/youtube/gdata-youtube-service.h \
- gdata/services/youtube/gdata-youtube-video.h \
- gdata/services/youtube/gdata-youtube-content.h \
- gdata/services/youtube/gdata-youtube-credit.h \
- gdata/services/youtube/gdata-youtube-query.h \
- gdata/services/youtube/gdata-youtube-state.h \
- gdata/services/youtube/gdata-youtube-category.h \
- gdata/services/youtube/gdata-youtube-comment.h \
- gdata/services/youtube/gdata-youtube-feed.h
-gdatayoutubeinclude_HEADERS = \
- $(gdata_youtube_headers) \
- gdata/services/youtube/gdata-youtube-enums.h
-gdatatasksincludedir = $(gdataincludedir)/services/tasks
-gdatatasksinclude_HEADERS = \
- gdata/services/tasks/gdata-tasks-service.h \
- gdata/services/tasks/gdata-tasks-tasklist.h \
- gdata/services/tasks/gdata-tasks-task.h \
- gdata/services/tasks/gdata-tasks-query.h
-gdatafreebaseincludedir = $(gdataincludedir)/services/freebase
-gdata_freebase_headers = \
- gdata/services/freebase/gdata-freebase-service.h \
- gdata/services/freebase/gdata-freebase-result.h \
- gdata/services/freebase/gdata-freebase-search-query.h \
- gdata/services/freebase/gdata-freebase-search-result.h \
- gdata/services/freebase/gdata-freebase-topic-query.h \
- gdata/services/freebase/gdata-freebase-topic-result.h \
- gdata/services/freebase/gdata-freebase-query.h
-gdatafreebaseinclude_HEADERS = \
- $(gdata_freebase_headers) \
- gdata/services/freebase/gdata-freebase-enums.h
-gdata_sources = \
- gdata/gdata-entry.c \
- gdata/gdata-feed.c \
- gdata/gdata-service.c \
- gdata/gdata-types.c \
- gdata/gdata-query.c \
- gdata/gdata-parser.c \
- gdata/gdata-commentable.c \
- gdata/gdata-comment.c \
- gdata/gdata-access-handler.c \
- gdata/gdata-access-rule.c \
- gdata/gdata-parsable.c \
- gdata/gdata-download-stream.c \
- gdata/gdata-upload-stream.c \
- gdata/gdata-buffer.c \
- gdata/gdata-comparable.c \
- gdata/gdata-batch-operation.c \
- gdata/gdata-batchable.c \
- gdata/gdata-batch-feed.c \
- gdata/gdata-authorizer.c \
- gdata/gdata-authorization-domain.c \
- gdata/gdata-client-login-authorizer.c \
- gdata/gdata-oauth1-authorizer.c \
- gdata/gdata-oauth2-authorizer.c \
- \
- gdata/atom/gdata-author.c \
- gdata/atom/gdata-category.c \
- gdata/atom/gdata-generator.c \
- gdata/atom/gdata-link.c \
- \
- gdata/app/gdata-app-categories.c \
- \
- gdata/exif/gdata-exif-tags.c \
- \
- gdata/gd/gdata-gd-email-address.c \
- gdata/gd/gdata-gd-feed-link.c \
- gdata/gd/gdata-gd-im-address.c \
- gdata/gd/gdata-gd-organization.c \
- gdata/gd/gdata-gd-phone-number.c \
- gdata/gd/gdata-gd-postal-address.c \
- gdata/gd/gdata-gd-reminder.c \
- gdata/gd/gdata-gd-when.c \
- gdata/gd/gdata-gd-where.c \
- gdata/gd/gdata-gd-who.c \
- gdata/gd/gdata-gd-name.c \
- \
- gdata/gcontact/gdata-gcontact-calendar.c \
- gdata/gcontact/gdata-gcontact-event.c \
- gdata/gcontact/gdata-gcontact-external-id.c \
- gdata/gcontact/gdata-gcontact-jot.c \
- gdata/gcontact/gdata-gcontact-language.c \
- gdata/gcontact/gdata-gcontact-relation.c \
- gdata/gcontact/gdata-gcontact-website.c \
- \
- gdata/georss/gdata-georss-where.c \
- \
- gdata/media/gdata-media-category.c \
- gdata/media/gdata-media-content.c \
- gdata/media/gdata-media-credit.c \
- gdata/media/gdata-media-thumbnail.c \
- gdata/media/gdata-media-group.c \
- \
- gdata/services/calendar/gdata-calendar-service.c \
- gdata/services/calendar/gdata-calendar-calendar.c \
- gdata/services/calendar/gdata-calendar-event.c \
- gdata/services/calendar/gdata-calendar-query.c \
- gdata/services/calendar/gdata-calendar-feed.c \
- gdata/services/calendar/gdata-calendar-access-rule.c \
- \
- gdata/services/contacts/gdata-contacts-service.c \
- gdata/services/contacts/gdata-contacts-contact.c \
- gdata/services/contacts/gdata-contacts-group.c \
- gdata/services/contacts/gdata-contacts-query.c \
- \
- gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-service.c \
- gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-metadata.c \
- gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-feed.c \
- gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-entry.c \
- gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-document.c \
- gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-text.c \
- gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-presentation.c \
- gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-spreadsheet.c \
- gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-folder.c \
- gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-drawing.c \
- gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-pdf.c \
- gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-query.c \
- gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-upload-query.c \
- gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-access-rule.c \
- gdata/services/documents/gdata-documents-utils.c \
- \
- gdata/services/picasaweb/gdata-picasaweb-album.c \
- gdata/services/picasaweb/gdata-picasaweb-query.c \
- gdata/services/picasaweb/gdata-picasaweb-file.c \
- gdata/services/picasaweb/gdata-picasaweb-service.c \
- gdata/services/picasaweb/gdata-picasaweb-user.c \
- gdata/services/picasaweb/gdata-picasaweb-feed.c \
- gdata/services/picasaweb/gdata-picasaweb-comment.c \
- \
- gdata/services/youtube/gdata-youtube-service.c \
- gdata/services/youtube/gdata-youtube-video.c \
- gdata/services/youtube/gdata-youtube-content.c \
- gdata/services/youtube/gdata-youtube-credit.c \
- gdata/services/youtube/gdata-youtube-query.c \
- gdata/services/youtube/gdata-youtube-state.c \
- gdata/services/youtube/gdata-youtube-category.c \
- gdata/services/youtube/gdata-youtube-comment.c \
- gdata/services/youtube/gdata-youtube-feed.c \
- \
- gdata/services/tasks/gdata-tasks-service.c \
- gdata/services/tasks/gdata-tasks-tasklist.c \
- gdata/services/tasks/gdata-tasks-task.c \
- gdata/services/tasks/gdata-tasks-query.c \
- \
- gdata/services/freebase/gdata-freebase-service.c \
- gdata/services/freebase/gdata-freebase-result.c \
- gdata/services/freebase/gdata-freebase-search-query.c \
- gdata/services/freebase/gdata-freebase-search-result.c \
- gdata/services/freebase/gdata-freebase-topic-query.c \
- gdata/services/freebase/gdata-freebase-topic-result.c \
- gdata/services/freebase/gdata-freebase-query.c
-gdata_sources += \
- gdata/gdata-goa-authorizer.c \
- $(NULL)
-main_header = gdata/gdata.h
-public_headers = \
- $(gdatainclude_HEADERS) \
- $(gdataatominclude_HEADERS) \
- $(gdataappinclude_HEADERS) \
- $(gdatagdinclude_HEADERS) \
- $(gdatagcontactinclude_HEADERS) \
- $(gdatamediainclude_HEADERS) \
- $(gdatacalendarinclude_HEADERS) \
- $(gdatacontactsinclude_HEADERS) \
- $(gdatadocumentsinclude_HEADERS) \
- $(gdatapicasawebinclude_HEADERS) \
- $(gdatayoutubeinclude_HEADERS) \
- $(gdatatasksinclude_HEADERS) \
- $(gdatafreebaseinclude_HEADERS)
-gdata_libgdata_la_SOURCES = \
- $(private_headers) \
- $(gdata_sources)
-# All but the first two -I flags here are to cope with compiling the enum files in a srcdir!=builddir environment
-gdata_libgdata_la_CPPFLAGS = \
- -I$(top_srcdir) \
- -I$(top_srcdir)/gdata \
- -I$(top_srcdir)/gdata/media \
- -I$(top_srcdir)/gdata/services/documents \
- -I$(top_srcdir)/gdata/services/picasaweb \
- -I$(top_srcdir)/gdata/services/youtube \
- -I$(top_srcdir)/gdata/services/freebase \
- -I$(top_builddir)/gdata \
- -I$(top_builddir)/gdata/media \
- -I$(top_builddir)/gdata/services/picasaweb \
- -I$(top_builddir)/gdata/services/youtube \
- -I$(top_builddir)/gdata/services/freebase \
- -DG_LOG_DOMAIN=\"libgdata\" \
-gdata_libgdata_la_CFLAGS = \
-gdata_libgdata_la_LIBADD = \
-gdata_libgdata_la_LDFLAGS = \
- -version-info $(GDATA_LT_VERSION) \
- -export-symbols $(builddir)/gdata/gdata.symbols \
- -no-undefined \
-# Symbols file
-gdata/gdata.symbols: $(top_srcdir)/gdata/gdata-core.symbols $(top_srcdir)/gdata/gdata-goa.symbols
- $(AM_V_GEN)cat $(top_srcdir)/gdata/gdata-core.symbols $(top_srcdir)/gdata/gdata-goa.symbols > $@
- $(AM_V_GEN)cat $(top_srcdir)/gdata/gdata-core.symbols > $@
-EXTRA_gdata_libgdata_la_DEPENDENCIES = gdata/gdata.symbols
-EXTRA_DIST += gdata/gdata-core.symbols gdata/gdata-goa.symbols
-CLEANFILES += gdata/gdata.symbols
-# Check if gdata.h includes all the public headers
-check-local: check-headers
- @any_missing=0; for header_file in $(public_headers); do \
- if test "x$$header_file" != "x$(main_header)"; then \
- if ! grep "#include <$$header_file>" $(top_srcdir)/$(main_header) >/dev/null; then \
- echo "$(main_header) doesn't appear to include \"$$header_file\""; \
- any_missing=1; \
- fi; \
- fi; \
- done; exit "$$any_missing"
-# Introspection
-AM_DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS += --enable-introspection
-EXTRA_DIST += m4/introspection.m4
-gdata_GData_@GDATA_API_VERSION_MAJOR@_@GDATA_API_VERSION_MINOR@_gir_INCLUDES = GObject-2.0 libxml2-2.0 Soup-2.4 Json-1.0
-gdata_GData_@GDATA_API_VERSION_MAJOR@_@GDATA_API_VERSION_MINOR@_gir_FILES = $(gdata_sources) $(public_headers)
- --nsversion=$(GDATA_API_VERSION) \
- --symbol-prefix=gdata \
- --c-include="gdata/gdata.h" \
- $(NULL)
-girdir = $(datadir)/gir-1.0
-typelibdir = $(libdir)/girepository-1.0
-typelib_DATA = $(INTROSPECTION_GIRS:.gir=.typelib)
-CLEANFILES += $(gir_DATA) $(typelib_DATA)
-# Note: The VAPI file name has to match the pkg-config file name.
-# If we break API and add a version number to the pkg-config file name, the VAPI can be changed to match.
-# See:
-VAPIGEN_VAPIS = gdata/libgdata.vapi
-gdata_libgdata_vapi_DEPS = libxml-2.0 libsoup-2.4 json-glib-1.0
-gdata_libgdata_vapi_DEPS += goa-1.0
-gdata_libgdata_vapi_METADATADIRS = $(srcdir)/gdata
-gdata_libgdata_vapi_FILES = gdata/GData-@GDATA_API_VERSION_MAJOR@.@GDATA_API_VERSION_MINOR@.gir
- $(AM_V_GEN) for pkg in $(gdata_libgdata_vapi_DEPS); do \
- echo $$pkg >> $@; \
- done
-vapidir = $(datadir)/vala/vapi
-vapi_DATA = $(VAPIGEN_VAPIS) $(VAPIGEN_VAPIS:.vapi=.deps)
-# Code coverage
-CODE_COVERAGE_DIRECTORY = $(top_builddir)/gdata
-CODE_COVERAGE_LCOV_OPTIONS = --base-directory $(abs_top_srcdir)
-# Demo programs
-noinst_PROGRAMS = \
- demos/youtube/youtube-cli \
- demos/calendar/calendar-cli \
- demos/tasks/tasks-cli \
- $(NULL)
-noinst_PROGRAMS += demos/docs-list/docs-list
-noinst_PROGRAMS += \
- demos/scrapbook/scrapbook
-demos_docs_list_docs_list_SOURCES = \
- demos/docs-list/docs-list.c \
- $(NULL)
-demos_docs_list_docs_list_CPPFLAGS = \
- -I$(top_srcdir)/ \
- -I$(top_srcdir)/gdata \
- -DG_LOG_DOMAIN=\"docs-list\" \
- $(NULL)
-demos_docs_list_docs_list_CFLAGS = \
- $(AM_CFLAGS) \
- $(NULL)
-demos_docs_list_docs_list_LDFLAGS = \
- $(NULL)
-demos_docs_list_docs_list_LDADD = \
- $(top_builddir)/gdata/ \
- $(AM_LDADD) \
- $(NULL)
-demos_scrapbook_scrapbook_SOURCES = \
- demos/scrapbook/scrapbook.c \
- demos/scrapbook/scrapbook.h \
- $(NULL)
-demos_scrapbook_scrapbook_CPPFLAGS = \
- -I$(top_srcdir)/ \
- -I$(top_srcdir)/gdata \
- -DG_LOG_DOMAIN=\"scrapbook\" \
- $(NULL)
-demos_scrapbook_scrapbook_CFLAGS = \
- $(AM_CFLAGS) \
- $(NULL)
-demos_scrapbook_scrapbook_LDFLAGS = \
- $(NULL)
-demos_scrapbook_scrapbook_LDADD = \
- $(top_builddir)/gdata/ \
- $(GTK_LIBS) \
- $(AM_LDADD) \
- $(NULL)
-demos_youtube_youtube_cli_SOURCES = \
- demos/youtube/youtube-cli.c \
- $(NULL)
-demos_youtube_youtube_cli_CPPFLAGS = \
- -I$(top_srcdir)/ \
- -I$(top_srcdir)/gdata \
- -DG_LOG_DOMAIN=\"youtube\" \
- $(NULL)
-demos_youtube_youtube_cli_CFLAGS = \
- $(AM_CFLAGS) \
- $(NULL)
-demos_youtube_youtube_cli_LDFLAGS = \
- $(NULL)
-demos_youtube_youtube_cli_LDADD = \
- $(top_builddir)/gdata/ \
- $(AM_LDADD) \
- $(NULL)
-demos_calendar_calendar_cli_SOURCES = \
- demos/calendar/calendar-cli.c \
- $(NULL)
-demos_calendar_calendar_cli_CPPFLAGS = \
- -I$(top_srcdir)/ \
- -I$(top_srcdir)/gdata \
- -DG_LOG_DOMAIN=\"calendar\" \
- $(NULL)
-demos_calendar_calendar_cli_CFLAGS = \
- $(AM_CFLAGS) \
- $(NULL)
-demos_calendar_calendar_cli_LDFLAGS = \
- $(NULL)
-demos_calendar_calendar_cli_LDADD = \
- $(top_builddir)/gdata/ \
- $(AM_LDADD) \
- $(NULL)
-demos_tasks_tasks_cli_SOURCES = \
- demos/tasks/tasks-cli.c \
- $(NULL)
-demos_tasks_tasks_cli_CPPFLAGS = \
- -I$(top_srcdir)/ \
- -I$(top_srcdir)/gdata \
- -DG_LOG_DOMAIN=\"tasks\" \
- $(NULL)
-demos_tasks_tasks_cli_CFLAGS = \
- $(AM_CFLAGS) \
- $(NULL)
-demos_tasks_tasks_cli_LDFLAGS = \
- $(NULL)
-demos_tasks_tasks_cli_LDADD = \
- $(top_builddir)/gdata/ \
- $(AM_LDADD) \
- $(NULL)
-# Cleaning
- \
- gtk-doc.make \
- libgdata.doap \
- \
- \
- tap-test \
- $(NULL)
- `find "$(srcdir)" -type f -name .dirstamp -print`
- gtk-doc.make \
- default.profraw \
- $(NULL)
- build-aux/ \
- omf.make \
- gtk-doc.make \
- m4/gtk-doc.m4 \
- $(NULL)
-# pkgconfig data
-pkgconfigdir = $(libdir)/pkgconfig
-pkgconfig_DATA = libgdata.pc
-CLEANFILES += $(pkgconfig_DATA)
- gdata/
-# ChangeLog
-dist-hook: dist-ChangeLog
--include $(top_srcdir)/
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100755
index b6efba6b..00000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-# Run this to generate all the initial makefiles, etc.
-test -n "$srcdir" || srcdir=$(dirname "$0")
-test -n "$srcdir" || srcdir=.
-cd $srcdir
-(test -f || {
- echo "*** ERROR: Directory '$srcdir' does not look like the top-level project directory ***"
- exit 1
-# shellcheck disable=SC2016
-PKG_NAME=$(autoconf --trace 'AC_INIT:$1'
-if [ "$#" = 0 -a "x$NOCONFIGURE" = "x" ]; then
- echo "*** WARNING: I am going to run 'configure' with no arguments." >&2
- echo "*** If you wish to pass any to it, please specify them on the" >&2
- echo "*** '$0' command line." >&2
- echo "" >&2
-aclocal --install || exit 1
-gtkdocize --copy || exit 1
-autoreconf --verbose --force --install || exit 1
-cd "$olddir"
-if [ "$NOCONFIGURE" = "" ]; then
- $srcdir/configure "$@" || exit 1
- if [ "$1" = "--help" ]; then exit 0 else
- echo "Now type 'make' to compile $PKG_NAME" || exit 1
- fi
- echo "Skipping configure process."
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index ae8d437f..00000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
-# Release version
-m4_define(gdata_version_major, 0)
-m4_define(gdata_version_minor, 17)
-m4_define(gdata_version_micro, 10)
-# API version
-# TODO: This currently isn't used in the library name; once we hit gdata_version_major=1, that should be changed
-m4_define(gdata_api_version_major, 0)
-m4_define(gdata_api_version_minor, 0)
-# tar-pax is needed for long filename support for trace files
-AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([1.9 dist-xz no-dist-gzip tar-pax check-news subdir-objects parallel-tests color-tests])
-# Enable silent build when available (Automake 1.11)
-# Requirements
-# Before making a release, the GDATA_LT_VERSION string should be modified. The string is of the form c:r:a. Follow these instructions sequentially:
-# 1. If the library source code has changed at all since the last update, then increment revision (‘c:r:a’ becomes ‘c:r+1:a’).
-# 2. If any interfaces have been added, removed, or changed since the last update, increment current, and set revision to 0.
-# 3. If any interfaces have been added since the last public release, then increment age.
-# 4. If any interfaces have been removed or changed since the last public release, then set age to 0.
-# Note that versioning started at 2:0:0 to ensure no conflicts with e-d-s' libgdata library, whose maximum version was 1:0:0
-GDATA_PACKAGES_PUBLIC="gobject-2.0 glib-2.0 >= $GLIB_REQS gio-2.0 >= $GIO_REQS libxml-2.0 libsoup-2.4 >= $SOUP_REQS json-glib-1.0 >= $JSON_GLIB_REQS"
-GDATA_PACKAGES_PRIVATE="gthread-2.0 oauth >= $OAUTH_REQS"
-# Minimum and maximum requirements for GLib and libsoup, etc.
-# libsoup 2.47.3 is needed for the new SoupServer API; but it contained a bug in
-# soup_server_set_ssl_cert_file() which was only fixed in 2.55.90.
-PKG_CHECK_MODULES([LIBSOUP], [libsoup-2.4 >= 2.55.90],
- [have_libsoup_2_55_90=yes], [have_libsoup_2_55_90=no])
-AS_IF([test "x$have_libsoup_2_55_90" = "xyes"], [
- AC_DEFINE([HAVE_LIBSOUP_2_55_90], [1],
- [Define if the new SoupServer API is available])
-# Optional dependencies
-PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GDK_PIXBUF, gdk-pixbuf-2.0 >= $GDK_PIXBUF_REQS, have_gdk_pixbuf=yes, have_gdk_pixbuf=no)
-if test "x$have_gdk_pixbuf" = "xyes"; then
- AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GDK_PIXBUF, 1, [Defined if gdk-pixbuf is installed])
-# Minimum and maximum requirements for gdk-pixbuf
-AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to build examples which use GTK+])
-AC_ARG_ENABLE([gtk], [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-gtk], [Whether to enable examples which use GTK+ (default: if available)])],, [enable_gtk=maybe])
-AS_IF([test "$enable_gtk" != "no"],[
- PKG_CHECK_MODULES([GTK], [gtk+-3.0 >= $GTK_REQS], [have_gtk=yes], [have_gtk=no])
-AS_IF([test "$enable_gtk" = "yes" && test "$have_gtk" != "yes"],[
- AC_MSG_ERROR([GTK+ support requested but gtk+-3.0 could not be found])
-AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_GTK], [test "$have_gtk" = "yes" && test "$enable_gtk" != "no"])
-# GNOME support, which pulls in gcr-base-3 to provide non-pageable memory
-AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to build with GNOME support)
-AC_ARG_ENABLE(gnome, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-gnome], [Whether to enable GNOME support]),, enable_gnome=yes)
-AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_GNOME], [test "x$enable_gnome" = "xyes"])
-# GNOME Online Accounts support -- only used if GNOME support is also enabled
-# Pulls in gdata/gdata-goa-authorizer.[ch]
-AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether to build with GOA support)
-AC_ARG_ENABLE(goa, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-goa], [Whether to enable GOA support]),, enable_goa=yes)
-AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_GOA], [test "x$enable_goa" = "xyes" -a "x$enable_gnome" = "xyes"])
-if test "x$enable_gnome" = "xyes"; then
- GNOME_PACKAGES_PRIVATE="gcr-base-3 libxml-2.0"
- if test "x$enable_goa" = "xyes"; then
- GOA_ENABLED="true"
- AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GOA, 1, [Define if GOA support is enabled])
- fi
- AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GNOME, 1, [Defined if GNOME support is enabled])
- AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-always-build-tests],
- [Enable always building tests (default: yes)]),,
- [enable_always_build_tests=yes])
- AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-installed-tests],
- [Install test programs (default: no)]),,
- [enable_installed_tests=no])
- [test "$enable_always_build_tests" = "yes"])
- [test "$enable_installed_tests" = "yes"])
-AS_IF([test "$enable_always_build_tests" = "yes" ||
- test "$enable_installed_tests" = "yes"],[
- PKG_CHECK_MODULES([UHTTPMOCK],[libuhttpmock-0.0 >= 0.5.0])
-# Various necessary functions and headers
-# Internationalisation support
-AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(GETTEXT_PACKAGE, ["$GETTEXT_PACKAGE"], [Define to the Gettext package name])
-# Code coverage
-# General macros
- [],[-Wunsafe-loop-optimizations])
-GTK_DOC_CHECK([1.25],[--flavour no-tmpl])
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
deleted file mode 100644
index 034926c5..00000000
--- a/docs/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-SUBDIRS = reference
--include $(top_srcdir)/
diff --git a/docs/reference/ b/docs/reference/
deleted file mode 100644
index ac8fa54e..00000000
--- a/docs/reference/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-## Process this file with automake to produce
-# We require automake 1.6 at least.
-# This is a blank for using gtk-doc.
-# Copy this to your project's API docs directory and modify the variables to
-# suit your project. See the GTK+ Makefiles in gtk+/docs/reference for examples
-# of using the various options.
-# The name of the module, e.g. 'glib'.
-# The top-level SGML file. You can change this if you want to.
-# The directory containing the source code. Relative to $(srcdir).
-# gtk-doc will search all .c & .h files beneath here for inline comments
-# documenting the functions and macros.
-# e.g. DOC_SOURCE_DIR=../../../gtk
-# Extra options to pass to gtkdoc-scangobj. Not normally needed.
-# Extra options to supply to gtkdoc-scan.
-# e.g. SCAN_OPTIONS=--deprecated-guards="GTK_DISABLE_DEPRECATED"
-SCAN_OPTIONS=--rebuild-types --deprecated-guards="LIBGDATA_DISABLE_DEPRECATED"
-# Extra options to supply to gtkdoc-mkdb.
-# e.g. MKDB_OPTIONS=--sgml-mode --output-format=xml
-MKDB_OPTIONS=--sgml-mode --output-format=xml --name-space=gdata
-# Extra options to supply to gtkdoc-fixref. Not normally needed.
-# e.g. FIXXREF_OPTIONS=--extra-dir=../gdk-pixbuf/html --extra-dir=../gdk/html
-# Add the builddir to the HTML path so that version.xml is found
-# Used for dependencies. The docs will be rebuilt if any of these change.
-# e.g. HFILE_GLOB=$(top_srcdir)/gtk/*.h
-# e.g. CFILE_GLOB=$(top_srcdir)/gtk/*.c
-HFILE_GLOB=$(top_srcdir)/gdata/*.h $(top_srcdir)/gdata/services/*/*.h
-CFILE_GLOB=$(top_srcdir)/gdata/*.c $(top_srcdir)/gdata/services/*/*.c
-# Header files to ignore when scanning.
-# e.g. IGNORE_HFILES=gtkdebug.h gtkintl.h
- common.h \
- mock-resolver.h \
- mock-server.h \
- gdata-private.h \
- gdata-parser.h \
- gdata-marshal.h \
- gdata-enums.h \
- gdata-media-enums.h \
- gdata-media-group.h \
- gdata-youtube-enums.h \
- gdata-picasaweb-enums.h \
- gdata-documents-enums.h \
- gdata-exif-tags.h \
- gdata-georss-where.h \
- gdata-buffer.h \
- gdata-batch-private.h \
- gdata-batch-feed.h \
- gdata-gd-feed-link.h \
- gdata-dummy-authorizer.c \
- gdata-dummy-authorizer.h \
- gdata-documents-utils.h \
- $(NULL)
-# Images to copy into HTML directory.
-# e.g. HTML_IMAGES=$(top_srcdir)/gtk/stock-icons/stock_about_24.png
- structure.png \
- data-flow.png \
- cancellation.png \
- $(NULL)
-# Extra SGML files that are included by $(DOC_MAIN_SGML_FILE).
-# e.g. content_files=running.sgml building.sgml changes-2.0.sgml
-content_files=gdata-overview.xml gdata-running.xml
-# SGML files where gtk-doc abbrevations (#GtkWidget) are expanded
-# These files must be listed here *and* in content_files
-# e.g. expand_content_files=running.sgml
-# CFLAGS and LDFLAGS for compiling gtkdoc-scangobj with your library.
-# Only needed if you are using gtkdoc-scangobj to dynamically query widget
-# signals and properties.
-# e.g. INCLUDES=-I$(top_srcdir) -I$(top_builddir) $(GTK_DEBUG_FLAGS)
-# e.g. GTKDOC_LIBS=$(top_builddir)/gtk/$(gtktargetlib)
-AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir) -I$(top_builddir)
-# This includes the standard gtk-doc make rules, copied by gtkdocize.
-include $(top_srcdir)/gtk-doc.make
-# This should be in gtk-doc.make, since we are calling gtkdoc-scan with
-# --rebuild-types
-# Other files to distribute
-# e.g. EXTRA_DIST +=
- structure.dia \
- data-flow.dia \
- cancellation.dia \
- $(NULL)
-TESTS_ENVIRONMENT = cd $(builddir) &&
--include $(top_srcdir)/
diff --git a/gdata/tests/ b/gdata/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index d5a1de5c..00000000
--- a/gdata/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,409 +0,0 @@
-include $(top_srcdir)/
-installed_testdir = $(libexecdir)/installed-tests/$(PACKAGE_TARNAME)
-installed_test_metadir = $(datadir)/installed-tests/$(PACKAGE_TARNAME)
-# Helper library.
-test_ltlibraries =
-libgdata_test_la_SOURCES = \
- common.c \
- common.h \
- gdata-dummy-authorizer.c \
- gdata-dummy-authorizer.h \
- $(NULL)
-libgdata_test_la_LIBADD = \
- $(top_builddir)/gdata/ \
- $(NULL)
-# Flags for the helper library and all test binaries
- -I$(top_srcdir)/ \
- -I$(top_srcdir)/gdata \
- -DG_LOG_DOMAIN=\"libgdata\" \
- $(NULL)
- $(NULL)
- $(NULL)
-LDADD = \
- \
- $(top_builddir)/gdata/ \
- $(NULL)
-test_programs = \
- buffer \
- general \
- calendar \
- contacts \
- tasks \
- perf \
- authorization \
- oauth1-authorizer \
- oauth2-authorizer \
- streams \
- youtube \
- $(NULL)
-# FIXME: Temporarily disabled until they are ported for the changes in the v2
-# to v3 API transitions.
-#all_test_programs += documents
-# PicasaWeb does not work since Google made the API read-only:
-#all_test_programs += picasaweb
-dist_test_data = \
- photo.jpg \
- sample.ogg \
- test.doc \
- test.ods \
- test.odt \
- test.ppt \
- test.xls \
- test_updated.odt \
- test_updated_file.ppt \
- cert.pem \
- key.pem \
- \
- traces/calendar/access-rule-delete \
- traces/calendar/access-rule-get \
- traces/calendar/access-rule-insert \
- traces/calendar/access-rule-update \
- traces/calendar/authentication \
- traces/calendar/authentication-async \
- traces/calendar/authentication-async-cancellation \
- traces/calendar/event-insert \
- traces/calendar/event_insert-async \
- traces/calendar/event_insert-async-cancellation \
- traces/calendar/global-authentication \
- traces/calendar/query-all-calendars \
- traces/calendar/query_all_calendars-async \
- traces/calendar/query_all_calendars-async-cancellation \
- traces/calendar/query-all-calendars-async-progress-closure \
- traces/calendar/query-events \
- traces/calendar/query_events-async \
- traces/calendar/query_events-async-cancellation \
- traces/calendar/query-events-async-progress-closure \
- traces/calendar/query-own-calendars \
- traces/calendar/query_own_calendars-async \
- traces/calendar/query_own_calendars-async-cancellation \
- traces/calendar/query-own-calendars-async-progress-closure \
- traces/calendar/setup-query-calendars \
- traces/calendar/setup-query-events \
- traces/calendar/setup-temp-calendar \
- traces/calendar/setup-temp-calendar-acls \
- traces/calendar/teardown-insert-event \
- traces/calendar/teardown-query-calendars \
- traces/calendar/teardown-query-events \
- traces/calendar/teardown-temp-calendar \
- traces/calendar/teardown-temp-calendar-acls \
- \
- traces/contacts/authentication \
- traces/contacts/authentication-async \
- traces/contacts/authentication-async-cancellation \
- traces/contacts/batch \
- traces/contacts/batch-async \
- traces/contacts/batch-async-cancellation \
- traces/contacts/contact-insert \
- traces/contacts/contact-update \
- traces/contacts/global-authentication \
- traces/contacts/group-insert \
- traces/contacts/group_insert-async \
- traces/contacts/group_insert-async-cancellation \
- traces/contacts/photo-add \
- traces/contacts/photo_add-async \
- traces/contacts/photo_add-async-cancellation \
- traces/contacts/photo-delete \
- traces/contacts/photo_delete-async \
- traces/contacts/photo_delete-async-cancellation \
- traces/contacts/photo-get \
- traces/contacts/photo_get-async \
- traces/contacts/photo_get-async-cancellation \
- traces/contacts/query-all-contacts \
- traces/contacts/query_all_contacts-async \
- traces/contacts/query_all_contacts-async-cancellation \
- traces/contacts/query-all-contacts-async-progress-closure \
- traces/contacts/query-all-groups \
- traces/contacts/query_all_groups-async \
- traces/contacts/query_all_groups-async-cancellation \
- traces/contacts/query-all-groups-async-progress-closure \
- traces/contacts/setup-batch-async \
- traces/contacts/setup-query-all-contacts \
- traces/contacts/setup-query-all-groups \
- traces/contacts/setup-temp-contact \
- traces/contacts/setup-temp-contact-with-photo \
- traces/contacts/teardown-batch-async \
- traces/contacts/teardown-insert \
- traces/contacts/teardown-insert-group \
- traces/contacts/teardown-query-all-contacts \
- traces/contacts/teardown-query-all-groups \
- traces/contacts/teardown-temp-contact \
- \
- traces/documents/access-rule-insert \
- traces/documents/authentication \
- traces/documents/authentication-async \
- traces/documents/authentication-async-cancellation \
- traces/documents/batch \
- traces/documents/batch-async \
- traces/documents/batch-async-cancellation \
- traces/documents/copy-document \
- traces/documents/delete-document \
- traces/documents/delete-folder \
- traces/documents/download-document \
- traces/documents/folders-add-to-folder \
- traces/documents/folders_add_to_folder-async \
- traces/documents/folders_add_to_folder-async-cancellation \
- traces/documents/folders-remove-from-folder \
- traces/documents/folders_remove_from_folder-async \
- traces/documents/folders_remove_from_folder-async-cancellation \
- traces/documents/folders_remove_from_folder-async-epilogue \
- traces/documents/global-authentication \
- traces/documents/query-all-documents \
- traces/documents/query_all_documents-async \
- traces/documents/query_all_documents-async-cancellation \
- traces/documents/query-all-documents-async-progress-closure \
- traces/documents/query-all-documents-with-folder \
- traces/documents/setup-batch-async \
- traces/documents/setup-folders-add-to-folder \
- traces/documents/setup-folders-remove-from-folder \
- traces/documents/setup-temp-documents \
- traces/documents/setup-temp-document-spreadsheet \
- traces/documents/setup-temp-folder \
- traces/documents/setup-update-document_content-and-metadata-non-resumable \
- traces/documents/setup-update-document_content-and-metadata-resumable \
- traces/documents/setup-update-document_content-only-non-resumable \
- traces/documents/setup-update-document_content-only-resumable \
- traces/documents/setup-update-document_metadata-only-non-resumable \
- traces/documents/setup-upload-document_content-and-metadata-in-folder-non-resumable-odt-convert \
- traces/documents/setup-upload-document_content-and-metadata-in-folder-resumable-bin-no-convert \
- traces/documents/setup-upload-document_content-and-metadata-in-folder-resumable-odt-convert \
- traces/documents/setup-upload-document_content-and-metadata-in-folder-resumable-odt-no-convert \
- traces/documents/setup-upload-document_content-and-metadata-root-folder-non-resumable-odt-convert \
- traces/documents/setup-upload-document_content-and-metadata-root-folder-resumable-bin-no-convert \
- traces/documents/setup-upload-document_content-and-metadata-root-folder-resumable-odt-convert \
- traces/documents/setup-upload-document_content-and-metadata-root-folder-resumable-odt-no-convert \
- traces/documents/setup-upload-document_content-only-in-folder-non-resumable-odt-convert \
- traces/documents/setup-upload-document_content-only-in-folder-resumable-bin-no-convert \
- traces/documents/setup-upload-document_content-only-in-folder-resumable-odt-convert \
- traces/documents/setup-upload-document_content-only-in-folder-resumable-odt-no-convert \
- traces/documents/setup-upload-document_content-only-root-folder-non-resumable-odt-convert \
- traces/documents/setup-upload-document_content-only-root-folder-resumable-bin-no-convert \
- traces/documents/setup-upload-document_content-only-root-folder-resumable-odt-convert \
- traces/documents/setup-upload-document_content-only-root-folder-resumable-odt-no-convert \
- traces/documents/setup-upload-document_metadata-only-in-folder-non-resumable-odt-convert \
- traces/documents/setup-upload-document_metadata-only-root-folder-non-resumable-odt-convert \
- traces/documents/teardown-batch-async \
- traces/documents/teardown-copy-document \
- traces/documents/teardown-folders-add-to-folder \
- traces/documents/teardown-temp-document \
- traces/documents/teardown-temp-documents \
- traces/documents/teardown-temp-folder \
- traces/documents/teardown-update-document_content-and-metadata-non-resumable \
- traces/documents/teardown-update-document_content-and-metadata-resumable \
- traces/documents/teardown-update-document_content-only-non-resumable \
- traces/documents/teardown-update-document_content-only-resumable \
- traces/documents/teardown-update-document_metadata-only-non-resumable \
- traces/documents/teardown-upload-document_content-and-metadata-in-folder-non-resumable-odt-convert \
- traces/documents/teardown-upload-document_content-and-metadata-in-folder-resumable-bin-no-convert \
- traces/documents/teardown-upload-document_content-and-metadata-in-folder-resumable-odt-convert \
- traces/documents/teardown-upload-document_content-and-metadata-in-folder-resumable-odt-no-convert \
- traces/documents/teardown-upload-document_content-and-metadata-root-folder-non-resumable-odt-convert \
- traces/documents/teardown-upload-document_content-and-metadata-root-folder-resumable-bin-no-convert \
- traces/documents/teardown-upload-document_content-and-metadata-root-folder-resumable-odt-convert \
- traces/documents/teardown-upload-document_content-and-metadata-root-folder-resumable-odt-no-convert \
- traces/documents/teardown-upload-document_content-only-in-folder-non-resumable-odt-convert \
- traces/documents/teardown-upload-document_content-only-in-folder-resumable-bin-no-convert \
- traces/documents/teardown-upload-document_content-only-in-folder-resumable-odt-convert \
- traces/documents/teardown-upload-document_content-only-in-folder-resumable-odt-no-convert \
- traces/documents/teardown-upload-document_content-only-root-folder-non-resumable-odt-convert \
- traces/documents/teardown-upload-document_content-only-root-folder-resumable-bin-no-convert \
- traces/documents/teardown-upload-document_content-only-root-folder-resumable-odt-convert \
- traces/documents/teardown-upload-document_content-only-root-folder-resumable-odt-no-convert \
- traces/documents/teardown-upload-document_metadata-only-in-folder-non-resumable-odt-convert \
- traces/documents/teardown-upload-document_metadata-only-root-folder-non-resumable-odt-convert \
- traces/documents/update_content-and-metadata-non-resumable \
- traces/documents/update_content-and-metadata-resumable \
- traces/documents/update_content-only-non-resumable \
- traces/documents/update_content-only-resumable \
- traces/documents/update_metadata-only-non-resumable \
- traces/documents/upload_content-and-metadata-in-folder-non-resumable-odt-convert \
- traces/documents/upload_content-and-metadata-in-folder-resumable-bin-no-convert \
- traces/documents/upload_content-and-metadata-in-folder-resumable-odt-convert \
- traces/documents/upload_content-and-metadata-in-folder-resumable-odt-no-convert \
- traces/documents/upload_content-and-metadata-root-folder-non-resumable-odt-convert \
- traces/documents/upload_content-and-metadata-root-folder-resumable-bin-no-convert \
- traces/documents/upload_content-and-metadata-root-folder-resumable-odt-convert \
- traces/documents/upload_content-and-metadata-root-folder-resumable-odt-no-convert \
- traces/documents/upload_content-only-in-folder-non-resumable-odt-convert \
- traces/documents/upload_content-only-in-folder-resumable-bin-no-convert \
- traces/documents/upload_content-only-in-folder-resumable-odt-convert \
- traces/documents/upload_content-only-in-folder-resumable-odt-no-convert \
- traces/documents/upload_content-only-root-folder-non-resumable-odt-convert \
- traces/documents/upload_content-only-root-folder-resumable-bin-no-convert \
- traces/documents/upload_content-only-root-folder-resumable-odt-convert \
- traces/documents/upload_content-only-root-folder-resumable-odt-no-convert \
- traces/documents/upload_metadata-only-in-folder-non-resumable-odt-convert \
- traces/documents/upload_metadata-only-root-folder-non-resumable-odt-convert \
- \
- traces/oauth1-authorizer/oauth1-authorizer-interactive-data-bad-credentials \
- traces/oauth1-authorizer/oauth1-authorizer-refresh-authorization \
- traces/oauth1-authorizer/oauth1-authorizer-request-authentication-uri-async \
- traces/oauth1-authorizer/oauth1-authorizer-request-authentication-uri-async-cancellation \
- traces/oauth1-authorizer/oauth1-authorizer-request-authentication-uri-sync \
- traces/oauth1-authorizer/oauth1-authorizer-request-authentication-uri-sync-cancellation \
- traces/oauth1-authorizer/oauth1-authorizer-request-authorization-async \
- traces/oauth1-authorizer/oauth1-authorizer-request-authorization-async-bad-credentials \
- traces/oauth1-authorizer/oauth1-authorizer-request-authorization-async-cancellation \
- traces/oauth1-authorizer/oauth1-authorizer-request-authorization-sync \
- traces/oauth1-authorizer/oauth1-authorizer-request-authorization-sync-bad-credentials \
- traces/oauth1-authorizer/oauth1-authorizer-request-authorization-sync-cancellation \
- traces/oauth1-authorizer/setup-oauth1-authorizer-data-authenticated \
- traces/oauth1-authorizer/setup-oauth1-authorizer-interactive-data \
- \
- traces/oauth2-authorizer/oauth2-authorizer-refresh-authorization-authorized \
- traces/oauth2-authorizer/oauth2-authorizer-refresh-authorization-unauthorized \
- traces/oauth2-authorizer/oauth2-authorizer-request-authorization-async \
- traces/oauth2-authorizer/oauth2-authorizer-request-authorization-async-bad-credentials \
- traces/oauth2-authorizer/oauth2-authorizer-request-authorization-async-cancellation \
- traces/oauth2-authorizer/oauth2-authorizer-request-authorization-sync \
- traces/oauth2-authorizer/oauth2-authorizer-request-authorization-sync-bad-credentials \
- traces/oauth2-authorizer/oauth2-authorizer-request-authorization-sync-cancellation \
- traces/oauth2-authorizer/setup-oauth2-authorizer-data-authenticated \
- \
- traces/picasaweb/authentication \
- traces/picasaweb/authentication-async \
- traces/picasaweb/authentication-async-cancellation \
- traces/picasaweb/comment-delete \
- traces/picasaweb/comment_delete-async \
- traces/picasaweb/comment_delete-async-cancellation \
- traces/picasaweb/comment-insert \
- traces/picasaweb/comment_insert-async \
- traces/picasaweb/comment_insert-async-cancellation \
- traces/picasaweb/comment-query \
- traces/picasaweb/comment_query-async \
- traces/picasaweb/comment_query-async-cancellation \
- traces/picasaweb/comment-query-async-progress-closure \
- traces/picasaweb/download-photo \
- traces/picasaweb/download-thumbnails \
- traces/picasaweb/global-authentication \
- traces/picasaweb/insert-album \
- traces/picasaweb/insert_album-async \
- traces/picasaweb/insert_album-async-cancellation \
- traces/picasaweb/query-all-albums \
- traces/picasaweb/query_all_albums-async \
- traces/picasaweb/query_all_albums-async-cancellation \
- traces/picasaweb/query-all-albums-async-progress-closure \
- traces/picasaweb/query-all-albums-with-limits \
- traces/picasaweb/query-files \
- traces/picasaweb/query_files-async \
- traces/picasaweb/query_files-async-cancellation \
- traces/picasaweb/query-files-async-progress-closure \
- traces/picasaweb/query-files-single \
- traces/picasaweb/query-user \
- traces/picasaweb/query_user-async \
- traces/picasaweb/query_user-async-cancellation \
- traces/picasaweb/query_user_by_username-async \
- traces/picasaweb/query_user_by_username-async-cancellation \
- traces/picasaweb/setup-query-all-albums \
- traces/picasaweb/setup-query-comments \
- traces/picasaweb/setup-query-files \
- traces/picasaweb/setup-upload \
- traces/picasaweb/teardown-insert-album \
- traces/picasaweb/teardown-insert-comment \
- traces/picasaweb/teardown-query-all-albums \
- traces/picasaweb/teardown-query-comments \
- traces/picasaweb/teardown-query-files \
- traces/picasaweb/teardown-upload \
- traces/picasaweb/upload-default-album \
- traces/picasaweb/upload_default_album-async \
- traces/picasaweb/upload_default_album-async-cancellation \
- \
- traces/youtube/authentication \
- traces/youtube/authentication-async \
- traces/youtube/authentication-async-cancellation \
- traces/youtube/batch \
- traces/youtube/batch-async \
- traces/youtube/batch-async-cancellation \
- traces/youtube/categories \
- traces/youtube/categories-async \
- traces/youtube/categories-async-cancellation \
- traces/youtube/comment-delete \
- traces/youtube/comment_delete-async \
- traces/youtube/comment_delete-async-cancellation \
- traces/youtube/comment-insert \
- traces/youtube/comment_insert-async \
- traces/youtube/comment_insert-async-cancellation \
- traces/youtube/comment-query \
- traces/youtube/comment_query-async \
- traces/youtube/comment_query-async-cancellation \
- traces/youtube/comment-query-async-progress-closure \
- traces/youtube/global-authentication \
- traces/youtube/query-related \
- traces/youtube/query_related-async \
- traces/youtube/query_related-async-cancellation \
- traces/youtube/query-related-async-progress-closure \
- traces/youtube/query-single \
- traces/youtube/query_single-async \
- traces/youtube/query_single-async-cancellation \
- traces/youtube/query-standard-feed \
- traces/youtube/query_standard_feed-async \
- traces/youtube/query_standard_feed-async-cancellation \
- traces/youtube/query-standard-feed-async-progress-closure \
- traces/youtube/query-standard-feeds \
- traces/youtube/query-standard-feed-with-query \
- traces/youtube/setup-batch \
- traces/youtube/setup-comment \
- traces/youtube/setup-insert-comment \
- traces/youtube/teardown-insert-comment \
- traces/youtube/teardown-upload \
- traces/youtube/upload-async \
- traces/youtube/upload-async-cancellation \
- traces/youtube/upload-simple \
- \
- traces/tasks/authentication \
- traces/tasks/global-authentication \
- traces/tasks/setup-delete-task \
- traces/tasks/setup-delete-tasklist \
- traces/tasks/setup-insert-task \
- traces/tasks/setup-list-task \
- traces/tasks/setup-list-tasklist \
- traces/tasks/setup-update-task \
- traces/tasks/setup-update-tasklist \
- traces/tasks/task-delete \
- traces/tasks/task-insert \
- traces/tasks/task-list \
- traces/tasks/tasklist-delete \
- traces/tasks/tasklist-insert \
- traces/tasks/tasklist-insert-unauthorised \
- traces/tasks/tasklist-list \
- traces/tasks/tasklist-update \
- traces/tasks/task-update \
- traces/tasks/teardown-delete-task \
- traces/tasks/teardown-insert-task \
- traces/tasks/teardown-insert-tasklist \
- traces/tasks/teardown-list-task \
- traces/tasks/teardown-list-tasklist \
- traces/tasks/teardown-update-task \
- traces/tasks/teardown-update-tasklist \
- $(NULL)
-# Clang code coverage
-DISTCLEANFILES += default.profraw
--include $(top_srcdir)/
diff --git a/gdata/tests/callgrind b/gdata/tests/callgrind
deleted file mode 100755
index a7252383..00000000
--- a/gdata/tests/callgrind
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-libtool --mode=execute "valgrind --tool=callgrind --callgrind-out-file=callgrind.`date +%s` " ./general
diff --git a/gdata/tests/massif b/gdata/tests/massif
deleted file mode 100755
index a6e8eb2d..00000000
--- a/gdata/tests/massif
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-libtool --mode=execute "valgrind --tool=massif --alloc-fn=g_slice_new --alloc-fn=g_slice_alloc --alloc-fn=g_slice_alloc0 \
- --alloc-fn=g_malloc --alloc-fn=g_realloc --alloc-fn=g_try_malloc --alloc-fn=g_malloc0 \
- --alloc-fn=g_object_new --alloc-fn=g_object_new_valist --alloc-fn=g_object_newv --alloc-fn=g_type_init
- --alloc-fn=profiler_calloc --alloc-fn=profiler_malloc --alloc-fn=profiler_realloc" ./general
diff --git a/gdata/tests/memcheck b/gdata/tests/memcheck
deleted file mode 100755
index 5459151b..00000000
--- a/gdata/tests/memcheck
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-G_SLICE=always-malloc libtool --mode=execute "valgrind --tool=memcheck --log-file=memcheck.`date +%s` --leak-check=full --leak-resolution=high \
- --show-reachable=yes" ./general
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e2708f2..00000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,400 +0,0 @@
-#, a small Makefile to autogenerate .gitignore files
-# for autotools-based projects.
-# Copyright 2009, Red Hat, Inc.
-# Copyright 2010,2011,2012,2013 Behdad Esfahbod
-# Written by Behdad Esfahbod
-# Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
-# is permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright
-# notice and this notice are preserved.
-# The latest version of this file can be downloaded from:
-# Bugs, etc, should be reported upstream at:
-# To use in your project, import this file in your git repo's toplevel,
-# then do "make -f". This modifies all files in
-# your project to -include Remember to add that line to new
-# files you create in your project, or just rerun the
-# "make -f".
-# This enables automatic .gitignore generation. If you need to ignore
-# more files, add them to the GITIGNOREFILES variable in your
-# But think twice before doing that. If a file has to be in .gitignore,
-# chances are very high that it's a generated file and should be in one
-# The only case that you need to manually add a file to GITIGNOREFILES is
-# when remove files in one of mostlyclean-local, clean-local, distclean-local,
-# or maintainer-clean-local make targets.
-# Note that for files like editor backup, etc, there are better places to
-# ignore them. See "man gitignore".
-# If "make maintainer-clean" removes the files but they are not recognized
-# by this script (that is, if "git status" shows untracked files still), send
-# me the output of "git status" as well as your and Makefile for
-# the directories involved and I'll diagnose.
-# For a list of toplevel files that should be in MAINTAINERCLEANFILES, see
-# in the git repo.
-# Don't EXTRA_DIST this file. It is supposed to only live in git clones,
-# not tarballs. It serves no useful purpose in tarballs and clutters the
-# build dir.
-# This file knows how to handle autoconf, automake, libtool, gtk-doc,
-# gnome-doc-utils, yelp.m4, mallard, intltool, gsettings, dejagnu, appdata,
-# appstream, hotdoc.
-# This makefile provides the following targets:
-# - all: "make all" will build all gitignore files.
-# - gitignore: makes all gitignore files in the current dir and subdirs.
-# - .gitignore: make gitignore file for the current dir.
-# - gitignore-recurse: makes all gitignore files in the subdirs.
-# - Recursive configure doesn't work as $(top_srcdir)/ inside the
-# submodule doesn't find us. If you have configure.{in,ac} files in
-# subdirs, add a proxy file in those dirs that simply does:
-# "include $(top_srcdir)/../". Add more ..'s to your taste.
-# And add those files to git. See vte/gnome-pty-helper/ for
-# example.
-# Variables user modules may want to add to toplevel MAINTAINERCLEANFILES:
-# Most autotools-using modules should be fine including this variable in their
- $(srcdir)/aclocal.m4 \
- $(srcdir)/autoscan.log \
- $(srcdir)/configure.scan \
- `AUX_DIR=$(srcdir)/$$(cd $(top_srcdir); $(AUTOCONF) --trace 'AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR:$$1' ./; \
- test "x$$AUX_DIR" = "x$(srcdir)/" && AUX_DIR=$(srcdir); \
- for x in \
- ar-lib \
- compile \
- config.guess \
- config.rpath \
- config.sub \
- depcomp \
- install-sh \
- \
- missing \
- mkinstalldirs \
- test-driver \
- ylwrap \
- ; do echo "$$AUX_DIR/$$x"; done` \
- `cd $(top_srcdir); $(AUTOCONF) --trace 'AC_CONFIG_HEADERS:$$1' ./ | \
- head -n 1 | while read f; do echo "$(srcdir)/$$"; done`
-# All modules should also be fine including the following variable, which
-# removes automake-generated files:
- `cd $(top_srcdir); $(AUTOCONF) --trace 'AC_CONFIG_FILES:$$1' ./ | \
- while read f; do \
- case $$f in Makefile|*/Makefile) \
- test -f "$(srcdir)/$$" && echo "$(srcdir)/$$";; esac; \
- done`
-# Modules that use libtool and use AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR() may also include this,
-# though it's harmless to include regardless.
- `MACRO_DIR=$(srcdir)/$$(cd $(top_srcdir); $(AUTOCONF) --trace 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR:$$1' ./; \
- if test "x$$MACRO_DIR" != "x$(srcdir)/"; then \
- for x in \
- libtool.m4 \
- ltoptions.m4 \
- ltsugar.m4 \
- ltversion.m4 \
- lt~obsolete.m4 \
- ; do echo "$$MACRO_DIR/$$x"; done; \
- fi`
-# Modules that use gettext and use AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR() may also include this,
-# though it's harmless to include regardless.
- `MACRO_DIR=$(srcdir)/$$(cd $(top_srcdir); $(AUTOCONF) --trace 'AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR:$$1' ./; \
- if test "x$$MACRO_DIR" != "x$(srcdir)/"; then \
- for x in \
- codeset.m4 \
- extern-inline.m4 \
- fcntl-o.m4 \
- gettext.m4 \
- glibc2.m4 \
- glibc21.m4 \
- iconv.m4 \
- intdiv0.m4 \
- intl.m4 \
- intldir.m4 \
- intlmacosx.m4 \
- intmax.m4 \
- inttypes-pri.m4 \
- inttypes_h.m4 \
- lcmessage.m4 \
- lib-ld.m4 \
- lib-link.m4 \
- lib-prefix.m4 \
- lock.m4 \
- longlong.m4 \
- nls.m4 \
- po.m4 \
- printf-posix.m4 \
- progtest.m4 \
- size_max.m4 \
- stdint_h.m4 \
- threadlib.m4 \
- uintmax_t.m4 \
- visibility.m4 \
- wchar_t.m4 \
- wint_t.m4 \
- xsize.m4 \
- ; do echo "$$MACRO_DIR/$$x"; done; \
- fi`
-# Default rule is to install ourselves in all files:
-git-all: git-mk-install
- @echo "Installing git makefile"
- @any_failed=; \
- find "`test -z "$(top_srcdir)" && echo . || echo "$(top_srcdir)"`" -name | while read x; do \
- if grep 'include .*/' $$x >/dev/null; then \
- echo "$$x already includes"; \
- else \
- failed=; \
- echo "Updating $$x"; \
- { cat $$x; \
- echo ''; \
- echo '-include $$(top_srcdir)/'; \
- } > $$x.tmp || failed=1; \
- if test x$$failed = x; then \
- mv $$x.tmp $$x || failed=1; \
- fi; \
- if test x$$failed = x; then : else \
- echo "Failed updating $$x"; >&2 \
- any_failed=1; \
- fi; \
- fi; done; test -z "$$any_failed"
- wget $(GIT_MK_URL) -O $(top_srcdir)/
-.PHONY: git-all git-mk-install git-mk-update
-# Actual .gitignore generation:
-$(srcdir)/.gitignore: $(top_srcdir)/
- @echo " Generating $@"
- @{ \
- if test "x$(DOC_MODULE)" = x -o "x$(DOC_MAIN_SGML_FILE)" = x; then :; else \
- for x in \
- $(DOC_MODULE)-decl-list.txt \
- $(DOC_MODULE)-decl.txt \
- tmpl/$(DOC_MODULE)-unused.sgml \
- "tmpl/*.bak" \
- $(DOC_MODULE).pdf \
- xml html \
- ; do echo "/$$x"; done; \
- FLAVOR=$$(cd $(top_srcdir); $(AUTOCONF) --trace 'GTK_DOC_CHECK:$$2' ./; \
- case $$FLAVOR in *no-tmpl*) echo /tmpl;; esac; \
- if echo "$(SCAN_OPTIONS)" | grep -q "\-\-rebuild-types"; then \
- echo "/$(DOC_MODULE).types"; \
- fi; \
- if echo "$(SCAN_OPTIONS)" | grep -q "\-\-rebuild-sections"; then \
- echo "/$(DOC_MODULE)-sections.txt"; \
- fi; \
- if test "$(abs_srcdir)" != "$(abs_builddir)" ; then \
- for x in \
- $(DOC_MODULE).types \
- ; do echo "/$$x"; done; \
- fi; \
- fi; \
- if test "x$(DOC_MODULE)$(DOC_ID)" = x -o "x$(DOC_LINGUAS)" = x; then :; else \
- for lc in $(DOC_LINGUAS); do \
- for x in \
- $(if $(DOC_MODULE),$(DOC_MODULE).xml) \
- $(DOC_PAGES) \
- ; do echo "/$$lc/$$x"; done; \
- done; \
- for x in \
- $(_DOC_OMF_ALL) \
- $(_DOC_DSK_ALL) \
- $(_DOC_HTML_ALL) \
- $(DOC_H_FILE) \
- "*/" \
- "*/*.omf.out" \
- ; do echo /$$x; done; \
- fi; \
- if test "x$(HOTDOC)" = x; then :; else \
- $(foreach project, $(HOTDOC_PROJECTS),echo "/$(call HOTDOC_TARGET,$(project))"; \
- echo "/$(shell $(call HOTDOC_PROJECT_COMMAND,$(project)) --get-conf-path output)" ; \
- echo "/$(shell $(call HOTDOC_PROJECT_COMMAND,$(project)) --get-private-folder)" ; \
- ) \
- for x in \
- .hotdoc.d \
- ; do echo "/$$x"; done; \
- fi; \
- if test "x$(HELP_ID)" = x -o "x$(HELP_LINGUAS)" = x; then :; else \
- for lc in $(HELP_LINGUAS); do \
- for x in \
- "$$lc.stamp" \
- "$$" \
- ; do echo "/$$lc/$$x"; done; \
- done; \
- fi; \
- if test "x$(gsettings_SCHEMAS)" = x; then :; else \
- for x in \
- $(gsettings_SCHEMAS:.xml=.valid) \
- $(gsettings__enum_file) \
- ; do echo "/$$x"; done; \
- fi; \
- if test "x$(appdata_XML)" = x; then :; else \
- for x in \
- $(appdata_XML:.xml=.valid) \
- ; do echo "/$$x"; done; \
- fi; \
- if test "x$(appstream_XML)" = x; then :; else \
- for x in \
- $(appstream_XML:.xml=.valid) \
- ; do echo "/$$x"; done; \
- fi; \
- if test -f $(srcdir)/po/; then \
- for x in \
- po/ \
- po/ \
- po/ \
- po/Makefile \
- po/Makevars.template \
- po/Rules-quot \
- po/stamp-it \
- po/stamp-po \
- po/.intltool-merge-cache \
- "po/*.gmo" \
- "po/*.header" \
- "po/*.mo" \
- "po/*.sed" \
- "po/*.sin" \
- po/$(GETTEXT_PACKAGE).pot \
- \
- \
- \
- ; do echo "/$$x"; done; \
- fi; \
- if test -f $(srcdir)/configure; then \
- for x in \
- autom4te.cache \
- configure \
- config.h \
- stamp-h1 \
- libtool \
- \
- ; do echo "/$$x"; done; \
- fi; \
- if test "x$(DEJATOOL)" = x; then :; else \
- for x in \
- ; do echo "/$$x.sum"; echo "/$$x.log"; done; \
- echo /site.exp; \
- fi; \
- if test "x$(am__dirstamp)" = x; then :; else \
- echo "$(am__dirstamp)"; \
- fi; \
- if test "x$(findstring libtool,$(LTCOMPILE))" = x -a "x$(findstring libtool,$(LTCXXCOMPILE))" = x -a "x$(GTKDOC_RUN)" = x; then :; else \
- for x in \
- "*.lo" \
- ".libs" "_libs" \
- ; do echo "$$x"; done; \
- fi; \
- for x in \
- .gitignore \
- so_locations \
- $(TEST_LOGS) \
- $(TEST_LOGS:.log=.trs) \
- $(TESTS:=.test) \
- "*.gcda" \
- "*.gcno" \
- "*.tab.c" \
- $(patsubst %.vala,%.c,$(filter %.vala,$(SOURCES))) \
- $(filter %_vala.stamp,$(DIST_COMMON)) \
- $(filter %.vapi,$(DIST_COMMON)) \
- $(filter $(addprefix %,$(notdir $(patsubst %.vapi,%.h,$(filter %.vapi,$(DIST_COMMON))))),$(DIST_COMMON)) \
- Makefile \
- \
- "*.orig" \
- "*.rej" \
- "*.bak" \
- "*~" \
- ".*.sw[nop]" \
- ".dirstamp" \
- ; do echo "/$$x"; done; \
- for x in \
- "*.$(OBJEXT)" \
- $(DEPDIR) \
- ; do echo "$$x"; done; \
- } | \
- sed "s@^/`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's/\(.\)/[\1]/g'`/@/@" | \
- sed 's@/[.]/@/@g' | \
- LC_ALL=C sort | uniq > $@.tmp && \
- mv $@.tmp $@;
-all: $(srcdir)/.gitignore gitignore-recurse-maybe
-gitignore: $(srcdir)/.gitignore gitignore-recurse
- @for subdir in $(DIST_SUBDIRS); do \
- case " $(SUBDIRS) " in \
- *" $$subdir "*) :;; \
- *) test "$$subdir" = . -o -e "$$subdir/.git" || (cd $$subdir && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) gitignore || echo "Skipping $$subdir");; \
- esac; \
- done
- @for subdir in $(DIST_SUBDIRS); do \
- test "$$subdir" = . -o -e "$$subdir/.git" || (cd $$subdir && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) gitignore || echo "Skipping $$subdir"); \
- done
-maintainer-clean: gitignore-clean
- -rm -f $(srcdir)/.gitignore
-.PHONY: gitignore-clean gitignore gitignore-recurse gitignore-recurse-maybe
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index 016cb914..00000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-# GLIB - Library of useful C routines
- G_TEST_SRCDIR="$(abs_srcdir)" \
- G_TEST_BUILDDIR="$(abs_builddir)" \
- G_DEBUG=gc-friendly \
- MALLOC_PERTURB_=$$(($${RANDOM:-256} % 256))
-LOG_DRIVER = env AM_TAP_AWK='$(AWK)' $(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/
-LOG_COMPILER = $(top_srcdir)/tap-test
-# initialize variables for unconditional += appending
-CLEANFILES = *.log *.trs
-installed_test_LTLIBRARIES =
-installed_test_PROGRAMS =
-installed_test_SCRIPTS =
-nobase_installed_test_DATA =
-noinst_PROGRAMS =
-noinst_SCRIPTS =
-noinst_DATA =
-check_PROGRAMS =
-check_SCRIPTS =
-check_DATA =
-# We support a fairly large range of possible variables. It is expected that all types of files in a test suite
-# will belong in exactly one of the following variables.
-# First, we support the usual automake suffixes, but in lowercase, with the customary meaning:
-# test_programs, test_scripts, test_data, test_ltlibraries
-# The above are used to list files that are involved in both uninstalled and installed testing. The
-# test_programs and test_scripts are taken to be actual testcases and will be run as part of the test suite.
-# Note that _data is always used with the nobase_ automake variable name to ensure that installed test data is
-# installed in the same way as it appears in the package layout.
-# In order to mark a particular file as being only for one type of testing, use 'installed' or 'uninstalled',
-# like so:
-# installed_test_programs, uninstalled_test_programs
-# installed_test_scripts, uninstalled_test_scripts
-# installed_test_data, uninstalled_test_data
-# installed_test_ltlibraries, uninstalled_test_ltlibraries
-# Additionally, we support 'extra' infixes for programs and scripts. This is used for support programs/scripts
-# that should not themselves be run as testcases (but exist to be used from other testcases):
-# test_extra_programs, installed_test_extra_programs, uninstalled_test_extra_programs
-# test_extra_scripts, installed_test_extra_scripts, uninstalled_test_extra_scripts
-# Additionally, for _scripts and _data, we support the customary dist_ prefix so that the named script or data
-# file automatically end up in the tarball.
-# dist_test_scripts, dist_test_data, dist_test_extra_scripts
-# dist_installed_test_scripts, dist_installed_test_data, dist_installed_test_extra_scripts
-# dist_uninstalled_test_scripts, dist_uninstalled_test_data, dist_uninstalled_test_extra_scripts
-# Note that no file is automatically disted unless it appears in one of the dist_ variables. This follows the
-# standard automake convention of not disting programs scripts or data by default.
-# test_programs, test_scripts, uninstalled_test_programs and uninstalled_test_scripts (as well as their disted
-# variants) will be run as part of the in-tree 'make check'. These are all assumed to be runnable under
-# gtester. That's a bit strange for scripts, but it's possible.
-TESTS += $(test_programs) $(test_scripts) $(uninstalled_test_programs) $(uninstalled_test_scripts) \
- $(dist_test_scripts) $(dist_uninstalled_test_scripts)
-# Note: build even the installed-only targets during 'make check' to ensure that they still work.
-# We need to do a bit of trickery here and manage disting via EXTRA_DIST instead of using dist_ prefixes to
-# prevent automake from mistreating gmake functions like $(wildcard ...) and $(addprefix ...) as if they were
-# filenames, including removing duplicate instances of the opening part before the space, eg. '$(addprefix'.
-all_test_programs = $(test_programs) $(uninstalled_test_programs) $(installed_test_programs) \
- $(test_extra_programs) $(uninstalled_test_extra_programs) $(installed_test_extra_programs)
-all_test_scripts = $(test_scripts) $(uninstalled_test_scripts) $(installed_test_scripts) \
- $(test_extra_scripts) $(uninstalled_test_extra_scripts) $(installed_test_extra_scripts)
-all_dist_test_scripts = $(dist_test_scripts) $(dist_uninstalled_test_scripts) $(dist_installed_test_scripts) \
- $(dist_test_extra_scripts) $(dist_uninstalled_test_extra_scripts) $(dist_installed_test_extra_scripts)
-all_test_scripts += $(all_dist_test_scripts)
-EXTRA_DIST += $(all_dist_test_scripts)
-all_test_data = $(test_data) $(uninstalled_test_data) $(installed_test_data)
-all_dist_test_data = $(dist_test_data) $(dist_uninstalled_test_data) $(dist_installed_test_data)
-all_test_data += $(all_dist_test_data)
-EXTRA_DIST += $(all_dist_test_data)
-all_test_ltlibs = $(test_ltlibraries) $(uninstalled_test_ltlibraries) $(installed_test_ltlibraries)
-noinst_LTLIBRARIES += $(all_test_ltlibs)
-noinst_PROGRAMS += $(all_test_programs)
-noinst_SCRIPTS += $(all_test_scripts)
-noinst_DATA += $(all_test_data)
-check_LTLIBRARIES += $(all_test_ltlibs)
-check_PROGRAMS += $(all_test_programs)
-check_SCRIPTS += $(all_test_scripts)
-check_DATA += $(all_test_data)
-installed_test_PROGRAMS += $(test_programs) $(installed_test_programs) \
- $(test_extra_programs) $(installed_test_extra_programs)
-installed_test_SCRIPTS += $(test_scripts) $(installed_test_scripts) \
- $(test_extra_scripts) $(test_installed_extra_scripts)
-installed_test_SCRIPTS += $(dist_test_scripts) $(dist_test_extra_scripts) \
- $(dist_installed_test_scripts) $(dist_installed_test_extra_scripts)
-nobase_installed_test_DATA += $(test_data) $(installed_test_data)
-nobase_installed_test_DATA += $(dist_test_data) $(dist_installed_test_data)
-installed_test_LTLIBRARIES += $(test_ltlibraries) $(installed_test_ltlibraries)
-installed_testcases = $(test_programs) $(installed_test_programs) \
- $(test_scripts) $(installed_test_scripts) \
- $(dist_test_scripts) $(dist_installed_test_scripts)
-installed_test_meta_DATA = $(installed_testcases:=.test)
-%.test: %$(EXEEXT) Makefile
- $(AM_V_GEN) (echo '[Test]' > $@.tmp; \
- echo 'Type=session' >> $@.tmp; \
- echo 'Exec=$(installed_testdir)/$(notdir $<) --tap' >> $@.tmp; \
- echo 'Output=TAP' >> $@.tmp; \
- mv $@.tmp $@)
-CLEANFILES += $(installed_test_meta_DATA)
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e934332..00000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-Name: libgdata
-Description: GData client library
-Version: @VERSION@
-Libs: -L${libdir} -lgdata
-Cflags: -I${includedir}/libgdata
diff --git a/m4/introspection.m4 b/m4/introspection.m4
deleted file mode 100644
index bfc52be7..00000000
--- a/m4/introspection.m4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-dnl -*- mode: autoconf -*-
-dnl Copyright 2009 Johan Dahlin
-dnl This file is free software; the author(s) gives unlimited
-dnl permission to copy and/or distribute it, with or without
-dnl modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
-# serial 1
- AC_BEFORE([AC_PROG_LIBTOOL],[$0])dnl setup libtool first
- AC_BEFORE([AM_PROG_LIBTOOL],[$0])dnl setup libtool first
- AC_BEFORE([LT_INIT],[$0])dnl setup libtool first
- dnl enable/disable introspection
- m4_if([$2], [require],
- [dnl
- enable_introspection=yes
- ],[dnl
- AC_ARG_ENABLE(introspection,
- AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-introspection[=@<:@no/auto/yes@:>@]],
- [Enable introspection for this build]),,
- [enable_introspection=auto])
- ])dnl
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([for gobject-introspection])
- dnl presence/version checking
- AS_CASE([$enable_introspection],
- [no], [dnl
- found_introspection="no (disabled, use --enable-introspection to enable)"
- ],dnl
- [yes],[dnl
- PKG_CHECK_EXISTS([gobject-introspection-1.0],,
- AC_MSG_ERROR([gobject-introspection-1.0 is not installed]))
- PKG_CHECK_EXISTS([gobject-introspection-1.0 >= $1],
- found_introspection=yes,
- AC_MSG_ERROR([You need to have gobject-introspection >= $1 installed to build AC_PACKAGE_NAME]))
- ],dnl
- [auto],[dnl
- PKG_CHECK_EXISTS([gobject-introspection-1.0 >= $1], found_introspection=yes, found_introspection=no)
- ],dnl
- [dnl
- AC_MSG_ERROR([invalid argument passed to --enable-introspection, should be one of @<:@no/auto/yes@:>@])
- ])dnl
- AC_MSG_RESULT([$found_introspection])
- if test "x$found_introspection" = "xyes"; then
- INTROSPECTION_SCANNER=`$PKG_CONFIG --variable=g_ir_scanner gobject-introspection-1.0`
- INTROSPECTION_COMPILER=`$PKG_CONFIG --variable=g_ir_compiler gobject-introspection-1.0`
- INTROSPECTION_GENERATE=`$PKG_CONFIG --variable=g_ir_generate gobject-introspection-1.0`
- INTROSPECTION_GIRDIR=`$PKG_CONFIG --variable=girdir gobject-introspection-1.0`
- INTROSPECTION_TYPELIBDIR="$($PKG_CONFIG --variable=typelibdir gobject-introspection-1.0)"
- INTROSPECTION_CFLAGS=`$PKG_CONFIG --cflags gobject-introspection-1.0`
- INTROSPECTION_LIBS=`$PKG_CONFIG --libs gobject-introspection-1.0`
- INTROSPECTION_MAKEFILE=`$PKG_CONFIG --variable=datadir gobject-introspection-1.0`/gobject-introspection-1.0/Makefile.introspection
- fi
- AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_INTROSPECTION, test "x$found_introspection" = "xyes")
-dnl Usage:
-dnl GOBJECT_INTROSPECTION_CHECK([minimum-g-i-version])
-dnl Usage:
-dnl GOBJECT_INTROSPECTION_REQUIRE([minimum-g-i-version])
diff --git a/m4/vapigen.m4 b/m4/vapigen.m4
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c435e74..00000000
--- a/m4/vapigen.m4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-dnl vapigen.m4
-dnl Copyright 2012 Evan Nemerson
-dnl This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-dnl modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-dnl License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-dnl version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-dnl This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-dnl but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-dnl Lesser General Public License for more details.
-dnl You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-dnl License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-dnl Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-# --------------------------------------
-# Check vapigen existence and version
-# See for detailed documentation
- AS_IF([test "x$3" != "xyes"], [
- m4_provide_if([GOBJECT_INTROSPECTION_CHECK], [], [
- m4_provide_if([GOBJECT_INTROSPECTION_REQUIRE], [], [
- ])
- ])
- ])
- AC_ARG_ENABLE([vala],
- [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-vala[=@<:@no/auto/yes@:>@]],[build Vala bindings @<:@default=]ifelse($4,,auto,$4)[@:>@])],,[
- AS_IF([test "x$4" = "x"], [
- enable_vala=auto
- ], [
- enable_vala=$4
- ])
- ])
- AS_CASE([$enable_vala], [no], [enable_vala=no],
- [yes], [
- AS_IF([test "x$3" != "xyes" -a "x$found_introspection" != "xyes"], [
- AC_MSG_ERROR([Vala bindings require GObject Introspection])
- ])
- ], [auto], [
- AS_IF([test "x$3" != "xyes" -a "x$found_introspection" != "xyes"], [
- enable_vala=no
- ])
- ], [
- AC_MSG_ERROR([Invalid argument passed to --enable-vala, should be one of @<:@no/auto/yes@:>@])
- ])
- AS_IF([test "x$2" = "x"], [
- vapigen_pkg_name=vapigen
- ], [
- vapigen_pkg_name=vapigen-$2
- ])
- AS_IF([test "x$1" = "x"], [
- vapigen_pkg="$vapigen_pkg_name"
- ], [
- vapigen_pkg="$vapigen_pkg_name >= $1"
- ])
- PKG_CHECK_EXISTS([$vapigen_pkg], [
- AS_IF([test "$enable_vala" = "auto"], [
- enable_vala=yes
- ])
- ], [
- AS_CASE([$enable_vala], [yes], [
- AC_MSG_ERROR([$vapigen_pkg not found])
- ], [auto], [
- enable_vala=no
- ])
- ])
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([for vapigen])
- AS_CASE([$enable_vala],
- [yes], [
- VAPIGEN=`$PKG_CONFIG --variable=vapigen $vapigen_pkg_name`
- VAPIGEN_MAKEFILE=`$PKG_CONFIG --variable=datadir $vapigen_pkg_name`/vala/Makefile.vapigen
- AS_IF([test "x$2" = "x"], [
- VAPIGEN_VAPIDIR=`$PKG_CONFIG --variable=vapidir $vapigen_pkg_name`
- ], [
- VAPIGEN_VAPIDIR=`$PKG_CONFIG --variable=vapidir_versioned $vapigen_pkg_name`
- ])
- ])
- AC_MSG_RESULT([$enable_vala])
- AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_VAPIGEN, test "x$enable_vala" = "xyes")
diff --git a/po/Makevars b/po/Makevars
deleted file mode 100644
index f8344723..00000000
--- a/po/Makevars
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile variables for PO directory in any package using GNU gettext.
-# Usually the message domain is the same as the package name.
-# These two variables depend on the location of this directory.
-subdir = po
-top_builddir = ..
-# These options get passed to xgettext.
-XGETTEXT_OPTIONS = --from-code=UTF-8 --keyword=_ --keyword=N_ --keyword=C_:1c,2 --keyword=NC_:1c,2 --keyword=g_dngettext:2,3 --add-comments
-# This is the copyright holder that gets inserted into the header of the
-# $(DOMAIN).pot file. Set this to the copyright holder of the surrounding
-# package. (Note that the msgstr strings, extracted from the package's
-# sources, belong to the copyright holder of the package.) Translators are
-# expected to transfer the copyright for their translations to this person
-# or entity, or to disclaim their copyright. The empty string stands for
-# the public domain; in this case the translators are expected to disclaim
-# their copyright.
-# This tells whether or not to prepend "GNU " prefix to the package
-# name that gets inserted into the header of the $(DOMAIN).pot file.
-# Possible values are "yes", "no", or empty. If it is empty, try to
-# detect it automatically by scanning the files in $(top_srcdir) for
-# "GNU packagename" string.
-# This is the email address or URL to which the translators shall report
-# bugs in the untranslated strings:
-# - Strings which are not entire sentences, see the maintainer guidelines
-# in the GNU gettext documentation, section 'Preparing Strings'.
-# - Strings which use unclear terms or require additional context to be
-# understood.
-# - Strings which make invalid assumptions about notation of date, time or
-# money.
-# - Pluralisation problems.
-# - Incorrect English spelling.
-# - Incorrect formatting.
-# It can be your email address, or a mailing list address where translators
-# can write to without being subscribed, or the URL of a web page through
-# which the translators can contact you.
-# This is the list of locale categories, beyond LC_MESSAGES, for which the
-# message catalogs shall be used. It is usually empty.
-# This tells whether the $(DOMAIN).pot file contains messages with an 'msgctxt'
-# context. Possible values are "yes" and "no". Set this to yes if the
-# package uses functions taking also a message context, like pgettext(), or
-# if in $(XGETTEXT_OPTIONS) you define keywords with a context argument.
-# These options get passed to msgmerge.
-# Useful options are in particular:
-# --previous to keep previous msgids of translated messages,
-# --quiet to reduce the verbosity.
-# These options get passed to msginit.
-# If you want to disable line wrapping when writing PO files, add
-# This tells whether or not to regenerate a PO file when $(DOMAIN).pot
-# has changed. Possible values are "yes" and "no". Set this to no if
-# the POT file is checked in the repository and the version control
-# program ignores timestamps.
-# This tells whether or not to forcibly update $(DOMAIN).pot and
-# regenerate PO files on "make dist". Possible values are "yes" and
-# "no". Set this to no if the POT file and PO files are maintained
-# externally.
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100755
index 19aa531d..00000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,652 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <>.
-# As a special exception to the GNU General Public License, if you
-# distribute this file as part of a program that contains a
-# configuration script generated by Autoconf, you may include it under
-# the same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that program.
-# This file is maintained in Automake, please report
-# bugs to <> or send patches to
-# <>.
-scriptversion=2011-12-27.17; # UTC
-# Make unconditional expansion of undefined variables an error. This
-# helps a lot in preventing typo-related bugs.
-set -u
-fatal ()
- echo "$me: fatal: $*" >&2
- exit 1
-usage_error ()
- echo "$me: $*" >&2
- print_usage >&2
- exit 2
-print_usage ()
- cat <<END
- --test-name=NAME --log-file=PATH --trs-file=PATH
- [--expect-failure={yes|no}] [--color-tests={yes|no}]
- [--enable-hard-errors={yes|no}] [--ignore-exit]
- [--diagnostic-string=STRING] [--merge|--no-merge]
- [--comments|--no-comments] [--] TEST-COMMAND
-The \`--test-name', \`--log-file' and \`--trs-file' options are mandatory.
-# TODO: better error handling in option parsing (in particular, ensure
-# TODO: $log_file, $trs_file and $test_name are defined).
-test_name= # Used for reporting.
-log_file= # Where to save the result and output of the test script.
-trs_file= # Where to save the metadata of the test run.
-while test $# -gt 0; do
- case $1 in
- --help) print_usage; exit $?;;
- --version) echo "$me $scriptversion"; exit $?;;
- --test-name) test_name=$2; shift;;
- --log-file) log_file=$2; shift;;
- --trs-file) trs_file=$2; shift;;
- --color-tests) color_tests=$2; shift;;
- --expect-failure) expect_failure=$2; shift;;
- --enable-hard-errors) shift;; # No-op.
- --merge) merge=1;;
- --no-merge) merge=0;;
- --ignore-exit) ignore_exit=1;;
- --comments) comments=1;;
- --no-comments) comments=0;;
- --diagnostic-string) diag_string=$2; shift;;
- --) shift; break;;
- -*) usage_error "invalid option: '$1'";;
- esac
- shift
-test $# -gt 0 || usage_error "missing test command"
-case $expect_failure in
- yes) expect_failure=1;;
- *) expect_failure=0;;
-if test $color_tests = yes; then
- init_colors='
- color_map["red"]="" # Red.
- color_map["grn"]="" # Green.
- color_map["lgn"]="" # Light green.
- color_map["blu"]="" # Blue.
- color_map["mgn"]="" # Magenta.
- color_map["std"]="" # No color.
- color_for_result["ERROR"] = "mgn"
- color_for_result["PASS"] = "grn"
- color_for_result["XPASS"] = "red"
- color_for_result["FAIL"] = "red"
- color_for_result["XFAIL"] = "lgn"
- color_for_result["SKIP"] = "blu"'
- init_colors=''
-# :; is there to work around a bug in bash 3.2 (and earlier) which
-# does not always set '$?' properly on redirection failure.
-# See the Autoconf manual for more details.
- (
- # Ignore common signals (in this subshell only!), to avoid potential
- # problems with Korn shells. Some Korn shells are known to propagate
- # to themselves signals that have killed a child process they were
- # waiting for; this is done at least for SIGINT (and usually only for
- # it, in truth). Without the `trap' below, such a behaviour could
- # cause a premature exit in the current subshell, e.g., in case the
- # test command it runs gets terminated by a SIGINT. Thus, the awk
- # script we are piping into would never seen the exit status it
- # expects on its last input line (which is displayed below by the
- # last `echo $?' statement), and would thus die reporting an internal
- # error.
- # For more information, see the Autoconf manual and the threads:
- # <>
- # <>
- trap : 1 3 2 13 15
- if test $merge -gt 0; then
- exec 2>&1
- else
- exec 2>&3
- fi
- "$@"
- echo $?
- ) | LC_ALL=C ${AM_TAP_AWK-awk} \
- -v me="$me" \
- -v test_script_name="$test_name" \
- -v log_file="$log_file" \
- -v trs_file="$trs_file" \
- -v expect_failure="$expect_failure" \
- -v merge="$merge" \
- -v ignore_exit="$ignore_exit" \
- -v comments="$comments" \
- -v diag_string="$diag_string" \
-# FIXME: the usages of "cat >&3" below could be optimized when using
-# FIXME: GNU awk, and/on on systems that supports /dev/fd/.
-# Implementation note: in what follows, `result_obj` will be an
-# associative array that (partly) simulates a TAP result object
-# from the `TAP::Parser` perl module.
-## ----------- ##
-## ----------- ##
-function fatal(msg)
- print me ": " msg | "cat >&2"
- exit 1
-function abort(where)
- fatal("internal error " where)
-# Convert a boolean to a "yes"/"no" string.
-function yn(bool)
- return bool ? "yes" : "no";
-function add_test_result(result)
- if (!test_results_index)
- test_results_index = 0
- test_results_list[test_results_index] = result
- test_results_index += 1
- test_results_seen[result] = 1;
-# Whether the test script should be re-run by "make recheck".
-function must_recheck()
- for (k in test_results_seen)
- if (k != "XFAIL" && k != "PASS" && k != "SKIP")
- return 1
- return 0
-# Whether the content of the log file associated to this test should
-# be copied into the "global" test-suite.log.
-function copy_in_global_log()
- for (k in test_results_seen)
- if (k != "PASS")
- return 1
- return 0
-# FIXME: this can certainly be improved ...
-function get_global_test_result()
- if ("ERROR" in test_results_seen)
- return "ERROR"
- if ("FAIL" in test_results_seen || "XPASS" in test_results_seen)
- return "FAIL"
- all_skipped = 1
- for (k in test_results_seen)
- if (k != "SKIP")
- all_skipped = 0
- if (all_skipped)
- return "SKIP"
- return "PASS";
-function stringify_result_obj(result_obj)
- if (result_obj["is_unplanned"] || result_obj["number"] != testno)
- return "ERROR"
- if (plan_seen == LATE_PLAN)
- return "ERROR"
- if (result_obj["directive"] == "TODO")
- return result_obj["is_ok"] ? "XPASS" : "XFAIL"
- if (result_obj["directive"] == "SKIP")
- return result_obj["is_ok"] ? "SKIP" : COOKED_FAIL;
- if (length(result_obj["directive"]))
- abort("in function stringify_result_obj()")
- return result_obj["is_ok"] ? COOKED_PASS : COOKED_FAIL
-function decorate_result(result)
- color_name = color_for_result[result]
- if (color_name)
- return color_map[color_name] "" result "" color_map["std"]
- # If we are not using colorized output, or if we do not know how
- # to colorize the given result, we should return it unchanged.
- return result
-function report(result, details)
- if (result ~ /^(X?(PASS|FAIL)|SKIP|ERROR)/)
- {
- msg = ": " test_script_name
- add_test_result(result)
- }
- else if (result == "#")
- {
- msg = " " test_script_name ":"
- }
- else
- {
- abort("in function report()")
- }
- if (length(details))
- msg = msg " " details
- # Output on console might be colorized.
- print decorate_result(result) msg
- # Log the result in the log file too, to help debugging (this is
- # especially true when said result is a TAP error or "Bail out!").
- print result msg | "cat >&3";
-function testsuite_error(error_message)
- report("ERROR", "- " error_message)
-function handle_tap_result()
- details = result_obj["number"];
- if (length(result_obj["description"]))
- details = details " " result_obj["description"]
- if (plan_seen == LATE_PLAN)
- {
- details = details " # AFTER LATE PLAN";
- }
- else if (result_obj["is_unplanned"])
- {
- details = details " # UNPLANNED";
- }
- else if (result_obj["number"] != testno)
- {
- details = sprintf("%s # OUT-OF-ORDER (expecting %d)",
- details, testno);
- }
- else if (result_obj["directive"])
- {
- details = details " # " result_obj["directive"];
- if (length(result_obj["explanation"]))
- details = details " " result_obj["explanation"]
- }
- report(stringify_result_obj(result_obj), details)
-# `skip_reason` should be empty whenever planned > 0.
-function handle_tap_plan(planned, skip_reason)
- planned += 0 # Avoid getting confused if, say, `planned` is "00"
- if (length(skip_reason) && planned > 0)
- abort("in function handle_tap_plan()")
- if (plan_seen)
- {
- # Error, only one plan per stream is acceptable.
- testsuite_error("multiple test plans")
- return;
- }
- planned_tests = planned
- # The TAP plan can come before or after *all* the TAP results; we speak
- # respectively of an "early" or a "late" plan. If we see the plan line
- # after at least one TAP result has been seen, assume we have a late
- # plan; in this case, any further test result seen after the plan will
- # be flagged as an error.
- plan_seen = (testno >= 1 ? LATE_PLAN : EARLY_PLAN)
- # If testno > 0, we have an error ("too many tests run") that will be
- # automatically dealt with later, so do not worry about it here. If
- # $plan_seen is true, we have an error due to a repeated plan, and that
- # has already been dealt with above. Otherwise, we have a valid "plan
- # with SKIP" specification, and should report it as a particular kind
- # of SKIP result.
- if (planned == 0 && testno == 0)
- {
- if (length(skip_reason))
- skip_reason = "- " skip_reason;
- report("SKIP", skip_reason);
- }
-function extract_tap_comment(line)
- if (index(line, diag_string) == 1)
- {
- # Strip leading `diag_string` from `line`.
- line = substr(line, length(diag_string) + 1)
- # And strip any leading and trailing whitespace left.
- sub("^[ \t]*", "", line)
- sub("[ \t]*$", "", line)
- # Return what is left (if any).
- return line;
- }
- return "";
-# When this function is called, we know that line is a TAP result line,
-# so that it matches the (perl) RE "^(not )?ok\b".
-function setup_result_obj(line)
- # Get the result, and remove it from the line.
- result_obj["is_ok"] = (substr(line, 1, 2) == "ok" ? 1 : 0)
- sub("^(not )?ok[ \t]*", "", line)
- # If the result has an explicit number, get it and strip it; otherwise,
- # automatically assing the next progresive number to it.
- if (line ~ /^[0-9]+$/ || line ~ /^[0-9]+[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/)
- {
- match(line, "^[0-9]+")
- # The final `+ 0` is to normalize numbers with leading zeros.
- result_obj["number"] = substr(line, 1, RLENGTH) + 0
- line = substr(line, RLENGTH + 1)
- }
- else
- {
- result_obj["number"] = testno
- }
- if (plan_seen == LATE_PLAN)
- # No further test results are acceptable after a "late" TAP plan
- # has been seen.
- result_obj["is_unplanned"] = 1
- else if (plan_seen && testno > planned_tests)
- result_obj["is_unplanned"] = 1
- else
- result_obj["is_unplanned"] = 0
- # Strip trailing and leading whitespace.
- sub("^[ \t]*", "", line)
- sub("[ \t]*$", "", line)
- # This will have to be corrected if we have a "TODO"/"SKIP" directive.
- result_obj["description"] = line
- result_obj["directive"] = ""
- result_obj["explanation"] = ""
- if (index(line, "#") == 0)
- return # No possible directive, nothing more to do.
- # Directives are case-insensitive.
- rx = "[ \t]*#[ \t]*([tT][oO][dD][oO]|[sS][kK][iI][pP])[ \t]*"
- # See whether we have the directive, and if yes, where.
- pos = match(line, rx "$")
- if (!pos)
- pos = match(line, rx "[^a-zA-Z0-9_]")
- # If there was no TAP directive, we have nothing more to do.
- if (!pos)
- return
- # Let`s now see if the TAP directive has been escaped. For example:
- # escaped: ok \# SKIP
- # not escaped: ok \\# SKIP
- # escaped: ok \\\\\# SKIP
- # not escaped: ok \ # SKIP
- if (substr(line, pos, 1) == "#")
- {
- bslash_count = 0
- for (i = pos; i > 1 && substr(line, i - 1, 1) == "\\"; i--)
- bslash_count += 1
- if (bslash_count % 2)
- return # Directive was escaped.
- }
- # Strip the directive and its explanation (if any) from the test
- # description.
- result_obj["description"] = substr(line, 1, pos - 1)
- # Now remove the test description from the line, that has been dealt
- # with already.
- line = substr(line, pos)
- # Strip the directive, and save its value (normalized to upper case).
- sub("^[ \t]*#[ \t]*", "", line)
- result_obj["directive"] = toupper(substr(line, 1, 4))
- line = substr(line, 5)
- # Now get the explanation for the directive (if any), with leading
- # and trailing whitespace removed.
- sub("^[ \t]*", "", line)
- sub("[ \t]*$", "", line)
- result_obj["explanation"] = line
-function get_test_exit_message(status)
- if (status == 0)
- return ""
- if (status !~ /^[1-9][0-9]*$/)
- abort("getting exit status")
- if (status < 127)
- exit_details = ""
- else if (status == 127)
- exit_details = " (command not found?)"
- else if (status >= 128 && status <= 255)
- exit_details = sprintf(" (terminated by signal %d?)", status - 128)
- else if (status > 256 && status <= 384)
- # We used to report an "abnormal termination" here, but some Korn
- # shells, when a child process die due to signal number n, can leave
- # in $? an exit status of 256+n instead of the more standard 128+n.
- # Apparently, both behaviours are allowed by POSIX (2008), so be
- # prepared to handle them both. See also Austing Group report ID
- # 0000051 <>
- exit_details = sprintf(" (terminated by signal %d?)", status - 256)
- else
- # Never seen in practice.
- exit_details = " (abnormal termination)"
- return sprintf("exited with status %d%s", status, exit_details)
-function write_test_results()
- print ":global-test-result: " get_global_test_result() > trs_file
- print ":recheck: " yn(must_recheck()) > trs_file
- print ":copy-in-global-log: " yn(copy_in_global_log()) > trs_file
- for (i = 0; i < test_results_index; i += 1)
- print ":test-result: " test_results_list[i] > trs_file
- close(trs_file);
-## ------- ##
-## SETUP ##
-## ------- ##
-# Properly initialized once the TAP plan is seen.
-planned_tests = 0
-COOKED_PASS = expect_failure ? "XPASS": "PASS";
-COOKED_FAIL = expect_failure ? "XFAIL": "FAIL";
-# Enumeration-like constants to remember which kind of plan (if any)
-# has been seen. It is important that NO_PLAN evaluates "false" as
-# a boolean.
-NO_PLAN = 0
-testno = 0 # Number of test results seen so far.
-bailed_out = 0 # Whether a "Bail out!" directive has been seen.
-# Whether the TAP plan has been seen or not, and if yes, which kind
-# it is ("early" is seen before any test result, "late" otherwise).
-plan_seen = NO_PLAN
-## --------- ##
-## PARSING ##
-## --------- ##
-is_first_read = 1
-while (1)
- {
- # Involutions required so that we are able to read the exit status
- # from the last input line.
- st = getline
- if (st < 0) # I/O error.
- fatal("I/O error while reading from input stream")
- else if (st == 0) # End-of-input
- {
- if (is_first_read)
- abort("in input loop: only one input line")
- break
- }
- if (is_first_read)
- {
- is_first_read = 0
- nextline = $0
- continue
- }
- else
- {
- curline = nextline
- nextline = $0
- $0 = curline
- }
- # Copy any input line verbatim into the log file.
- print | "cat >&3"
- # Parsing of TAP input should stop after a "Bail out!" directive.
- if (bailed_out)
- continue
- # TAP test result.
- if ($0 ~ /^(not )?ok$/ || $0 ~ /^(not )?ok[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/)
- {
- testno += 1
- setup_result_obj($0)
- handle_tap_result()
- }
- # TAP plan (normal or "SKIP" without explanation).
- else if ($0 ~ /^1\.\.[0-9]+[ \t]*$/)
- {
- # The next two lines will put the number of planned tests in $0.
- sub("^1\\.\\.", "")
- sub("[^0-9]*$", "")
- handle_tap_plan($0, "")
- continue
- }
- # TAP "SKIP" plan, with an explanation.
- else if ($0 ~ /^1\.\.0+[ \t]*#/)
- {
- # The next lines will put the skip explanation in $0, stripping
- # any leading and trailing whitespace. This is a little more
- # tricky in truth, since we want to also strip a potential leading
- # "SKIP" string from the message.
- sub("^[^#]*#[ \t]*(SKIP[: \t][ \t]*)?", "")
- sub("[ \t]*$", "");
- handle_tap_plan(0, $0)
- }
- # "Bail out!" magic.
- # Older versions of prove and TAP::Harness (e.g., 3.17) did not
- # recognize a "Bail out!" directive when preceded by leading
- # whitespace, but more modern versions (e.g., 3.23) do. So we
- # emulate the latter, "more modern" behaviour.
- else if ($0 ~ /^[ \t]*Bail out!/)
- {
- bailed_out = 1
- # Get the bailout message (if any), with leading and trailing
- # whitespace stripped. The message remains stored in `$0`.
- sub("^[ \t]*Bail out![ \t]*", "");
- sub("[ \t]*$", "");
- # Format the error message for the
- bailout_message = "Bail out!"
- if (length($0))
- bailout_message = bailout_message " " $0
- testsuite_error(bailout_message)
- }
- # Maybe we have too look for dianogtic comments too.
- else if (comments != 0)
- {
- comment = extract_tap_comment($0);
- if (length(comment))
- report("#", comment);
- }
- }
-## -------- ##
-## FINISH ##
-## -------- ##
-# A "Bail out!" directive should cause us to ignore any following TAP
-# error, as well as a non-zero exit status from the TAP producer.
-if (!bailed_out)
- {
- if (!plan_seen)
- {
- testsuite_error("missing test plan")
- }
- else if (planned_tests != testno)
- {
- bad_amount = testno > planned_tests ? "many" : "few"
- testsuite_error(sprintf("too %s tests run (expected %d, got %d)",
- bad_amount, planned_tests, testno))
- }
- if (!ignore_exit)
- {
- # Fetch exit status from the last line.
- exit_message = get_test_exit_message(nextline)
- if (exit_message)
- testsuite_error(exit_message)
- }
- }
-exit 0
-} # End of "BEGIN" block.
-# TODO: document that we consume the file descriptor 3 :-(
-} 3>"$log_file"
-test $? -eq 0 || fatal "I/O or internal error"
-# Local Variables:
-# mode: shell-script
-# sh-indentation: 2
-# eval: (add-hook 'write-file-hooks 'time-stamp)
-# time-stamp-start: "scriptversion="
-# time-stamp-format: "%:y-%02m-%02d.%02H"
-# time-stamp-time-zone: "UTC"
-# time-stamp-end: "; # UTC"
-# End:
diff --git a/tap-test b/tap-test
deleted file mode 100755
index 481e333e..00000000
--- a/tap-test
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# run a GTest in tap mode. The test binary is passed as $1
-$1 -k --tap