path: root/compiler/GHC/Core.hs
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Avoid allocating intermediate lists for non recursive bindings.Andreas Klebinger2022-10-171-0/+16
| | | | | | | We do so by having an explicit folding function that doesn't need to allocate intermediate lists first. Fixes #22196
* Refactor UnfoldingSource and IfaceUnfoldingSimon Peyton Jones2022-09-281-47/+20
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | I finally got tired of the way that IfaceUnfolding reflected a previous structure of unfoldings, not the current one. This MR refactors UnfoldingSource and IfaceUnfolding to be simpler and more consistent. It's largely just a refactor, but in UnfoldingSource (which moves to GHC.Types.Basic, since it is now used in IfaceSyn too), I distinguish between /user-specified/ and /system-generated/ stable unfoldings. data UnfoldingSource = VanillaSrc | StableUserSrc -- From a user-specified pragma | StableSystemSrc -- From a system-generated unfolding | CompulsorySrc This has a minor effect in CSE (see the use of isisStableUserUnfolding in GHC.Core.Opt.CSE), which I tripped over when working on specialisation, but it seems like a Good Thing to know anyway.
* Fix typosEric Lindblad2022-09-141-1/+1
| | | | | | | This fixes various typos and spelling mistakes in the compiler. Fixes #21891
* Minor cleanupKrzysztof Gogolewski2022-09-011-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | - Remove mkHeteroCoercionType, sdocImpredicativeTypes, isStateType (unused), isCoVar_maybe (duplicated by getCoVar_maybe) - Replace a few occurrences of voidPrimId with (# #). void# is a deprecated synonym for the unboxed tuple. - Use showSDoc in :show linker. This makes it consistent with the other :show commands
* Fix arityType: -fpedantic-bottoms, join points, etcwip/T21694aSimon Peyton Jones2022-08-251-13/+28
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This MR fixes #21694, #21755. It also makes sure that #21948 and fix to #21694. * For #21694 the underlying problem was that we were calling arityType on an expression that had free join points. This is a Bad Bad Idea. See Note [No free join points in arityType]. * To make "no free join points in arityType" work out I had to avoid trying to use eta-expansion for runRW#. This entailed a few changes in the Simplifier's treatment of runRW#. See GHC.Core.Opt.Simplify.Iteration Note [No eta-expansion in runRW#] * I also made andArityType work correctly with -fpedantic-bottoms; see Note [Combining case branches: andWithTail]. * Rewrote Note [Combining case branches: optimistic one-shot-ness] * arityType previously treated join points differently to other let-bindings. This patch makes them unform; arityType analyses the RHS of all bindings to get its ArityType, and extends am_sigs. I realised that, now we have am_sigs giving the ArityType for let-bound Ids, we don't need the (pre-dating) special code in arityType for join points. But instead we need to extend the env for Rec bindings, which weren't doing before. More uniform now. See Note [arityType for let-bindings]. This meant we could get rid of ae_joins, and in fact get rid of EtaExpandArity altogether. Simpler. * And finally, it was the strange treatment of join-point Ids in arityType (involving a fake ABot type) that led to a serious bug: #21755. Fixed by this refactoring, which treats them uniformly; but without breaking #18328. In fact, the arity for recursive join bindings is pretty tricky; see the long Note [Arity for recursive join bindings] in GHC.Core.Opt.Simplify.Utils. That led to more refactoring, including deciding that an Id could have an Arity that is bigger than its JoinArity; see Note [Invariants on join points], item 2(b) in GHC.Core * Make sure that the "demand threshold" for join points in DmdAnal is no bigger than the join-arity. In GHC.Core.Opt.DmdAnal see Note [Demand signatures are computed for a threshold arity based on idArity] * I moved GHC.Core.Utils.exprIsDeadEnd into GHC.Core.Opt.Arity, where it more properly belongs. * Remove an old, redundant hack in FloatOut. The old Note was Note [Bottoming floats: eta expansion] in GHC.Core.Opt.SetLevels. Compile time improves very slightly on average: Metrics: compile_time/bytes allocated --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T18223(normal) ghc/alloc 725,808,720 747,839,216 +3.0% BAD T6048(optasm) ghc/alloc 105,006,104 101,599,472 -3.2% GOOD geo. mean -0.2% minimum -3.2% maximum +3.0% For some reason Windows was better T10421(normal) ghc/alloc 125,888,360 124,129,168 -1.4% GOOD T18140(normal) ghc/alloc 85,974,520 83,884,224 -2.4% GOOD T18698b(normal) ghc/alloc 236,764,568 234,077,288 -1.1% GOOD T18923(normal) ghc/alloc 75,660,528 73,994,512 -2.2% GOOD T6048(optasm) ghc/alloc 112,232,512 108,182,520 -3.6% GOOD geo. mean -0.6% I had a quick look at T18223 but it is knee deep in coercions and the size of everything looks similar before and after. I decided to accept that 3% increase in exchange for goodness elsewhere. Metric Decrease: T10421 T18140 T18698b T18923 T6048 Metric Increase: T18223
* Make ru_fn field strict to avoid retaining IdsMatthew Pickering2022-08-191-1/+1
| | | | | | It's better to perform this projection from Id to Name strictly so we don't retain an old Id (hence IdInfo, hence Unfolding, hence everything etc)
* Fix isEvaldUnfolding and isValueUnfoldingSimon Peyton Jones2022-07-251-0/+2
| | | | This fixes (1) in #21831. Easy, obviously correct.
* Don't mark lambda binders as OtherConAndreas Klebinger2022-06-271-0/+11
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | We used to put OtherCon unfoldings on lambda binders of workers and sometimes also join points/specializations with with the assumption that since the wrapper would force these arguments once we execute the RHS they would indeed be in WHNF. This was wrong for reasons detailed in #21472. So now we purge evaluated unfoldings from *all* lambda binders. This fixes #21472, but at the cost of sometimes not using as efficient a calling convention. It can also change inlining behaviour as some occurances will no longer look like value arguments when they did before. As consequence we also change how we compute CBV information for arguments slightly. We now *always* determine the CBV convention for arguments during tidy. Earlier in the pipeline we merely mark functions as candidates for having their arguments treated as CBV. As before the process is described in the relevant notes: Note [CBV Function Ids] Note [Attaching CBV Marks to ids] Note [Never put `OtherCon` unfoldigns on lambda binders] ------------------------- Metric Decrease: T12425 T13035 T18223 T18223 T18923 MultiLayerModulesTH_OneShot Metric Increase: WWRec -------------------------
* Purge `DynFlags` and `HscEnv` from some `GHC.Core` modules where it's not ↵wip/dflags-core-opt-easierJohn Ericson2022-05-311-9/+2
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | too hard Progress towards #17957 Because of `CoreM`, I did not move the `DynFlags` and `HscEnv` to other modules as thoroughly as I usually do. This does mean that risk of `DynFlags` "creeping back in" is higher than it usually is. After we do the same process to the other Core passes, and then figure out what we want to do about `CoreM`, we can finish the job started here. That is a good deal more work, however, so it certainly makes sense to land this now.
* CoreLint - When checking for levity polymorphism look through more ticks.Andreas Klebinger2022-05-041-0/+14
| | | | | | | | | | | For expressions like `(scc<cc_name> primOp#) arg1` we should also look at arg1 to determine if we call primOp# at a fixed runtime rep. This is what corePrep already does but CoreLint didn't yet. This patch will bring them in sync in this regard. It also uses tickishFloatable in CorePrep instead of CorePrep having it's own slightly differing definition of when a tick is floatable.
* Drop the app invariantghc-9.5-startJoachim Breitner2022-04-091-12/+28
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | previously, GHC had the "let/app-invariant" which said that the RHS of a let or the argument of an application must be of lifted type or ok for speculation. We want this on let to freely float them around, and we wanted that on app to freely convert between the two (e.g. in beta-reduction or inlining). However, the app invariant meant that simple code didn't stay simple and this got in the way of rules matching. By removing the app invariant, this thus fixes #20554. The new invariant is now called "let-can-float invariant", which is hopefully easier to guess its meaning correctly. Dropping the app invariant means that everywhere where we effectively do beta-reduction (in the two simplifiers, but also in `exprIsConApp_maybe` and other innocent looking places) we now have to check if the argument must be evaluated (unlifted and side-effecting), and analyses have to be adjusted to the new semantics of `App`. Also, `LetFloats` in the simplifier can now also carry such non-floating bindings. The fix for DmdAnal, refine by Sebastian, makes functions with unlifted arguments strict in these arguments, which changes some signatures. This causes some extra calls to `exprType` and `exprOkForSpeculation`, so some perf benchmarks regress a bit (while others improve). Metric Decrease: T9020 Metric Increase: LargeRecord T12545 T15164 T16577 T18223 T5642 T9961 Co-authored-by: Sebastian Graf <>
* Minor cleanupKrzysztof Gogolewski2022-04-011-12/+2
| | | | | | | | | | | - Remove unused functions exprToCoercion_maybe, applyTypeToArg, typeMonoPrimRep_maybe, runtimeRepMonoPrimRep_maybe. - Replace orValid with a simpler check - Use splitAtList in applyTysX - Remove calls to extra_clean in the testsuite; it does not do anything. Metric Decrease: T18223
* Don't allow Float#/Double# literal patternssheaf2022-03-051-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | This patch does the following two things: 1. Fix the check in Core Lint to properly throw an error when it comes across Float#/Double# literal patterns. The check was incorrect before, because it expected the type to be Float/Double instead of Float#/Double#. 2. Add an error in the parser when the user writes a floating-point literal pattern such as `case x of { 2.0## -> ... }`. Fixes #21115
* Core Lint: ensure primops can be eta-expandedsheaf2022-02-261-6/+43
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This patch adds a check to Core Lint, checkCanEtaExpand, which ensures that primops and other wired-in functions with no binding such as unsafeCoerce#, oneShot, rightSection... can always be eta-expanded, by checking that the remaining argument types have a fixed RuntimeRep. Two subtleties came up: - the notion of arity in Core looks through newtypes, so we may need to unwrap newtypes in this check, - we want to avoid calling hasNoBinding on something whose unfolding we are in the process of linting, as this would cause a loop; to avoid this we add some information to the Core Lint environment that holds this information. Fixes #20480
* Improve efficiency of extending a RuleEnv with a new RuleBaseMatthew Pickering2022-02-261-4/+29
| | | | | | | | | | | | | Essentially we apply the identity: > lookupNameEnv n (plusNameEnv_C (++) rb1 rb2) > = lookupNameEnv n rb1 ++ lookupNameEnv n rb2 The latter being more efficient as we don't construct an intermediate map. This is now quite important as each time we try and apply rules we need to combine the current EPS RuleBase with the HPT and ModGuts rule bases.
* Fix some notesMatthew Pickering2022-02-081-1/+1
* CorePrep: Don't try to wrap partial applications of primops in profiling ticks.Andreas Klebinger2022-01-261-1/+9
| | | | This fixes #20938.
* Misc cleanupKrzysztof Gogolewski2021-11-251-4/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * Remove `getTag_RDR` (unused), `tidyKind` and `tidyOpenKind` (already available as `tidyType` and `tidyOpenType`) * Remove Note [Explicit Case Statement for Specificity]. Since 0a709dd9876e40 we require GHC 8.10 for bootstrapping. * Change the warning to `cmpAltCon` to a panic. This shouldn't happen. If it ever does, the code was wrong anyway: it shouldn't always return `LT`, but rather `LT` in one case and `GT` in the other case. * Rename `verifyLinearConstructors` to `verifyLinearFields` * Fix `Note [Local record selectors]` which was not referenced * Remove vestiges of `type +v` * Minor fixes to StaticPointers documentation, part of #15603
* Document that `InScopeSet` is a superset of currently in-scope variablesZiyang Liu2021-10-221-0/+2
* Introduce Concrete# for representation polymorphism checkssheaf2021-10-171-17/+21
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | PHASE 1: we never rewrite Concrete# evidence. This patch migrates all the representation polymorphism checks to the typechecker, using a new constraint form Concrete# :: forall k. k -> TupleRep '[] Whenever a type `ty` must be representation-polymorphic (e.g. it is the type of an argument to a function), we emit a new `Concrete# ty` Wanted constraint. If this constraint goes unsolved, we report a representation-polymorphism error to the user. The 'FRROrigin' datatype keeps track of the context of the representation-polymorphism check, for more informative error messages. This paves the way for further improvements, such as allowing type families in RuntimeReps and improving the soundness of typed Template Haskell. This is left as future work (PHASE 2). fixes #17907 #20277 #20330 #20423 #20426 updates haddock submodule ------------------------- Metric Decrease: T5642 -------------------------
* Make the OccName field of NotOrphan strictMatthew Pickering2021-10-121-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | In GHCi, by default the ModIface is not written to disk, this can leave a thunk which retains a TyCon which ends up retaining a great deal more on the heap. For example, here is the retainer trace from ghc-debug. ``` ... many other closures ... <TyCon:GHC.Core.TyCon:compiler/GHC/Core/TyCon.hs:1755:34-97> Just 0x423162aaa8 <Maybe:GHC.Core.TyCon:compiler/GHC/Core/TyCon.hs:(1936,11)-(1949,13)> FamilyTyCon 0x4231628318 0x4210e06260 0x4231628328 0x4231628340 0x421730a398 0x4231628358 0x4231628380 0x4231628390 0x7f0f5a171d18 0x7f0f7b1d7850 0x42316283a8 0x7f0f7b1d7830 <TyCon:GHC.Core.TyCon:compiler/GHC/Cor e/TyCon.hs:1948:30-32> _thunk( ) 0x4231624000 <OccName:GHC.Iface.Make:compiler/GHC/Iface/Make.hs:724:22-43> NotOrphan 0x42357d8ed8 <IsOrphan:GHC.Iface.Make:compiler/GHC/Iface/Make.hs:724:12-43> IfaceFamInst 0x4210e06260 0x42359aed10 0x4210e0c6b8 0x42359aed28 <IfaceFamInst:GHC.Iface.Make:> ``` Making the field strict squashes this retainer leak when using GHCi.
* Put tracing functions into their own moduleSylvain Henry2021-06-221-2/+1
| | | | | | | | Now that Outputable is independent of DynFlags, we can put tracing functions using SDocs into their own module that doesn't transitively depend on any GHC.Driver.* module. A few modules needed to be moved to avoid loops in DEBUG mode.
* Enhance cast worker/wrapper for INLINABLESimon Peyton Jones2021-06-181-2/+18
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | In #19890 we realised that cast worker/wrapper didn't really work properly for functions with an INLINABLE pragma, and hence a stable unfolding. This patch fixes the problem. Instead of disabling cast w/w when there is a stable unfolding (as we did before), we now tranfer the stable unfolding to the worker. It turned out that it was easier to do that if I moved the cast w/w stuff from prepareBinding to completeBind. No chnages at all in nofib results: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program Size Allocs Runtime Elapsed TotalMem -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Min -0.0% 0.0% -63.8% -78.2% 0.0% Max -0.0% 0.0% +11.8% +11.7% 0.0% Geometric Mean -0.0% -0.0% -26.6% -33.4% -0.0% Small decreases in compile-time allocation for two tests (below) of around 2%. T12545 increased in compile-time alloc by 4%, but it's not reproducible on my machine, and is a known-wobbly test. Metric Increase: T12545 Metric Decrease: T18698a T18698b
* Reword: representation instead of levitysheaf2021-06-101-11/+17
| | | | fixes #19756, updates haddock submodule
* Remove useless {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} pragmasSylvain Henry2021-05-121-1/+1
* Fully remove HsVersions.hSylvain Henry2021-05-121-4/+2
| | | | | | | | | | Replace uses of WARN macro with calls to: warnPprTrace :: Bool -> SDoc -> a -> a Remove the now unused HsVersions.h Bump haddock submodule
* Replace CPP assertions with Haskell functionsSylvain Henry2021-05-121-2/+3
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | There is no reason to use CPP. __LINE__ and __FILE__ macros are now better replaced with GHC's CallStack. As a bonus, assert error messages now contain more information (function name, column). Here is the mapping table (HasCallStack omitted): * ASSERT: assert :: Bool -> a -> a * MASSERT: massert :: Bool -> m () * ASSERTM: assertM :: m Bool -> m () * ASSERT2: assertPpr :: Bool -> SDoc -> a -> a * MASSERT2: massertPpr :: Bool -> SDoc -> m () * ASSERTM2: assertPprM :: m Bool -> SDoc -> m ()
* Eliminate unsafeEqualityProof in CorePrepSimon Peyton Jones2021-04-261-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | The main idea here is to avoid treating * case e of {} * case unsafeEqualityProof of UnsafeRefl co -> blah specially in CoreToStg. Instead, nail them in CorePrep, by converting case e of {} ==> e |> unsafe-co case unsafeEqualityProof of UnsafeRefl cv -> blah ==> blah[unsafe-co/cv] in GHC.Core.Prep. Now expressions that we want to treat as trivial really are trivial. We can get rid of cpExprIsTrivial. And we fix #19700. A downside is that, at least under unsafeEqualityProof, we substitute in types and coercions, which is more work. But a big advantage is that it's all very simple and principled: CorePrep really gets rid of the unsafeCoerce stuff, as it does empty case, runRW#, lazyId etc. I've updated the overview in GHC.Core.Prep, and added Note [Unsafe coercions] in GHC.Core.Prep Note [Implementing unsafeCoerce] in base:Unsafe.Coerce We get 3% fewer bytes allocated when compiling perf/compiler/T5631, which uses a lot of unsafeCoerces. (It's a happy-generated parser.) Metric Decrease: T5631
* Transfer tickish things to GHC.Types.TickishLuite Stegeman2021-03-201-324/+1
| | | | | Metric Increase: MultiLayerModules
* rename Tickish to CoreTickishLuite Stegeman2021-03-201-9/+10
* remove superfluous 'id' type parameter from GenTickishLuite Stegeman2021-03-201-23/+39
| | | | | The 'id' type is now determined by the pass, using the XTickishId type family.
* Save the type of breakpoints in the Breakpoint tick in STGLuite Stegeman2021-03-201-9/+35
| | | | | | | | GHCi needs to know the types of all breakpoints, but it's not possible to get the exprType of any expression in STG. This is preparation for the upcoming change to make GHCi bytecode from STG instead of Core.
* Don't pass homeUnitId at ExternalPackageState creation time (#10827)Sylvain Henry2021-02-221-0/+1
| | | | | It makes the external package state independent of the home unit which is needed to make several home units share the EPS.
* Core: introduce Alt/AnnAlt/IfaceAlt datatypesSylvain Henry2021-01-221-10/+12
| | | | | | Alt, AnnAlt and IfaceAlt were using triples. This patch makes them use dedicated types so that we can try to make some fields strict (for example) in the future.
* [Sized Cmm] properly retain sizes.Moritz Angermann2020-11-261-0/+4
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This replaces all Word<N> = W<N># Word# and Int<N> = I<N># Int# with Word<N> = W<N># Word<N># and Int<N> = I<N># Int<N>#, thus providing us with properly sized primitives in the codegenerator instead of pretending they are all full machine words. This came up when implementing darwinpcs for arm64. The darwinpcs reqires us to pack function argugments in excess of registers on the stack. While most procedure call standards (pcs) assume arguments are just passed in 8 byte slots; and thus the caller does not know the exact signature to make the call, darwinpcs requires us to adhere to the prototype, and thus have the correct sizes. If we specify CInt in the FFI call, it should correspond to the C int, and not just be Word sized, when it's only half the size. This does change the expected output of T16402 but the new result is no less correct as it eliminates the narrowing (instead of the `and` as was previously done). Bumps the array, bytestring, text, and binary submodules. Co-Authored-By: Ben Gamari <> Metric Increase: T13701 T14697
* Constant-folding: don't pass through GHC's Int/Word (fix #11704)Sylvain Henry2020-11-031-14/+16
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Constant-folding rules for integerToWord/integerToInt were performing the following coercions at compilation time: integerToWord: target's Integer -> ghc's Word -> target's Word integerToInt : target's Integer -> ghc's Int -> target's Int 1) It was wrong for cross-compilers when GHC's word size is smaller than the target one. This patch avoids passing through GHC's word-sized types: integerToWord: target's Integer -> ghc's Integer -> target's Word integerToInt : target's Integer -> ghc's Integer -> target's Int 2) Additionally we didn't wrap the target word/int literal to make it fit into the target's range! This broke the invariant of literals only containing values in range. The existing code is wrong only with a 64-bit cross-compiling GHC, targeting a 32-bit platform, and performing constant folding on a literal that doesn't fit in a 32-bit word. If GHC was built with DEBUG, the assertion in GHC.Types.Literal.mkLitWord would fail. Otherwise the bad transformation would go unnoticed.
* Split GHC.Driver.TypesSylvain Henry2020-10-291-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | I was working on making DynFlags stateless (#17957), especially by storing loaded plugins into HscEnv instead of DynFlags. It turned out to be complicated because HscEnv is in GHC.Driver.Types but LoadedPlugin isn't: it is in GHC.Driver.Plugins which depends on GHC.Driver.Types. I didn't feel like introducing yet another hs-boot file to break the loop. Additionally I remember that while we introduced the module hierarchy (#13009) we talked about splitting GHC.Driver.Types because it contained various unrelated types and functions, but we never executed. I didn't feel like making GHC.Driver.Types bigger with more unrelated Plugins related types, so finally I bit the bullet and split GHC.Driver.Types. As a consequence this patch moves a lot of things. I've tried to put them into appropriate modules but nothing is set in stone. Several other things moved to avoid loops. * Removed Binary instances from GHC.Utils.Binary for random compiler things * Moved Typeable Binary instances into GHC.Utils.Binary.Typeable: they import a lot of things that users of GHC.Utils.Binary don't want to depend on. * put everything related to Units/Modules under GHC.Unit: GHC.Unit.Finder, GHC.Unit.Module.{ModGuts,ModIface,Deps,etc.} * Created several modules under GHC.Types: GHC.Types.Fixity, SourceText, etc. * Split GHC.Utils.Error (into GHC.Types.Error) * Finally removed GHC.Driver.Types Note that this patch doesn't put loaded plugins into HscEnv. It's left for another patch. Bump haddock submodule
* DynFlags: disentangle OutputableSylvain Henry2020-08-121-2/+6
| | | | | | | | | - put panic related functions into GHC.Utils.Panic - put trace related functions using DynFlags in GHC.Driver.Ppr One step closer making Outputable fully independent of DynFlags. Bump haddock submodule
* Fix minor typos in a Core.hs noteChaitanya Koparkar2020-07-181-8/+6
* Refactor the simplification of join bindersSimon Peyton Jones2020-07-181-9/+12
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This MR (for #18449) refactors the Simplifier's treatment of join-point binders. Specifically, it puts together, into GHC.Core.Opt.Simplify.Env.adjustJoinPointType two currently-separate ways in which we adjust the type of a join point. As the comment says: -- (adjustJoinPointType mult new_res_ty join_id) does two things: -- -- 1. Set the return type of the join_id to new_res_ty -- See Note [Return type for join points] -- -- 2. Adjust the multiplicity of arrows in join_id's type, as -- directed by 'mult'. See Note [Scaling join point arguments] I think this actually fixes a latent bug, by ensuring that the seIdSubst and seInScope have the right multiplicity on the type of join points. I did some tidying up while I was at it. No more setJoinResTy, or modifyJoinResTy: instead it's done locally in Simplify.Env.adjustJoinPointType
* Fix duplicated words and typos in comments and user guideJan Hrček2020-06-281-1/+1
* Clean up haddock hyperlinks of GHC.* (part1)Takenobu Tani2020-06-251-12/+12
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This updates haddock comments only. This patch focuses to update for hyperlinks in GHC API's haddock comments, because broken links especially discourage newcomers. This includes the following hierarchies: - GHC.Hs.* - GHC.Core.* - GHC.Stg.* - GHC.Cmm.* - GHC.Types.* - GHC.Data.* - GHC.Builtin.* - GHC.Parser.* - GHC.Driver.* - GHC top
* Update compilerSylvain Henry2020-06-171-3/+4
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Thanks to ghc-bignum, the compiler can be simplified: * Types and constructors of Integer and Natural can be wired-in. It means that we don't have to query them from interfaces. It also means that numeric literals don't have to carry their type with them. * The same code is used whatever ghc-bignum backend is enabled. In particular, conversion of bignum literals into final Core expressions is now much more straightforward. Bignum closure inspection too. * GHC itself doesn't depend on any integer-* package anymore * The `integerLibrary` setting is gone.
* Linear types (#15981)Krzysztof Gogolewski2020-06-171-0/+4
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This is the first step towards implementation of the linear types proposal ( It features * A language extension -XLinearTypes * Syntax for linear functions in the surface language * Linearity checking in Core Lint, enabled with -dlinear-core-lint * Core-to-core passes are mostly compatible with linearity * Fields in a data type can be linear or unrestricted; linear fields have multiplicity-polymorphic constructors. If -XLinearTypes is disabled, the GADT syntax defaults to linear fields The following items are not yet supported: * a # m -> b syntax (only prefix FUN is supported for now) * Full multiplicity inference (multiplicities are really only checked) * Decent linearity error messages * Linear let, where, and case expressions in the surface language (each of these currently introduce the unrestricted variant) * Multiplicity-parametric fields * Syntax for annotating lambda-bound or let-bound with a multiplicity * Syntax for non-linear/multiple-field-multiplicity records * Linear projections for records with a single linear field * Linear pattern synonyms * Multiplicity coercions (test LinearPolyType) A high-level description can be found at Following the link above you will find a description of the changes made to Core. This commit has been authored by * Richard Eisenberg * Krzysztof Gogolewski * Matthew Pickering * Arnaud Spiwack With contributions from: * Mark Barbone * Alexander Vershilov Updates haddock submodule.
* Clarify leaf module names for new module hierarchyTakenobu Tani2020-06-101-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This updates comments only. This patch replaces leaf module names according to new module hierarchy [1][2] as followings: * Expand leaf names to easily find the module path: for instance, `Id.hs` to `GHC.Types.Id`. * Modify leaf names according to new module hierarchy: for instance, `Convert.hs` to `GHC.ThToHs`. * Fix typo: for instance, `GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep.hs` to `GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep` See also !3375 [1]: [2]:
* Simplify bindLHsTyVarBndrs and bindHsQTyVarswip/simply-bind-tyvarsRyan Scott2020-06-051-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Both `bindLHsTyVarBndrs` and `bindHsQTyVars` take two separate `Maybe` arguments, which I find terribly confusing. Thankfully, it's possible to remove one `Maybe` argument from each of these functions, which this patch accomplishes: * `bindHsQTyVars` takes a `Maybe SDoc` argument, which is `Just` if GHC should warn about any of the quantified type variables going unused. However, every call site uses `Nothing` in practice. This makes sense, since it doesn't really make sense to warn about unused type variables bound by an `LHsQTyVars`. For instance, you wouldn't warn about the `a` in `data Proxy a = Proxy` going unused. As a result, I simply remove this `Maybe SDoc` argument altogether. * `bindLHsTyVarBndrs` also takes a `Maybe SDoc` argument for the same reasons that `bindHsQTyVars` took one. To make things more confusing, however, `bindLHsTyVarBndrs` also takes a separate `HsDocContext` argument, which is pretty-printed (to an `SDoc`) in warnings and error messages. In practice, the `Maybe SDoc` and the `HsDocContext` often contain the same text. See the call sites for `bindLHsTyVarBndrs` in `rnFamInstEqn` and `rnConDecl`, for instance. There are only a handful of call sites where the text differs between the `Maybe SDoc` and `HsDocContext` arguments: * In `rnHsRuleDecl`, where the `Maybe SDoc` says "`In the rule`" and the `HsDocContext` says "`In the transformation rule`". * In `rnHsTyKi`/`rn_ty`, where the `Maybe SDoc` says "`In the type`" but the `HsDocContext` is inhereted from the surrounding context (e.g., if `rnHsTyKi` were called on a top-level type signature, the `HsDocContext` would be "`In the type signature`" instead) In both cases, warnings/error messages arguably _improve_ by unifying making the `Maybe SDoc`'s text match that of the `HsDocContext`. As a result, I decided to remove the `Maybe SDoc` argument to `bindLHsTyVarBndrs` entirely and simply reuse the text from the `HsDocContext`. (I decided to change the phrase "transformation rule" to "rewrite rule" while I was in the area.) The `Maybe SDoc` argument has one other purpose: signaling when to emit "`Unused quantified type variable`" warnings. To recover this functionality, I replaced the `Maybe SDoc` argument with a boolean-like `WarnUnusedForalls` argument. The only `bindLHsTyVarBndrs` call site that chooses _not_ to emit these warnings in `bindHsQTyVars`.
* Unit: split and rename modulesSylvain Henry2020-04-301-1/+1
| | | | | | | Introduce GHC.Unit.* hierarchy for everything concerning units, packages and modules. Update Haddock submodule
* Modules: Utils and Data (#13009)Sylvain Henry2020-04-261-4/+4
| | | | | | | Update Haddock submodule Metric Increase: haddock.compiler
* Modules (#13009)Sylvain Henry2020-04-181-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | * SysTools * Parser * GHC.Builtin * GHC.Iface.Recomp * Settings Update Haddock submodule Metric Decrease: Naperian parsing001
* GHC.Core.Opt renamingSylvain Henry2020-04-181-5/+5
| | | | | | | | | | | * GHC.Core.Op => GHC.Core.Opt * GHC.Core.Opt.Simplify.Driver => GHC.Core.Opt.Driver * GHC.Core.Opt.Tidy => GHC.Core.Tidy * GHC.Core.Opt.WorkWrap.Lib => GHC.Core.Opt.WorkWrap.Utils As discussed in: * *