path: root/testsuite/tests/haddock/perf/Fold.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/tests/haddock/perf/Fold.hs')
1 files changed, 5184 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/haddock/perf/Fold.hs b/testsuite/tests/haddock/perf/Fold.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4e0be9cbd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/haddock/perf/Fold.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,5184 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RoleAnnotations #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
+-- |
+-- Module : Control.Lens.Fold
+-- Copyright : (C) 2012-16 Edward Kmett
+-- License : BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
+-- Maintainer : Edward Kmett <>
+-- Stability : provisional
+-- Portability : Rank2Types
+-- A @'Fold' s a@ is a generalization of something 'Foldable'. It allows
+-- you to extract multiple results from a container. A 'Foldable' container
+-- can be characterized by the behavior of
+-- @'Data.Foldable.foldMap' :: ('Foldable' t, 'Monoid' m) => (a -> m) -> t a -> m@.
+-- Since we want to be able to work with monomorphic containers, we could
+-- generalize this signature to @forall m. 'Monoid' m => (a -> m) -> s -> m@,
+-- and then decorate it with 'Const' to obtain
+-- @type 'Fold' s a = forall m. 'Monoid' m => 'Getting' m s a@
+-- Every 'Getter' is a valid 'Fold' that simply doesn't use the 'Monoid'
+-- it is passed.
+-- In practice the type we use is slightly more complicated to allow for
+-- better error messages and for it to be transformed by certain
+-- 'Applicative' transformers.
+-- Everything you can do with a 'Foldable' container, you can with with a 'Fold' and there are
+-- combinators that generalize the usual 'Foldable' operations here.
+module Control.Lens.Fold
+ (
+ -- * Folds
+ Fold
+ , IndexedFold
+ -- * Getting Started
+ , (^..)
+ , (^?)
+ , (^?!)
+ , pre, ipre
+ , preview, previews, ipreview, ipreviews
+ , preuse, preuses, ipreuse, ipreuses
+ , has, hasn't
+ -- ** Building Folds
+ , folding, ifolding
+ , foldring, ifoldring
+ , folded
+ , folded64
+ , unfolded
+ , iterated
+ , filtered
+ , filteredBy
+ , backwards
+ , repeated
+ , replicated
+ , cycled
+ , takingWhile
+ , droppingWhile
+ , worded, lined
+ -- ** Folding
+ , foldMapOf, foldOf
+ , foldrOf, foldlOf
+ , toListOf, toNonEmptyOf
+ , anyOf, allOf, noneOf
+ , andOf, orOf
+ , productOf, sumOf
+ , traverseOf_, forOf_, sequenceAOf_
+ , traverse1Of_, for1Of_, sequence1Of_
+ , mapMOf_, forMOf_, sequenceOf_
+ , asumOf, msumOf
+ , concatMapOf, concatOf
+ , elemOf, notElemOf
+ , lengthOf
+ , nullOf, notNullOf
+ , firstOf, first1Of, lastOf, last1Of
+ , maximumOf, maximum1Of, minimumOf, minimum1Of
+ , maximumByOf, minimumByOf
+ , findOf
+ , findMOf
+ , foldrOf', foldlOf'
+ , foldr1Of, foldl1Of
+ , foldr1Of', foldl1Of'
+ , foldrMOf, foldlMOf
+ , lookupOf
+ -- * Indexed Folds
+ , (^@..)
+ , (^@?)
+ , (^@?!)
+ -- ** Indexed Folding
+ , ifoldMapOf
+ , ifoldrOf
+ , ifoldlOf
+ , ianyOf
+ , iallOf
+ , inoneOf
+ , itraverseOf_
+ , iforOf_
+ , imapMOf_
+ , iforMOf_
+ , iconcatMapOf
+ , ifindOf
+ , ifindMOf
+ , ifoldrOf'
+ , ifoldlOf'
+ , ifoldrMOf
+ , ifoldlMOf
+ , itoListOf
+ , elemIndexOf
+ , elemIndicesOf
+ , findIndexOf
+ , findIndicesOf
+ -- ** Building Indexed Folds
+ , ifiltered
+ , itakingWhile
+ , idroppingWhile
+ -- * Internal types
+ , Leftmost
+ , Rightmost
+ , Traversed
+ , Sequenced
+ ) where
+import Prelude
+import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
+import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
+import Control.Monad as Monad
+import Control.Monad.Reader
+import qualified Control.Monad.Reader as Reader
+import Data.Functor
+import Control.Monad.State
+import Data.Int (Int64)
+import Data.List (intercalate)
+import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, Maybe(..))
+import Data.Monoid (First (..), All (..), Any (..), Endo (..), Dual(..), Monoid(..))
+import qualified Data.Monoid as Monoid
+import Data.Ord (Down(..))
+import Data.Functor.Compose
+import Data.Functor.Contravariant
+import Control.Applicative
+import GHC.Stack
+import Control.Applicative.Backwards
+import Data.Kind
+import Data.Functor.Identity
+import Data.Bifunctor
+import Control.Arrow (Arrow, ArrowApply(..), ArrowChoice(..), ArrowLoop(..), (&&&), (***))
+import qualified Control.Arrow as Arrow
+import qualified Control.Category as C
+import Control.Monad.Writer
+import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Lazy as Lazy
+import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Strict as Strict
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
+import Data.Tree
+import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import qualified Control.Monad.State as State
+import Control.Monad.Writer
+import Data.Coerce
+import qualified GHC.Generics as Generics
+import GHC.Generics (K1(..), U1(..), Par1(..), (:.:)(..), Rec1, M1, (:*:)(..))
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Cont
+import qualified Data.Semigroup as Semi
+import qualified Data.Semigroup as Semigroup
+import Data.Complex
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Identity
+import qualified Data.Functor.Product as Functor
+import Data.Proxy
+import Data.Typeable
+import Data.Ix
+import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
+infixr 9 #.
+infixl 8 .#
+{- |
+There are two ways to define a comonad:
+I. Provide definitions for 'extract' and 'extend'
+satisfying these laws:
+'extend' 'extract' = 'id'
+'extract' . 'extend' f = f
+'extend' f . 'extend' g = 'extend' (f . 'extend' g)
+In this case, you may simply set 'fmap' = 'liftW'.
+These laws are directly analogous to the laws for monads
+and perhaps can be made clearer by viewing them as laws stating
+that Cokleisli composition must be associative, and has extract for
+a unit:
+f '=>=' 'extract' = f
+'extract' '=>=' f = f
+(f '=>=' g) '=>=' h = f '=>=' (g '=>=' h)
+II. Alternately, you may choose to provide definitions for 'fmap',
+'extract', and 'duplicate' satisfying these laws:
+'extract' . 'duplicate' = 'id'
+'fmap' 'extract' . 'duplicate' = 'id'
+'duplicate' . 'duplicate' = 'fmap' 'duplicate' . 'duplicate'
+In this case you may not rely on the ability to define 'fmap' in
+terms of 'liftW'.
+You may of course, choose to define both 'duplicate' /and/ 'extend'.
+In that case you must also satisfy these laws:
+'extend' f = 'fmap' f . 'duplicate'
+'duplicate' = 'extend' id
+'fmap' f = 'extend' (f . 'extract')
+These are the default definitions of 'extend' and 'duplicate' and
+the definition of 'liftW' respectively.
+class Functor w => Comonad w where
+ -- |
+ -- @
+ -- 'extract' . 'fmap' f = f . 'extract'
+ -- @
+ extract :: w a -> a
+ -- |
+ -- @
+ -- 'duplicate' = 'extend' 'id'
+ -- 'fmap' ('fmap' f) . 'duplicate' = 'duplicate' . 'fmap' f
+ -- @
+ duplicate :: w a -> w (w a)
+ duplicate = extend id
+ -- |
+ -- @
+ -- 'extend' f = 'fmap' f . 'duplicate'
+ -- @
+ extend :: (w a -> b) -> w a -> w b
+ extend f = fmap f . duplicate
+-- | A 'Profunctor' @p@ is a 'Sieve' __on__ @f@ if it is a subprofunctor of @'Star' f@.
+-- That is to say it is a subset of @Hom(-,f=)@ closed under 'lmap' and 'rmap'.
+-- Alternately, you can view it as a sieve __in__ the comma category @Hask/f@.
+class (Profunctor p, Functor f) => Sieve p f | p -> f where
+ sieve :: p a b -> a -> f b
+instance Sieve (->) Identity where
+ sieve f = Identity . f
+ {-# INLINE sieve #-}
+instance (Monad m, Functor m) => Sieve (Arrow.Kleisli m) m where
+ sieve = Arrow.runKleisli
+ {-# INLINE sieve #-}
+-- | A 'Profunctor' @p@ is a 'Cosieve' __on__ @f@ if it is a subprofunctor of @'Costar' f@.
+-- That is to say it is a subset of @Hom(f-,=)@ closed under 'lmap' and 'rmap'.
+-- Alternately, you can view it as a cosieve __in__ the comma category @f/Hask@.
+class (Profunctor p, Functor f) => Cosieve p f | p -> f where
+ cosieve :: p a b -> f a -> b
+instance Cosieve (->) Identity where
+ cosieve f (Identity d) = f d
+ {-# INLINE cosieve #-}
+instance Cosieve Tagged Proxy where
+ cosieve (Tagged a) _ = a
+ {-# INLINE cosieve #-}
+-- * Representable Profunctors
+-- | A 'Profunctor' @p@ is 'Representable' if there exists a 'Functor' @f@ such that
+-- @p d c@ is isomorphic to @d -> f c@.
+class (Sieve p (Rep p), Strong p) => Representable p where
+ type Rep p :: * -> *
+ -- | Laws:
+ --
+ -- @
+ -- 'tabulate' '.' 'sieve' ≡ 'id'
+ -- 'sieve' '.' 'tabulate' ≡ 'id'
+ -- @
+ tabulate :: (d -> Rep p c) -> p d c
+-- | Default definition for 'first'' given that p is 'Representable'.
+firstRep :: Representable p => p a b -> p (a, c) (b, c)
+firstRep p = tabulate $ \(a,c) -> (\b -> (b, c)) <$> sieve p a
+-- | Default definition for 'second'' given that p is 'Representable'.
+secondRep :: Representable p => p a b -> p (c, a) (c, b)
+secondRep p = tabulate $ \(c,a) -> (,) c <$> sieve p a
+instance Representable (->) where
+ type Rep (->) = Identity
+ tabulate f = runIdentity . f
+ {-# INLINE tabulate #-}
+instance (Monad m, Functor m) => Representable (Arrow.Kleisli m) where
+ type Rep (Arrow.Kleisli m) = m
+ tabulate = Arrow.Kleisli
+ {-# INLINE tabulate #-}
+{- TODO: coproducts and products
+instance (Representable p, Representable q) => Representable (Bifunctor.Product p q)
+ type Rep (Bifunctor.Product p q) = Functor.Product p q
+instance (Corepresentable p, Corepresentable q) => Corepresentable (Bifunctor.Product p q) where
+ type Rep (Bifunctor.Product p q) = Functor.Sum p q
+-- * Pastro
+-- | Pastro -| Tambara
+-- @
+-- Pastro p ~ exists z. Costar ((,)z) `Procompose` p `Procompose` Star ((,)z)
+-- @
+-- 'Pastro' freely makes any 'Profunctor' 'Strong'.
+data Pastro p a b where
+ Pastro :: ((y, z) -> b) -> p x y -> (a -> (x, z)) -> Pastro p a b
+instance Functor (Pastro p a) where
+ fmap f (Pastro l m r) = Pastro (f . l) m r
+instance Profunctor (Pastro p) where
+ dimap f g (Pastro l m r) = Pastro (g . l) m (r . f)
+ lmap f (Pastro l m r) = Pastro l m (r . f)
+ rmap g (Pastro l m r) = Pastro (g . l) m r
+ w #. Pastro l m r = Pastro (w #. l) m r
+ Pastro l m r .# w = Pastro l m (r .# w)
+-- * Costrength for (,)
+-- | Analogous to 'ArrowLoop', 'loop' = 'unfirst'
+class Profunctor p => Costrong p where
+ -- | Laws:
+ --
+ -- @
+ -- 'unfirst' ≡ 'unsecond' '.' 'dimap' 'swap' 'swap'
+ -- 'lmap' (,()) ≡ 'unfirst' '.' 'rmap' (,())
+ -- 'unfirst' '.' 'lmap' ('second' f) ≡ 'unfirst' '.' 'rmap' ('second' f)
+ -- 'unfirst' '.' 'unfirst' = 'unfirst' '.' 'dimap' assoc unassoc where
+ -- assoc ((a,b),c) = (a,(b,c))
+ -- unassoc (a,(b,c)) = ((a,b),c)
+ -- @
+ unfirst :: p (a, d) (b, d) -> p a b
+ unfirst = unsecond . dimap swap swap
+ -- | Laws:
+ --
+ -- @
+ -- 'unsecond' ≡ 'unfirst' '.' 'dimap' 'swap' 'swap'
+ -- 'lmap' ((),) ≡ 'unsecond' '.' 'rmap' ((),)
+ -- 'unsecond' '.' 'lmap' ('first' f) ≡ 'unsecond' '.' 'rmap' ('first' f)
+ -- 'unsecond' '.' 'unsecond' = 'unsecond' '.' 'dimap' unassoc assoc where
+ -- assoc ((a,b),c) = (a,(b,c))
+ -- unassoc (a,(b,c)) = ((a,b),c)
+ -- @
+ unsecond :: p (d, a) (d, b) -> p a b
+ unsecond = unfirst . dimap swap swap
+ {-# MINIMAL unfirst | unsecond #-}
+instance Costrong (->) where
+ unfirst f a = b where (b, d) = f (a, d)
+ unsecond f a = b where (d, b) = f (d, a)
+instance Costrong Tagged where
+ unfirst (Tagged bd) = Tagged (fst bd)
+ unsecond (Tagged db) = Tagged (snd db)
+instance MonadFix m => Costrong (Arrow.Kleisli m) where
+ unfirst (Arrow.Kleisli f) = Arrow.Kleisli (liftM fst . mfix . f')
+ where f' x y = f (x, snd y)
+-- | 'tabulate' and 'sieve' form two halves of an isomorphism.
+-- This can be used with the combinators from the @lens@ package.
+-- @'tabulated' :: 'Representable' p => 'Iso'' (d -> 'Rep' p c) (p d c)@
+tabulated :: (Representable p, Representable q) => Iso (d -> Rep p c) (d' -> Rep q c') (p d c) (q d' c')
+tabulated = dimap tabulate (fmap sieve)
+{-# INLINE tabulated #-}
+-- * Corepresentable Profunctors
+-- | A 'Profunctor' @p@ is 'Corepresentable' if there exists a 'Functor' @f@ such that
+-- @p d c@ is isomorphic to @f d -> c@.
+class (Cosieve p (Corep p), Costrong p) => Corepresentable p where
+ type Corep p :: * -> *
+ -- | Laws:
+ --
+ -- @
+ -- 'cotabulate' '.' 'cosieve' ≡ 'id'
+ -- 'cosieve' '.' 'cotabulate' ≡ 'id'
+ -- @
+ cotabulate :: (Corep p d -> c) -> p d c
+-- | Default definition for 'unfirst' given that @p@ is 'Corepresentable'.
+unfirstCorep :: Corepresentable p => p (a, d) (b, d) -> p a b
+unfirstCorep p = cotabulate f
+ where f fa = b where (b, d) = cosieve p ((\a -> (a, d)) <$> fa)
+-- | Default definition for 'unsecond' given that @p@ is 'Corepresentable'.
+unsecondCorep :: Corepresentable p => p (d, a) (d, b) -> p a b
+unsecondCorep p = cotabulate f
+ where f fa = b where (d, b) = cosieve p ((,) d <$> fa)
+-- | Default definition for 'closed' given that @p@ is 'Corepresentable'
+closedCorep :: Corepresentable p => p a b -> p (x -> a) (x -> b)
+closedCorep p = cotabulate $ \fs x -> cosieve p (fmap ($ x) fs)
+instance Corepresentable (->) where
+ type Corep (->) = Identity
+ cotabulate f = f . Identity
+ {-# INLINE cotabulate #-}
+instance Corepresentable Tagged where
+ type Corep Tagged = Proxy
+ cotabulate f = Tagged (f Proxy)
+ {-# INLINE cotabulate #-}
+-- | 'cotabulate' and 'cosieve' form two halves of an isomorphism.
+-- This can be used with the combinators from the @lens@ package.
+-- @'cotabulated' :: 'Corep' f p => 'Iso'' (f d -> c) (p d c)@
+cotabulated :: (Corepresentable p, Corepresentable q) => Iso (Corep p d -> c) (Corep q d' -> c') (p d c) (q d' c')
+cotabulated = dimap cotabulate (fmap cosieve)
+{-# INLINE cotabulated #-}
+-- * Prep
+-- | @'Prep' -| 'Star' :: [Hask, Hask] -> Prof@
+-- This gives rise to a monad in @Prof@, @('Star'.'Prep')@, and
+-- a comonad in @[Hask,Hask]@ @('Prep'.'Star')@
+-- 'Prep' has a polymorphic kind since @5.6@.
+-- Prep :: (Type -> k -> Type) -> (k -> Type)
+data Prep p a where
+ Prep :: x -> p x a -> Prep p a
+instance Profunctor p => Functor (Prep p) where
+ fmap f (Prep x p) = Prep x (rmap f p)
+instance (Applicative (Rep p), Representable p) => Applicative (Prep p) where
+ pure a = Prep () $ tabulate $ const $ pure a
+ Prep xf pf <*> Prep xa pa = Prep (xf,xa) (tabulate go) where
+ go (xf',xa') = sieve pf xf' <*> sieve pa xa'
+instance (Monad (Rep p), Representable p) => Monad (Prep p) where
+ return a = Prep () $ tabulate $ const $ return a
+ Prep xa pa >>= f = Prep xa $ tabulate $ sieve pa >=> \a -> case f a of
+ Prep xb pb -> sieve pb xb
+-- * Coprep
+-- | 'Prep' has a polymorphic kind since @5.6@.
+-- Coprep :: (k -> Type -> Type) -> (k -> Type)
+newtype Coprep p a = Coprep { runCoprep :: forall r. p a r -> r }
+instance Profunctor p => Functor (Coprep p) where
+ fmap f (Coprep g) = Coprep (g . lmap f)
+-- Strong
+-- | Generalizing 'Star' of a strong 'Functor'
+-- /Note:/ Every 'Functor' in Haskell is strong with respect to @(,)@.
+-- This describes profunctor strength with respect to the product structure
+-- of Hask.
+-- <>
+class Profunctor p => Strong p where
+ -- | Laws:
+ --
+ -- @
+ -- 'first'' ≡ 'dimap' 'swap' 'swap' '.' 'second''
+ -- 'lmap' 'fst' ≡ 'rmap' 'fst' '.' 'first''
+ -- 'lmap' ('second'' f) '.' 'first'' ≡ 'rmap' ('second'' f) '.' 'first''
+ -- 'first'' '.' 'first'' ≡ 'dimap' assoc unassoc '.' 'first'' where
+ -- assoc ((a,b),c) = (a,(b,c))
+ -- unassoc (a,(b,c)) = ((a,b),c)
+ -- @
+ first' :: p a b -> p (a, c) (b, c)
+ first' = dimap swap swap . second'
+ -- | Laws:
+ --
+ -- @
+ -- 'second'' ≡ 'dimap' 'swap' 'swap' '.' 'first''
+ -- 'lmap' 'snd' ≡ 'rmap' 'snd' '.' 'second''
+ -- 'lmap' ('first'' f) '.' 'second'' ≡ 'rmap' ('first'' f) '.' 'second''
+ -- 'second'' '.' 'second'' ≡ 'dimap' unassoc assoc '.' 'second'' where
+ -- assoc ((a,b),c) = (a,(b,c))
+ -- unassoc (a,(b,c)) = ((a,b),c)
+ -- @
+ second' :: p a b -> p (c, a) (c, b)
+ second' = dimap swap swap . first'
+ {-# MINIMAL first' | second' #-}
+uncurry' :: Strong p => p a (b -> c) -> p (a, b) c
+uncurry' = rmap (\(f,x) -> f x) . first'
+{-# INLINE uncurry' #-}
+strong :: Strong p => (a -> b -> c) -> p a b -> p a c
+strong f x = dimap (\a -> (a, a)) (\(b, a) -> f a b) (first' x)
+instance Strong (->) where
+ first' ab ~(a, c) = (ab a, c)
+ {-# INLINE first' #-}
+ second' ab ~(c, a) = (c, ab a)
+ {-# INLINE second' #-}
+instance Monad m => Strong (Arrow.Kleisli m) where
+ first' (Arrow.Kleisli f) = Arrow.Kleisli $ \ ~(a, c) -> do
+ b <- f a
+ return (b, c)
+ {-# INLINE first' #-}
+ second' (Arrow.Kleisli f) = Arrow.Kleisli $ \ ~(c, a) -> do
+ b <- f a
+ return (c, b)
+ {-# INLINE second' #-}
+-- | A @'Tagged' s b@ value is a value @b@ with an attached phantom type @s@.
+-- This can be used in place of the more traditional but less safe idiom of
+-- passing in an undefined value with the type, because unlike an @(s -> b)@,
+-- a @'Tagged' s b@ can't try to use the argument @s@ as a real value.
+-- Moreover, you don't have to rely on the compiler to inline away the extra
+-- argument, because the newtype is \"free\"
+-- 'Tagged' has kind @k -> * -> *@ if the compiler supports @PolyKinds@, therefore
+-- there is an extra @k@ showing in the instance haddocks that may cause confusion.
+newtype Tagged s b = Tagged { unTagged :: b } deriving
+ ( Eq, Ord, Ix, Bounded
+ , Generics.Generic
+ , Generics.Generic1
+ , Typeable
+ )
+-- Settable
+-- | Anything 'Settable' must be isomorphic to the 'Identity' 'Functor'.
+class (Applicative f, Distributive f, Traversable f) => Settable f where
+ untainted :: f a -> a
+ untaintedDot :: Profunctor p => p a (f b) -> p a b
+ untaintedDot g = g `seq` rmap untainted g
+ {-# INLINE untaintedDot #-}
+ taintedDot :: Profunctor p => p a b -> p a (f b)
+ taintedDot g = g `seq` rmap pure g
+ {-# INLINE taintedDot #-}
+-- | So you can pass our 'Control.Lens.Setter.Setter' into combinators from other lens libraries.
+instance Settable Identity where
+ untainted = runIdentity
+ {-# INLINE untainted #-}
+ untaintedDot = (runIdentity #.)
+ {-# INLINE untaintedDot #-}
+ taintedDot = (Identity #.)
+ {-# INLINE taintedDot #-}
+-- | 'Control.Lens.Fold.backwards'
+instance Settable f => Settable (Backwards f) where
+ untainted = untaintedDot forwards
+ {-# INLINE untainted #-}
+instance (Settable f, Settable g) => Settable (Compose f g) where
+ untainted = untaintedDot (untaintedDot getCompose)
+ {-# INLINE untainted #-}
+-- $setup
+-- >>> :set -XNoOverloadedStrings
+-- >>> import Control.Lens
+-- >>> import Control.Lens.Extras (is)
+-- >>> import Data.Function
+-- >>> import Data.List.Lens
+-- >>> import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
+-- >>> import Debug.SimpleReflect.Expr
+-- >>> import Debug.SimpleReflect.Vars as Vars hiding (f,g)
+-- >>> import Control.DeepSeq (NFData (..), force)
+-- >>> import Control.Exception (evaluate)
+-- >>> import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
+-- >>> import Data.Monoid (Sum (..))
+-- >>> import System.Timeout (timeout)
+-- >>> import qualified Data.Map as Map
+-- >>> let f :: Expr -> Expr; f = Debug.SimpleReflect.Vars.f
+-- >>> let g :: Expr -> Expr; g = Debug.SimpleReflect.Vars.g
+-- >>> let timingOut :: NFData a => a -> IO a; timingOut = fmap (fromMaybe (error "timeout")) . timeout (5*10^6) . evaluate . force
+infixl 8 ^.., ^?, ^?!, ^@.., ^@?, ^@?!
+infixl 8 ^., ^@.
+infixl 4 <.>, <., .>
+class Distributive f
+-- | The generalization of 'Costar' of 'Functor' that is strong with respect
+-- to 'Either'.
+-- Note: This is also a notion of strength, except with regards to another monoidal
+-- structure that we can choose to equip Hask with: the cocartesian coproduct.
+class Profunctor p => Choice p where
+ -- | Laws:
+ --
+ -- @
+ -- 'left'' ≡ 'dimap' swapE swapE '.' 'right'' where
+ -- swapE :: 'Either' a b -> 'Either' b a
+ -- swapE = 'either' 'Right' 'Left'
+ -- 'rmap' 'Left' ≡ 'lmap' 'Left' '.' 'left''
+ -- 'lmap' ('right' f) '.' 'left'' ≡ 'rmap' ('right' f) '.' 'left''
+ -- 'left'' '.' 'left'' ≡ 'dimap' assocE unassocE '.' 'left'' where
+ -- assocE :: 'Either' ('Either' a b) c -> 'Either' a ('Either' b c)
+ -- assocE ('Left' ('Left' a)) = 'Left' a
+ -- assocE ('Left' ('Right' b)) = 'Right' ('Left' b)
+ -- assocE ('Right' c) = 'Right' ('Right' c)
+ -- unassocE :: 'Either' a ('Either' b c) -> 'Either' ('Either' a b) c
+ -- unassocE ('Left' a) = 'Left' ('Left' a)
+ -- unassocE ('Right' ('Left' b)) = 'Left' ('Right' b)
+ -- unassocE ('Right' ('Right' c)) = 'Right' c
+ -- @
+ left' :: p a b -> p (Either a c) (Either b c)
+ left' = dimap (either Right Left) (either Right Left) . right'
+ -- | Laws:
+ --
+ -- @
+ -- 'right'' ≡ 'dimap' swapE swapE '.' 'left'' where
+ -- swapE :: 'Either' a b -> 'Either' b a
+ -- swapE = 'either' 'Right' 'Left'
+ -- 'rmap' 'Right' ≡ 'lmap' 'Right' '.' 'right''
+ -- 'lmap' ('left' f) '.' 'right'' ≡ 'rmap' ('left' f) '.' 'right''
+ -- 'right'' '.' 'right'' ≡ 'dimap' unassocE assocE '.' 'right'' where
+ -- assocE :: 'Either' ('Either' a b) c -> 'Either' a ('Either' b c)
+ -- assocE ('Left' ('Left' a)) = 'Left' a
+ -- assocE ('Left' ('Right' b)) = 'Right' ('Left' b)
+ -- assocE ('Right' c) = 'Right' ('Right' c)
+ -- unassocE :: 'Either' a ('Either' b c) -> 'Either' ('Either' a b) c
+ -- unassocE ('Left' a) = 'Left' ('Left' a)
+ -- unassocE ('Right' ('Left' b)) = 'Left' ('Right' b)
+ -- unassocE ('Right' ('Right' c)) = 'Right' c
+ -- @
+ right' :: p a b -> p (Either c a) (Either c b)
+ right' = dimap (either Right Left) (either Right Left) . left'
+ {-# MINIMAL left' | right' #-}
+instance Choice (->) where
+ left' ab (Left a) = Left (ab a)
+ left' _ (Right c) = Right c
+ {-# INLINE left' #-}
+ right' = fmap
+ {-# INLINE right' #-}
+instance Profunctor (->) where
+ dimap ab cd bc = cd . bc . ab
+ {-# INLINE dimap #-}
+ lmap = flip (.)
+ {-# INLINE lmap #-}
+ rmap = (.)
+ {-# INLINE rmap #-}
+ (#.) _ = coerce (\x -> x :: b) :: forall a b. Coercible b a => a -> b
+ (.#) pbc _ = coerce pbc
+ {-# INLINE (#.) #-}
+ {-# INLINE (.#) #-}
+instance Comonad Identity
+instance Comonad ((,) i)
+instance Applicative (Tagged a)
+instance Functor (Tagged a)
+instance Profunctor Tagged
+instance Profunctor (Arrow.Kleisli m)
+instance Distributive (Compose f g)
+instance Distributive (Backwards f)
+instance Distributive Identity
+instance Monad m => Choice (Arrow.Kleisli m) where
+ left' = left
+ {-# INLINE left' #-}
+ right' = right
+ {-# INLINE right' #-}
+instance Choice Tagged where
+ left' (Tagged b) = Tagged (Left b)
+ {-# INLINE left' #-}
+ right' (Tagged b) = Tagged (Right b)
+ {-# INLINE right' #-}
+-- | A strong lax semi-monoidal endofunctor.
+-- This is equivalent to an 'Applicative' without 'pure'.
+-- Laws:
+-- @
+-- ('.') '<$>' u '<.>' v '<.>' w = u '<.>' (v '<.>' w)
+-- x '<.>' (f '<$>' y) = ('.' f) '<$>' x '<.>' y
+-- f '<$>' (x '<.>' y) = (f '.') '<$>' x '<.>' y
+-- @
+-- The laws imply that `.>` and `<.` really ignore their
+-- left and right results, respectively, and really
+-- return their right and left results, respectively.
+-- Specifically,
+-- @
+-- (mf '<$>' m) '.>' (nf '<$>' n) = nf '<$>' (m '.>' n)
+-- (mf '<$>' m) '<.' (nf '<$>' n) = mf '<$>' (m '<.' n)
+-- @
+class Functor f => Apply f where
+ (<.>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
+ (<.>) = liftF2 id
+ -- | @ a '.>' b = 'const' 'id' '<$>' a '<.>' b @
+ (.>) :: f a -> f b -> f b
+ a .> b = const id <$> a <.> b
+ -- | @ a '<.' b = 'const' '<$>' a '<.>' b @
+ (<.) :: f a -> f b -> f a
+ a <. b = const <$> a <.> b
+ -- | Lift a binary function into a comonad with zipping
+ liftF2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> f a -> f b -> f c
+ liftF2 f a b = f <$> a <.> b
+ {-# INLINE liftF2 #-}
+instance Apply (Tagged a) where
+ (<.>) = (<*>)
+ (<.) = (<*)
+ (.>) = (*>)
+instance Apply Proxy where
+ (<.>) = (<*>)
+ (<.) = (<*)
+ (.>) = (*>)
+instance Apply f => Apply (Backwards f) where
+ Backwards f <.> Backwards a = Backwards (flip id <$> a <.> f)
+instance (Apply f, Apply g) => Apply (Compose f g) where
+ Compose f <.> Compose x = Compose ((<.>) <$> f <.> x)
+instance (Apply f, Apply g) => Apply (Functor.Product f g) where
+ Functor.Pair f g <.> Functor.Pair x y = Functor.Pair (f <.> x) (g <.> y)
+-- | A @'(,)' m@ is not 'Applicative' unless its @m@ is a 'Monoid', but it is an instance of 'Apply'
+instance Semigroup m => Apply ((,)m) where
+ (m, f) <.> (n, a) = (m <> n, f a)
+ (m, a) <. (n, _) = (m <> n, a)
+ (m, _) .> (n, b) = (m <> n, b)
+instance Apply NonEmpty where
+ (<.>) = ap
+instance Apply (Either a) where
+ Left a <.> _ = Left a
+ Right _ <.> Left a = Left a
+ Right f <.> Right b = Right (f b)
+ Left a <. _ = Left a
+ Right _ <. Left a = Left a
+ Right a <. Right _ = Right a
+ Left a .> _ = Left a
+ Right _ .> Left a = Left a
+ Right _ .> Right b = Right b
+-- | A @'Const' m@ is not 'Applicative' unless its @m@ is a 'Monoid', but it is an instance of 'Apply'
+instance Semigroup m => Apply (Const m) where
+ Const m <.> Const n = Const (m <> n)
+ Const m <. Const n = Const (m <> n)
+ Const m .> Const n = Const (m <> n)
+instance Apply ((->)m) where
+ (<.>) = (<*>)
+ (<. ) = (<* )
+ ( .>) = ( *>)
+instance Apply ZipList where
+ (<.>) = (<*>)
+ (<. ) = (<* )
+ ( .>) = ( *>)
+instance Apply [] where
+ (<.>) = (<*>)
+ (<. ) = (<* )
+ ( .>) = ( *>)
+instance Apply IO where
+ (<.>) = (<*>)
+ (<. ) = (<* )
+ ( .>) = ( *>)
+instance Apply Maybe where
+ (<.>) = (<*>)
+ (<. ) = (<* )
+ ( .>) = ( *>)
+instance Apply Identity where
+ (<.>) = (<*>)
+ (<. ) = (<* )
+ ( .>) = ( *>)
+instance Apply w => Apply (IdentityT w) where
+ IdentityT wa <.> IdentityT wb = IdentityT (wa <.> wb)
+instance Monad m => Apply (WrappedMonad m) where
+ (<.>) = (<*>)
+ (<. ) = (<* )
+ ( .>) = ( *>)
+instance Arrow a => Apply (WrappedArrow a b) where
+ (<.>) = (<*>)
+ (<. ) = (<* )
+ ( .>) = ( *>)
+instance Apply Complex where
+ (a :+ b) <.> (c :+ d) = a c :+ b d
+-- | A 'Map k' is not 'Applicative', but it is an instance of 'Apply'
+instance Ord k => Apply (Map k) where
+ (<.>) = Map.intersectionWith id
+ (<. ) = Map.intersectionWith const
+ ( .>) = Map.intersectionWith (const id)
+-- | An 'IntMap' is not 'Applicative', but it is an instance of 'Apply'
+instance Apply IntMap.IntMap where
+ (<.>) = IntMap.intersectionWith id
+ (<. ) = IntMap.intersectionWith const
+ ( .>) = IntMap.intersectionWith (const id)
+instance Apply Tree where
+ (<.>) = (<*>)
+ (<. ) = (<* )
+ ( .>) = ( *>)
+-- MaybeT is _not_ the same as Compose f Maybe
+instance (Functor m, Monad m) => Apply (MaybeT m) where
+ (<.>) = apDefault
+instance (Functor m, Monad m) => Apply (ExceptT e m) where
+ (<.>) = apDefault
+instance Apply m => Apply (ReaderT e m) where
+ ReaderT f <.> ReaderT a = ReaderT $ \e -> f e <.> a e
+-- unfortunately, WriterT has its wrapped product in the wrong order to just use (<.>) instead of flap
+-- | A @'Strict.WriterT' w m@ is not 'Applicative' unless its @w@ is a 'Monoid', but it is an instance of 'Apply'
+instance (Apply m, Semigroup w) => Apply (Strict.WriterT w m) where
+ Strict.WriterT f <.> Strict.WriterT a = Strict.WriterT $ flap <$> f <.> a where
+ flap (x,m) (y,n) = (x y, m <> n)
+-- | A @'Lazy.WriterT' w m@ is not 'Applicative' unless its @w@ is a 'Monoid', but it is an instance of 'Apply'
+instance (Apply m, Semigroup w) => Apply (Lazy.WriterT w m) where
+ Lazy.WriterT f <.> Lazy.WriterT a = Lazy.WriterT $ flap <$> f <.> a where
+ flap ~(x,m) ~(y,n) = (x y, m <> n)
+instance Apply (ContT r m) where
+ ContT f <.> ContT v = ContT $ \k -> f $ \g -> v (k . g)
+-- | Wrap an 'Applicative' to be used as a member of 'Apply'
+newtype WrappedApplicative f a = WrapApplicative { unwrapApplicative :: f a }
+instance Functor f => Functor (WrappedApplicative f) where
+ fmap f (WrapApplicative a) = WrapApplicative (f <$> a)
+instance Applicative f => Apply (WrappedApplicative f) where
+ WrapApplicative f <.> WrapApplicative a = WrapApplicative (f <*> a)
+ WrapApplicative a <. WrapApplicative b = WrapApplicative (a <* b)
+ WrapApplicative a .> WrapApplicative b = WrapApplicative (a *> b)
+instance Applicative f => Applicative (WrappedApplicative f) where
+ pure = WrapApplicative . pure
+ WrapApplicative f <*> WrapApplicative a = WrapApplicative (f <*> a)
+ WrapApplicative a <* WrapApplicative b = WrapApplicative (a <* b)
+ WrapApplicative a *> WrapApplicative b = WrapApplicative (a *> b)
+instance Alternative f => Alternative (WrappedApplicative f) where
+ empty = WrapApplicative empty
+ WrapApplicative a <|> WrapApplicative b = WrapApplicative (a <|> b)
+-- | Transform an Apply into an Applicative by adding a unit.
+newtype MaybeApply f a = MaybeApply { runMaybeApply :: Either (f a) a }
+-- | Apply a non-empty container of functions to a possibly-empty-with-unit container of values.
+(<.*>) :: (Apply f) => f (a -> b) -> MaybeApply f a -> f b
+ff <.*> MaybeApply (Left fa) = ff <.> fa
+ff <.*> MaybeApply (Right a) = ($ a) <$> ff
+infixl 4 <.*>
+-- | Apply a possibly-empty-with-unit container of functions to a non-empty container of values.
+(<*.>) :: (Apply f) => MaybeApply f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
+MaybeApply (Left ff) <*.> fa = ff <.> fa
+MaybeApply (Right f) <*.> fa = f <$> fa
+infixl 4 <*.>
+-- | Traverse a 'Traversable' using 'Apply', getting the results back in a 'MaybeApply'.
+traverse1Maybe :: (Traversable t, Apply f) => (a -> f b) -> t a -> MaybeApply f (t b)
+traverse1Maybe f = traverse (MaybeApply . Left . f)
+instance Functor f => Functor (MaybeApply f) where
+ fmap f (MaybeApply (Right a)) = MaybeApply (Right (f a ))
+ fmap f (MaybeApply (Left fa)) = MaybeApply (Left (f <$> fa))
+instance Apply f => Apply (MaybeApply f) where
+ MaybeApply (Right f) <.> MaybeApply (Right a) = MaybeApply (Right (f a ))
+ MaybeApply (Right f) <.> MaybeApply (Left fa) = MaybeApply (Left (f <$> fa))
+ MaybeApply (Left ff) <.> MaybeApply (Right a) = MaybeApply (Left (($ a) <$> ff))
+ MaybeApply (Left ff) <.> MaybeApply (Left fa) = MaybeApply (Left (ff <.> fa))
+ MaybeApply a <. MaybeApply (Right _) = MaybeApply a
+ MaybeApply (Right a) <. MaybeApply (Left fb) = MaybeApply (Left (a <$ fb))
+ MaybeApply (Left fa) <. MaybeApply (Left fb) = MaybeApply (Left (fa <. fb))
+ MaybeApply (Right _) .> MaybeApply b = MaybeApply b
+ MaybeApply (Left fa) .> MaybeApply (Right b) = MaybeApply (Left (fa $> b ))
+ MaybeApply (Left fa) .> MaybeApply (Left fb) = MaybeApply (Left (fa .> fb))
+instance Apply f => Applicative (MaybeApply f) where
+ pure a = MaybeApply (Right a)
+ (<*>) = (<.>)
+ (<* ) = (<. )
+ ( *>) = ( .>)
+instance Apply Down where (<.>)=(<*>);(.>)=(*>);(<.)=(<*)
+instance Apply Monoid.Sum where (<.>)=(<*>);(.>)=(*>);(<.)=(<*)
+instance Apply Monoid.Product where (<.>)=(<*>);(.>)=(*>);(<.)=(<*)
+instance Apply Monoid.Dual where (<.>)=(<*>);(.>)=(*>);(<.)=(<*)
+instance Apply Monoid.First where (<.>)=(<*>);(.>)=(*>);(<.)=(<*)
+instance Apply Monoid.Last where (<.>)=(<*>);(.>)=(*>);(<.)=(<*)
+deriving instance Apply f => Apply (Monoid.Alt f)
+-- in GHC 8.6 we'll have to deal with Apply f => Apply (Ap f) the same way
+instance Apply Semigroup.First where (<.>)=(<*>);(.>)=(*>);(<.)=(<*)
+instance Apply Semigroup.Last where (<.>)=(<*>);(.>)=(*>);(<.)=(<*)
+instance Apply Semigroup.Min where (<.>)=(<*>);(.>)=(*>);(<.)=(<*)
+instance Apply Semigroup.Max where (<.>)=(<*>);(.>)=(*>);(<.)=(<*)
+instance (Apply f, Apply g) => Apply (f :*: g) where
+ (a :*: b) <.> (c :*: d) = (a <.> c) :*: (b <.> d)
+deriving instance Apply f => Apply (M1 i t f)
+deriving instance Apply f => Apply (Rec1 f)
+instance (Apply f, Apply g) => Apply (f :.: g) where
+ Comp1 m <.> Comp1 n = Comp1 $ (<.>) <$> m <.> n
+instance Apply U1 where (<.>)=(<*>);(.>)=(*>);(<.)=(<*)
+-- | A @'K1' i c@ is not 'Applicative' unless its @c@ is a 'Monoid', but it is an instance of 'Apply'
+instance Semigroup c => Apply (K1 i c) where
+ K1 a <.> K1 b = K1 (a <> b)
+ K1 a <. K1 b = K1 (a <> b)
+ K1 a .> K1 b = K1 (a <> b)
+instance Apply Par1 where (<.>)=(<*>);(.>)=(*>);(<.)=(<*)
+-- | A 'V1' is not 'Applicative', but it is an instance of 'Apply'
+instance Apply Generics.V1 where
+ e <.> _ = case e of {}
+-- Magma
+-- | This provides a way to peek at the internal structure of a
+-- 'Control.Lens.Traversal.Traversal' or 'Control.Lens.Traversal.IndexedTraversal'
+data Magma i t b a where
+ MagmaAp :: Magma i (x -> y) b a -> Magma i x b a -> Magma i y b a
+ MagmaPure :: x -> Magma i x b a
+ MagmaFmap :: (x -> y) -> Magma i x b a -> Magma i y b a
+ Magma :: i -> a -> Magma i b b a
+-- note the 3rd argument infers as phantom, but that would be unsound
+type role Magma representational nominal nominal nominal
+instance Functor (Magma i t b) where
+ fmap f (MagmaAp x y) = MagmaAp (fmap f x) (fmap f y)
+ fmap _ (MagmaPure x) = MagmaPure x
+ fmap f (MagmaFmap xy x) = MagmaFmap xy (fmap f x)
+ fmap f (Magma i a) = Magma i (f a)
+instance Foldable (Magma i t b) where
+ foldMap f (MagmaAp x y) = foldMap f x `mappend` foldMap f y
+ foldMap _ MagmaPure{} = mempty
+ foldMap f (MagmaFmap _ x) = foldMap f x
+ foldMap f (Magma _ a) = f a
+instance Traversable (Magma i t b) where
+ traverse f (MagmaAp x y) = MagmaAp <$> traverse f x <*> traverse f y
+ traverse _ (MagmaPure x) = pure (MagmaPure x)
+ traverse f (MagmaFmap xy x) = MagmaFmap xy <$> traverse f x
+ traverse f (Magma i a) = Magma i <$> f a
+instance (Show i, Show a) => Show (Magma i t b a) where
+ showsPrec d (MagmaAp x y) = showParen (d > 4) $
+ showsPrec 4 x . showString " <*> " . showsPrec 5 y
+ showsPrec d (MagmaPure _) = showParen (d > 10) $
+ showString "pure .."
+ showsPrec d (MagmaFmap _ x) = showParen (d > 4) $
+ showString ".. <$> " . showsPrec 5 x
+ showsPrec d (Magma i a) = showParen (d > 10) $
+ showString "Magma " . showsPrec 11 i . showChar ' ' . showsPrec 11 a
+-- | Run a 'Magma' where all the individual leaves have been converted to the
+-- expected type
+runMagma :: Magma i t a a -> t
+runMagma (MagmaAp l r) = runMagma l (runMagma r)
+runMagma (MagmaFmap f r) = f (runMagma r)
+runMagma (MagmaPure x) = x
+runMagma (Magma _ a) = a
+-- Molten
+-- | This is a a non-reassociating initially encoded version of 'Bazaar'.
+newtype Molten i a b t = Molten { runMolten :: Magma i t b a }
+instance Functor (Molten i a b) where
+ fmap f (Molten xs) = Molten (MagmaFmap f xs)
+ {-# INLINE fmap #-}
+instance Apply (Molten i a b) where
+ (<.>) = (<*>)
+ {-# INLINE (<.>) #-}
+instance Applicative (Molten i a b) where
+ pure = Molten #. MagmaPure
+ {-# INLINE pure #-}
+ Molten xs <*> Molten ys = Molten (MagmaAp xs ys)
+ {-# INLINE (<*>) #-}
+-- Mafic
+-- | This is used to generate an indexed magma from an unindexed source
+-- By constructing it this way we avoid infinite reassociations in sums where possible.
+data Mafic a b t = Mafic Int (Int -> Magma Int t b a)
+-- | Generate a 'Magma' using from a prefix sum.
+runMafic :: Mafic a b t -> Magma Int t b a
+runMafic (Mafic _ k) = k 0
+instance Functor (Mafic a b) where
+ fmap f (Mafic w k) = Mafic w (MagmaFmap f . k)
+ {-# INLINE fmap #-}
+instance Apply (Mafic a b) where
+ Mafic wf mf <.> ~(Mafic wa ma) = Mafic (wf + wa) $ \o -> MagmaAp (mf o) (ma (o + wf))
+ {-# INLINE (<.>) #-}
+instance Applicative (Mafic a b) where
+ pure a = Mafic 0 $ \_ -> MagmaPure a
+ {-# INLINE pure #-}
+ Mafic wf mf <*> ~(Mafic wa ma) = Mafic (wf + wa) $ \o -> MagmaAp (mf o) (ma (o + wf))
+ {-# INLINE (<*>) #-}
+-- TakingWhile
+-- | This is used to generate an indexed magma from an unindexed source
+-- By constructing it this way we avoid infinite reassociations where possible.
+-- In @'TakingWhile' p g a b t@, @g@ has a @nominal@ role to avoid exposing an illegal _|_ via 'Contravariant',
+-- while the remaining arguments are degraded to a @nominal@ role by the invariants of 'Magma'
+data TakingWhile p (g :: Type -> Type) a b t = TakingWhile Bool t (Bool -> Magma () t b (Corep p a))
+type role TakingWhile nominal nominal nominal nominal nominal
+-- | Generate a 'Magma' with leaves only while the predicate holds from left to right.
+runTakingWhile :: TakingWhile p f a b t -> Magma () t b (Corep p a)
+runTakingWhile (TakingWhile _ _ k) = k True
+instance Functor (TakingWhile p f a b) where
+ fmap f (TakingWhile w t k) = let ft = f t in TakingWhile w ft $ \b -> if b then MagmaFmap f (k b) else MagmaPure ft
+ {-# INLINE fmap #-}
+instance Apply (TakingWhile p f a b) where
+ TakingWhile wf tf mf <.> ~(TakingWhile wa ta ma) = TakingWhile (wf && wa) (tf ta) $ \o ->
+ if o then MagmaAp (mf True) (ma wf) else MagmaPure (tf ta)
+ {-# INLINE (<.>) #-}
+instance Applicative (TakingWhile p f a b) where
+ pure a = TakingWhile True a $ \_ -> MagmaPure a
+ {-# INLINE pure #-}
+ TakingWhile wf tf mf <*> ~(TakingWhile wa ta ma) = TakingWhile (wf && wa) (tf ta) $ \o ->
+ if o then MagmaAp (mf True) (ma wf) else MagmaPure (tf ta)
+ {-# INLINE (<*>) #-}
+-- This constraint is unused intentionally, it protects TakingWhile
+instance Contravariant f => Contravariant (TakingWhile p f a b) where
+ contramap _ = (<$) (error "contramap: TakingWhile")
+ {-# INLINE contramap #-}
+-- Folding
+-- | A 'Monoid' for a 'Contravariant' 'Applicative'.
+newtype Folding f a = Folding { getFolding :: f a }
+instance (Contravariant f, Applicative f) => Semigroup (Folding f a) where
+ Folding fr <> Folding fs = Folding (fr *> fs)
+ {-# INLINE (<>) #-}
+instance (Contravariant f, Applicative f) => Monoid (Folding f a) where
+ mempty = Folding noEffect
+ {-# INLINE mempty #-}
+-- Traversed
+-- | Used internally by 'Control.Lens.Traversal.traverseOf_' and the like.
+-- The argument 'a' of the result should not be used!
+newtype Traversed a f = Traversed { getTraversed :: f a }
+-- See 4.16 Changelog entry for the explanation of "why not Apply f =>"?
+instance Applicative f => Semigroup (Traversed a f) where
+ Traversed ma <> Traversed mb = Traversed (ma *> mb)
+ {-# INLINE (<>) #-}
+instance Applicative f => Monoid (Traversed a f) where
+ mempty = Traversed (pure (error "Traversed: value used"))
+ {-# INLINE mempty #-}
+-- TraversedF
+-- | Used internally by 'Control.Lens.Fold.traverse1Of_' and the like.
+-- @since 4.16
+newtype TraversedF a f = TraversedF { getTraversedF :: f a }
+instance Apply f => Semigroup (TraversedF a f) where
+ TraversedF ma <> TraversedF mb = TraversedF (ma .> mb)
+ {-# INLINE (<>) #-}
+instance (Apply f, Applicative f) => Monoid (TraversedF a f) where
+ mempty = TraversedF (pure (error "TraversedF: value used"))
+ {-# INLINE mempty #-}
+-- Sequenced
+-- | Used internally by 'Control.Lens.Traversal.mapM_' and the like.
+-- The argument 'a' of the result should not be used!
+-- See 4.16 Changelog entry for the explanation of "why not Apply f =>"?
+newtype Sequenced a m = Sequenced { getSequenced :: m a }
+instance Monad m => Semigroup (Sequenced a m) where
+ Sequenced ma <> Sequenced mb = Sequenced (ma >> mb)
+ {-# INLINE (<>) #-}
+instance Monad m => Monoid (Sequenced a m) where
+ mempty = Sequenced (return (error "Sequenced: value used"))
+ {-# INLINE mempty #-}
+-- NonEmptyDList
+newtype NonEmptyDList a
+ = NonEmptyDList { getNonEmptyDList :: [a] -> NonEmpty.NonEmpty a }
+instance Semigroup (NonEmptyDList a) where
+ NonEmptyDList f <> NonEmptyDList g = NonEmptyDList (f . NonEmpty.toList . g)
+-- Leftmost and Rightmost
+-- | Used for 'Control.Lens.Fold.firstOf'.
+data Leftmost a = LPure | LLeaf a | LStep (Leftmost a)
+instance Semigroup (Leftmost a) where
+ x <> y = LStep $ case x of
+ LPure -> y
+ LLeaf _ -> x
+ LStep x' -> case y of
+ -- The last two cases make firstOf produce a Just as soon as any element
+ -- is encountered, and possibly serve as a micro-optimisation; this
+ -- behaviour can be disabled by replacing them with _ -> x <> y'.
+ -- Note that this means that firstOf (backwards folded) [1..] is Just _|_.
+ LPure -> x'
+ LLeaf a -> LLeaf $ fromMaybe a (getLeftmost x')
+ LStep y' -> mappend x' y'
+instance Monoid (Leftmost a) where
+ mempty = LPure
+ {-# INLINE mempty #-}
+-- | Extract the 'Leftmost' element. This will fairly eagerly determine that it can return 'Just'
+-- the moment it sees any element at all.
+getLeftmost :: Leftmost a -> Maybe a
+getLeftmost LPure = Nothing
+getLeftmost (LLeaf a) = Just a
+getLeftmost (LStep x) = getLeftmost x
+-- | Used for 'Control.Lens.Fold.lastOf'.
+data Rightmost a = RPure | RLeaf a | RStep (Rightmost a)
+instance Semigroup (Rightmost a) where
+ x <> y = RStep $ case y of
+ RPure -> x
+ RLeaf _ -> y
+ RStep y' -> case x of
+ -- The last two cases make lastOf produce a Just as soon as any element
+ -- is encountered, and possibly serve as a micro-optimisation; this
+ -- behaviour can be disabled by replacing them with _ -> x <> y'.
+ -- Note that this means that lastOf folded [1..] is Just _|_.
+ RPure -> y'
+ RLeaf a -> RLeaf $ fromMaybe a (getRightmost y')
+ RStep x' -> mappend x' y'
+instance Monoid (Rightmost a) where
+ mempty = RPure
+ {-# INLINE mempty #-}
+-- | Extract the 'Rightmost' element. This will fairly eagerly determine that it can return 'Just'
+-- the moment it sees any element at all.
+getRightmost :: Rightmost a -> Maybe a
+getRightmost RPure = Nothing
+getRightmost (RLeaf a) = Just a
+getRightmost (RStep x) = getRightmost x
+-- Getters
+-- | Build an (index-preserving) 'Getter' from an arbitrary Haskell function.
+-- @
+-- 'to' f '.' 'to' g ≡ 'to' (g '.' f)
+-- @
+-- @
+-- a '^.' 'to' f ≡ f a
+-- @
+-- >>> a ^.to f
+-- f a
+-- >>> ("hello","world")^.to snd
+-- "world"
+-- >>> 5^.to succ
+-- 6
+-- >>> (0, -5)^ abs
+-- 5
+-- @
+-- 'to' :: (s -> a) -> 'IndexPreservingGetter' s a
+-- @
+to :: (Profunctor p, Contravariant f) => (s -> a) -> Optic' p f s a
+to k = dimap k (contramap k)
+{-# INLINE to #-}
+-- |
+-- @
+-- 'ito' :: (s -> (i, a)) -> 'IndexedGetter' i s a
+-- @
+ito :: (Indexable i p, Contravariant f) => (s -> (i, a)) -> Over' p f s a
+ito k = dimap k (contramap (snd . k)) . uncurry . indexed
+{-# INLINE ito #-}
+-- | Build an constant-valued (index-preserving) 'Getter' from an arbitrary Haskell value.
+-- @
+-- 'like' a '.' 'like' b ≡ 'like' b
+-- a '^.' 'like' b ≡ b
+-- a '^.' 'like' b ≡ a '^.' 'to' ('const' b)
+-- @
+-- This can be useful as a second case 'failing' a 'Fold'
+-- e.g. @foo `failing` 'like' 0@
+-- @
+-- 'like' :: a -> 'IndexPreservingGetter' s a
+-- @
+like :: (Profunctor p, Contravariant f, Functor f) => a -> Optic' p f s a
+like a = to (const a)
+{-# INLINE like #-}
+-- |
+-- @
+-- 'ilike' :: i -> a -> 'IndexedGetter' i s a
+-- @
+ilike :: (Indexable i p, Contravariant f, Functor f) => i -> a -> Over' p f s a
+ilike i a = ito (const (i, a))
+{-# INLINE ilike #-}
+-- | When you see this in a type signature it indicates that you can
+-- pass the function a 'Lens', 'Getter',
+-- 'Control.Lens.Traversal.Traversal', 'Control.Lens.Fold.Fold',
+-- 'Control.Lens.Prism.Prism', 'Control.Lens.Iso.Iso', or one of
+-- the indexed variants, and it will just \"do the right thing\".
+-- Most 'Getter' combinators are able to be used with both a 'Getter' or a
+-- 'Control.Lens.Fold.Fold' in limited situations, to do so, they need to be
+-- monomorphic in what we are going to extract with 'Control.Applicative.Const'. To be compatible
+-- with 'Lens', 'Control.Lens.Traversal.Traversal' and
+-- 'Control.Lens.Iso.Iso' we also restricted choices of the irrelevant @t@ and
+-- @b@ parameters.
+-- If a function accepts a @'Getting' r s a@, then when @r@ is a 'Data.Monoid.Monoid', then
+-- you can pass a 'Control.Lens.Fold.Fold' (or
+-- 'Control.Lens.Traversal.Traversal'), otherwise you can only pass this a
+-- 'Getter' or 'Lens'.
+type Getting r s a = (a -> Const r a) -> s -> Const r s
+-- | Used to consume an 'Control.Lens.Fold.IndexedFold'.
+type IndexedGetting i m s a = Indexed i a (Const m a) -> s -> Const m s
+-- | This is a convenient alias used when consuming (indexed) getters and (indexed) folds
+-- in a highly general fashion.
+type Accessing p m s a = p a (Const m a) -> s -> Const m s
+-- Getting Values
+-- | View the value pointed to by a 'Getter', 'Control.Lens.Iso.Iso' or
+-- 'Lens' or the result of folding over all the results of a
+-- 'Control.Lens.Fold.Fold' or 'Control.Lens.Traversal.Traversal' that points
+-- at a monoidal value.
+-- @
+-- 'view' '.' 'to' ≡ 'id'
+-- @
+-- >>> view (to f) a
+-- f a
+-- >>> view _2 (1,"hello")
+-- "hello"
+-- >>> view (to succ) 5
+-- 6
+-- >>> view (_2._1) ("hello",("world","!!!"))
+-- "world"
+-- As 'view' is commonly used to access the target of a 'Getter' or obtain a monoidal summary of the targets of a 'Fold',
+-- It may be useful to think of it as having one of these more restricted signatures:
+-- @
+-- 'view' :: 'Getter' s a -> s -> a
+-- 'view' :: 'Data.Monoid.Monoid' m => 'Control.Lens.Fold.Fold' s m -> s -> m
+-- 'view' :: 'Control.Lens.Iso.Iso'' s a -> s -> a
+-- 'view' :: 'Lens'' s a -> s -> a
+-- 'view' :: 'Data.Monoid.Monoid' m => 'Control.Lens.Traversal.Traversal'' s m -> s -> m
+-- @
+-- In a more general setting, such as when working with a 'Monad' transformer stack you can use:
+-- @
+-- 'view' :: 'MonadReader' s m => 'Getter' s a -> m a
+-- 'view' :: ('MonadReader' s m, 'Data.Monoid.Monoid' a) => 'Control.Lens.Fold.Fold' s a -> m a
+-- 'view' :: 'MonadReader' s m => 'Control.Lens.Iso.Iso'' s a -> m a
+-- 'view' :: 'MonadReader' s m => 'Lens'' s a -> m a
+-- 'view' :: ('MonadReader' s m, 'Data.Monoid.Monoid' a) => 'Control.Lens.Traversal.Traversal'' s a -> m a
+-- @
+view :: MonadReader s m => Getting a s a -> m a
+view l = Reader.asks (getConst #. l Const)
+{-# INLINE view #-}
+-- | View a function of the value pointed to by a 'Getter' or 'Lens' or the result of
+-- folding over the result of mapping the targets of a 'Control.Lens.Fold.Fold' or
+-- 'Control.Lens.Traversal.Traversal'.
+-- @
+-- 'views' l f ≡ 'view' (l '.' 'to' f)
+-- @
+-- >>> views (to f) g a
+-- g (f a)
+-- >>> views _2 length (1,"hello")
+-- 5
+-- As 'views' is commonly used to access the target of a 'Getter' or obtain a monoidal summary of the targets of a 'Fold',
+-- It may be useful to think of it as having one of these more restricted signatures:
+-- @
+-- 'views' :: 'Getter' s a -> (a -> r) -> s -> r
+-- 'views' :: 'Data.Monoid.Monoid' m => 'Control.Lens.Fold.Fold' s a -> (a -> m) -> s -> m
+-- 'views' :: 'Control.Lens.Iso.Iso'' s a -> (a -> r) -> s -> r
+-- 'views' :: 'Lens'' s a -> (a -> r) -> s -> r
+-- 'views' :: 'Data.Monoid.Monoid' m => 'Control.Lens.Traversal.Traversal'' s a -> (a -> m) -> s -> m
+-- @
+-- In a more general setting, such as when working with a 'Monad' transformer stack you can use:
+-- @
+-- 'views' :: 'MonadReader' s m => 'Getter' s a -> (a -> r) -> m r
+-- 'views' :: ('MonadReader' s m, 'Data.Monoid.Monoid' r) => 'Control.Lens.Fold.Fold' s a -> (a -> r) -> m r
+-- 'views' :: 'MonadReader' s m => 'Control.Lens.Iso.Iso'' s a -> (a -> r) -> m r
+-- 'views' :: 'MonadReader' s m => 'Lens'' s a -> (a -> r) -> m r
+-- 'views' :: ('MonadReader' s m, 'Data.Monoid.Monoid' r) => 'Control.Lens.Traversal.Traversal'' s a -> (a -> r) -> m r
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'views' :: 'MonadReader' s m => 'Getting' r s a -> (a -> r) -> m r
+-- @
+views :: MonadReader s m => LensLike' (Const r) s a -> (a -> r) -> m r
+views l f = Reader.asks (coerce l f)
+{-# INLINE views #-}
+-- | View the value pointed to by a 'Getter' or 'Lens' or the
+-- result of folding over all the results of a 'Control.Lens.Fold.Fold' or
+-- 'Control.Lens.Traversal.Traversal' that points at a monoidal values.
+-- This is the same operation as 'view' with the arguments flipped.
+-- The fixity and semantics are such that subsequent field accesses can be
+-- performed with ('Prelude..').
+-- >>> (a,b)^._2
+-- b
+-- >>> ("hello","world")^._2
+-- "world"
+-- >>> import Data.Complex
+-- >>> ((0, 1 :+ 2), 3)^ magnitude
+-- 2.23606797749979
+-- @
+-- ('^.') :: s -> 'Getter' s a -> a
+-- ('^.') :: 'Data.Monoid.Monoid' m => s -> 'Control.Lens.Fold.Fold' s m -> m
+-- ('^.') :: s -> 'Control.Lens.Iso.Iso'' s a -> a
+-- ('^.') :: s -> 'Lens'' s a -> a
+-- ('^.') :: 'Data.Monoid.Monoid' m => s -> 'Control.Lens.Traversal.Traversal'' s m -> m
+-- @
+(^.) :: s -> Getting a s a -> a
+s ^. l = getConst (l Const s)
+{-# INLINE (^.) #-}
+-- MonadState
+-- | Use the target of a 'Lens', 'Control.Lens.Iso.Iso', or
+-- 'Getter' in the current state, or use a summary of a
+-- 'Control.Lens.Fold.Fold' or 'Control.Lens.Traversal.Traversal' that points
+-- to a monoidal value.
+-- >>> evalState (use _1) (a,b)
+-- a
+-- >>> evalState (use _1) ("hello","world")
+-- "hello"
+-- @
+-- 'use' :: 'MonadState' s m => 'Getter' s a -> m a
+-- 'use' :: ('MonadState' s m, 'Data.Monoid.Monoid' r) => 'Control.Lens.Fold.Fold' s r -> m r
+-- 'use' :: 'MonadState' s m => 'Control.Lens.Iso.Iso'' s a -> m a
+-- 'use' :: 'MonadState' s m => 'Lens'' s a -> m a
+-- 'use' :: ('MonadState' s m, 'Data.Monoid.Monoid' r) => 'Control.Lens.Traversal.Traversal'' s r -> m r
+-- @
+use :: MonadState s m => Getting a s a -> m a
+use l = State.gets (view l)
+{-# INLINE use #-}
+-- | Use the target of a 'Lens', 'Control.Lens.Iso.Iso' or
+-- 'Getter' in the current state, or use a summary of a
+-- 'Control.Lens.Fold.Fold' or 'Control.Lens.Traversal.Traversal' that
+-- points to a monoidal value.
+-- >>> evalState (uses _1 length) ("hello","world")
+-- 5
+-- @
+-- 'uses' :: 'MonadState' s m => 'Getter' s a -> (a -> r) -> m r
+-- 'uses' :: ('MonadState' s m, 'Data.Monoid.Monoid' r) => 'Control.Lens.Fold.Fold' s a -> (a -> r) -> m r
+-- 'uses' :: 'MonadState' s m => 'Lens'' s a -> (a -> r) -> m r
+-- 'uses' :: 'MonadState' s m => 'Control.Lens.Iso.Iso'' s a -> (a -> r) -> m r
+-- 'uses' :: ('MonadState' s m, 'Data.Monoid.Monoid' r) => 'Control.Lens.Traversal.Traversal'' s a -> (a -> r) -> m r
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'uses' :: 'MonadState' s m => 'Getting' r s t a b -> (a -> r) -> m r
+-- @
+uses :: MonadState s m => LensLike' (Const r) s a -> (a -> r) -> m r
+uses l f = State.gets (views l f)
+{-# INLINE uses #-}
+-- | This is a generalized form of 'listen' that only extracts the portion of
+-- the log that is focused on by a 'Getter'. If given a 'Fold' or a 'Traversal'
+-- then a monoidal summary of the parts of the log that are visited will be
+-- returned.
+-- @
+-- 'listening' :: 'MonadWriter' w m => 'Getter' w u -> m a -> m (a, u)
+-- 'listening' :: 'MonadWriter' w m => 'Lens'' w u -> m a -> m (a, u)
+-- 'listening' :: 'MonadWriter' w m => 'Iso'' w u -> m a -> m (a, u)
+-- 'listening' :: ('MonadWriter' w m, 'Monoid' u) => 'Fold' w u -> m a -> m (a, u)
+-- 'listening' :: ('MonadWriter' w m, 'Monoid' u) => 'Traversal'' w u -> m a -> m (a, u)
+-- 'listening' :: ('MonadWriter' w m, 'Monoid' u) => 'Prism'' w u -> m a -> m (a, u)
+-- @
+listening :: MonadWriter w m => Getting u w u -> m a -> m (a, u)
+listening l m = do
+ (a, w) <- listen m
+ return (a, view l w)
+{-# INLINE listening #-}
+-- | This is a generalized form of 'listen' that only extracts the portion of
+-- the log that is focused on by a 'Getter'. If given a 'Fold' or a 'Traversal'
+-- then a monoidal summary of the parts of the log that are visited will be
+-- returned.
+-- @
+-- 'ilistening' :: 'MonadWriter' w m => 'IndexedGetter' i w u -> m a -> m (a, (i, u))
+-- 'ilistening' :: 'MonadWriter' w m => 'IndexedLens'' i w u -> m a -> m (a, (i, u))
+-- 'ilistening' :: ('MonadWriter' w m, 'Monoid' u) => 'IndexedFold' i w u -> m a -> m (a, (i, u))
+-- 'ilistening' :: ('MonadWriter' w m, 'Monoid' u) => 'IndexedTraversal'' i w u -> m a -> m (a, (i, u))
+-- @
+ilistening :: MonadWriter w m => IndexedGetting i (i, u) w u -> m a -> m (a, (i, u))
+ilistening l m = do
+ (a, w) <- listen m
+ return (a, iview l w)
+{-# INLINE ilistening #-}
+-- | This is a generalized form of 'listen' that only extracts the portion of
+-- the log that is focused on by a 'Getter'. If given a 'Fold' or a 'Traversal'
+-- then a monoidal summary of the parts of the log that are visited will be
+-- returned.
+-- @
+-- 'listenings' :: 'MonadWriter' w m => 'Getter' w u -> (u -> v) -> m a -> m (a, v)
+-- 'listenings' :: 'MonadWriter' w m => 'Lens'' w u -> (u -> v) -> m a -> m (a, v)
+-- 'listenings' :: 'MonadWriter' w m => 'Iso'' w u -> (u -> v) -> m a -> m (a, v)
+-- 'listenings' :: ('MonadWriter' w m, 'Monoid' v) => 'Fold' w u -> (u -> v) -> m a -> m (a, v)
+-- 'listenings' :: ('MonadWriter' w m, 'Monoid' v) => 'Traversal'' w u -> (u -> v) -> m a -> m (a, v)
+-- 'listenings' :: ('MonadWriter' w m, 'Monoid' v) => 'Prism'' w u -> (u -> v) -> m a -> m (a, v)
+-- @
+listenings :: MonadWriter w m => Getting v w u -> (u -> v) -> m a -> m (a, v)
+listenings l uv m = do
+ (a, w) <- listen m
+ return (a, views l uv w)
+{-# INLINE listenings #-}
+-- | This is a generalized form of 'listen' that only extracts the portion of
+-- the log that is focused on by a 'Getter'. If given a 'Fold' or a 'Traversal'
+-- then a monoidal summary of the parts of the log that are visited will be
+-- returned.
+-- @
+-- 'ilistenings' :: 'MonadWriter' w m => 'IndexedGetter' w u -> (i -> u -> v) -> m a -> m (a, v)
+-- 'ilistenings' :: 'MonadWriter' w m => 'IndexedLens'' w u -> (i -> u -> v) -> m a -> m (a, v)
+-- 'ilistenings' :: ('MonadWriter' w m, 'Monoid' v) => 'IndexedFold' w u -> (i -> u -> v) -> m a -> m (a, v)
+-- 'ilistenings' :: ('MonadWriter' w m, 'Monoid' v) => 'IndexedTraversal'' w u -> (i -> u -> v) -> m a -> m (a, v)
+-- @
+ilistenings :: MonadWriter w m => IndexedGetting i v w u -> (i -> u -> v) -> m a -> m (a, v)
+ilistenings l iuv m = do
+ (a, w) <- listen m
+ return (a, iviews l iuv w)
+{-# INLINE ilistenings #-}
+-- Indexed Getters
+-- | View the index and value of an 'IndexedGetter' into the current environment as a pair.
+-- When applied to an 'IndexedFold' the result will most likely be a nonsensical monoidal summary of
+-- the indices tupled with a monoidal summary of the values and probably not whatever it is you wanted.
+iview :: MonadReader s m => IndexedGetting i (i,a) s a -> m (i,a)
+iview l = asks (getConst #. l (Indexed $ \i -> Const #. (,) i))
+{-# INLINE iview #-}
+-- | View a function of the index and value of an 'IndexedGetter' into the current environment.
+-- When applied to an 'IndexedFold' the result will be a monoidal summary instead of a single answer.
+-- @
+-- 'iviews' ≡ 'Control.Lens.Fold.ifoldMapOf'
+-- @
+iviews :: MonadReader s m => IndexedGetting i r s a -> (i -> a -> r) -> m r
+iviews l f = asks (coerce l f)
+{-# INLINE iviews #-}
+-- | Use the index and value of an 'IndexedGetter' into the current state as a pair.
+-- When applied to an 'IndexedFold' the result will most likely be a nonsensical monoidal summary of
+-- the indices tupled with a monoidal summary of the values and probably not whatever it is you wanted.
+iuse :: MonadState s m => IndexedGetting i (i,a) s a -> m (i,a)
+iuse l = gets (getConst #. l (Indexed $ \i -> Const #. (,) i))
+{-# INLINE iuse #-}
+-- | Use a function of the index and value of an 'IndexedGetter' into the current state.
+-- When applied to an 'IndexedFold' the result will be a monoidal summary instead of a single answer.
+iuses :: MonadState s m => IndexedGetting i r s a -> (i -> a -> r) -> m r
+iuses l f = gets (coerce l f)
+{-# INLINE iuses #-}
+-- | View the index and value of an 'IndexedGetter' or 'IndexedLens'.
+-- This is the same operation as 'iview' with the arguments flipped.
+-- The fixity and semantics are such that subsequent field accesses can be
+-- performed with ('Prelude..').
+-- @
+-- ('^@.') :: s -> 'IndexedGetter' i s a -> (i, a)
+-- ('^@.') :: s -> 'IndexedLens'' i s a -> (i, a)
+-- @
+-- The result probably doesn't have much meaning when applied to an 'IndexedFold'.
+(^@.) :: s -> IndexedGetting i (i, a) s a -> (i, a)
+s ^@. l = getConst $ l (Indexed $ \i -> Const #. (,) i) s
+{-# INLINE (^@.) #-}
+-- | Coerce a 'Getter'-compatible 'Optical' to an 'Optical''. This
+-- is useful when using a 'Traversal' that is not simple as a 'Getter' or a
+-- 'Fold'.
+-- @
+-- 'getting' :: 'Traversal' s t a b -> 'Fold' s a
+-- 'getting' :: 'Lens' s t a b -> 'Getter' s a
+-- 'getting' :: 'IndexedTraversal' i s t a b -> 'IndexedFold' i s a
+-- 'getting' :: 'IndexedLens' i s t a b -> 'IndexedGetter' i s a
+-- @
+getting :: (Profunctor p, Profunctor q, Functor f, Contravariant f)
+ => Optical p q f s t a b -> Optical' p q f s a
+getting l f = rmap phantom . l $ rmap phantom f
+-- Profunctors
+-- | Formally, the class 'Profunctor' represents a profunctor
+-- from @Hask@ -> @Hask@.
+-- Intuitively it is a bifunctor where the first argument is contravariant
+-- and the second argument is covariant.
+-- You can define a 'Profunctor' by either defining 'dimap' or by defining both
+-- 'lmap' and 'rmap'.
+-- If you supply 'dimap', you should ensure that:
+-- @'dimap' 'id' 'id' ≡ 'id'@
+-- If you supply 'lmap' and 'rmap', ensure:
+-- @
+-- 'lmap' 'id' ≡ 'id'
+-- 'rmap' 'id' ≡ 'id'
+-- @
+-- If you supply both, you should also ensure:
+-- @'dimap' f g ≡ 'lmap' f '.' 'rmap' g@
+-- These ensure by parametricity:
+-- @
+-- 'dimap' (f '.' g) (h '.' i) ≡ 'dimap' g h '.' 'dimap' f i
+-- 'lmap' (f '.' g) ≡ 'lmap' g '.' 'lmap' f
+-- 'rmap' (f '.' g) ≡ 'rmap' f '.' 'rmap' g
+-- @
+class Profunctor p where
+ -- | Map over both arguments at the same time.
+ --
+ -- @'dimap' f g ≡ 'lmap' f '.' 'rmap' g@
+ dimap :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> p b c -> p a d
+ dimap f g = lmap f . rmap g
+ {-# INLINE dimap #-}
+ -- | Map the first argument contravariantly.
+ --
+ -- @'lmap' f ≡ 'dimap' f 'id'@
+ lmap :: (a -> b) -> p b c -> p a c
+ lmap f = dimap f id
+ {-# INLINE lmap #-}
+ -- | Map the second argument covariantly.
+ --
+ -- @'rmap' ≡ 'dimap' 'id'@
+ rmap :: (b -> c) -> p a b -> p a c
+ rmap = dimap id
+ {-# INLINE rmap #-}
+ -- | Strictly map the second argument argument
+ -- covariantly with a function that is assumed
+ -- operationally to be a cast, such as a newtype
+ -- constructor.
+ --
+ -- /Note:/ This operation is explicitly /unsafe/
+ -- since an implementation may choose to use
+ -- 'unsafeCoerce' to implement this combinator
+ -- and it has no way to validate that your function
+ -- meets the requirements.
+ --
+ -- If you implement this combinator with
+ -- 'unsafeCoerce', then you are taking upon yourself
+ -- the obligation that you don't use GADT-like
+ -- tricks to distinguish values.
+ --
+ -- If you import "Data.Profunctor.Unsafe" you are
+ -- taking upon yourself the obligation that you
+ -- will only call this with a first argument that is
+ -- operationally identity.
+ --
+ -- The semantics of this function with respect to bottoms
+ -- should match the default definition:
+ --
+ -- @('Profuctor.Unsafe.#.') ≡ \\_ -> \\p -> p \`seq\` 'rmap' 'coerce' p@
+ (#.) :: forall a b c q. Coercible c b => q b c -> p a b -> p a c
+ (#.) = \_ -> \p -> p `seq` rmap (coerce (id :: c -> c) :: b -> c) p
+ {-# INLINE (#.) #-}
+ -- | Strictly map the first argument argument
+ -- contravariantly with a function that is assumed
+ -- operationally to be a cast, such as a newtype
+ -- constructor.
+ --
+ -- /Note:/ This operation is explicitly /unsafe/
+ -- since an implementation may choose to use
+ -- 'unsafeCoerce' to implement this combinator
+ -- and it has no way to validate that your function
+ -- meets the requirements.
+ --
+ -- If you implement this combinator with
+ -- 'unsafeCoerce', then you are taking upon yourself
+ -- the obligation that you don't use GADT-like
+ -- tricks to distinguish values.
+ --
+ -- If you import "Data.Profunctor.Unsafe" you are
+ -- taking upon yourself the obligation that you
+ -- will only call this with a second argument that is
+ -- operationally identity.
+ --
+ -- @('.#') ≡ \\p -> p \`seq\` \\f -> 'lmap' 'coerce' p@
+ (.#) :: forall a b c q. Coercible b a => p b c -> q a b -> p a c
+ (.#) = \p -> p `seq` \_ -> lmap (coerce (id :: b -> b) :: a -> b) p
+ {-# INLINE (.#) #-}
+ {-# MINIMAL dimap | (lmap, rmap) #-}
+-- Conjoined
+-- | This is a 'Profunctor' that is both 'Corepresentable' by @f@ and 'Representable' by @g@ such
+-- that @f@ is left adjoint to @g@. From this you can derive a lot of structure due
+-- to the preservation of limits and colimits.
+ ( Choice p, Corepresentable p, Comonad (Corep p), Traversable (Corep p)
+ , Strong p, Representable p, Monad (Rep p), MonadFix (Rep p), Costrong p, ArrowLoop p, ArrowApply p, ArrowChoice p
+ ) => Conjoined p where
+ -- | 'Conjoined' is strong enough to let us distribute every 'Conjoined'
+ -- 'Profunctor' over every Haskell 'Functor'. This is effectively a
+ -- generalization of 'fmap'.
+ distrib :: Functor f => p a b -> p (f a) (f b)
+ distrib = tabulate . collect . sieve
+ {-# INLINE distrib #-}
+ -- | This permits us to make a decision at an outermost point about whether or not we use an index.
+ --
+ -- Ideally any use of this function should be done in such a way so that you compute the same answer,
+ -- but this cannot be enforced at the type level.
+ conjoined :: ((p ~ (->)) => q (a -> b) r) -> q (p a b) r -> q (p a b) r
+ conjoined _ r = r
+ {-# INLINE conjoined #-}
+instance Conjoined (->) where
+ distrib = fmap
+ {-# INLINE distrib #-}
+ conjoined l _ = l
+ {-# INLINE conjoined #-}
+-- Indexable
+-- | This class permits overloading of function application for things that
+-- also admit a notion of a key or index.
+class Conjoined p => Indexable i p where
+ -- | Build a function from an 'indexed' function.
+ indexed :: p a b -> i -> a -> b
+instance Indexable i (->) where
+ indexed = const
+ {-# INLINE indexed #-}
+-- Indexed Internals
+-- | A function with access to a index. This constructor may be useful when you need to store
+-- an 'Indexable' in a container to avoid @ImpredicativeTypes@.
+-- @index :: Indexed i a b -> i -> a -> b@
+newtype Indexed i a b = Indexed { runIndexed :: i -> a -> b }
+instance Functor (Indexed i a) where
+ fmap g (Indexed f) = Indexed $ \i a -> g (f i a)
+ {-# INLINE fmap #-}
+instance Apply (Indexed i a) where
+ Indexed f <.> Indexed g = Indexed $ \i a -> f i a (g i a)
+ {-# INLINE (<.>) #-}
+instance Applicative (Indexed i a) where
+ pure b = Indexed $ \_ _ -> b
+ {-# INLINE pure #-}
+ Indexed f <*> Indexed g = Indexed $ \i a -> f i a (g i a)
+ {-# INLINE (<*>) #-}
+instance Monad (Indexed i a) where
+ return = pure
+ {-# INLINE return #-}
+ Indexed f >>= k = Indexed $ \i a -> runIndexed (k (f i a)) i a
+ {-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
+instance MonadFix (Indexed i a) where
+ mfix f = Indexed $ \ i a -> let o = runIndexed (f o) i a in o
+ {-# INLINE mfix #-}
+instance Profunctor (Indexed i) where
+ dimap ab cd ibc = Indexed $ \i -> cd . runIndexed ibc i . ab
+ {-# INLINE dimap #-}
+ lmap ab ibc = Indexed $ \i -> runIndexed ibc i . ab
+ {-# INLINE lmap #-}
+ rmap bc iab = Indexed $ \i -> bc . runIndexed iab i
+ {-# INLINE rmap #-}
+ (.#) ibc _ = coerce ibc
+ {-# INLINE (.#) #-}
+ (#.) _ = coerce
+ {-# INLINE (#.) #-}
+instance Costrong (Indexed i) where
+ unfirst (Indexed iadbd) = Indexed $ \i a -> let
+ (b, d) = iadbd i (a, d)
+ in b
+instance Sieve (Indexed i) ((->) i) where
+ sieve = flip . runIndexed
+ {-# INLINE sieve #-}
+instance Representable (Indexed i) where
+ type Rep (Indexed i) = (->) i
+ tabulate = Indexed . flip
+ {-# INLINE tabulate #-}
+instance Cosieve (Indexed i) ((,) i) where
+ cosieve = uncurry . runIndexed
+ {-# INLINE cosieve #-}
+instance Corepresentable (Indexed i) where
+ type Corep (Indexed i) = (,) i
+ cotabulate = Indexed . curry
+ {-# INLINE cotabulate #-}
+instance Choice (Indexed i) where
+ right' = right
+ {-# INLINE right' #-}
+instance Strong (Indexed i) where
+ second' = Arrow.second
+ {-# INLINE second' #-}
+instance C.Category (Indexed i) where
+ id = Indexed (const id)
+ {-# INLINE id #-}
+ Indexed f . Indexed g = Indexed $ \i -> f i . g i
+ {-# INLINE (.) #-}
+instance Arrow (Indexed i) where
+ arr f = Indexed (\_ -> f)
+ {-# INLINE arr #-}
+ first f = Indexed (Arrow.first . runIndexed f)
+ {-# INLINE first #-}
+ second f = Indexed (Arrow.second . runIndexed f)
+ {-# INLINE second #-}
+ Indexed f *** Indexed g = Indexed $ \i -> f i *** g i
+ {-# INLINE (***) #-}
+ Indexed f &&& Indexed g = Indexed $ \i -> f i &&& g i
+ {-# INLINE (&&&) #-}
+instance ArrowChoice (Indexed i) where
+ left f = Indexed (left . runIndexed f)
+ {-# INLINE left #-}
+ right f = Indexed (right . runIndexed f)
+ {-# INLINE right #-}
+ Indexed f +++ Indexed g = Indexed $ \i -> f i +++ g i
+ {-# INLINE (+++) #-}
+ Indexed f ||| Indexed g = Indexed $ \i -> f i ||| g i
+ {-# INLINE (|||) #-}
+instance ArrowApply (Indexed i) where
+ app = Indexed $ \ i (f, b) -> runIndexed f i b
+ {-# INLINE app #-}
+instance ArrowLoop (Indexed i) where
+ loop (Indexed f) = Indexed $ \i b -> let (c,d) = f i (b, d) in c
+ {-# INLINE loop #-}
+instance Conjoined (Indexed i) where
+ distrib (Indexed iab) = Indexed $ \i fa -> iab i <$> fa
+ {-# INLINE distrib #-}
+instance i ~ j => Indexable i (Indexed j) where
+ indexed = runIndexed
+ {-# INLINE indexed #-}
+-- Indexing
+-- | 'Applicative' composition of @'Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy.State' 'Int'@ with a 'Functor', used
+-- by 'Control.Lens.Indexed.indexed'.
+newtype Indexing f a = Indexing { runIndexing :: Int -> (Int, f a) }
+instance Functor f => Functor (Indexing f) where
+ fmap f (Indexing m) = Indexing $ \i -> case m i of
+ (j, x) -> (j, fmap f x)
+ {-# INLINE fmap #-}
+instance Apply f => Apply (Indexing f) where
+ Indexing mf <.> Indexing ma = Indexing $ \i -> case mf i of
+ (j, ff) -> case ma j of
+ ~(k, fa) -> (k, ff <.> fa)
+ {-# INLINE (<.>) #-}
+instance Applicative f => Applicative (Indexing f) where
+ pure x = Indexing $ \i -> (i, pure x)
+ {-# INLINE pure #-}
+ Indexing mf <*> Indexing ma = Indexing $ \i -> case mf i of
+ (j, ff) -> case ma j of
+ ~(k, fa) -> (k, ff <*> fa)
+ {-# INLINE (<*>) #-}
+instance Contravariant f => Contravariant (Indexing f) where
+ contramap f (Indexing m) = Indexing $ \i -> case m i of
+ (j, ff) -> (j, contramap f ff)
+ {-# INLINE contramap #-}
+instance Semigroup (f a) => Semigroup (Indexing f a) where
+ Indexing mx <> Indexing my = Indexing $ \i -> case mx i of
+ (j, x) -> case my j of
+ ~(k, y) -> (k, x <> y)
+ {-# INLINE (<>) #-}
+-- |
+-- >>> "cat" ^@.. (folded <> folded)
+-- [(0,'c'),(1,'a'),(2,'t'),(0,'c'),(1,'a'),(2,'t')]
+-- >>> "cat" ^@.. indexing (folded <> folded)
+-- [(0,'c'),(1,'a'),(2,'t'),(3,'c'),(4,'a'),(5,'t')]
+instance Monoid (f a) => Monoid (Indexing f a) where
+ mempty = Indexing $ \i -> (i, mempty)
+ {-# INLINE mempty #-}
+-- | Transform a 'Control.Lens.Traversal.Traversal' into an 'Control.Lens.Traversal.IndexedTraversal' or
+-- a 'Control.Lens.Fold.Fold' into an 'Control.Lens.Fold.IndexedFold', etc.
+-- @
+-- 'indexing' :: 'Control.Lens.Type.Traversal' s t a b -> 'Control.Lens.Type.IndexedTraversal' 'Int' s t a b
+-- 'indexing' :: 'Control.Lens.Type.Prism' s t a b -> 'Control.Lens.Type.IndexedTraversal' 'Int' s t a b
+-- 'indexing' :: 'Control.Lens.Type.Lens' s t a b -> 'Control.Lens.Type.IndexedLens' 'Int' s t a b
+-- 'indexing' :: 'Control.Lens.Type.Iso' s t a b -> 'Control.Lens.Type.IndexedLens' 'Int' s t a b
+-- 'indexing' :: 'Control.Lens.Type.Fold' s a -> 'Control.Lens.Type.IndexedFold' 'Int' s a
+-- 'indexing' :: 'Control.Lens.Type.Getter' s a -> 'Control.Lens.Type.IndexedGetter' 'Int' s a
+-- @
+-- @'indexing' :: 'Indexable' 'Int' p => 'Control.Lens.Type.LensLike' ('Indexing' f) s t a b -> 'Control.Lens.Type.Over' p f s t a b@
+indexing :: Indexable Int p => ((a -> Indexing f b) -> s -> Indexing f t) -> p a (f b) -> s -> f t
+indexing l iafb s = snd $ runIndexing (l (\a -> Indexing (\i -> i `seq` (i + 1, indexed iafb i a))) s) 0
+{-# INLINE indexing #-}
+-- Indexing64
+-- | 'Applicative' composition of @'Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy.State' 'Int64'@ with a 'Functor', used
+-- by 'Control.Lens.Indexed.indexed64'.
+newtype Indexing64 f a = Indexing64 { runIndexing64 :: Int64 -> (Int64, f a) }
+instance Functor f => Functor (Indexing64 f) where
+ fmap f (Indexing64 m) = Indexing64 $ \i -> case m i of
+ (j, x) -> (j, fmap f x)
+ {-# INLINE fmap #-}
+instance Apply f => Apply (Indexing64 f) where
+ Indexing64 mf <.> Indexing64 ma = Indexing64 $ \i -> case mf i of
+ (j, ff) -> case ma j of
+ ~(k, fa) -> (k, ff <.> fa)
+ {-# INLINE (<.>) #-}
+instance Applicative f => Applicative (Indexing64 f) where
+ pure x = Indexing64 $ \i -> (i, pure x)
+ {-# INLINE pure #-}
+ Indexing64 mf <*> Indexing64 ma = Indexing64 $ \i -> case mf i of
+ (j, ff) -> case ma j of
+ ~(k, fa) -> (k, ff <*> fa)
+ {-# INLINE (<*>) #-}
+instance Contravariant f => Contravariant (Indexing64 f) where
+ contramap f (Indexing64 m) = Indexing64 $ \i -> case m i of
+ (j, ff) -> (j, contramap f ff)
+ {-# INLINE contramap #-}
+-- | Transform a 'Control.Lens.Traversal.Traversal' into an 'Control.Lens.Traversal.IndexedTraversal' or
+-- a 'Control.Lens.Fold.Fold' into an 'Control.Lens.Fold.IndexedFold', etc.
+-- This combinator is like 'indexing' except that it handles large traversals and folds gracefully.
+-- @
+-- 'indexing64' :: 'Control.Lens.Type.Traversal' s t a b -> 'Control.Lens.Type.IndexedTraversal' 'Int64' s t a b
+-- 'indexing64' :: 'Control.Lens.Type.Prism' s t a b -> 'Control.Lens.Type.IndexedTraversal' 'Int64' s t a b
+-- 'indexing64' :: 'Control.Lens.Type.Lens' s t a b -> 'Control.Lens.Type.IndexedLens' 'Int64' s t a b
+-- 'indexing64' :: 'Control.Lens.Type.Iso' s t a b -> 'Control.Lens.Type.IndexedLens' 'Int64' s t a b
+-- 'indexing64' :: 'Control.Lens.Type.Fold' s a -> 'Control.Lens.Type.IndexedFold' 'Int64' s a
+-- 'indexing64' :: 'Control.Lens.Type.Getter' s a -> 'Control.Lens.Type.IndexedGetter' 'Int64' s a
+-- @
+-- @'indexing64' :: 'Indexable' 'Int64' p => 'Control.Lens.Type.LensLike' ('Indexing64' f) s t a b -> 'Control.Lens.Type.Over' p f s t a b@
+indexing64 :: Indexable Int64 p => ((a -> Indexing64 f b) -> s -> Indexing64 f t) -> p a (f b) -> s -> f t
+indexing64 l iafb s = snd $ runIndexing64 (l (\a -> Indexing64 (\i -> i `seq` (i + 1, indexed iafb i a))) s) 0
+{-# INLINE indexing64 #-}
+-- Converting to Folds
+-- | Fold a container with indices returning both the indices and the values.
+-- The result is only valid to compose in a 'Traversal', if you don't edit the
+-- index as edits to the index have no effect.
+-- >>> [10, 20, 30] ^.. ifolded . withIndex
+-- [(0,10),(1,20),(2,30)]
+-- >>> [10, 20, 30] ^.. ifolded . withIndex . alongside negated (re _Show)
+-- [(0,"10"),(-1,"20"),(-2,"30")]
+withIndex :: (Indexable i p, Functor f) => p (i, s) (f (j, t)) -> Indexed i s (f t)
+withIndex f = Indexed $ \i a -> snd <$> indexed f i (i, a)
+{-# INLINE withIndex #-}
+-- | When composed with an 'IndexedFold' or 'IndexedTraversal' this yields an
+-- ('Indexed') 'Fold' of the indices.
+asIndex :: (Indexable i p, Contravariant f, Functor f) => p i (f i) -> Indexed i s (f s)
+asIndex f = Indexed $ \i _ -> phantom (indexed f i i)
+{-# INLINE asIndex #-}
+-- | A 'Lens' is actually a lens family as described in
+-- <>.
+-- With great power comes great responsibility and a 'Lens' is subject to the
+-- three common sense 'Lens' laws:
+-- 1) You get back what you put in:
+-- @
+-- 'Control.Lens.Getter.view' l ('Control.Lens.Setter.set' l v s) ≡ v
+-- @
+-- 2) Putting back what you got doesn't change anything:
+-- @
+-- 'Control.Lens.Setter.set' l ('Control.Lens.Getter.view' l s) s ≡ s
+-- @
+-- 3) Setting twice is the same as setting once:
+-- @
+-- 'Control.Lens.Setter.set' l v' ('Control.Lens.Setter.set' l v s) ≡ 'Control.Lens.Setter.set' l v' s
+-- @
+-- These laws are strong enough that the 4 type parameters of a 'Lens' cannot
+-- vary fully independently. For more on how they interact, read the \"Why is
+-- it a Lens Family?\" section of
+-- <>.
+-- There are some emergent properties of these laws:
+-- 1) @'Control.Lens.Setter.set' l s@ must be injective for every @s@ This is a consequence of law #1
+-- 2) @'Control.Lens.Setter.set' l@ must be surjective, because of law #2, which indicates that it is possible to obtain any 'v' from some 's' such that @'Control.Lens.Setter.set' s v = s@
+-- 3) Given just the first two laws you can prove a weaker form of law #3 where the values @v@ that you are setting match:
+-- @
+-- 'Control.Lens.Setter.set' l v ('Control.Lens.Setter.set' l v s) ≡ 'Control.Lens.Setter.set' l v s
+-- @
+-- Every 'Lens' can be used directly as a 'Control.Lens.Setter.Setter' or 'Traversal'.
+-- You can also use a 'Lens' for 'Control.Lens.Getter.Getting' as if it were a
+-- 'Fold' or 'Getter'.
+-- Since every 'Lens' is a valid 'Traversal', the
+-- 'Traversal' laws are required of any 'Lens' you create:
+-- @
+-- l 'pure' ≡ 'pure'
+-- 'fmap' (l f) '.' l g ≡ 'Data.Functor.Compose.getCompose' '.' l ('Data.Functor.Compose.Compose' '.' 'fmap' f '.' g)
+-- @
+-- @
+-- type 'Lens' s t a b = forall f. 'Functor' f => 'LensLike' f s t a b
+-- @
+type Lens s t a b = forall f. Functor f => (a -> f b) -> s -> f t
+-- | @
+-- type 'Lens'' = 'Simple' 'Lens'
+-- @
+type Lens' s a = Lens s s a a
+-- | Every 'IndexedLens' is a valid 'Lens' and a valid 'Control.Lens.Traversal.IndexedTraversal'.
+type IndexedLens i s t a b = forall f p. (Indexable i p, Functor f) => p a (f b) -> s -> f t
+-- | @
+-- type 'IndexedLens'' i = 'Simple' ('IndexedLens' i)
+-- @
+type IndexedLens' i s a = IndexedLens i s s a a
+-- | An 'IndexPreservingLens' leaves any index it is composed with alone.
+type IndexPreservingLens s t a b = forall p f. (Conjoined p, Functor f) => p a (f b) -> p s (f t)
+-- | @
+-- type 'IndexPreservingLens'' = 'Simple' 'IndexPreservingLens'
+-- @
+type IndexPreservingLens' s a = IndexPreservingLens s s a a
+-- Traversals
+-- | A 'Traversal' can be used directly as a 'Control.Lens.Setter.Setter' or a 'Fold' (but not as a 'Lens') and provides
+-- the ability to both read and update multiple fields, subject to some relatively weak 'Traversal' laws.
+-- These have also been known as multilenses, but they have the signature and spirit of
+-- @
+-- 'Data.Traversable.traverse' :: 'Data.Traversable.Traversable' f => 'Traversal' (f a) (f b) a b
+-- @
+-- and the more evocative name suggests their application.
+-- Most of the time the 'Traversal' you will want to use is just 'Data.Traversable.traverse', but you can also pass any
+-- 'Lens' or 'Iso' as a 'Traversal', and composition of a 'Traversal' (or 'Lens' or 'Iso') with a 'Traversal' (or 'Lens' or 'Iso')
+-- using ('.') forms a valid 'Traversal'.
+-- The laws for a 'Traversal' @t@ follow from the laws for 'Data.Traversable.Traversable' as stated in \"The Essence of the Iterator Pattern\".
+-- @
+-- t 'pure' ≡ 'pure'
+-- 'fmap' (t f) '.' t g ≡ 'Data.Functor.Compose.getCompose' '.' t ('Data.Functor.Compose.Compose' '.' 'fmap' f '.' g)
+-- @
+-- One consequence of this requirement is that a 'Traversal' needs to leave the same number of elements as a
+-- candidate for subsequent 'Traversal' that it started with. Another testament to the strength of these laws
+-- is that the caveat expressed in section 5.5 of the \"Essence of the Iterator Pattern\" about exotic
+-- 'Data.Traversable.Traversable' instances that 'Data.Traversable.traverse' the same entry multiple times was actually already ruled out by the
+-- second law in that same paper!
+type Traversal s t a b = forall f. Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> s -> f t
+-- | @
+-- type 'Traversal'' = 'Simple' 'Traversal'
+-- @
+type Traversal' s a = Traversal s s a a
+-- | A 'Traversal' which targets at least one element.
+-- Note that since 'Apply' is not a superclass of 'Applicative', a 'Traversal1'
+-- cannot always be used in place of a 'Traversal'. In such circumstances
+-- 'Control.Lens.Traversal.cloneTraversal' will convert a 'Traversal1' into a 'Traversal'.
+type Traversal1 s t a b = forall f. Apply f => (a -> f b) -> s -> f t
+type Traversal1' s a = Traversal1 s s a a
+-- | Every 'IndexedTraversal' is a valid 'Control.Lens.Traversal.Traversal' or
+-- 'Control.Lens.Fold.IndexedFold'.
+-- The 'Indexed' constraint is used to allow an 'IndexedTraversal' to be used
+-- directly as a 'Control.Lens.Traversal.Traversal'.
+-- The 'Control.Lens.Traversal.Traversal' laws are still required to hold.
+-- In addition, the index @i@ should satisfy the requirement that it stays
+-- unchanged even when modifying the value @a@, otherwise traversals like
+-- 'indices' break the 'Traversal' laws.
+type IndexedTraversal i s t a b = forall p f. (Indexable i p, Applicative f) => p a (f b) -> s -> f t
+-- | @
+-- type 'IndexedTraversal'' i = 'Simple' ('IndexedTraversal' i)
+-- @
+type IndexedTraversal' i s a = IndexedTraversal i s s a a
+type IndexedTraversal1 i s t a b = forall p f. (Indexable i p, Apply f) => p a (f b) -> s -> f t
+type IndexedTraversal1' i s a = IndexedTraversal1 i s s a a
+-- | An 'IndexPreservingLens' leaves any index it is composed with alone.
+type IndexPreservingTraversal s t a b = forall p f. (Conjoined p, Applicative f) => p a (f b) -> p s (f t)
+-- | @
+-- type 'IndexPreservingTraversal'' = 'Simple' 'IndexPreservingTraversal'
+-- @
+type IndexPreservingTraversal' s a = IndexPreservingTraversal s s a a
+type IndexPreservingTraversal1 s t a b = forall p f. (Conjoined p, Apply f) => p a (f b) -> p s (f t)
+type IndexPreservingTraversal1' s a = IndexPreservingTraversal1 s s a a
+-- Setters
+-- | The only 'LensLike' law that can apply to a 'Setter' @l@ is that
+-- @
+-- 'Control.Lens.Setter.set' l y ('Control.Lens.Setter.set' l x a) ≡ 'Control.Lens.Setter.set' l y a
+-- @
+-- You can't 'Control.Lens.Getter.view' a 'Setter' in general, so the other two laws are irrelevant.
+-- However, two 'Functor' laws apply to a 'Setter':
+-- @
+-- 'Control.Lens.Setter.over' l 'id' ≡ 'id'
+-- 'Control.Lens.Setter.over' l f '.' 'Control.Lens.Setter.over' l g ≡ 'Control.Lens.Setter.over' l (f '.' g)
+-- @
+-- These can be stated more directly:
+-- @
+-- l 'pure' ≡ 'pure'
+-- l f '.' 'untainted' '.' l g ≡ l (f '.' 'untainted' '.' g)
+-- @
+-- You can compose a 'Setter' with a 'Lens' or a 'Traversal' using ('.') from the @Prelude@
+-- and the result is always only a 'Setter' and nothing more.
+-- >>> over traverse f [a,b,c,d]
+-- [f a,f b,f c,f d]
+-- >>> over _1 f (a,b)
+-- (f a,b)
+-- >>> over (traverse._1) f [(a,b),(c,d)]
+-- [(f a,b),(f c,d)]
+-- >>> over both f (a,b)
+-- (f a,f b)
+-- >>> over (traverse.both) f [(a,b),(c,d)]
+-- [(f a,f b),(f c,f d)]
+type Setter s t a b = forall f. Settable f => (a -> f b) -> s -> f t
+-- | A 'Setter'' is just a 'Setter' that doesn't change the types.
+-- These are particularly common when talking about monomorphic containers. /e.g./
+-- @
+-- 'sets' :: 'Setter'' 'Data.Text.Internal.Text' 'Char'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- type 'Setter'' = 'Simple' 'Setter'
+-- @
+type Setter' s a = Setter s s a a
+-- | Every 'IndexedSetter' is a valid 'Setter'.
+-- The 'Setter' laws are still required to hold.
+type IndexedSetter i s t a b = forall f p.
+ (Indexable i p, Settable f) => p a (f b) -> s -> f t
+-- | @
+-- type 'IndexedSetter'' i = 'Simple' ('IndexedSetter' i)
+-- @
+type IndexedSetter' i s a = IndexedSetter i s s a a
+-- | An 'IndexPreservingSetter' can be composed with a 'IndexedSetter', 'IndexedTraversal' or 'IndexedLens'
+-- and leaves the index intact, yielding an 'IndexedSetter'.
+type IndexPreservingSetter s t a b = forall p f. (Conjoined p, Settable f) => p a (f b) -> p s (f t)
+-- | @
+-- type 'IndexedPreservingSetter'' i = 'Simple' 'IndexedPreservingSetter'
+-- @
+type IndexPreservingSetter' s a = IndexPreservingSetter s s a a
+-- Isomorphisms
+-- | Isomorphism families can be composed with another 'Lens' using ('.') and 'id'.
+-- Since every 'Iso' is both a valid 'Lens' and a valid 'Prism', the laws for those types
+-- imply the following laws for an 'Iso' 'f':
+-- @
+-- f '.' 'Control.Lens.Iso.from' f ≡ 'id'
+-- 'Control.Lens.Iso.from' f '.' f ≡ 'id'
+-- @
+-- Note: Composition with an 'Iso' is index- and measure- preserving.
+type Iso s t a b = forall p f. (Profunctor p, Functor f) => p a (f b) -> p s (f t)
+-- | @
+-- type 'Iso'' = 'Control.Lens.Type.Simple' 'Iso'
+-- @
+type Iso' s a = Iso s s a a
+-- Review Internals
+-- | This is a limited form of a 'Prism' that can only be used for 're' operations.
+-- Like with a 'Getter', there are no laws to state for a 'Review'.
+-- You can generate a 'Review' by using 'unto'. You can also use any 'Prism' or 'Iso'
+-- directly as a 'Review'.
+type Review t b = forall p f. (Choice p, Bifunctor p, Settable f) => Optic' p f t b
+-- | If you see this in a signature for a function, the function is expecting a 'Review'
+-- (in practice, this usually means a 'Prism').
+type AReview t b = Optic' Tagged Identity t b
+-- Prism Internals
+-- | A 'Prism' @l@ is a 'Traversal' that can also be turned
+-- around with '' to obtain a 'Getter' in the
+-- opposite direction.
+-- There are three laws that a 'Prism' should satisfy:
+-- First, if I '' or '' a value with a 'Prism' and then 'Control.Lens.Fold.preview' or use ('Control.Lens.Fold.^?'), I will get it back:
+-- @
+-- 'Control.Lens.Fold.preview' l ('' l b) ≡ 'Just' b
+-- @
+-- Second, if you can extract a value @a@ using a 'Prism' @l@ from a value @s@, then the value @s@ is completely described by @l@ and @a@:
+-- @
+-- 'Control.Lens.Fold.preview' l s ≡ 'Just' a ⟹ '' l a ≡ s
+-- @
+-- Third, if you get non-match @t@, you can convert it result back to @s@:
+-- @
+-- 'Control.Lens.Combinators.matching' l s ≡ 'Left' t ⟹ 'Control.Lens.Combinators.matching' l t ≡ 'Left' s
+-- @
+-- The first two laws imply that the 'Traversal' laws hold for every 'Prism' and that we 'Data.Traversable.traverse' at most 1 element:
+-- @
+-- 'Control.Lens.Fold.lengthOf' l x '<=' 1
+-- @
+-- It may help to think of this as an 'Iso' that can be partial in one direction.
+-- Every 'Prism' is a valid 'Traversal'.
+-- Every 'Iso' is a valid 'Prism'.
+-- For example, you might have a @'Prism'' 'Integer' 'Numeric.Natural.Natural'@ allows you to always
+-- go from a 'Numeric.Natural.Natural' to an 'Integer', and provide you with tools to check if an 'Integer' is
+-- a 'Numeric.Natural.Natural' and/or to edit one if it is.
+-- @
+-- 'nat' :: 'Prism'' 'Integer' 'Numeric.Natural.Natural'
+-- 'nat' = 'Control.Lens.Prism.prism' 'toInteger' '$' \\ i ->
+-- if i '<' 0
+-- then 'Left' i
+-- else 'Right' ('fromInteger' i)
+-- @
+-- Now we can ask if an 'Integer' is a 'Numeric.Natural.Natural'.
+-- >>> 5^?nat
+-- Just 5
+-- >>> (-5)^?nat
+-- Nothing
+-- We can update the ones that are:
+-- >>> (-3,4) & both.nat *~ 2
+-- (-3,8)
+-- And we can then convert from a 'Numeric.Natural.Natural' to an 'Integer'.
+-- >>> 5 ^. re nat -- :: Natural
+-- 5
+-- Similarly we can use a 'Prism' to 'Data.Traversable.traverse' the 'Left' half of an 'Either':
+-- >>> Left "hello" & _Left %~ length
+-- Left 5
+-- or to construct an 'Either':
+-- >>> 5^.re _Left
+-- Left 5
+-- such that if you query it with the 'Prism', you will get your original input back.
+-- >>> 5^.re _Left ^? _Left
+-- Just 5
+-- Another interesting way to think of a 'Prism' is as the categorical dual of a 'Lens'
+-- -- a co-'Lens', so to speak. This is what permits the construction of 'Control.Lens.Prism.outside'.
+-- Note: Composition with a 'Prism' is index-preserving.
+type Prism s t a b = forall p f. (Choice p, Applicative f) => p a (f b) -> p s (f t)
+-- | A 'Simple' 'Prism'.
+type Prism' s a = Prism s s a a
+-- Equality
+-- | A witness that @(a ~ s, b ~ t)@.
+-- Note: Composition with an 'Equality' is index-preserving.
+type Equality (s :: k1) (t :: k2) (a :: k1) (b :: k2) = forall k3 (p :: k1 -> k3 -> Type) (f :: k2 -> k3) .
+ p a (f b) -> p s (f t)
+-- | A 'Simple' 'Equality'.
+type Equality' s a = Equality s s a a
+-- | Composable `asTypeOf`. Useful for constraining excess
+-- polymorphism, @foo . (id :: As Int) . bar@.
+type As a = Equality' a a
+-- Getters
+-- | A 'Getter' describes how to retrieve a single value in a way that can be
+-- composed with other 'LensLike' constructions.
+-- Unlike a 'Lens' a 'Getter' is read-only. Since a 'Getter'
+-- cannot be used to write back there are no 'Lens' laws that can be applied to
+-- it. In fact, it is isomorphic to an arbitrary function from @(s -> a)@.
+-- Moreover, a 'Getter' can be used directly as a 'Control.Lens.Fold.Fold',
+-- since it just ignores the 'Applicative'.
+type Getter s a = forall f. (Contravariant f, Functor f) => (a -> f a) -> s -> f s
+-- | Every 'IndexedGetter' is a valid 'Control.Lens.Fold.IndexedFold' and can be used for 'Control.Lens.Getter.Getting' like a 'Getter'.
+type IndexedGetter i s a = forall p f. (Indexable i p, Contravariant f, Functor f) => p a (f a) -> s -> f s
+-- | An 'IndexPreservingGetter' can be used as a 'Getter', but when composed with an 'IndexedTraversal',
+-- 'IndexedFold', or 'IndexedLens' yields an 'IndexedFold', 'IndexedFold' or 'IndexedGetter' respectively.
+type IndexPreservingGetter s a = forall p f. (Conjoined p, Contravariant f, Functor f) => p a (f a) -> p s (f s)
+-- Folds
+-- | A 'Fold' describes how to retrieve multiple values in a way that can be composed
+-- with other 'LensLike' constructions.
+-- A @'Fold' s a@ provides a structure with operations very similar to those of the 'Data.Foldable.Foldable'
+-- typeclass, see 'Control.Lens.Fold.foldMapOf' and the other 'Fold' combinators.
+-- By convention, if there exists a 'foo' method that expects a @'Data.Foldable.Foldable' (f a)@, then there should be a
+-- @fooOf@ method that takes a @'Fold' s a@ and a value of type @s@.
+-- A 'Getter' is a legal 'Fold' that just ignores the supplied 'Data.Monoid.Monoid'.
+-- Unlike a 'Control.Lens.Traversal.Traversal' a 'Fold' is read-only. Since a 'Fold' cannot be used to write back
+-- there are no 'Lens' laws that apply.
+type Fold s a = forall f. (Contravariant f, Applicative f) => (a -> f a) -> s -> f s
+-- | Every 'IndexedFold' is a valid 'Control.Lens.Fold.Fold' and can be used for 'Control.Lens.Getter.Getting'.
+type IndexedFold i s a = forall p f. (Indexable i p, Contravariant f, Applicative f) => p a (f a) -> s -> f s
+-- | An 'IndexPreservingFold' can be used as a 'Fold', but when composed with an 'IndexedTraversal',
+-- 'IndexedFold', or 'IndexedLens' yields an 'IndexedFold' respectively.
+type IndexPreservingFold s a = forall p f. (Conjoined p, Contravariant f, Applicative f) => p a (f a) -> p s (f s)
+-- | A relevant Fold (aka 'Fold1') has one or more targets.
+type Fold1 s a = forall f. (Contravariant f, Apply f) => (a -> f a) -> s -> f s
+type IndexedFold1 i s a = forall p f. (Indexable i p, Contravariant f, Apply f) => p a (f a) -> s -> f s
+type IndexPreservingFold1 s a = forall p f. (Conjoined p, Contravariant f, Apply f) => p a (f a) -> p s (f s)
+-- Simple Overloading
+-- | A 'Simple' 'Lens', 'Simple' 'Traversal', ... can
+-- be used instead of a 'Lens','Traversal', ...
+-- whenever the type variables don't change upon setting a value.
+-- @
+-- 'Data.Complex.Lens._imagPart' :: 'Simple' 'Lens' ('Data.Complex.Complex' a) a
+-- 'Control.Lens.Traversal.traversed' :: 'Simple' ('IndexedTraversal' 'Int') [a] a
+-- @
+-- Note: To use this alias in your own code with @'LensLike' f@ or
+-- 'Setter', you may have to turn on @LiberalTypeSynonyms@.
+-- This is commonly abbreviated as a \"prime\" marker, /e.g./ 'Lens'' = 'Simple' 'Lens'.
+type Simple f s a = f s s a a
+-- Optics
+-- | A valid 'Optic' @l@ should satisfy the laws:
+-- @
+-- l 'pure' ≡ 'pure'
+-- l ('Procompose' f g) = 'Procompose' (l f) (l g)
+-- @
+-- This gives rise to the laws for 'Equality', 'Iso', 'Prism', 'Lens',
+-- 'Traversal', 'Traversal1', 'Setter', 'Fold', 'Fold1', and 'Getter' as well
+-- along with their index-preserving variants.
+-- @
+-- type 'LensLike' f s t a b = 'Optic' (->) f s t a b
+-- @
+type Optic p f s t a b = p a (f b) -> p s (f t)
+-- | @
+-- type 'Optic'' p f s a = 'Simple' ('Optic' p f) s a
+-- @
+type Optic' p f s a = Optic p f s s a a
+-- | @
+-- type 'LensLike' f s t a b = 'Optical' (->) (->) f s t a b
+-- @
+-- @
+-- type 'Over' p f s t a b = 'Optical' p (->) f s t a b
+-- @
+-- @
+-- type 'Optic' p f s t a b = 'Optical' p p f s t a b
+-- @
+type Optical p q f s t a b = p a (f b) -> q s (f t)
+-- | @
+-- type 'Optical'' p q f s a = 'Simple' ('Optical' p q f) s a
+-- @
+type Optical' p q f s a = Optical p q f s s a a
+-- | Many combinators that accept a 'Lens' can also accept a
+-- 'Traversal' in limited situations.
+-- They do so by specializing the type of 'Functor' that they require of the
+-- caller.
+-- If a function accepts a @'LensLike' f s t a b@ for some 'Functor' @f@,
+-- then they may be passed a 'Lens'.
+-- Further, if @f@ is an 'Applicative', they may also be passed a
+-- 'Traversal'.
+type LensLike f s t a b = (a -> f b) -> s -> f t
+-- | @
+-- type 'LensLike'' f = 'Simple' ('LensLike' f)
+-- @
+type LensLike' f s a = LensLike f s s a a
+-- | Convenient alias for constructing indexed lenses and their ilk.
+type IndexedLensLike i f s t a b = forall p. Indexable i p => p a (f b) -> s -> f t
+-- | Convenient alias for constructing simple indexed lenses and their ilk.
+type IndexedLensLike' i f s a = IndexedLensLike i f s s a a
+-- | This is a convenient alias for use when you need to consume either indexed or non-indexed lens-likes based on context.
+type Over p f s t a b = p a (f b) -> s -> f t
+-- | This is a convenient alias for use when you need to consume either indexed or non-indexed lens-likes based on context.
+-- @
+-- type 'Over'' p f = 'Simple' ('Over' p f)
+-- @
+type Over' p f s a = Over p f s s a a
+-- Folds
+-- | Obtain a 'Fold' by lifting an operation that returns a 'Foldable' result.
+-- This can be useful to lift operations from @Data.List@ and elsewhere into a 'Fold'.
+-- >>> [1,2,3,4]^..folding tail
+-- [2,3,4]
+folding :: Foldable f => (s -> f a) -> Fold s a
+folding sfa agb = phantom . traverse_ agb . sfa
+{-# INLINE folding #-}
+ifolding :: (Foldable f, Indexable i p, Contravariant g, Applicative g) => (s -> f (i, a)) -> Over p g s t a b
+ifolding sfa f = phantom . traverse_ (phantom . uncurry (indexed f)) . sfa
+{-# INLINE ifolding #-}
+-- | Obtain a 'Fold' by lifting 'foldr' like function.
+-- >>> [1,2,3,4]^..foldring foldr
+-- [1,2,3,4]
+foldring :: (Contravariant f, Applicative f) => ((a -> f a -> f a) -> f a -> s -> f a) -> LensLike f s t a b
+foldring fr f = phantom . fr (\a fa -> f a *> fa) noEffect
+{-# INLINE foldring #-}
+-- | Obtain 'FoldWithIndex' by lifting 'ifoldr' like function.
+ifoldring :: (Indexable i p, Contravariant f, Applicative f) => ((i -> a -> f a -> f a) -> f a -> s -> f a) -> Over p f s t a b
+ifoldring ifr f = phantom . ifr (\i a fa -> indexed f i a *> fa) noEffect
+{-# INLINE ifoldring #-}
+-- | Obtain a 'Fold' from any 'Foldable' indexed by ordinal position.
+-- >>> Just 3^..folded
+-- [3]
+-- >>> Nothing^..folded
+-- []
+-- >>> [(1,2),(3,4)]^..folded.both
+-- [1,2,3,4]
+folded :: Foldable f => IndexedFold Int (f a) a
+folded = conjoined (foldring foldr) (ifoldring ifoldr)
+{-# INLINE folded #-}
+ifoldr :: Foldable f => (Int -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> f a -> b
+ifoldr f z xs = foldr (\ x g i -> i `seq` f i x (g (i+1))) (const z) xs 0
+{-# INLINE ifoldr #-}
+-- | Obtain a 'Fold' from any 'Foldable' indexed by ordinal position.
+folded64 :: Foldable f => IndexedFold Int64 (f a) a
+folded64 = conjoined (foldring foldr) (ifoldring ifoldr64)
+{-# INLINE folded64 #-}
+ifoldr64 :: Foldable f => (Int64 -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> f a -> b
+ifoldr64 f z xs = foldr (\ x g i -> i `seq` f i x (g (i+1))) (const z) xs 0
+{-# INLINE ifoldr64 #-}
+-- | Form a 'Fold1' by repeating the input forever.
+-- @
+-- 'repeat' ≡ 'toListOf' 'repeated'
+-- @
+-- >>> timingOut $ 5^..taking 20 repeated
+-- [5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5]
+-- @
+-- 'repeated' :: 'Fold1' a a
+-- @
+repeated :: Apply f => LensLike' f a a
+repeated f a = as where as = f a .> as
+{-# INLINE repeated #-}
+-- | A 'Fold' that replicates its input @n@ times.
+-- @
+-- 'replicate' n ≡ 'toListOf' ('replicated' n)
+-- @
+-- >>> 5^..replicated 20
+-- [5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5]
+replicated :: Int -> Fold a a
+replicated n0 f a = go n0 where
+ m = f a
+ go 0 = noEffect
+ go n = m *> go (n - 1)
+{-# INLINE replicated #-}
+-- | Transform a non-empty 'Fold' into a 'Fold1' that loops over its elements over and over.
+-- >>> timingOut $ [1,2,3]^..taking 7 (cycled traverse)
+-- [1,2,3,1,2,3,1]
+-- @
+-- 'cycled' :: 'Fold1' s a -> 'Fold1' s a
+-- @
+cycled :: Apply f => LensLike f s t a b -> LensLike f s t a b
+cycled l f a = as where as = l f a .> as
+{-# INLINE cycled #-}
+-- | Build a 'Fold' that unfolds its values from a seed.
+-- @
+-- 'Prelude.unfoldr' ≡ 'toListOf' '.' 'unfolded'
+-- @
+-- >>> 10^..unfolded (\b -> if b == 0 then Nothing else Just (b, b-1))
+-- [10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1]
+unfolded :: (b -> Maybe (a, b)) -> Fold b a
+unfolded f g = go where
+ go b = case f b of
+ Just (a, b') -> g a *> go b'
+ Nothing -> noEffect
+{-# INLINE unfolded #-}
+-- | @x '^.' 'iterated' f@ returns an infinite 'Fold1' of repeated applications of @f@ to @x@.
+-- @
+-- 'toListOf' ('iterated' f) a ≡ 'iterate' f a
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'iterated' :: (a -> a) -> 'Fold1' a a
+-- @
+iterated :: Apply f => (a -> a) -> LensLike' f a a
+iterated f g = go where
+ go a = g a .> go (f a)
+{-# INLINE iterated #-}
+-- | Obtain a 'Fold' that can be composed with to filter another 'Lens', 'Iso', 'Getter', 'Fold' (or 'Traversal').
+-- Note: This is /not/ a legal 'Traversal', unless you are very careful not to invalidate the predicate on the target.
+-- Note: This is also /not/ a legal 'Prism', unless you are very careful not to inject a value that fails the predicate.
+-- As a counter example, consider that given @evens = 'filtered' 'even'@ the second 'Traversal' law is violated:
+-- @
+-- 'Control.Lens.Setter.over' evens 'succ' '.' 'Control.Lens.Setter.over' evens 'succ' '/=' 'Control.Lens.Setter.over' evens ('succ' '.' 'succ')
+-- @
+-- So, in order for this to qualify as a legal 'Traversal' you can only use it for actions that preserve the result of the predicate!
+-- >>> [1..10]^..folded.filtered even
+-- [2,4,6,8,10]
+-- This will preserve an index if it is present.
+filtered :: (Choice p, Applicative f) => (a -> Bool) -> Optic' p f a a
+filtered p = dimap (\x -> if p x then Right x else Left x) (either pure id) . right'
+{-# INLINE filtered #-}
+-- | Obtain a potentially empty 'IndexedTraversal' by taking the first element from another,
+-- potentially empty `Fold` and using it as an index.
+-- The resulting optic can be composed with to filter another 'Lens', 'Iso', 'Getter', 'Fold' (or 'Traversal').
+-- >>> [(Just 2, 3), (Nothing, 4)] & mapped . filteredBy (_1 . _Just) <. _2 %@~ (*) :: [(Maybe Int, Int)]
+-- [(Just 2,6),(Nothing,4)]
+-- @
+-- 'filteredBy' :: 'Fold' a i -> 'IndexedTraversal'' i a a
+-- @
+-- Note: As with 'filtered', this is /not/ a legal 'IndexedTraversal', unless you are very careful not to invalidate the predicate on the target!
+filteredBy :: (Indexable i p, Applicative f) => Getting (First i) a i -> p a (f a) -> a -> f a
+filteredBy p f val = case val ^? p of
+ Nothing -> pure val
+ Just witness -> indexed f witness val
+-- | Obtain a 'Fold' by taking elements from another 'Fold', 'Lens', 'Iso', 'Getter' or 'Traversal' while a predicate holds.
+-- @
+-- 'takeWhile' p ≡ 'toListOf' ('takingWhile' p 'folded')
+-- @
+-- >>> timingOut $ toListOf (takingWhile (<=3) folded) [1..]
+-- [1,2,3]
+-- @
+-- 'takingWhile' :: (a -> 'Bool') -> 'Fold' s a -> 'Fold' s a
+-- 'takingWhile' :: (a -> 'Bool') -> 'Getter' s a -> 'Fold' s a
+-- 'takingWhile' :: (a -> 'Bool') -> 'Traversal'' s a -> 'Fold' s a -- * See note below
+-- 'takingWhile' :: (a -> 'Bool') -> 'Lens'' s a -> 'Fold' s a -- * See note below
+-- 'takingWhile' :: (a -> 'Bool') -> 'Prism'' s a -> 'Fold' s a -- * See note below
+-- 'takingWhile' :: (a -> 'Bool') -> 'Iso'' s a -> 'Fold' s a -- * See note below
+-- 'takingWhile' :: (a -> 'Bool') -> 'IndexedTraversal'' i s a -> 'IndexedFold' i s a -- * See note below
+-- 'takingWhile' :: (a -> 'Bool') -> 'IndexedLens'' i s a -> 'IndexedFold' i s a -- * See note below
+-- 'takingWhile' :: (a -> 'Bool') -> 'IndexedFold' i s a -> 'IndexedFold' i s a
+-- 'takingWhile' :: (a -> 'Bool') -> 'IndexedGetter' i s a -> 'IndexedFold' i s a
+-- @
+-- /Note:/ When applied to a 'Traversal', 'takingWhile' yields something that can be used as if it were a 'Traversal', but
+-- which is not a 'Traversal' per the laws, unless you are careful to ensure that you do not invalidate the predicate when
+-- writing back through it.
+takingWhile :: (Conjoined p, Applicative f) => (a -> Bool) -> Over p (TakingWhile p f a a) s t a a -> Over p f s t a a
+takingWhile p l pafb = fmap runMagma . traverse (cosieve pafb) . runTakingWhile . l flag where
+ flag = cotabulate $ \wa -> let a = extract wa; r = p a in TakingWhile r a $ \pr ->
+ if pr && r then Magma () wa else MagmaPure a
+{-# INLINE takingWhile #-}
+-- | Obtain a 'Fold' by dropping elements from another 'Fold', 'Lens', 'Iso', 'Getter' or 'Traversal' while a predicate holds.
+-- @
+-- 'dropWhile' p ≡ 'toListOf' ('droppingWhile' p 'folded')
+-- @
+-- >>> toListOf (droppingWhile (<=3) folded) [1..6]
+-- [4,5,6]
+-- >>> toListOf (droppingWhile (<=3) folded) [1,6,1]
+-- [6,1]
+-- @
+-- 'droppingWhile' :: (a -> 'Bool') -> 'Fold' s a -> 'Fold' s a
+-- 'droppingWhile' :: (a -> 'Bool') -> 'Getter' s a -> 'Fold' s a
+-- 'droppingWhile' :: (a -> 'Bool') -> 'Traversal'' s a -> 'Fold' s a -- see notes
+-- 'droppingWhile' :: (a -> 'Bool') -> 'Lens'' s a -> 'Fold' s a -- see notes
+-- 'droppingWhile' :: (a -> 'Bool') -> 'Prism'' s a -> 'Fold' s a -- see notes
+-- 'droppingWhile' :: (a -> 'Bool') -> 'Iso'' s a -> 'Fold' s a -- see notes
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'droppingWhile' :: (a -> 'Bool') -> 'IndexPreservingTraversal'' s a -> 'IndexPreservingFold' s a -- see notes
+-- 'droppingWhile' :: (a -> 'Bool') -> 'IndexPreservingLens'' s a -> 'IndexPreservingFold' s a -- see notes
+-- 'droppingWhile' :: (a -> 'Bool') -> 'IndexPreservingGetter' s a -> 'IndexPreservingFold' s a
+-- 'droppingWhile' :: (a -> 'Bool') -> 'IndexPreservingFold' s a -> 'IndexPreservingFold' s a
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'droppingWhile' :: (a -> 'Bool') -> 'IndexedTraversal'' i s a -> 'IndexedFold' i s a -- see notes
+-- 'droppingWhile' :: (a -> 'Bool') -> 'IndexedLens'' i s a -> 'IndexedFold' i s a -- see notes
+-- 'droppingWhile' :: (a -> 'Bool') -> 'IndexedGetter' i s a -> 'IndexedFold' i s a
+-- 'droppingWhile' :: (a -> 'Bool') -> 'IndexedFold' i s a -> 'IndexedFold' i s a
+-- @
+-- Note: Many uses of this combinator will yield something that meets the types, but not the laws of a valid
+-- 'Traversal' or 'IndexedTraversal'. The 'Traversal' and 'IndexedTraversal' laws are only satisfied if the
+-- new values you assign to the first target also does not pass the predicate! Otherwise subsequent traversals
+-- will visit fewer elements and 'Traversal' fusion is not sound.
+-- So for any traversal @t@ and predicate @p@, @`droppingWhile` p t@ may not be lawful, but
+-- @(`Control.Lens.Traversal.dropping` 1 . `droppingWhile` p) t@ is. For example:
+-- >>> let l :: Traversal' [Int] Int; l = droppingWhile (<= 1) traverse
+-- >>> let l' :: Traversal' [Int] Int; l' = dropping 1 l
+-- @l@ is not a lawful setter because @`Control.Lens.Setter.over` l f .
+-- `Control.Lens.Setter.over` l g ≢ `Control.Lens.Setter.over` l (f . g)@:
+-- >>> [1,2,3] & l .~ 0 & l .~ 4
+-- [1,0,0]
+-- >>> [1,2,3] & l .~ 4
+-- [1,4,4]
+-- @l'@ on the other hand behaves lawfully:
+-- >>> [1,2,3] & l' .~ 0 & l' .~ 4
+-- [1,2,4]
+-- >>> [1,2,3] & l' .~ 4
+-- [1,2,4]
+droppingWhile :: (Conjoined p, Profunctor q, Applicative f)
+ => (a -> Bool)
+ -> Optical p q (Compose (State Bool) f) s t a a
+ -> Optical p q f s t a a
+droppingWhile p l f = (flip evalState True .# getCompose) `rmap` l g where
+ g = cotabulate $ \wa -> Compose $ state $ \b -> let
+ a = extract wa
+ b' = b && p a
+ in (if b' then pure a else cosieve f wa, b')
+{-# INLINE droppingWhile #-}
+-- | A 'Fold' over the individual 'words' of a 'String'.
+-- @
+-- 'worded' :: 'Fold' 'String' 'String'
+-- 'worded' :: 'Traversal'' 'String' 'String'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'worded' :: 'IndexedFold' 'Int' 'String' 'String'
+-- 'worded' :: 'IndexedTraversal'' 'Int' 'String' 'String'
+-- @
+-- Note: This function type-checks as a 'Traversal' but it doesn't satisfy the laws. It's only valid to use it
+-- when you don't insert any whitespace characters while traversing, and if your original 'String' contains only
+-- isolated space characters (and no other characters that count as space, such as non-breaking spaces).
+worded :: Applicative f => IndexedLensLike' Int f String String
+worded f = fmap unwords . conjoined traverse (indexing traverse) f . words
+{-# INLINE worded #-}
+-- | A 'Fold' over the individual 'lines' of a 'String'.
+-- @
+-- 'lined' :: 'Fold' 'String' 'String'
+-- 'lined' :: 'Traversal'' 'String' 'String'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'lined' :: 'IndexedFold' 'Int' 'String' 'String'
+-- 'lined' :: 'IndexedTraversal'' 'Int' 'String' 'String'
+-- @
+-- Note: This function type-checks as a 'Traversal' but it doesn't satisfy the laws. It's only valid to use it
+-- when you don't insert any newline characters while traversing, and if your original 'String' contains only
+-- isolated newline characters.
+lined :: Applicative f => IndexedLensLike' Int f String String
+lined f = fmap (intercalate "\n") . conjoined traverse (indexing traverse) f . lines
+{-# INLINE lined #-}
+-- Fold/Getter combinators
+-- | Map each part of a structure viewed through a 'Lens', 'Getter',
+-- 'Fold' or 'Traversal' to a monoid and combine the results.
+-- >>> foldMapOf (folded . both . _Just) Sum [(Just 21, Just 21)]
+-- Sum {getSum = 42}
+-- @
+-- 'Data.Foldable.foldMap' = 'foldMapOf' 'folded'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'foldMapOf' ≡ 'views'
+-- 'ifoldMapOf' l = 'foldMapOf' l '.' 'Indexed'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'foldMapOf' :: 'Getter' s a -> (a -> r) -> s -> r
+-- 'foldMapOf' :: 'Monoid' r => 'Fold' s a -> (a -> r) -> s -> r
+-- 'foldMapOf' :: 'Semigroup' r => 'Fold1' s a -> (a -> r) -> s -> r
+-- 'foldMapOf' :: 'Lens'' s a -> (a -> r) -> s -> r
+-- 'foldMapOf' :: 'Iso'' s a -> (a -> r) -> s -> r
+-- 'foldMapOf' :: 'Monoid' r => 'Traversal'' s a -> (a -> r) -> s -> r
+-- 'foldMapOf' :: 'Semigroup' r => 'Traversal1'' s a -> (a -> r) -> s -> r
+-- 'foldMapOf' :: 'Monoid' r => 'Prism'' s a -> (a -> r) -> s -> r
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'foldMapOf' :: 'Getting' r s a -> (a -> r) -> s -> r
+-- @
+foldMapOf :: Getting r s a -> (a -> r) -> s -> r
+foldMapOf = coerce
+{-# INLINE foldMapOf #-}
+-- | Combine the elements of a structure viewed through a 'Lens', 'Getter',
+-- 'Fold' or 'Traversal' using a monoid.
+-- >>> foldOf (folded.folded) [[Sum 1,Sum 4],[Sum 8, Sum 8],[Sum 21]]
+-- Sum {getSum = 42}
+-- @
+-- 'Data.Foldable.fold' = 'foldOf' 'folded'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'foldOf' ≡ 'view'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'foldOf' :: 'Getter' s m -> s -> m
+-- 'foldOf' :: 'Monoid' m => 'Fold' s m -> s -> m
+-- 'foldOf' :: 'Lens'' s m -> s -> m
+-- 'foldOf' :: 'Iso'' s m -> s -> m
+-- 'foldOf' :: 'Monoid' m => 'Traversal'' s m -> s -> m
+-- 'foldOf' :: 'Monoid' m => 'Prism'' s m -> s -> m
+-- @
+foldOf :: Getting a s a -> s -> a
+foldOf l = getConst #. l Const
+{-# INLINE foldOf #-}
+-- | Right-associative fold of parts of a structure that are viewed through a 'Lens', 'Getter', 'Fold' or 'Traversal'.
+-- @
+-- 'Data.Foldable.foldr' ≡ 'foldrOf' 'folded'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'foldrOf' :: 'Getter' s a -> (a -> r -> r) -> r -> s -> r
+-- 'foldrOf' :: 'Fold' s a -> (a -> r -> r) -> r -> s -> r
+-- 'foldrOf' :: 'Lens'' s a -> (a -> r -> r) -> r -> s -> r
+-- 'foldrOf' :: 'Iso'' s a -> (a -> r -> r) -> r -> s -> r
+-- 'foldrOf' :: 'Traversal'' s a -> (a -> r -> r) -> r -> s -> r
+-- 'foldrOf' :: 'Prism'' s a -> (a -> r -> r) -> r -> s -> r
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'ifoldrOf' l ≡ 'foldrOf' l '.' 'Indexed'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'foldrOf' :: 'Getting' ('Endo' r) s a -> (a -> r -> r) -> r -> s -> r
+-- @
+foldrOf :: Getting (Endo r) s a -> (a -> r -> r) -> r -> s -> r
+foldrOf l f z = flip appEndo z . foldMapOf l (Endo #. f)
+{-# INLINE foldrOf #-}
+-- | Left-associative fold of the parts of a structure that are viewed through a 'Lens', 'Getter', 'Fold' or 'Traversal'.
+-- @
+-- 'Data.Foldable.foldl' ≡ 'foldlOf' 'folded'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'foldlOf' :: 'Getter' s a -> (r -> a -> r) -> r -> s -> r
+-- 'foldlOf' :: 'Fold' s a -> (r -> a -> r) -> r -> s -> r
+-- 'foldlOf' :: 'Lens'' s a -> (r -> a -> r) -> r -> s -> r
+-- 'foldlOf' :: 'Iso'' s a -> (r -> a -> r) -> r -> s -> r
+-- 'foldlOf' :: 'Traversal'' s a -> (r -> a -> r) -> r -> s -> r
+-- 'foldlOf' :: 'Prism'' s a -> (r -> a -> r) -> r -> s -> r
+-- @
+foldlOf :: Getting (Dual (Endo r)) s a -> (r -> a -> r) -> r -> s -> r
+foldlOf l f z = (flip appEndo z .# getDual) `rmap` foldMapOf l (Dual #. Endo #. flip f)
+{-# INLINE foldlOf #-}
+-- | Extract a list of the targets of a 'Fold'. See also ('^..').
+-- @
+-- 'Data.Foldable.toList' ≡ 'toListOf' 'folded'
+-- ('^..') ≡ 'flip' 'toListOf'
+-- @
+-- >>> toListOf both ("hello","world")
+-- ["hello","world"]
+-- @
+-- 'toListOf' :: 'Getter' s a -> s -> [a]
+-- 'toListOf' :: 'Fold' s a -> s -> [a]
+-- 'toListOf' :: 'Lens'' s a -> s -> [a]
+-- 'toListOf' :: 'Iso'' s a -> s -> [a]
+-- 'toListOf' :: 'Traversal'' s a -> s -> [a]
+-- 'toListOf' :: 'Prism'' s a -> s -> [a]
+-- @
+toListOf :: Getting (Endo [a]) s a -> s -> [a]
+toListOf l = foldrOf l (:) []
+{-# INLINE toListOf #-}
+-- | Extract a 'NonEmpty' of the targets of 'Fold1'.
+-- >>> toNonEmptyOf both1 ("hello", "world")
+-- "hello" :| ["world"]
+-- @
+-- 'toNonEmptyOf' :: 'Getter' s a -> s -> NonEmpty a
+-- 'toNonEmptyOf' :: 'Fold1' s a -> s -> NonEmpty a
+-- 'toNonEmptyOf' :: 'Lens'' s a -> s -> NonEmpty a
+-- 'toNonEmptyOf' :: 'Iso'' s a -> s -> NonEmpty a
+-- 'toNonEmptyOf' :: 'Traversal1'' s a -> s -> NonEmpty a
+-- 'toNonEmptyOf' :: 'Prism'' s a -> s -> NonEmpty a
+-- @
+toNonEmptyOf :: Getting (NonEmptyDList a) s a -> s -> NonEmpty a
+toNonEmptyOf l = flip getNonEmptyDList [] . foldMapOf l (NonEmptyDList #. (:|))
+-- | A convenient infix (flipped) version of 'toListOf'.
+-- >>> [[1,2],[3]]^
+-- [[[1,2],[3]]]
+-- >>> [[1,2],[3]]^..traverse
+-- [[1,2],[3]]
+-- >>> [[1,2],[3]]^..traverse.traverse
+-- [1,2,3]
+-- >>> (1,2)^..both
+-- [1,2]
+-- @
+-- 'Data.Foldable.toList' xs ≡ xs '^..' 'folded'
+-- ('^..') ≡ 'flip' 'toListOf'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- ('^..') :: s -> 'Getter' s a -> [a]
+-- ('^..') :: s -> 'Fold' s a -> [a]
+-- ('^..') :: s -> 'Lens'' s a -> [a]
+-- ('^..') :: s -> 'Iso'' s a -> [a]
+-- ('^..') :: s -> 'Traversal'' s a -> [a]
+-- ('^..') :: s -> 'Prism'' s a -> [a]
+-- @
+(^..) :: s -> Getting (Endo [a]) s a -> [a]
+s ^.. l = toListOf l s
+{-# INLINE (^..) #-}
+-- | Returns 'True' if every target of a 'Fold' is 'True'.
+-- >>> andOf both (True,False)
+-- False
+-- >>> andOf both (True,True)
+-- True
+-- @
+-- 'Data.Foldable.and' ≡ 'andOf' 'folded'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'andOf' :: 'Getter' s 'Bool' -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'andOf' :: 'Fold' s 'Bool' -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'andOf' :: 'Lens'' s 'Bool' -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'andOf' :: 'Iso'' s 'Bool' -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'andOf' :: 'Traversal'' s 'Bool' -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'andOf' :: 'Prism'' s 'Bool' -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- @
+andOf :: Getting All s Bool -> s -> Bool
+andOf l = getAll #. foldMapOf l All
+{-# INLINE andOf #-}
+-- | Returns 'True' if any target of a 'Fold' is 'True'.
+-- >>> orOf both (True,False)
+-- True
+-- >>> orOf both (False,False)
+-- False
+-- @
+-- 'Data.Foldable.or' ≡ 'orOf' 'folded'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'orOf' :: 'Getter' s 'Bool' -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'orOf' :: 'Fold' s 'Bool' -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'orOf' :: 'Lens'' s 'Bool' -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'orOf' :: 'Iso'' s 'Bool' -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'orOf' :: 'Traversal'' s 'Bool' -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'orOf' :: 'Prism'' s 'Bool' -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- @
+orOf :: Getting Any s Bool -> s -> Bool
+orOf l = getAny #. foldMapOf l Any
+{-# INLINE orOf #-}
+-- | Returns 'True' if any target of a 'Fold' satisfies a predicate.
+-- >>> anyOf both (=='x') ('x','y')
+-- True
+-- >>> import Data.Data.Lens
+-- >>> anyOf biplate (== "world") (((),2::Int),"hello",("world",11::Int))
+-- True
+-- @
+-- 'Data.Foldable.any' ≡ 'anyOf' 'folded'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'ianyOf' l ≡ 'anyOf' l '.' 'Indexed'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'anyOf' :: 'Getter' s a -> (a -> 'Bool') -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'anyOf' :: 'Fold' s a -> (a -> 'Bool') -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'anyOf' :: 'Lens'' s a -> (a -> 'Bool') -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'anyOf' :: 'Iso'' s a -> (a -> 'Bool') -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'anyOf' :: 'Traversal'' s a -> (a -> 'Bool') -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'anyOf' :: 'Prism'' s a -> (a -> 'Bool') -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- @
+anyOf :: Getting Any s a -> (a -> Bool) -> s -> Bool
+anyOf l f = getAny #. foldMapOf l (Any #. f)
+{-# INLINE anyOf #-}
+-- | Returns 'True' if every target of a 'Fold' satisfies a predicate.
+-- >>> allOf both (>=3) (4,5)
+-- True
+-- >>> allOf folded (>=2) [1..10]
+-- False
+-- @
+-- 'Data.Foldable.all' ≡ 'allOf' 'folded'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'iallOf' l = 'allOf' l '.' 'Indexed'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'allOf' :: 'Getter' s a -> (a -> 'Bool') -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'allOf' :: 'Fold' s a -> (a -> 'Bool') -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'allOf' :: 'Lens'' s a -> (a -> 'Bool') -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'allOf' :: 'Iso'' s a -> (a -> 'Bool') -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'allOf' :: 'Traversal'' s a -> (a -> 'Bool') -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'allOf' :: 'Prism'' s a -> (a -> 'Bool') -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- @
+allOf :: Getting All s a -> (a -> Bool) -> s -> Bool
+allOf l f = getAll #. foldMapOf l (All #. f)
+{-# INLINE allOf #-}
+-- | Returns 'True' only if no targets of a 'Fold' satisfy a predicate.
+-- >>> noneOf each (is _Nothing) (Just 3, Just 4, Just 5)
+-- True
+-- >>> noneOf (folded.folded) (<10) [[13,99,20],[3,71,42]]
+-- False
+-- @
+-- 'inoneOf' l = 'noneOf' l '.' 'Indexed'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'noneOf' :: 'Getter' s a -> (a -> 'Bool') -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'noneOf' :: 'Fold' s a -> (a -> 'Bool') -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'noneOf' :: 'Lens'' s a -> (a -> 'Bool') -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'noneOf' :: 'Iso'' s a -> (a -> 'Bool') -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'noneOf' :: 'Traversal'' s a -> (a -> 'Bool') -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'noneOf' :: 'Prism'' s a -> (a -> 'Bool') -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- @
+noneOf :: Getting Any s a -> (a -> Bool) -> s -> Bool
+noneOf l f = not . anyOf l f
+{-# INLINE noneOf #-}
+-- | Calculate the 'Product' of every number targeted by a 'Fold'.
+-- >>> productOf both (4,5)
+-- 20
+-- >>> productOf folded [1,2,3,4,5]
+-- 120
+-- @
+-- 'Data.Foldable.product' ≡ 'productOf' 'folded'
+-- @
+-- This operation may be more strict than you would expect. If you
+-- want a lazier version use @'ala' 'Product' '.' 'foldMapOf'@
+-- @
+-- 'productOf' :: 'Num' a => 'Getter' s a -> s -> a
+-- 'productOf' :: 'Num' a => 'Fold' s a -> s -> a
+-- 'productOf' :: 'Num' a => 'Lens'' s a -> s -> a
+-- 'productOf' :: 'Num' a => 'Iso'' s a -> s -> a
+-- 'productOf' :: 'Num' a => 'Traversal'' s a -> s -> a
+-- 'productOf' :: 'Num' a => 'Prism'' s a -> s -> a
+-- @
+productOf :: Num a => Getting (Endo (Endo a)) s a -> s -> a
+productOf l = foldlOf' l (*) 1
+{-# INLINE productOf #-}
+-- | Calculate the 'Sum' of every number targeted by a 'Fold'.
+-- >>> sumOf both (5,6)
+-- 11
+-- >>> sumOf folded [1,2,3,4]
+-- 10
+-- >>> sumOf (folded.both) [(1,2),(3,4)]
+-- 10
+-- >>> import Data.Data.Lens
+-- >>> sumOf biplate [(1::Int,[]),(2,[(3::Int,4::Int)])] :: Int
+-- 10
+-- @
+-- 'Data.Foldable.sum' ≡ 'sumOf' 'folded'
+-- @
+-- This operation may be more strict than you would expect. If you
+-- want a lazier version use @'ala' 'Sum' '.' 'foldMapOf'@
+-- @
+-- 'sumOf' '_1' :: 'Num' a => (a, b) -> a
+-- 'sumOf' ('folded' '.' 'Control.Lens.Tuple._1') :: ('Foldable' f, 'Num' a) => f (a, b) -> a
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'sumOf' :: 'Num' a => 'Getter' s a -> s -> a
+-- 'sumOf' :: 'Num' a => 'Fold' s a -> s -> a
+-- 'sumOf' :: 'Num' a => 'Lens'' s a -> s -> a
+-- 'sumOf' :: 'Num' a => 'Iso'' s a -> s -> a
+-- 'sumOf' :: 'Num' a => 'Traversal'' s a -> s -> a
+-- 'sumOf' :: 'Num' a => 'Prism'' s a -> s -> a
+-- @
+sumOf :: Num a => Getting (Endo (Endo a)) s a -> s -> a
+sumOf l = foldlOf' l (+) 0
+{-# INLINE sumOf #-}
+-- | Traverse over all of the targets of a 'Fold' (or 'Getter'), computing an 'Applicative' (or 'Functor')-based answer,
+-- but unlike 'Control.Lens.Traversal.traverseOf' do not construct a new structure. 'traverseOf_' generalizes
+-- 'Data.Foldable.traverse_' to work over any 'Fold'.
+-- When passed a 'Getter', 'traverseOf_' can work over any 'Functor', but when passed a 'Fold', 'traverseOf_' requires
+-- an 'Applicative'.
+-- >>> traverseOf_ both putStrLn ("hello","world")
+-- hello
+-- world
+-- @
+-- 'Data.Foldable.traverse_' ≡ 'traverseOf_' 'folded'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'traverseOf_' '_2' :: 'Functor' f => (c -> f r) -> (d, c) -> f ()
+-- 'traverseOf_' 'Control.Lens.Prism._Left' :: 'Applicative' f => (a -> f b) -> 'Either' a c -> f ()
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'itraverseOf_' l ≡ 'traverseOf_' l '.' 'Indexed'
+-- @
+-- The rather specific signature of 'traverseOf_' allows it to be used as if the signature was any of:
+-- @
+-- 'traverseOf_' :: 'Functor' f => 'Getter' s a -> (a -> f r) -> s -> f ()
+-- 'traverseOf_' :: 'Applicative' f => 'Fold' s a -> (a -> f r) -> s -> f ()
+-- 'traverseOf_' :: 'Functor' f => 'Lens'' s a -> (a -> f r) -> s -> f ()
+-- 'traverseOf_' :: 'Functor' f => 'Iso'' s a -> (a -> f r) -> s -> f ()
+-- 'traverseOf_' :: 'Applicative' f => 'Traversal'' s a -> (a -> f r) -> s -> f ()
+-- 'traverseOf_' :: 'Applicative' f => 'Prism'' s a -> (a -> f r) -> s -> f ()
+-- @
+traverseOf_ :: Functor f => Getting (Traversed r f) s a -> (a -> f r) -> s -> f ()
+traverseOf_ l f = void . getTraversed #. foldMapOf l (Traversed #. f)
+{-# INLINE traverseOf_ #-}
+-- | Traverse over all of the targets of a 'Fold' (or 'Getter'), computing an 'Applicative' (or 'Functor')-based answer,
+-- but unlike 'Control.Lens.Traversal.forOf' do not construct a new structure. 'forOf_' generalizes
+-- 'Data.Foldable.for_' to work over any 'Fold'.
+-- When passed a 'Getter', 'forOf_' can work over any 'Functor', but when passed a 'Fold', 'forOf_' requires
+-- an 'Applicative'.
+-- @
+-- 'for_' ≡ 'forOf_' 'folded'
+-- @
+-- >>> forOf_ both ("hello","world") putStrLn
+-- hello
+-- world
+-- The rather specific signature of 'forOf_' allows it to be used as if the signature was any of:
+-- @
+-- 'iforOf_' l s ≡ 'forOf_' l s '.' 'Indexed'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'forOf_' :: 'Functor' f => 'Getter' s a -> s -> (a -> f r) -> f ()
+-- 'forOf_' :: 'Applicative' f => 'Fold' s a -> s -> (a -> f r) -> f ()
+-- 'forOf_' :: 'Functor' f => 'Lens'' s a -> s -> (a -> f r) -> f ()
+-- 'forOf_' :: 'Functor' f => 'Iso'' s a -> s -> (a -> f r) -> f ()
+-- 'forOf_' :: 'Applicative' f => 'Traversal'' s a -> s -> (a -> f r) -> f ()
+-- 'forOf_' :: 'Applicative' f => 'Prism'' s a -> s -> (a -> f r) -> f ()
+-- @
+forOf_ :: Functor f => Getting (Traversed r f) s a -> s -> (a -> f r) -> f ()
+forOf_ = flip . traverseOf_
+{-# INLINE forOf_ #-}
+-- | Evaluate each action in observed by a 'Fold' on a structure from left to right, ignoring the results.
+-- @
+-- 'sequenceA_' ≡ 'sequenceAOf_' 'folded'
+-- @
+-- >>> sequenceAOf_ both (putStrLn "hello",putStrLn "world")
+-- hello
+-- world
+-- @
+-- 'sequenceAOf_' :: 'Functor' f => 'Getter' s (f a) -> s -> f ()
+-- 'sequenceAOf_' :: 'Applicative' f => 'Fold' s (f a) -> s -> f ()
+-- 'sequenceAOf_' :: 'Functor' f => 'Lens'' s (f a) -> s -> f ()
+-- 'sequenceAOf_' :: 'Functor' f => 'Iso'' s (f a) -> s -> f ()
+-- 'sequenceAOf_' :: 'Applicative' f => 'Traversal'' s (f a) -> s -> f ()
+-- 'sequenceAOf_' :: 'Applicative' f => 'Prism'' s (f a) -> s -> f ()
+-- @
+sequenceAOf_ :: Functor f => Getting (Traversed a f) s (f a) -> s -> f ()
+sequenceAOf_ l = void . getTraversed #. foldMapOf l Traversed
+{-# INLINE sequenceAOf_ #-}
+-- | Traverse over all of the targets of a 'Fold1', computing an 'Apply' based answer.
+-- As long as you have 'Applicative' or 'Functor' effect you are better using 'traverseOf_'.
+-- The 'traverse1Of_' is useful only when you have genuine 'Apply' effect.
+-- >>> traverse1Of_ both1 (\ks -> Map.fromList [ (k, ()) | k <- ks ]) ("abc", "bcd")
+-- fromList [('b',()),('c',())]
+-- @
+-- 'traverse1Of_' :: 'Apply' f => 'Fold1' s a -> (a -> f r) -> s -> f ()
+-- @
+-- @since 4.16
+traverse1Of_ :: Functor f => Getting (TraversedF r f) s a -> (a -> f r) -> s -> f ()
+traverse1Of_ l f = void . getTraversedF #. foldMapOf l (TraversedF #. f)
+{-# INLINE traverse1Of_ #-}
+-- | See 'forOf_' and 'traverse1Of_'.
+-- >>> for1Of_ both1 ("abc", "bcd") (\ks -> Map.fromList [ (k, ()) | k <- ks ])
+-- fromList [('b',()),('c',())]
+-- @
+-- 'for1Of_' :: 'Apply' f => 'Fold1' s a -> s -> (a -> f r) -> f ()
+-- @
+-- @since 4.16
+for1Of_ :: Functor f => Getting (TraversedF r f) s a -> s -> (a -> f r) -> f ()
+for1Of_ = flip . traverse1Of_
+{-# INLINE for1Of_ #-}
+-- | See 'sequenceAOf_' and 'traverse1Of_'.
+-- @
+-- 'sequence1Of_' :: 'Apply' f => 'Fold1' s (f a) -> s -> f ()
+-- @
+-- @since 4.16
+sequence1Of_ :: Functor f => Getting (TraversedF a f) s (f a) -> s -> f ()
+sequence1Of_ l = void . getTraversedF #. foldMapOf l TraversedF
+{-# INLINE sequence1Of_ #-}
+-- | Map each target of a 'Fold' on a structure to a monadic action, evaluate these actions from left to right, and ignore the results.
+-- >>> mapMOf_ both putStrLn ("hello","world")
+-- hello
+-- world
+-- @
+-- 'Data.Foldable.mapM_' ≡ 'mapMOf_' 'folded'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'mapMOf_' :: 'Monad' m => 'Getter' s a -> (a -> m r) -> s -> m ()
+-- 'mapMOf_' :: 'Monad' m => 'Fold' s a -> (a -> m r) -> s -> m ()
+-- 'mapMOf_' :: 'Monad' m => 'Lens'' s a -> (a -> m r) -> s -> m ()
+-- 'mapMOf_' :: 'Monad' m => 'Iso'' s a -> (a -> m r) -> s -> m ()
+-- 'mapMOf_' :: 'Monad' m => 'Traversal'' s a -> (a -> m r) -> s -> m ()
+-- 'mapMOf_' :: 'Monad' m => 'Prism'' s a -> (a -> m r) -> s -> m ()
+-- @
+mapMOf_ :: Monad m => Getting (Sequenced r m) s a -> (a -> m r) -> s -> m ()
+mapMOf_ l f = liftM skip . getSequenced #. foldMapOf l (Sequenced #. f)
+{-# INLINE mapMOf_ #-}
+-- | 'forMOf_' is 'mapMOf_' with two of its arguments flipped.
+-- >>> forMOf_ both ("hello","world") putStrLn
+-- hello
+-- world
+-- @
+-- 'Data.Foldable.forM_' ≡ 'forMOf_' 'folded'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'forMOf_' :: 'Monad' m => 'Getter' s a -> s -> (a -> m r) -> m ()
+-- 'forMOf_' :: 'Monad' m => 'Fold' s a -> s -> (a -> m r) -> m ()
+-- 'forMOf_' :: 'Monad' m => 'Lens'' s a -> s -> (a -> m r) -> m ()
+-- 'forMOf_' :: 'Monad' m => 'Iso'' s a -> s -> (a -> m r) -> m ()
+-- 'forMOf_' :: 'Monad' m => 'Traversal'' s a -> s -> (a -> m r) -> m ()
+-- 'forMOf_' :: 'Monad' m => 'Prism'' s a -> s -> (a -> m r) -> m ()
+-- @
+forMOf_ :: Monad m => Getting (Sequenced r m) s a -> s -> (a -> m r) -> m ()
+forMOf_ = flip . mapMOf_
+{-# INLINE forMOf_ #-}
+-- | Evaluate each monadic action referenced by a 'Fold' on the structure from left to right, and ignore the results.
+-- >>> sequenceOf_ both (putStrLn "hello",putStrLn "world")
+-- hello
+-- world
+-- @
+-- 'Data.Foldable.sequence_' ≡ 'sequenceOf_' 'folded'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'sequenceOf_' :: 'Monad' m => 'Getter' s (m a) -> s -> m ()
+-- 'sequenceOf_' :: 'Monad' m => 'Fold' s (m a) -> s -> m ()
+-- 'sequenceOf_' :: 'Monad' m => 'Lens'' s (m a) -> s -> m ()
+-- 'sequenceOf_' :: 'Monad' m => 'Iso'' s (m a) -> s -> m ()
+-- 'sequenceOf_' :: 'Monad' m => 'Traversal'' s (m a) -> s -> m ()
+-- 'sequenceOf_' :: 'Monad' m => 'Prism'' s (m a) -> s -> m ()
+-- @
+sequenceOf_ :: Monad m => Getting (Sequenced a m) s (m a) -> s -> m ()
+sequenceOf_ l = liftM skip . getSequenced #. foldMapOf l Sequenced
+{-# INLINE sequenceOf_ #-}
+-- | The sum of a collection of actions, generalizing 'concatOf'.
+-- >>> asumOf both ("hello","world")
+-- "helloworld"
+-- >>> asumOf each (Nothing, Just "hello", Nothing)
+-- Just "hello"
+-- @
+-- 'asum' ≡ 'asumOf' 'folded'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'asumOf' :: 'Alternative' f => 'Getter' s (f a) -> s -> f a
+-- 'asumOf' :: 'Alternative' f => 'Fold' s (f a) -> s -> f a
+-- 'asumOf' :: 'Alternative' f => 'Lens'' s (f a) -> s -> f a
+-- 'asumOf' :: 'Alternative' f => 'Iso'' s (f a) -> s -> f a
+-- 'asumOf' :: 'Alternative' f => 'Traversal'' s (f a) -> s -> f a
+-- 'asumOf' :: 'Alternative' f => 'Prism'' s (f a) -> s -> f a
+-- @
+asumOf :: Alternative f => Getting (Endo (f a)) s (f a) -> s -> f a
+asumOf l = foldrOf l (<|>) empty
+{-# INLINE asumOf #-}
+-- | The sum of a collection of actions, generalizing 'concatOf'.
+-- >>> msumOf both ("hello","world")
+-- "helloworld"
+-- >>> msumOf each (Nothing, Just "hello", Nothing)
+-- Just "hello"
+-- @
+-- 'msum' ≡ 'msumOf' 'folded'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'msumOf' :: 'MonadPlus' m => 'Getter' s (m a) -> s -> m a
+-- 'msumOf' :: 'MonadPlus' m => 'Fold' s (m a) -> s -> m a
+-- 'msumOf' :: 'MonadPlus' m => 'Lens'' s (m a) -> s -> m a
+-- 'msumOf' :: 'MonadPlus' m => 'Iso'' s (m a) -> s -> m a
+-- 'msumOf' :: 'MonadPlus' m => 'Traversal'' s (m a) -> s -> m a
+-- 'msumOf' :: 'MonadPlus' m => 'Prism'' s (m a) -> s -> m a
+-- @
+msumOf :: MonadPlus m => Getting (Endo (m a)) s (m a) -> s -> m a
+msumOf l = foldrOf l mplus mzero
+{-# INLINE msumOf #-}
+-- | Does the element occur anywhere within a given 'Fold' of the structure?
+-- >>> elemOf both "hello" ("hello","world")
+-- True
+-- @
+-- 'elem' ≡ 'elemOf' 'folded'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'elemOf' :: 'Eq' a => 'Getter' s a -> a -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'elemOf' :: 'Eq' a => 'Fold' s a -> a -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'elemOf' :: 'Eq' a => 'Lens'' s a -> a -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'elemOf' :: 'Eq' a => 'Iso'' s a -> a -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'elemOf' :: 'Eq' a => 'Traversal'' s a -> a -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'elemOf' :: 'Eq' a => 'Prism'' s a -> a -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- @
+elemOf :: Eq a => Getting Any s a -> a -> s -> Bool
+elemOf l = anyOf l . (==)
+{-# INLINE elemOf #-}
+-- | Does the element not occur anywhere within a given 'Fold' of the structure?
+-- >>> notElemOf each 'd' ('a','b','c')
+-- True
+-- >>> notElemOf each 'a' ('a','b','c')
+-- False
+-- @
+-- 'notElem' ≡ 'notElemOf' 'folded'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'notElemOf' :: 'Eq' a => 'Getter' s a -> a -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'notElemOf' :: 'Eq' a => 'Fold' s a -> a -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'notElemOf' :: 'Eq' a => 'Iso'' s a -> a -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'notElemOf' :: 'Eq' a => 'Lens'' s a -> a -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'notElemOf' :: 'Eq' a => 'Traversal'' s a -> a -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'notElemOf' :: 'Eq' a => 'Prism'' s a -> a -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- @
+notElemOf :: Eq a => Getting All s a -> a -> s -> Bool
+notElemOf l = allOf l . (/=)
+{-# INLINE notElemOf #-}
+-- | Map a function over all the targets of a 'Fold' of a container and concatenate the resulting lists.
+-- >>> concatMapOf both (\x -> [x, x + 1]) (1,3)
+-- [1,2,3,4]
+-- @
+-- 'concatMap' ≡ 'concatMapOf' 'folded'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'concatMapOf' :: 'Getter' s a -> (a -> [r]) -> s -> [r]
+-- 'concatMapOf' :: 'Fold' s a -> (a -> [r]) -> s -> [r]
+-- 'concatMapOf' :: 'Lens'' s a -> (a -> [r]) -> s -> [r]
+-- 'concatMapOf' :: 'Iso'' s a -> (a -> [r]) -> s -> [r]
+-- 'concatMapOf' :: 'Traversal'' s a -> (a -> [r]) -> s -> [r]
+-- @
+concatMapOf :: Getting [r] s a -> (a -> [r]) -> s -> [r]
+concatMapOf = coerce
+{-# INLINE concatMapOf #-}
+-- | Concatenate all of the lists targeted by a 'Fold' into a longer list.
+-- >>> concatOf both ("pan","ama")
+-- "panama"
+-- @
+-- 'concat' ≡ 'concatOf' 'folded'
+-- 'concatOf' ≡ 'view'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'concatOf' :: 'Getter' s [r] -> s -> [r]
+-- 'concatOf' :: 'Fold' s [r] -> s -> [r]
+-- 'concatOf' :: 'Iso'' s [r] -> s -> [r]
+-- 'concatOf' :: 'Lens'' s [r] -> s -> [r]
+-- 'concatOf' :: 'Traversal'' s [r] -> s -> [r]
+-- @
+concatOf :: Getting [r] s [r] -> s -> [r]
+concatOf l = getConst #. l Const
+{-# INLINE concatOf #-}
+-- | Calculate the number of targets there are for a 'Fold' in a given container.
+-- /Note:/ This can be rather inefficient for large containers and just like 'length',
+-- this will not terminate for infinite folds.
+-- @
+-- 'length' ≡ 'lengthOf' 'folded'
+-- @
+-- >>> lengthOf _1 ("hello",())
+-- 1
+-- >>> lengthOf traverse [1..10]
+-- 10
+-- >>> lengthOf (traverse.traverse) [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]
+-- 6
+-- @
+-- 'lengthOf' ('folded' '.' 'folded') :: ('Foldable' f, 'Foldable' g) => f (g a) -> 'Int'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'lengthOf' :: 'Getter' s a -> s -> 'Int'
+-- 'lengthOf' :: 'Fold' s a -> s -> 'Int'
+-- 'lengthOf' :: 'Lens'' s a -> s -> 'Int'
+-- 'lengthOf' :: 'Iso'' s a -> s -> 'Int'
+-- 'lengthOf' :: 'Traversal'' s a -> s -> 'Int'
+-- @
+lengthOf :: Getting (Endo (Endo Int)) s a -> s -> Int
+lengthOf l = foldlOf' l (\a _ -> a + 1) 0
+{-# INLINE lengthOf #-}
+-- | Perform a safe 'head' of a 'Fold' or 'Traversal' or retrieve 'Just' the result
+-- from a 'Getter' or 'Lens'.
+-- When using a 'Traversal' as a partial 'Lens', or a 'Fold' as a partial 'Getter' this can be a convenient
+-- way to extract the optional value.
+-- Note: if you get stack overflows due to this, you may want to use 'firstOf' instead, which can deal
+-- more gracefully with heavily left-biased trees. This is because '^?' works by using the
+-- 'Data.Monoid.First' monoid, which can occasionally cause space leaks.
+-- >>> Left 4 ^?_Left
+-- Just 4
+-- >>> Right 4 ^?_Left
+-- Nothing
+-- >>> "world" ^? ix 3
+-- Just 'l'
+-- >>> "world" ^? ix 20
+-- Nothing
+-- This operator works as an infix version of 'preview'.
+-- @
+-- ('^?') ≡ 'flip' 'preview'
+-- @
+-- It may be helpful to think of '^?' as having one of the following
+-- more specialized types:
+-- @
+-- ('^?') :: s -> 'Getter' s a -> 'Maybe' a
+-- ('^?') :: s -> 'Fold' s a -> 'Maybe' a
+-- ('^?') :: s -> 'Lens'' s a -> 'Maybe' a
+-- ('^?') :: s -> 'Iso'' s a -> 'Maybe' a
+-- ('^?') :: s -> 'Traversal'' s a -> 'Maybe' a
+-- @
+(^?) :: s -> Getting (First a) s a -> Maybe a
+s ^? l = getFirst (foldMapOf l (First #. Just) s)
+{-# INLINE (^?) #-}
+-- | Perform an *UNSAFE* 'head' of a 'Fold' or 'Traversal' assuming that it is there.
+-- >>> Left 4 ^?! _Left
+-- 4
+-- >>> "world" ^?! ix 3
+-- 'l'
+-- @
+-- ('^?!') :: s -> 'Getter' s a -> a
+-- ('^?!') :: s -> 'Fold' s a -> a
+-- ('^?!') :: s -> 'Lens'' s a -> a
+-- ('^?!') :: s -> 'Iso'' s a -> a
+-- ('^?!') :: s -> 'Traversal'' s a -> a
+-- @
+(^?!) :: HasCallStack => s -> Getting (Endo a) s a -> a
+s ^?! l = foldrOf l const (error "(^?!): empty Fold") s
+{-# INLINE (^?!) #-}
+-- | Retrieve the 'First' entry of a 'Fold' or 'Traversal' or retrieve 'Just' the result
+-- from a 'Getter' or 'Lens'.
+-- The answer is computed in a manner that leaks space less than @'preview'@ or @^?'@
+-- and gives you back access to the outermost 'Just' constructor more quickly, but does so
+-- in a way that builds an intermediate structure, and thus may have worse
+-- constant factors. This also means that it can not be used in any 'Control.Monad.Reader.MonadReader',
+-- but must instead have 's' passed as its last argument, unlike 'preview'.
+-- Note: this could been named `headOf`.
+-- >>> firstOf traverse [1..10]
+-- Just 1
+-- >>> firstOf both (1,2)
+-- Just 1
+-- >>> firstOf ignored ()
+-- Nothing
+-- @
+-- 'firstOf' :: 'Getter' s a -> s -> 'Maybe' a
+-- 'firstOf' :: 'Fold' s a -> s -> 'Maybe' a
+-- 'firstOf' :: 'Lens'' s a -> s -> 'Maybe' a
+-- 'firstOf' :: 'Iso'' s a -> s -> 'Maybe' a
+-- 'firstOf' :: 'Traversal'' s a -> s -> 'Maybe' a
+-- @
+firstOf :: Getting (Leftmost a) s a -> s -> Maybe a
+firstOf l = getLeftmost . foldMapOf l LLeaf
+{-# INLINE firstOf #-}
+-- | Retrieve the 'Data.Semigroup.First' entry of a 'Fold1' or 'Traversal1' or the result from a 'Getter' or 'Lens'.
+-- >>> first1Of traverse1 (1 :| [2..10])
+-- 1
+-- >>> first1Of both1 (1,2)
+-- 1
+-- /Note:/ this is different from '^.'.
+-- >>> first1Of traverse1 ([1,2] :| [[3,4],[5,6]])
+-- [1,2]
+-- >>> ([1,2] :| [[3,4],[5,6]]) ^. traverse1
+-- [1,2,3,4,5,6]
+-- @
+-- 'first1Of' :: 'Getter' s a -> s -> a
+-- 'first1Of' :: 'Fold1' s a -> s -> a
+-- 'first1Of' :: 'Lens'' s a -> s -> a
+-- 'first1Of' :: 'Iso'' s a -> s -> a
+-- 'first1Of' :: 'Traversal1'' s a -> s -> a
+-- @
+first1Of :: Getting (Semi.First a) s a -> s -> a
+first1Of l = Semi.getFirst . foldMapOf l Semi.First
+-- | Retrieve the 'Last' entry of a 'Fold' or 'Traversal' or retrieve 'Just' the result
+-- from a 'Getter' or 'Lens'.
+-- The answer is computed in a manner that leaks space less than @'ala' 'Last' '.' 'foldMapOf'@
+-- and gives you back access to the outermost 'Just' constructor more quickly, but may have worse
+-- constant factors.
+-- >>> lastOf traverse [1..10]
+-- Just 10
+-- >>> lastOf both (1,2)
+-- Just 2
+-- >>> lastOf ignored ()
+-- Nothing
+-- @
+-- 'lastOf' :: 'Getter' s a -> s -> 'Maybe' a
+-- 'lastOf' :: 'Fold' s a -> s -> 'Maybe' a
+-- 'lastOf' :: 'Lens'' s a -> s -> 'Maybe' a
+-- 'lastOf' :: 'Iso'' s a -> s -> 'Maybe' a
+-- 'lastOf' :: 'Traversal'' s a -> s -> 'Maybe' a
+-- @
+lastOf :: Getting (Rightmost a) s a -> s -> Maybe a
+lastOf l = getRightmost . foldMapOf l RLeaf
+{-# INLINE lastOf #-}
+-- | Retrieve the 'Data.Semigroup.Last' entry of a 'Fold1' or 'Traversal1' or retrieve the result
+-- from a 'Getter' or 'Lens'.o
+-- >>> last1Of traverse1 (1 :| [2..10])
+-- 10
+-- >>> last1Of both1 (1,2)
+-- 2
+-- @
+-- 'last1Of' :: 'Getter' s a -> s -> 'Maybe' a
+-- 'last1Of' :: 'Fold1' s a -> s -> 'Maybe' a
+-- 'last1Of' :: 'Lens'' s a -> s -> 'Maybe' a
+-- 'last1Of' :: 'Iso'' s a -> s -> 'Maybe' a
+-- 'last1Of' :: 'Traversal1'' s a -> s -> 'Maybe' a
+-- @
+last1Of :: Getting (Semi.Last a) s a -> s -> a
+last1Of l = Semi.getLast . foldMapOf l Semi.Last
+-- | Returns 'True' if this 'Fold' or 'Traversal' has no targets in the given container.
+-- Note: 'nullOf' on a valid 'Iso', 'Lens' or 'Getter' should always return 'False'.
+-- @
+-- 'null' ≡ 'nullOf' 'folded'
+-- @
+-- This may be rather inefficient compared to the 'null' check of many containers.
+-- >>> nullOf _1 (1,2)
+-- False
+-- >>> nullOf ignored ()
+-- True
+-- >>> nullOf traverse []
+-- True
+-- >>> nullOf (element 20) [1..10]
+-- True
+-- @
+-- 'nullOf' ('folded' '.' '_1' '.' 'folded') :: ('Foldable' f, 'Foldable' g) => f (g a, b) -> 'Bool'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'nullOf' :: 'Getter' s a -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'nullOf' :: 'Fold' s a -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'nullOf' :: 'Iso'' s a -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'nullOf' :: 'Lens'' s a -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'nullOf' :: 'Traversal'' s a -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- @
+nullOf :: Getting All s a -> s -> Bool
+nullOf = hasn't
+{-# INLINE nullOf #-}
+-- | Returns 'True' if this 'Fold' or 'Traversal' has any targets in the given container.
+-- A more \"conversational\" alias for this combinator is 'has'.
+-- Note: 'notNullOf' on a valid 'Iso', 'Lens' or 'Getter' should always return 'True'.
+-- @
+-- 'not' '.' 'null' ≡ 'notNullOf' 'folded'
+-- @
+-- This may be rather inefficient compared to the @'not' '.' 'null'@ check of many containers.
+-- >>> notNullOf _1 (1,2)
+-- True
+-- >>> notNullOf traverse [1..10]
+-- True
+-- >>> notNullOf folded []
+-- False
+-- >>> notNullOf (element 20) [1..10]
+-- False
+-- @
+-- 'notNullOf' ('folded' '.' '_1' '.' 'folded') :: ('Foldable' f, 'Foldable' g) => f (g a, b) -> 'Bool'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'notNullOf' :: 'Getter' s a -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'notNullOf' :: 'Fold' s a -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'notNullOf' :: 'Iso'' s a -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'notNullOf' :: 'Lens'' s a -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'notNullOf' :: 'Traversal'' s a -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- @
+notNullOf :: Getting Any s a -> s -> Bool
+notNullOf = has
+{-# INLINE notNullOf #-}
+-- | Obtain the maximum element (if any) targeted by a 'Fold' or 'Traversal' safely.
+-- Note: 'maximumOf' on a valid 'Iso', 'Lens' or 'Getter' will always return 'Just' a value.
+-- >>> maximumOf traverse [1..10]
+-- Just 10
+-- >>> maximumOf traverse []
+-- Nothing
+-- >>> maximumOf (folded.filtered even) [1,4,3,6,7,9,2]
+-- Just 6
+-- @
+-- 'maximum' ≡ 'fromMaybe' ('error' \"empty\") '.' 'maximumOf' 'folded'
+-- @
+-- In the interest of efficiency, This operation has semantics more strict than strictly necessary.
+-- @'rmap' 'getMax' ('foldMapOf' l 'Max')@ has lazier semantics but could leak memory.
+-- @
+-- 'maximumOf' :: 'Ord' a => 'Getter' s a -> s -> 'Maybe' a
+-- 'maximumOf' :: 'Ord' a => 'Fold' s a -> s -> 'Maybe' a
+-- 'maximumOf' :: 'Ord' a => 'Iso'' s a -> s -> 'Maybe' a
+-- 'maximumOf' :: 'Ord' a => 'Lens'' s a -> s -> 'Maybe' a
+-- 'maximumOf' :: 'Ord' a => 'Traversal'' s a -> s -> 'Maybe' a
+-- @
+maximumOf :: Ord a => Getting (Endo (Endo (Maybe a))) s a -> s -> Maybe a
+maximumOf l = foldlOf' l mf Nothing where
+ mf Nothing y = Just $! y
+ mf (Just x) y = Just $! max x y
+{-# INLINE maximumOf #-}
+-- | Obtain the maximum element targeted by a 'Fold1' or 'Traversal1'.
+-- >>> maximum1Of traverse1 (1 :| [2..10])
+-- 10
+-- @
+-- 'maximum1Of' :: 'Ord' a => 'Getter' s a -> s -> a
+-- 'maximum1Of' :: 'Ord' a => 'Fold1' s a -> s -> a
+-- 'maximum1Of' :: 'Ord' a => 'Iso'' s a -> s -> a
+-- 'maximum1Of' :: 'Ord' a => 'Lens'' s a -> s -> a
+-- 'maximum1Of' :: 'Ord' a => 'Traversal1'' s a -> s -> a
+-- @
+maximum1Of :: Ord a => Getting (Semi.Max a) s a -> s -> a
+maximum1Of l = Semi.getMax . foldMapOf l Semi.Max
+{-# INLINE maximum1Of #-}
+-- | Obtain the minimum element (if any) targeted by a 'Fold' or 'Traversal' safely.
+-- Note: 'minimumOf' on a valid 'Iso', 'Lens' or 'Getter' will always return 'Just' a value.
+-- >>> minimumOf traverse [1..10]
+-- Just 1
+-- >>> minimumOf traverse []
+-- Nothing
+-- >>> minimumOf (folded.filtered even) [1,4,3,6,7,9,2]
+-- Just 2
+-- @
+-- 'minimum' ≡ 'Data.Maybe.fromMaybe' ('error' \"empty\") '.' 'minimumOf' 'folded'
+-- @
+-- In the interest of efficiency, This operation has semantics more strict than strictly necessary.
+-- @'rmap' 'getMin' ('foldMapOf' l 'Min')@ has lazier semantics but could leak memory.
+-- @
+-- 'minimumOf' :: 'Ord' a => 'Getter' s a -> s -> 'Maybe' a
+-- 'minimumOf' :: 'Ord' a => 'Fold' s a -> s -> 'Maybe' a
+-- 'minimumOf' :: 'Ord' a => 'Iso'' s a -> s -> 'Maybe' a
+-- 'minimumOf' :: 'Ord' a => 'Lens'' s a -> s -> 'Maybe' a
+-- 'minimumOf' :: 'Ord' a => 'Traversal'' s a -> s -> 'Maybe' a
+-- @
+minimumOf :: Ord a => Getting (Endo (Endo (Maybe a))) s a -> s -> Maybe a
+minimumOf l = foldlOf' l mf Nothing where
+ mf Nothing y = Just $! y
+ mf (Just x) y = Just $! min x y
+{-# INLINE minimumOf #-}
+-- | Obtain the minimum element targeted by a 'Fold1' or 'Traversal1'.
+-- >>> minimum1Of traverse1 (1 :| [2..10])
+-- 1
+-- @
+-- 'minimum1Of' :: 'Ord' a => 'Getter' s a -> s -> a
+-- 'minimum1Of' :: 'Ord' a => 'Fold1' s a -> s -> a
+-- 'minimum1Of' :: 'Ord' a => 'Iso'' s a -> s -> a
+-- 'minimum1Of' :: 'Ord' a => 'Lens'' s a -> s -> a
+-- 'minimum1Of' :: 'Ord' a => 'Traversal1'' s a -> s -> a
+-- @
+minimum1Of :: Ord a => Getting (Semi.Min a) s a -> s -> a
+minimum1Of l = Semi.getMin . foldMapOf l Semi.Min
+{-# INLINE minimum1Of #-}
+-- | Obtain the maximum element (if any) targeted by a 'Fold', 'Traversal', 'Lens', 'Iso',
+-- or 'Getter' according to a user supplied 'Ordering'.
+-- >>> maximumByOf traverse (compare `on` length) ["mustard","relish","ham"]
+-- Just "mustard"
+-- In the interest of efficiency, This operation has semantics more strict than strictly necessary.
+-- @
+-- 'Data.Foldable.maximumBy' cmp ≡ 'Data.Maybe.fromMaybe' ('error' \"empty\") '.' 'maximumByOf' 'folded' cmp
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'maximumByOf' :: 'Getter' s a -> (a -> a -> 'Ordering') -> s -> 'Maybe' a
+-- 'maximumByOf' :: 'Fold' s a -> (a -> a -> 'Ordering') -> s -> 'Maybe' a
+-- 'maximumByOf' :: 'Iso'' s a -> (a -> a -> 'Ordering') -> s -> 'Maybe' a
+-- 'maximumByOf' :: 'Lens'' s a -> (a -> a -> 'Ordering') -> s -> 'Maybe' a
+-- 'maximumByOf' :: 'Traversal'' s a -> (a -> a -> 'Ordering') -> s -> 'Maybe' a
+-- @
+maximumByOf :: Getting (Endo (Endo (Maybe a))) s a -> (a -> a -> Ordering) -> s -> Maybe a
+maximumByOf l cmp = foldlOf' l mf Nothing where
+ mf Nothing y = Just $! y
+ mf (Just x) y = Just $! if cmp x y == GT then x else y
+{-# INLINE maximumByOf #-}
+-- | Obtain the minimum element (if any) targeted by a 'Fold', 'Traversal', 'Lens', 'Iso'
+-- or 'Getter' according to a user supplied 'Ordering'.
+-- In the interest of efficiency, This operation has semantics more strict than strictly necessary.
+-- >>> minimumByOf traverse (compare `on` length) ["mustard","relish","ham"]
+-- Just "ham"
+-- @
+-- 'minimumBy' cmp ≡ 'Data.Maybe.fromMaybe' ('error' \"empty\") '.' 'minimumByOf' 'folded' cmp
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'minimumByOf' :: 'Getter' s a -> (a -> a -> 'Ordering') -> s -> 'Maybe' a
+-- 'minimumByOf' :: 'Fold' s a -> (a -> a -> 'Ordering') -> s -> 'Maybe' a
+-- 'minimumByOf' :: 'Iso'' s a -> (a -> a -> 'Ordering') -> s -> 'Maybe' a
+-- 'minimumByOf' :: 'Lens'' s a -> (a -> a -> 'Ordering') -> s -> 'Maybe' a
+-- 'minimumByOf' :: 'Traversal'' s a -> (a -> a -> 'Ordering') -> s -> 'Maybe' a
+-- @
+minimumByOf :: Getting (Endo (Endo (Maybe a))) s a -> (a -> a -> Ordering) -> s -> Maybe a
+minimumByOf l cmp = foldlOf' l mf Nothing where
+ mf Nothing y = Just $! y
+ mf (Just x) y = Just $! if cmp x y == GT then y else x
+{-# INLINE minimumByOf #-}
+-- | The 'findOf' function takes a 'Lens' (or 'Getter', 'Iso', 'Fold', or 'Traversal'),
+-- a predicate and a structure and returns the leftmost element of the structure
+-- matching the predicate, or 'Nothing' if there is no such element.
+-- >>> findOf each even (1,3,4,6)
+-- Just 4
+-- >>> findOf folded even [1,3,5,7]
+-- Nothing
+-- @
+-- 'findOf' :: 'Getter' s a -> (a -> 'Bool') -> s -> 'Maybe' a
+-- 'findOf' :: 'Fold' s a -> (a -> 'Bool') -> s -> 'Maybe' a
+-- 'findOf' :: 'Iso'' s a -> (a -> 'Bool') -> s -> 'Maybe' a
+-- 'findOf' :: 'Lens'' s a -> (a -> 'Bool') -> s -> 'Maybe' a
+-- 'findOf' :: 'Traversal'' s a -> (a -> 'Bool') -> s -> 'Maybe' a
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'Data.Foldable.find' ≡ 'findOf' 'folded'
+-- 'ifindOf' l ≡ 'findOf' l '.' 'Indexed'
+-- @
+-- A simpler version that didn't permit indexing, would be:
+-- @
+-- 'findOf' :: 'Getting' ('Endo' ('Maybe' a)) s a -> (a -> 'Bool') -> s -> 'Maybe' a
+-- 'findOf' l p = 'foldrOf' l (\a y -> if p a then 'Just' a else y) 'Nothing'
+-- @
+findOf :: Getting (Endo (Maybe a)) s a -> (a -> Bool) -> s -> Maybe a
+findOf l f = foldrOf l (\a y -> if f a then Just a else y) Nothing
+{-# INLINE findOf #-}
+-- | The 'findMOf' function takes a 'Lens' (or 'Getter', 'Iso', 'Fold', or 'Traversal'),
+-- a monadic predicate and a structure and returns in the monad the leftmost element of the structure
+-- matching the predicate, or 'Nothing' if there is no such element.
+-- >>> findMOf each ( \x -> print ("Checking " ++ show x) >> return (even x)) (1,3,4,6)
+-- "Checking 1"
+-- "Checking 3"
+-- "Checking 4"
+-- Just 4
+-- >>> findMOf each ( \x -> print ("Checking " ++ show x) >> return (even x)) (1,3,5,7)
+-- "Checking 1"
+-- "Checking 3"
+-- "Checking 5"
+-- "Checking 7"
+-- Nothing
+-- @
+-- 'findMOf' :: ('Monad' m, 'Getter' s a) -> (a -> m 'Bool') -> s -> m ('Maybe' a)
+-- 'findMOf' :: ('Monad' m, 'Fold' s a) -> (a -> m 'Bool') -> s -> m ('Maybe' a)
+-- 'findMOf' :: ('Monad' m, 'Iso'' s a) -> (a -> m 'Bool') -> s -> m ('Maybe' a)
+-- 'findMOf' :: ('Monad' m, 'Lens'' s a) -> (a -> m 'Bool') -> s -> m ('Maybe' a)
+-- 'findMOf' :: ('Monad' m, 'Traversal'' s a) -> (a -> m 'Bool') -> s -> m ('Maybe' a)
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'findMOf' 'folded' :: (Monad m, Foldable f) => (a -> m Bool) -> f a -> m (Maybe a)
+-- 'ifindMOf' l ≡ 'findMOf' l '.' 'Indexed'
+-- @
+-- A simpler version that didn't permit indexing, would be:
+-- @
+-- 'findMOf' :: Monad m => 'Getting' ('Endo' (m ('Maybe' a))) s a -> (a -> m 'Bool') -> s -> m ('Maybe' a)
+-- 'findMOf' l p = 'foldrOf' l (\a y -> p a >>= \x -> if x then return ('Just' a) else y) $ return 'Nothing'
+-- @
+findMOf :: Monad m => Getting (Endo (m (Maybe a))) s a -> (a -> m Bool) -> s -> m (Maybe a)
+findMOf l f = foldrOf l (\a y -> f a >>= \r -> if r then return (Just a) else y) $ return Nothing
+{-# INLINE findMOf #-}
+-- | The 'lookupOf' function takes a 'Fold' (or 'Getter', 'Traversal',
+-- 'Lens', 'Iso', etc.), a key, and a structure containing key/value pairs.
+-- It returns the first value corresponding to the given key. This function
+-- generalizes 'lookup' to work on an arbitrary 'Fold' instead of lists.
+-- >>> lookupOf folded 4 [(2, 'a'), (4, 'b'), (4, 'c')]
+-- Just 'b'
+-- >>> lookupOf each 2 [(2, 'a'), (4, 'b'), (4, 'c')]
+-- Just 'a'
+-- @
+-- 'lookupOf' :: 'Eq' k => 'Fold' s (k,v) -> k -> s -> 'Maybe' v
+-- @
+lookupOf :: Eq k => Getting (Endo (Maybe v)) s (k,v) -> k -> s -> Maybe v
+lookupOf l k = foldrOf l (\(k',v) next -> if k == k' then Just v else next) Nothing
+{-# INLINE lookupOf #-}
+-- | A variant of 'foldrOf' that has no base case and thus may only be applied
+-- to lenses and structures such that the 'Lens' views at least one element of
+-- the structure.
+-- >>> foldr1Of each (+) (1,2,3,4)
+-- 10
+-- @
+-- 'foldr1Of' l f ≡ 'Prelude.foldr1' f '.' 'toListOf' l
+-- 'Data.Foldable.foldr1' ≡ 'foldr1Of' 'folded'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'foldr1Of' :: 'Getter' s a -> (a -> a -> a) -> s -> a
+-- 'foldr1Of' :: 'Fold' s a -> (a -> a -> a) -> s -> a
+-- 'foldr1Of' :: 'Iso'' s a -> (a -> a -> a) -> s -> a
+-- 'foldr1Of' :: 'Lens'' s a -> (a -> a -> a) -> s -> a
+-- 'foldr1Of' :: 'Traversal'' s a -> (a -> a -> a) -> s -> a
+-- @
+foldr1Of :: HasCallStack => Getting (Endo (Maybe a)) s a -> (a -> a -> a) -> s -> a
+foldr1Of l f xs = fromMaybe (error "foldr1Of: empty structure")
+ (foldrOf l mf Nothing xs) where
+ mf x my = Just $ case my of
+ Nothing -> x
+ Just y -> f x y
+{-# INLINE foldr1Of #-}
+-- | A variant of 'foldlOf' that has no base case and thus may only be applied to lenses and structures such
+-- that the 'Lens' views at least one element of the structure.
+-- >>> foldl1Of each (+) (1,2,3,4)
+-- 10
+-- @
+-- 'foldl1Of' l f ≡ 'Prelude.foldl1' f '.' 'toListOf' l
+-- 'Data.Foldable.foldl1' ≡ 'foldl1Of' 'folded'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'foldl1Of' :: 'Getter' s a -> (a -> a -> a) -> s -> a
+-- 'foldl1Of' :: 'Fold' s a -> (a -> a -> a) -> s -> a
+-- 'foldl1Of' :: 'Iso'' s a -> (a -> a -> a) -> s -> a
+-- 'foldl1Of' :: 'Lens'' s a -> (a -> a -> a) -> s -> a
+-- 'foldl1Of' :: 'Traversal'' s a -> (a -> a -> a) -> s -> a
+-- @
+foldl1Of :: HasCallStack => Getting (Dual (Endo (Maybe a))) s a -> (a -> a -> a) -> s -> a
+foldl1Of l f xs = fromMaybe (error "foldl1Of: empty structure") (foldlOf l mf Nothing xs) where
+ mf mx y = Just $ case mx of
+ Nothing -> y
+ Just x -> f x y
+{-# INLINE foldl1Of #-}
+-- | Strictly fold right over the elements of a structure.
+-- @
+-- 'Data.Foldable.foldr'' ≡ 'foldrOf'' 'folded'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'foldrOf'' :: 'Getter' s a -> (a -> r -> r) -> r -> s -> r
+-- 'foldrOf'' :: 'Fold' s a -> (a -> r -> r) -> r -> s -> r
+-- 'foldrOf'' :: 'Iso'' s a -> (a -> r -> r) -> r -> s -> r
+-- 'foldrOf'' :: 'Lens'' s a -> (a -> r -> r) -> r -> s -> r
+-- 'foldrOf'' :: 'Traversal'' s a -> (a -> r -> r) -> r -> s -> r
+-- @
+foldrOf' :: Getting (Dual (Endo (Endo r))) s a -> (a -> r -> r) -> r -> s -> r
+foldrOf' l f z0 xs = foldlOf l f' (Endo id) xs `appEndo` z0
+ where f' (Endo k) x = Endo $ \ z -> k $! f x z
+{-# INLINE foldrOf' #-}
+-- | Fold over the elements of a structure, associating to the left, but strictly.
+-- @
+-- 'Data.Foldable.foldl'' ≡ 'foldlOf'' 'folded'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'foldlOf'' :: 'Getter' s a -> (r -> a -> r) -> r -> s -> r
+-- 'foldlOf'' :: 'Fold' s a -> (r -> a -> r) -> r -> s -> r
+-- 'foldlOf'' :: 'Iso'' s a -> (r -> a -> r) -> r -> s -> r
+-- 'foldlOf'' :: 'Lens'' s a -> (r -> a -> r) -> r -> s -> r
+-- 'foldlOf'' :: 'Traversal'' s a -> (r -> a -> r) -> r -> s -> r
+-- @
+foldlOf' :: Getting (Endo (Endo r)) s a -> (r -> a -> r) -> r -> s -> r
+foldlOf' l f z0 xs = foldrOf l f' (Endo id) xs `appEndo` z0
+ where f' x (Endo k) = Endo $ \z -> k $! f z x
+{-# INLINE foldlOf' #-}
+-- | A variant of 'foldrOf'' that has no base case and thus may only be applied
+-- to folds and structures such that the fold views at least one element of the
+-- structure.
+-- @
+-- 'foldr1Of' l f ≡ 'Prelude.foldr1' f '.' 'toListOf' l
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'foldr1Of'' :: 'Getter' s a -> (a -> a -> a) -> s -> a
+-- 'foldr1Of'' :: 'Fold' s a -> (a -> a -> a) -> s -> a
+-- 'foldr1Of'' :: 'Iso'' s a -> (a -> a -> a) -> s -> a
+-- 'foldr1Of'' :: 'Lens'' s a -> (a -> a -> a) -> s -> a
+-- 'foldr1Of'' :: 'Traversal'' s a -> (a -> a -> a) -> s -> a
+-- @
+foldr1Of' :: HasCallStack => Getting (Dual (Endo (Endo (Maybe a)))) s a -> (a -> a -> a) -> s -> a
+foldr1Of' l f xs = fromMaybe (error "foldr1Of': empty structure") (foldrOf' l mf Nothing xs) where
+ mf x Nothing = Just $! x
+ mf x (Just y) = Just $! f x y
+{-# INLINE foldr1Of' #-}
+-- | A variant of 'foldlOf'' that has no base case and thus may only be applied
+-- to folds and structures such that the fold views at least one element of
+-- the structure.
+-- @
+-- 'foldl1Of'' l f ≡ 'Data.List.foldl1'' f '.' 'toListOf' l
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'foldl1Of'' :: 'Getter' s a -> (a -> a -> a) -> s -> a
+-- 'foldl1Of'' :: 'Fold' s a -> (a -> a -> a) -> s -> a
+-- 'foldl1Of'' :: 'Iso'' s a -> (a -> a -> a) -> s -> a
+-- 'foldl1Of'' :: 'Lens'' s a -> (a -> a -> a) -> s -> a
+-- 'foldl1Of'' :: 'Traversal'' s a -> (a -> a -> a) -> s -> a
+-- @
+foldl1Of' :: HasCallStack => Getting (Endo (Endo (Maybe a))) s a -> (a -> a -> a) -> s -> a
+foldl1Of' l f xs = fromMaybe (error "foldl1Of': empty structure") (foldlOf' l mf Nothing xs) where
+ mf Nothing y = Just $! y
+ mf (Just x) y = Just $! f x y
+{-# INLINE foldl1Of' #-}
+-- | Monadic fold over the elements of a structure, associating to the right,
+-- i.e. from right to left.
+-- @
+-- 'Data.Foldable.foldrM' ≡ 'foldrMOf' 'folded'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'foldrMOf' :: 'Monad' m => 'Getter' s a -> (a -> r -> m r) -> r -> s -> m r
+-- 'foldrMOf' :: 'Monad' m => 'Fold' s a -> (a -> r -> m r) -> r -> s -> m r
+-- 'foldrMOf' :: 'Monad' m => 'Iso'' s a -> (a -> r -> m r) -> r -> s -> m r
+-- 'foldrMOf' :: 'Monad' m => 'Lens'' s a -> (a -> r -> m r) -> r -> s -> m r
+-- 'foldrMOf' :: 'Monad' m => 'Traversal'' s a -> (a -> r -> m r) -> r -> s -> m r
+-- @
+foldrMOf :: Monad m
+ => Getting (Dual (Endo (r -> m r))) s a
+ -> (a -> r -> m r) -> r -> s -> m r
+foldrMOf l f z0 xs = foldlOf l f' return xs z0
+ where f' k x z = f x z >>= k
+{-# INLINE foldrMOf #-}
+-- | Monadic fold over the elements of a structure, associating to the left,
+-- i.e. from left to right.
+-- @
+-- 'Data.Foldable.foldlM' ≡ 'foldlMOf' 'folded'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'foldlMOf' :: 'Monad' m => 'Getter' s a -> (r -> a -> m r) -> r -> s -> m r
+-- 'foldlMOf' :: 'Monad' m => 'Fold' s a -> (r -> a -> m r) -> r -> s -> m r
+-- 'foldlMOf' :: 'Monad' m => 'Iso'' s a -> (r -> a -> m r) -> r -> s -> m r
+-- 'foldlMOf' :: 'Monad' m => 'Lens'' s a -> (r -> a -> m r) -> r -> s -> m r
+-- 'foldlMOf' :: 'Monad' m => 'Traversal'' s a -> (r -> a -> m r) -> r -> s -> m r
+-- @
+foldlMOf :: Monad m
+ => Getting (Endo (r -> m r)) s a
+ -> (r -> a -> m r) -> r -> s -> m r
+foldlMOf l f z0 xs = foldrOf l f' return xs z0
+ where f' x k z = f z x >>= k
+{-# INLINE foldlMOf #-}
+-- | Check to see if this 'Fold' or 'Traversal' matches 1 or more entries.
+-- >>> has (element 0) []
+-- False
+-- >>> has _Left (Left 12)
+-- True
+-- >>> has _Right (Left 12)
+-- False
+-- This will always return 'True' for a 'Lens' or 'Getter'.
+-- >>> has _1 ("hello","world")
+-- True
+-- @
+-- 'has' :: 'Getter' s a -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'has' :: 'Fold' s a -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'has' :: 'Iso'' s a -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'has' :: 'Lens'' s a -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'has' :: 'Traversal'' s a -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- @
+has :: Getting Any s a -> s -> Bool
+has l = getAny #. foldMapOf l (\_ -> Any True)
+{-# INLINE has #-}
+-- | Check to see if this 'Fold' or 'Traversal' has no matches.
+-- >>> hasn't _Left (Right 12)
+-- True
+-- >>> hasn't _Left (Left 12)
+-- False
+hasn't :: Getting All s a -> s -> Bool
+hasn't l = getAll #. foldMapOf l (\_ -> All False)
+{-# INLINE hasn't #-}
+-- Pre
+-- | This converts a 'Fold' to a 'IndexPreservingGetter' that returns the first element, if it
+-- exists, as a 'Maybe'.
+-- @
+-- 'pre' :: 'Getter' s a -> 'IndexPreservingGetter' s ('Maybe' a)
+-- 'pre' :: 'Fold' s a -> 'IndexPreservingGetter' s ('Maybe' a)
+-- 'pre' :: 'Traversal'' s a -> 'IndexPreservingGetter' s ('Maybe' a)
+-- 'pre' :: 'Lens'' s a -> 'IndexPreservingGetter' s ('Maybe' a)
+-- 'pre' :: 'Iso'' s a -> 'IndexPreservingGetter' s ('Maybe' a)
+-- 'pre' :: 'Prism'' s a -> 'IndexPreservingGetter' s ('Maybe' a)
+-- @
+pre :: Getting (First a) s a -> IndexPreservingGetter s (Maybe a)
+pre l = dimap (getFirst . getConst #. l (Const #. First #. Just)) phantom
+{-# INLINE pre #-}
+-- | This converts an 'IndexedFold' to an 'IndexPreservingGetter' that returns the first index
+-- and element, if they exist, as a 'Maybe'.
+-- @
+-- 'ipre' :: 'IndexedGetter' i s a -> 'IndexPreservingGetter' s ('Maybe' (i, a))
+-- 'ipre' :: 'IndexedFold' i s a -> 'IndexPreservingGetter' s ('Maybe' (i, a))
+-- 'ipre' :: 'IndexedTraversal'' i s a -> 'IndexPreservingGetter' s ('Maybe' (i, a))
+-- 'ipre' :: 'IndexedLens'' i s a -> 'IndexPreservingGetter' s ('Maybe' (i, a))
+-- @
+ipre :: IndexedGetting i (First (i, a)) s a -> IndexPreservingGetter s (Maybe (i, a))
+ipre l = dimap (getFirst . getConst #. l (Indexed $ \i a -> Const (First (Just (i, a))))) phantom
+{-# INLINE ipre #-}
+-- Preview
+-- | Retrieve the first value targeted by a 'Fold' or 'Traversal' (or 'Just' the result
+-- from a 'Getter' or 'Lens'). See also 'firstOf' and '^?', which are similar with
+-- some subtle differences (explained below).
+-- @
+-- 'Data.Maybe.listToMaybe' '.' 'toList' ≡ 'preview' 'folded'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'preview' = 'view' '.' 'pre'
+-- @
+-- Unlike '^?', this function uses a
+-- 'Control.Monad.Reader.MonadReader' to read the value to be focused in on.
+-- This allows one to pass the value as the last argument by using the
+-- 'Control.Monad.Reader.MonadReader' instance for @(->) s@
+-- However, it may also be used as part of some deeply nested transformer stack.
+-- 'preview' uses a monoidal value to obtain the result.
+-- This means that it generally has good performance, but can occasionally cause space leaks
+-- or even stack overflows on some data types.
+-- There is another function, 'firstOf', which avoids these issues at the cost of
+-- a slight constant performance cost and a little less flexibility.
+-- It may be helpful to think of 'preview' as having one of the following
+-- more specialized types:
+-- @
+-- 'preview' :: 'Getter' s a -> s -> 'Maybe' a
+-- 'preview' :: 'Fold' s a -> s -> 'Maybe' a
+-- 'preview' :: 'Lens'' s a -> s -> 'Maybe' a
+-- 'preview' :: 'Iso'' s a -> s -> 'Maybe' a
+-- 'preview' :: 'Traversal'' s a -> s -> 'Maybe' a
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'preview' :: 'MonadReader' s m => 'Getter' s a -> m ('Maybe' a)
+-- 'preview' :: 'MonadReader' s m => 'Fold' s a -> m ('Maybe' a)
+-- 'preview' :: 'MonadReader' s m => 'Lens'' s a -> m ('Maybe' a)
+-- 'preview' :: 'MonadReader' s m => 'Iso'' s a -> m ('Maybe' a)
+-- 'preview' :: 'MonadReader' s m => 'Traversal'' s a -> m ('Maybe' a)
+-- @
+preview :: MonadReader s m => Getting (First a) s a -> m (Maybe a)
+preview l = asks (getFirst #. foldMapOf l (First #. Just))
+{-# INLINE preview #-}
+-- | Retrieve the first index and value targeted by a 'Fold' or 'Traversal' (or 'Just' the result
+-- from a 'Getter' or 'Lens'). See also ('^@?').
+-- @
+-- 'ipreview' = 'view' '.' 'ipre'
+-- @
+-- This is usually applied in the 'Control.Monad.Reader.Reader'
+-- 'Control.Monad.Monad' @(->) s@.
+-- @
+-- 'ipreview' :: 'IndexedGetter' i s a -> s -> 'Maybe' (i, a)
+-- 'ipreview' :: 'IndexedFold' i s a -> s -> 'Maybe' (i, a)
+-- 'ipreview' :: 'IndexedLens'' i s a -> s -> 'Maybe' (i, a)
+-- 'ipreview' :: 'IndexedTraversal'' i s a -> s -> 'Maybe' (i, a)
+-- @
+-- However, it may be useful to think of its full generality when working with
+-- a 'Control.Monad.Monad' transformer stack:
+-- @
+-- 'ipreview' :: 'MonadReader' s m => 'IndexedGetter' s a -> m ('Maybe' (i, a))
+-- 'ipreview' :: 'MonadReader' s m => 'IndexedFold' s a -> m ('Maybe' (i, a))
+-- 'ipreview' :: 'MonadReader' s m => 'IndexedLens'' s a -> m ('Maybe' (i, a))
+-- 'ipreview' :: 'MonadReader' s m => 'IndexedTraversal'' s a -> m ('Maybe' (i, a))
+-- @
+ipreview :: MonadReader s m => IndexedGetting i (First (i, a)) s a -> m (Maybe (i, a))
+ipreview l = asks (getFirst #. ifoldMapOf l (\i a -> First (Just (i, a))))
+{-# INLINE ipreview #-}
+-- | Retrieve a function of the first value targeted by a 'Fold' or
+-- 'Traversal' (or 'Just' the result from a 'Getter' or 'Lens').
+-- This is usually applied in the 'Control.Monad.Reader.Reader'
+-- 'Control.Monad.Monad' @(->) s@.
+-- @
+-- 'previews' = 'views' '.' 'pre'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'previews' :: 'Getter' s a -> (a -> r) -> s -> 'Maybe' r
+-- 'previews' :: 'Fold' s a -> (a -> r) -> s -> 'Maybe' r
+-- 'previews' :: 'Lens'' s a -> (a -> r) -> s -> 'Maybe' r
+-- 'previews' :: 'Iso'' s a -> (a -> r) -> s -> 'Maybe' r
+-- 'previews' :: 'Traversal'' s a -> (a -> r) -> s -> 'Maybe' r
+-- @
+-- However, it may be useful to think of its full generality when working with
+-- a 'Monad' transformer stack:
+-- @
+-- 'previews' :: 'MonadReader' s m => 'Getter' s a -> (a -> r) -> m ('Maybe' r)
+-- 'previews' :: 'MonadReader' s m => 'Fold' s a -> (a -> r) -> m ('Maybe' r)
+-- 'previews' :: 'MonadReader' s m => 'Lens'' s a -> (a -> r) -> m ('Maybe' r)
+-- 'previews' :: 'MonadReader' s m => 'Iso'' s a -> (a -> r) -> m ('Maybe' r)
+-- 'previews' :: 'MonadReader' s m => 'Traversal'' s a -> (a -> r) -> m ('Maybe' r)
+-- @
+previews :: MonadReader s m => Getting (First r) s a -> (a -> r) -> m (Maybe r)
+previews l f = asks (getFirst . foldMapOf l (First #. Just . f))
+{-# INLINE previews #-}
+-- | Retrieve a function of the first index and value targeted by an 'IndexedFold' or
+-- 'IndexedTraversal' (or 'Just' the result from an 'IndexedGetter' or 'IndexedLens').
+-- See also ('^@?').
+-- @
+-- 'ipreviews' = 'views' '.' 'ipre'
+-- @
+-- This is usually applied in the 'Control.Monad.Reader.Reader'
+-- 'Control.Monad.Monad' @(->) s@.
+-- @
+-- 'ipreviews' :: 'IndexedGetter' i s a -> (i -> a -> r) -> s -> 'Maybe' r
+-- 'ipreviews' :: 'IndexedFold' i s a -> (i -> a -> r) -> s -> 'Maybe' r
+-- 'ipreviews' :: 'IndexedLens'' i s a -> (i -> a -> r) -> s -> 'Maybe' r
+-- 'ipreviews' :: 'IndexedTraversal'' i s a -> (i -> a -> r) -> s -> 'Maybe' r
+-- @
+-- However, it may be useful to think of its full generality when working with
+-- a 'Control.Monad.Monad' transformer stack:
+-- @
+-- 'ipreviews' :: 'MonadReader' s m => 'IndexedGetter' i s a -> (i -> a -> r) -> m ('Maybe' r)
+-- 'ipreviews' :: 'MonadReader' s m => 'IndexedFold' i s a -> (i -> a -> r) -> m ('Maybe' r)
+-- 'ipreviews' :: 'MonadReader' s m => 'IndexedLens'' i s a -> (i -> a -> r) -> m ('Maybe' r)
+-- 'ipreviews' :: 'MonadReader' s m => 'IndexedTraversal'' i s a -> (i -> a -> r) -> m ('Maybe' r)
+-- @
+ipreviews :: MonadReader s m => IndexedGetting i (First r) s a -> (i -> a -> r) -> m (Maybe r)
+ipreviews l f = asks (getFirst . ifoldMapOf l (\i -> First #. Just . f i))
+{-# INLINE ipreviews #-}
+-- Preuse
+-- | Retrieve the first value targeted by a 'Fold' or 'Traversal' (or 'Just' the result
+-- from a 'Getter' or 'Lens') into the current state.
+-- @
+-- 'preuse' = 'use' '.' 'pre'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'preuse' :: 'MonadState' s m => 'Getter' s a -> m ('Maybe' a)
+-- 'preuse' :: 'MonadState' s m => 'Fold' s a -> m ('Maybe' a)
+-- 'preuse' :: 'MonadState' s m => 'Lens'' s a -> m ('Maybe' a)
+-- 'preuse' :: 'MonadState' s m => 'Iso'' s a -> m ('Maybe' a)
+-- 'preuse' :: 'MonadState' s m => 'Traversal'' s a -> m ('Maybe' a)
+-- @
+preuse :: MonadState s m => Getting (First a) s a -> m (Maybe a)
+preuse l = gets (preview l)
+{-# INLINE preuse #-}
+-- | Retrieve the first index and value targeted by an 'IndexedFold' or 'IndexedTraversal' (or 'Just' the index
+-- and result from an 'IndexedGetter' or 'IndexedLens') into the current state.
+-- @
+-- 'ipreuse' = 'use' '.' 'ipre'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'ipreuse' :: 'MonadState' s m => 'IndexedGetter' i s a -> m ('Maybe' (i, a))
+-- 'ipreuse' :: 'MonadState' s m => 'IndexedFold' i s a -> m ('Maybe' (i, a))
+-- 'ipreuse' :: 'MonadState' s m => 'IndexedLens'' i s a -> m ('Maybe' (i, a))
+-- 'ipreuse' :: 'MonadState' s m => 'IndexedTraversal'' i s a -> m ('Maybe' (i, a))
+-- @
+ipreuse :: MonadState s m => IndexedGetting i (First (i, a)) s a -> m (Maybe (i, a))
+ipreuse l = gets (ipreview l)
+{-# INLINE ipreuse #-}
+-- | Retrieve a function of the first value targeted by a 'Fold' or
+-- 'Traversal' (or 'Just' the result from a 'Getter' or 'Lens') into the current state.
+-- @
+-- 'preuses' = 'uses' '.' 'pre'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'preuses' :: 'MonadState' s m => 'Getter' s a -> (a -> r) -> m ('Maybe' r)
+-- 'preuses' :: 'MonadState' s m => 'Fold' s a -> (a -> r) -> m ('Maybe' r)
+-- 'preuses' :: 'MonadState' s m => 'Lens'' s a -> (a -> r) -> m ('Maybe' r)
+-- 'preuses' :: 'MonadState' s m => 'Iso'' s a -> (a -> r) -> m ('Maybe' r)
+-- 'preuses' :: 'MonadState' s m => 'Traversal'' s a -> (a -> r) -> m ('Maybe' r)
+-- @
+preuses :: MonadState s m => Getting (First r) s a -> (a -> r) -> m (Maybe r)
+preuses l f = gets (previews l f)
+{-# INLINE preuses #-}
+-- | Retrieve a function of the first index and value targeted by an 'IndexedFold' or
+-- 'IndexedTraversal' (or a function of 'Just' the index and result from an 'IndexedGetter'
+-- or 'IndexedLens') into the current state.
+-- @
+-- 'ipreuses' = 'uses' '.' 'ipre'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'ipreuses' :: 'MonadState' s m => 'IndexedGetter' i s a -> (i -> a -> r) -> m ('Maybe' r)
+-- 'ipreuses' :: 'MonadState' s m => 'IndexedFold' i s a -> (i -> a -> r) -> m ('Maybe' r)
+-- 'ipreuses' :: 'MonadState' s m => 'IndexedLens'' i s a -> (i -> a -> r) -> m ('Maybe' r)
+-- 'ipreuses' :: 'MonadState' s m => 'IndexedTraversal'' i s a -> (i -> a -> r) -> m ('Maybe' r)
+-- @
+ipreuses :: MonadState s m => IndexedGetting i (First r) s a -> (i -> a -> r) -> m (Maybe r)
+ipreuses l f = gets (ipreviews l f)
+{-# INLINE ipreuses #-}
+-- Profunctors
+-- | This allows you to 'Control.Traversable.traverse' the elements of a pretty much any 'LensLike' construction in the opposite order.
+-- This will preserve indexes on 'Indexed' types and will give you the elements of a (finite) 'Fold' or 'Traversal' in the opposite order.
+-- This has no practical impact on a 'Getter', 'Setter', 'Lens' or 'Iso'.
+-- /NB:/ To write back through an 'Iso', you want to use 'Control.Lens.Isomorphic.from'.
+-- Similarly, to write back through an 'Prism', you want to use ''.
+backwards :: (Profunctor p, Profunctor q) => Optical p q (Backwards f) s t a b -> Optical p q f s t a b
+backwards l f = forwards #. l (Backwards #. f)
+{-# INLINE backwards #-}
+-- Indexed Folds
+-- | Fold an 'IndexedFold' or 'IndexedTraversal' by mapping indices and values to an arbitrary 'Monoid' with access
+-- to the @i@.
+-- When you don't need access to the index then 'foldMapOf' is more flexible in what it accepts.
+-- @
+-- 'foldMapOf' l ≡ 'ifoldMapOf' l '.' 'const'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'ifoldMapOf' :: 'IndexedGetter' i s a -> (i -> a -> m) -> s -> m
+-- 'ifoldMapOf' :: 'Monoid' m => 'IndexedFold' i s a -> (i -> a -> m) -> s -> m
+-- 'ifoldMapOf' :: 'IndexedLens'' i s a -> (i -> a -> m) -> s -> m
+-- 'ifoldMapOf' :: 'Monoid' m => 'IndexedTraversal'' i s a -> (i -> a -> m) -> s -> m
+-- @
+ifoldMapOf :: IndexedGetting i m s a -> (i -> a -> m) -> s -> m
+ifoldMapOf = coerce
+{-# INLINE ifoldMapOf #-}
+-- | Right-associative fold of parts of a structure that are viewed through an 'IndexedFold' or 'IndexedTraversal' with
+-- access to the @i@.
+-- When you don't need access to the index then 'foldrOf' is more flexible in what it accepts.
+-- @
+-- 'foldrOf' l ≡ 'ifoldrOf' l '.' 'const'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'ifoldrOf' :: 'IndexedGetter' i s a -> (i -> a -> r -> r) -> r -> s -> r
+-- 'ifoldrOf' :: 'IndexedFold' i s a -> (i -> a -> r -> r) -> r -> s -> r
+-- 'ifoldrOf' :: 'IndexedLens'' i s a -> (i -> a -> r -> r) -> r -> s -> r
+-- 'ifoldrOf' :: 'IndexedTraversal'' i s a -> (i -> a -> r -> r) -> r -> s -> r
+-- @
+ifoldrOf :: IndexedGetting i (Endo r) s a -> (i -> a -> r -> r) -> r -> s -> r
+ifoldrOf l f z = flip appEndo z . getConst #. l (Const #. Endo #. Indexed f)
+{-# INLINE ifoldrOf #-}
+-- | Left-associative fold of the parts of a structure that are viewed through an 'IndexedFold' or 'IndexedTraversal' with
+-- access to the @i@.
+-- When you don't need access to the index then 'foldlOf' is more flexible in what it accepts.
+-- @
+-- 'foldlOf' l ≡ 'ifoldlOf' l '.' 'const'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'ifoldlOf' :: 'IndexedGetter' i s a -> (i -> r -> a -> r) -> r -> s -> r
+-- 'ifoldlOf' :: 'IndexedFold' i s a -> (i -> r -> a -> r) -> r -> s -> r
+-- 'ifoldlOf' :: 'IndexedLens'' i s a -> (i -> r -> a -> r) -> r -> s -> r
+-- 'ifoldlOf' :: 'IndexedTraversal'' i s a -> (i -> r -> a -> r) -> r -> s -> r
+-- @
+ifoldlOf :: IndexedGetting i (Dual (Endo r)) s a -> (i -> r -> a -> r) -> r -> s -> r
+ifoldlOf l f z = (flip appEndo z .# getDual) `rmap` ifoldMapOf l (\i -> Dual #. Endo #. flip (f i))
+{-# INLINE ifoldlOf #-}
+-- | Return whether or not any element viewed through an 'IndexedFold' or 'IndexedTraversal'
+-- satisfy a predicate, with access to the @i@.
+-- When you don't need access to the index then 'anyOf' is more flexible in what it accepts.
+-- @
+-- 'anyOf' l ≡ 'ianyOf' l '.' 'const'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'ianyOf' :: 'IndexedGetter' i s a -> (i -> a -> 'Bool') -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'ianyOf' :: 'IndexedFold' i s a -> (i -> a -> 'Bool') -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'ianyOf' :: 'IndexedLens'' i s a -> (i -> a -> 'Bool') -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'ianyOf' :: 'IndexedTraversal'' i s a -> (i -> a -> 'Bool') -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- @
+ianyOf :: IndexedGetting i Any s a -> (i -> a -> Bool) -> s -> Bool
+ianyOf = coerce
+{-# INLINE ianyOf #-}
+-- | Return whether or not all elements viewed through an 'IndexedFold' or 'IndexedTraversal'
+-- satisfy a predicate, with access to the @i@.
+-- When you don't need access to the index then 'allOf' is more flexible in what it accepts.
+-- @
+-- 'allOf' l ≡ 'iallOf' l '.' 'const'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'iallOf' :: 'IndexedGetter' i s a -> (i -> a -> 'Bool') -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'iallOf' :: 'IndexedFold' i s a -> (i -> a -> 'Bool') -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'iallOf' :: 'IndexedLens'' i s a -> (i -> a -> 'Bool') -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'iallOf' :: 'IndexedTraversal'' i s a -> (i -> a -> 'Bool') -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- @
+iallOf :: IndexedGetting i All s a -> (i -> a -> Bool) -> s -> Bool
+iallOf = coerce
+{-# INLINE iallOf #-}
+-- | Return whether or not none of the elements viewed through an 'IndexedFold' or 'IndexedTraversal'
+-- satisfy a predicate, with access to the @i@.
+-- When you don't need access to the index then 'noneOf' is more flexible in what it accepts.
+-- @
+-- 'noneOf' l ≡ 'inoneOf' l '.' 'const'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'inoneOf' :: 'IndexedGetter' i s a -> (i -> a -> 'Bool') -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'inoneOf' :: 'IndexedFold' i s a -> (i -> a -> 'Bool') -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'inoneOf' :: 'IndexedLens'' i s a -> (i -> a -> 'Bool') -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- 'inoneOf' :: 'IndexedTraversal'' i s a -> (i -> a -> 'Bool') -> s -> 'Bool'
+-- @
+inoneOf :: IndexedGetting i Any s a -> (i -> a -> Bool) -> s -> Bool
+inoneOf l f = not . ianyOf l f
+{-# INLINE inoneOf #-}
+-- | Traverse the targets of an 'IndexedFold' or 'IndexedTraversal' with access to the @i@, discarding the results.
+-- When you don't need access to the index then 'traverseOf_' is more flexible in what it accepts.
+-- @
+-- 'traverseOf_' l ≡ 'Control.Lens.Traversal.itraverseOf' l '.' 'const'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'itraverseOf_' :: 'Functor' f => 'IndexedGetter' i s a -> (i -> a -> f r) -> s -> f ()
+-- 'itraverseOf_' :: 'Applicative' f => 'IndexedFold' i s a -> (i -> a -> f r) -> s -> f ()
+-- 'itraverseOf_' :: 'Functor' f => 'IndexedLens'' i s a -> (i -> a -> f r) -> s -> f ()
+-- 'itraverseOf_' :: 'Applicative' f => 'IndexedTraversal'' i s a -> (i -> a -> f r) -> s -> f ()
+-- @
+itraverseOf_ :: Functor f => IndexedGetting i (Traversed r f) s a -> (i -> a -> f r) -> s -> f ()
+itraverseOf_ l f = void . getTraversed #. getConst #. l (Const #. Traversed #. Indexed f)
+{-# INLINE itraverseOf_ #-}
+-- | Traverse the targets of an 'IndexedFold' or 'IndexedTraversal' with access to the index, discarding the results
+-- (with the arguments flipped).
+-- @
+-- 'iforOf_' ≡ 'flip' '.' 'itraverseOf_'
+-- @
+-- When you don't need access to the index then 'forOf_' is more flexible in what it accepts.
+-- @
+-- 'forOf_' l a ≡ 'iforOf_' l a '.' 'const'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'iforOf_' :: 'Functor' f => 'IndexedGetter' i s a -> s -> (i -> a -> f r) -> f ()
+-- 'iforOf_' :: 'Applicative' f => 'IndexedFold' i s a -> s -> (i -> a -> f r) -> f ()
+-- 'iforOf_' :: 'Functor' f => 'IndexedLens'' i s a -> s -> (i -> a -> f r) -> f ()
+-- 'iforOf_' :: 'Applicative' f => 'IndexedTraversal'' i s a -> s -> (i -> a -> f r) -> f ()
+-- @
+iforOf_ :: Functor f => IndexedGetting i (Traversed r f) s a -> s -> (i -> a -> f r) -> f ()
+iforOf_ = flip . itraverseOf_
+{-# INLINE iforOf_ #-}
+-- | Run monadic actions for each target of an 'IndexedFold' or 'IndexedTraversal' with access to the index,
+-- discarding the results.
+-- When you don't need access to the index then 'mapMOf_' is more flexible in what it accepts.
+-- @
+-- 'mapMOf_' l ≡ 'Control.Lens.Setter.imapMOf' l '.' 'const'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'imapMOf_' :: 'Monad' m => 'IndexedGetter' i s a -> (i -> a -> m r) -> s -> m ()
+-- 'imapMOf_' :: 'Monad' m => 'IndexedFold' i s a -> (i -> a -> m r) -> s -> m ()
+-- 'imapMOf_' :: 'Monad' m => 'IndexedLens'' i s a -> (i -> a -> m r) -> s -> m ()
+-- 'imapMOf_' :: 'Monad' m => 'IndexedTraversal'' i s a -> (i -> a -> m r) -> s -> m ()
+-- @
+imapMOf_ :: Monad m => IndexedGetting i (Sequenced r m) s a -> (i -> a -> m r) -> s -> m ()
+imapMOf_ l f = liftM skip . getSequenced #. getConst #. l (Const #. Sequenced #. Indexed f)
+{-# INLINE imapMOf_ #-}
+-- | Run monadic actions for each target of an 'IndexedFold' or 'IndexedTraversal' with access to the index,
+-- discarding the results (with the arguments flipped).
+-- @
+-- 'iforMOf_' ≡ 'flip' '.' 'imapMOf_'
+-- @
+-- When you don't need access to the index then 'forMOf_' is more flexible in what it accepts.
+-- @
+-- 'forMOf_' l a ≡ 'Control.Lens.Traversal.iforMOf' l a '.' 'const'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'iforMOf_' :: 'Monad' m => 'IndexedGetter' i s a -> s -> (i -> a -> m r) -> m ()
+-- 'iforMOf_' :: 'Monad' m => 'IndexedFold' i s a -> s -> (i -> a -> m r) -> m ()
+-- 'iforMOf_' :: 'Monad' m => 'IndexedLens'' i s a -> s -> (i -> a -> m r) -> m ()
+-- 'iforMOf_' :: 'Monad' m => 'IndexedTraversal'' i s a -> s -> (i -> a -> m r) -> m ()
+-- @
+iforMOf_ :: Monad m => IndexedGetting i (Sequenced r m) s a -> s -> (i -> a -> m r) -> m ()
+iforMOf_ = flip . imapMOf_
+{-# INLINE iforMOf_ #-}
+-- | Concatenate the results of a function of the elements of an 'IndexedFold' or 'IndexedTraversal'
+-- with access to the index.
+-- When you don't need access to the index then 'concatMapOf' is more flexible in what it accepts.
+-- @
+-- 'concatMapOf' l ≡ 'iconcatMapOf' l '.' 'const'
+-- 'iconcatMapOf' ≡ 'ifoldMapOf'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'iconcatMapOf' :: 'IndexedGetter' i s a -> (i -> a -> [r]) -> s -> [r]
+-- 'iconcatMapOf' :: 'IndexedFold' i s a -> (i -> a -> [r]) -> s -> [r]
+-- 'iconcatMapOf' :: 'IndexedLens'' i s a -> (i -> a -> [r]) -> s -> [r]
+-- 'iconcatMapOf' :: 'IndexedTraversal'' i s a -> (i -> a -> [r]) -> s -> [r]
+-- @
+iconcatMapOf :: IndexedGetting i [r] s a -> (i -> a -> [r]) -> s -> [r]
+iconcatMapOf = ifoldMapOf
+{-# INLINE iconcatMapOf #-}
+-- | The 'ifindOf' function takes an 'IndexedFold' or 'IndexedTraversal', a predicate that is also
+-- supplied the index, a structure and returns the left-most element of the structure
+-- matching the predicate, or 'Nothing' if there is no such element.
+-- When you don't need access to the index then 'findOf' is more flexible in what it accepts.
+-- @
+-- 'findOf' l ≡ 'ifindOf' l '.' 'const'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'ifindOf' :: 'IndexedGetter' i s a -> (i -> a -> 'Bool') -> s -> 'Maybe' a
+-- 'ifindOf' :: 'IndexedFold' i s a -> (i -> a -> 'Bool') -> s -> 'Maybe' a
+-- 'ifindOf' :: 'IndexedLens'' i s a -> (i -> a -> 'Bool') -> s -> 'Maybe' a
+-- 'ifindOf' :: 'IndexedTraversal'' i s a -> (i -> a -> 'Bool') -> s -> 'Maybe' a
+-- @
+ifindOf :: IndexedGetting i (Endo (Maybe a)) s a -> (i -> a -> Bool) -> s -> Maybe a
+ifindOf l f = ifoldrOf l (\i a y -> if f i a then Just a else y) Nothing
+{-# INLINE ifindOf #-}
+-- | The 'ifindMOf' function takes an 'IndexedFold' or 'IndexedTraversal', a monadic predicate that is also
+-- supplied the index, a structure and returns in the monad the left-most element of the structure
+-- matching the predicate, or 'Nothing' if there is no such element.
+-- When you don't need access to the index then 'findMOf' is more flexible in what it accepts.
+-- @
+-- 'findMOf' l ≡ 'ifindMOf' l '.' 'const'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'ifindMOf' :: 'Monad' m => 'IndexedGetter' i s a -> (i -> a -> m 'Bool') -> s -> m ('Maybe' a)
+-- 'ifindMOf' :: 'Monad' m => 'IndexedFold' i s a -> (i -> a -> m 'Bool') -> s -> m ('Maybe' a)
+-- 'ifindMOf' :: 'Monad' m => 'IndexedLens'' i s a -> (i -> a -> m 'Bool') -> s -> m ('Maybe' a)
+-- 'ifindMOf' :: 'Monad' m => 'IndexedTraversal'' i s a -> (i -> a -> m 'Bool') -> s -> m ('Maybe' a)
+-- @
+ifindMOf :: Monad m => IndexedGetting i (Endo (m (Maybe a))) s a -> (i -> a -> m Bool) -> s -> m (Maybe a)
+ifindMOf l f = ifoldrOf l (\i a y -> f i a >>= \r -> if r then return (Just a) else y) $ return Nothing
+{-# INLINE ifindMOf #-}
+-- | /Strictly/ fold right over the elements of a structure with an index.
+-- When you don't need access to the index then 'foldrOf'' is more flexible in what it accepts.
+-- @
+-- 'foldrOf'' l ≡ 'ifoldrOf'' l '.' 'const'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'ifoldrOf'' :: 'IndexedGetter' i s a -> (i -> a -> r -> r) -> r -> s -> r
+-- 'ifoldrOf'' :: 'IndexedFold' i s a -> (i -> a -> r -> r) -> r -> s -> r
+-- 'ifoldrOf'' :: 'IndexedLens'' i s a -> (i -> a -> r -> r) -> r -> s -> r
+-- 'ifoldrOf'' :: 'IndexedTraversal'' i s a -> (i -> a -> r -> r) -> r -> s -> r
+-- @
+ifoldrOf' :: IndexedGetting i (Dual (Endo (r -> r))) s a -> (i -> a -> r -> r) -> r -> s -> r
+ifoldrOf' l f z0 xs = ifoldlOf l f' id xs z0
+ where f' i k x z = k $! f i x z
+{-# INLINE ifoldrOf' #-}
+-- | Fold over the elements of a structure with an index, associating to the left, but /strictly/.
+-- When you don't need access to the index then 'foldlOf'' is more flexible in what it accepts.
+-- @
+-- 'foldlOf'' l ≡ 'ifoldlOf'' l '.' 'const'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'ifoldlOf'' :: 'IndexedGetter' i s a -> (i -> r -> a -> r) -> r -> s -> r
+-- 'ifoldlOf'' :: 'IndexedFold' i s a -> (i -> r -> a -> r) -> r -> s -> r
+-- 'ifoldlOf'' :: 'IndexedLens'' i s a -> (i -> r -> a -> r) -> r -> s -> r
+-- 'ifoldlOf'' :: 'IndexedTraversal'' i s a -> (i -> r -> a -> r) -> r -> s -> r
+-- @
+ifoldlOf' :: IndexedGetting i (Endo (r -> r)) s a -> (i -> r -> a -> r) -> r -> s -> r
+ifoldlOf' l f z0 xs = ifoldrOf l f' id xs z0
+ where f' i x k z = k $! f i z x
+{-# INLINE ifoldlOf' #-}
+-- | Monadic fold right over the elements of a structure with an index.
+-- When you don't need access to the index then 'foldrMOf' is more flexible in what it accepts.
+-- @
+-- 'foldrMOf' l ≡ 'ifoldrMOf' l '.' 'const'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'ifoldrMOf' :: 'Monad' m => 'IndexedGetter' i s a -> (i -> a -> r -> m r) -> r -> s -> m r
+-- 'ifoldrMOf' :: 'Monad' m => 'IndexedFold' i s a -> (i -> a -> r -> m r) -> r -> s -> m r
+-- 'ifoldrMOf' :: 'Monad' m => 'IndexedLens'' i s a -> (i -> a -> r -> m r) -> r -> s -> m r
+-- 'ifoldrMOf' :: 'Monad' m => 'IndexedTraversal'' i s a -> (i -> a -> r -> m r) -> r -> s -> m r
+-- @
+ifoldrMOf :: Monad m => IndexedGetting i (Dual (Endo (r -> m r))) s a -> (i -> a -> r -> m r) -> r -> s -> m r
+ifoldrMOf l f z0 xs = ifoldlOf l f' return xs z0
+ where f' i k x z = f i x z >>= k
+{-# INLINE ifoldrMOf #-}
+-- | Monadic fold over the elements of a structure with an index, associating to the left.
+-- When you don't need access to the index then 'foldlMOf' is more flexible in what it accepts.
+-- @
+-- 'foldlMOf' l ≡ 'ifoldlMOf' l '.' 'const'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'ifoldlMOf' :: 'Monad' m => 'IndexedGetter' i s a -> (i -> r -> a -> m r) -> r -> s -> m r
+-- 'ifoldlMOf' :: 'Monad' m => 'IndexedFold' i s a -> (i -> r -> a -> m r) -> r -> s -> m r
+-- 'ifoldlMOf' :: 'Monad' m => 'IndexedLens'' i s a -> (i -> r -> a -> m r) -> r -> s -> m r
+-- 'ifoldlMOf' :: 'Monad' m => 'IndexedTraversal'' i s a -> (i -> r -> a -> m r) -> r -> s -> m r
+-- @
+ifoldlMOf :: Monad m => IndexedGetting i (Endo (r -> m r)) s a -> (i -> r -> a -> m r) -> r -> s -> m r
+ifoldlMOf l f z0 xs = ifoldrOf l f' return xs z0
+ where f' i x k z = f i z x >>= k
+{-# INLINE ifoldlMOf #-}
+-- | Extract the key-value pairs from a structure.
+-- When you don't need access to the indices in the result, then 'toListOf' is more flexible in what it accepts.
+-- @
+-- 'toListOf' l ≡ 'map' 'snd' '.' 'itoListOf' l
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'itoListOf' :: 'IndexedGetter' i s a -> s -> [(i,a)]
+-- 'itoListOf' :: 'IndexedFold' i s a -> s -> [(i,a)]
+-- 'itoListOf' :: 'IndexedLens'' i s a -> s -> [(i,a)]
+-- 'itoListOf' :: 'IndexedTraversal'' i s a -> s -> [(i,a)]
+-- @
+itoListOf :: IndexedGetting i (Endo [(i,a)]) s a -> s -> [(i,a)]
+itoListOf l = ifoldrOf l (\i a -> ((i,a):)) []
+{-# INLINE itoListOf #-}
+-- | An infix version of 'itoListOf'.
+-- @
+-- ('^@..') :: s -> 'IndexedGetter' i s a -> [(i,a)]
+-- ('^@..') :: s -> 'IndexedFold' i s a -> [(i,a)]
+-- ('^@..') :: s -> 'IndexedLens'' i s a -> [(i,a)]
+-- ('^@..') :: s -> 'IndexedTraversal'' i s a -> [(i,a)]
+-- @
+(^@..) :: s -> IndexedGetting i (Endo [(i,a)]) s a -> [(i,a)]
+s ^@.. l = ifoldrOf l (\i a -> ((i,a):)) [] s
+{-# INLINE (^@..) #-}
+-- | Perform a safe 'head' (with index) of an 'IndexedFold' or 'IndexedTraversal' or retrieve 'Just' the index and result
+-- from an 'IndexedGetter' or 'IndexedLens'.
+-- When using a 'IndexedTraversal' as a partial 'IndexedLens', or an 'IndexedFold' as a partial 'IndexedGetter' this can be a convenient
+-- way to extract the optional value.
+-- @
+-- ('^@?') :: s -> 'IndexedGetter' i s a -> 'Maybe' (i, a)
+-- ('^@?') :: s -> 'IndexedFold' i s a -> 'Maybe' (i, a)
+-- ('^@?') :: s -> 'IndexedLens'' i s a -> 'Maybe' (i, a)
+-- ('^@?') :: s -> 'IndexedTraversal'' i s a -> 'Maybe' (i, a)
+-- @
+(^@?) :: s -> IndexedGetting i (Endo (Maybe (i, a))) s a -> Maybe (i, a)
+s ^@? l = ifoldrOf l (\i x _ -> Just (i,x)) Nothing s
+{-# INLINE (^@?) #-}
+-- | Perform an *UNSAFE* 'head' (with index) of an 'IndexedFold' or 'IndexedTraversal' assuming that it is there.
+-- @
+-- ('^@?!') :: s -> 'IndexedGetter' i s a -> (i, a)
+-- ('^@?!') :: s -> 'IndexedFold' i s a -> (i, a)
+-- ('^@?!') :: s -> 'IndexedLens'' i s a -> (i, a)
+-- ('^@?!') :: s -> 'IndexedTraversal'' i s a -> (i, a)
+-- @
+(^@?!) :: HasCallStack => s -> IndexedGetting i (Endo (i, a)) s a -> (i, a)
+s ^@?! l = ifoldrOf l (\i x _ -> (i,x)) (error "(^@?!): empty Fold") s
+{-# INLINE (^@?!) #-}
+-- | Retrieve the index of the first value targeted by a 'IndexedFold' or 'IndexedTraversal' which is equal to a given value.
+-- @
+-- 'Data.List.elemIndex' ≡ 'elemIndexOf' 'folded'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'elemIndexOf' :: 'Eq' a => 'IndexedFold' i s a -> a -> s -> 'Maybe' i
+-- 'elemIndexOf' :: 'Eq' a => 'IndexedTraversal'' i s a -> a -> s -> 'Maybe' i
+-- @
+elemIndexOf :: Eq a => IndexedGetting i (First i) s a -> a -> s -> Maybe i
+elemIndexOf l a = findIndexOf l (a ==)
+{-# INLINE elemIndexOf #-}
+-- | Retrieve the indices of the values targeted by a 'IndexedFold' or 'IndexedTraversal' which are equal to a given value.
+-- @
+-- 'Data.List.elemIndices' ≡ 'elemIndicesOf' 'folded'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'elemIndicesOf' :: 'Eq' a => 'IndexedFold' i s a -> a -> s -> [i]
+-- 'elemIndicesOf' :: 'Eq' a => 'IndexedTraversal'' i s a -> a -> s -> [i]
+-- @
+elemIndicesOf :: Eq a => IndexedGetting i (Endo [i]) s a -> a -> s -> [i]
+elemIndicesOf l a = findIndicesOf l (a ==)
+{-# INLINE elemIndicesOf #-}
+-- | Retrieve the index of the first value targeted by a 'IndexedFold' or 'IndexedTraversal' which satisfies a predicate.
+-- @
+-- 'Data.List.findIndex' ≡ 'findIndexOf' 'folded'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'findIndexOf' :: 'IndexedFold' i s a -> (a -> 'Bool') -> s -> 'Maybe' i
+-- 'findIndexOf' :: 'IndexedTraversal'' i s a -> (a -> 'Bool') -> s -> 'Maybe' i
+-- @
+findIndexOf :: IndexedGetting i (First i) s a -> (a -> Bool) -> s -> Maybe i
+findIndexOf l p = preview (l . filtered p . asIndex)
+{-# INLINE findIndexOf #-}
+-- | Retrieve the indices of the values targeted by a 'IndexedFold' or 'IndexedTraversal' which satisfy a predicate.
+-- @
+-- 'Data.List.findIndices' ≡ 'findIndicesOf' 'folded'
+-- @
+-- @
+-- 'findIndicesOf' :: 'IndexedFold' i s a -> (a -> 'Bool') -> s -> [i]
+-- 'findIndicesOf' :: 'IndexedTraversal'' i s a -> (a -> 'Bool') -> s -> [i]
+-- @
+findIndicesOf :: IndexedGetting i (Endo [i]) s a -> (a -> Bool) -> s -> [i]
+findIndicesOf l p = toListOf (l . filtered p . asIndex)
+{-# INLINE findIndicesOf #-}
+-- Converting to Folds
+-- | Filter an 'IndexedFold' or 'IndexedGetter', obtaining an 'IndexedFold'.
+-- >>> [0,0,0,5,5,5]^..traversed.ifiltered (\i a -> i <= a)
+-- [0,5,5,5]
+-- Compose with 'ifiltered' to filter another 'IndexedLens', 'IndexedIso', 'IndexedGetter', 'IndexedFold' (or 'IndexedTraversal') with
+-- access to both the value and the index.
+-- Note: As with 'filtered', this is /not/ a legal 'IndexedTraversal', unless you are very careful not to invalidate the predicate on the target!
+ifiltered :: (Indexable i p, Applicative f) => (i -> a -> Bool) -> Optical' p (Indexed i) f a a
+ifiltered p f = Indexed $ \i a -> if p i a then indexed f i a else pure a
+{-# INLINE ifiltered #-}
+-- | Obtain an 'IndexedFold' by taking elements from another
+-- 'IndexedFold', 'IndexedLens', 'IndexedGetter' or 'IndexedTraversal' while a predicate holds.
+-- @
+-- 'itakingWhile' :: (i -> a -> 'Bool') -> 'IndexedFold' i s a -> 'IndexedFold' i s a
+-- 'itakingWhile' :: (i -> a -> 'Bool') -> 'IndexedTraversal'' i s a -> 'IndexedFold' i s a
+-- 'itakingWhile' :: (i -> a -> 'Bool') -> 'IndexedLens'' i s a -> 'IndexedFold' i s a
+-- 'itakingWhile' :: (i -> a -> 'Bool') -> 'IndexedGetter' i s a -> 'IndexedFold' i s a
+-- @
+-- Note: Applying 'itakingWhile' to an 'IndexedLens' or 'IndexedTraversal' will still allow you to use it as a
+-- pseudo-'IndexedTraversal', but if you change the value of any target to one where the predicate returns
+-- 'False', then you will break the 'Traversal' laws and 'Traversal' fusion will no longer be sound.
+itakingWhile :: (Indexable i p, Profunctor q, Contravariant f, Applicative f)
+ => (i -> a -> Bool)
+ -> Optical' (Indexed i) q (Const (Endo (f s))) s a
+ -> Optical' p q f s a
+itakingWhile p l f = (flip appEndo noEffect .# getConst) `rmap` l g where
+ g = Indexed $ \i a -> Const . Endo $ if p i a then (indexed f i a *>) else const noEffect
+{-# INLINE itakingWhile #-}
+-- | Obtain an 'IndexedFold' by dropping elements from another 'IndexedFold', 'IndexedLens', 'IndexedGetter' or 'IndexedTraversal' while a predicate holds.
+-- @
+-- 'idroppingWhile' :: (i -> a -> 'Bool') -> 'IndexedFold' i s a -> 'IndexedFold' i s a
+-- 'idroppingWhile' :: (i -> a -> 'Bool') -> 'IndexedTraversal'' i s a -> 'IndexedFold' i s a -- see notes
+-- 'idroppingWhile' :: (i -> a -> 'Bool') -> 'IndexedLens'' i s a -> 'IndexedFold' i s a -- see notes
+-- 'idroppingWhile' :: (i -> a -> 'Bool') -> 'IndexedGetter' i s a -> 'IndexedFold' i s a
+-- @
+-- Note: As with `droppingWhile` applying 'idroppingWhile' to an 'IndexedLens' or 'IndexedTraversal' will still
+-- allow you to use it as a pseudo-'IndexedTraversal', but if you change the value of the first target to one
+-- where the predicate returns 'True', then you will break the 'Traversal' laws and 'Traversal' fusion will
+-- no longer be sound.
+idroppingWhile :: (Indexable i p, Profunctor q, Applicative f)
+ => (i -> a -> Bool)
+ -> Optical (Indexed i) q (Compose (State Bool) f) s t a a
+ -> Optical p q f s t a a
+idroppingWhile p l f = (flip evalState True .# getCompose) `rmap` l g where
+ g = Indexed $ \ i a -> Compose $ state $ \b -> let
+ b' = b && p i a
+ in (if b' then pure a else indexed f i a, b')
+{-# INLINE idroppingWhile #-}
+-- Misc.
+skip :: a -> ()
+skip _ = ()
+{-# INLINE skip #-}
+noEffect = undefined
+collect = undefined
+apDefault = undefined
+swap = undefined