path: root/testsuite/tests/arrows/should_run/arrowrun002.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/tests/arrows/should_run/arrowrun002.hs')
1 files changed, 225 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/arrows/should_run/arrowrun002.hs b/testsuite/tests/arrows/should_run/arrowrun002.hs
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+++ b/testsuite/tests/arrows/should_run/arrowrun002.hs
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+{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
+-- Homogeneous (or depth-preserving) functions over perfectly balanced trees.
+module Main where
+import Control.Arrow
+import Control.Category
+import Data.Complex
+import Prelude hiding (id, (.))
+infixr 4 :&:
+-- Consider the following non-regular type of perfectly balanced trees,
+-- or `powertrees' (cf Jayadev Misra's powerlists):
+data Pow a = Zero a | Succ (Pow (Pair a))
+ deriving Show
+type Pair a = (a, a)
+-- Here are some example elements:
+tree0 = Zero 1
+tree1 = Succ (Zero (1, 2))
+tree2 = Succ (Succ (Zero ((1, 2), (3, 4))))
+tree3 = Succ (Succ (Succ (Zero (((1, 2), (3, 4)), ((5, 6), (7, 8))))))
+-- The elements of this type have a string of constructors expressing
+-- a depth n as a Peano numeral, enclosing a nested pair tree of 2^n
+-- elements. The type definition ensures that all elements of this type
+-- are perfectly balanced binary trees of this form. (Such things arise
+-- in circuit design, eg Ruby, and descriptions of parallel algorithms.)
+-- And the type system will ensure that all legal programs preserve
+-- this structural invariant.
+-- The only problem is that the type constraint is too restrictive, rejecting
+-- many of the standard operations on these trees. Typically you want to
+-- split a tree into two subtrees, do some processing on the subtrees and
+-- combine the results. But the type system cannot discover that the two
+-- results are of the same depth (and thus combinable). We need a type
+-- that says a function preserves depth. Here it is:
+data Hom a b = (a -> b) :&: Hom (Pair a) (Pair b)
+-- A homogeneous (or depth-preserving) function is an infinite sequence of
+-- functions of type Pair^n a -> Pair^n b, one for each depth n. We can
+-- apply a homogeneous function to a powertree by selecting the function
+-- for the required depth:
+apply :: Hom a b -> Pow a -> Pow b
+apply (f :&: fs) (Zero x) = Zero (f x)
+apply (f :&: fs) (Succ t) = Succ (apply fs t)
+-- Having defined apply, we can forget about powertrees and do all our
+-- programming with Hom's. Firstly, Hom is an arrow:
+instance Category Hom where
+ id = id :&: id
+ (f :&: fs) . (g :&: gs) = (f . g) :&: (fs . gs)
+instance Arrow Hom where
+ arr f = f :&: arr (f *** f)
+ first (f :&: fs) =
+ first f :&: (arr transpose >>> first fs >>> arr transpose)
+transpose :: ((a,b), (c,d)) -> ((a,c), (b,d))
+transpose ((a,b), (c,d)) = ((a,c), (b,d))
+-- arr maps f over the leaves of a powertree.
+-- The composition >>> composes sequences of functions pairwise.
+-- The *** operator unriffles a powertree of pairs into a pair of powertrees,
+-- applies the appropriate function to each and riffles the results.
+-- It defines a categorical product for this arrow category.
+-- When describing algorithms, one often provides a pure function for the
+-- base case (trees of one element) and a (usually recursive) expression
+-- for trees of pairs.
+-- For example, a common divide-and-conquer pattern is the butterfly, where
+-- one recursive call processes the odd-numbered elements and the other
+-- processes the even ones (cf Geraint Jones and Mary Sheeran's Ruby papers):
+butterfly :: (Pair a -> Pair a) -> Hom a a
+butterfly f = id :&: proc (x, y) -> do
+ x' <- butterfly f -< x
+ y' <- butterfly f -< y
+ returnA -< f (x', y')
+-- The recursive calls operate on halves of the original tree, so the
+-- recursion is well-defined.
+-- Some examples of butterflies:
+rev :: Hom a a
+rev = butterfly swap
+ where swap (x, y) = (y, x)
+unriffle :: Hom (Pair a) (Pair a)
+unriffle = butterfly transpose
+-- Batcher's sorter for bitonic sequences:
+bisort :: Ord a => Hom a a
+bisort = butterfly cmp
+ where cmp (x, y) = (min x y, max x y)
+-- This can be used (with rev) as the merge phase of a merge sort.
+sort :: Ord a => Hom a a
+sort = id :&: proc (x, y) -> do
+ x' <- sort -< x
+ y' <- sort -< y
+ yr <- rev -< y'
+ p <- unriffle -< (x', yr)
+ bisort2 -< p
+ where _ :&: bisort2 = bisort
+-- Here is the scan operation, using the algorithm of Ladner and Fischer:
+scan :: (a -> a -> a) -> a -> Hom a a
+scan op b = id :&: proc (x, y) -> do
+ y' <- scan op b -< op x y
+ l <- rsh b -< y'
+ returnA -< (op l x, y')
+-- The auxiliary function rsh b shifts each element in the tree one place to
+-- the right, placing b in the now-vacant leftmost position, and discarding
+-- the old rightmost element:
+rsh :: a -> Hom a a
+rsh b = const b :&: proc (x, y) -> do
+ w <- rsh b -< y
+ returnA -< (w, x)
+-- Finally, here is the Fast Fourier Transform:
+type C = Complex Double
+fft :: Hom C C
+fft = id :&: proc (x, y) -> do
+ x' <- fft -< x
+ y' <- fft -< y
+ r <- roots (-1) -< ()
+ let z = r*y'
+ unriffle -< (x' + z, x' - z)
+-- The auxiliary function roots r (where r is typically a root of unity)
+-- populates a tree of size n (necessarily a power of 2) with the values
+-- 1, w, w^2, ..., w^(n-1), where w^n = r.
+roots :: C -> Hom () C
+roots r = const 1 :&: proc _ -> do
+ x <- roots r' -< ()
+ unriffle -< (x, x*r')
+ where r' = if imagPart s >= 0 then -s else s
+ s = sqrt r
+-- Miscellaneous functions:
+rrot :: Hom a a
+rrot = id :&: proc (x, y) -> do
+ w <- rrot -< y
+ returnA -< (w, x)
+ilv :: Hom a a -> Hom (Pair a) (Pair a)
+ilv f = proc (x, y) -> do
+ x' <- f -< x
+ y' <- f -< y
+ returnA -< (x', y')
+scan' :: (a -> a -> a) -> a -> Hom a a
+scan' op b = proc x -> do
+ l <- rsh b -< x
+ (id :&: ilv (scan' op b)) -< op l x
+riffle :: Hom (Pair a) (Pair a)
+riffle = id :&: proc ((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) -> do
+ x <- riffle -< (x1, x2)
+ y <- riffle -< (y1, y2)
+ returnA -< (x, y)
+invert :: Hom a a
+invert = id :&: proc (x, y) -> do
+ x' <- invert -< x
+ y' <- invert -< y
+ unriffle -< (x', y')
+carryLookaheadAdder :: Hom (Bool, Bool) Bool
+carryLookaheadAdder = proc (x, y) -> do
+ carryOut <- rsh (Just False) -<
+ if x == y then Just x else Nothing
+ Just carryIn <- scan plusMaybe Nothing -< carryOut
+ returnA -< x `xor` y `xor` carryIn
+ where plusMaybe x Nothing = x
+ plusMaybe x (Just y) = Just y
+ False `xor` b = b
+ True `xor` b = not b
+-- Global conditional for SIMD
+ifAll :: Hom a b -> Hom a b -> Hom (a, Bool) b
+ifAll fs gs = ifAllAux snd (arr fst >>> fs) (arr fst >>> gs)
+ where ifAllAux :: (a -> Bool) -> Hom a b -> Hom a b -> Hom a b
+ ifAllAux p (f :&: fs) (g :&: gs) =
+ liftIf p f g :&: ifAllAux (liftAnd p) fs gs
+ liftIf p f g x = if p x then f x else g x
+ liftAnd p (x, y) = p x && p y
+maybeAll :: Hom a c -> Hom (a, b) c -> Hom (a, Maybe b) c
+maybeAll (n :&: ns) (j :&: js) =
+ choose :&: (arr dist >>> maybeAll ns (arr transpose >>> js))
+ where choose (a, Nothing) = n a
+ choose (a, Just b) = j (a, b)
+ dist ((a1, b1), (a2, b2)) = ((a1, a2), zipMaybe b1 b2)
+ zipMaybe (Just x) (Just y) = Just (x, y)
+ zipMaybe _ _ = Nothing
+main = do
+ print (apply rev tree3)
+ print (apply invert tree3)
+ print (apply (invert >>> sort) tree3)
+ print (apply (scan (+) 0) tree3)