path: root/rts/RetainerSet.h
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diff --git a/rts/RetainerSet.h b/rts/RetainerSet.h
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index 0000000000..6a00e1395e
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+++ b/rts/RetainerSet.h
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+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * (c) The GHC Team, 2001
+ * Author: Sungwoo Park
+ *
+ * Retainer set interface for retainer profiling.
+ *
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include <stdio.h>
+ Type 'retainer' defines the retainer identity.
+ Invariant:
+ 1. The retainer identity of a given retainer cannot change during
+ program execution, no matter where it is actually stored.
+ For instance, the memory address of a retainer cannot be used as
+ its retainer identity because its location may change during garbage
+ collections.
+ 2. Type 'retainer' must come with comparison operations as well as
+ an equality operation. That it, <, >, and == must be supported -
+ this is necessary to store retainers in a sorted order in retainer sets.
+ Therefore, you cannot use a huge structure type as 'retainer', for instance.
+ We illustrate three possibilities of defining 'retainer identity'.
+ Choose one of the following three compiler directives:
+ Retainer scheme 1 (RETAINER_SCHEME_INFO) : retainer = info table
+ Retainer scheme 2 (RETAINER_SCHEME_CCS) : retainer = cost centre stack
+ Retainer scheme 3 (RETAINER_SCHEME_CC) : retainer = cost centre
+struct _StgInfoTable;
+typedef struct _StgInfoTable *retainer;
+typedef CostCentreStack *retainer;
+typedef CostCentre *retainer;
+ Type 'retainerSet' defines an abstract datatype for sets of retainers.
+ Invariants:
+ A retainer set stores its elements in increasing order (in element[] array).
+ */
+typedef struct _RetainerSet {
+ nat num; // number of elements
+ StgWord hashKey; // hash key for this retainer set
+ struct _RetainerSet *link; // link to the next retainer set in the bucket
+ int id; // unique id of this retainer set (used when printing)
+ // Its absolute value is interpreted as its true id; if id is
+ // negative, it indicates that this retainer set has had a postive
+ // cost after some retainer profiling.
+ retainer element[0]; // elements of this retainer set
+ // do not put anything below here!
+} RetainerSet;
+ Note:
+ There are two ways of maintaining all retainer sets. The first is simply by
+ freeing all the retainer sets and re-initialize the hash table at each
+ retainer profiling. The second is by setting the cost field of each
+ retainer set. The second is preferred to the first if most retainer sets
+ are likely to be observed again during the next retainer profiling. Note
+ that in the first approach, we do not free the memory allocated for
+ retainer sets; we just invalidate all retainer sets.
+ */
+// In thise case, FIRST_APPROACH must be turned on because the memory pool
+// for retainer sets is freed each time.
+// #define FIRST_APPROACH
+// Creates the first pool and initializes a hash table. Frees all pools if any.
+void initializeAllRetainerSet(void);
+// Refreshes all pools for reuse and initializes a hash table.
+void refreshAllRetainerSet(void);
+// Frees all pools.
+void closeAllRetainerSet(void);
+// Finds or creates if needed a singleton retainer set.
+RetainerSet *singleton(retainer r);
+extern RetainerSet rs_MANY;
+// Checks if a given retainer is a memeber of the retainer set.
+// Note & (maybe) Todo:
+// This function needs to be declared as an inline function, so it is declared
+// as an inline static function here.
+// This make the interface really bad, but isMember() returns a value, so
+// it is not easy either to write it as a macro (due to my lack of C
+// programming experience). Sungwoo
+// rtsBool isMember(retainer, retainerSet *);
+ Returns rtsTrue if r is a member of *rs.
+ Invariants:
+ rs is not NULL.
+ Note:
+ The efficiency of this function is subject to the typical size of
+ retainer sets. If it is small, linear scan is better. If it
+ is large in most cases, binary scan is better.
+ The current implementation mixes the two search strategies.
+ */
+isMember(retainer r, RetainerSet *rs)
+ int i, left, right; // must be int, not nat (because -1 can appear)
+ retainer ri;
+ if (rs == &rs_MANY) { return rtsTrue; }
+ if (rs->num < BINARY_SEARCH_THRESHOLD) {
+ for (i = 0; i < (int)rs->num; i++) {
+ ri = rs->element[i];
+ if (r == ri) return rtsTrue;
+ else if (r < ri) return rtsFalse;
+ }
+ } else {
+ left = 0;
+ right = rs->num - 1;
+ while (left <= right) {
+ i = (left + right) / 2;
+ ri = rs->element[i];
+ if (r == ri) return rtsTrue;
+ else if (r < ri) right = i - 1;
+ else left = i + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return rtsFalse;
+// Finds or creates a retainer set augmented with a new retainer.
+RetainerSet *addElement(retainer, RetainerSet *);
+// Call f() for each retainer set.
+void traverseAllRetainerSet(void (*f)(RetainerSet *));
+// Prints a single retainer set.
+void printRetainerSetShort(FILE *, RetainerSet *);
+// Print the statistics on all the retainer sets.
+// store the sum of all costs and the number of all retainer sets.
+void outputRetainerSet(FILE *, nat *, nat *);
+// Print all retainer sets at the exit of the program.
+void outputAllRetainerSet(FILE *);
+// Hashing functions
+ Invariants:
+ Once either initializeAllRetainerSet() or refreshAllRetainerSet()
+ is called, there exists only one copy of any retainer set created
+ through singleton() and addElement(). The pool (the storage for
+ retainer sets) is consumed linearly. All the retainer sets of the
+ same hash function value are linked together from an element in
+ hashTable[]. See the invariants of allocateInPool() for the
+ maximum size of retainer sets. The hashing function is defined by
+ hashKeySingleton() and hashKeyAddElement(). The hash key for a set
+ must be unique regardless of the order its elements are inserted,
+ i.e., the hashing function must be additive(?).
+#define hashKeySingleton(r) ((StgWord)(r))
+#define hashKeyAddElement(r, s) (hashKeySingleton((r)) + (s)->hashKey)
+// Prints the full information on a given retainer.
+// Note: This function is not part of retainerSet interface, but this is
+// the best place to define it.
+void printRetainer(FILE *, retainer);
+#endif /* PROFILING */
+#endif /* RETAINERSET_H */