path: root/hadrian/src/Hadrian/Oracles/TextFile.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'hadrian/src/Hadrian/Oracles/TextFile.hs')
1 files changed, 123 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/hadrian/src/Hadrian/Oracles/TextFile.hs b/hadrian/src/Hadrian/Oracles/TextFile.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6d4f048c7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hadrian/src/Hadrian/Oracles/TextFile.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+-- |
+-- Module : Hadrian.Oracles.TextFile
+-- Copyright : (c) Andrey Mokhov 2014-2017
+-- License : MIT (see the file LICENSE)
+-- Maintainer :
+-- Stability : experimental
+-- Read and parse text files, tracking their contents. This oracle can be used
+-- to read configuration or package metadata files and cache the parsing.
+module Hadrian.Oracles.TextFile (
+ readTextFile, lookupValue, lookupValueOrEmpty, lookupValueOrError,
+ lookupValues, lookupValuesOrEmpty, lookupValuesOrError, lookupDependencies,
+ readCabalFile, textFileOracle
+ ) where
+import Control.Monad
+import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
+import Data.Maybe
+import Development.Shake
+import Development.Shake.Classes
+import Development.Shake.Config
+import Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Parse
+import Hadrian.Utilities
+newtype TextFile = TextFile FilePath
+ deriving (Binary, Eq, Hashable, NFData, Show, Typeable)
+type instance RuleResult TextFile = String
+newtype CabalFile = CabalFile FilePath
+ deriving (Binary, Eq, Hashable, NFData, Show, Typeable)
+type instance RuleResult CabalFile = Cabal
+newtype KeyValue = KeyValue (FilePath, String)
+ deriving (Binary, Eq, Hashable, NFData, Show, Typeable)
+type instance RuleResult KeyValue = Maybe String
+newtype KeyValues = KeyValues (FilePath, String)
+ deriving (Binary, Eq, Hashable, NFData, Show, Typeable)
+type instance RuleResult KeyValues = Maybe [String]
+-- | Read a text file, caching and tracking the result. To read and track
+-- individual lines of a text file use 'lookupValue' and its derivatives.
+readTextFile :: FilePath -> Action String
+readTextFile = askOracle . TextFile
+-- | Lookup a value in a text file, tracking the result. Each line of the file
+-- is expected to have @key = value@ format.
+lookupValue :: FilePath -> String -> Action (Maybe String)
+lookupValue file key = askOracle $ KeyValue (file, key)
+-- | Like 'lookupValue' but returns the empty string if the key is not found.
+lookupValueOrEmpty :: FilePath -> String -> Action String
+lookupValueOrEmpty file key = fromMaybe "" <$> lookupValue file key
+-- | Like 'lookupValue' but raises an error if the key is not found.
+lookupValueOrError :: FilePath -> String -> Action String
+lookupValueOrError file key = fromMaybe (error msg) <$> lookupValue file key
+ where
+ msg = "Key " ++ quote key ++ " not found in file " ++ quote file
+-- | Lookup a list of values in a text file, tracking the result. Each line of
+-- the file is expected to have @key value1 value2 ...@ format.
+lookupValues :: FilePath -> String -> Action (Maybe [String])
+lookupValues file key = askOracle $ KeyValues (file, key)
+-- | Like 'lookupValues' but returns the empty list if the key is not found.
+lookupValuesOrEmpty :: FilePath -> String -> Action [String]
+lookupValuesOrEmpty file key = fromMaybe [] <$> lookupValues file key
+-- | Like 'lookupValues' but raises an error if the key is not found.
+lookupValuesOrError :: FilePath -> String -> Action [String]
+lookupValuesOrError file key = fromMaybe (error msg) <$> lookupValues file key
+ where
+ msg = "Key " ++ quote key ++ " not found in file " ++ quote file
+-- | The 'Action' @lookupDependencies depFile file@ looks up dependencies of a
+-- @file@ in a (typically generated) dependency file @depFile@. The action
+-- returns a pair @(source, files)@, such that the @file@ can be produced by
+-- compiling @source@, which in turn also depends on a number of other @files@.
+lookupDependencies :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Action (FilePath, [FilePath])
+lookupDependencies depFile file = do
+ deps <- lookupValues depFile file
+ case deps of
+ Nothing -> error $ "No dependencies found for file " ++ quote file
+ Just [] -> error $ "No source file found for file " ++ quote file
+ Just (source : files) -> return (source, files)
+-- | Read and parse a @.cabal@ file, caching and tracking the result.
+readCabalFile :: FilePath -> Action Cabal
+readCabalFile = askOracle . CabalFile
+-- | This oracle reads and parses text files to answer 'readTextFile' and
+-- 'lookupValue' queries, as well as their derivatives, tracking the results.
+textFileOracle :: Rules ()
+textFileOracle = do
+ text <- newCache $ \file -> do
+ need [file]
+ putLoud $ "| TextFile oracle: reading " ++ quote file ++ "..."
+ liftIO $ readFile file
+ void $ addOracle $ \(TextFile file) -> text file
+ kv <- newCache $ \file -> do
+ need [file]
+ putLoud $ "| KeyValue oracle: reading " ++ quote file ++ "..."
+ liftIO $ readConfigFile file
+ void $ addOracle $ \(KeyValue (file, key)) -> Map.lookup key <$> kv file
+ kvs <- newCache $ \file -> do
+ need [file]
+ putLoud $ "| KeyValues oracle: reading " ++ quote file ++ "..."
+ contents <- map words <$> readFileLines file
+ return $ Map.fromList [ (key, values) | (key:values) <- contents ]
+ void $ addOracle $ \(KeyValues (file, key)) -> Map.lookup key <$> kvs file
+ cabal <- newCache $ \file -> do
+ need [file]
+ putLoud $ "| CabalFile oracle: reading " ++ quote file ++ "..."
+ liftIO $ parseCabal file
+ void $ addOracle $ \(CabalFile file) -> cabal file