path: root/ghc/lib/prelude/PS.lhs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ghc/lib/prelude/PS.lhs')
1 files changed, 681 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/lib/prelude/PS.lhs b/ghc/lib/prelude/PS.lhs
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index 0000000000..e5891b1075
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/lib/prelude/PS.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,681 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1994
+\section[PrelPS]{Packed strings}
+This sits on top of the sequencing/arrays world, notably @ByteArray#@s.
+Glorious hacking (all the hard work) by Bryan O'Sullivan.
+module PreludePS{-yes, a Prelude module!-} (
+ _packString,
+ _packStringST,
+ _packCString,
+ _packCBytes,
+ _packCBytesST,
+ _packStringForC,
+ _packBytesForC,
+ _packBytesForCST,
+ _nilPS,
+ _consPS,
+--OLD: packString#,
+--OLD: packToCString,
+ _byteArrayToPS,
+ _unsafeByteArrayToPS,
+ _psToByteArray,
+ _unpackPS,
+ unpackPS#,
+-- toCString,
+ _putPS,
+ _headPS,
+ _tailPS,
+ _nullPS,
+ _appendPS,
+ _lengthPS,
+ _indexPS,
+ _mapPS,
+ _filterPS,
+ _foldlPS,
+ _foldrPS,
+ _takePS,
+ _dropPS,
+ _splitAtPS,
+ _takeWhilePS,
+ _dropWhilePS,
+ _spanPS,
+ _breakPS,
+ _linesPS,
+ _wordsPS,
+ _reversePS,
+ _concatPS,
+ _substrPS,
+--??? _hashPS,
+ -- to make interface self-sufficient
+ _PackedString, -- abstract!
+ ) where
+import PreludeGlaST
+import Stdio ( _FILE )
+import TyArray ( _ByteArray(..) )
+import Cls
+import Core
+import IChar
+import IList
+import IInt
+import Prel ( otherwise, (&&), (||), chr, ($), not, (.), isSpace, flip )
+import List ( length, (++), map, filter, foldl, foldr,
+ lines, words, reverse, null, foldr1
+ )
+import TyArray ( Array(..) )
+import Text
+%* *
+\subsection{@_PackedString@ type declaration and interface (signatures)}
+%* *
+The things we want:
+data _PackedString
+ = _PS ByteArray# -- the bytes
+ Int# -- length (*not* including NUL at the end)
+ Bool -- True <=> contains a NUL
+ | _CPS Addr# -- pointer to the (null-terminated) bytes in C land
+ Int# -- length, as per strlen
+ -- definitely doesn't contain a NUL
+_packString :: [Char] -> _PackedString
+_packStringST :: [Char] -> _ST s _PackedString
+_packCString :: _Addr -> _PackedString
+_packCBytes :: Int -> _Addr -> _PackedString
+_packCBytesST :: Int -> _Addr -> _ST s _PackedString
+_packStringForC :: [Char] -> ByteArray# -- calls injected by compiler
+_packBytesForC :: [Char] -> _ByteArray Int
+_packBytesForCST :: [Char] -> _ST s (_ByteArray Int)
+_nilPS :: _PackedString
+_consPS :: Char -> _PackedString -> _PackedString
+_byteArrayToPS :: _ByteArray Int -> _PackedString
+_psToByteArray :: _PackedString -> _ByteArray Int
+--OLD: packString# :: [Char] -> ByteArray#
+--OLD: packToCString :: [Char] -> _ByteArray Int -- hmmm... weird name
+_unpackPS :: _PackedString -> [Char]
+unpackPS# :: Addr# -> [Char] -- calls injected by compiler
+--???toCString :: _PackedString -> ByteArray#
+_putPS :: _FILE -> _PackedString -> PrimIO () -- ToDo: more sensible type
+_headPS :: _PackedString -> Char
+_tailPS :: _PackedString -> _PackedString
+_nullPS :: _PackedString -> Bool
+_appendPS :: _PackedString -> _PackedString -> _PackedString
+_lengthPS :: _PackedString -> Int
+_indexPS :: _PackedString -> Int -> Char
+ -- 0-origin indexing into the string
+_mapPS :: (Char -> Char) -> _PackedString -> _PackedString {-or String?-}
+_filterPS :: (Char -> Bool) -> _PackedString -> _PackedString {-or String?-}
+_foldlPS :: (a -> Char -> a) -> a -> _PackedString -> a
+_foldrPS :: (Char -> a -> a) -> a -> _PackedString -> a
+_takePS :: Int -> _PackedString -> _PackedString
+_dropPS :: Int -> _PackedString -> _PackedString
+_splitAtPS :: Int -> _PackedString -> (_PackedString, _PackedString)
+_takeWhilePS:: (Char -> Bool) -> _PackedString -> _PackedString
+_dropWhilePS:: (Char -> Bool) -> _PackedString -> _PackedString
+_spanPS :: (Char -> Bool) -> _PackedString -> (_PackedString, _PackedString)
+_breakPS :: (Char -> Bool) -> _PackedString -> (_PackedString, _PackedString)
+_linesPS :: _PackedString -> [_PackedString]
+_wordsPS :: _PackedString -> [_PackedString]
+_reversePS :: _PackedString -> _PackedString
+_concatPS :: [_PackedString] -> _PackedString
+_substrPS :: _PackedString -> Int -> Int -> _PackedString
+ -- pluck out a piece of a _PS
+ -- start and end chars you want; both 0-origin-specified
+--??? _hashPS :: _PackedString -> Int -> Int
+ -- use the _PS to produce a hash value between 0 & m (inclusive)
+%* *
+\subsection{Constructor functions}
+%* *
+Easy ones first. @_packString@ requires getting some heap-bytes and
+scribbling stuff into them.
+_packCString (A# a#) -- the easy one; we just believe the caller
+ = _CPS a# len
+ where
+ len = case (strlen# a#) of { I# x -> x }
+_nilPS = _CPS ""# 0#
+_consPS c cs = _packString (c : (_unpackPS cs)) -- ToDo:better
+_packStringForC str
+ = case (_packString str) of
+ _PS bytes _ _ -> bytes
+_packBytesForC str
+ = _psToByteArray (_packString str)
+_packBytesForCST str
+ = _packStringST str `thenStrictlyST` \ (_PS bytes n has_null) ->
+ --later? ASSERT(not has_null)
+ returnStrictlyST (_ByteArray (0, I# (n -# 1#)) bytes)
+_packString str = _runST (_packStringST str)
+_packStringST str
+ = let len = length str in
+ pack_me len str
+ where
+ pack_me :: Int -> [Char] -> _ST s _PackedString
+ pack_me len@(I# length#) str
+ = -- allocate an array that will hold the string
+ -- (not forgetting the NUL byte at the end)
+ new_ps_array (length# +# 1#) `thenStrictlyST` \ ch_array ->
+ -- fill in packed string from "str"
+ fill_in ch_array 0# str `seqStrictlyST`
+ -- freeze the puppy:
+ freeze_ps_array ch_array `thenStrictlyST` \ (_ByteArray _ frozen#) ->
+ let has_null = byteArrayHasNUL# frozen# length# in
+ returnStrictlyST (_PS frozen# length# has_null)
+ where
+ fill_in :: _MutableByteArray s Int -> Int# -> [Char] -> _ST s ()
+ fill_in arr_in# idx []
+ = write_ps_array arr_in# idx (chr# 0#) `seqStrictlyST`
+ returnStrictlyST ()
+ fill_in arr_in# idx (C# c : cs)
+ = write_ps_array arr_in# idx c `seqStrictlyST`
+ fill_in arr_in# (idx +# 1#) cs
+_packCBytes len addr = _runST (_packCBytesST len addr)
+_packCBytesST len@(I# length#) (A# addr)
+ = -- allocate an array that will hold the string
+ -- (not forgetting the NUL byte at the end)
+ new_ps_array (length# +# 1#) `thenStrictlyST` \ ch_array ->
+ -- fill in packed string from "addr"
+ fill_in ch_array 0# `seqStrictlyST`
+ -- freeze the puppy:
+ freeze_ps_array ch_array `thenStrictlyST` \ (_ByteArray _ frozen#) ->
+ let has_null = byteArrayHasNUL# frozen# length# in
+ returnStrictlyST (_PS frozen# length# has_null)
+ where
+ fill_in :: _MutableByteArray s Int -> Int# -> _ST s ()
+ fill_in arr_in# idx
+ | idx ==# length#
+ = write_ps_array arr_in# idx (chr# 0#) `seqStrictlyST`
+ returnStrictlyST ()
+ | otherwise
+ = case (indexCharOffAddr# addr idx) of { ch ->
+ write_ps_array arr_in# idx ch `seqStrictlyST`
+ fill_in arr_in# (idx +# 1#) }
+_byteArrayToPS (_ByteArray ixs@(_, ix_end) frozen#)
+ = let
+ n# = case (
+ if null (range ixs)
+ then 0
+ else ((index ixs ix_end) + 1)
+ ) of { I# x -> x }
+ in
+ _PS frozen# n# (byteArrayHasNUL# frozen# n#)
+_unsafeByteArrayToPS (_ByteArray _ frozen#) (I# n#)
+ = _PS frozen# n# (byteArrayHasNUL# frozen# n#)
+_psToByteArray (_PS bytes n has_null)
+ = _ByteArray (0, I# (n -# 1#)) bytes
+_psToByteArray (_CPS addr len#)
+ = let
+ len = I# len#
+ byte_array_form = _packCBytes len (A# addr)
+ in
+ case byte_array_form of { _PS bytes _ _ ->
+ _ByteArray (0, len - 1) bytes }
+%* *
+\subsection{Destructor functions (taking @_PackedStrings@ apart)}
+%* *
+unpackPS# addr -- calls injected by compiler
+ = _unpackPS (_CPS addr len)
+ where
+ len = case (strlen# addr) of { I# x -> x }
+-- OK, but this code gets *hammered*:
+-- _unpackPS ps
+-- = [ _indexPS ps n | n <- [ 0::Int .. _lengthPS ps - 1 ] ]
+_unpackPS (_PS bytes len has_null)
+ = unpack 0#
+ where
+ unpack nh
+ | nh >=# len = []
+ | otherwise = C# ch : unpack (nh +# 1#)
+ where
+ ch = indexCharArray# bytes nh
+_unpackPS (_CPS addr len)
+ = unpack 0#
+ where
+ unpack nh
+ | ch `eqChar#` '\0'# = []
+ | otherwise = C# ch : unpack (nh +# 1#)
+ where
+ ch = indexCharOffAddr# addr nh
+_putPS file ps@(_PS bytes len has_null)
+ | len ==# 0#
+ = returnPrimIO ()
+ | otherwise
+ = let
+ byte_array = _ByteArray (0, I# (len -# 1#)) bytes
+ in
+ _ccall_ fwrite byte_array (1::Int){-size-} (I# len) file
+ `thenPrimIO` \ (I# written) ->
+ if written ==# len then
+ returnPrimIO ()
+ else
+ error "_putPS: fwrite failed!\n"
+_putPS file (_CPS addr len)
+ | len ==# 0#
+ = returnPrimIO ()
+ | otherwise
+ = _ccall_ fputs (A# addr) file `thenPrimIO` \ (I# _){-force type-} ->
+ returnPrimIO ()
+%* *
+\subsection{List-mimicking functions for @_PackedStrings@}
+%* *
+First, the basic functions that do look into the representation;
+@indexPS@ is the most important one.
+_lengthPS ps = I# (lengthPS# ps)
+{-# INLINE lengthPS# #-}
+lengthPS# (_PS _ i _) = i
+lengthPS# (_CPS _ i) = i
+{-# INLINE strlen# #-}
+strlen# :: Addr# -> Int
+strlen# a
+ = unsafePerformPrimIO (
+ _ccall_ strlen (A# a) `thenPrimIO` \ len@(I# _) ->
+ returnPrimIO len
+ )
+byteArrayHasNUL# :: ByteArray# -> Int#{-length-} -> Bool
+byteArrayHasNUL# bs len
+ = unsafePerformPrimIO (
+ _ccall_ byteArrayHasNUL__ ba (I# len) `thenPrimIO` \ (I# res) ->
+ returnPrimIO (
+ if res ==# 0# then False else True
+ ))
+ where
+ ba = _ByteArray (0, I# (len -# 1#)) bs
+_indexPS ps (I# n) = C# (indexPS# ps n)
+{-# INLINE indexPS# #-}
+indexPS# (_PS bs i _) n
+ = --ASSERT (n >=# 0# && n <# i) -- error checking: my eye! (WDP 94/10)
+ indexCharArray# bs n
+indexPS# (_CPS a _) n
+ = indexCharOffAddr# a n
+Now, the rest of the functions can be defined without digging
+around in the representation.
+_headPS ps
+ | _nullPS ps = error "_headPS: head []"
+ | otherwise = C# (indexPS# ps 0#)
+_tailPS ps
+ | len <=# 0# = error "_tailPS: tail []"
+ | len ==# 1# = _nilPS
+ | otherwise = substrPS# ps 1# (len -# 1#)
+ where
+ len = lengthPS# ps
+_nullPS (_PS _ i _) = i ==# 0#
+_nullPS (_CPS _ i) = i ==# 0#
+-- ToDo: some non-lousy implementations...
+_appendPS xs ys
+ | _nullPS xs = ys
+ | _nullPS ys = xs
+ | otherwise = _packString (_unpackPS xs ++ _unpackPS ys)
+_mapPS f xs = _packString (map f (_unpackPS xs))
+_filterPS p ps = _packString (filter p (_unpackPS ps))
+_foldlPS f b ps = foldl f b (_unpackPS ps)
+_foldrPS f b ps = foldr f b (_unpackPS ps)
+_takePS (I# n) ps = substrPS# ps 0# (n -# 1#)
+_dropPS (I# n) ps = substrPS# ps n (lengthPS# ps -# 1#)
+_splitAtPS n ps = (_takePS n ps, _dropPS n ps)
+_takeWhilePS pred ps
+ = let
+ break_pt = char_pos_that_dissatisfies
+ (\ c -> pred (C# c))
+ ps
+ (lengthPS# ps)
+ 0#
+ in
+ substrPS# ps 0# (break_pt -# 1#)
+_dropWhilePS pred ps
+ = let
+ len = lengthPS# ps
+ break_pt = char_pos_that_dissatisfies
+ (\ c -> pred (C# c))
+ ps
+ len
+ 0#
+ in
+ substrPS# ps break_pt (len -# 1#)
+char_pos_that_dissatisfies :: (Char# -> Bool) -> _PackedString -> Int# -> Int# -> Int#
+char_pos_that_dissatisfies p ps len pos
+ | pos >=# len = pos -- end
+ | p (indexPS# ps pos) = -- predicate satisfied; keep going
+ char_pos_that_dissatisfies p ps len (pos +# 1#)
+ | otherwise = pos -- predicate not satisfied
+char_pos_that_dissatisfies p ps len pos -- dead code: HACK to avoid badly-typed error msg
+ = 0#
+-- ToDo: could certainly go quicker
+_spanPS p ps = (_takeWhilePS p ps, _dropWhilePS p ps)
+_breakPS p ps = _spanPS (not . p) ps
+_linesPS ps = map _packString (lines (_unpackPS ps))
+_wordsPS ps = map _packString (words (_unpackPS ps))
+_reversePS ps = _packString (reverse (_unpackPS ps))
+_concatPS [] = _nilPS
+_concatPS pss
+ = let
+ tot_len# = case (foldr ((+) . _lengthPS) 0 pss) of { I# x -> x }
+ tot_len = I# tot_len#
+ in
+ _runST (
+ new_ps_array (tot_len# +# 1#) `thenStrictlyST` \ arr# -> -- incl NUL byte!
+ packum arr# pss 0# `seqStrictlyST`
+ freeze_ps_array arr# `thenStrictlyST` \ (_ByteArray _ frozen#) ->
+ let has_null = byteArrayHasNUL# frozen# tot_len# in
+ returnStrictlyST (_PS frozen# tot_len# has_null)
+ )
+ where
+ packum :: _MutableByteArray s Int -> [_PackedString] -> Int# -> _ST s ()
+ packum arr [] pos
+ = write_ps_array arr pos (chr# 0#) `seqStrictlyST`
+ returnStrictlyST ()
+ packum arr (ps : pss) pos
+ = fill arr pos ps 0# (lengthPS# ps) `thenStrictlyST` \ (I# next_pos) ->
+ packum arr pss next_pos
+ fill :: _MutableByteArray s Int -> Int# -> _PackedString -> Int# -> Int# -> _ST s Int
+ fill arr arr_i ps ps_i ps_len
+ | ps_i ==# ps_len
+ = returnStrictlyST (I# (arr_i +# ps_len))
+ | otherwise
+ = write_ps_array arr (arr_i +# ps_i) (indexPS# ps ps_i) `seqStrictlyST`
+ fill arr arr_i ps (ps_i +# 1#) ps_len
+%* *
+\subsection{Instances for @_PackedStrings@: @Eq@, @Ord@, @Text@}
+%* *
+instance Eq _PackedString where
+ a == b = case _tagCmpPS a b of { _LT -> False; _EQ -> True; _GT -> False }
+ a /= b = case _tagCmpPS a b of { _LT -> True; _EQ -> False; _GT -> True }
+instance Ord _PackedString where
+ a <= b = case _tagCmpPS a b of { _LT -> True; _EQ -> True; _GT -> False }
+ a < b = case _tagCmpPS a b of { _LT -> True; _EQ -> False; _GT -> False }
+ a >= b = case _tagCmpPS a b of { _LT -> False; _EQ -> True; _GT -> True }
+ a > b = case _tagCmpPS a b of { _LT -> False; _EQ -> False; _GT -> True }
+ _tagCmp a b = _tagCmpPS a b
+We try hard to make this go fast:
+_tagCmpPS :: _PackedString -> _PackedString -> _CMP_TAG
+_tagCmpPS (_PS bs1 len1 has_null1) (_PS bs2 len2 has_null2)
+ | not has_null1 && not has_null2
+ = unsafePerformPrimIO (
+ _ccall_ strcmp ba1 ba2 `thenPrimIO` \ (I# res) ->
+ returnPrimIO (
+ if res <# 0# then _LT
+ else if res ==# 0# then _EQ
+ else _GT
+ ))
+ where
+ ba1 = _ByteArray (0, I# (len1 -# 1#)) bs1
+ ba2 = _ByteArray (0, I# (len2 -# 1#)) bs2
+_tagCmpPS (_PS bs1 len1 has_null1) (_CPS bs2 len2)
+ | not has_null1
+ = unsafePerformPrimIO (
+ _ccall_ strcmp ba1 ba2 `thenPrimIO` \ (I# res) ->
+ returnPrimIO (
+ if res <# 0# then _LT
+ else if res ==# 0# then _EQ
+ else _GT
+ ))
+ where
+ ba1 = _ByteArray (0, I# (len1 -# 1#)) bs1
+ ba2 = A# bs2
+_tagCmpPS (_CPS bs1 len1) (_CPS bs2 len2)
+ = unsafePerformPrimIO (
+ _ccall_ strcmp ba1 ba2 `thenPrimIO` \ (I# res) ->
+ returnPrimIO (
+ if res <# 0# then _LT
+ else if res ==# 0# then _EQ
+ else _GT
+ ))
+ where
+ ba1 = A# bs1
+ ba2 = A# bs2
+_tagCmpPS a@(_CPS _ _) b@(_PS _ _ has_null2)
+ | not has_null2
+ = -- try them the other way 'round
+ case (_tagCmpPS b a) of { _LT -> _GT; _EQ -> _EQ; _GT -> _LT }
+_tagCmpPS ps1 ps2 -- slow catch-all case (esp for "has_null" True)
+ = looking_at 0#
+ where
+ end1 = lengthPS# ps1 -# 1#
+ end2 = lengthPS# ps2 -# 1#
+ looking_at char#
+ = if char# ># end1 then
+ if char# ># end2 then -- both strings ran out at once
+ _EQ
+ else -- ps1 ran out before ps2
+ _LT
+ else if char# ># end2 then
+ _GT -- ps2 ran out before ps1
+ else
+ let
+ ch1 = indexPS# ps1 char#
+ ch2 = indexPS# ps2 char#
+ in
+ if ch1 `eqChar#` ch2 then
+ looking_at (char# +# 1#)
+ else if ch1 `ltChar#` ch2 then _LT
+ else _GT
+instance Text _PackedString where
+ readsPrec p = error "readsPrec: _PackedString: ToDo"
+ showsPrec p ps r = showsPrec p (_unpackPS ps) r
+%* *
+\subsection{Uniquely PackedString functions}
+%* *
+For @_substrPS@, see the next section.
+@_hashPS@ is just what we happen to need in GHC...
+{- LATER?
+_hashPS ps (I# hASH_TBL_SIZE#)
+ = I# (h `remInt#` hASH_TBL_SIZE#)
+ where
+ len = lengthPS# ps
+ h | len <=# 0# = 0# -- probably should just be an "error"
+ | len ==# 1# = ord# c1
+ | len ==# 2# = ord# c2
+ | len ==# 3# = ord# c2 +# ord# c3
+ | len ==# 4# = ord# c2 +# ord# c3 +# ord# c4
+ | len ==# 5# = ord# c2 +# ord# c3 +# ord# c4 +# ord# c5
+ | len >=# 6# = ord# c2 +# ord# c3 +# ord# c4 +# ord# c5 +# ord# c6
+ | otherwise = 999# -- will never happen
+ c1 = indexPS# ps 0#
+ c2 = indexPS# ps 1#
+ c3 = indexPS# ps 2#
+ c4 = indexPS# ps 3#
+ c5 = indexPS# ps 4#
+ c6 = indexPS# ps 5#
+%* *
+\subsection{Local utility functions}
+%* *
+The definition of @_substrPS@ is essentially:
+@take (end - begin + 1) (drop begin str)@.
+_substrPS ps (I# begin) (I# end) = substrPS# ps begin end
+substrPS# ps s e
+ | s <# 0# || e <# s
+ = error "_substrPS: bounds out of range"
+ | s >=# len || result_len# <=# 0#
+ = _nilPS
+ | otherwise
+ = _runST (
+ new_ps_array (result_len# +# 1#) `thenStrictlyST` \ ch_arr -> -- incl NUL byte!
+ fill_in ch_arr 0# `seqStrictlyST`
+ freeze_ps_array ch_arr `thenStrictlyST` \ (_ByteArray _ frozen#) ->
+ let has_null = byteArrayHasNUL# frozen# result_len# in
+ returnStrictlyST (_PS frozen# result_len# has_null)
+ )
+ where
+ len = lengthPS# ps
+ result_len# = (if e <# len then (e +# 1#) else len) -# s
+ result_len = I# result_len#
+ -----------------------
+ fill_in :: _MutableByteArray s Int -> Int# -> _ST s ()
+ fill_in arr_in# idx
+ | idx ==# result_len#
+ = write_ps_array arr_in# idx (chr# 0#) `seqStrictlyST`
+ returnStrictlyST ()
+ | otherwise
+ = let
+ ch = indexPS# ps (s +# idx)
+ in
+ write_ps_array arr_in# idx ch `seqStrictlyST`
+ fill_in arr_in# (idx +# 1#)
+(Very :-) ``Specialised'' versions of some CharArray things...
+new_ps_array :: Int# -> _ST s (_MutableByteArray s Int)
+write_ps_array :: _MutableByteArray s Int -> Int# -> Char# -> _ST s ()
+freeze_ps_array :: _MutableByteArray s Int -> _ST s (_ByteArray Int)
+new_ps_array size (S# s)
+ = case (newCharArray# size s) of { StateAndMutableByteArray# s2# barr# ->
+ (_MutableByteArray bot barr#, S# s2#)}
+ where
+ bot = error "new_ps_array"
+write_ps_array (_MutableByteArray _ barr#) n ch (S# s#)
+ = case writeCharArray# barr# n ch s# of { s2# ->
+ ((), S# s2#)}
+-- same as unsafeFreezeByteArray
+freeze_ps_array (_MutableByteArray ixs arr#) (S# s#)
+ = case unsafeFreezeByteArray# arr# s# of { StateAndByteArray# s2# frozen# ->
+ (_ByteArray ixs frozen#, S# s2#) }