path: root/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgLint.lhs
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1 files changed, 541 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgLint.lhs b/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgLint.lhs
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+++ b/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgLint.lhs
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+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1995
+\section[StgLint]{A ``lint'' pass to check for Stg correctness}
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+module StgLint (
+ lintStgBindings,
+ PprStyle, StgBinding, PlainStgBinding(..), Id
+ ) where
+import AbsPrel ( typeOfPrimOp, mkFunTy, PrimOp(..), PrimKind
+ )
+import AbsUniType
+import Bag
+import BasicLit ( typeOfBasicLit, BasicLit )
+import Id ( getIdUniType, isNullaryDataCon, isDataCon,
+ isBottomingId,
+ getInstantiatedDataConSig, Id
+ IF_ATTACK_PRAGMAS(COMMA bottomIsGuaranteed)
+ )
+import Maybes
+import Outputable
+import Pretty
+import SrcLoc ( SrcLoc )
+import StgSyn
+import UniqSet
+import Util
+infixr 9 `thenL`, `thenL_`, `thenMaybeL`, `thenMaybeL_`
+Checks for
+ (a) *some* type errors
+ (b) locally-defined variables used but not defined
+%* *
+\subsection{``lint'' for various constructs}
+%* *
+@lintStgBindings@ is the top-level interface function.
+lintStgBindings :: PprStyle -> String -> [PlainStgBinding] -> [PlainStgBinding]
+lintStgBindings sty whodunnit binds
+ = BSCC("StgLint")
+ case (initL (lint_binds binds)) of
+ Nothing -> binds
+ Just msg -> pprPanic "" (ppAboves [
+ ppStr ("*** Stg Lint Errors: in "++whodunnit++" ***"),
+ msg sty,
+ ppStr "*** Offending Program ***",
+ ppAboves (map (pprPlainStgBinding sty) binds),
+ ppStr "*** End of Offense ***"])
+ where
+ lint_binds :: [PlainStgBinding] -> LintM ()
+ lint_binds [] = returnL ()
+ lint_binds (bind:binds)
+ = lintStgBinds bind `thenL` \ binders ->
+ addInScopeVars binders (
+ lint_binds binds
+ )
+lintStgAtom :: PlainStgAtom -> LintM (Maybe UniType)
+lintStgAtom (StgLitAtom lit) = returnL (Just (typeOfBasicLit lit))
+lintStgAtom a@(StgVarAtom v)
+ = checkInScope v `thenL_`
+ returnL (Just (getIdUniType v))
+lintStgBinds :: PlainStgBinding -> LintM [Id] -- Returns the binders
+lintStgBinds (StgNonRec binder rhs)
+ = lint_binds_help (binder,rhs) `thenL_`
+ returnL [binder]
+lintStgBinds (StgRec pairs)
+ = addInScopeVars binders (
+ mapL lint_binds_help pairs `thenL_`
+ returnL binders
+ )
+ where
+ binders = [b | (b,_) <- pairs]
+lint_binds_help (binder, rhs)
+ = addLoc (RhsOf binder) (
+ -- Check the rhs
+ lintStgRhs rhs `thenL` \ maybe_rhs_ty ->
+ -- Check match to RHS type
+ (case maybe_rhs_ty of
+ Nothing -> returnL ()
+ Just rhs_ty -> checkTys (getIdUniType binder)
+ rhs_ty
+ (mkRhsMsg binder rhs_ty)
+ ) `thenL_`
+ returnL ()
+ )
+lintStgRhs :: PlainStgRhs -> LintM (Maybe UniType)
+lintStgRhs (StgRhsClosure _ _ _ _ binders expr)
+ = addLoc (LambdaBodyOf binders) (
+ addInScopeVars binders (
+ lintStgExpr expr `thenMaybeL` \ body_ty ->
+ returnL (Just (foldr (mkFunTy . getIdUniType) body_ty binders))
+ ))
+lintStgRhs (StgRhsCon _ con args)
+ = mapMaybeL lintStgAtom args `thenL` \ maybe_arg_tys ->
+ case maybe_arg_tys of
+ Nothing -> returnL Nothing
+ Just arg_tys -> checkFunApp con_ty arg_tys (mkRhsConMsg con_ty arg_tys)
+ where
+ con_ty = getIdUniType con
+lintStgExpr :: PlainStgExpr -> LintM (Maybe UniType) -- Nothing if error found
+lintStgExpr e@(StgApp fun args _)
+ = lintStgAtom fun `thenMaybeL` \ fun_ty ->
+ mapMaybeL lintStgAtom args `thenL` \ maybe_arg_tys ->
+ case maybe_arg_tys of
+ Nothing -> returnL Nothing
+ Just arg_tys -> checkFunApp fun_ty arg_tys (mkFunAppMsg fun_ty arg_tys e)
+lintStgExpr e@(StgConApp con args _)
+ = mapMaybeL lintStgAtom args `thenL` \ maybe_arg_tys ->
+ case maybe_arg_tys of
+ Nothing -> returnL Nothing
+ Just arg_tys -> checkFunApp con_ty arg_tys (mkFunAppMsg con_ty arg_tys e)
+ where
+ con_ty = getIdUniType con
+lintStgExpr e@(StgPrimApp op args _)
+ = mapMaybeL lintStgAtom args `thenL` \ maybe_arg_tys ->
+ case maybe_arg_tys of
+ Nothing -> returnL Nothing
+ Just arg_tys -> checkFunApp op_ty arg_tys (mkFunAppMsg op_ty arg_tys e)
+ where
+ op_ty = typeOfPrimOp op
+lintStgExpr (StgLet binds body)
+ = lintStgBinds binds `thenL` \ binders ->
+ addLoc (BodyOfLetRec binders) (
+ addInScopeVars binders (
+ lintStgExpr body
+ ))
+lintStgExpr (StgLetNoEscape _ _ binds body)
+ = lintStgBinds binds `thenL` \ binders ->
+ addLoc (BodyOfLetRec binders) (
+ addInScopeVars binders (
+ lintStgExpr body
+ ))
+lintStgExpr (StgSCC _ _ expr) = lintStgExpr expr
+lintStgExpr e@(StgCase scrut _ _ _ alts)
+ = lintStgExpr scrut `thenMaybeL` \ _ ->
+ -- Check that it is a data type
+ case getUniDataTyCon_maybe scrut_ty of
+ Nothing -> addErrL (mkCaseDataConMsg e) `thenL_`
+ returnL Nothing
+ Just (tycon, _, _)
+ -> lintStgAlts alts scrut_ty tycon
+ where
+ scrut_ty = get_ty alts
+ get_ty (StgAlgAlts ty _ _) = ty
+ get_ty (StgPrimAlts ty _ _) = ty
+lintStgAlts :: PlainStgCaseAlternatives
+ -> UniType -- Type of scrutinee
+ -> TyCon -- TyCon pinned on the case
+ -> LintM (Maybe UniType) -- Type of alternatives
+lintStgAlts alts scrut_ty case_tycon
+ = (case alts of
+ StgAlgAlts _ alg_alts deflt ->
+ chk_non_abstract_type case_tycon `thenL_`
+ mapL (lintAlgAlt scrut_ty) alg_alts `thenL` \ maybe_alt_tys ->
+ lintDeflt deflt scrut_ty `thenL` \ maybe_deflt_ty ->
+ returnL (maybe_deflt_ty : maybe_alt_tys)
+ StgPrimAlts _ prim_alts deflt ->
+ mapL (lintPrimAlt scrut_ty) prim_alts `thenL` \ maybe_alt_tys ->
+ lintDeflt deflt scrut_ty `thenL` \ maybe_deflt_ty ->
+ returnL (maybe_deflt_ty : maybe_alt_tys)
+ ) `thenL` \ maybe_result_tys ->
+ -- Check the result types
+ case catMaybes (maybe_result_tys) of
+ [] -> returnL Nothing
+ (first_ty:tys) -> mapL check tys `thenL_`
+ returnL (Just first_ty)
+ where
+ check ty = checkTys first_ty ty (mkCaseAltMsg alts)
+ where
+ chk_non_abstract_type tycon
+ = case (getTyConFamilySize tycon) of
+ Nothing -> addErrL (mkCaseAbstractMsg tycon)
+ Just _ -> returnL () -- that's cool
+lintAlgAlt scrut_ty (con, args, _, rhs)
+ = (case getUniDataTyCon_maybe scrut_ty of
+ Nothing ->
+ addErrL (mkAlgAltMsg1 scrut_ty)
+ Just (tycon, tys_applied, cons) ->
+ let
+ (_, arg_tys, _) = getInstantiatedDataConSig con tys_applied
+ in
+ checkL (con `elem` cons) (mkAlgAltMsg2 scrut_ty con) `thenL_`
+ checkL (length arg_tys == length args) (mkAlgAltMsg3 con args)
+ `thenL_`
+ mapL check (arg_tys `zipEqual` args) `thenL_`
+ returnL ()
+ ) `thenL_`
+ addInScopeVars args (
+ lintStgExpr rhs
+ )
+ where
+ check (ty, arg) = checkTys ty (getIdUniType arg) (mkAlgAltMsg4 ty arg)
+ -- elem: yes, the elem-list here can sometimes be long-ish,
+ -- but as it's use-once, probably not worth doing anything different
+ -- We give it its own copy, so it isn't overloaded.
+ elem _ [] = False
+ elem x (y:ys) = x==y || elem x ys
+lintPrimAlt scrut_ty alt@(lit,rhs)
+ = checkTys (typeOfBasicLit lit) scrut_ty (mkPrimAltMsg alt) `thenL_`
+ lintStgExpr rhs
+lintDeflt StgNoDefault scrut_ty = returnL Nothing
+lintDeflt deflt@(StgBindDefault binder _ rhs) scrut_ty
+ = checkTys (getIdUniType binder) scrut_ty (mkDefltMsg deflt) `thenL_`
+ addInScopeVars [binder] (
+ lintStgExpr rhs
+ )
+%* *
+\subsection[lint-monad]{The Lint monad}
+%* *
+type LintM a = [LintLocInfo] -- Locations
+ -> UniqSet Id -- Local vars in scope
+ -> Bag ErrMsg -- Error messages so far
+ -> (a, Bag ErrMsg) -- Result and error messages (if any)
+type ErrMsg = PprStyle -> Pretty
+data LintLocInfo
+ = RhsOf Id -- The variable bound
+ | LambdaBodyOf [Id] -- The lambda-binder
+ | BodyOfLetRec [Id] -- One of the binders
+instance Outputable LintLocInfo where
+ ppr sty (RhsOf v)
+ = ppBesides [ppr sty (getSrcLoc v), ppStr ": [RHS of ", pp_binders sty [v], ppStr "]"]
+ ppr sty (LambdaBodyOf bs)
+ = ppBesides [ppr sty (getSrcLoc (head bs)),
+ ppStr ": [in body of lambda with binders ", pp_binders sty bs, ppStr "]"]
+ ppr sty (BodyOfLetRec bs)
+ = ppBesides [ppr sty (getSrcLoc (head bs)),
+ ppStr ": [in body of letrec with binders ", pp_binders sty bs, ppStr "]"]
+pp_binders :: PprStyle -> [Id] -> Pretty
+pp_binders sty bs
+ = ppInterleave ppComma (map pp_binder bs)
+ where
+ pp_binder b
+ = ppCat [ppr sty b, ppStr "::", ppr sty (getIdUniType b)]
+initL :: LintM a -> Maybe ErrMsg
+initL m
+ = case (m [] emptyUniqSet emptyBag) of { (_, errs) ->
+ if isEmptyBag errs then
+ Nothing
+ else
+ Just ( \ sty ->
+ ppAboves [ msg sty | msg <- bagToList errs ]
+ )
+ }
+returnL :: a -> LintM a
+returnL r loc scope errs = (r, errs)
+thenL :: LintM a -> (a -> LintM b) -> LintM b
+thenL m k loc scope errs
+ = case m loc scope errs of
+ (r, errs') -> k r loc scope errs'
+thenL_ :: LintM a -> LintM b -> LintM b
+thenL_ m k loc scope errs
+ = case m loc scope errs of
+ (_, errs') -> k loc scope errs'
+thenMaybeL :: LintM (Maybe a) -> (a -> LintM (Maybe b)) -> LintM (Maybe b)
+thenMaybeL m k loc scope errs
+ = case m loc scope errs of
+ (Nothing, errs2) -> (Nothing, errs2)
+ (Just r, errs2) -> k r loc scope errs2
+thenMaybeL_ :: LintM (Maybe a) -> LintM (Maybe b) -> LintM (Maybe b)
+thenMaybeL_ m k loc scope errs
+ = case m loc scope errs of
+ (Nothing, errs2) -> (Nothing, errs2)
+ (Just _, errs2) -> k loc scope errs2
+mapL :: (a -> LintM b) -> [a] -> LintM [b]
+mapL f [] = returnL []
+mapL f (x:xs)
+ = f x `thenL` \ r ->
+ mapL f xs `thenL` \ rs ->
+ returnL (r:rs)
+mapMaybeL :: (a -> LintM (Maybe b)) -> [a] -> LintM (Maybe [b])
+ -- Returns Nothing if anything fails
+mapMaybeL f [] = returnL (Just [])
+mapMaybeL f (x:xs)
+ = f x `thenMaybeL` \ r ->
+ mapMaybeL f xs `thenMaybeL` \ rs ->
+ returnL (Just (r:rs))
+checkL :: Bool -> ErrMsg -> LintM ()
+checkL True msg loc scope errs = ((), errs)
+checkL False msg loc scope errs = ((), addErr errs msg loc)
+addErrL :: ErrMsg -> LintM ()
+addErrL msg loc scope errs = ((), addErr errs msg loc)
+addErr :: Bag ErrMsg -> ErrMsg -> [LintLocInfo] -> Bag ErrMsg
+addErr errs_so_far msg locs
+ = errs_so_far `snocBag` ( \ sty ->
+ ppHang (ppr sty (head locs)) 4 (msg sty)
+ )
+addLoc :: LintLocInfo -> LintM a -> LintM a
+addLoc extra_loc m loc scope errs
+ = m (extra_loc:loc) scope errs
+addInScopeVars :: [Id] -> LintM a -> LintM a
+addInScopeVars ids m loc scope errs
+ = -- We check if these "new" ids are already
+ -- in scope, i.e., we have *shadowing* going on.
+ -- For now, it's just a "trace"; we may make
+ -- a real error out of it...
+ let
+ new_set = mkUniqSet ids
+ shadowed = scope `intersectUniqSets` new_set
+ in
+-- After adding -fliberate-case, Simon decided he likes shadowed
+-- names after all. WDP 94/07
+-- (if isEmptyUniqSet shadowed
+-- then id
+-- else pprTrace "Shadowed vars:" (ppr PprDebug (uniqSetToList shadowed))) (
+ m loc (scope `unionUniqSets` new_set) errs
+-- )
+checkFunApp :: UniType -- The function type
+ -> [UniType] -- The arg type(s)
+ -> ErrMsg -- Error messgae
+ -> LintM (Maybe UniType) -- The result type
+checkFunApp fun_ty arg_tys msg loc scope errs
+ = cfa res_ty expected_arg_tys arg_tys
+ where
+ (_, expected_arg_tys, res_ty) = splitTypeWithDictsAsArgs fun_ty
+ cfa res_ty expected [] -- Args have run out; that's fine
+ = (Just (glueTyArgs expected res_ty), errs)
+ cfa res_ty [] arg_tys -- Expected arg tys ran out first;
+ -- first see if res_ty is a tyvar template;
+ -- otherwise, maybe res_ty is a
+ -- dictionary type which is actually a function?
+ | isTyVarTemplateTy res_ty
+ = (Just res_ty, errs)
+ | otherwise
+ = case splitTyArgs (unDictifyTy res_ty) of
+ ([], _) -> (Nothing, addErr errs msg loc) -- Too many args
+ (new_expected, new_res) -> cfa new_res new_expected arg_tys
+ cfa res_ty (expected_arg_ty:expected_arg_tys) (arg_ty:arg_tys)
+ = case (sleazy_cmp_ty expected_arg_ty arg_ty) of
+ EQ_ -> cfa res_ty expected_arg_tys arg_tys
+ _ -> (Nothing, addErr errs msg loc) -- Arg mis-match
+checkInScope :: Id -> LintM ()
+checkInScope id loc scope errs
+ = if isLocallyDefined id && not (isDataCon id) && not (id `elementOfUniqSet` scope) then
+ ((), addErr errs (\ sty -> ppCat [ppr sty id, ppStr "is out of scope"]) loc)
+ else
+ ((), errs)
+checkTys :: UniType -> UniType -> ErrMsg -> LintM ()
+checkTys ty1 ty2 msg loc scope errs
+ = case (sleazy_cmp_ty ty1 ty2) of
+ EQ_ -> ((), errs)
+ other -> ((), addErr errs msg loc)
+mkCaseAltMsg :: PlainStgCaseAlternatives -> ErrMsg
+mkCaseAltMsg alts sty
+ = ppAbove (ppStr "In some case alternatives, type of alternatives not all same:")
+ -- LATER: (ppr sty alts)
+ (panic "mkCaseAltMsg")
+mkCaseDataConMsg :: PlainStgExpr -> ErrMsg
+mkCaseDataConMsg expr sty
+ = ppAbove (ppStr "A case scrutinee not a type-constructor type:")
+ (pp_expr sty expr)
+mkCaseAbstractMsg :: TyCon -> ErrMsg
+mkCaseAbstractMsg tycon sty
+ = ppAbove (ppStr "An algebraic case on an abstract type:")
+ (ppr sty tycon)
+mkDefltMsg :: PlainStgCaseDefault -> ErrMsg
+mkDefltMsg deflt sty
+ = ppAbove (ppStr "Binder in default case of a case expression doesn't match type of scrutinee:")
+ --LATER: (ppr sty deflt)
+ (panic "mkDefltMsg")
+mkFunAppMsg :: UniType -> [UniType] -> PlainStgExpr -> ErrMsg
+mkFunAppMsg fun_ty arg_tys expr sty
+ = ppAboves [ppStr "In a function application, function type doesn't match arg types:",
+ ppHang (ppStr "Function type:") 4 (ppr sty fun_ty),
+ ppHang (ppStr "Arg types:") 4 (ppAboves (map (ppr sty) arg_tys)),
+ ppHang (ppStr "Expression:") 4 (pp_expr sty expr)]
+mkRhsConMsg :: UniType -> [UniType] -> ErrMsg
+mkRhsConMsg fun_ty arg_tys sty
+ = ppAboves [ppStr "In a RHS constructor application, con type doesn't match arg types:",
+ ppHang (ppStr "Constructor type:") 4 (ppr sty fun_ty),
+ ppHang (ppStr "Arg types:") 4 (ppAboves (map (ppr sty) arg_tys))]
+mkUnappTyMsg :: Id -> UniType -> ErrMsg
+mkUnappTyMsg var ty sty
+ = ppAboves [ppStr "Variable has a for-all type, but isn't applied to any types.",
+ ppBeside (ppStr "Var: ") (ppr sty var),
+ ppBeside (ppStr "Its type: ") (ppr sty ty)]
+mkAlgAltMsg1 :: UniType -> ErrMsg
+mkAlgAltMsg1 ty sty
+ = ppAbove (ppStr "In some case statement, type of scrutinee is not a data type:")
+ (ppr sty ty)
+mkAlgAltMsg2 :: UniType -> Id -> ErrMsg
+mkAlgAltMsg2 ty con sty
+ = ppAboves [
+ ppStr "In some algebraic case alternative, constructor is not a constructor of scrutinee type:",
+ ppr sty ty,
+ ppr sty con
+ ]
+mkAlgAltMsg3 :: Id -> [Id] -> ErrMsg
+mkAlgAltMsg3 con alts sty
+ = ppAboves [
+ ppStr "In some algebraic case alternative, number of arguments doesn't match constructor:",
+ ppr sty con,
+ ppr sty alts
+ ]
+mkAlgAltMsg4 :: UniType -> Id -> ErrMsg
+mkAlgAltMsg4 ty arg sty
+ = ppAboves [
+ ppStr "In some algebraic case alternative, type of argument doesn't match data constructor:",
+ ppr sty ty,
+ ppr sty arg
+ ]
+mkPrimAltMsg :: (BasicLit, PlainStgExpr) -> ErrMsg
+mkPrimAltMsg alt sty
+ = ppAbove (ppStr "In a primitive case alternative, type of literal doesn't match type of scrutinee:")
+ (ppr sty alt)
+mkRhsMsg :: Id -> UniType -> ErrMsg
+mkRhsMsg binder ty sty
+ = ppAboves [ppCat [ppStr "The type of this binder doesn't match the type of its RHS:",
+ ppr sty binder],
+ ppCat [ppStr "Binder's type:", ppr sty (getIdUniType binder)],
+ ppCat [ppStr "Rhs type:", ppr sty ty]
+ ]
+pp_expr :: PprStyle -> PlainStgExpr -> Pretty
+pp_expr sty expr = ppr sty expr
+sleazy_cmp_ty ty1 ty2
+ -- NB: probably severe overkill (WDP 95/04)
+ = case (splitTypeWithDictsAsArgs ty1) of { (_,tyargs1,tyres1) ->
+ case (splitTypeWithDictsAsArgs ty2) of { (_,tyargs2,tyres2) ->
+ let
+ ty11 = glueTyArgs tyargs1 tyres1
+ ty22 = glueTyArgs tyargs2 tyres2
+ in
+ cmpUniType False{-!!!NOT PROPERLY!!!-} ty11 ty22
+ }}