path: root/ghc/compiler/specialise/Specialise.lhs
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+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1995
+\section[Specialise]{Stamping out overloading, and (optionally) polymorphism}
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+module Specialise (
+ specProgram,
+ initSpecData,
+ SpecialiseData(..),
+ FiniteMap, Bag
+ ) where
+import PlainCore
+import SpecTyFuns
+import Outputable -- ToDo: these may be removable...
+import Pretty
+import AbsPrel ( liftDataCon, PrimOp(..), PrimKind -- for CCallOp
+ )
+import AbsUniType
+import Bag
+import CmdLineOpts ( GlobalSwitch(..) )
+import CoreLift ( mkLiftedId, liftExpr, bindUnlift, applyBindUnlifts )
+import FiniteMap
+import Id
+import IdEnv
+import IdInfo -- All of it
+import InstEnv ( lookupClassInstAtSimpleType )
+import Maybes ( catMaybes, firstJust, maybeToBool, Maybe(..) )
+import TyVarEnv -- ( growTyVarEnvList, nullTyVarEnv, TyVarEnv, TypeEnv(..) )
+import UniqSet -- All of it
+import Util
+import SplitUniq
+infixr 9 `thenSM`
+%* *
+\subsection[notes-Specialise]{Implementation notes [SLPJ, Aug 18 1993]}
+%* *
+These notes describe how we implement specialisation to eliminate
+overloading, and optionally to eliminate unboxed polymorphism, and
+full polymorphism.
+The specialisation pass is a partial evaluator which works on Core
+syntax, complete with all the explicit dictionary application,
+abstraction and construction as added by the type checker. The
+existing type checker remains largely as it is.
+One important thought: the {\em types} passed to an overloaded
+function, and the {\em dictionaries} passed are mutually redundant.
+If the same function is applied to the same type(s) then it is sure to
+be applied to the same dictionary(s)---or rather to the same {\em
+values}. (The arguments might look different but they will evaluate
+to the same value.)
+Second important thought: we know that we can make progress by
+treating dictionary arguments as static and worth specialising on. So
+we can do without binding-time analysis, and instead specialise on
+dictionary arguments and no others.
+The basic idea
+Suppose we have
+ let f = <f_rhs>
+ in <body>
+and suppose f is overloaded.
+We traverse <body>, accumulating all applications of f to types and
+(Might there be partial applications, to just some of its types and
+dictionaries? In principle yes, but in practice the type checker only
+builds applications of f to all its types and dictionaries, so partial
+applications could only arise as a result of transformation, and even
+then I think it's unlikely. In any case, we simply don't accumulate such
+partial applications.)
+There's a choice of whether to collect details of all *polymorphic* functions
+or simply all *overloaded* ones. How to sort this out?
+ Pass in a predicate on the function to say if it is "interesting"?
+ This is dependent on the user flags: SpecialiseOverloaded
+ SpecialiseUnboxed
+ SpecialiseAll
+So now we have a collection of calls to f:
+ f t1 t2 d1 d2
+ f t3 t4 d3 d4
+ ...
+Notice that f may take several type arguments. To avoid ambiguity, we
+say that f is called at type t1/t2 and t3/t4.
+We take equivalence classes using equality of the *types* (ignoring
+the dictionary args, which as mentioned previously are redundant).
+For each equivalence class, choose a representative (f t1 t2 d1 d2),
+and create a local instance of f, defined thus:
+ f@t1/t2 = <f_rhs> t1 t2 d1 d2
+(f_rhs presumably has some big lambdas and dictionary lambdas, so lots
+of simplification will now result.) Then we should recursively do
+everything again.
+The new id has its own unique, but its print-name (if exported) has
+an explicit representation of the instance types t1/t2.
+Add this new id to f's IdInfo, to record that f has a specialised version.
+Before doing any of this, check that f's IdInfo doesn't already
+tell us about an existing instance of f at the required type/s.
+(This might happen if specialisation was applied more than once, or
+it might arise from user SPECIALIZE pragmas.)
+Wait a minute! What if f is recursive? Then we can't just plug in
+its right-hand side, can we?
+But it's ok. The type checker *always* creates non-recursive definitions
+for overloaded recursive functions. For example:
+ f x = f (x+x) -- Yes I know its silly
+ f a (d::Num a) = let p = +.sel a d
+ in
+ letrec fl (y::a) = fl (p y y)
+ in
+ fl
+We still have recusion for non-overloadd functions which we
+speciailise, but the recursive call should get speciailised to the
+same recursive version.
+Polymorphism 1
+All this is crystal clear when the function is applied to *constant
+types*; that is, types which have no type variables inside. But what if
+it is applied to non-constant types? Suppose we find a call of f at type
+t1/t2. There are two possibilities:
+(a) The free type variables of t1, t2 are in scope at the definition point
+of f. In this case there's no problem, we proceed just as before. A common
+example is as follows. Here's the Haskell:
+ g y = let f x = x+x
+ in f y + f y
+After typechecking we have
+ g a (d::Num a) (y::a) = let f b (d'::Num b) (x::b) = +.sel b d' x x
+ in +.sel a d (f a d y) (f a d y)
+Notice that the call to f is at type type "a"; a non-constant type.
+Both calls to f are at the same type, so we can specialise to give:
+ g a (d::Num a) (y::a) = let f@a (x::a) = +.sel a d x x
+ in +.sel a d (f@a y) (f@a y)
+(b) The other case is when the type variables in the instance types
+are *not* in scope at the definition point of f. The example we are
+working with above is a good case. There are two instances of (+.sel a d),
+but "a" is not in scope at the definition of +.sel. Can we do anything?
+Yes, we can "common them up", a sort of limited common sub-expression deal.
+This would give:
+ g a (d::Num a) (y::a) = let +.sel@a = +.sel a d
+ f@a (x::a) = +.sel@a x x
+ in +.sel@a (f@a y) (f@a y)
+This can save work, and can't be spotted by the type checker, because
+the two instances of +.sel weren't originally at the same type.
+Further notes on (b)
+* There are quite a few variations here. For example, the defn of
+ +.sel could be floated ouside the \y, to attempt to gain laziness.
+ It certainly mustn't be floated outside the \d because the d has to
+ be in scope too.
+* We don't want to inline f_rhs in this case, because
+that will duplicate code. Just commoning up the call is the point.
+* Nothing gets added to +.sel's IdInfo.
+* Don't bother unless the equivalence class has more than one item!
+Not clear whether this is all worth it. It is of course OK to
+simply discard call-instances when passing a big lambda.
+Polymorphism 2 -- Overloading
+Consider a function whose most general type is
+ f :: forall a b. Ord a => [a] -> b -> b
+There is really no point in making a version of g at Int/Int and another
+at Int/Bool, because it's only instancing the type variable "a" which
+buys us any efficiency. Since g is completely polymorphic in b there
+ain't much point in making separate versions of g for the different
+b types.
+That suggests that we should identify which of g's type variables
+are constrained (like "a") and which are unconstrained (like "b").
+Then when taking equivalence classes in STEP 2, we ignore the type args
+corresponding to unconstrained type variable. In STEP 3 we make
+polymorphic versions. Thus:
+ f@t1/ = /\b -> <f_rhs> t1 b d1 d2
+This seems pretty simple, and a Good Thing.
+Polymorphism 3 -- Unboxed
+If we are speciailising at unboxed types we must speciailise
+regardless of the overloading constraint. In the exaple above it is
+worth speciailising at types Int/Int#, Int/Bool# and a/Int#, Int#/Int#
+Note that specialising an overloaded type at an uboxed type requires
+an unboxed instance -- we cannot default to an unspecialised version!
+Dictionary floating
+ f x = let g p q = p==q
+ h r s = (r+s, g r s)
+ in
+ h x x
+Before specialisation, leaving out type abstractions we have
+ f df x = let g :: Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
+ g dg p q = == dg p q
+ h :: Num a => a -> a -> (a, Bool)
+ h dh r s = let deq = eqFromNum dh
+ in (+ dh r s, g deq r s)
+ in
+ h df x x
+After specialising h we get a specialised version of h, like this:
+ h' r s = let deq = eqFromNum df
+ in (+ df r s, g deq r s)
+But we can't naively make an instance for g from this, because deq is not in scope
+at the defn of g. Instead, we have to float out the (new) defn of deq
+to widen its scope. Notice that this floating can't be done in advance -- it only
+shows up when specialisation is done.
+DELICATE MATTER: the way we tell a dictionary binding is by looking to
+see if it has a Dict type. If the type has been "undictify'd", so that
+it looks like a tuple, then the dictionary binding won't be floated, and
+an opportunity to specialise might be lost.
+User SPECIALIZE pragmas
+Specialisation pragmas can be digested by the type checker, and implemented
+by adding extra definitions along with that of f, in the same way as before
+ f@t1/t2 = <f_rhs> t1 t2 d1 d2
+Indeed the pragmas *have* to be dealt with by the type checker, because
+only it knows how to build the dictionaries d1 and d2! For example
+ g :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
+ {-# SPECIALIZE f :: [Tree Int] -> [Tree Int] #-}
+Here, the specialised version of g is an application of g's rhs to the
+Ord dictionary for (Tree Int), which only the type checker can conjure
+up. There might not even *be* one, if (Tree Int) is not an instance of
+Ord! (All the other specialision has suitable dictionaries to hand
+from actual calls.)
+Problem. The type checker doesn't have to hand a convenient <f_rhs>, because
+it is buried in a complex (as-yet-un-desugared) binding group.
+Maybe we should say
+ f@t1/t2 = f* t1 t2 d1 d2
+where f* is the Id f with an IdInfo which says "inline me regardless!".
+Indeed all the specialisation could be done in this way.
+That in turn means that the simplifier has to be prepared to inline absolutely
+any in-scope let-bound thing.
+Again, the pragma should permit polymorphism in unconstrained variables:
+ h :: Ord a => [a] -> b -> b
+ {-# SPECIALIZE h :: [Int] -> b -> b #-}
+We *insist* that all overloaded type variables are specialised to ground types,
+(and hence there can be no context inside a SPECIALIZE pragma).
+We *permit* unconstrained type variables to be specialised to
+ - a ground type
+ - or left as a polymorphic type variable
+but nothing in between. So
+ {-# SPECIALIZE h :: [Int] -> [c] -> [c] #-}
+is *illegal*. (It can be handled, but it adds complication, and gains the
+programmer nothing.)
+ instance Foo a => Foo [a] where
+ ...
+ {-# SPECIALIZE instance Foo [Int] #-}
+The original instance decl creates a dictionary-function
+ dfun.Foo.List :: forall a. Foo a -> Foo [a]
+The SPECIALIZE pragma just makes a specialised copy, just as for
+ordinary function definitions:
+ dfun.Foo.List@Int :: Foo [Int]
+ dfun.Foo.List@Int = dfun.Foo.List Int dFooInt
+The information about what instance of the dfun exist gets added to
+the dfun's IdInfo in the same way as a user-defined function too.
+In fact, matters are a little bit more complicated than this.
+When we make one of these specialised instances, we are defining
+a constant dictionary, and so we want immediate access to its constant
+methods and superclasses. Indeed, these constant methods and superclasses
+must be in the IdInfo for the class selectors! We need help from the
+typechecker to sort this out, perhaps by generating a separate IdInfo
+for each.
+Automatic instance decl specialisation?
+Can instance decls be specialised automatically? It's tricky.
+We could collect call-instance information for each dfun, but
+then when we specialised their bodies we'd get new call-instances
+for ordinary functions; and when we specialised their bodies, we might get
+new call-instances of the dfuns, and so on. This all arises because of
+the unrestricted mutual recursion between instance decls and value decls.
+Furthermore, instance decls are usually exported and used non-locally,
+so we'll want to compile enough to get those specialisations done.
+Lastly, there's no such thing as a local instance decl, so we can
+survive solely by spitting out *usage* information, and then reading that
+back in as a pragma when next compiling the file. So for now,
+we only specialise instance decls in response to pragmas.
+That means that even if an instance decl ain't otherwise exported it
+needs to be spat out as with a SPECIALIZE pragma. Furthermore, it needs
+something to say which module defined the instance, so the usage info
+can be fed into the right reqts info file. Blegh.
+With unboxed specialisation (or full specialisation) we also require
+data types (and their constructors) to be speciailised on unboxed
+type arguments.
+In addition to normal call instances we gather TyCon call instances at
+unboxed types, determine equivalence classes for the locally defined
+TyCons and build speciailised data constructor Ids for each TyCon and
+substitute these in the CoCon calls.
+We need the list of local TyCons to partition the TyCon instance info.
+We pass out a FiniteMap from local TyCons to Specialised Instances to
+give to the interface and code genertors.
+N.B. The specialised data constructors reference the original data
+constructor and type constructor which do not have the updated
+specialisation info attached. Any specialisation info must be
+extracted from the TyCon map returned.
+To spit out usage information we need to traverse the code collecting
+call-instance information for all imported (non-prelude?) functions
+and data types. Then we equivalence-class it and spit it out.
+This is done at the top-level when all the call instances which escape
+must be for imported functions and data types.
+Partial specialisation by pragmas
+What about partial specialisation:
+ k :: (Ord a, Eq b) => [a] -> b -> b -> [a]
+ {-# SPECIALIZE k :: Eq b => [Int] -> b -> b -> [a] #-}
+or even
+ {-# SPECIALIZE k :: Eq b => [Int] -> [b] -> [b] -> [a] #-}
+Seems quite reasonable. Similar things could be done with instance decls:
+ instance (Foo a, Foo b) => Foo (a,b) where
+ ...
+ {-# SPECIALIZE instance Foo a => Foo (a,Int) #-}
+ {-# SPECIALIZE instance Foo b => Foo (Int,b) #-}
+Ho hum. Things are complex enough without this. I pass.
+Requirements for the simplifer
+The simplifier has to be able to take advantage of the specialisation.
+* When the simplifier finds an application of a polymorphic f, it looks in
+f's IdInfo in case there is a suitable instance to call instead. This converts
+ f t1 t2 d1 d2 ===> f_t1_t2
+Note that the dictionaries get eaten up too!
+* Dictionary selection operations on constant dictionaries must be
+ short-circuited:
+ +.sel Int d ===> +Int
+The obvious way to do this is in the same way as other specialised
+calls: +.sel has inside it some IdInfo which tells that if it's applied
+to the type Int then it should eat a dictionary and transform to +Int.
+In short, dictionary selectors need IdInfo inside them for constant
+* Exactly the same applies if a superclass dictionary is being
+ extracted:
+ Eq.sel Int d ===> dEqInt
+* Something similar applies to dictionary construction too. Suppose
+dfun.Eq.List is the function taking a dictionary for (Eq a) to
+one for (Eq [a]). Then we want
+ dfun.Eq.List Int d ===> dEq.List_Int
+Where does the Eq [Int] dictionary come from? It is built in
+response to a SPECIALIZE pragma on the Eq [a] instance decl.
+In short, dfun Ids need IdInfo with a specialisation for each
+constant instance of their instance declaration.
+What does the specialisation IdInfo look like?
+ SpecInfo
+ [Maybe UniType] -- Instance types
+ Int -- No of dicts to eat
+ Id -- Specialised version
+For example, if f has this SpecInfo:
+ SpecInfo [Just t1, Nothing, Just t3] 2 f'
+ f t1 t2 t3 d1 d2 ===> f t2
+The "Nothings" identify type arguments in which the specialised
+version is polymorphic.
+What can't be done this way?
+There is no way, post-typechecker, to get a dictionary for (say)
+Eq a from a dictionary for Eq [a]. So if we find
+ ==.sel [t] d
+we can't transform to
+ eqList (==.sel t d')
+ eqList :: (a->a->Bool) -> [a] -> [a] -> Bool
+Of course, we currently have no way to automatically derive
+eqList, nor to connect it to the Eq [a] instance decl, but you
+can imagine that it might somehow be possible. Taking advantage
+of this is permanently ruled out.
+Still, this is no great hardship, because we intend to eliminate
+overloading altogether anyway!
+Mutter mutter
+What about types/classes mentioned in SPECIALIZE pragmas spat out,
+but not otherwise exported. Even if they are exported, what about
+their original names.
+Suggestion: use qualified names in pragmas, omitting module for
+prelude and "this module".
+Mutter mutter 2
+Consider this
+ f a (d::Num a) = let g = ...
+ in
+ ...(let d1::Ord a = Num.Ord.sel a d in g a d1)...
+Here, g is only called at one type, but the dictionary isn't in scope at the
+definition point for g. Usually the type checker would build a
+definition for d1 which enclosed g, but the transformation system
+might have moved d1's defn inward.
+Unboxed bindings
+What should we do when a value is specialised to a *strict* unboxed value?
+ map_*_* f (x:xs) = let h = f x
+ t = map f xs
+ in h:t
+Could convert let to case:
+ map_*_Int# f (x:xs) = case f x of h# ->
+ let t = map f xs
+ in h#:t
+This may be undesirable since it forces evaluation here, but the value
+may not be used in all branches of the body. In the general case this
+transformation is impossible since the mutual recursion in a letrec
+cannot be expressed as a case.
+There is also a problem with top-level unboxed values, since our
+implementation cannot handle unboxed values at the top level.
+Solution: Lift the binding of the unboxed value and extract it when it
+is used:
+ map_*_Int# f (x:xs) = let h = case (f x) of h# -> _Lift h#
+ t = map f xs
+ in case h of
+ _Lift h# -> h#:t
+Now give it to the simplifier and the _Lifting will be optimised away.
+The benfit is that we have given the specialised "unboxed" values a
+very simple lifted semantics and then leave it up to the simplifier to
+optimise it --- knowing that the overheads will be removed in nearly
+all cases.
+In particular, the value will only be evaluted in the branches of the
+program which use it, rather than being forced at the point where the
+value is bound. For example:
+ filtermap_*_* p f (x:xs)
+ = let h = f x
+ t = ...
+ in case p x of
+ True -> h:t
+ False -> t
+ ==>
+ filtermap_*_Int# p f (x:xs)
+ = let h = case (f x) of h# -> _Lift h#
+ t = ...
+ in case p x of
+ True -> case h of _Lift h#
+ -> h#:t
+ False -> t
+The binding for h can still be inlined in the one branch and the
+_Lifting eliminated.
+Question: When won't the _Lifting be eliminated?
+Answer: When they at the top-level (where it is necessary) or when
+inlining would duplicate work (or possibly code depending on
+options). However, the _Lifting will still be eliminated if the
+strictness analyser deems the lifted binding strict.
+%* *
+\subsubsection[CallInstances]{@CallInstances@ data type}
+%* *
+type FreeVarsSet = UniqSet Id
+type FreeTyVarsSet = UniqSet TyVar
+data CallInstance
+ = CallInstance
+ Id -- This Id; *new* ie *cloned* id
+ [Maybe UniType] -- Specialised at these types (*new*, cloned)
+ -- Nothing => no specialisation on this type arg
+ -- is required (flag dependent).
+ [PlainCoreArg] -- And these dictionaries; all ValArgs
+ FreeVarsSet -- Free vars of the dict-args in terms of *new* ids
+ (Maybe SpecInfo) -- For specialisation with explicit SpecId
+pprCI :: CallInstance -> Pretty
+pprCI (CallInstance id spec_tys dicts _ maybe_specinfo)
+ = ppHang (ppCat [ppStr "Call inst for", ppr PprDebug id])
+ 4 (ppAboves [ppCat (ppStr "types" : [pprMaybeTy PprDebug ty | ty <- spec_tys]),
+ case maybe_specinfo of
+ Nothing -> ppCat (ppStr "dicts" : [ppr PprDebug dict | dict <- dicts])
+ Just (SpecInfo _ _ spec_id)
+ -> ppCat [ppStr "Explicit SpecId", ppr PprDebug spec_id]
+ ])
+isUnboxedCI :: CallInstance -> Bool
+isUnboxedCI (CallInstance _ spec_tys _ _ _)
+ = any isUnboxedDataType (catMaybes spec_tys)
+isExplicitCI :: CallInstance -> Bool
+isExplicitCI (CallInstance _ _ _ _ (Just _))
+ = True
+isExplicitCI (CallInstance _ _ _ _ Nothing)
+ = False
+Comparisons are based on the {\em types}, ignoring the dictionary args:
+cmpCI :: CallInstance -> CallInstance -> TAG_
+cmpCI (CallInstance id1 tys1 _ _ _) (CallInstance id2 tys2 _ _ _)
+ = case cmpId id1 id2 of { EQ_ -> cmpUniTypeMaybeList tys1 tys2; other -> other }
+cmpCI_tys :: CallInstance -> CallInstance -> TAG_
+cmpCI_tys (CallInstance _ tys1 _ _ _) (CallInstance _ tys2 _ _ _)
+ = cmpUniTypeMaybeList tys1 tys2
+isCIofTheseIds :: [Id] -> CallInstance -> Bool
+isCIofTheseIds ids (CallInstance ci_id _ _ _ _) = any (eqId ci_id) ids
+singleCI :: Id -> [Maybe UniType] -> [PlainCoreArg] -> UsageDetails
+singleCI id tys dicts
+ = UsageDetails (unitBag (CallInstance id tys dicts fv_set Nothing))
+ emptyBag [] emptyUniqSet
+ where
+ fv_set = mkUniqSet (id : [dict | ValArg (CoVarAtom dict) <- dicts])
+explicitCI :: Id -> [Maybe UniType] -> SpecInfo -> UsageDetails
+explicitCI id tys specinfo
+ = UsageDetails (unitBag call_inst) emptyBag [] emptyUniqSet
+ where
+ call_inst = CallInstance id tys dicts fv_set (Just specinfo)
+ dicts = panic "Specialise:explicitCI:dicts"
+ fv_set = singletonUniqSet id
+getCIs :: [Id] -> UsageDetails -> ([CallInstance], UsageDetails)
+getCIs ids (UsageDetails cis tycon_cis dbs fvs)
+ = let
+ (cis_here, cis_not_here) = partitionBag (isCIofTheseIds ids) cis
+ cis_here_list = bagToList cis_here
+ in
+ -- pprTrace "getCIs:"
+ -- (ppHang (ppBesides [ppStr "{", ppr PprDebug ids, ppStr "}"])
+ -- 4 (ppAboves (map pprCI cis_here_list)))
+ (cis_here_list, UsageDetails cis_not_here tycon_cis dbs fvs)
+dumpCIs :: Bag CallInstance -- The call instances
+ -> [Id] -- Bound ids *new*
+ -> Bag CallInstance -- Kept call instances
+dumpCIs cis bound_ids
+ = (if not (isEmptyBag cis_dict_bound_arg) then
+ (if isEmptyBag unboxed_cis_dict_bound_arg
+ then (\ x y -> y) -- pprTrace "dumpCIs: bound dictionary arg ... \n"
+ else pprTrace "dumpCIs: bound dictionary arg ... WITH UNBOXED TYPES!\n")
+ (ppHang (ppBesides [ppStr "{", ppr PprDebug bound_ids, ppStr "}"])
+ 4 (ppAboves (map pprCI (bagToList cis_dump))))
+ else id)
+ cis_keep
+ where
+ (cis_dump, cis_keep) = partitionBag mentions_bound_ids cis
+ mentions_bound_ids (CallInstance _ _ _ fv_set _)
+ = or [i `elementOfUniqSet` fv_set | i <- bound_ids]
+ (cis_of_bound_id, cis_dict_bound_arg) = partitionBag (isCIofTheseIds bound_ids) cis_dump
+ (unboxed_cis_dict_bound_arg, _) = partitionBag isUnboxedCI cis_dict_bound_arg
+Any call instances of a bound_id can be safely dumped, because any
+recursive calls should be at the same instance as the parent instance.
+ letrec f = /\a -> \x::a -> ...(f t x')...
+Here, the type, t, at which f is used in its own RHS should be
+just "a"; that is, the recursive call is at the same type as
+the original call. That means that when specialising f at some
+type, say Int#, we shouldn't find any *new* instances of f
+arising from specialising f's RHS. The only instance we'll find
+is another call of (f Int#).
+ToDo: We should check this rather than just dumping them.
+However, we do report any call instances which are mysteriously dumped
+because they have a dictionary argument which is bound here ...
+ToDo: Under what circumstances does this occur, if at all?
+%* *
+\subsubsection[TyConInstances]{@TyConInstances@ data type}
+%* *
+data TyConInstance
+ = TyConInstance TyCon -- Type Constructor
+ [Maybe UniType] -- Applied to these specialising types
+cmpTyConI :: TyConInstance -> TyConInstance -> TAG_
+cmpTyConI (TyConInstance tc1 tys1) (TyConInstance tc2 tys2)
+ = case cmpTyCon tc1 tc2 of { EQ_ -> cmpUniTypeMaybeList tys1 tys2; other -> other }
+cmpTyConI_tys :: TyConInstance -> TyConInstance -> TAG_
+cmpTyConI_tys (TyConInstance _ tys1) (TyConInstance _ tys2)
+ = cmpUniTypeMaybeList tys1 tys2
+singleTyConI :: TyCon -> [Maybe UniType] -> UsageDetails
+singleTyConI ty_con spec_tys
+ = UsageDetails emptyBag (unitBag (TyConInstance ty_con spec_tys)) [] emptyUniqSet
+isTyConIofThisTyCon :: TyCon -> TyConInstance -> Bool
+isTyConIofThisTyCon ty_con (TyConInstance inst_ty_con _) = eqTyCon ty_con inst_ty_con
+isLocalSpecTyConI :: Bool -> TyConInstance -> Bool
+isLocalSpecTyConI comp_prel (TyConInstance inst_ty_con _) = isLocalSpecTyCon comp_prel inst_ty_con
+getLocalSpecTyConIs :: Bool -> UsageDetails -> ([TyConInstance], UsageDetails)
+getLocalSpecTyConIs comp_prel (UsageDetails cis tycon_cis dbs fvs)
+ = let
+ (tycon_cis_local, tycon_cis_global)
+ = partitionBag (isLocalSpecTyConI comp_prel) tycon_cis
+ tycon_cis_local_list = bagToList tycon_cis_local
+ in
+ (tycon_cis_local_list, UsageDetails cis tycon_cis_global dbs fvs)
+%* *
+\subsubsection[UsageDetails]{@UsageDetails@ data type}
+%* *
+data UsageDetails
+ = UsageDetails
+ (Bag CallInstance) -- The collection of call-instances
+ (Bag TyConInstance) -- Constructor call-instances
+ [DictBindDetails] -- Dictionary bindings in data-dependence order!
+ FreeVarsSet -- Free variables (excl imported ones, incl top level) (cloned)
+The DictBindDetails are fully processed; their call-instance information is
+incorporated in the call-instances of the
+UsageDetails which includes the DictBindDetails. The free vars in a usage details
+will *include* the binders of the DictBind details.
+A @DictBindDetails@ contains bindings for dictionaries *only*.
+data DictBindDetails
+ = DictBindDetails
+ [Id] -- Main binders, originally visible in scope of binding (cloned)
+ PlainCoreBinding -- Fully processed
+ FreeVarsSet -- Free in binding group (cloned)
+ FreeTyVarsSet -- Free in binding group
+emptyUDs :: UsageDetails
+unionUDs :: UsageDetails -> UsageDetails -> UsageDetails
+unionUDList :: [UsageDetails] -> UsageDetails
+emptyUDs = UsageDetails emptyBag emptyBag [] emptyUniqSet
+unionUDs (UsageDetails cis1 tycon_cis1 dbs1 fvs1) (UsageDetails cis2 tycon_cis2 dbs2 fvs2)
+ = UsageDetails (unionBags cis1 cis2) (unionBags tycon_cis1 tycon_cis2)
+ (dbs1 ++ dbs2) (fvs1 `unionUniqSets` fvs2)
+ -- The append here is really redundant, since the bindings don't
+ -- scope over each other. ToDo.
+unionUDList = foldr unionUDs emptyUDs
+singleFvUDs (CoVarAtom v) | not (isImportedId v)
+ = UsageDetails emptyBag emptyBag [] (singletonUniqSet v)
+singleFvUDs other
+ = emptyUDs
+singleConUDs con = UsageDetails emptyBag emptyBag [] (singletonUniqSet con)
+dumpDBs :: [DictBindDetails]
+ -> [TyVar] -- TyVars being bound (cloned)
+ -> [Id] -- Ids being bound (cloned)
+ -> FreeVarsSet -- Fvs of body
+ -> ([PlainCoreBinding], -- These ones have to go here
+ [DictBindDetails], -- These can float further
+ [Id], -- Incoming list + names of dicts bound here
+ FreeVarsSet -- Incominf fvs + fvs of dicts bound here
+ )
+dumpDBs [] bound_tyvars bound_ids fvs = ([], [], bound_ids, fvs)
+dumpDBs ((db@(DictBindDetails dbinders dbind db_fvs db_ftv)):dbs)
+ bound_tyvars bound_ids fvs
+ | or [i `elementOfUniqSet` db_fvs | i <- bound_ids]
+ ||
+ or [tv `elementOfUniqSet` db_ftv | tv <- bound_tyvars]
+ = let -- Ha! Dump it!
+ (dbinds_here, dbs_outer, full_bound_ids, full_fvs)
+ = dumpDBs dbs bound_tyvars (dbinders ++ bound_ids) (db_fvs `unionUniqSets` fvs)
+ in
+ (dbind : dbinds_here, dbs_outer, full_bound_ids, full_fvs)
+ | otherwise -- This one can float out further
+ = let
+ (dbinds_here, dbs_outer, full_bound_ids, full_fvs)
+ = dumpDBs dbs bound_tyvars bound_ids fvs
+ in
+ (dbinds_here, db : dbs_outer, full_bound_ids, full_fvs)
+dumpUDs :: UsageDetails
+ -> [Id] -- Ids which are just being bound; *new*
+ -> [TyVar] -- TyVars which are just being bound
+ -> ([PlainCoreBinding], -- Bindings from UsageDetails which mention the ids
+ UsageDetails) -- The above bindings removed, and
+ -- any call-instances which mention the ids dumped too
+dumpUDs (UsageDetails cis tycon_cis dbs fvs) bound_ids tvs
+ = let
+ (dict_binds_here, dbs_outer, full_bound_ids, full_fvs) = dumpDBs dbs tvs bound_ids fvs
+ cis_outer = dumpCIs cis full_bound_ids
+ fvs_outer = full_fvs `minusUniqSet` (mkUniqSet full_bound_ids)
+ in
+ (dict_binds_here, UsageDetails cis_outer tycon_cis dbs_outer fvs_outer)
+addDictBinds :: [Id] -> PlainCoreBinding -> UsageDetails -- Dict binding and RHS usage
+ -> UsageDetails -- The usage to augment
+ -> UsageDetails
+addDictBinds dbinders dbind (UsageDetails db_cis db_tycon_cis db_dbs db_fvs)
+ (UsageDetails cis tycon_cis dbs fvs)
+ = UsageDetails (db_cis `unionBags` cis)
+ (db_tycon_cis `unionBags` tycon_cis)
+ (db_dbs ++ [DictBindDetails dbinders dbind db_fvs db_ftvs] ++ dbs)
+ fvs
+ where
+ -- The free tyvars of the dictionary bindings should really be
+ -- gotten from the RHSs, but I'm pretty sure it's good enough just
+ -- to look at the type of the dictionary itself.
+ -- Doing the proper job would entail keeping track of free tyvars as
+ -- well as free vars, which would be a bore.
+ db_ftvs = mkUniqSet (extractTyVarsFromTys (map getIdUniType dbinders))
+%* *
+\subsection[cloning-binders]{The Specialising IdEnv and CloneInfo}
+%* *
+@SpecIdEnv@ maps old Ids to their new "clone". There are three cases:
+1) (NoLift CoLitAtom l) : an Id which is bound to a literal
+2) (NoLift CoLitAtom l) : an Id bound to a "new" Id
+ The new Id is a possibly-type-specialised clone of the original
+3) Lifted lifted_id unlifted_id :
+ This indicates that the original Id has been specialised to an
+ unboxed value which must be lifted (see "Unboxed bindings" above)
+ @unlifted_id@ is the unboxed clone of the original Id
+ @lifted_id@ is a *lifted* version of the original Id
+ When you lookup Ids which are Lifted, you have to insert a case
+ expression to un-lift the value (done with @bindUnlift@)
+ You also have to insert a case to lift the value in the binding
+ (done with @liftExpr@)
+type SpecIdEnv = IdEnv CloneInfo
+data CloneInfo
+ = NoLift PlainCoreAtom -- refers to cloned id or literal
+ | Lifted Id -- lifted, cloned id
+ Id -- unlifted, cloned id
+%* *
+\subsection[specialise-data]{Data returned by specialiser}
+%* *
+data SpecialiseData
+ = SpecData Bool
+ -- True <=> Specialisation performed
+ Bool
+ -- False <=> Specialisation completed with errors
+ [TyCon]
+ -- Local tycons declared in this module
+ [TyCon]
+ -- Those in-scope data types for which we want to
+ -- generate code for their constructors.
+ -- Namely: data types declared in this module +
+ -- any big tuples used in this module
+ -- The initial (and default) value is the local tycons
+ (FiniteMap TyCon [[Maybe UniType]])
+ -- TyCon specialisations to be generated
+ -- We generate specialisations for data types defined
+ -- in this module and any tuples used in this module
+ -- The initial (and default) value is the specialisations
+ -- requested by source-level SPECIALIZE data pragmas
+ -- and _SPECIALISE_ pragmas in the interface files
+ (Bag (Id,[Maybe UniType]))
+ -- Imported specialisation errors
+ (Bag (Id,[Maybe UniType]))
+ -- Imported specialisation warnings
+ (Bag (TyCon,[Maybe UniType]))
+ -- Imported TyCon specialisation errors
+initSpecData local_tycons tycon_specs
+ = SpecData False True local_tycons local_tycons tycon_specs emptyBag emptyBag emptyBag
+ToDo[sansom]: Transformation data to process specialisation requests.
+%* *
+\subsection[specProgram]{Specialising a core program}
+%* *
+specProgram :: (GlobalSwitch -> Bool)
+ -> SplitUniqSupply
+ -> [PlainCoreBinding] -- input ...
+ -> SpecialiseData
+ -> ([PlainCoreBinding], -- main result
+ SpecialiseData) -- result specialise data
+specProgram sw_chker uniqs binds
+ (SpecData False _ local_tycons _ init_specs init_errs init_warn init_tyerrs)
+ = case (initSM (specTyConsAndScope (specTopBinds binds)) sw_chker uniqs) of
+ (final_binds, tycon_specs_list,
+ UsageDetails import_cis import_tycis _ fvs)
+ -> let
+ used_conids = filter isDataCon (uniqSetToList fvs)
+ used_tycons = map getDataConTyCon used_conids
+ used_gen = filter isLocalGenTyCon used_tycons
+ gen_tycons = setToList (mkSet local_tycons `union` mkSet used_gen)
+ result_specs = addListToFM_C (++) init_specs tycon_specs_list
+ uniq_cis = map head (equivClasses cmpCI (bagToList import_cis))
+ cis_list = [(id, tys) | CallInstance id tys _ _ _ <- uniq_cis]
+ (cis_unboxed, cis_other) = partition (isUnboxedSpecialisation . snd) cis_list
+ cis_warn = init_warn `unionBags` listToBag cis_other
+ cis_errs = init_errs `unionBags` listToBag cis_unboxed
+ uniq_tycis = map head (equivClasses cmpTyConI (bagToList import_tycis))
+ tycis_unboxed = [(con, tys) | TyConInstance con tys <- uniq_tycis]
+ tycis_errs = init_tyerrs `unionBags` listToBag tycis_unboxed
+ no_errs = isEmptyBag cis_errs && isEmptyBag tycis_errs
+ && (not (sw_chker SpecialiseImports) || isEmptyBag cis_warn)
+ in
+ (final_binds,
+ SpecData True no_errs local_tycons gen_tycons result_specs
+ cis_errs cis_warn tycis_errs)
+specProgram sw_chker uniqs binds (SpecData True _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
+ = panic "Specialise:specProgram: specialiser called more than once"
+-- It may be possible safely to call the specialiser more than once,
+-- but I am not sure there is any benefit in doing so (Patrick)
+-- ToDo: What about unfoldings performed after specialisation ???
+%* *
+\subsection[specTyConsAndScope]{Specialising data constructors within tycons}
+%* *
+In the specialiser we just collect up the specialisations which will
+be required. We don't create the specialised constructors in
+Core. These are only introduced when we convert to StgSyn.
+ToDo: Perhaps this should be done in CoreToStg to ensure no inconsistencies!
+specTyConsAndScope :: SpecM ([PlainCoreBinding], UsageDetails)
+ -> SpecM ([PlainCoreBinding], [(TyCon,[[Maybe UniType]])], UsageDetails)
+specTyConsAndScope scopeM
+ = scopeM `thenSM` \ (binds, scope_uds) ->
+ getSwitchCheckerSM `thenSM` \ sw_chkr ->
+ let
+ (tycons_cis, gotci_scope_uds)
+ = getLocalSpecTyConIs (sw_chkr CompilingPrelude) scope_uds
+ tycon_specs_list = collectTyConSpecs tycons_cis
+ in
+ (if sw_chkr SpecialiseTrace && not (null tycon_specs_list) then
+ pprTrace "Specialising TyCons:\n"
+ (ppAboves [ if not (null specs) then
+ ppHang (ppCat [(ppr PprDebug tycon), ppStr "at types"])
+ 4 (ppAboves (map pp_specs specs))
+ else ppNil
+ | (tycon, specs) <- tycon_specs_list])
+ else id) (
+ returnSM (binds, tycon_specs_list, gotci_scope_uds)
+ )
+ where
+ collectTyConSpecs []
+ = []
+ collectTyConSpecs tycons_cis@(TyConInstance tycon _ : _)
+ = (tycon, tycon_specs) : collectTyConSpecs other_tycons_cis
+ where
+ (tycon_cis, other_tycons_cis) = partition (isTyConIofThisTyCon tycon) tycons_cis
+ uniq_cis = map head (equivClasses cmpTyConI_tys tycon_cis)
+ tycon_specs = [spec_tys | TyConInstance _ spec_tys <- uniq_cis]
+ pp_specs specs = ppInterleave ppNil [pprMaybeTy PprDebug ty | ty <- specs]
+{- UNUSED: create specialised constructors in Core
+NB: this code may have some bitrot (Andy & Will 95/06)
+specTyConsAndScope spec_tycons scopeM
+ = fixSM (\ ~(_, _, _, rec_spec_infos) ->
+ bindConIds cons_tospec rec_spec_infos (
+ scopeM `thenSM` \ (binds, scope_uds) ->
+ let
+ (tycons_cis, gotci_scope_uds)
+ = getLocalSpecTyConIs (sw_chkr CompilingPrelude) scope_uds
+ in
+ mapAndUnzipSM (inst_tycon tycons_cis) spec_tycons
+ `thenSM` \ (tycon_specs_list, spec_infoss) ->
+ returnSM (binds, tycon_specs_list, gotci_scope_uds, concat spec_infoss)
+ )
+ ) `thenSM` \ (binds, tycon_specs_list, final_uds, spec_infos) ->
+ returnSM (binds, tycon_specs_list, final_uds)
+ where
+ conss_tospec = map getTyConDataCons spec_tycons
+ cons_tospec = concat conss_tospec
+ inst_tycon tycons_cis tycon
+ = mapSM mk_con_specs (getTyConDataCons tycon) `thenSM` \ spec_infos ->
+ getSwitchCheckerSM `thenSM` \ sw_chkr ->
+ (if sw_chkr SpecialiseTrace && not (null tycon_cis) then
+ pprTrace "Specialising:"
+ (ppHang (ppCat [ppr PprDebug tycon, ppStr "at types"])
+ 4 (ppAboves (map pp_inst uniq_cis)))
+ else id) (
+ returnSM ((tycon, tycon_specs), spec_infos)
+ )
+ where
+ tycon_cis = filter (isTyConIofThisTyCon tycon) tycons_cis
+ uniq_cis = map head (equivClasses cmpTyConI_tys tycon_cis)
+ tycon_specs = [spec_tys | TyConInstance _ spec_tys <- uniq_cis]
+ mk_con_specs con_id
+ = mapSM (mk_con_spec con_id) uniq_cis
+ mk_con_spec con_id (TyConInstance _ spec_tys)
+ = newSpecIds [con_id] spec_tys 0 copy_arity_info_and `thenSM` \ [spec_id] ->
+ returnSM (SpecInfo spec_tys 0 spec_id)
+ copy_arity_info old new = addIdArity new (getDataConArity old)
+ pp_inst (TyConInstance _ spec_tys)
+ = ppInterleave ppNil [pprMaybeTy PprDebug ty | ty <- spec_tys]
+%* *
+\subsection[specTopBinds]{Specialising top-level bindings}
+%* *
+specTopBinds :: [PlainCoreBinding]
+ -> SpecM ([PlainCoreBinding], UsageDetails)
+specTopBinds binds
+ = spec_top_binds binds `thenSM` \ (binds, UsageDetails cis tycis dbind_details fvs) ->
+ let
+ -- Add bindings for floated dbinds and collect fvs
+ -- In actual fact many of these bindings are dead code since dict
+ -- arguments are dropped when a specialised call is created
+ -- The simplifier should be able to cope ...
+ (dbinders_s, dbinds, dfvs_s)
+ = unzip3 [(dbinders, dbind, dfvs) | DictBindDetails dbinders dbind dfvs _ <- dbind_details]
+ full_fvs = fvs `unionUniqSets` unionManyUniqSets dfvs_s
+ fvs_outer = full_fvs `minusUniqSet` (mkUniqSet (concat dbinders_s))
+ in
+ returnSM (dbinds ++ binds, UsageDetails cis tycis [] fvs_outer)
+ where
+ spec_top_binds (first_bind:rest_binds)
+ = specBindAndScope True {- top level -} first_bind (
+ spec_top_binds rest_binds `thenSM` \ (rest_binds, rest_uds) ->
+ returnSM (ItsABinds rest_binds, rest_uds)
+ ) `thenSM` \ (first_binds, ItsABinds rest_binds, all_uds) ->
+ returnSM (first_binds ++ rest_binds, all_uds)
+ spec_top_binds []
+ = returnSM ([], emptyUDs)
+%* *
+\subsection[specExpr]{Specialising expressions}
+%* *
+specExpr :: PlainCoreExpr
+ -> [PlainCoreArg] -- The arguments:
+ -- TypeArgs are speced
+ -- ValArgs are unprocessed
+ -> SpecM (PlainCoreExpr, -- Result expression with specialised versions installed
+ UsageDetails) -- Details of usage of enclosing binders in the result
+ -- expression.
+specExpr (CoVar v) args
+ = lookupId v `thenSM` \ vlookup ->
+ case vlookup of
+ Lifted vl vu
+ -> -- Binding has been lifted, need to extract un-lifted value
+ -- NB: a function binding will never be lifted => args always null
+ -- i.e. no call instance required or call to be constructed
+ ASSERT (null args)
+ returnSM (bindUnlift vl vu (CoVar vu), singleFvUDs (CoVarAtom vl))
+ NoLift vatom@(CoVarAtom new_v)
+ -> mapSM specArg args `thenSM` \ arg_info ->
+ mkCallInstance v new_v arg_info `thenSM` \ uds ->
+ mkCall new_v arg_info `thenSM` \ call ->
+ returnSM (call, uds)
+specExpr expr@(CoLit _) null_args
+ = ASSERT (null null_args)
+ returnSM (expr, emptyUDs)
+specExpr (CoCon con tys args) null_args
+ = ASSERT (null null_args)
+ mapSM specTy tys `thenSM` \ tys ->
+ mapAndUnzip3SM specAtom args `thenSM` \ (args, args_uds_s, unlifts) ->
+ mkTyConInstance con tys `thenSM` \ con_uds ->
+ returnSM (applyBindUnlifts unlifts (CoCon con tys args),
+ unionUDList args_uds_s `unionUDs` con_uds)
+{- UNUSED: create specialised constructors in CoCon
+specExpr (CoCon con tys args) null_args
+ = ASSERT (null null_args)
+ mapSM specTy tys `thenSM` \ tys ->
+ mapAndUnzipSM specAtom args `thenSM` \ (args, args_uds_s) ->
+ mkTyConInstance con tys `thenSM` \ con_con ->
+ lookupId con `thenSM` \ con ->
+ mkConstrCall con tys `thenSM` \ ~(spec_con, spec_tys) ->
+ returnSM (CoCon spec_con spec_tys args,
+ unionUDList args_uds_s `unionUDs` con_uds)
+specExpr (CoPrim op@(CCallOp str is_asm may_gc arg_tys res_ty) tys args) null_args
+ = ASSERT (null null_args)
+ ASSERT (null tys)
+ mapSM specTy arg_tys `thenSM` \ arg_tys ->
+ specTy res_ty `thenSM` \ res_ty ->
+ mapAndUnzip3SM specAtom args `thenSM` \ (args, args_uds_s, unlifts) ->
+ returnSM (applyBindUnlifts unlifts (CoPrim (CCallOp str is_asm may_gc arg_tys res_ty) tys args),
+ unionUDList args_uds_s)
+specExpr (CoPrim prim tys args) null_args
+ = ASSERT (null null_args)
+ mapSM specTy tys `thenSM` \ tys ->
+ mapAndUnzip3SM specAtom args `thenSM` \ (args, args_uds_s, unlifts) ->
+ -- specPrimOp prim tys `thenSM` \ (prim, tys, prim_uds) ->
+ returnSM (applyBindUnlifts unlifts (CoPrim prim tys args),
+ unionUDList args_uds_s {-`unionUDs` prim_uds-} )
+{- ToDo: specPrimOp
+specPrimOp :: PrimOp
+ -> [UniType]
+ -> SpecM (PrimOp,
+ [UniType],
+ UsageDetails)
+-- Checks that PrimOp can handle (possibly unboxed) tys passed
+-- and/or chooses PrimOp specialised to any unboxed tys
+-- Errors are dealt with by returning a PrimOp call instance
+-- which will result in a cis_errs message
+-- ToDo: Deal with checkSpecTyApp for CoPrim in CoreLint
+specExpr (CoApp fun arg) args
+ = -- Arg is passed on unprocessed
+ specExpr fun (ValArg arg : args) `thenSM` \ (expr,uds) ->
+ returnSM (expr, uds)
+specExpr (CoTyApp fun ty) args
+ = -- Spec the tyarg and pass it on
+ specTy ty `thenSM` \ ty ->
+ specExpr fun (TypeArg ty : args)
+specExpr (CoLam bound_ids body) args
+ = specLam bound_ids body args
+specExpr (CoTyLam tyvar body) (TypeArg ty : args)
+ = -- Type lambda with argument; argument already spec'd
+ bindTyVar tyvar ty (
+ specExpr body args
+ )
+specExpr (CoTyLam tyvar body) []
+ = -- No arguments
+ cloneTyVarSM tyvar `thenSM` \ new_tyvar ->
+ bindTyVar tyvar (mkTyVarTy new_tyvar) (
+ specExpr body [] `thenSM` \ (body, body_uds) ->
+ let
+ (binds_here, final_uds) = dumpUDs body_uds [] [new_tyvar]
+ in
+ returnSM (CoTyLam new_tyvar (mkCoLetsNoUnboxed binds_here body), final_uds)
+ )
+specExpr (CoCase scrutinee alts) args
+ = specExpr scrutinee [] `thenSM` \ (scrutinee, scrut_uds) ->
+ specAlts alts scrutinee_type args `thenSM` \ (alts, alts_uds) ->
+ returnSM (CoCase scrutinee alts, scrut_uds `unionUDs` alts_uds)
+ where
+ scrutinee_type = typeOfCoreExpr scrutinee
+specExpr (CoLet bind body) args
+ = specBindAndScope False {- not top level -} bind (
+ specExpr body args `thenSM` \ (body, body_uds) ->
+ returnSM (ItsAnExpr body, body_uds)
+ ) `thenSM` \ (binds, ItsAnExpr body, all_uds) ->
+ returnSM (mkCoLetsNoUnboxed binds body, all_uds)
+specExpr (CoSCC cc expr) args
+ = specExpr expr [] `thenSM` \ (expr, expr_uds) ->
+ mapAndUnzip3SM specArg args `thenSM` \ (args, args_uds_s, unlifts) ->
+ let
+ scc_expr
+ = if squashableDictishCcExpr cc expr -- can toss the _scc_
+ then expr
+ else CoSCC cc expr
+ in
+ returnSM (applyBindUnlifts unlifts (applyToArgs scc_expr args),
+ unionUDList args_uds_s `unionUDs` expr_uds)
+-- ToDo:DPH: add stuff here!
+%* *
+\subsubsection{Specialising a lambda}
+%* *
+specLam :: [Id] -> PlainCoreExpr -> [PlainCoreArg]
+ -> SpecM (PlainCoreExpr, UsageDetails)
+specLam [] body args
+ = -- All lambdas saturated
+ specExpr body args
+specLam (binder:binders) body (ValArg arg : args)
+ = -- Lambda with an unprocessed argument
+ lookup_arg arg `thenSM` \ arg ->
+ bindId binder arg (
+ specLam binders body args
+ )
+ where
+ lookup_arg (CoLitAtom l) = returnSM (NoLift (CoLitAtom l))
+ lookup_arg (CoVarAtom v) = lookupId v
+specLam bound_ids body []
+ = -- Lambda with no arguments
+ specLambdaOrCaseBody bound_ids body [] `thenSM` \ (bound_ids, body, uds) ->
+ returnSM (CoLam bound_ids body, uds)
+specLambdaOrCaseBody :: [Id] -- The binders
+ -> PlainCoreExpr -- The body
+ -> [PlainCoreArg] -- Its args
+ -> SpecM ([Id], -- New binders
+ PlainCoreExpr, -- New body
+ UsageDetails)
+specLambdaOrCaseBody bound_ids body args
+ = cloneLambdaOrCaseBinders bound_ids `thenSM` \ (new_ids, clone_infos) ->
+ bindIds bound_ids clone_infos (
+ specExpr body args `thenSM` \ (body, body_uds) ->
+ let
+ -- Dump any dictionary bindings (and call instances)
+ -- from the scope which mention things bound here
+ (binds_here, final_uds) = dumpUDs body_uds new_ids []
+ in
+ returnSM (new_ids, mkCoLetsNoUnboxed binds_here body, final_uds)
+ )
+-- ToDo: Opportunity here to common-up dictionaries with same type,
+-- thus avoiding recomputation.
+A variable bound in a lambda or case is normally monomorphic so no
+specialised versions will be required. This is just as well since we
+do not know what code to specialise!
+Unfortunately this is not always the case. For example a class Foo
+with polymorphic methods gives rise to a dictionary with polymorphic
+components as follows:
+class Foo a where
+ op1 :: a -> b -> a
+ op2 :: a -> c -> a
+instance Foo Int where
+ op1 = op1Int
+ op2 = op2Int
+... op1 1 3# ...
+d.Foo.Int :: ( \/b . Int -> b -> Int, \/c . Int -> c -> Int )
+d.Foo.Int = (op1_Int, op2_Int)
+op1 = /\ a b -> \ dFoo -> case dFoo of (meth1, _) -> meth1 b
+... op1 {Int Int#} d.Foo.Int 1 3# ...
+N.B. The type of the dictionary is not Hindley Milner!
+Now we must specialise op1 at {* Int#} which requires a version of
+meth1 at {Int#}. But since meth1 was extracted from a dictionary we do
+not have access to its code to create the specialised version.
+If we specialise on overloaded types as well we specialise op1 at
+{Int Int#} d.Foo.Int:
+op1_Int_Int# = case d.Foo.Int of (meth1, _) -> meth1 {Int#}
+Though this is still invalid, after further simplification we get:
+op1_Int_Int# = opInt1 {Int#}
+Another round of specialisation will result in the specialised
+version of op1Int being called directly.
+For now we PANIC if a polymorphic lambda/case bound variable is found
+in a call instance with an unboxed type. Other call instances, arising
+from overloaded type arguments, are discarded since the unspecialised
+version extracted from the method can be called as normal.
+ToDo: Implement and test second round of specialisation.
+%* *
+\subsubsection{Specialising case alternatives}
+%* *
+specAlts (CoAlgAlts alts deflt) scrutinee_ty args
+ = mapSM specTy ty_args `thenSM` \ ty_args ->
+ mapAndUnzipSM (specAlgAlt ty_args) alts `thenSM` \ (alts, alts_uds_s) ->
+ specDeflt deflt args `thenSM` \ (deflt, deflt_uds) ->
+ returnSM (CoAlgAlts alts deflt,
+ unionUDList alts_uds_s `unionUDs` deflt_uds)
+ where
+ -- We use ty_args of scrutinee type to identify specialisation of alternatives
+ (_, ty_args, _) = getUniDataTyCon scrutinee_ty
+ specAlgAlt ty_args (con,binders,rhs)
+ = specLambdaOrCaseBody binders rhs args `thenSM` \ (binders, rhs, rhs_uds) ->
+ mkTyConInstance con ty_args `thenSM` \ con_uds ->
+ returnSM ((con,binders,rhs), rhs_uds `unionUDs` con_uds)
+{- UNUSED: creating specialised constructors in case alts
+ specAlgAlt ty_args (con,binders,rhs)
+ = specLambdaOrCaseBody binders rhs args `thenSM` \ (binders, rhs, rhs_uds) ->
+ mkTyConInstance con ty_args `thenSM` \ con_uds ->
+ lookupId con `thenSM` \ con ->
+ mkConstrCall con ty_args `thenSM` \ ~(spec_con, _) ->
+ returnSM ((spec_con,binders,rhs), rhs_uds `unionUDs` con_uds)
+specAlts (CoPrimAlts alts deflt) scrutinee_ty args
+ = mapAndUnzipSM specPrimAlt alts `thenSM` \ (alts, alts_uds_s) ->
+ specDeflt deflt args `thenSM` \ (deflt, deflt_uds) ->
+ returnSM (CoPrimAlts alts deflt,
+ unionUDList alts_uds_s `unionUDs` deflt_uds)
+ where
+ specPrimAlt (lit,rhs) = specExpr rhs args `thenSM` \ (rhs, uds) ->
+ returnSM ((lit,rhs), uds)
+specDeflt CoNoDefault args = returnSM (CoNoDefault, emptyUDs)
+specDeflt (CoBindDefault binder rhs) args
+ = specLambdaOrCaseBody [binder] rhs args `thenSM` \ ([binder], rhs, uds) ->
+ returnSM (CoBindDefault binder rhs, uds)
+%* *
+\subsubsection{Specialising an atom}
+%* *
+specAtom :: PlainCoreAtom -> SpecM (PlainCoreAtom, UsageDetails,
+ PlainCoreExpr -> PlainCoreExpr)
+specAtom (CoLitAtom lit)
+ = returnSM (CoLitAtom lit, emptyUDs, id)
+specAtom (CoVarAtom v)
+ = lookupId v `thenSM` \ vlookup ->
+ case vlookup of
+ Lifted vl vu
+ -> returnSM (CoVarAtom vu, singleFvUDs (CoVarAtom vl), bindUnlift vl vu)
+ NoLift vatom
+ -> returnSM (vatom, singleFvUDs vatom, id)
+specArg :: PlainCoreArg -> SpecM (PlainCoreArg, UsageDetails,
+ PlainCoreExpr -> PlainCoreExpr)
+specArg (ValArg arg) -- unprocessed; spec the atom
+ = specAtom arg `thenSM` \ (arg, uds, unlift) ->
+ returnSM (ValArg arg, uds, unlift)
+specArg (TypeArg ty) -- already speced; no action
+ = returnSM (TypeArg ty, emptyUDs, id)
+%* *
+\subsubsection{Specialising bindings}
+%* *
+A classic case of when having a polymorphic recursive function would help!
+data BindsOrExpr = ItsABinds [PlainCoreBinding]
+ | ItsAnExpr PlainCoreExpr
+ :: Bool -- True <=> a top level group
+ -> PlainCoreBinding -- As yet unprocessed
+ -> SpecM (BindsOrExpr, UsageDetails) -- Something to do the scope of the bindings
+ -> SpecM ([PlainCoreBinding], -- Processed
+ BindsOrExpr, -- Combined result
+ UsageDetails) -- Usage details of the whole lot
+specBindAndScope is_top_level_group bind scopeM
+ = cloneLetrecBinders binders `thenSM` \ (new_binders, clone_infos) ->
+ -- Two cases now: either this is a bunch of dictionaries, in
+ -- which case we float them; or its a bunch of other values,
+ -- in which case we see if they correspond to any
+ -- call-instances we have in hand.
+ if all (\id -> isDictTy (getIdUniType id) || isConstMethodId id) binders then
+ -- Ha! A group of dictionary bindings, or constant methods.
+ -- The reason for the latter is interesting. Consider
+ --
+ -- dfun.Eq.Foo = /\a \ d -> ...
+ --
+ -- constmeth1 = ...
+ -- constmeth2 = ...
+ -- dict = (constmeth1,constmeth2)
+ --
+ -- ...(dfun.Eq.Foo dict)...
+ --
+ -- Now, the defn of dict can't float above the constant-method
+ -- decls, so the call-instance for dfun.Eq.Foo will be dropped.
+ --
+ -- Solution: float the constant methods in the same way as dictionaries
+ --
+ -- The other interesting bit is the test for dictionary-hood.
+ -- Constant dictionaries, like dict above, are sometimes built
+ -- as zero-arity dfuns, so isDictId alone won't work.
+ bindIds binders clone_infos (
+ -- Process the dictionary bindings themselves
+ specBind new_binders bind `thenSM` \ (bind, rhs_uds) ->
+ -- Process their scope
+ scopeM `thenSM` \ (thing, scope_uds) ->
+ let
+ -- Add the bindings to the current stuff
+ final_uds = addDictBinds new_binders bind rhs_uds scope_uds
+ in
+ returnSM ([], thing, final_uds)
+ )
+ else
+ -- Ho! A group of ordinary (non-dict) bindings
+ fixSM (\ ~(_, _, _, rec_spec_infos) ->
+ bindSpecIds binders clone_infos rec_spec_infos (
+ -- It's ok to have new binders in scope in
+ -- non-recursive decls too, cos name shadowing is gone by now
+ -- Do the scope of the bindings
+ scopeM `thenSM` \ (thing, scope_uds) ->
+ let
+ (call_insts_these_binders, gotci_scope_uds) = getCIs new_binders scope_uds
+ in
+ -- Do the bindings themselves
+ specBind new_binders bind `thenSM` \ (spec_bind, spec_uds) ->
+ -- Create any necessary instances
+ instBind new_binders bind call_insts_these_binders
+ `thenSM` \ (inst_binds, inst_uds, spec_infos) ->
+ let
+ -- Dump any dictionary bindings from the scope
+ -- which mention things bound here
+ (dict_binds, final_scope_uds) = dumpUDs gotci_scope_uds new_binders []
+ -- The spec_ids can't appear anywhere in uds, because they only
+ -- appear in SpecInfos.
+ -- Build final binding group
+ -- see note below about dependecies
+ final_binds = [spec_bind,
+ CoRec (pairsFromCoreBinds (inst_binds ++ dict_binds))
+ ]
+ in
+ -- Combine the results together
+ returnSM (final_binds,
+ thing,
+ spec_uds `unionUDs` final_scope_uds `unionUDs` inst_uds,
+ -- inst_uds comes last, because there may be dict bindings
+ -- floating outward in final_scope_uds which are mentioned
+ -- in the call-instances, and hence in spec_uds.
+ -- This ordering makes sure that the precedence order
+ -- among the dict bindings finally floated out is maintained.
+ spec_infos)
+ )
+ ) `thenSM` \ (binds, thing, final_uds, spec_infos) ->
+ returnSM (binds, thing, final_uds)
+ where
+ binders = bindersOf bind
+We place the spec_binds and dict_binds in a CoRec as there may be some
+nasty dependencies. These don't actually require a CoRec, but its the
+simplest solution. (The alternative would require some tricky dependency
+analysis.) We leave it to the real dependency analyser to sort it all
+out during a subsequent simplification pass.
+Where do these dependencies arise? Consider this case:
+ data Foo a = ...
+ {- instance Eq a => Eq (Foo a) where ... -}
+ dfun.Eq.(Foo *) d.eq.a = <wurble>
+ d2 = dfun.Eq.(Foo *) Char# d.Eq.Char#
+ d1 = dfun.Eq.(Foo *) (Foo Char#) d2
+Now, when specialising we must write the Char# instance of dfun.Eq.(Foo *) before
+that for the (Foo Char#) instance:
+ dfun.Eq.(Foo *) d.eq.a = <wurble>
+ dfun.Eq.(Foo *)@Char# = <wurble>[d.Eq.Char#/d.eq.a]
+ d2 = dfun.Eq.(Foo *)@Char#
+ dfun.Eq.(Foo *)@(Foo Char#) = <wurble>[d2/d.eq.a]
+ d1 = dfun.Eq.(Foo *)@(Foo Char#)
+The definition of dfun.Eq.(Foo *)@(Foo Char#) uses d2!!! So it must
+come after the definition of dfun.Eq.(Foo *)@Char#.
+specBind :: [Id] -> PlainCoreBinding -> SpecM (PlainCoreBinding, UsageDetails)
+ -- The UsageDetails returned has already had stuff to do with this group
+ -- of binders deleted; that's why new_binders is passed in.
+specBind new_binders (CoNonRec binder rhs)
+ = specOneBinding new_binders (binder,rhs) `thenSM` \ ((binder,rhs), rhs_uds) ->
+ returnSM (CoNonRec binder rhs, rhs_uds)
+specBind new_binders (CoRec pairs)
+ = mapAndUnzipSM (specOneBinding new_binders) pairs `thenSM` \ (pairs, rhs_uds_s) ->
+ returnSM (CoRec pairs, unionUDList rhs_uds_s)
+specOneBinding :: [Id] -> (Id,PlainCoreExpr) -> SpecM ((Id,PlainCoreExpr), UsageDetails)
+specOneBinding new_binders (binder, rhs)
+ = lookupId binder `thenSM` \ blookup ->
+ specExpr rhs [] `thenSM` \ (rhs, rhs_uds) ->
+ let
+ specid_maybe_maybe = isSpecPragmaId_maybe binder
+ is_specid = maybeToBool specid_maybe_maybe
+ Just specinfo_maybe = specid_maybe_maybe
+ specid_with_info = maybeToBool specinfo_maybe
+ Just spec_info = specinfo_maybe
+ pragma_uds
+ = if is_specid && specid_with_info then
+ -- Have a SpecInfo stored in a SpecPragmaId binder
+ -- This contains the SpecInfo for a specialisation pragma
+ -- with an explicit SpecId specified
+ -- We remove any cis for orig_id (there should only be one)
+ -- and add the explicit ci to the usage details
+ let
+ (SpecInfo spec_tys _ spec_id) = spec_info
+ Just (orig_id, _) = isSpecId_maybe spec_id
+ in
+ ASSERT(toplevelishId orig_id) -- must not be cloned!
+ explicitCI orig_id spec_tys spec_info
+ else
+ emptyUDs
+ (binds_here, final_uds) = dumpUDs rhs_uds new_binders []
+ in
+ case blookup of
+ Lifted lift_binder unlift_binder
+ -> -- We may need to record an unboxed instance of
+ -- the _Lift data type in the usage details
+ mkTyConInstance liftDataCon [getIdUniType unlift_binder]
+ `thenSM` \ lift_uds ->
+ returnSM ((lift_binder,
+ mkCoLetsNoUnboxed binds_here (liftExpr unlift_binder rhs)),
+ final_uds `unionUDs` pragma_uds `unionUDs` lift_uds)
+ NoLift (CoVarAtom binder)
+ -> returnSM ((binder, mkCoLetsNoUnboxed binds_here rhs),
+ final_uds `unionUDs` pragma_uds)
+%* *
+%* *
+instBind main_ids@(first_binder:other_binders) bind call_insts_for_main_ids
+ | all same_overloading other_binders
+ = let
+ -- Collect up identical call instances
+ equiv_classes = equivClasses cmpCI_tys call_insts_for_main_ids
+ in
+ -- For each equivalence class, build an instance
+ mapAndUnzip3SM do_this_class equiv_classes `thenSM` \ (inst_binds, inst_uds_s, spec_infos) ->
+ -- Add in the remaining UDs
+ returnSM (catMaybes inst_binds,
+ unionUDList inst_uds_s,
+ spec_infos
+ )
+ | otherwise -- Incompatible overloadings; see below by same_overloading
+ = (if null (filter isUnboxedCI call_insts_for_main_ids)
+ then (\ x y -> y) -- pprTrace "dumpCIs: not same overloading ... \n"
+ else pprTrace "dumpCIs: not same overloading ... WITH UNBOXED TYPES!\n")
+ (ppHang (ppBesides [ppStr "{", ppr PprDebug main_ids, ppStr "}"])
+ 4 (ppAboves (map pprCI call_insts_for_main_ids)))
+ (returnSM ([], emptyUDs, []))
+ where
+ (tyvar_tmpls, class_tyvar_pairs) = getIdOverloading first_binder
+ tyvar_tmpl_tys = map mkTyVarTemplateTy tyvar_tmpls
+ no_of_tyvars = length tyvar_tmpls
+ no_of_dicts = length class_tyvar_pairs
+ do_this_class equiv_cis
+ | not (null explicit_cis)
+ = if (length main_ids > 1 || length explicit_cis > 1) then
+ -- ToDo: If this situation arose we would need to go through
+ -- checking cis for each main_id and only creating an
+ -- instantiation if we had no explicit_cis for that main_id
+ pprPanic "Specialise:instBind:explicit call instances\n"
+ (ppAboves [ppCat [ppStr "{", ppr PprDebug main_ids, ppStr "}"],
+ ppAboves (map pprCI equiv_cis)])
+ else
+ getSwitchCheckerSM `thenSM` \ sw_chkr ->
+ (if sw_chkr SpecialiseTrace then
+ let
+ SpecInfo spec_tys _ spec_id = explicit_spec_info
+ in
+ pprTrace "Specialising:"
+ (ppHang (ppBesides [ppStr "{", ppr PprDebug main_ids, ppStr "}"])
+ 4 (ppAboves [
+ ppCat (ppStr "at types:" : [pprMaybeTy PprDebug ty | ty <- spec_tys]),
+ ppCat [ppStr "spec ids:", ppr PprDebug [spec_id], ppStr "(explicit)"]]))
+ else id) (
+ returnSM (Nothing, emptyUDs, [explicit_spec_info])
+ )
+ | otherwise
+ = mkOneInst (head equiv_cis) no_of_dicts main_ids bind
+ where
+ explicit_cis = filter isExplicitCI equiv_cis
+ [CallInstance _ _ _ _ (Just explicit_spec_info)] = explicit_cis
+ -- same_overloading tests whether the types of all the binders
+ -- are "compatible"; ie have the same type and dictionary abstractions
+ -- Almost always this is the case, because a recursive group is abstracted
+ -- all together. But, it can happen that it ain't the case, because of
+ -- code generated from instance decls:
+ --
+ -- rec
+ -- dfun.Foo.Int :: (forall a. a -> Int, Int)
+ -- dfun.Foo.Int = (const.op1.Int, const.op2.Int)
+ --
+ -- const.op1.Int :: forall a. a -> Int
+ -- const.op1.Int a = defm.Foo.op1 Int a dfun.Foo.Int
+ --
+ -- const.op2.Int :: Int
+ -- const.op2.Int = 3
+ --
+ -- Note that the first two defns have different polymorphism, but they are
+ -- mutually recursive!
+ same_overloading :: Id -> Bool
+ same_overloading id
+ = no_of_tyvars == length this_id_tyvars -- Same no of tyvars
+ &&
+ no_of_dicts == length this_id_class_tyvar_pairs -- Same no of vdicts
+ &&
+ and (zipWith same_ov class_tyvar_pairs this_id_class_tyvar_pairs) -- Same overloading
+ where
+ (this_id_tyvars, this_id_class_tyvar_pairs) = getIdOverloading id
+ tyvar_pairs = this_id_tyvars `zip` tyvar_tmpls
+ same_ov (clas1,tyvar1) (clas2,tyvar2)
+ = clas1 == clas2 &&
+ tyvar1 == assoc "same_overloading" tyvar_pairs tyvar2
+OK, so we have:
+ - a call instance eg f [t1,t2,t3] [d1,d2]
+ - the rhs of the function eg orig_rhs
+ - a constraint vector, saying which of eg [T,F,T]
+ the functions type args are constrained
+ (ie overloaded)
+We return a new definition
+ f@t1//t3 = /\a -> orig_rhs t1 a t3 d1 d2
+The SpecInfo for f will be (the "2" indicates 2 dictionaries to eat)
+ SpecInfo [Just t1, Nothing, Just t3] 2 f@t1//t3
+Based on this SpecInfo, a call instance of f
+ ...(f t1 t2 t3 d1 d2)...
+should get replaced by
+ ...(f@t1//t3 t2)...
+(But that is the business of @mkCall@.)
+mkOneInst :: CallInstance
+ -> Int -- No of dicts to specialise
+ -> [Id] -- New binders
+ -> PlainCoreBinding -- Unprocessed
+ -> SpecM (Maybe PlainCoreBinding, -- Instantiated version of input
+ UsageDetails,
+ [SpecInfo] -- One for each id in the original binding
+ )
+mkOneInst (CallInstance _ spec_tys dict_args _ _) no_of_dicts_to_specialise main_ids orig_bind
+ = ASSERT (no_of_dicts_to_specialise == length dict_args)
+ newSpecIds main_ids spec_tys no_of_dicts_to_specialise copy_inline_info
+ `thenSM` \ spec_ids ->
+ newTyVars (length [() | Nothing <- spec_tys]) `thenSM` \ poly_tyvars ->
+ let
+ -- arg_tys is spec_tys with tyvars instead of the Nothing spec_tys
+ -- which correspond to unspeciailsed args
+ arg_tys :: [UniType]
+ (_,arg_tys) = mapAccumL do_the_wotsit poly_tyvars spec_tys
+ args :: [PlainCoreArg]
+ args = map TypeArg arg_tys ++ dict_args
+ (one_spec_id:_) = spec_ids
+ do_bind (CoNonRec binder rhs)
+ = do_one_rhs rhs `thenSM` \ (rhs, rhs_uds) ->
+ returnSM (CoNonRec one_spec_id rhs, rhs_uds)
+ do_bind (CoRec pairs)
+ = mapAndUnzipSM do_one_rhs [rhs | (_,rhs) <- pairs] `thenSM` \ (rhss, rhss_uds_s) ->
+ returnSM (CoRec (spec_ids `zip` rhss), unionUDList rhss_uds_s)
+ -- Apply the specialiser to (orig_rhs t1 a t3 d1 d2)
+ do_one_rhs orig_rhs = specExpr orig_rhs args `thenSM` \ (inst_rhs, inst_uds) ->
+ let
+ (binds_here, final_uds) = dumpUDs inst_uds main_ids []
+ -- NB: main_ids!! not spec_ids!! Why? Because the free-var
+ -- stuff knows nowt about spec_ids; it'll just have the
+ -- original polymorphic main_ids as free. Belgh
+ in
+ returnSM (mkCoLetsNoUnboxed binds_here (mkCoTyLam poly_tyvars inst_rhs),
+ final_uds)
+ in
+ getSwitchCheckerSM `thenSM` \ sw_chkr ->
+ (if sw_chkr SpecialiseTrace then
+ pprTrace "Specialising:"
+ (ppHang (ppBesides [ppStr "{", ppr PprDebug main_ids, ppStr "}"])
+ 4 (ppAboves [
+ ppBesides [ppStr "with args: ", ppInterleave ppNil (map pp_arg args)],
+ ppBesides [ppStr "spec ids: ", ppr PprDebug spec_ids]]))
+ else id) (
+ do_bind orig_bind `thenSM` \ (inst_bind, inst_uds) ->
+ returnSM (Just inst_bind,
+ inst_uds,
+ [SpecInfo spec_tys no_of_dicts_to_specialise spec_id | spec_id <- spec_ids]
+ )
+ )
+ where
+ -- debugging
+ pp_arg (ValArg a) = ppBesides [ppLparen, ppStr "ValArg ", ppr PprDebug a, ppRparen]
+ pp_arg (TypeArg t) = ppBesides [ppLparen, ppStr "TypeArg ", ppr PprDebug t, ppRparen]
+ do_the_wotsit (tyvar:tyvars) Nothing = (tyvars, mkTyVarTy tyvar)
+ do_the_wotsit tyvars (Just ty) = (tyvars, ty)
+ copy_inline_info new_id old_uf_info = addIdUnfolding new_id old_uf_info
+%* *
+\subsection[Misc]{Miscellaneous junk}
+%* *
+@getIdOverloading@ grabs the type of an Id, and returns a
+list of its polymorphic variables, and the initial segment of
+its ThetaType, in which the classes constrain only type variables.
+For example, if the Id's type is
+ forall a,b,c. Eq a -> Ord [a] -> tau
+we'll return
+ ([a,b,c], [(Eq,a)])
+This seems curious at first. For a start, the type above looks odd,
+because we usually only have dictionary args whose types are of
+the form (C a) where a is a type variable. But this doesn't hold for
+the functions arising from instance decls, which sometimes get
+arguements with types of form (C (T a)) for some type constructor T.
+Should we specialise wrt this compound-type dictionary? This is
+a heuristic judgement, as indeed is the fact that we specialise wrt
+only dictionaries. We choose *not* to specialise wrt compound dictionaries
+because at the moment the only place they show up is in instance decls,
+where they are simply plugged into a returned dictionary. So nothing is
+gained by specialising wrt them.
+getIdOverloading :: Id
+ -> ([TyVarTemplate], [(Class,TyVarTemplate)])
+getIdOverloading id
+ = (tyvars, tyvar_part_of theta)
+ where
+ (tyvars, theta, _) = splitType (getIdUniType id)
+ tyvar_part_of [] = []
+ tyvar_part_of ((clas,ty) : theta) = case getTyVarTemplateMaybe ty of
+ Nothing -> []
+ Just tyvar -> (clas, tyvar) : tyvar_part_of theta
+mkCallInstance :: Id
+ -> Id
+ -> [(PlainCoreArg, UsageDetails, PlainCoreExpr -> PlainCoreExpr)]
+ -> SpecM UsageDetails
+mkCallInstance old_id new_id args
+ = recordCallInst old_id args `thenSM` \ record_call ->
+ case record_call of
+ Nothing -- No specialisation required
+ -> -- pprTrace "NoSpecReqd:"
+ -- (ppCat [ppr PprDebug old_id, ppStr "at", ppCat (map (ppr PprDebug) args)])
+ (returnSM call_fv_uds)
+ Just (True, spec_tys, dict_args, rest_args) -- Requires specialisation: spec already exists
+ -> -- pprTrace "SpecExists:"
+ -- (ppCat [ppr PprDebug old_id, ppStr " at ", ppCat (map (ppr PprDebug) args),
+ -- ppBesides [ppStr "(", ppCat [pprMaybeTy PprDebug ty | ty <- spec_tys],
+ -- ppCat [ppr PprDebug dict | dict <- dict_args],
+ -- ppStr ")"]])
+ (returnSM call_fv_uds)
+ Just (False, spec_tys, dict_args, rest_args) -- Requires specialisation: record call-instance
+ -> -- pprTrace "CallInst:"
+ -- (ppCat [ppr PprDebug old_id, ppStr " at ", ppCat (map (ppr PprDebug) args),
+ -- ppBesides [ppStr "(", ppCat [pprMaybeTy PprDebug ty | ty <- spec_tys],
+ -- ppCat [ppr PprDebug dict | dict <- dict_args],
+ -- ppStr ")"]])
+ (returnSM (singleCI new_id spec_tys dict_args `unionUDs` call_fv_uds))
+ where
+ call_fv_uds = singleFvUDs (CoVarAtom new_id) `unionUDs` unionUDList [uds | (_,uds,_) <- args]
+recordCallInst :: Id
+ -> [(PlainCoreArg, UsageDetails, PlainCoreExpr -> PlainCoreExpr)]
+ -> SpecM (Maybe (Bool, [Maybe UniType], [PlainCoreArg],
+ [(PlainCoreArg, UsageDetails, PlainCoreExpr -> PlainCoreExpr)]))
+recordCallInst id [] -- No args => no call instance
+ = returnSM Nothing
+recordCallInst id args
+ | isBottomingId id -- No specialised versions for "error" and friends are req'd.
+ = returnSM Nothing -- This is a special case in core lint etc.
+ -- No call instances for Ids associated with a Class declaration,
+ -- i.e. default methods, super-dict selectors and class ops.
+ -- We rely on the instance declarations to provide suitable specialisations.
+ -- These are dealt with in mkCall.
+ | isDefaultMethodId id
+ = returnSM Nothing
+ | maybeToBool (isSuperDictSelId_maybe id)
+ = returnSM Nothing
+ | isClassOpId id
+ = returnSM Nothing
+ -- Finally, the default case ...
+ | otherwise
+ = getSwitchCheckerSM `thenSM` \ sw_chkr ->
+ let
+ spec_overloading = sw_chkr SpecialiseOverloaded
+ spec_unboxed = sw_chkr SpecialiseUnboxed
+ spec_all = sw_chkr SpecialiseAll
+ (tyvar_tmpls, class_tyvar_pairs) = getIdOverloading id
+ constraint_vec = mkConstraintVector tyvar_tmpls class_tyvar_pairs
+ arg_res = take_type_args tyvar_tmpls class_tyvar_pairs args
+ enough_args = maybeToBool arg_res
+ (Just (inst_tys, dict_args, rest_args)) = arg_res
+ spec_tys = specialiseCallTys spec_all spec_unboxed spec_overloading
+ constraint_vec inst_tys
+ spec_exists = maybeToBool (lookupSpecEnv
+ (getIdSpecialisation id)
+ inst_tys)
+ -- We record the call instance if there is some meaningful
+ -- type which we want to specialise on ...
+ record_spec = any (not . isTyVarTy) (catMaybes spec_tys)
+ in
+ if (not enough_args) then
+ pprPanic "Specialise:recordCallInst: Unsaturated Type & Dict Application:\n\t"
+ (ppCat [ppr PprDebug id, ppr PprDebug [arg | (arg,_,_) <- args] ])
+ else
+ if record_spec then
+ returnSM (Just (spec_exists, spec_tys, dict_args, rest_args))
+ else
+ returnSM Nothing
+take_type_args (_:tyvars) class_tyvar_pairs ((TypeArg ty,_,_):args)
+ = case take_type_args tyvars class_tyvar_pairs args of
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+ Just (tys, dicts, others) -> Just (ty:tys, dicts, others)
+take_type_args (_:tyvars) class_tyvar_pairs []
+ = Nothing
+take_type_args [] class_tyvar_pairs args
+ = case take_dict_args class_tyvar_pairs args of
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+ Just (dicts, others) -> Just ([], dicts, others)
+take_dict_args (_:class_tyvar_pairs) ((dict@(ValArg _),_,_):args)
+ = case take_dict_args class_tyvar_pairs args of
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+ Just (dicts, others) -> Just (dict:dicts, others)
+take_dict_args (_:class_tyvar_pairs) []
+ = Nothing
+take_dict_args [] args
+ = Just ([], args)
+mkCall :: Id
+ -> [(PlainCoreArg, UsageDetails, PlainCoreExpr -> PlainCoreExpr)]
+ -> SpecM PlainCoreExpr
+mkCall main_id args
+ | isDefaultMethodId main_id
+ && any isUnboxedDataType ty_args
+ -- No specialisations for default methods
+ -- Unboxed calls to DefaultMethodIds should not occur
+ -- The method should be specified in the instance declaration
+ = panic "Specialise:mkCall:DefaultMethodId"
+ | maybeToBool (isSuperDictSelId_maybe main_id)
+ && any isUnboxedDataType ty_args
+ -- No specialisations for super-dict selectors
+ -- Specialise unboxed calls to SuperDictSelIds by extracting
+ -- the super class dictionary directly form the super class
+ -- NB: This should be dead code since all uses of this dictionary should
+ -- have been specialised. We only do this to keep keep core-lint happy.
+ = let
+ Just (_, super_class) = isSuperDictSelId_maybe main_id
+ super_dict_id = case lookupClassInstAtSimpleType super_class (head ty_args) of
+ Nothing -> panic "Specialise:mkCall:SuperDictId"
+ Just id -> id
+ in
+ returnSM (CoVar super_dict_id)
+ | otherwise
+ = case lookupSpecEnv (getIdSpecialisation main_id) ty_args of
+ Nothing -> checkUnspecOK main_id ty_args (
+ returnSM unspec_call
+ )
+ Just (spec_id, tys_left, dicts_to_toss)
+ -> checkSpecOK main_id ty_args spec_id tys_left (
+ let
+ args_left = toss_dicts dicts_to_toss val_args
+ in
+ -- The resulting spec_id may be an unboxed constant method
+ -- eg: pi Double# d.Floating.Double# ==> pi.Double#
+ -- Since it is a top level id pi.Double# will have been lifted.
+ -- We must add code to unlift such a spec_id
+ if isUnboxedDataType (getIdUniType spec_id) then
+ ASSERT (null tys_left && null args_left)
+ if isConstMethodId spec_id then
+ liftId spec_id `thenSM` \ (lifted_spec_id, unlifted_spec_id) ->
+ returnSM (bindUnlift lifted_spec_id unlifted_spec_id
+ (CoVar unlifted_spec_id))
+ else
+ -- ToDo: Are there other cases where we have an unboxed spec_id ???
+ pprPanic "Specialise:mkCall: unboxed spec_id ...\n"
+ (ppCat [ppr PprDebug main_id,
+ ppInterleave ppNil (map (pprParendUniType PprDebug) ty_args),
+ ppStr "==>",
+ ppr PprDebug spec_id])
+ else
+ let
+ (vals_left, _, unlifts_left) = unzip3 args_left
+ applied_tys = mkCoTyApps (CoVar spec_id) tys_left
+ applied_vals = applyToArgs applied_tys vals_left
+ in
+ returnSM (applyBindUnlifts unlifts_left applied_vals)
+ )
+ where
+ (tys_and_vals, _, unlifts) = unzip3 args
+ unspec_call = applyBindUnlifts unlifts (applyToArgs (CoVar main_id) tys_and_vals)
+ -- ty_args is the types at the front of the arg list
+ -- val_args is the rest of the arg-list
+ (ty_args, val_args) = get args
+ where
+ get ((TypeArg ty,_,_) : args) = (ty : tys, rest) where (tys,rest) = get args
+ get args = ([], args)
+ -- toss_dicts chucks away dict args, checking that they ain't types!
+ toss_dicts 0 args = args
+ toss_dicts n ((ValArg _,_,_) : args) = toss_dicts (n-1) args
+checkUnspecOK :: Id -> [UniType] -> a -> a
+checkUnspecOK check_id tys
+ = if isLocallyDefined check_id && any isUnboxedDataType tys
+ then pprPanic "Specialise:checkUnspecOK: unboxed instance for local id not found\n"
+ (ppCat [ppr PprDebug check_id,
+ ppInterleave ppNil (map (pprParendUniType PprDebug) tys)])
+ else id
+checkSpecOK :: Id -> [UniType] -> Id -> [UniType] -> a -> a
+checkSpecOK check_id tys spec_id tys_left
+ = if any isUnboxedDataType tys_left
+ then pprPanic "Specialise:checkSpecOK: unboxed type args in specialised application\n"
+ (ppAboves [ppCat [ppr PprDebug check_id,
+ ppInterleave ppNil (map (pprParendUniType PprDebug) tys)],
+ ppCat [ppr PprDebug spec_id,
+ ppInterleave ppNil (map (pprParendUniType PprDebug) tys_left)]])
+ else id
+mkTyConInstance :: Id
+ -> [UniType]
+ -> SpecM UsageDetails
+mkTyConInstance con tys
+ = recordTyConInst con tys `thenSM` \ record_inst ->
+ case record_inst of
+ Nothing -- No TyCon instance
+ -> -- pprTrace "NoTyConInst:"
+ -- (ppCat [ppr PprDebug tycon, ppStr "at",
+ -- ppr PprDebug con, ppCat (map (ppr PprDebug) tys)])
+ (returnSM (singleConUDs con))
+ Just spec_tys -- Record TyCon instance
+ -> -- pprTrace "TyConInst:"
+ -- (ppCat [ppr PprDebug tycon, ppStr "at",
+ -- ppr PprDebug con, ppCat (map (ppr PprDebug) tys),
+ -- ppBesides [ppStr "(",
+ -- ppCat [pprMaybeTy PprDebug ty | ty <- spec_tys],
+ -- ppStr ")"]])
+ (returnSM (singleTyConI tycon spec_tys `unionUDs` singleConUDs con))
+ where
+ tycon = getDataConTyCon con
+recordTyConInst :: Id
+ -> [UniType]
+ -> SpecM (Maybe [Maybe UniType])
+recordTyConInst con tys
+ = let
+ spec_tys = specialiseConstrTys tys
+ do_tycon_spec = maybeToBool (firstJust spec_tys)
+ spec_exists = maybeToBool (lookupSpecEnv
+ (getIdSpecialisation con)
+ tys)
+ in
+ -- pprTrace "ConSpecExists?: "
+ -- (ppAboves [ppStr (if spec_exists then "True" else "False"),
+ -- ppr PprShowAll con, ppCat (map (ppr PprDebug) tys)])
+ (if (not spec_exists && do_tycon_spec)
+ then returnSM (Just spec_tys)
+ else returnSM Nothing)
+{- UNUSED: create specilaised constructor calls in Core
+mkConstrCall :: PlainCoreAtom -> [UniType] -- This constructor at these types
+ -> SpecM (Id, [UniType]) -- The specialised constructor and reduced types
+mkConstrCall (CoVarAtom con_id) tys
+ = case lookupSpecEnv (getIdSpecialisation con_id) tys of
+ Nothing -> checkUnspecOK con_id tys (
+ returnSM (con_id, tys)
+ )
+ Just (spec_id, tys_left, 0)
+ -> checkSpecOK con_id tys spec_id tys_left (
+ returnSM (spec_id, tys_left)
+ )
+%* *
+\subsection[monad-Specialise]{Monad used in specialisation}
+%* *
+Monad has:
+ inherited: control flags and
+ recordInst functions with flags cached
+ environment mapping tyvars to types
+ environment mapping Ids to Atoms
+ threaded in and out: unique supply
+type SpecM result
+ = (GlobalSwitch -> Bool)
+ -> TypeEnv
+ -> SpecIdEnv
+ -> SplitUniqSupply
+ -> result
+initSM m sw_chker uniqs
+ = m sw_chker nullTyVarEnv nullIdEnv uniqs
+returnSM :: a -> SpecM a
+thenSM :: SpecM a -> (a -> SpecM b) -> SpecM b
+fixSM :: (a -> SpecM a) -> SpecM a
+thenSM m k sw_chkr tvenv idenv us
+ = case splitUniqSupply us of { (s1, s2) ->
+ case (m sw_chkr tvenv idenv s1) of { r ->
+ k r sw_chkr tvenv idenv s2 }}
+returnSM r sw_chkr tvenv idenv us = r
+fixSM k sw_chkr tvenv idenv us
+ = r
+ where
+ r = k r sw_chkr tvenv idenv us -- Recursive in r!
+getSwitchCheckerSM sw_chkr tvenv idenv us = sw_chkr
+The only interesting bit is figuring out the type of the SpecId!
+newSpecIds :: [Id] -- The id of which to make a specialised version
+ -> [Maybe UniType] -- Specialise to these types
+ -> Int -- No of dicts to specialise
+ -> (Id -> UnfoldingDetails -> Id) -- copies any arity info required
+ -> SpecM [Id]
+newSpecIds main_ids maybe_tys dicts_to_ignore copy_id_info sw_chkr tvenv idenv us
+ = spec_ids
+ where
+ uniqs = getSUniques (length main_ids) us
+ spec_id_ty id = specialiseTy (getIdUniType id) maybe_tys dicts_to_ignore
+ spec_ids = [ copy_id_info (mkSpecId uniq id maybe_tys (spec_id_ty id) noIdInfo) (getIdUnfolding id)
+ | (id,uniq) <- main_ids `zip` uniqs
+ ]
+newTyVars :: Int -> SpecM [TyVar]
+newTyVars n sw_chkr tvenv idenv us
+ = map mkPolySysTyVar uniqs
+ where
+ uniqs = getSUniques n us
+@cloneLambdaOrCaseBinders@ and @cloneLetrecBinders@ take a bunch of
+binders, and build ``clones'' for them. The clones differ from the
+originals in three ways:
+ (a) they have a fresh unique
+ (b) they have the current type environment applied to their type
+ (c) for letrec binders which have been specialised to unboxed values
+ the clone will have a lifted type
+As well as returning the list of cloned @Id@s they also return a list of
+@CloneInfo@s which the original binders should be bound to.
+cloneLambdaOrCaseBinders :: [Id] -- Old binders
+ -> SpecM ([Id], [CloneInfo]) -- New ones
+cloneLambdaOrCaseBinders old_ids sw_chkr tvenv idenv us
+ = let
+ uniqs = getSUniques (length old_ids) us
+ in
+ unzip (zipWith clone_it old_ids uniqs)
+ where
+ clone_it old_id uniq
+ = (new_id, NoLift (CoVarAtom new_id))
+ where
+ new_id = applyTypeEnvToId tvenv (mkIdWithNewUniq old_id uniq)
+cloneLetrecBinders :: [Id] -- Old binders
+ -> SpecM ([Id], [CloneInfo]) -- New ones
+cloneLetrecBinders old_ids sw_chkr tvenv idenv us
+ = let
+ uniqs = getSUniques (2 * length old_ids) us
+ in
+ unzip (clone_them old_ids uniqs)
+ where
+ clone_them [] [] = []
+ clone_them (old_id:olds) (u1:u2:uniqs)
+ | toplevelishId old_id
+ = (old_id,
+ NoLift (CoVarAtom old_id)) : clone_rest
+ -- Don't clone if it is a top-level thing. Why not?
+ -- (a) we don't want to change the uniques
+ -- on such things (see TopLevId in Id.lhs)
+ -- (b) we don't have to be paranoid about name capture
+ -- (c) the thing is polymorphic so no need to subst
+ | otherwise
+ = if (isUnboxedDataType new_ty && not (isUnboxedDataType old_ty))
+ then (lifted_id,
+ Lifted lifted_id unlifted_id) : clone_rest
+ else (new_id,
+ NoLift (CoVarAtom new_id)) : clone_rest
+ where
+ clone_rest = clone_them olds uniqs
+ new_id = applyTypeEnvToId tvenv (mkIdWithNewUniq old_id u1)
+ new_ty = getIdUniType new_id
+ old_ty = getIdUniType old_id
+ (lifted_id, unlifted_id) = mkLiftedId new_id u2
+cloneTyVarSM :: TyVar -> SpecM TyVar
+cloneTyVarSM old_tyvar sw_chkr tvenv idenv us
+ = let
+ uniq = getSUnique us
+ in
+ cloneTyVar old_tyvar uniq -- new_tyvar
+bindId :: Id -> CloneInfo -> SpecM thing -> SpecM thing
+bindId id val specm sw_chkr tvenv idenv us
+ = specm sw_chkr tvenv (addOneToIdEnv idenv id val) us
+bindIds :: [Id] -> [CloneInfo] -> SpecM thing -> SpecM thing
+bindIds olds news specm sw_chkr tvenv idenv us
+ = specm sw_chkr tvenv (growIdEnvList idenv (zip olds news)) us
+bindSpecIds :: [Id] -- Old
+ -> [(CloneInfo)] -- New
+ -> [[SpecInfo]] -- Corresponding specialisations
+ -- Each sub-list corresponds to a different type,
+ -- and contains one spec_info for each id
+ -> SpecM thing
+ -> SpecM thing
+bindSpecIds olds clones spec_infos specm sw_chkr tvenv idenv us
+ = specm sw_chkr tvenv (growIdEnvList idenv old_to_clone) us
+ where
+ old_to_clone = mk_old_to_clone olds clones spec_infos
+ -- The important thing here is that we are *lazy* in spec_infos
+ mk_old_to_clone [] [] _ = []
+ mk_old_to_clone (old:rest_olds) (clone:rest_clones) spec_infos
+ = (old, add_spec_info clone) :
+ mk_old_to_clone rest_olds rest_clones spec_infos_rest
+ where
+ add_spec_info (NoLift (CoVarAtom new))
+ = NoLift (CoVarAtom (new `addIdSpecialisation`
+ (mkSpecEnv spec_infos_this_id)))
+ add_spec_info lifted
+ = lifted -- no specialised instances for unboxed lifted values
+ spec_infos_this_id = map head spec_infos
+ spec_infos_rest = map tail spec_infos
+{- UNUSED: creating specialised constructors
+bindConIds :: [Id] -- Old constructors
+ -> [[SpecInfo]] -- Corresponding specialisations to be added
+ -- Each sub-list corresponds to one constructor, and
+ -- gives all its specialisations
+ -> SpecM thing
+ -> SpecM thing
+bindConIds ids spec_infos specm sw_chkr tvenv idenv us
+ = specm sw_chkr tvenv (growIdEnvList idenv id_to_newspec) us
+ where
+ id_to_newspec = mk_id_to_newspec ids spec_infos
+ -- The important thing here is that we are *lazy* in spec_infos
+ mk_id_to_newspec [] _ = []
+ mk_id_to_newspec (id:rest_ids) spec_infos
+ = (id, CoVarAtom id_with_spec) :
+ mk_id_to_newspec rest_ids spec_infos_rest
+ where
+ id_with_spec = id `addIdSpecialisation` (mkSpecEnv spec_infos_this_id)
+ spec_infos_this_id = head spec_infos
+ spec_infos_rest = tail spec_infos
+bindTyVar :: TyVar -> UniType -> SpecM thing -> SpecM thing
+bindTyVar tyvar ty specm sw_chkr tvenv idenv us
+ = specm sw_chkr (growTyVarEnvList tvenv [(tyvar,ty)]) idenv us
+lookupId :: Id -> SpecM CloneInfo
+lookupId id sw_chkr tvenv idenv us
+ = case lookupIdEnv idenv id of
+ Nothing -> NoLift (CoVarAtom id)
+ Just info -> info
+specTy :: UniType -> SpecM UniType -- Apply the current type envt to the type
+specTy ty sw_chkr tvenv idenv us
+ = applyTypeEnvToTy tvenv ty
+liftId :: Id -> SpecM (Id, Id)
+liftId id sw_chkr tvenv idenv us
+ = let
+ uniq = getSUnique us
+ in
+ mkLiftedId id uniq
+In other monads these @mapSM@ things are usually called @listM@.
+I think @mapSM@ is a much better name. The `2' and `3' variants are
+when you want to return two or three results, and get at them
+separately. It saves you having to do an (unzip stuff) right after.
+mapSM :: (a -> SpecM b) -> [a] -> SpecM [b]
+mapAndUnzipSM :: (a -> SpecM (b1, b2)) -> [a] -> SpecM ([b1],[b2])
+mapAndUnzip3SM :: (a -> SpecM (b1, b2, b3)) -> [a] -> SpecM ([b1],[b2],[b3])
+mapAndUnzip4SM :: (a -> SpecM (b1, b2, b3, b4)) -> [a] -> SpecM ([b1],[b2],[b3],[b4])
+mapSM f [] = returnSM []
+mapSM f (x:xs) = f x `thenSM` \ r ->
+ mapSM f xs `thenSM` \ rs ->
+ returnSM (r:rs)
+mapAndUnzipSM f [] = returnSM ([],[])
+mapAndUnzipSM f (x:xs) = f x `thenSM` \ (r1, r2) ->
+ mapAndUnzipSM f xs `thenSM` \ (rs1,rs2) ->
+ returnSM ((r1:rs1),(r2:rs2))
+mapAndUnzip3SM f [] = returnSM ([],[],[])
+mapAndUnzip3SM f (x:xs) = f x `thenSM` \ (r1,r2,r3) ->
+ mapAndUnzip3SM f xs `thenSM` \ (rs1,rs2,rs3) ->
+ returnSM ((r1:rs1),(r2:rs2),(r3:rs3))
+mapAndUnzip4SM f [] = returnSM ([],[],[],[])
+mapAndUnzip4SM f (x:xs) = f x `thenSM` \ (r1,r2,r3,r4) ->
+ mapAndUnzip4SM f xs `thenSM` \ (rs1,rs2,rs3,rs4) ->
+ returnSM ((r1:rs1),(r2:rs2),(r3:rs3),(r4:rs4))