path: root/ghc/compiler/rename/RenameBinds4.lhs
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1 files changed, 652 insertions, 0 deletions
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+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1995
+\section[RenameBinds4]{Renaming and dependency analysis of bindings}
+This module does renaming and dependency analysis on value bindings in
+@AbsSyntax@ programs. It does {\em not} do cycle-checks on class or
+type-synonym declarations; those cannot be done at this stage because
+they may be affected by renaming (which isn't fully worked out yet).
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+module RenameBinds4 (
+ rnTopBinds4, rnMethodBinds4,
+ rnBinds4,
+ FreeVars(..), DefinedVars(..),
+ -- and to make the interface self-sufficient...
+ Bag, Binds, MonoBinds, InPat, Name, ProtoName,
+ GlobalNameFun(..), Maybe, UniqSet(..), UniqFM, SrcLoc, Unique,
+ SplitUniqSupply, Error(..), Pretty(..), PprStyle,
+ PrettyRep
+ ) where
+import AbsSyn
+import CmdLineOpts ( GlobalSwitch(..) )
+import Digraph ( stronglyConnComp {- MOVED HERE: , isCyclic -} )
+import Errors -- ( unknownSigDeclErr, dupSigDeclErr, methodBindErr )
+import HsPragmas -- ****** NEED TO SEE CONSTRUCTORS ******
+import Maybes ( catMaybes, Maybe(..) )
+import Name ( eqName, cmpName, isUnboundName )
+import ProtoName ( elemByLocalNames, eqByLocalName )
+import Rename4 ( rnPolyType4, rnGenPragmas4 )
+import RenameAuxFuns ( GlobalNameFuns(..) )
+import RenameMonad4
+import RenameExpr4 ( rnMatch4, rnGRHSsAndBinds4, rnPat4 )
+import UniqSet
+import Util
+-- ToDo: Put the annotations into the monad, so that they arrive in the proper
+-- place and can be used when complaining.
+The code tree received by the function @rnBinds4@ contains definitions
+in where-clauses which are all apparently mutually recursive, but which may
+not really depend upon each other. For example, in the top level program
+f x = y where a = x
+ y = x
+the definitions of @a@ and @y@ do not depend on each other at all.
+Unfortunately, the typechecker cannot always check such definitions.
+\footnote{Mycroft, A. 1984. Polymorphic type schemes and recursive
+definitions. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Programming,
+Toulouse, pp. 217-39. LNCS 167. Springer Verlag.}
+However, the typechecker usually can check definitions in which only the
+strongly connected components have been collected into recursive bindings.
+This is precisely what the function @rnBinds4@ does.
+ToDo: deal with case where a single monobinds binds the same variable
+Sets of variable names are represented as sets explicitly, rather than lists.
+type DefinedVars = UniqSet Name
+type FreeVars = UniqSet Name
+i.e., binders.
+The vertag tag is a unique @Int@; the tags only need to be unique
+within one @MonoBinds@, so that unique-Int plumbing is done explicitly
+(heavy monad machinery not needed).
+type VertexTag = Int
+type Cycle = [VertexTag]
+type Edge = (VertexTag, VertexTag)
+%* *
+%* naming conventions *
+%* *
+\subsection[name-conventions]{Name conventions}
+The basic algorithm involves walking over the tree and returning a tuple
+containing the new tree plus its free variables. Some functions, such
+as those walking polymorphic bindings (Binds) and qualifier lists in
+list comprehensions (@Quals@), return the variables bound in local
+environments. These are then used to calculate the free variables of the
+expression evaluated in these environments.
+Conventions for variable names are as follows:
+new code is given a prime to distinguish it from the old.
+a set of variables defined in @Exp@ is written @dvExp@
+a set of variables free in @Exp@ is written @fvExp@
+%* *
+%* analysing polymorphic bindings (Binds, Bind, MonoBinds) *
+%* *
+\subsubsection[dep-Binds]{Polymorphic bindings}
+Non-recursive expressions are reconstructed without any changes at top
+level, although their component expressions may have to be altered.
+However, non-recursive expressions are currently not expected as
+\Haskell{} programs, and this code should not be executed.
+Monomorphic bindings contain information that is returned in a tuple
+(a @FlatMonoBindsInfo@) containing:
+a unique @Int@ that serves as the ``vertex tag'' for this binding.
+the name of a function or the names in a pattern. These are a set
+referred to as @dvLhs@, the defined variables of the left hand side.
+the free variables of the body. These are referred to as @fvBody@.
+the definition's actual code. This is referred to as just @code@.
+The function @nonRecDvFv@ returns two sets of variables. The first is
+the set of variables defined in the set of monomorphic bindings, while the
+second is the set of free variables in those bindings.
+The set of variables defined in a non-recursive binding is just the
+union of all of them, as @union@ removes duplicates. However, the
+free variables in each successive set of cumulative bindings is the
+union of those in the previous set plus those of the newest binding after
+the defined variables of the previous set have been removed.
+@rnMethodBinds4@ deals only with the declarations in class and
+instance declarations. It expects only to see @FunMonoBind@s, and
+it expects the global environment to contain bindings for the binders
+(which are all class operations).
+rnTopBinds4 :: ProtoNameBinds -> Rn4M RenamedBinds
+rnMethodBinds4 :: Name{-class-} -> ProtoNameMonoBinds -> Rn4M RenamedMonoBinds
+rnBinds4 :: ProtoNameBinds -> Rn4M (RenamedBinds, FreeVars, [Name])
+rnTopBinds4 EmptyBinds = returnRn4 EmptyBinds
+rnTopBinds4 (SingleBind (RecBind bind)) = rnTopMonoBinds4 bind []
+rnTopBinds4 (BindWith (RecBind bind) sigs) = rnTopMonoBinds4 bind sigs
+ -- the parser doesn't produce other forms
+-- ********************************************************************
+rnMethodBinds4 class_name EmptyMonoBinds = returnRn4 EmptyMonoBinds
+rnMethodBinds4 class_name (AndMonoBinds mb1 mb2)
+ = andRn4 AndMonoBinds (rnMethodBinds4 class_name mb1)
+ (rnMethodBinds4 class_name mb2)
+rnMethodBinds4 class_name (FunMonoBind pname matches locn)
+ = pushSrcLocRn4 locn (
+ lookupClassOp class_name pname `thenRn4` \ op_name ->
+ mapAndUnzipRn4 rnMatch4 matches `thenRn4` \ (new_matches, _) ->
+ returnRn4 (FunMonoBind op_name new_matches locn)
+ )
+rnMethodBinds4 class_name (PatMonoBind (VarPatIn pname) grhss_and_binds locn)
+ = pushSrcLocRn4 locn (
+ lookupClassOp class_name pname `thenRn4` \ op_name ->
+ rnGRHSsAndBinds4 grhss_and_binds `thenRn4` \ (grhss_and_binds', _) ->
+ returnRn4 (PatMonoBind (VarPatIn op_name) grhss_and_binds' locn)
+ )
+-- Can't handle method pattern-bindings which bind multiple methods.
+rnMethodBinds4 _ mbind@(PatMonoBind other_pat _ locn)
+ = failButContinueRn4 EmptyMonoBinds (methodBindErr mbind locn)
+-- ********************************************************************
+rnBinds4 EmptyBinds = returnRn4 (EmptyBinds,emptyUniqSet,[])
+rnBinds4 (SingleBind (RecBind bind)) = rnNestedMonoBinds4 bind []
+rnBinds4 (BindWith (RecBind bind) sigs) = rnNestedMonoBinds4 bind sigs
+ -- the parser doesn't produce other forms
+ - collects up the binders for this declaration group,
+ - checkes that they form a set
+ - extends the environment to bind them to new local names
+ - calls @rnMonoBinds4@ to do the real work
+In contrast, @rnTopMonoBinds4@ doesn't extend the environment, because that's
+already done in pass3. All it does is call @rnMonoBinds4@ and discards
+the free var info.
+rnTopMonoBinds4 :: ProtoNameMonoBinds -> [ProtoNameSig] -> Rn4M RenamedBinds
+rnTopMonoBinds4 EmptyMonoBinds sigs = returnRn4 EmptyBinds
+rnTopMonoBinds4 mbs sigs
+ = rnBindSigs4 True{-top-level-} (collectMonoBinders mbs) sigs `thenRn4` \ siglist ->
+ rnMonoBinds4 mbs siglist `thenRn4` \ (new_binds, fv_set) ->
+ returnRn4 new_binds
+rnNestedMonoBinds4 :: ProtoNameMonoBinds -> [ProtoNameSig]
+ -> Rn4M (RenamedBinds, FreeVars, [Name])
+rnNestedMonoBinds4 EmptyMonoBinds sigs
+ = returnRn4 (EmptyBinds, emptyUniqSet, [])
+rnNestedMonoBinds4 mbinds sigs -- Non-empty monobinds
+ =
+ -- Extract all the binders in this group,
+ -- and extend current scope, inventing new names for the new binders
+ -- This also checks that the names form a set
+ let
+ mbinders_w_srclocs = collectMonoBindersAndLocs mbinds
+ mbinders = map fst mbinders_w_srclocs
+ in
+ namesFromProtoNames
+ "variable" -- in binding group
+ mbinders_w_srclocs `thenRn4` \ new_mbinders ->
+ extendSS2 new_mbinders (
+ rnBindSigs4 False{-not top- level-} mbinders sigs `thenRn4` \ siglist ->
+ rnMonoBinds4 mbinds siglist
+ ) `thenRn4` \ (new_binds, fv_set) ->
+ returnRn4 (new_binds, fv_set, new_mbinders)
+@rnMonoBinds4@ is used by *both* top-level and nested bindings. It
+assumes that all variables bound in this group are already in scope.
+This is done *either* by pass 3 (for the top-level bindings),
+*or* by @rnNestedMonoBinds4@ (for the nested ones).
+rnMonoBinds4 :: ProtoNameMonoBinds
+ -> [RenamedSig] -- Signatures attached to this group
+ -> Rn4M (RenamedBinds, FreeVars)
+rnMonoBinds4 mbinds siglist
+ =
+ -- Rename the bindings, returning a MonoBindsInfo
+ -- which is a list of indivisible vertices so far as
+ -- the SCC analysis is concerned
+ flattenMonoBinds 0 siglist mbinds `thenRn4` \ (_, mbinds_info) ->
+ -- Do the SCC analysis
+ let vertices = mkVertices mbinds_info
+ edges = mkEdges vertices mbinds_info
+ scc_result = stronglyConnComp (==) edges vertices
+ -- Deal with bound and free-var calculation
+ rhs_free_vars = foldr f emptyUniqSet mbinds_info
+ final_binds = reconstructRec scc_result edges mbinds_info
+ happy_answer = returnRn4 (final_binds, rhs_free_vars)
+ in
+ case (inline_sigs_in_recursive_binds final_binds) of
+ Nothing -> happy_answer
+ Just names_n_locns ->
+ addErrRn4 (inlineInRecursiveBindsErr names_n_locns) `thenRn4_`
+ {-not so-}happy_answer
+ where
+ f :: (a,b, FreeVars, c,d) -> FreeVars -> FreeVars
+ f (_, _, fvs_body, _, _) fvs_sofar = fvs_sofar `unionUniqSets` fvs_body
+ inline_sigs_in_recursive_binds (BindWith (RecBind _) sigs)
+ = case [(n, locn) | (InlineSig n _ locn) <- sigs ] of
+ [] -> Nothing
+ sigh ->
+ Just sigh
+ -- Allow INLINEd recursive functions if they are
+ -- designated DEFORESTable too.
+ case [(n, locn) | (DeforestSig n locn) <- sigs ] of
+ [] -> Just sigh
+ sigh -> Nothing
+ inline_sigs_in_recursive_binds (ThenBinds b1 b2)
+ = case (inline_sigs_in_recursive_binds b1) of
+ Nothing -> inline_sigs_in_recursive_binds b2
+ Just x -> Just x -- NB: won't report error(s) in b2
+ inline_sigs_in_recursive_binds anything_else = Nothing
+@flattenMonoBinds@ is ever-so-slightly magical in that it sticks
+unique ``vertex tags'' on its output; minor plumbing required.
+flattenMonoBinds :: Int -- Next free vertex tag
+ -> [RenamedSig] -- Signatures
+ -> ProtoNameMonoBinds
+ -> Rn4M (Int, FlatMonoBindsInfo)
+flattenMonoBinds uniq sigs EmptyMonoBinds = returnRn4 (uniq, [])
+flattenMonoBinds uniq sigs (AndMonoBinds mB1 mB2)
+ = flattenMonoBinds uniq sigs mB1 `thenRn4` \ (uniq1, flat1) ->
+ flattenMonoBinds uniq1 sigs mB2 `thenRn4` \ (uniq2, flat2) ->
+ returnRn4 (uniq2, flat1 ++ flat2)
+flattenMonoBinds uniq sigs (PatMonoBind pat grhss_and_binds locn)
+ = pushSrcLocRn4 locn (
+ rnPat4 pat `thenRn4` \ pat' ->
+ rnGRHSsAndBinds4 grhss_and_binds `thenRn4` \ (grhss_and_binds', fvs) ->
+ -- Find which things are bound in this group
+ let
+ names_bound_here = collectPatBinders pat'
+ sigs_etc_for_here = foldl (sig_for_here (\ n -> n `is_elem` names_bound_here))
+ [] sigs
+ sigs_fvs = foldr sig_fv emptyUniqSet sigs_etc_for_here
+ is_elem = isIn "flattenMonoBinds"
+ in
+ returnRn4 (
+ uniq + 1,
+ [(uniq,
+ mkUniqSet names_bound_here,
+ fvs `unionUniqSets` sigs_fvs,
+ PatMonoBind pat' grhss_and_binds' locn,
+ sigs_etc_for_here
+ )]
+ ))
+flattenMonoBinds uniq sigs (FunMonoBind name matches locn)
+ = pushSrcLocRn4 locn (
+ lookupValue name `thenRn4` \ name' ->
+ mapAndUnzipRn4 rnMatch4 matches `thenRn4` \ (new_matches, fv_lists) ->
+ let
+ fvs = unionManyUniqSets fv_lists
+ sigs_for_me = foldl (sig_for_here (\ n -> n `eqName` name')) [] sigs
+ sigs_fvs = foldr sig_fv emptyUniqSet sigs_for_me
+ in
+ returnRn4 (
+ uniq + 1,
+ [(uniq,
+ singletonUniqSet name',
+ fvs `unionUniqSets` sigs_fvs,
+ FunMonoBind name' new_matches locn,
+ sigs_for_me
+ )]
+ ))
+Grab type-signatures/user-pragmas of interest:
+sig_for_here want_me acc s@(Sig n _ _ _) | want_me n = s:acc
+sig_for_here want_me acc s@(InlineSig n _ _) | want_me n = s:acc
+sig_for_here want_me acc s@(DeforestSig n _) | want_me n = s:acc
+sig_for_here want_me acc s@(SpecSig n _ _ _) | want_me n = s:acc
+sig_for_here want_me acc s@(MagicUnfoldingSig n _ _)
+ | want_me n = s:acc
+sig_for_here want_me acc other_wise = acc
+-- If a SPECIALIZE pragma is of the "... = blah" form,
+-- then we'd better make sure "blah" is taken into
+-- acct in the dependency analysis (or we get an
+-- unexpected out-of-scope error)! WDP 95/07
+sig_fv (SpecSig _ _ (Just blah) _) acc = acc `unionUniqSets` singletonUniqSet blah
+sig_fv _ acc = acc
+%* *
+\subsection[reconstruct-deps]{Reconstructing dependencies}
+%* *
+This @MonoBinds@- and @ClassDecls@-specific code is segregated here,
+as the two cases are similar.
+reconstructRec :: [Cycle] -- Result of SCC analysis; at least one
+ -> [Edge] -- Original edges
+ -> FlatMonoBindsInfo
+ -> RenamedBinds
+reconstructRec cycles edges mbi
+ = foldr1 ThenBinds (map (reconstructCycle mbi) cycles)
+ where
+ reconstructCycle :: FlatMonoBindsInfo -> Cycle -> RenamedBinds
+ reconstructCycle mbi2 cycle
+ = BIND [(binds,sigs) | (vertex, _, _, binds, sigs) <- mbi2, vertex `is_elem` cycle]
+ _TO_ relevant_binds_and_sigs ->
+ BIND (unzip relevant_binds_and_sigs) _TO_ (binds, sig_lists) ->
+ BIND (foldr AndMonoBinds EmptyMonoBinds binds) _TO_ this_gp_binds ->
+ let
+ this_gp_sigs = foldr1 (++) sig_lists
+ have_sigs = not (null sig_lists)
+ -- ToDo: this might not be the right
+ -- thing to call this predicate;
+ -- e.g. "have_sigs [[], [], []]" ???????????
+ in
+ mk_binds this_gp_binds this_gp_sigs (isCyclic edges cycle) have_sigs
+ where
+ is_elem = isIn "reconstructRec"
+ mk_binds :: RenamedMonoBinds -> [RenamedSig]
+ -> Bool -> Bool -> RenamedBinds
+ mk_binds bs ss True False = SingleBind (RecBind bs)
+ mk_binds bs ss True True{-have sigs-} = BindWith (RecBind bs) ss
+ mk_binds bs ss False False = SingleBind (NonRecBind bs)
+ mk_binds bs ss False True{-have sigs-} = BindWith (NonRecBind bs) ss
+ -- moved from Digraph, as this is the only use here
+ -- (avoid overloading cost). We have to use elem
+ -- (not FiniteMaps or whatever), because there may be
+ -- many edges out of one vertex. We give it its own
+ -- "elem" just for speed.
+ isCyclic es [] = panic "isCyclic: empty component"
+ isCyclic es [v] = (v,v) `elem` es
+ isCyclic es vs = True
+ elem _ [] = False
+ elem x (y:ys) = x==y || elem x ys
+%* *
+%* Manipulating FlatMonoBindInfo *
+%* *
+During analysis a @MonoBinds@ is flattened to a @FlatMonoBindsInfo@.
+The @RenamedMonoBinds@ is always an empty bind, a pattern binding or
+a function binding, and has itself been dependency-analysed and
+type FlatMonoBindsInfo
+ = [(VertexTag, -- Identifies the vertex
+ UniqSet Name, -- Set of names defined in this vertex
+ UniqSet Name, -- Set of names used in this vertex
+ RenamedMonoBinds, -- Binding for this vertex (always just one binding, either fun or pat)
+ [RenamedSig]) -- Signatures, if any, for this vertex
+ ]
+mkVertices :: FlatMonoBindsInfo -> [VertexTag]
+mkVertices info = [ vertex | (vertex,_,_,_,_) <- info]
+mkEdges :: [VertexTag] -> FlatMonoBindsInfo -> [Edge]
+mkEdges vertices flat_info
+ -- An edge (v,v') indicates that v depends on v'
+ = [ (source_vertex, target_vertex)
+ | (source_vertex, _, used_names, _, _) <- flat_info,
+ target_name <- uniqSetToList used_names,
+ target_vertex <- vertices_defining target_name flat_info
+ ]
+ where
+ -- If each name only has one binding in this group, then
+ -- vertices_defining will always return the empty list, or a
+ -- singleton. The case when there is more than one binding (an
+ -- error) needs more thought.
+ vertices_defining name flat_info2
+ = [ vertex | (vertex, names_defined, _, _, _) <- flat_info2,
+ name `elementOfUniqSet` names_defined
+ ]
+%* *
+\subsubsection[dep-Sigs]{Signatures (and user-pragmas for values)}
+%* *
+@rnBindSigs4@ checks for: (a)~more than one sig for one thing;
+(b)~signatures given for things not bound here; (c)~with suitably
+flaggery, that all top-level things have type signatures.
+rnBindSigs4 :: Bool -- True <=> top-level binders
+ -> [ProtoName] -- Binders for this decl group
+ -> [ProtoNameSig]
+ -> Rn4M [RenamedSig] -- List of Sig constructors
+rnBindSigs4 is_toplev binder_pnames sigs
+ =
+ -- Rename the signatures
+ -- Will complain about sigs for variables not in this group
+ mapRn4 rename_sig sigs `thenRn4` \ sigs_maybe ->
+ let
+ sigs' = catMaybes sigs_maybe
+ -- Discard unbound ones we've already complained about, so we
+ -- complain about duplicate ones.
+ (goodies, dups) = removeDups cmp (filter not_unbound sigs')
+ in
+ mapRn4 (addErrRn4 . dupSigDeclErr) dups `thenRn4_`
+ getSwitchCheckerRn4 `thenRn4` \ sw_chkr ->
+ getSrcLocRn4 `thenRn4` \ locn ->
+ (if (is_toplev && sw_chkr SigsRequired) then
+ let
+ sig_frees = catMaybes (map (sig_free sigs) binder_pnames)
+ in
+ mapRn4 (addErrRn4 . missingSigErr locn) sig_frees
+ else
+ returnRn4 []
+ ) `thenRn4_`
+ returnRn4 sigs' -- bad ones and all:
+ -- we need bindings of *some* sort for every name
+ where
+ rename_sig (Sig v ty pragma src_loc)
+ = pushSrcLocRn4 src_loc (
+ if not (v `elemByLocalNames` binder_pnames) then
+ addErrRn4 (unknownSigDeclErr "type signature" v src_loc) `thenRn4_`
+ returnRn4 Nothing
+ else
+ lookupValue v `thenRn4` \ new_v ->
+ rnPolyType4 False True nullTyVarNamesEnv ty `thenRn4` \ new_ty ->
+ recoverQuietlyRn4 NoGenPragmas (
+ rnGenPragmas4 pragma
+ ) `thenRn4` \ new_pragma ->
+ returnRn4 (Just (Sig new_v new_ty new_pragma src_loc))
+ )
+ -- and now, the various flavours of value-modifying user-pragmas:
+ rename_sig (SpecSig v ty using src_loc)
+ = pushSrcLocRn4 src_loc (
+ if not (v `elemByLocalNames` binder_pnames) then
+ addErrRn4 (unknownSigDeclErr "SPECIALIZE pragma" v src_loc) `thenRn4_`
+ returnRn4 Nothing
+ else
+ lookupValue v `thenRn4` \ new_v ->
+ rnPolyType4 False True nullTyVarNamesEnv ty `thenRn4` \ new_ty ->
+ rn_using using `thenRn4` \ new_using ->
+ returnRn4 (Just (SpecSig new_v new_ty new_using src_loc))
+ )
+ where
+ rn_using Nothing = returnRn4 Nothing
+ rn_using (Just x) = lookupValue x `thenRn4` \ new_x ->
+ returnRn4 (Just new_x)
+ rename_sig (InlineSig v howto src_loc)
+ = pushSrcLocRn4 src_loc (
+ if not (v `elemByLocalNames` binder_pnames) then
+ addErrRn4 (unknownSigDeclErr "INLINE pragma" v src_loc) `thenRn4_`
+ returnRn4 Nothing
+ else
+ lookupValue v `thenRn4` \ new_v ->
+ returnRn4 (Just (InlineSig new_v howto src_loc))
+ )
+ rename_sig (DeforestSig v src_loc)
+ = pushSrcLocRn4 src_loc (
+ if not (v `elemByLocalNames` binder_pnames) then
+ addErrRn4 (unknownSigDeclErr "DEFOREST pragma" v src_loc) `thenRn4_`
+ returnRn4 Nothing
+ else
+ lookupValue v `thenRn4` \ new_v ->
+ returnRn4 (Just (DeforestSig new_v src_loc))
+ )
+ rename_sig (MagicUnfoldingSig v str src_loc)
+ = pushSrcLocRn4 src_loc (
+ if not (v `elemByLocalNames` binder_pnames) then
+ addErrRn4 (unknownSigDeclErr "MAGIC_UNFOLDING pragma" v src_loc) `thenRn4_`
+ returnRn4 Nothing
+ else
+ lookupValue v `thenRn4` \ new_v ->
+ returnRn4 (Just (MagicUnfoldingSig new_v str src_loc))
+ )
+ not_unbound :: RenamedSig -> Bool
+ not_unbound (Sig n _ _ _) = not (isUnboundName n)
+ not_unbound (SpecSig n _ _ _) = not (isUnboundName n)
+ not_unbound (InlineSig n _ _) = not (isUnboundName n)
+ not_unbound (DeforestSig n _) = not (isUnboundName n)
+ not_unbound (MagicUnfoldingSig n _ _) = not (isUnboundName n)
+ -------------------------------------
+ sig_free :: [ProtoNameSig] -> ProtoName -> Maybe ProtoName
+ -- Return "Just x" if "x" has no type signature in
+ -- sigs. Nothing, otherwise.
+ sig_free [] ny = Just ny
+ sig_free (Sig nx _ _ _ : rest) ny
+ = if (nx `eqByLocalName` ny) then Nothing else sig_free rest ny
+ sig_free (_ : rest) ny = sig_free rest ny
+ -------------------------------------
+ cmp :: RenamedSig -> RenamedSig -> TAG_
+ cmp (Sig n1 _ _ _) (Sig n2 _ _ _) = n1 `cmpName` n2
+ cmp (InlineSig n1 _ _) (InlineSig n2 _ _) = n1 `cmpName` n2
+ cmp (MagicUnfoldingSig n1 _ _) (MagicUnfoldingSig n2 _ _) = n1 `cmpName` n2
+ cmp (SpecSig n1 ty1 _ _) (SpecSig n2 ty2 _ _)
+ = -- may have many specialisations for one value;
+ -- but not ones that are exactly the same...
+ case (n1 `cmpName` n2) of
+ EQ_ -> cmpPolyType cmpName ty1 ty2
+ other -> other
+ cmp other_1 other_2 -- tags *must* be different
+ = let tag1 = tag other_1
+ tag2 = tag other_2
+ in
+ if tag1 _LT_ tag2 then LT_ else GT_
+ tag (Sig n1 _ _ _) = (ILIT(1) :: FAST_INT)
+ tag (SpecSig n1 _ _ _) = ILIT(2)
+ tag (InlineSig n1 _ _) = ILIT(3)
+ tag (MagicUnfoldingSig n1 _ _) = ILIT(4)
+ tag (DeforestSig n1 _) = ILIT(5)
+ tag _ = case (panic "tag(RenameBinds4)") of { s -> tag s } -- BUG avoidance