path: root/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs
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Diffstat (limited to 'ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs')
1 files changed, 59 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs
index cf679691d5..1f7ba61259 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs
@@ -15,14 +15,13 @@ import RnHsSyn ( RenamedHsModule, RenamedHsDecl,
extractHsTyNames, extractHsCtxtTyNames
-import CmdLineOpts ( dopt_D_dump_rn_trace, dopt_D_dump_minimal_imports,
- opt_D_dump_rn, opt_D_dump_rn_stats, opt_WarnDeprecations,
- opt_WarnUnusedBinds
- )
+import CmdLineOpts ( DynFlags, DynFlag(..) )
import RnMonad
+import Finder ( Finder )
import RnNames ( getGlobalNames )
import RnSource ( rnSourceDecls, rnDecl )
-import RnIfaces ( getImportedInstDecls, importDecl, mkImportExportInfo, getInterfaceExports,
+import RnIfaces ( getImportedInstDecls, importDecl, mkImportExportInfo,
+ getInterfaceExports,
getImportedRules, getSlurped, removeContext,
loadBuiltinRules, getDeferredDecls, ImportDeclResult(..)
@@ -33,12 +32,13 @@ import RnEnv ( availName, availsToNameSet,
FreeVars, plusFVs, plusFV, unitFV, emptyFVs, isEmptyFVs, addOneFV
import Module ( Module, ModuleName, WhereFrom(..),
- moduleNameUserString, mkSearchPath, moduleName, mkThisModule
+ moduleNameUserString, moduleName, mkModuleInThisPackage
import Name ( Name, isLocallyDefined, NamedThing(..), getSrcLoc,
- nameOccName, nameUnique, nameModule, maybeUserImportedFrom,
- isUserImportedExplicitlyName, isUserImportedName,
- maybeWiredInTyConName, maybeWiredInIdName,
+ nameOccName, nameUnique, nameModule,
+-- maybeUserImportedFrom,
+-- isUserImportedExplicitlyName, isUserImportedName,
+-- maybeWiredInTyConName, maybeWiredInIdName,
isUserExportedName, toRdrName,
nameEnvElts, extendNameEnv
@@ -53,7 +53,8 @@ import PrelNames ( mAIN_Name, pREL_MAIN_Name, pRELUDE_Name,
unpackCString_RDR, unpackCStringFoldr_RDR, unpackCStringUtf8_RDR,
-import PrelInfo ( fractionalClassKeys, derivingOccurrences )
+import PrelInfo ( fractionalClassKeys, derivingOccurrences,
+ maybeWiredInTyConName, maybeWiredInIdName )
import Type ( namesOfType, funTyCon )
import ErrUtils ( printErrorsAndWarnings, dumpIfSet, ghcExit )
import BasicTypes ( Version, initialVersion )
@@ -67,28 +68,40 @@ import SrcLoc ( noSrcLoc )
import Maybes ( maybeToBool, expectJust )
import Outputable
import IO ( openFile, IOMode(..) )
+import HscTypes ( PersistentCompilerState, HomeSymbolTable, GlobalRdrEnv,
+ AvailEnv, Avails, GenAvailInfo(..), AvailInfo,
+ Provenance(..), ImportReason(..) )
+-- HACKS:
+maybeUserImportedFrom = panic "maybeUserImportedFrom"
+isUserImportedExplicitlyName = panic "isUserImportedExplicitlyName"
+isUserImportedName = panic "isUserImportedName"
+iDeprecs = panic "iDeprecs"
+type FixityEnv = LocalFixityEnv
-type RenameResult = ( PersistentCompilerState,
+type RenameResult = ( PersistentCompilerState
, Module -- This module
, RenamedHsModule -- Renamed module
, Maybe ParsedIface -- The existing interface file, if any
, ParsedIface -- The new interface
, [Module]) -- Imported modules
-renameModule :: PersistentCompilerState -> HomeSymbolTable
+renameModule :: DynFlags -> Finder
+ -> PersistentCompilerState -> HomeSymbolTable
-> RdrNameHsModule -> IO (Maybe RenameResult)
-renameModule old_pcs hst this_mod@(HsModule mod_name vers exports imports local_decls _ loc)
+renameModule dflags finder old_pcs hst
+ this_mod@(HsModule mod_name vers exports imports local_decls _ loc)
= -- Initialise the renamer monad
do {
- ((maybe_rn_stuff, dump_action), msgs, new_pcs)
+ ((maybe_rn_stuff, dump_action), (rn_warns_bag, rn_errs_bag), new_pcs)
<- initRn dflags finder old_pcs hst loc (rename this_mod) ;
-- Check for warnings
- printErrorsAndWarnings msgs ;
+ printErrorsAndWarnings (rn_warns_bag, rn_errs_bag) ;
-- Dump any debugging output
dump_action ;
@@ -170,7 +183,7 @@ rename this_mod@(HsModule mod_name vers exports imports local_decls mod_deprec l
user_import ImportByUserSource = True
user_import _ = False
- this_module = mkThisModule mod_name
+ this_module = mkModuleInThisPackage mod_name
-- Export only those fixities that are for names that are
-- (a) defined in this module
@@ -596,24 +609,26 @@ getInstDeclGates other = emptyFVs
fixitiesFromLocalDecls :: GlobalRdrEnv -> [RdrNameHsDecl] -> RnMG FixityEnv
fixitiesFromLocalDecls gbl_env decls
- = foldlRn getFixities emptyNameEnv decls `thenRn` \ env ->
- traceRn (text "fixity env" <+> vcat (map ppr (nameEnvElts env))) `thenRn_`
+ = doptRn Opt_WarnUnusedBinds `thenRn` \ warn_unused ->
+ foldlRn (getFixities warn_unused) emptyNameEnv decls `thenRn` \ env ->
+ traceRn (text "fixity env" <+> vcat (map ppr (nameEnvElts env)))
+ `thenRn_`
returnRn env
- getFixities :: FixityEnv -> RdrNameHsDecl -> RnMG FixityEnv
- getFixities acc (FixD fix)
- = fix_decl acc fix
+ getFixities :: Bool -> FixityEnv -> RdrNameHsDecl -> RnMG FixityEnv
+ getFixities warn_uu acc (FixD fix)
+ = fix_decl warn_uu acc fix
- getFixities acc (TyClD (ClassDecl _ _ _ _ sigs _ _ _ _ ))
- = foldlRn fix_decl acc [sig | FixSig sig <- sigs]
+ getFixities warn_uu acc (TyClD (ClassDecl _ _ _ _ sigs _ _ _ _ ))
+ = foldlRn (fix_decl warn_uu) acc [sig | FixSig sig <- sigs]
-- Get fixities from class decl sigs too.
- getFixities acc other_decl
+ getFixities warn_uu acc other_decl
= returnRn acc
- fix_decl acc sig@(FixitySig rdr_name fixity loc)
+ fix_decl warn_uu acc sig@(FixitySig rdr_name fixity loc)
= -- Check for fixity decl for something not declared
case lookupRdrEnv gbl_env rdr_name of {
- Nothing | opt_WarnUnusedBinds
+ Nothing | warn_uu
-> pushSrcLocRn loc (addWarnRn (unusedFixityDecl rdr_name fixity))
`thenRn_` returnRn acc
| otherwise -> returnRn acc ;
@@ -718,7 +733,7 @@ reportUnusedNames mod_name direct_import_mods
bad_locals = [n | (n,LocalDef) <- defined_but_not_used]
bad_imp_names :: [(Name,Provenance)]
- bad_imp_names = [(n,p) | (n,p@(UserImport mod _ True) <- defined_but_not_used,
+ bad_imp_names = [(n,p) | (n,p@(UserImport mod _ True)) <- defined_but_not_used,
not (module_unused mod)]
deprec_used deprec_env = [ (n,txt)
@@ -783,13 +798,18 @@ reportUnusedNames mod_name direct_import_mods
warnUnusedImports bad_imp_names `thenRn_`
printMinimalImports mod_name minimal_imports `thenRn_`
getIfacesRn `thenRn` \ ifaces ->
- (if opt_WarnDeprecations
+ doptRn Opt_WarnDeprecations `thenRn` \ warn_drs ->
+ (if warn_drs
then mapRn_ warnDeprec (deprec_used (iDeprecs ifaces))
else returnRn ())
-- ToDo: deal with original imports with 'qualified' and 'as M' clauses
printMinimalImports mod_name imps
- | not opt_D_dump_minimal_imports
+ = doptRn Opt_D_dump_minimal_imports `thenRn` \ dump_minimal ->
+ printMinimalImports_wrk dump_minimal mod_name imps
+printMinimalImports_wrk dump_minimal mod_name imps
+ | not dump_minimal
= returnRn ()
| otherwise
= mapRn to_ies (fmToList imps) `thenRn` \ mod_ies ->
@@ -825,16 +845,16 @@ rnDump :: [RenamedHsDecl] -- Renamed imported decls
-> [RenamedHsDecl] -- Renamed local decls
-> RnMG (IO ())
rnDump imp_decls local_decls
- | opt_D_dump_rn_trace ||
- opt_D_dump_rn_stats ||
- opt_D_dump_rn
- = getRnStats imp_decls `thenRn` \ stats_msg ->
- returnRn (printErrs stats_msg >>
- dumpIfSet opt_D_dump_rn "Renamer:"
- (vcat (map ppr (local_decls ++ imp_decls))))
- | otherwise = returnRn (return ())
+ = doptRn Opt_D_dump_rn_trace `thenRn` \ dump_rn_trace ->
+ doptRn Opt_D_dump_rn_stats `thenRn` \ dump_rn_stats ->
+ doptRn Opt_D_dump_rn `thenRn` \ dump_rn ->
+ if dump_rn_trace || dump_rn_stats || dump_rn then
+ getRnStats imp_decls `thenRn` \ stats_msg ->
+ returnRn (printErrs stats_msg >>
+ dumpIfSet dump_rn "Renamer:"
+ (vcat (map ppr (local_decls ++ imp_decls))))
+ else
+ returnRn (return ())