path: root/ghc/compiler/main/ErrsRn.lhs
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Diffstat (limited to 'ghc/compiler/main/ErrsRn.lhs')
1 files changed, 194 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/main/ErrsRn.lhs b/ghc/compiler/main/ErrsRn.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..72b7dc3a3c
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+++ b/ghc/compiler/main/ErrsRn.lhs
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+% (c) The AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1994-1995
+\section[ErrsRn]{Reporting errors from the renamer}
+This is an internal module---access to these functions is through
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+module ErrsRn where
+import AbsSyn -- we print a bunch of stuff in here
+import AbsUniType ( TyVarTemplate )
+import UniType ( UniType(..) )
+ -- UniType is concrete, to make some errors
+ -- more informative.
+import ErrUtils
+import Name ( cmpName )
+import Outputable
+import Pretty -- to pretty-print error messages
+import SrcLoc ( mkUnknownSrcLoc, SrcLoc )
+import Util
+badClassOpErr :: Name{-class-} -> ProtoName{-op-} -> SrcLoc -> Error
+ -- Class op expected but something else found
+badClassOpErr clas op locn
+ = addErrLoc locn "" ( \ sty ->
+ ppBesides [ppChar '`', ppr sty op, ppStr "' is not an operation of class `",
+ ppr sty clas, ppStr "'."] )
+badExportNameErr :: String -> String -> Error
+badExportNameErr name whats_wrong
+ = dontAddErrLoc
+ "Error in the export list" ( \ sty ->
+ ppBesides [ppChar '`', ppStr name, ppStr "' ", ppStr whats_wrong] )
+badImportNameErr :: String -> String -> String -> SrcLoc -> Error
+badImportNameErr mod name whats_wrong locn
+ = addErrLoc locn
+ ("Error in an import list for the module `"++mod++"'") ( \ sty ->
+ ppBesides [ppChar '`', ppStr name, ppStr "' ", ppStr whats_wrong] )
+derivingInIfaceErr :: ProtoName -> [ProtoName] -> SrcLoc -> Error
+ -- GHC doesn't support "deriving" in interfaces
+derivingInIfaceErr ty deriveds locn
+ = addErrLoc locn "Glasgow Haskell doesn't support `deriving' in interfaces" ( \ sty ->
+ ppBesides [ ppStr "type: ", ppr sty ty,
+ ppStr "; derived: ", interpp'SP sty deriveds ] )
+derivingNonStdClassErr :: Name -> ProtoName -> SrcLoc -> Error
+ -- if "deriving" specified for a non-standard class
+derivingNonStdClassErr tycon clas locn
+ = addErrLoc locn "Can't have a derived instance of this class" ( \ sty ->
+ ppBesides [ppStr "type constructor: ", ppr sty tycon,
+ ppStr "; class: ", ppr sty clas] )
+dupNamesErr :: String -> [(ProtoName,SrcLoc)] -> Error
+dupNamesErr descriptor ((first_pname,locn1) : dup_things) sty
+ = ppAboves (first_item : map dup_item dup_things)
+ where
+ first_item
+ = ppBesides [ ppr PprForUser locn1,
+ ppStr ": multiple declarations of a ", ppStr descriptor, ppStr ": ",
+ ppr sty first_pname ]
+ dup_item (pname, locn)
+ = ppBesides [ ppr PprForUser locn,
+ ppStr ": here was another declaration of `", ppr sty pname, ppStr "'" ]
+dupPreludeNameErr :: String -> (ProtoName, SrcLoc) -> Error
+dupPreludeNameErr descriptor (nm, locn)
+ = addShortErrLocLine locn ( \ sty ->
+ ppBesides [ ppStr "A conflict with a Prelude ", ppStr descriptor,
+ ppStr ": ", ppr sty nm ])
+dupSigDeclErr :: [RenamedSig] -> Error
+ -- Duplicate signatures in a group; the sigs have locns on them
+dupSigDeclErr sigs
+ = let
+ undup_sigs = fst (removeDups cmp_sig sigs)
+ in
+ addErrLoc locn1
+ ("more than one "++what_it_is++"\n\thas been given for these variables") ( \ sty ->
+ ppAboves (map (ppr sty) undup_sigs) )
+ where
+ (what_it_is, locn1)
+ = case (head sigs) of
+ Sig _ _ _ loc -> ("type signature",loc)
+ ClassOpSig _ _ _ loc -> ("class-method type signature", loc)
+ SpecSig _ _ _ loc -> ("SPECIALIZE pragma",loc)
+ InlineSig _ _ loc -> ("INLINE pragma",loc)
+ MagicUnfoldingSig _ _ loc -> ("MAGIC_UNFOLDING pragma",loc)
+ cmp_sig a b = get_name a `cmpName` get_name b
+ get_name (Sig n _ _ _) = n
+ get_name (ClassOpSig n _ _ _) = n
+ get_name (SpecSig n _ _ _) = n
+ get_name (InlineSig n _ _) = n
+ get_name (MagicUnfoldingSig n _ _) = n
+duplicateImportsInInterfaceErr :: String -> [ProtoName] -> Error
+duplicateImportsInInterfaceErr iface dups
+ = panic "duplicateImportsInInterfaceErr: NOT DONE YET?"
+inlineInRecursiveBindsErr :: [(Name, SrcLoc)] -> Error
+inlineInRecursiveBindsErr [(name, locn)]
+ = addShortErrLocLine locn ( \ sty ->
+ ppBesides [ppStr "INLINE pragma for a recursive definition: ",
+ ppr sty name] )
+inlineInRecursiveBindsErr names_n_locns
+ = \ sty ->
+ ppHang (ppStr "INLINE pragmas for some recursive definitions:")
+ 4 (ppAboves [ ppBesides [ppr PprForUser locn, ppStr ": ", ppr sty n]
+ | (n, locn) <- names_n_locns ])
+--mismatchedPragmasErr :: (Annotations, SrcLoc)
+-- -> (Annotations, SrcLoc)
+-- -> Error
+mismatchedPragmasErr (anns1, _) (anns2, _)
+ = dontAddErrLoc "Mismatched pragmas from interfaces" ( \ sty ->
+ ppSep [ppr sty anns1, ppr sty anns2] )
+shadowedNameErr :: Name -> SrcLoc -> Error
+shadowedNameErr shadow locn
+ = addShortErrLocLine locn ( \ sty ->
+ ppBesides [ppStr "more than one value with the same name (shadowing): ",
+ ppr sty shadow] )
+unknownNameErr :: String -> ProtoName -> SrcLoc -> Error
+unknownNameErr descriptor undef_thing locn
+ = addShortErrLocLine locn ( \ sty ->
+ ppBesides [ppStr "undefined ", ppStr descriptor, ppStr ": ",
+ ppr sty undef_thing] )
+missingSigErr :: SrcLoc -> ProtoName -> Error
+ -- Top-level definition without a type signature
+ -- (when SigsRequired flag is in use)
+missingSigErr locn var
+ = addShortErrLocLine locn ( \ sty ->
+ ppBesides [ppStr "a definition but no type signature for `",
+ ppr sty var,
+ ppStr "'."])
+unknownSigDeclErr :: String -> ProtoName -> SrcLoc -> Error
+ -- Signature/Pragma given for unknown variable
+unknownSigDeclErr flavor var locn
+ = addShortErrLocLine locn ( \ sty ->
+ ppBesides [ppStr flavor, ppStr " but no definition for `",
+ ppr sty var,
+ ppStr "'."])
+weirdImportExportConstraintErr :: ProtoName -> IE -> SrcLoc -> Error
+weirdImportExportConstraintErr thing constraint locn
+ = addShortErrLocLine locn ( \ sty ->
+ ppBesides [ppStr "Illegal import/export constraint on `",
+ ppr sty thing,
+ ppStr "': ", ppr PprForUser constraint])
+methodBindErr :: ProtoNameMonoBinds -> SrcLoc -> Error
+methodBindErr mbind locn
+ = addErrLoc locn "Can't handle multiple methods defined by one pattern binding"
+ (\ sty -> ppr sty mbind)