path: root/ghc/compiler/main/CmdLineOpts.lhs
diff options
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 855 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/main/CmdLineOpts.lhs b/ghc/compiler/main/CmdLineOpts.lhs
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index cf7fd7f3f2..0000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/main/CmdLineOpts.lhs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,855 +0,0 @@
-% (c) The University of Glasgow, 1996-2000
-\section[CmdLineOpts]{Things to do with command-line options}
-module CmdLineOpts (
- CoreToDo(..), buildCoreToDo, StgToDo(..),
- SimplifierSwitch(..),
- SimplifierMode(..), FloatOutSwitches(..),
- HscTarget(..),
- DynFlag(..), -- needed non-abstractly by DriverFlags
- DynFlags(..),
- PackageFlag(..),
- v_Static_hsc_opts,
- isStaticHscFlag,
- -- Manipulating DynFlags
- defaultDynFlags, -- DynFlags
- dopt, -- DynFlag -> DynFlags -> Bool
- dopt_set, dopt_unset, -- DynFlags -> DynFlag -> DynFlags
- dopt_CoreToDo, -- DynFlags -> [CoreToDo]
- dopt_StgToDo, -- DynFlags -> [StgToDo]
- dopt_HscTarget, -- DynFlags -> HscTarget
- dopt_OutName, -- DynFlags -> String
- getOpts, -- (DynFlags -> [a]) -> IO [a]
- getVerbFlag,
- updOptLevel,
- -- sets of warning opts
- minusWOpts,
- minusWallOpts,
- -- Output style options
- opt_PprUserLength,
- opt_PprStyle_Debug,
- -- profiling opts
- opt_AutoSccsOnAllToplevs,
- opt_AutoSccsOnExportedToplevs,
- opt_AutoSccsOnIndividualCafs,
- opt_SccProfilingOn,
- opt_DoTickyProfiling,
- -- language opts
- opt_DictsStrict,
- opt_MaxContextReductionDepth,
- opt_IrrefutableTuples,
- opt_Parallel,
- opt_SMP,
- opt_RuntimeTypes,
- opt_Flatten,
- -- optimisation opts
- opt_NoMethodSharing,
- opt_NoStateHack,
- opt_LiberateCaseThreshold,
- opt_CprOff,
- opt_RulesOff,
- opt_SimplNoPreInlining,
- opt_SimplExcessPrecision,
- opt_MaxWorkerArgs,
- -- Unfolding control
- opt_UF_CreationThreshold,
- opt_UF_UseThreshold,
- opt_UF_FunAppDiscount,
- opt_UF_KeenessFactor,
- opt_UF_UpdateInPlace,
- opt_UF_DearOp,
- -- misc opts
- opt_ErrorSpans,
- opt_EmitCExternDecls,
- opt_EnsureSplittableC,
- opt_GranMacros,
- opt_HiVersion,
- opt_HistorySize,
- opt_OmitBlackHoling,
- opt_Static,
- opt_Unregisterised,
- opt_EmitExternalCore,
- opt_PIC
- ) where
-#include "HsVersions.h"
-import {-# SOURCE #-} Packages (PackageState)
-import DriverPhases ( HscTarget(..) )
-import Constants -- Default values for some flags
-import Util
-import FastString ( FastString, mkFastString )
-import Config
-import Maybes ( firstJust )
-import Panic ( ghcError, GhcException(UsageError) )
-import GLAEXTS
-import DATA_IOREF ( IORef, readIORef )
-import UNSAFE_IO ( unsafePerformIO )
-%* *
-\subsection{Command-line options}
-%* *
-The hsc command-line options are split into two categories:
- - static flags
- - dynamic flags
-Static flags are represented by top-level values of type Bool or Int,
-for example. They therefore have the same value throughout the
-invocation of hsc.
-Dynamic flags are represented by an abstract type, DynFlags, which is
-passed into hsc by the compilation manager for every compilation.
-Dynamic flags are those that change on a per-compilation basis,
-perhaps because they may be present in the OPTIONS pragma at the top
-of a module.
-Other flag-related blurb:
-A list of {\em ToDo}s is things to be done in a particular part of
-processing. A (fictitious) example for the Core-to-Core simplifier
-might be: run the simplifier, then run the strictness analyser, then
-run the simplifier again (three ``todos'').
-There are three ``to-do processing centers'' at the moment. In the
-main loop (\tr{main/Main.lhs}), in the Core-to-Core processing loop
-(\tr{simplCore/SimplCore.lhs), and in the STG-to-STG processing loop
-%* *
-\subsection{Datatypes associated with command-line options}
-%* *
-data CoreToDo -- These are diff core-to-core passes,
- -- which may be invoked in any order,
- -- as many times as you like.
- = CoreDoSimplify -- The core-to-core simplifier.
- SimplifierMode
- [SimplifierSwitch]
- -- Each run of the simplifier can take a different
- -- set of simplifier-specific flags.
- | CoreDoFloatInwards
- | CoreDoFloatOutwards FloatOutSwitches
- | CoreLiberateCase
- | CoreDoPrintCore
- | CoreDoStaticArgs
- | CoreDoStrictness
- | CoreDoWorkerWrapper
- | CoreDoSpecialising
- | CoreDoSpecConstr
- | CoreDoOldStrictness
- | CoreDoGlomBinds
- | CoreCSE
- | CoreDoRuleCheck Int{-CompilerPhase-} String -- Check for non-application of rules
- -- matching this string
- | CoreDoNothing -- useful when building up lists of these things
-data StgToDo
- = StgDoMassageForProfiling -- should be (next to) last
- -- There's also setStgVarInfo, but its absolute "lastness"
- -- is so critical that it is hardwired in (no flag).
- | D_stg_stats
-data SimplifierMode -- See comments in SimplMonad
- = SimplGently
- | SimplPhase Int
-data SimplifierSwitch
- = MaxSimplifierIterations Int
- | NoCaseOfCase
-data FloatOutSwitches
- = FloatOutSw Bool -- True <=> float lambdas to top level
- Bool -- True <=> float constants to top level,
- -- even if they do not escape a lambda
-%* *
-\subsection{Dynamic command-line options}
-%* *
-data DynFlag
- -- debugging flags
- = Opt_D_dump_cmm
- | Opt_D_dump_asm
- | Opt_D_dump_cpranal
- | Opt_D_dump_deriv
- | Opt_D_dump_ds
- | Opt_D_dump_flatC
- | Opt_D_dump_foreign
- | Opt_D_dump_inlinings
- | Opt_D_dump_occur_anal
- | Opt_D_dump_parsed
- | Opt_D_dump_rn
- | Opt_D_dump_simpl
- | Opt_D_dump_simpl_iterations
- | Opt_D_dump_spec
- | Opt_D_dump_prep
- | Opt_D_dump_stg
- | Opt_D_dump_stranal
- | Opt_D_dump_tc
- | Opt_D_dump_types
- | Opt_D_dump_rules
- | Opt_D_dump_cse
- | Opt_D_dump_worker_wrapper
- | Opt_D_dump_rn_trace
- | Opt_D_dump_rn_stats
- | Opt_D_dump_opt_cmm
- | Opt_D_dump_simpl_stats
- | Opt_D_dump_tc_trace
- | Opt_D_dump_if_trace
- | Opt_D_dump_splices
- | Opt_D_dump_BCOs
- | Opt_D_dump_vect
- | Opt_D_source_stats
- | Opt_D_verbose_core2core
- | Opt_D_verbose_stg2stg
- | Opt_D_dump_hi
- | Opt_D_dump_hi_diffs
- | Opt_D_dump_minimal_imports
- | Opt_DoCoreLinting
- | Opt_DoStgLinting
- | Opt_DoCmmLinting
- | Opt_WarnIsError -- -Werror; makes warnings fatal
- | Opt_WarnDuplicateExports
- | Opt_WarnHiShadows
- | Opt_WarnIncompletePatterns
- | Opt_WarnIncompletePatternsRecUpd
- | Opt_WarnMissingFields
- | Opt_WarnMissingMethods
- | Opt_WarnMissingSigs
- | Opt_WarnNameShadowing
- | Opt_WarnOverlappingPatterns
- | Opt_WarnSimplePatterns
- | Opt_WarnTypeDefaults
- | Opt_WarnUnusedBinds
- | Opt_WarnUnusedImports
- | Opt_WarnUnusedMatches
- | Opt_WarnDeprecations
- | Opt_WarnDodgyImports
- | Opt_WarnOrphans
- -- language opts
- | Opt_AllowOverlappingInstances
- | Opt_AllowUndecidableInstances
- | Opt_AllowIncoherentInstances
- | Opt_MonomorphismRestriction
- | Opt_GlasgowExts
- | Opt_FFI
- | Opt_PArr -- syntactic support for parallel arrays
- | Opt_Arrows -- Arrow-notation syntax
- | Opt_TH
- | Opt_ImplicitParams
- | Opt_Generics
- | Opt_ImplicitPrelude
- | Opt_ScopedTypeVariables
- -- optimisation opts
- | Opt_Strictness
- | Opt_FullLaziness
- | Opt_CSE
- | Opt_IgnoreInterfacePragmas
- | Opt_OmitInterfacePragmas
- | Opt_DoLambdaEtaExpansion
- | Opt_IgnoreAsserts
- | Opt_DoEtaReduction
- | Opt_CaseMerge
- | Opt_UnboxStrictFields
- deriving (Eq)
-data DynFlags = DynFlags {
- coreToDo :: Maybe [CoreToDo], -- reserved for use with -Ofile
- stgToDo :: [StgToDo],
- hscTarget :: HscTarget,
- hscOutName :: String, -- name of the output file
- hscStubHOutName :: String, -- name of the .stub_h output file
- hscStubCOutName :: String, -- name of the .stub_c output file
- extCoreName :: String, -- name of the .core output file
- verbosity :: Int, -- verbosity level
- optLevel :: Int, -- optimisation level
- maxSimplIterations :: Int, -- max simplifier iterations
- ruleCheck :: Maybe String,
- cppFlag :: Bool, -- preprocess with cpp?
- ppFlag :: Bool, -- preprocess with a Haskell Pp?
- recompFlag :: Bool, -- True <=> recompilation checker is on
- stolen_x86_regs :: Int,
- cmdlineHcIncludes :: [String], -- -#includes
- importPaths :: [FilePath],
- -- options for particular phases
- opt_L :: [String],
- opt_P :: [String],
- opt_F :: [String],
- opt_c :: [String],
- opt_a :: [String],
- opt_m :: [String],
-#ifdef ILX
- opt_I :: [String],
- opt_i :: [String],
- -- ** Package flags
- extraPkgConfs :: [FilePath],
- -- The -package-conf flags given on the command line, in the order
- -- they appeared.
- readUserPkgConf :: Bool,
- -- Whether or not to read the user package database
- -- (-no-user-package-conf).
- packageFlags :: [PackageFlag],
- -- The -package and -hide-package flags from the command-line
- -- ** Package state
- pkgState :: PackageState,
- -- hsc dynamic flags
- flags :: [DynFlag]
- }
-data PackageFlag
- = ExposePackage String
- | HidePackage String
- | IgnorePackage String
-#if defined(i386_TARGET_ARCH) || defined(sparc_TARGET_ARCH) || defined(powerpc_TARGET_ARCH)
- | cGhcWithNativeCodeGen == "YES" = HscAsm
- | otherwise = HscC
-defaultDynFlags = DynFlags {
- coreToDo = Nothing, stgToDo = [],
- hscTarget = defaultHscTarget,
- hscOutName = "",
- hscStubHOutName = "", hscStubCOutName = "",
- extCoreName = "",
- verbosity = 0,
- optLevel = 0,
- maxSimplIterations = 4,
- ruleCheck = Nothing,
- cppFlag = False,
- ppFlag = False,
- recompFlag = True,
- stolen_x86_regs = 4,
- cmdlineHcIncludes = [],
- importPaths = ["."],
- opt_L = [],
- opt_P = [],
- opt_F = [],
- opt_c = [],
- opt_a = [],
- opt_m = [],
-#ifdef ILX
- opt_I = [],
- opt_i = [],
- extraPkgConfs = [],
- readUserPkgConf = True,
- packageFlags = [],
- pkgState = error "pkgState",
- flags = [
- Opt_ImplicitPrelude,
- Opt_MonomorphismRestriction,
- Opt_Strictness,
- -- strictness is on by default, but this only
- -- applies to -O.
- Opt_CSE, -- similarly for CSE.
- Opt_FullLaziness, -- ...and for full laziness
- Opt_DoLambdaEtaExpansion,
- -- This one is important for a tiresome reason:
- -- we want to make sure that the bindings for data
- -- constructors are eta-expanded. This is probably
- -- a good thing anyway, but it seems fragile.
- -- and the default no-optimisation options:
- Opt_IgnoreInterfacePragmas,
- Opt_OmitInterfacePragmas
- ] ++ standardWarnings
- }
- Verbosity levels:
- 0 | print errors & warnings only
- 1 | minimal verbosity: print "compiling M ... done." for each module.
- 2 | equivalent to -dshow-passes
- 3 | equivalent to existing "ghc -v"
- 4 | "ghc -v -ddump-most"
- 5 | "ghc -v -ddump-all"
-dopt :: DynFlag -> DynFlags -> Bool
-dopt f dflags = f `elem` (flags dflags)
-dopt_CoreToDo :: DynFlags -> Maybe [CoreToDo]
-dopt_CoreToDo = coreToDo
-dopt_StgToDo :: DynFlags -> [StgToDo]
-dopt_StgToDo = stgToDo
-dopt_OutName :: DynFlags -> String
-dopt_OutName = hscOutName
-dopt_HscTarget :: DynFlags -> HscTarget
-dopt_HscTarget = hscTarget
-dopt_set :: DynFlags -> DynFlag -> DynFlags
-dopt_set dfs f = dfs{ flags = f : flags dfs }
-dopt_unset :: DynFlags -> DynFlag -> DynFlags
-dopt_unset dfs f = dfs{ flags = filter (/= f) (flags dfs) }
-getOpts :: DynFlags -> (DynFlags -> [a]) -> [a]
- -- We add to the options from the front, so we need to reverse the list
-getOpts dflags opts = reverse (opts dflags)
-getVerbFlag dflags
- | verbosity dflags >= 3 = "-v"
- | otherwise = ""
--- Setting the optimisation level
-updOptLevel :: Int -> DynFlags -> DynFlags
--- Set dynflags appropriate to the optimisation level
-updOptLevel n dfs
- = if (n >= 1)
- then dfs2{ hscTarget = HscC, optLevel = n } -- turn on -fvia-C with -O
- else dfs2{ optLevel = n }
- where
- dfs1 = foldr (flip dopt_unset) dfs remove_dopts
- dfs2 = foldr (flip dopt_set) dfs1 extra_dopts
- extra_dopts
- | n == 0 = opt_0_dopts
- | otherwise = opt_1_dopts
- remove_dopts
- | n == 0 = opt_1_dopts
- | otherwise = opt_0_dopts
-opt_0_dopts = [
- Opt_IgnoreInterfacePragmas,
- Opt_OmitInterfacePragmas
- ]
-opt_1_dopts = [
- Opt_IgnoreAsserts,
- Opt_DoEtaReduction,
- Opt_CaseMerge
- ]
--- Core-to-core phases:
-buildCoreToDo :: DynFlags -> [CoreToDo]
-buildCoreToDo dflags = core_todo
- where
- opt_level = optLevel dflags
- max_iter = maxSimplIterations dflags
- strictness = dopt Opt_Strictness dflags
- full_laziness = dopt Opt_FullLaziness dflags
- cse = dopt Opt_CSE dflags
- rule_check = ruleCheck dflags
- core_todo =
- if opt_level == 0 then
- [
- CoreDoSimplify (SimplPhase 0) [
- MaxSimplifierIterations max_iter
- ]
- ]
- else {- opt_level >= 1 -} [
- -- initial simplify: mk specialiser happy: minimum effort please
- CoreDoSimplify SimplGently [
- -- Simplify "gently"
- -- Don't inline anything till full laziness has bitten
- -- In particular, inlining wrappers inhibits floating
- -- e.g. ...(case f x of ...)...
- -- ==> ...(case (case x of I# x# -> fw x#) of ...)...
- -- ==> ...(case x of I# x# -> case fw x# of ...)...
- -- and now the redex (f x) isn't floatable any more
- -- Similarly, don't apply any rules until after full
- -- laziness. Notably, list fusion can prevent floating.
- NoCaseOfCase,
- -- Don't do case-of-case transformations.
- -- This makes full laziness work better
- MaxSimplifierIterations max_iter
- ],
- -- Specialisation is best done before full laziness
- -- so that overloaded functions have all their dictionary lambdas manifest
- CoreDoSpecialising,
- if full_laziness then CoreDoFloatOutwards (FloatOutSw False False)
- else CoreDoNothing,
- CoreDoFloatInwards,
- CoreDoSimplify (SimplPhase 2) [
- -- Want to run with inline phase 2 after the specialiser to give
- -- maximum chance for fusion to work before we inline build/augment
- -- in phase 1. This made a difference in 'ansi' where an
- -- overloaded function wasn't inlined till too late.
- MaxSimplifierIterations max_iter
- ],
- case rule_check of { Just pat -> CoreDoRuleCheck 2 pat; Nothing -> CoreDoNothing },
- CoreDoSimplify (SimplPhase 1) [
- -- Need inline-phase2 here so that build/augment get
- -- inlined. I found that spectral/hartel/genfft lost some useful
- -- strictness in the function sumcode' if augment is not inlined
- -- before strictness analysis runs
- MaxSimplifierIterations max_iter
- ],
- case rule_check of { Just pat -> CoreDoRuleCheck 1 pat; Nothing -> CoreDoNothing },
- CoreDoSimplify (SimplPhase 0) [
- -- Phase 0: allow all Ids to be inlined now
- -- This gets foldr inlined before strictness analysis
- MaxSimplifierIterations 3
- -- At least 3 iterations because otherwise we land up with
- -- huge dead expressions because of an infelicity in the
- -- simpifier.
- -- let k = BIG in foldr k z xs
- -- ==> let k = BIG in letrec go = \xs -> ...(k x).... in go xs
- -- ==> let k = BIG in letrec go = \xs -> ...(BIG x).... in go xs
- -- Don't stop now!
- ],
- case rule_check of { Just pat -> CoreDoRuleCheck 0 pat; Nothing -> CoreDoNothing },
- CoreDoOldStrictness
- if strictness then CoreDoStrictness else CoreDoNothing,
- CoreDoWorkerWrapper,
- CoreDoGlomBinds,
- CoreDoSimplify (SimplPhase 0) [
- MaxSimplifierIterations max_iter
- ],
- if full_laziness then
- CoreDoFloatOutwards (FloatOutSw False -- Not lambdas
- True) -- Float constants
- else CoreDoNothing,
- -- nofib/spectral/hartel/wang doubles in speed if you
- -- do full laziness late in the day. It only happens
- -- after fusion and other stuff, so the early pass doesn't
- -- catch it. For the record, the redex is
- -- f_el22 (f_el21 r_midblock)
- -- We want CSE to follow the final full-laziness pass, because it may
- -- succeed in commoning up things floated out by full laziness.
- -- CSE used to rely on the no-shadowing invariant, but it doesn't any more
- if cse then CoreCSE else CoreDoNothing,
- CoreDoFloatInwards,
--- Case-liberation for -O2. This should be after
--- strictness analysis and the simplification which follows it.
- case rule_check of { Just pat -> CoreDoRuleCheck 0 pat; Nothing -> CoreDoNothing },
- if opt_level >= 2 then
- CoreLiberateCase
- else
- CoreDoNothing,
- if opt_level >= 2 then
- CoreDoSpecConstr
- else
- CoreDoNothing,
- -- Final clean-up simplification:
- CoreDoSimplify (SimplPhase 0) [
- MaxSimplifierIterations max_iter
- ]
- ]
-%* *
-%* *
- = [ Opt_WarnDeprecations,
- Opt_WarnOverlappingPatterns,
- Opt_WarnMissingFields,
- Opt_WarnMissingMethods,
- Opt_WarnDuplicateExports
- ]
- = standardWarnings ++
- [ Opt_WarnUnusedBinds,
- Opt_WarnUnusedMatches,
- Opt_WarnUnusedImports,
- Opt_WarnIncompletePatterns,
- Opt_WarnDodgyImports
- ]
- = minusWOpts ++
- [ Opt_WarnTypeDefaults,
- Opt_WarnNameShadowing,
- Opt_WarnMissingSigs,
- Opt_WarnHiShadows,
- Opt_WarnOrphans
- ]
-%* *
-\subsection{Classifying command-line options}
-%* *
--- v_Statis_hsc_opts is here to avoid a circular dependency with
--- main/DriverState.
-GLOBAL_VAR(v_Static_hsc_opts, [], [String])
-lookUp :: FastString -> Bool
-lookup_def_int :: String -> Int -> Int
-lookup_def_float :: String -> Float -> Float
-lookup_str :: String -> Maybe String
-unpacked_static_opts = unsafePerformIO (readIORef v_Static_hsc_opts)
-packed_static_opts = map mkFastString unpacked_static_opts
-lookUp sw = sw `elem` packed_static_opts
--- (lookup_str "foo") looks for the flag -foo=X or -fooX,
--- and returns the string X
-lookup_str sw
- = case firstJust (map (startsWith sw) unpacked_static_opts) of
- Just ('=' : str) -> Just str
- Just str -> Just str
- Nothing -> Nothing
-lookup_def_int sw def = case (lookup_str sw) of
- Nothing -> def -- Use default
- Just xx -> try_read sw xx
-lookup_def_float sw def = case (lookup_str sw) of
- Nothing -> def -- Use default
- Just xx -> try_read sw xx
-try_read :: Read a => String -> String -> a
--- (try_read sw str) tries to read s; if it fails, it
--- bleats about flag sw
-try_read sw str
- = case reads str of
- ((x,_):_) -> x -- Be forgiving: ignore trailing goop, and alternative parses
- [] -> ghcError (UsageError ("Malformed argument " ++ str ++ " for flag " ++ sw))
- -- ToDo: hack alert. We should really parse the arugments
- -- and announce errors in a more civilised way.
- Putting the compiler options into temporary at-files
- may turn out to be necessary later on if we turn hsc into
- a pure Win32 application where I think there's a command-line
- length limit of 255. unpacked_opts understands the @ option.
-unpacked_opts :: [String]
-unpacked_opts =
- concat $
- map (expandAts) $
- map unpackFS argv -- NOT ARGV any more: v_Static_hsc_opts
- where
- expandAts ('@':fname) = words (unsafePerformIO (readFile fname))
- expandAts l = [l]
-%* *
-\subsection{Static options}
-%* *
--- debugging opts
-opt_PprStyle_Debug = lookUp FSLIT("-dppr-debug")
-opt_PprUserLength = lookup_def_int "-dppr-user-length" 5 --ToDo: give this a name
--- profiling opts
-opt_AutoSccsOnAllToplevs = lookUp FSLIT("-fauto-sccs-on-all-toplevs")
-opt_AutoSccsOnExportedToplevs = lookUp FSLIT("-fauto-sccs-on-exported-toplevs")
-opt_AutoSccsOnIndividualCafs = lookUp FSLIT("-fauto-sccs-on-individual-cafs")
-opt_SccProfilingOn = lookUp FSLIT("-fscc-profiling")
-opt_DoTickyProfiling = lookUp FSLIT("-fticky-ticky")
--- language opts
-opt_DictsStrict = lookUp FSLIT("-fdicts-strict")
-opt_IrrefutableTuples = lookUp FSLIT("-firrefutable-tuples")
-opt_MaxContextReductionDepth = lookup_def_int "-fcontext-stack" mAX_CONTEXT_REDUCTION_DEPTH
-opt_Parallel = lookUp FSLIT("-fparallel")
-opt_SMP = lookUp FSLIT("-fsmp")
-opt_Flatten = lookUp FSLIT("-fflatten")
--- optimisation opts
-opt_NoStateHack = lookUp FSLIT("-fno-state-hack")
-opt_NoMethodSharing = lookUp FSLIT("-fno-method-sharing")
-opt_CprOff = lookUp FSLIT("-fcpr-off")
-opt_RulesOff = lookUp FSLIT("-frules-off")
- -- Switch off CPR analysis in the new demand analyser
-opt_LiberateCaseThreshold = lookup_def_int "-fliberate-case-threshold" (10::Int)
-opt_MaxWorkerArgs = lookup_def_int "-fmax-worker-args" (10::Int)
-opt_EmitCExternDecls = lookUp FSLIT("-femit-extern-decls")
-opt_EnsureSplittableC = lookUp FSLIT("-fglobalise-toplev-names")
-opt_GranMacros = lookUp FSLIT("-fgransim")
-opt_HiVersion = read (cProjectVersionInt ++ cProjectPatchLevel) :: Int
-opt_HistorySize = lookup_def_int "-fhistory-size" 20
-opt_OmitBlackHoling = lookUp FSLIT("-dno-black-holing")
-opt_RuntimeTypes = lookUp FSLIT("-fruntime-types")
--- Simplifier switches
-opt_SimplNoPreInlining = lookUp FSLIT("-fno-pre-inlining")
- -- NoPreInlining is there just to see how bad things
- -- get if you don't do it!
-opt_SimplExcessPrecision = lookUp FSLIT("-fexcess-precision")
--- Unfolding control
-opt_UF_CreationThreshold = lookup_def_int "-funfolding-creation-threshold" (45::Int)
-opt_UF_UseThreshold = lookup_def_int "-funfolding-use-threshold" (8::Int) -- Discounts can be big
-opt_UF_FunAppDiscount = lookup_def_int "-funfolding-fun-discount" (6::Int) -- It's great to inline a fn
-opt_UF_KeenessFactor = lookup_def_float "-funfolding-keeness-factor" (1.5::Float)
-opt_UF_UpdateInPlace = lookUp FSLIT("-funfolding-update-in-place")
-opt_UF_DearOp = ( 4 :: Int)
-opt_Static = lookUp FSLIT("-static")
-opt_Unregisterised = lookUp FSLIT("-funregisterised")
-opt_EmitExternalCore = lookUp FSLIT("-fext-core")
--- Include full span info in error messages, instead of just the start position.
-opt_ErrorSpans = lookUp FSLIT("-ferror-spans")
-opt_PIC = lookUp FSLIT("-fPIC")
-%* *
-\subsection{List of static hsc flags}
-%* *
-isStaticHscFlag f =
- f `elem` [
- "fauto-sccs-on-all-toplevs",
- "fauto-sccs-on-exported-toplevs",
- "fauto-sccs-on-individual-cafs",
- "fauto-sccs-on-dicts",
- "fscc-profiling",
- "fticky-ticky",
- "fall-strict",
- "fdicts-strict",
- "firrefutable-tuples",
- "fparallel",
- "fsmp",
- "fflatten",
- "fsemi-tagging",
- "flet-no-escape",
- "femit-extern-decls",
- "fglobalise-toplev-names",
- "fgransim",
- "fno-hi-version-check",
- "dno-black-holing",
- "fno-method-sharing",
- "fno-state-hack",
- "fruntime-types",
- "fno-pre-inlining",
- "fexcess-precision",
- "funfolding-update-in-place",
- "static",
- "funregisterised",
- "fext-core",
- "frule-check",
- "frules-off",
- "fcpr-off",
- "ferror-spans",
- "fPIC"
- ]
- || any (flip prefixMatch f) [
- "fcontext-stack",
- "fliberate-case-threshold",
- "fmax-worker-args",
- "fhistory-size",
- "funfolding-creation-threshold",
- "funfolding-use-threshold",
- "funfolding-fun-discount",
- "funfolding-keeness-factor"
- ]
-%* *
-\subsection{Misc functions for command-line options}
-%* *
-startsWith :: String -> String -> Maybe String
--- startsWith pfx (pfx++rest) = Just rest
-startsWith [] str = Just str
-startsWith (c:cs) (s:ss)
- = if c /= s then Nothing else startsWith cs ss
-startsWith _ [] = Nothing