path: root/ghc/compiler/deforest/Cyclic.lhs
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1 files changed, 411 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deforest/Cyclic.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deforest/Cyclic.lhs
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index 0000000000..318921ccec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deforest/Cyclic.lhs
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+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1995
+\section[Cyclic]{Knot tying}
+>#include "HsVersions.h"
+> module Cyclic (
+> mkLoops, fixupFreeVars
+> ) where
+> import DefSyn
+> import PlainCore
+> import DefUtils
+> import Def2Core ( d2c, defPanic )
+>#ifdef __HBC__
+> import Trace
+> import AbsUniType ( glueTyArgs, quantifyTy, mkForallTy, mkTyVarTy,
+> TyVarTemplate
+> )
+> import Digraph ( dfs )
+> import Id ( getIdUniType, toplevelishId, updateIdType,
+> getIdInfo, replaceIdInfo, eqId, Id
+> )
+> import IdInfo
+> import Maybes ( Maybe(..) )
+> import Outputable
+> import Pretty
+> import SplitUniq
+> import Util
+A more efficient representation for lists that are extended multiple
+times, but only examined once.
+> type FList a = [a] -> [a]
+> append = (.)
+> singleton x = (x:)
+> cons x xs = \ys -> x:(xs ys)
+> list x = (x++)
+> emptylist = id
+Monad for the knot-tier.
+> type Lbl a = SUniqSM (
+> [(Id)], -- loops used
+> [(Id,DefExpr,[Id],DefExpr)], -- bindings floating upwards
+> [(Id,DefExpr)], -- back loops
+> a) -- computation result
+> thenLbl :: Lbl a -> (a -> Lbl b) -> Lbl b
+> thenLbl a k
+> = a `thenSUs` \(ls, bs, bls, a) ->
+> k a `thenSUs` \(ls',bs',bls', b) ->
+> returnSUs (ls ++ ls', bs ++ bs', bls ++ bls', b)
+> returnLbl :: a -> Lbl a
+> returnLbl a = returnSUs ([],[],[],a)
+> mapLbl :: (a -> Lbl b) -> [a] -> Lbl [b]
+> mapLbl f [] = returnLbl []
+> mapLbl f (x:xs)
+> = f x `thenLbl` \x ->
+> mapLbl f xs `thenLbl` \xs ->
+> returnLbl (x:xs)
+This is terribly inefficient.
+> mkLoops :: DefExpr -> SUniqSM ([(Id,DefExpr)],DefExpr)
+> mkLoops e =
+> error "mkLoops"
+>{- LATER:
+> loop [] e `thenSUs` \(ls,bs,bls,e) ->
+Throw away all the extracted bindings that can't be reached. These
+can occur as the result of some forward loops being short-circuited by
+back-loops. We find out which bindings can be reached by a
+depth-first search of the call graph starting with the free variables
+of the expression being returned.
+> let
+> loops_out = filter deforestable (freeVars e)
+> (_,reachable) = dfs (==) r ([],[]) loops_out
+> r f = lookup f bs
+> lookup f [] = []
+> lookup f ((g,out,_):xs) | f == g = out
+> | otherwise = lookup f xs
+> isReachable (f,_,_) = f `elem` reachable
+> in
+> returnSUs (map (\(f,_,e) -> (f,e)) (filter isReachable bs),e)
+> where
+> loop :: [(Id,DefExpr,[Id],[TyVar])] -> DefExpr -> Lbl DefExpr
+> loop ls (CoVar (Label e e1))
+> =
+> d2c e `thenSUs` \core_e ->
+>-- trace ("loop:\n" ++ ppShow 80 (ppr PprDebug core_e)) $
+> mapSUs (\(f,e',val_args,ty_args) ->
+> renameExprs e' e `thenSUs` \r ->
+> returnSUs (f,val_args,ty_args,r)) ls `thenSUs` \results ->
+> let
+> loops =
+> [ (f,val_args,ty_args,r) |
+> (f,val_args,ty_args,IsRenaming r) <- results ]
+> inconsistent_renamings =
+> [ (f,r) |
+> (f,val_args,ty_args,InconsistentRenaming r)
+> <- results ]
+> in
+> (case loops of
+> [] ->
+Ok, there are no loops (i.e. this expression hasn't occurred before).
+Prepare for a possible re-occurrence of *this* expression, by making
+up a new function name and type (laziness ensures that this isn't
+actually done unless the function is required).
+The type of a new function, if one is generated at this point, is
+constructed as follows:
+ \/ a1 ... \/ an . b1 -> ... -> bn -> t
+where are the free type variables in the expression,
+are the types of the free variables in the expression, and t is the
+type of the expression itself.
+> let
+> -- Collect the value/type arguments for the function
+> fvs = freeVars e
+> val_args = filter isArgId fvs
+> ty_args = freeTyVars e
+> -- Now to make up the type...
+> base_type = typeOfCoreExpr core_e
+> fun_type = glueTyArgs (map getIdUniType val_args) base_type
+> (_, type_of_f) = quantifyTy ty_args fun_type
+> in
+> newDefId type_of_f `thenSUs` \f' ->
+> let
+> f = replaceIdInfo f'
+> (addInfo (getIdInfo f') DoDeforest)
+> in
+> loop ((f,e,val_args,ty_args):ls) e1
+> `thenSUs` \res@(ls',bs,bls,e') ->
+Key: ls = loops, bs = bindings, bls = back loops, e = expression.
+If we are in a back-loop (i.e. we found a label somewhere below which
+this expression is a renaming of), then just insert the expression
+Comment the next section out to disable back-loops.
+(NB. I've seen this panic too - investigate?)
+> let back_loops = reverse [ e | (f',e) <- bls, f' == f ] in
+> if not (null back_loops){- && not (f `elem` ls')-} then
+> --if length back_loops > 1 then panic "barf!" else
+> d2c (head back_loops) `thenSUs` \core_e ->
+> trace ("Back Loop:\n" ++
+> ppShow 80 (ppr PprDebug core_e)) $
+If we find a back-loop that also occurs where we would normally make a
+new function...
+> if f `elem` ls' then
+> d2c e' `thenSUs` \core_e' ->
+> trace ("In Forward Loop " ++
+> ppShow 80 (ppr PprDebug f) ++ "\n" ++
+> ppShow 80 (ppr PprDebug core_e')) $
+> if f `notElem` (freeVars (head back_loops)) then
+> returnSUs (ls', bs, bls, head back_loops)
+> else
+> panic "hello"
+> else
+> returnSUs (ls', bs, bls, head back_loops)
+> else
+If we are in a forward-loop (i.e. we found a label somewhere below
+which is a renaming of this one), then make a new function definition.
+> if f `elem` ls' then
+> rebindExpr (mkCoTyLam ty_args (mkCoLam val_args e'))
+> `thenSUs` \rhs ->
+> returnSUs
+> (ls',
+> (f,filter deforestable (freeVars e'),e,rhs) : bs,
+> bls,
+> mkLoopFunApp val_args ty_args f)
+otherwise, forget about it
+> else returnSUs res
+This is a loop, just make a call to the function which we
+will create on the way back up the tree.
+(NB: it appears that sometimes we do get more than one loop matching,
+investigate this?)
+> ((f,val_args,ty_args,r):_) ->
+> returnSUs
+> ([f], -- found a loop, propagate it back
+> [], -- no bindings
+> [], -- no back loops
+> mkLoopFunApp (applyRenaming r val_args) ty_args f)
+> ) `thenSUs` \res@(ls',bs,bls,e') ->
+If this expression reoccurs, record the binding and replace the cycle
+with a call to the new function. We also rebind all the free
+variables in the new function to avoid name clashes later.
+> let
+> findBackLoops (g,r) bls
+> | consistent r' = subst s e' `thenSUs` \e' ->
+> returnSUs ((g,e') : bls)
+> | otherwise = returnSUs bls
+> where
+> r' = map swap r
+> s = map (\(x,y) -> (x, CoVar (DefArgVar y))) (nub r')
+> in
+We just want the first one (ie. furthest up the tree), so reverse the
+list of inconsistent renamings.
+> foldrSUs findBackLoops [] (reverse inconsistent_renamings)
+> `thenSUs` \back_loops ->
+Comment out the next block to disable back-loops. ToDo: trace all of them.
+> if not (null back_loops) then
+> d2c e' `thenSUs` \core_e ->
+> trace ("Floating back loop:\n"
+> ++ ppShow 80 (ppr PprDebug core_e))
+> returnSUs (ls', bs, back_loops ++ bls, e')
+> else
+> returnSUs res
+> loop ls e@(CoVar (DefArgVar v))
+> = returnLbl e
+> loop ls e@(CoLit l)
+> = returnLbl e
+> loop ls (CoCon c ts es)
+> = mapLbl (loopAtom ls) es `thenLbl` \es ->
+> returnLbl (CoCon c ts es)
+> loop ls (CoPrim op ts es)
+> = mapLbl (loopAtom ls) es `thenLbl` \es ->
+> returnLbl (CoPrim op ts es)
+> loop ls (CoLam vs e)
+> = loop ls e `thenLbl` \e ->
+> returnLbl (CoLam vs e)
+> loop ls (CoTyLam alpha e)
+> = loop ls e `thenLbl` \e ->
+> returnLbl (CoTyLam alpha e)
+> loop ls (CoApp e v)
+> = loop ls e `thenLbl` \e ->
+> loopAtom ls v `thenLbl` \v ->
+> returnLbl (CoApp e v)
+> loop ls (CoTyApp e t)
+> = loop ls e `thenLbl` \e ->
+> returnLbl (CoTyApp e t)
+> loop ls (CoCase e ps)
+> = loop ls e `thenLbl` \e ->
+> loopCaseAlts ls ps `thenLbl` \ps ->
+> returnLbl (CoCase e ps)
+> loop ls (CoLet (CoNonRec v e) e')
+> = loop ls e `thenLbl` \e ->
+> loop ls e' `thenLbl` \e' ->
+> returnLbl (CoLet (CoNonRec v e) e')
+> loop ls (CoLet (CoRec bs) e)
+> = mapLbl loopRecBind bs `thenLbl` \bs ->
+> loop ls e `thenLbl` \e ->
+> returnLbl (CoLet (CoRec bs) e)
+> where
+> vs = map fst bs
+> loopRecBind (v, e)
+> = loop ls e `thenLbl` \e ->
+> returnLbl (v, e)
+> loop ls e
+> = defPanic "Cyclic" "loop" e
+> loopAtom ls (CoVarAtom (DefArgExpr e))
+> = loop ls e `thenLbl` \e ->
+> returnLbl (CoVarAtom (DefArgExpr e))
+> loopAtom ls (CoVarAtom e@(DefArgVar v))
+> = defPanic "Cyclic" "loopAtom" (CoVar e)
+> loopAtom ls (CoVarAtom e@(Label _ _))
+> = defPanic "Cyclic" "loopAtom" (CoVar e)
+> loopAtom ls e@(CoLitAtom l)
+> = returnLbl e
+> loopCaseAlts ls (CoAlgAlts as def) =
+> mapLbl loopAlgAlt as `thenLbl` \as ->
+> loopDefault ls def `thenLbl` \def ->
+> returnLbl (CoAlgAlts as def)
+> where
+> loopAlgAlt (c, vs, e) =
+> loop ls e `thenLbl` \e ->
+> returnLbl (c, vs, e)
+> loopCaseAlts ls (CoPrimAlts as def) =
+> mapLbl loopPrimAlt as `thenLbl` \as ->
+> loopDefault ls def `thenLbl` \def ->
+> returnLbl (CoPrimAlts as def)
+> where
+> loopPrimAlt (l, e) =
+> loop ls e `thenLbl` \e ->
+> returnLbl (l, e)
+> loopDefault ls CoNoDefault =
+> returnLbl CoNoDefault
+> loopDefault ls (CoBindDefault v e) =
+> loop ls e `thenLbl` \e ->
+> returnLbl (CoBindDefault v e)
+> -}
+> mkVar v = CoVarAtom (DefArgExpr (CoVar (DefArgVar v)))
+The next function is applied to all deforestable functions which are
+placed in the environment. Given a list of free variables in the
+recursive set of which the function is a member, this funciton
+abstracts those variables, generates a new Id with the new type, and
+returns a substitution element which can be applied to all other
+expressions and function right hand sides that call this function.
+ (freeVars e) \subseteq (freeVars l)
+> fixupFreeVars :: [Id] -> Id -> DefExpr -> ((Id,DefExpr),[(Id,DefExpr)])
+> fixupFreeVars total_fvs id e =
+> case fvs of
+> [] -> ((id,e),[])
+> _ -> let new_type =
+> glueTyArgs (map getIdUniType fvs)
+> (getIdUniType id)
+> new_id =
+> updateIdType id new_type
+> in
+> let
+> t = foldl CoApp (CoVar (DefArgVar new_id))
+> (map mkVar fvs)
+> in
+> trace ("adding " ++ show (length fvs) ++ " args to " ++ ppShow 80 (ppr PprDebug id)) $
+> ((new_id, mkCoLam fvs e), [(id,t)])
+> where
+> fvs = case e of
+> CoLam bvs e -> filter (`notElem` bvs) total_fvs
+> _ -> total_fvs
+> swap (x,y) = (y,x)
+> applyRenaming :: [(Id,Id)] -> [Id] -> [Id]
+> applyRenaming r ids = map rename ids
+> where
+> rename x = case [ y | (x',y) <- r, x' `eqId` x ] of
+> [] -> panic "Cyclic(rename): no match in rename"
+> (y:_) -> y
+> mkLoopFunApp :: [Id] -> [TyVar] -> Id -> DefExpr
+> mkLoopFunApp val_args ty_args f =
+> foldl CoApp
+> (foldl CoTyApp (CoVar (DefArgVar f))
+> (map mkTyVarTy ty_args))
+> (map mkVar val_args)
+Removing duplicates from a list of definitions.
+> removeDuplicateDefinitions
+> :: [(DefExpr,(Id,DefExpr))] -- (label,(id,rhs))
+> -> SUniqSM [(Id,DefExpr)]
+> removeDuplicateDefinitions defs =
+> foldrSUs rem ([],[]) defs `thenSUs` \(newdefs,s) ->
+> mapSUs (\(l,(f,e)) -> subst s e `thenSUs` \e ->
+> returnSUs (f, e)) newdefs
+> where
+> rem d@(l,(f,e)) (defs,s) =
+> findDup l defs `thenSUs` \maybe ->
+> case maybe of
+> Nothing -> returnSUs (d:defs,s)
+> Just g -> returnSUs (defs, (f,(CoVar.DefArgVar) g):s)
+We insist that labels rename in both directions, is this necessary?
+> findDup l [] = returnSUs Nothing
+> findDup l ((l',(f,e)):defs) =
+> renameExprs l l' `thenSUs` \r ->
+> case r of
+> IsRenaming _ -> renameExprs l' l `thenSUs` \r ->
+> case r of
+> IsRenaming r -> returnSUs (Just f)
+> _ -> findDup l defs
+> _ -> findDup l defs