path: root/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.lhs
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+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1995
+\section[DsBinds]{Pattern-matching bindings (Binds and MonoBinds)}
+Handles @Binds@; those at the top level require different handling, in
+that the @Rec@/@NonRec@/etc structure is thrown away (whereas at lower
+levels it is preserved with @let@/@letrec@s).
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+module DsBinds (
+ dsBinds, dsInstBinds
+ ) where
+IMPORT_Trace -- ToDo: rm (debugging only)
+import AbsSyn -- the stuff being desugared
+import PlainCore -- the output of desugaring;
+ -- importing this module also gets all the
+ -- CoreSyn utility functions
+import DsMonad -- the monadery used in the desugarer
+import AbsUniType
+import CmdLineOpts ( GlobalSwitch(..), SwitchResult, switchIsOn )
+import CostCentre ( mkAllDictsCC, preludeDictsCostCentre )
+import Inst ( getInstUniType )
+import DsExpr ( dsExpr )
+import DsGRHSs ( dsGuarded )
+import DsUtils
+import Id ( getIdUniType, mkInstId, Inst, Id, DictVar(..) )
+import Match ( matchWrapper )
+import Maybes ( Maybe(..),assocMaybe )
+import Outputable
+import Pretty
+import Util
+import ListSetOps ( minusList, intersectLists )
+%* *
+\subsection[toplevel-and-regular-DsBinds]{Regular and top-level @dsBinds@}
+%* *
+Like @dsBinds@, @dsBind@ returns a @[PlainCoreBinding]@, but it may be
+that some of the binders are of unboxed type. This is sorted out when
+the caller wraps the bindings round an expression.
+dsBinds :: TypecheckedBinds -> DsM [PlainCoreBinding]
+All ``real'' bindings are expressed in terms of the
+@AbsBinds@ construct, which is a massively-complicated ``shorthand'',
+and its desugaring is the subject of section~9.1 in the static
+semantics paper.
+(ToDo) For:
+AbsBinds [a1, ... ,aj] -- type variables
+ [d1, ... ,dk] -- dict variables
+ [(l1,g1), ..., (lm,gm)] -- overloaded equivs [Id pairs] (later...)
+ [db1=..., ..., dbn=...] -- dict binds
+ [vb1=..., ..., vbm=...] -- val binds; note: vb_i = l_i
+we want to make, in the general case (non-Fozzie translation):
+ -- tupler-upper:
+ tup a1...aj =
+ let <dict-binds> in
+ let(rec) <val-binds> in (vb1,...,vbm) -- NB: == ... in (l1,...,lm)
+ -- a bunch of selectors:
+ g1 a1...aj = case (_tup a1...aj of (x1,x2,...,xm) -> x1
+ ...
+ gm a1...aj = case (_tup a1...aj of (x1,x2,...,xm) -> xm
+But there are lots of special cases.
+\subsubsection{Structure cases}
+dsBinds (BindWith _ _) = panic "dsBinds:BindWith"
+dsBinds EmptyBinds = returnDs []
+dsBinds (SingleBind bind) = dsBind [] [] id [] bind
+dsBinds (ThenBinds binds_1 binds_2)
+ = andDs (++) (dsBinds binds_1) (dsBinds binds_2)
+\subsubsection{AbsBind case: no overloading}
+Special case: no overloading.
+ x1 = e1
+ x2 = e2
+We abstract each wrt the type variables, giving
+ x1' = /\tyvars -> e1[x1' tyvars/x1, x2' tyvars/x2]
+ x2' = /\tyvars -> e2[x1' tyvars/x1, x2' tyvars/x2]
+There are some complications.
+(i) The @val_binds@ might mention variable not in @local_global_prs@.
+In this case we need to make up new polymorphic versions of them.
+(ii) Exactly the same applies to any @inst_binds@ which may be
+present. However, here we expect that mostly they will be simple constant
+definitions, which don't mention the type variables at all, so making them
+polymorphic is really overkill. @dsInstBinds@ deals with this case.
+dsBinds (AbsBinds tyvars [] local_global_prs inst_binds val_binds)
+ = mapDs mk_poly_private_binder private_binders
+ `thenDs` \ poly_private_binders ->
+ let
+ full_local_global_prs = (private_binders `zip` poly_private_binders)
+ ++ local_global_prs
+ in
+ listDs [ mkSatTyApp global tyvar_tys `thenDs` \ app ->
+ returnDs (local, app)
+ | (local,global) <- full_local_global_prs
+ ] `thenDs` \ env ->
+-- pprTrace "AbsBinds1:" (ppr PprDebug env) $
+ extendEnvDs env (
+ dsInstBinds tyvars inst_binds `thenDs` \ (inst_bind_pairs, inst_env) ->
+ extendEnvDs inst_env (
+ dsBind tyvars [] (lookupId full_local_global_prs) inst_bind_pairs val_binds
+ ))
+ where
+ -- "private_binders" is the list of binders in val_binds
+ -- which don't appear in the local_global_prs list
+ -- These only really show up in stuff produced from compiling
+ -- class and instance declarations.
+ -- We need to add suitable polymorphic versions of them to the
+ -- local_global_prs.
+ private_binders = binders `minusList` [local | (local,_) <- local_global_prs]
+ binders = collectTypedBinders val_binds
+ mk_poly_private_binder id = newSysLocalDs (snd (quantifyTy tyvars (getIdUniType id)))
+ tyvar_tys = map mkTyVarTy tyvars
+\subsubsection{AbsBind case: overloading}
+If there is overloading we go for the general case.
+We want the global identifiers to be abstracted wrt all types and
+dictionaries; and the local identifiers wrt the non-overloaded types.
+That is, we try to avoid global scoping of type abstraction. Example
+ f :: Eq a => a -> [(a,b)] -> b
+ f = ...f...
+Here, f is fully polymorphic in b. So we generate
+ f ab d = let ...dict defns...
+ in
+ letrec f' b = ...(f' b)...
+ in f' b
+*Notice* that we don't clone type variables, and *do* make use of
+shadowing. It is possible to do cloning, but it makes the code quite
+a bit more complicated, and the simplifier will clone it all anyway.
+Why bother with this gloss? Because it makes it more likely that
+the defn of f' can get floated out, notably if f gets specialised
+to a particular type for a.
+dsBinds (AbsBinds all_tyvars dicts local_global_prs dict_binds val_binds)
+ = -- If there is any non-overloaded polymorphism, make new locals with
+ -- appropriate polymorphism
+ (if null non_overloaded_tyvars
+ then
+ -- No non-overloaded polymorphism, so stay with current envt
+ returnDs (id, [], [])
+ else
+ -- Some local, non-overloaded polymorphism
+ cloneTyVarsDs non_overloaded_tyvars `thenDs` \ local_tyvars ->
+ mapDs mk_binder binders `thenDs` \ new_binders ->
+ let
+ old_new_pairs = binders `zip` new_binders
+ in
+ listDs [ mkSatTyApp new non_ov_tyvar_tys `thenDs` \ app ->
+ returnDs (old, app)
+ | (old,new) <- old_new_pairs
+ ] `thenDs` \ extra_env ->
+ let
+ local_binds = [CoNonRec old app | (old,app) <- extra_env, old `is_elem` locals]
+ is_elem = isIn "dsBinds"
+ in
+ returnDs (lookupId old_new_pairs, extra_env, local_binds)
+ )
+ `thenDs` \ (binder_subst_fn, local_env, local_binds) ->
+-- pprTrace "AbsBinds:all:" (ppAbove (ppr PprDebug local_binds) (ppr PprDebug local_env)) $
+ extendEnvDs local_env (
+ dsInstBinds non_overloaded_tyvars dict_binds `thenDs` \ (inst_bind_pairs, inst_env) ->
+ extendEnvDs inst_env (
+ dsBind non_overloaded_tyvars [] binder_subst_fn inst_bind_pairs val_binds
+ )) `thenDs` \ core_binds ->
+ let
+ tuple_rhs = mkCoLetsAny core_binds (
+ mkCoLetsAny local_binds (
+ mkTupleExpr locals ))
+ in
+ mkTupleBind all_tyvars dicts local_global_prs tuple_rhs `thenDs` \ core_bind_prs ->
+ returnDs [ CoNonRec binder rhs | (binder,rhs) <- core_bind_prs ]
+ where
+ locals = [local | (local,global) <- local_global_prs]
+ non_ov_tyvar_tys = map mkTyVarTy non_overloaded_tyvars
+ overloaded_tyvars = extractTyVarsFromTys (map getIdUniType dicts)
+ non_overloaded_tyvars = all_tyvars `minusList` overloaded_tyvars
+ binders = collectTypedBinders val_binds
+ mk_binder id = newSysLocalDs (snd (quantifyTy non_overloaded_tyvars (getIdUniType id)))
+@mkSatTyApp id tys@ constructs an expression whose value is (id tys).
+However, sometimes id takes more type args than are in tys, and the
+specialiser hates that, so we have to eta expand, to
+(/\ a b -> id tys a b)
+mkSatTyApp :: Id -- Id to apply to the types
+ -> [UniType] -- Types to apply it to
+ -> DsM PlainCoreExpr
+mkSatTyApp id [] = returnDs (CoVar id)
+mkSatTyApp id tys
+ | null tyvar_templates
+ = returnDs (mkCoTyApps (CoVar id) tys) -- Common case
+ | otherwise
+ = newTyVarsDs (drop (length tys) tyvar_templates) `thenDs` \ tyvars ->
+-- pprTrace "mkSatTyApp:" (ppCat [ppr PprDebug id, ppr PprDebug tyvar_templates, ppr PprDebug tyvars, ppr PprDebug theta, ppr PprDebug tau_ty, ppr PprDebug tys]) $
+ returnDs (mkCoTyLam tyvars (mkCoTyApps (mkCoTyApps (CoVar id) tys)
+ (map mkTyVarTy tyvars)))
+ where
+ (tyvar_templates, theta, tau_ty) = splitType (getIdUniType id)
+There are several places where we encounter ``inst binds,''
+@(Inst, TypecheckedExpr)@ pairs. Many of these are ``trivial'' binds
+(a var to a var or literal), which we want to substitute away; so we
+return both some desugared bindings {\em and} a substitution
+environment for the subbed-away ones.
+These dictionary bindings are non-recursive, and ordered, so that
+later ones may mention earlier ones, but not vice versa.
+dsInstBinds :: [TyVar] -- Abstract wrt these
+ -> [(Inst, TypecheckedExpr)] -- From AbsBinds
+ -> DsM ([(Id,PlainCoreExpr)], -- Non-trivial bindings
+ [(Id,PlainCoreExpr)]) -- Trivial ones to be substituted away
+do_nothing = ([], []) -- out here to avoid dsInstBinds CAF (sigh)
+prel_dicts_cc = preludeDictsCostCentre False{-not dupd-} -- ditto
+dsInstBinds tyvars []
+ = returnDs do_nothing
+dsInstBinds tyvars ((inst, expr@(Var _)) : bs)
+ = dsExpr expr `thenDs` ( \ rhs ->
+ let -- Need to apply dsExpr to the variable in case it
+ -- has a substitution in the current environment
+ subst_item = (mkInstId inst, rhs)
+ in
+ extendEnvDs [subst_item] (
+ dsInstBinds tyvars bs
+ ) `thenDs` (\ (binds, subst_env) ->
+ returnDs (binds, subst_item : subst_env)
+ ))
+dsInstBinds tyvars ((inst, expr@(Lit _)) : bs)
+ = dsExpr expr `thenDs` ( \ core_lit ->
+ let
+ subst_item = (mkInstId inst, core_lit)
+ in
+ extendEnvDs [subst_item] (
+ dsInstBinds tyvars bs
+ ) `thenDs` (\ (binds, subst_env) ->
+ returnDs (binds, subst_item : subst_env)
+ ))
+dsInstBinds tyvars ((inst, expr) : bs)
+ | null abs_tyvars
+ = dsExpr expr `thenDs` \ core_expr ->
+ ds_dict_cc core_expr `thenDs` \ dict_expr ->
+ dsInstBinds tyvars bs `thenDs` \ (core_rest, subst_env) ->
+ returnDs ((mkInstId inst, dict_expr) : core_rest, subst_env)
+ | otherwise
+ = -- Obscure case.
+ -- The inst mentions the type vars wrt which we are abstracting,
+ -- so we have to invent a new polymorphic version, and substitute
+ -- appropriately.
+ -- This can occur in, for example:
+ -- leftPoll :: [FeedBack a] -> FeedBack a
+ -- leftPoll xs = take poll xs
+ -- Here there is an instance of take at the type of elts of xs,
+ -- as well as the type of poll.
+ dsExpr expr `thenDs` \ core_expr ->
+ ds_dict_cc core_expr `thenDs` \ dict_expr ->
+ newSysLocalDs poly_inst_ty `thenDs` \ poly_inst_id ->
+ let
+ subst_item = (mkInstId inst, mkCoTyApps (CoVar poly_inst_id) abs_tys)
+ in
+ extendEnvDs [subst_item] (
+ dsInstBinds tyvars bs
+ ) `thenDs` \ (core_rest, subst_env) ->
+ returnDs ((poly_inst_id, mkCoTyLam abs_tyvars dict_expr) : core_rest,
+ subst_item : subst_env)
+ where
+ inst_ty = getInstUniType inst
+ abs_tyvars = extractTyVarsFromTy inst_ty `intersectLists` tyvars
+ abs_tys = map mkTyVarTy abs_tyvars
+ (_, poly_inst_ty) = quantifyTy abs_tyvars inst_ty
+ ------------------------
+ -- Wrap a desugared expression in `_scc_ "DICT" <expr>' if
+ -- appropriate. Uses "inst"'s type.
+ ds_dict_cc expr
+ = -- if profiling, wrap the dict in "_scc_ DICT <dict>":
+ getSwitchCheckerDs `thenDs` \ sw_chkr ->
+ let
+ doing_profiling = sw_chkr SccProfilingOn
+ compiling_prelude = sw_chkr CompilingPrelude
+ in
+ if not doing_profiling
+ || not (isDictTy inst_ty) then -- that's easy: do nothing
+ returnDs expr
+ else if compiling_prelude then
+ returnDs (CoSCC prel_dicts_cc expr)
+ else
+ getModuleAndGroupDs `thenDs` \ (mod_name, grp_name) ->
+ -- ToDo: do -dicts-all flag (mark dict things
+ -- with individual CCs)
+ let
+ dict_cc = mkAllDictsCC mod_name grp_name False{-not dupd-}
+ in
+ returnDs (CoSCC dict_cc expr)
+%* *
+\subsection[dsBind]{Desugaring a @Bind@}
+%* *
+Like @dsBinds@, @dsBind@ returns a @[PlainCoreBinding]@, but it may be that
+some of the binders are of unboxed type.
+For an explanation of the first three args, see @dsMonoBinds@.
+dsBind :: [TyVar] -> [DictVar] -- Abstract wrt these
+ -> (Id -> Id) -- Binder substitution
+ -> [(Id,PlainCoreExpr)] -- Inst bindings already dealt with
+ -> TypecheckedBind
+ -> DsM [PlainCoreBinding]
+dsBind tyvars dicts binder_subst inst_bind_pairs EmptyBind
+ = returnDs [CoNonRec binder rhs | (binder,rhs) <- inst_bind_pairs]
+dsBind tyvars dicts binder_subst inst_bind_pairs (NonRecBind monobinds)
+ = dsMonoBinds False tyvars dicts binder_subst monobinds `thenDs` ( \ val_bind_pairs ->
+ returnDs [CoNonRec binder rhs | (binder,rhs) <- inst_bind_pairs ++ val_bind_pairs] )
+dsBind tyvars dicts binder_subst inst_bind_pairs (RecBind monobinds)
+ = dsMonoBinds True tyvars dicts binder_subst monobinds `thenDs` ( \ val_bind_pairs ->
+ returnDs [CoRec (inst_bind_pairs ++ val_bind_pairs)] )
+%* *
+\subsection[dsMonoBinds]{Desugaring a @MonoBinds@}
+%* *
+@dsMonoBinds@ transforms @TypecheckedMonoBinds@ into @PlainCoreBinds@.
+In addition to desugaring pattern matching, @dsMonoBinds@ takes
+a list of type variables and dicts, and adds abstractions for these
+to the front of every binding. That requires that the
+binders be altered too (their type has changed,
+so @dsMonoBinds@ also takes a function which maps binders into binders.
+This mapping gives the binder the correct new type.
+Remember, there's also a substitution in the monad which maps occurrences
+of these binders into applications of the new binder to suitable type variables
+and dictionaries.
+dsMonoBinds :: Bool -- True <=> recursive binding group
+ -> [TyVar] -> [DictVar] -- Abstract wrt these
+ -> (Id -> Id) -- Binder substitution
+ -> TypecheckedMonoBinds
+ -> DsM [(Id,PlainCoreExpr)]
+\subsubsection{Structure cases}
+dsMonoBinds is_rec tyvars dicts binder_subst EmptyMonoBinds = returnDs []
+dsMonoBinds is_rec tyvars dicts binder_subst (AndMonoBinds binds_1 binds_2)
+ = andDs (++) (dsMonoBinds is_rec tyvars dicts binder_subst binds_1)
+ (dsMonoBinds is_rec tyvars dicts binder_subst binds_2)
+\subsubsection{Simple base cases: function and variable bindings}
+For the simplest bindings, we just heave them in the substitution env:
+ The extendEnvDs only scopes over the nested call!
+ Let the simplifier do this.
+dsMonoBinds is_rec tyvars dicts binder_subst (VarMonoBind was_var (Var new_var))
+ | not (is_rec || isExported was_var)
+ = extendEnvDs [(was_var, CoVar new_var)] (
+ returnDs [] )
+dsMonoBinds is_rec tyvars dicts binder_subst (VarMonoBind was_var expr@(Lit _))
+ | not (isExported was_var)
+ = dsExpr expr `thenDs` ( \ core_lit ->
+ extendEnvDs [(was_var, core_lit)] (
+ returnDs [] ))
+dsMonoBinds is_rec tyvars dicts binder_subst (VarMonoBind var expr)
+ = dsExpr expr `thenDs` ( \ core_expr ->
+ returnDs [(binder_subst var, mkCoTyLam tyvars (mkCoLam dicts core_expr))] )
+dsMonoBinds is_rec tyvars dicts binder_subst (FunMonoBind fun matches locn)
+ = putSrcLocDs locn (
+ let
+ new_fun = binder_subst fun
+ in
+ matchWrapper (FunMatch fun) matches (error_msg new_fun) `thenDs` \ (args, body) ->
+ returnDs [(new_fun,
+ mkCoTyLam tyvars (mkCoLam dicts (mkCoLam args body)))]
+ )
+ where
+ error_msg fun = "%F" -- "incomplete pattern(s) to match in function \""
+ ++ (escErrorMsg (ppShow 80 (ppr PprForUser fun))) ++ "\""
+dsMonoBinds is_rec tyvars dicts binder_subst (PatMonoBind (VarPat v) grhss_and_binds locn)
+ = putSrcLocDs locn (
+ dsGuarded grhss_and_binds locn `thenDs` \ body_expr ->
+ returnDs [(binder_subst v, mkCoTyLam tyvars (mkCoLam dicts body_expr))]
+ )
+\subsubsection{The general base case}
+Now the general case of a pattern binding. The monomorphism restriction
+should ensure that if there is a non-simple pattern binding in the
+group, then there is no overloading involved, so the dictionaries should
+be empty. (Simple pattern bindings were handled above.)
+First, the paranoia check.
+dsMonoBinds is_rec tyvars (_:_) binder_subst (PatMonoBind pat grhss_and_binds locn)
+ = panic "Non-empty dict list in for pattern binding"
+We handle three cases for the binding
+ pat = rhs
+\item[pat has no binders.]
+Then all this is dead code and we return an empty binding.
+\item[pat has exactly one binder, v.]
+Then we can transform to:
+ v' = /\ tyvars -> case rhs of { pat -> v }
+where \tr{v'} is gotten by looking up \tr{v} in the \tr{binder_subst}.
+\item[pat has more than one binder.]
+Then we transform to:
+ t = /\ tyvars -> case rhs of { pat -> (v1, ..., vn) }
+ vi = /\ tyvars -> case (t tyvars) of { (v1, ..., vn) -> vi }
+dsMonoBinds is_rec tyvars [] binder_subst (PatMonoBind pat grhss_and_binds locn)
+ = putSrcLocDs locn (
+ dsGuarded grhss_and_binds locn `thenDs` \ body_expr ->
+{- KILLED by Sansom. 95/05
+ -- make *sure* there are no primitive types in the pattern
+ if any_con_w_prim_arg pat then
+ error ( "ERROR: Pattern-bindings cannot involve unboxed/primitive types!\n\t"
+ ++ (ppShow 80 (ppr PprForUser pat)) ++ "\n"
+ ++ "(We apologise for not reporting this more `cleanly')\n" )
+ -- Check whether the pattern already is a simple tuple; if so,
+ -- we can just use the rhs directly
+ else
+ mkSelectorBinds tyvars pat
+ [(binder, binder_subst binder) | binder <- pat_binders]
+ body_expr
+ )
+ where
+ pat_binders = collectTypedPatBinders pat
+ -- NB For a simple tuple pattern, these binders
+ -- will appear in the right order!
+{- UNUSED, post-Sansom:
+ any_con_w_prim_arg :: TypecheckedPat -> Bool
+ any_con_w_prim_arg (WildPat ty) = isPrimType ty
+ any_con_w_prim_arg (VarPat v) = isPrimType (getIdUniType v)
+ any_con_w_prim_arg (LazyPat pat) = any_con_w_prim_arg pat
+ any_con_w_prim_arg (AsPat _ pat) = any_con_w_prim_arg pat
+ any_con_w_prim_arg p@(ConPat _ _ args) = any any_con_w_prim_arg args
+ any_con_w_prim_arg (ConOpPat a1 _ a2 _) = any any_con_w_prim_arg [a1,a2]
+ any_con_w_prim_arg (ListPat _ args) = any any_con_w_prim_arg args
+ any_con_w_prim_arg (TuplePat args) = any any_con_w_prim_arg args
+ any_con_w_prim_arg (LitPat _ ty) = isPrimType ty
+ any_con_w_prim_arg (NPat _ _ _) = False -- be more paranoid?
+ any_con_w_prim_arg (NPlusKPat _ _ _ _ _ _) = False -- ditto
+#ifdef DPH
+ -- Should be more efficient to find type of pid than pats
+ any_con_w_prim_arg (ProcessorPat pats _ pat)
+ = error "any_con_w_prim_arg:ProcessorPat (DPH)"
+#endif {- Data Parallel Haskell -}
+{- OLD ... removed 6 Feb 95
+ -- we allow it if the constructor has *only one*
+ -- argument and that is unboxed, as in
+ --
+ -- let (I# i#) = ... in ...
+ --
+ prim_args args
+ = let
+ no_of_prim_args
+ = length [ a | a <- args, isPrimType (typeOfPat a) ]
+ in
+ if no_of_prim_args == 0 then
+ False
+ else if no_of_prim_args == 1 && length args == 1 then
+ False -- special case we let through
+ else
+ True
+Wild-card patterns could be made acceptable here, but it involves some
+extra work to benefit only rather unusual constructs like
+ let (_,a,b) = ... in ...
+Better to extend the whole thing for any irrefutable constructor, at least.