path: root/ghc/GHCi/UI/Monad.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'ghc/GHCi/UI/Monad.hs')
1 files changed, 425 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/GHCi/UI/Monad.hs b/ghc/GHCi/UI/Monad.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2a2372d5f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/GHCi/UI/Monad.hs
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+{-# LANGUAGE CPP, FlexibleInstances, UnboxedTuples, MagicHash #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-cse -fno-warn-orphans #-}
+-- -fno-cse is needed for GLOBAL_VAR's to behave properly
+-- Monadery code used in InteractiveUI
+-- (c) The GHC Team 2005-2006
+module GHCi.UI.Monad (
+ GHCi(..), startGHCi,
+ GHCiState(..), setGHCiState, getGHCiState, modifyGHCiState,
+ GHCiOption(..), isOptionSet, setOption, unsetOption,
+ Command(..),
+ BreakLocation(..),
+ TickArray,
+ getDynFlags,
+ runStmt, runDecls, resume, timeIt, recordBreak, revertCAFs,
+ printForUserNeverQualify, printForUserModInfo,
+ printForUser, printForUserPartWay, prettyLocations,
+ initInterpBuffering,
+ turnOffBuffering, turnOffBuffering_,
+ flushInterpBuffers,
+ mkEvalWrapper
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GHCi.UI.Info (ModInfo)
+import qualified GHC
+import GhcMonad hiding (liftIO)
+import Outputable hiding (printForUser, printForUserPartWay)
+import qualified Outputable
+import DynFlags
+import FastString
+import HscTypes
+import SrcLoc
+import Module
+import GHCi
+import GHCi.RemoteTypes
+import Exception
+import Numeric
+import Data.Array
+import Data.IORef
+import System.CPUTime
+import System.Environment
+import System.IO
+import Control.Monad
+import System.Console.Haskeline (CompletionFunc, InputT)
+import qualified System.Console.Haskeline as Haskeline
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
+import Control.Monad.IO.Class
+import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
+-- GHCi monad
+data GHCiState = GHCiState
+ {
+ progname :: String,
+ args :: [String],
+ evalWrapper :: ForeignHValue, -- IO a -> IO a
+ prompt :: String,
+ prompt2 :: String,
+ editor :: String,
+ stop :: String,
+ options :: [GHCiOption],
+ line_number :: !Int, -- input line
+ break_ctr :: !Int,
+ breaks :: ![(Int, BreakLocation)],
+ tickarrays :: ModuleEnv TickArray,
+ -- tickarrays caches the TickArray for loaded modules,
+ -- so that we don't rebuild it each time the user sets
+ -- a breakpoint.
+ -- available ghci commands
+ ghci_commands :: [Command],
+ -- ":" at the GHCi prompt repeats the last command, so we
+ -- remember it here:
+ last_command :: Maybe Command,
+ cmdqueue :: [String],
+ remembered_ctx :: [InteractiveImport],
+ -- the imports that the user has asked for, via import
+ -- declarations and :module commands. This list is
+ -- persistent over :reloads (but any imports for modules
+ -- that are not loaded are temporarily ignored). After a
+ -- :load, all the home-package imports are stripped from
+ -- this list.
+ -- See bugs #2049, #1873, #1360
+ transient_ctx :: [InteractiveImport],
+ -- An import added automatically after a :load, usually of
+ -- the most recently compiled module. May be empty if
+ -- there are no modules loaded. This list is replaced by
+ -- :load, :reload, and :add. In between it may be modified
+ -- by :module.
+ ghc_e :: Bool, -- True if this is 'ghc -e' (or runghc)
+ -- help text to display to a user
+ short_help :: String,
+ long_help :: String,
+ lastErrorLocations :: IORef [(FastString, Int)],
+ mod_infos :: !(Map ModuleName ModInfo),
+ -- hFlush stdout; hFlush stderr in the interpreter
+ flushStdHandles :: ForeignHValue,
+ -- hSetBuffering NoBuffering for stdin/stdout/stderr
+ noBuffering :: ForeignHValue
+ }
+type TickArray = Array Int [(BreakIndex,RealSrcSpan)]
+-- | A GHCi command
+data Command
+ = Command
+ { cmdName :: String
+ -- ^ Name of GHCi command (e.g. "exit")
+ , cmdAction :: String -> InputT GHCi Bool
+ -- ^ The 'Bool' value denotes whether to exit GHCi
+ , cmdHidden :: Bool
+ -- ^ Commands which are excluded from default completion
+ -- and @:help@ summary. This is usually set for commands not
+ -- useful for interactive use but rather for IDEs.
+ , cmdCompletionFunc :: CompletionFunc GHCi
+ -- ^ 'CompletionFunc' for arguments
+ }
+data GHCiOption
+ = ShowTiming -- show time/allocs after evaluation
+ | ShowType -- show the type of expressions
+ | RevertCAFs -- revert CAFs after every evaluation
+ | Multiline -- use multiline commands
+ | CollectInfo -- collect and cache information about
+ -- modules after load
+ deriving Eq
+data BreakLocation
+ = BreakLocation
+ { breakModule :: !GHC.Module
+ , breakLoc :: !SrcSpan
+ , breakTick :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
+ , onBreakCmd :: String
+ }
+instance Eq BreakLocation where
+ loc1 == loc2 = breakModule loc1 == breakModule loc2 &&
+ breakTick loc1 == breakTick loc2
+prettyLocations :: [(Int, BreakLocation)] -> SDoc
+prettyLocations [] = text "No active breakpoints."
+prettyLocations locs = vcat $ map (\(i, loc) -> brackets (int i) <+> ppr loc) $ reverse $ locs
+instance Outputable BreakLocation where
+ ppr loc = (ppr $ breakModule loc) <+> ppr (breakLoc loc) <+>
+ if null (onBreakCmd loc)
+ then Outputable.empty
+ else doubleQuotes (text (onBreakCmd loc))
+recordBreak :: BreakLocation -> GHCi (Bool{- was already present -}, Int)
+recordBreak brkLoc = do
+ st <- getGHCiState
+ let oldActiveBreaks = breaks st
+ -- don't store the same break point twice
+ case [ nm | (nm, loc) <- oldActiveBreaks, loc == brkLoc ] of
+ (nm:_) -> return (True, nm)
+ [] -> do
+ let oldCounter = break_ctr st
+ newCounter = oldCounter + 1
+ setGHCiState $ st { break_ctr = newCounter,
+ breaks = (oldCounter, brkLoc) : oldActiveBreaks
+ }
+ return (False, oldCounter)
+newtype GHCi a = GHCi { unGHCi :: IORef GHCiState -> Ghc a }
+reflectGHCi :: (Session, IORef GHCiState) -> GHCi a -> IO a
+reflectGHCi (s, gs) m = unGhc (unGHCi m gs) s
+reifyGHCi :: ((Session, IORef GHCiState) -> IO a) -> GHCi a
+reifyGHCi f = GHCi f'
+ where
+ -- f' :: IORef GHCiState -> Ghc a
+ f' gs = reifyGhc (f'' gs)
+ -- f'' :: IORef GHCiState -> Session -> IO a
+ f'' gs s = f (s, gs)
+startGHCi :: GHCi a -> GHCiState -> Ghc a
+startGHCi g state = do ref <- liftIO $ newIORef state; unGHCi g ref
+instance Functor GHCi where
+ fmap = liftM
+instance Applicative GHCi where
+ pure a = GHCi $ \_ -> pure a
+ (<*>) = ap
+instance Monad GHCi where
+ (GHCi m) >>= k = GHCi $ \s -> m s >>= \a -> unGHCi (k a) s
+class HasGhciState m where
+ getGHCiState :: m GHCiState
+ setGHCiState :: GHCiState -> m ()
+ modifyGHCiState :: (GHCiState -> GHCiState) -> m ()
+instance HasGhciState GHCi where
+ getGHCiState = GHCi $ \r -> liftIO $ readIORef r
+ setGHCiState s = GHCi $ \r -> liftIO $ writeIORef r s
+ modifyGHCiState f = GHCi $ \r -> liftIO $ modifyIORef r f
+instance (MonadTrans t, Monad m, HasGhciState m) => HasGhciState (t m) where
+ getGHCiState = lift getGHCiState
+ setGHCiState = lift . setGHCiState
+ modifyGHCiState = lift . modifyGHCiState
+liftGhc :: Ghc a -> GHCi a
+liftGhc m = GHCi $ \_ -> m
+instance MonadIO GHCi where
+ liftIO = liftGhc . liftIO
+instance HasDynFlags GHCi where
+ getDynFlags = getSessionDynFlags
+instance GhcMonad GHCi where
+ setSession s' = liftGhc $ setSession s'
+ getSession = liftGhc $ getSession
+instance HasDynFlags (InputT GHCi) where
+ getDynFlags = lift getDynFlags
+instance GhcMonad (InputT GHCi) where
+ setSession = lift . setSession
+ getSession = lift getSession
+instance ExceptionMonad GHCi where
+ gcatch m h = GHCi $ \r -> unGHCi m r `gcatch` (\e -> unGHCi (h e) r)
+ gmask f =
+ GHCi $ \s -> gmask $ \io_restore ->
+ let
+ g_restore (GHCi m) = GHCi $ \s' -> io_restore (m s')
+ in
+ unGHCi (f g_restore) s
+instance Haskeline.MonadException Ghc where
+ controlIO f = Ghc $ \s -> Haskeline.controlIO $ \(Haskeline.RunIO run) -> let
+ run' = Haskeline.RunIO (fmap (Ghc . const) . run . flip unGhc s)
+ in fmap (flip unGhc s) $ f run'
+instance Haskeline.MonadException GHCi where
+ controlIO f = GHCi $ \s -> Haskeline.controlIO $ \(Haskeline.RunIO run) -> let
+ run' = Haskeline.RunIO (fmap (GHCi . const) . run . flip unGHCi s)
+ in fmap (flip unGHCi s) $ f run'
+instance ExceptionMonad (InputT GHCi) where
+ gcatch = Haskeline.catch
+ gmask f = Haskeline.liftIOOp gmask (f . Haskeline.liftIOOp_)
+isOptionSet :: GHCiOption -> GHCi Bool
+isOptionSet opt
+ = do st <- getGHCiState
+ return (opt `elem` options st)
+setOption :: GHCiOption -> GHCi ()
+setOption opt
+ = do st <- getGHCiState
+ setGHCiState (st{ options = opt : filter (/= opt) (options st) })
+unsetOption :: GHCiOption -> GHCi ()
+unsetOption opt
+ = do st <- getGHCiState
+ setGHCiState (st{ options = filter (/= opt) (options st) })
+printForUserNeverQualify :: GhcMonad m => SDoc -> m ()
+printForUserNeverQualify doc = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ liftIO $ Outputable.printForUser dflags stdout neverQualify doc
+printForUserModInfo :: GhcMonad m => GHC.ModuleInfo -> SDoc -> m ()
+printForUserModInfo info doc = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ mUnqual <- GHC.mkPrintUnqualifiedForModule info
+ unqual <- maybe GHC.getPrintUnqual return mUnqual
+ liftIO $ Outputable.printForUser dflags stdout unqual doc
+printForUser :: GhcMonad m => SDoc -> m ()
+printForUser doc = do
+ unqual <- GHC.getPrintUnqual
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ liftIO $ Outputable.printForUser dflags stdout unqual doc
+printForUserPartWay :: SDoc -> GHCi ()
+printForUserPartWay doc = do
+ unqual <- GHC.getPrintUnqual
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ liftIO $ Outputable.printForUserPartWay dflags stdout (pprUserLength dflags) unqual doc
+-- | Run a single Haskell expression
+runStmt :: String -> GHC.SingleStep -> GHCi (Maybe GHC.ExecResult)
+runStmt expr step = do
+ st <- getGHCiState
+ GHC.handleSourceError (\e -> do GHC.printException e; return Nothing) $ do
+ let opts = GHC.execOptions
+ { GHC.execSourceFile = progname st
+ , GHC.execLineNumber = line_number st
+ , GHC.execSingleStep = step
+ , GHC.execWrap = \fhv -> EvalApp (EvalThis (evalWrapper st))
+ (EvalThis fhv) }
+ Just <$> GHC.execStmt expr opts
+runDecls :: String -> GHCi (Maybe [GHC.Name])
+runDecls decls = do
+ st <- getGHCiState
+ reifyGHCi $ \x ->
+ withProgName (progname st) $
+ withArgs (args st) $
+ reflectGHCi x $ do
+ GHC.handleSourceError (\e -> do GHC.printException e;
+ return Nothing) $ do
+ r <- GHC.runDeclsWithLocation (progname st) (line_number st) decls
+ return (Just r)
+resume :: (SrcSpan -> Bool) -> GHC.SingleStep -> GHCi GHC.ExecResult
+resume canLogSpan step = do
+ st <- getGHCiState
+ reifyGHCi $ \x ->
+ withProgName (progname st) $
+ withArgs (args st) $
+ reflectGHCi x $ do
+ GHC.resumeExec canLogSpan step
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- timing & statistics
+timeIt :: (a -> Maybe Integer) -> InputT GHCi a -> InputT GHCi a
+timeIt getAllocs action
+ = do b <- lift $ isOptionSet ShowTiming
+ if not b
+ then action
+ else do time1 <- liftIO $ getCPUTime
+ a <- action
+ let allocs = getAllocs a
+ time2 <- liftIO $ getCPUTime
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ liftIO $ printTimes dflags allocs (time2 - time1)
+ return a
+printTimes :: DynFlags -> Maybe Integer -> Integer -> IO ()
+printTimes dflags mallocs psecs
+ = do let secs = (fromIntegral psecs / (10^(12::Integer))) :: Float
+ secs_str = showFFloat (Just 2) secs
+ putStrLn (showSDoc dflags (
+ parens (text (secs_str "") <+> text "secs" <> comma <+>
+ case mallocs of
+ Nothing -> empty
+ Just allocs ->
+ text (separateThousands allocs) <+> text "bytes")))
+ where
+ separateThousands n = reverse . sep . reverse . show $ n
+ where sep n'
+ | length n' <= 3 = n'
+ | otherwise = take 3 n' ++ "," ++ sep (drop 3 n')
+-- reverting CAFs
+revertCAFs :: GHCi ()
+revertCAFs = do
+ liftIO rts_revertCAFs
+ s <- getGHCiState
+ when (not (ghc_e s)) turnOffBuffering
+ -- Have to turn off buffering again, because we just
+ -- reverted stdout, stderr & stdin to their defaults.
+foreign import ccall "revertCAFs" rts_revertCAFs :: IO ()
+ -- Make it "safe", just in case
+-- To flush buffers for the *interpreted* computation we need
+-- to refer to *its* stdout/stderr handles
+-- | Compile "hFlush stdout; hFlush stderr" once, so we can use it repeatedly
+initInterpBuffering :: Ghc (ForeignHValue, ForeignHValue)
+initInterpBuffering = do
+ nobuf <- GHC.compileExprRemote $
+ "do { System.IO.hSetBuffering System.IO.stdin System.IO.NoBuffering; " ++
+ " System.IO.hSetBuffering System.IO.stdout System.IO.NoBuffering; " ++
+ " System.IO.hSetBuffering System.IO.stderr System.IO.NoBuffering }"
+ flush <- GHC.compileExprRemote $
+ "do { System.IO.hFlush System.IO.stdout; " ++
+ " System.IO.hFlush System.IO.stderr }"
+ return (nobuf, flush)
+-- | Invoke "hFlush stdout; hFlush stderr" in the interpreter
+flushInterpBuffers :: GHCi ()
+flushInterpBuffers = do
+ st <- getGHCiState
+ hsc_env <- GHC.getSession
+ liftIO $ evalIO hsc_env (flushStdHandles st)
+-- | Turn off buffering for stdin, stdout, and stderr in the interpreter
+turnOffBuffering :: GHCi ()
+turnOffBuffering = do
+ st <- getGHCiState
+ turnOffBuffering_ (noBuffering st)
+turnOffBuffering_ :: GhcMonad m => ForeignHValue -> m ()
+turnOffBuffering_ fhv = do
+ hsc_env <- getSession
+ liftIO $ evalIO hsc_env fhv
+mkEvalWrapper :: GhcMonad m => String -> [String] -> m ForeignHValue
+mkEvalWrapper progname args =
+ GHC.compileExprRemote $
+ "\\m -> System.Environment.withProgName " ++ show progname ++
+ "(System.Environment.withArgs " ++ show args ++ " m)"