path: root/docs/users_guide/primitives.xml
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+<sect1 id="primitives">
+ <title>Unboxed types and primitive operations</title>
+ <indexterm><primary>GHC.Exts module</primary></indexterm>
+ <para>This chapter defines all the types which are primitive in
+ Glasgow Haskell, and the operations provided for them. You bring
+ them into scope by importing module <literal>GHC.Exts</literal>.</para>
+ <para>Note: while you really can use this stuff to write fast code,
+ we generally find it a lot less painful, and more satisfying in the
+ long run, to use higher-level language features and libraries. With
+ any luck, the code you write will be optimised to the efficient
+ unboxed version in any case. And if it isn't, we'd like to know
+ about it.</para>
+<sect2 id="glasgow-unboxed">
+<title>Unboxed types
+<indexterm><primary>Unboxed types (Glasgow extension)</primary></indexterm>
+<para>Most types in GHC are <firstterm>boxed</firstterm>, which means
+that values of that type are represented by a pointer to a heap
+object. The representation of a Haskell <literal>Int</literal>, for
+example, is a two-word heap object. An <firstterm>unboxed</firstterm>
+type, however, is represented by the value itself, no pointers or heap
+allocation are involved.
+Unboxed types correspond to the &ldquo;raw machine&rdquo; types you
+would use in C: <literal>Int&num;</literal> (long int),
+<literal>Double&num;</literal> (double), <literal>Addr&num;</literal>
+(void *), etc. The <emphasis>primitive operations</emphasis>
+(PrimOps) on these types are what you might expect; e.g.,
+<literal>(+&num;)</literal> is addition on
+<literal>Int&num;</literal>s, and is the machine-addition that we all
+know and love&mdash;usually one instruction.
+Primitive (unboxed) types cannot be defined in Haskell, and are
+therefore built into the language and compiler. Primitive types are
+always unlifted; that is, a value of a primitive type cannot be
+bottom. We use the convention that primitive types, values, and
+operations have a <literal>&num;</literal> suffix.
+Primitive values are often represented by a simple bit-pattern, such
+as <literal>Int&num;</literal>, <literal>Float&num;</literal>,
+<literal>Double&num;</literal>. But this is not necessarily the case:
+a primitive value might be represented by a pointer to a
+heap-allocated object. Examples include
+<literal>Array&num;</literal>, the type of primitive arrays. A
+primitive array is heap-allocated because it is too big a value to fit
+in a register, and would be too expensive to copy around; in a sense,
+it is accidental that it is represented by a pointer. If a pointer
+represents a primitive value, then it really does point to that value:
+no unevaluated thunks, no indirections&hellip;nothing can be at the
+other end of the pointer than the primitive value.
+There are some restrictions on the use of primitive types, the main
+one being that you can't pass a primitive value to a polymorphic
+function or store one in a polymorphic data type. This rules out
+things like <literal>[Int&num;]</literal> (i.e. lists of primitive
+integers). The reason for this restriction is that polymorphic
+arguments and constructor fields are assumed to be pointers: if an
+unboxed integer is stored in one of these, the garbage collector would
+attempt to follow it, leading to unpredictable space leaks. Or a
+<function>seq</function> operation on the polymorphic component may
+attempt to dereference the pointer, with disastrous results. Even
+worse, the unboxed value might be larger than a pointer
+(<literal>Double&num;</literal> for instance).
+Nevertheless, A numerically-intensive program using unboxed types can
+go a <emphasis>lot</emphasis> faster than its &ldquo;standard&rdquo;
+counterpart&mdash;we saw a threefold speedup on one example.
+<sect2 id="unboxed-tuples">
+<title>Unboxed Tuples
+Unboxed tuples aren't really exported by <literal>GHC.Exts</literal>,
+they're available by default with <option>-fglasgow-exts</option>. An
+unboxed tuple looks like this:
+(# e_1, ..., e_n #)
+where <literal>e&lowbar;1..e&lowbar;n</literal> are expressions of any
+type (primitive or non-primitive). The type of an unboxed tuple looks
+the same.
+Unboxed tuples are used for functions that need to return multiple
+values, but they avoid the heap allocation normally associated with
+using fully-fledged tuples. When an unboxed tuple is returned, the
+components are put directly into registers or on the stack; the
+unboxed tuple itself does not have a composite representation. Many
+of the primitive operations listed in this section return unboxed
+There are some pretty stringent restrictions on the use of unboxed tuples:
+ Unboxed tuple types are subject to the same restrictions as
+other unboxed types; i.e. they may not be stored in polymorphic data
+structures or passed to polymorphic functions.
+ Unboxed tuples may only be constructed as the direct result of
+a function, and may only be deconstructed with a <literal>case</literal> expression.
+eg. the following are valid:
+f x y = (# x+1, y-1 #)
+g x = case f x x of { (# a, b #) -&#62; a + b }
+but the following are invalid:
+f x y = g (# x, y #)
+g (# x, y #) = x + y
+ No variable can have an unboxed tuple type. This is illegal:
+f :: (# Int, Int #) -&#62; (# Int, Int #)
+f x = x
+because <literal>x</literal> has an unboxed tuple type.
+Note: we may relax some of these restrictions in the future.
+The <literal>IO</literal> and <literal>ST</literal> monads use unboxed
+tuples to avoid unnecessary allocation during sequences of operations.
+<title>Character and numeric types</title>
+<indexterm><primary>character types, primitive</primary></indexterm>
+<indexterm><primary>numeric types, primitive</primary></indexterm>
+<indexterm><primary>integer types, primitive</primary></indexterm>
+<indexterm><primary>floating point types, primitive</primary></indexterm>
+There are the following obvious primitive types:
+type Char#
+type Int#
+type Word#
+type Addr#
+type Float#
+type Double#
+type Int64#
+type Word64#
+If you really want to know their exact equivalents in C, see
+<filename>ghc/includes/StgTypes.h</filename> in the GHC source tree.
+Literals for these types may be written as follows:
+1# an Int#
+1.2# a Float#
+1.34## a Double#
+'a'# a Char#; for weird characters, use e.g. '\o&#60;octal&#62;'#
+"a"# an Addr# (a `char *'); only characters '\0'..'\255' allowed
+<indexterm><primary>literals, primitive</primary></indexterm>
+<indexterm><primary>constants, primitive</primary></indexterm>
+<indexterm><primary>numbers, primitive</primary></indexterm>
+<title>Comparison operations</title>
+<indexterm><primary>comparisons, primitive</primary></indexterm>
+<indexterm><primary>operators, comparison</primary></indexterm>
+{&#62;,&#62;=,==,/=,&#60;,&#60;=}# :: Int# -&#62; Int# -&#62; Bool
+{gt,ge,eq,ne,lt,le}Char# :: Char# -&#62; Char# -&#62; Bool
+ -- ditto for Word# and Addr#
+<title>Primitive-character operations</title>
+<indexterm><primary>characters, primitive operations</primary></indexterm>
+<indexterm><primary>operators, primitive character</primary></indexterm>
+ord# :: Char# -&#62; Int#
+chr# :: Int# -&#62; Char#
+<title>Primitive-<literal>Int</literal> operations</title>
+<indexterm><primary>integers, primitive operations</primary></indexterm>
+<indexterm><primary>operators, primitive integer</primary></indexterm>
+{+,-,*,quotInt,remInt,gcdInt}# :: Int# -&#62; Int# -&#62; Int#
+negateInt# :: Int# -&#62; Int#
+iShiftL#, iShiftRA#, iShiftRL# :: Int# -&#62; Int# -&#62; Int#
+ -- shift left, right arithmetic, right logical
+addIntC#, subIntC#, mulIntC# :: Int# -> Int# -> (# Int#, Int# #)
+ -- add, subtract, multiply with carry
+<indexterm><primary>shift operations, integer</primary></indexterm>
+<emphasis>Note:</emphasis> No error/overflow checking!
+<title>Primitive-<literal>Double</literal> and <literal>Float</literal> operations</title>
+<indexterm><primary>floating point numbers, primitive</primary></indexterm>
+<indexterm><primary>operators, primitive floating point</primary></indexterm>
+{+,-,*,/}## :: Double# -&#62; Double# -&#62; Double#
+{&#60;,&#60;=,==,/=,&#62;=,&#62;}## :: Double# -&#62; Double# -&#62; Bool
+negateDouble# :: Double# -&#62; Double#
+double2Int# :: Double# -&#62; Int#
+int2Double# :: Int# -&#62; Double#
+{plus,minus,times,divide}Float# :: Float# -&#62; Float# -&#62; Float#
+{gt,ge,eq,ne,lt,le}Float# :: Float# -&#62; Float# -&#62; Bool
+negateFloat# :: Float# -&#62; Float#
+float2Int# :: Float# -&#62; Int#
+int2Float# :: Int# -&#62; Float#
+And a full complement of trigonometric functions:
+expDouble# :: Double# -&#62; Double#
+logDouble# :: Double# -&#62; Double#
+sqrtDouble# :: Double# -&#62; Double#
+sinDouble# :: Double# -&#62; Double#
+cosDouble# :: Double# -&#62; Double#
+tanDouble# :: Double# -&#62; Double#
+asinDouble# :: Double# -&#62; Double#
+acosDouble# :: Double# -&#62; Double#
+atanDouble# :: Double# -&#62; Double#
+sinhDouble# :: Double# -&#62; Double#
+coshDouble# :: Double# -&#62; Double#
+tanhDouble# :: Double# -&#62; Double#
+powerDouble# :: Double# -&#62; Double# -&#62; Double#
+<indexterm><primary>trigonometric functions, primitive</primary></indexterm>
+similarly for <literal>Float&num;</literal>.
+There are two coercion functions for <literal>Float&num;</literal>/<literal>Double&num;</literal>:
+float2Double# :: Float# -&#62; Double#
+double2Float# :: Double# -&#62; Float#
+The primitive version of <function>decodeDouble</function>
+(<function>encodeDouble</function> is implemented as an external C
+decodeDouble# :: Double# -&#62; PrelNum.ReturnIntAndGMP
+(And the same for <literal>Float&num;</literal>s.)
+<sect2 id="integer-operations">
+<title>Operations on/for <literal>Integers</literal> (interface to GMP)
+<indexterm><primary>arbitrary precision integers</primary></indexterm>
+<indexterm><primary>Integer, operations on</primary></indexterm>
+We implement <literal>Integers</literal> (arbitrary-precision
+integers) using the GNU multiple-precision (GMP) package (version
+The data type for <literal>Integer</literal> is either a small
+integer, represented by an <literal>Int</literal>, or a large integer
+represented using the pieces required by GMP's
+<literal>MP&lowbar;INT</literal> in <filename>gmp.h</filename> (see
+<filename></filename> in
+<filename>ghc/includes/runtime/gmp</filename>). It comes out as:
+data Integer = S# Int# -- small integers
+ | J# Int# ByteArray# -- large integers
+<indexterm><primary>Integer type</primary></indexterm> The primitive
+ops to support large <literal>Integers</literal> use the
+&ldquo;pieces&rdquo; of the representation, and are as follows:
+negateInteger# :: Int# -&#62; ByteArray# -&#62; Integer
+{plus,minus,times}Integer#, gcdInteger#,
+ quotInteger#, remInteger#, divExactInteger#
+ :: Int# -> ByteArray#
+ -> Int# -> ByteArray#
+ -> (# Int#, ByteArray# #)
+ :: Int# -> ByteArray#
+ -> Int# -> ByteArray#
+ -> Int# -- -1 for &#60;; 0 for ==; +1 for >
+ :: Int# -> ByteArray#
+ -> Int#
+ -> Int# -- -1 for &#60;; 0 for ==; +1 for >
+gcdIntegerInt# ::
+ :: Int# -> ByteArray#
+ -> Int#
+ -> Int#
+divModInteger#, quotRemInteger#
+ :: Int# -> ByteArray#
+ -> Int# -> ByteArray#
+ -> (# Int#, ByteArray#,
+ Int#, ByteArray# #)
+integer2Int# :: Int# -> ByteArray# -> Int#
+int2Integer# :: Int# -> Integer -- NB: no error-checking on these two!
+word2Integer# :: Word# -> Integer
+addr2Integer# :: Addr# -> Integer
+ -- the Addr# is taken to be a `char *' string
+ -- to be converted into an Integer.
+<title>Words and addresses</title>
+<indexterm><primary>word, primitive type</primary></indexterm>
+<indexterm><primary>address, primitive type</primary></indexterm>
+<indexterm><primary>unsigned integer, primitive type</primary></indexterm>
+<indexterm><primary>pointer, primitive type</primary></indexterm>
+A <literal>Word&num;</literal> is used for bit-twiddling operations.
+It is the same size as an <literal>Int&num;</literal>, but has no sign
+nor any arithmetic operations.
+type Word# -- Same size/etc as Int# but *unsigned*
+type Addr# -- A pointer from outside the "Haskell world" (from C, probably);
+ -- described under "arrays"
+<literal>Word&num;</literal>s and <literal>Addr&num;</literal>s have
+the usual comparison operations. Other
+unboxed-<literal>Word</literal> ops (bit-twiddling and coercions):
+{gt,ge,eq,ne,lt,le}Word# :: Word# -> Word# -> Bool
+and#, or#, xor# :: Word# -> Word# -> Word#
+ -- standard bit ops.
+quotWord#, remWord# :: Word# -> Word# -> Word#
+ -- word (i.e. unsigned) versions are different from int
+ -- versions, so we have to provide these explicitly.
+not# :: Word# -> Word#
+shiftL#, shiftRL# :: Word# -> Int# -> Word#
+ -- shift left, right logical
+int2Word# :: Int# -> Word# -- just a cast, really
+word2Int# :: Word# -> Int#
+<indexterm><primary>bit operations, Word and Addr</primary></indexterm>
+Unboxed-<literal>Addr</literal> ops (C casts, really):
+{gt,ge,eq,ne,lt,le}Addr# :: Addr# -> Addr# -> Bool
+int2Addr# :: Int# -> Addr#
+addr2Int# :: Addr# -> Int#
+addr2Integer# :: Addr# -> (# Int#, ByteArray# #)
+The casts between <literal>Int&num;</literal>,
+<literal>Word&num;</literal> and <literal>Addr&num;</literal>
+correspond to null operations at the machine level, but are required
+to keep the Haskell type checker happy.
+Operations for indexing off of C pointers
+(<literal>Addr&num;</literal>s) to snatch values are listed under
+<indexterm><primary>arrays, primitive</primary></indexterm>
+The type <literal>Array&num; elt</literal> is the type of primitive,
+unpointed arrays of values of type <literal>elt</literal>.
+type Array# elt
+<literal>Array&num;</literal> is more primitive than a Haskell
+array&mdash;indeed, the Haskell <literal>Array</literal> interface is
+implemented using <literal>Array&num;</literal>&mdash;in that an
+<literal>Array&num;</literal> is indexed only by
+<literal>Int&num;</literal>s, starting at zero. It is also more
+primitive by virtue of being unboxed. That doesn't mean that it isn't
+a heap-allocated object&mdash;of course, it is. Rather, being unboxed
+means that it is represented by a pointer to the array itself, and not
+to a thunk which will evaluate to the array (or to bottom). The
+components of an <literal>Array&num;</literal> are themselves boxed.
+The type <literal>ByteArray&num;</literal> is similar to
+<literal>Array&num;</literal>, except that it contains just a string
+of (non-pointer) bytes.
+type ByteArray#
+Arrays of these types are useful when a Haskell program wishes to
+construct a value to pass to a C procedure. It is also possible to use
+them to build (say) arrays of unboxed characters for internal use in a
+Haskell program. Given these uses, <literal>ByteArray&num;</literal>
+is deliberately a bit vague about the type of its components.
+Operations are provided to extract values of type
+<literal>Char&num;</literal>, <literal>Int&num;</literal>,
+<literal>Float&num;</literal>, <literal>Double&num;</literal>, and
+<literal>Addr&num;</literal> from arbitrary offsets within a
+<literal>ByteArray&num;</literal>. (For type
+<literal>Foo&num;</literal>, the $i$th offset gets you the $i$th
+<literal>Foo&num;</literal>, not the <literal>Foo&num;</literal> at
+byte-position $i$. Mumble.) (If you want a
+<literal>Word&num;</literal>, grab an <literal>Int&num;</literal>,
+then coerce it.)
+Lastly, we have static byte-arrays, of type
+<literal>Addr&num;</literal> &lsqb;mentioned previously]. (Remember
+the duality between arrays and pointers in C.) Arrays of this types
+are represented by a pointer to an array in the world outside Haskell,
+so this pointer is not followed by the garbage collector. In other
+respects they are just like <literal>ByteArray&num;</literal>. They
+are only needed in order to pass values from C to Haskell.
+<title>Reading and writing</title>
+Primitive arrays are linear, and indexed starting at zero.
+The size and indices of a <literal>ByteArray&num;</literal>, <literal>Addr&num;</literal>, and
+<literal>MutableByteArray&num;</literal> are all in bytes. It's up to the program to
+calculate the correct byte offset from the start of the array. This
+allows a <literal>ByteArray&num;</literal> to contain a mixture of values of different
+type, which is often needed when preparing data for and unpicking
+results from C. (Umm&hellip;not true of indices&hellip;WDP 95/09)
+<emphasis>Should we provide some <literal>sizeOfDouble&num;</literal> constants?</emphasis>
+Out-of-range errors on indexing should be caught by the code which
+uses the primitive operation; the primitive operations themselves do
+<emphasis>not</emphasis> check for out-of-range indexes. The intention is that the
+primitive ops compile to one machine instruction or thereabouts.
+We use the terms &ldquo;reading&rdquo; and &ldquo;writing&rdquo; to refer to accessing
+<emphasis>mutable</emphasis> arrays (see <xref linkend="sect-mutable">), and
+&ldquo;indexing&rdquo; to refer to reading a value from an <emphasis>immutable</emphasis>
+Immutable byte arrays are straightforward to index (all indices are in
+units of the size of the object being read):
+indexCharArray# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Char#
+indexIntArray# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Int#
+indexAddrArray# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Addr#
+indexFloatArray# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Float#
+indexDoubleArray# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> Double#
+indexCharOffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Char#
+indexIntOffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int#
+indexFloatOffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Float#
+indexDoubleOffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Double#
+indexAddrOffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Addr#
+ -- Get an Addr# from an Addr# offset
+The last of these, <function>indexAddrOffAddr&num;</function>, extracts an <literal>Addr&num;</literal> using an offset
+from another <literal>Addr&num;</literal>, thereby providing the ability to follow a chain of
+C pointers.
+Something a bit more interesting goes on when indexing arrays of boxed
+objects, because the result is simply the boxed object. So presumably
+it should be entered&mdash;we never usually return an unevaluated
+object! This is a pain: primitive ops aren't supposed to do
+complicated things like enter objects. The current solution is to
+return a single element unboxed tuple (see <xref linkend="unboxed-tuples">).
+indexArray# :: Array# elt -> Int# -> (# elt #)
+<title>The state type</title>
+<indexterm><primary><literal>state, primitive type</literal></primary></indexterm>
+The primitive type <literal>State&num;</literal> represents the state of a state
+transformer. It is parameterised on the desired type of state, which
+serves to keep states from distinct threads distinct from one another.
+But the <emphasis>only</emphasis> effect of this parameterisation is in the type
+system: all values of type <literal>State&num;</literal> are represented in the same way.
+Indeed, they are all represented by nothing at all! The code
+generator &ldquo;knows&rdquo; to generate no code, and allocate no registers
+etc, for primitive states.
+type State# s
+The type <literal>GHC.RealWorld</literal> is truly opaque: there are no values defined
+of this type, and no operations over it. It is &ldquo;primitive&rdquo; in that
+sense - but it is <emphasis>not unlifted!</emphasis> Its only role in life is to be
+the type which distinguishes the <literal>IO</literal> state transformer.
+data RealWorld
+<title>State of the world</title>
+A single, primitive, value of type <literal>State&num; RealWorld</literal> is provided.
+realWorld# :: State# RealWorld
+<indexterm><primary>realWorld&num; state object</primary></indexterm>
+(Note: in the compiler, not a <literal>PrimOp</literal>; just a mucho magic
+<literal>Id</literal>. Exported from <literal>GHC</literal>, though).
+<sect2 id="sect-mutable">
+<title>Mutable arrays</title>
+<indexterm><primary>mutable arrays</primary></indexterm>
+<indexterm><primary>arrays, mutable</primary></indexterm>
+Corresponding to <literal>Array&num;</literal> and <literal>ByteArray&num;</literal>, we have the types of
+mutable versions of each. In each case, the representation is a
+pointer to a suitable block of (mutable) heap-allocated storage.
+type MutableArray# s elt
+type MutableByteArray# s
+<indexterm><primary>mutable arrays, allocation</primary></indexterm>
+<indexterm><primary>arrays, allocation</primary></indexterm>
+<indexterm><primary>allocation, of mutable arrays</primary></indexterm>
+Mutable arrays can be allocated. Only pointer-arrays are initialised;
+arrays of non-pointers are filled in by &ldquo;user code&rdquo; rather than by
+the array-allocation primitive. Reason: only the pointer case has to
+worry about GC striking with a partly-initialised array.
+newArray# :: Int# -> elt -> State# s -> (# State# s, MutableArray# s elt #)
+newCharArray# :: Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, MutableByteArray# s elt #)
+newIntArray# :: Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, MutableByteArray# s elt #)
+newAddrArray# :: Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, MutableByteArray# s elt #)
+newFloatArray# :: Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, MutableByteArray# s elt #)
+newDoubleArray# :: Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, MutableByteArray# s elt #)
+The size of a <literal>ByteArray&num;</literal> is given in bytes.
+<title>Reading and writing</title>
+<indexterm><primary>arrays, reading and writing</primary></indexterm>
+readArray# :: MutableArray# s elt -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, elt #)
+readCharArray# :: MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Char# #)
+readIntArray# :: MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Int# #)
+readAddrArray# :: MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Addr# #)
+readFloatArray# :: MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Float# #)
+readDoubleArray# :: MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, Double# #)
+writeArray# :: MutableArray# s elt -> Int# -> elt -> State# s -> State# s
+writeCharArray# :: MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> Char# -> State# s -> State# s
+writeIntArray# :: MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> Int# -> State# s -> State# s
+writeAddrArray# :: MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> Addr# -> State# s -> State# s
+writeFloatArray# :: MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> Float# -> State# s -> State# s
+writeDoubleArray# :: MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> Double# -> State# s -> State# s
+<indexterm><primary>arrays, testing for equality</primary></indexterm>
+One can take &ldquo;equality&rdquo; of mutable arrays. What is compared is the
+<emphasis>name</emphasis> or reference to the mutable array, not its contents.
+sameMutableArray# :: MutableArray# s elt -> MutableArray# s elt -> Bool
+sameMutableByteArray# :: MutableByteArray# s -> MutableByteArray# s -> Bool
+<title>Freezing mutable arrays</title>
+<indexterm><primary>arrays, freezing mutable</primary></indexterm>
+<indexterm><primary>freezing mutable arrays</primary></indexterm>
+<indexterm><primary>mutable arrays, freezing</primary></indexterm>
+Only unsafe-freeze has a primitive. (Safe freeze is done directly in Haskell
+by copying the array and then using <function>unsafeFreeze</function>.)
+unsafeFreezeArray# :: MutableArray# s elt -> State# s -> (# State# s, Array# s elt #)
+unsafeFreezeByteArray# :: MutableByteArray# s -> State# s -> (# State# s, ByteArray# #)
+<title>Synchronizing variables (M-vars)</title>
+<indexterm><primary>synchronising variables (M-vars)</primary></indexterm>
+Synchronising variables are the primitive type used to implement
+Concurrent Haskell's MVars (see the Concurrent Haskell paper for
+the operational behaviour of these operations).
+type MVar# s elt -- primitive
+newMVar# :: State# s -> (# State# s, MVar# s elt #)
+takeMVar# :: SynchVar# s elt -> State# s -> (# State# s, elt #)
+putMVar# :: SynchVar# s elt -> State# s -> State# s
+<sect2 id="glasgow-prim-arrays">
+<title>Primitive arrays, mutable and otherwise
+<indexterm><primary>primitive arrays (Glasgow extension)</primary></indexterm>
+<indexterm><primary>arrays, primitive (Glasgow extension)</primary></indexterm>
+GHC knows about quite a few flavours of Large Swathes of Bytes.
+First, GHC distinguishes between primitive arrays of (boxed) Haskell
+objects (type <literal>Array&num; obj</literal>) and primitive arrays of bytes (type
+Second, it distinguishes between&hellip;
+Arrays that do not change (as with &ldquo;standard&rdquo; Haskell arrays); you
+can only read from them. Obviously, they do not need the care and
+attention of the state-transformer monad.
+Arrays that may be changed or &ldquo;mutated.&rdquo; All the operations on them
+live within the state-transformer monad and the updates happen
+<term>&ldquo;Static&rdquo; (in C land):</term>
+A C routine may pass an <literal>Addr&num;</literal> pointer back into Haskell land. There
+are then primitive operations with which you may merrily grab values
+over in C land, by indexing off the &ldquo;static&rdquo; pointer.
+<term>&ldquo;Stable&rdquo; pointers:</term>
+If, for some reason, you wish to hand a Haskell pointer (i.e.,
+<emphasis>not</emphasis> an unboxed value) to a C routine, you first make the
+pointer &ldquo;stable,&rdquo; so that the garbage collector won't forget that it
+exists. That is, GHC provides a safe way to pass Haskell pointers to
+Please see the module <literal>Foreign.StablePtr</literal> in the
+library documentation for more details.
+<term>&ldquo;Foreign objects&rdquo;:</term>
+A &ldquo;foreign object&rdquo; is a safe way to pass an external object (a
+C-allocated pointer, say) to Haskell and have Haskell do the Right
+Thing when it no longer references the object. So, for example, C
+could pass a large bitmap over to Haskell and say &ldquo;please free this
+memory when you're done with it.&rdquo;
+Please see module <literal>Foreign.ForeignPtr</literal> in the library
+documentatation for more details.
+The libraries documentatation gives more details on all these
+&ldquo;primitive array&rdquo; types and the operations on them.
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