path: root/compiler
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler')
3 files changed, 26 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ghci/ByteCodeAsm.lhs b/compiler/ghci/ByteCodeAsm.lhs
index 4ff09eff66..17b30424c6 100644
--- a/compiler/ghci/ByteCodeAsm.lhs
+++ b/compiler/ghci/ByteCodeAsm.lhs
@@ -207,8 +207,8 @@ sizeSS (SizedSeq n _) = n
data Operand
= Op Word
| SmallOp Word16
- | LargeOp Word
| LabelOp Word16
+-- (unused) | LargeOp Word
data Assembler a
= AllocPtr (IO BCOPtr) (Word -> Assembler a)
@@ -244,10 +244,10 @@ type LabelEnv = Word16 -> Word
largeOp :: Bool -> Operand -> Bool
largeOp long_jumps op = case op of
- LargeOp _ -> True
- SmallOp _ -> False
- Op w -> isLarge w
- LabelOp _ -> long_jumps
+ SmallOp _ -> False
+ Op w -> isLarge w
+ LabelOp _ -> long_jumps
+-- LargeOp _ -> True
runAsm :: DynFlags -> Bool -> LabelEnv -> Assembler a -> State AsmState IO a
runAsm dflags long_jumps e = go
@@ -272,9 +272,9 @@ runAsm dflags long_jumps e = go
| otherwise = w
words = concatMap expand ops
expand (SmallOp w) = [w]
- expand (LargeOp w) = largeArg dflags w
expand (LabelOp w) = expand (Op (e w))
expand (Op w) = if largeOps then largeArg dflags w else [fromIntegral w]
+-- expand (LargeOp w) = largeArg dflags w
State $ \(st_i0,st_l0,st_p0) -> do
let st_i1 = addListToSS st_i0 (opcode : words)
return ((st_i1,st_l0,st_p0), ())
@@ -306,9 +306,9 @@ inspectAsm dflags long_jumps initial_offset
size = sum (map count ops) + 1
largeOps = any (largeOp long_jumps) ops
count (SmallOp _) = 1
- count (LargeOp _) = largeArg16s dflags
count (LabelOp _) = count (Op 0)
count (Op _) = if largeOps then largeArg16s dflags else 1
+-- count (LargeOp _) = largeArg16s dflags
-- Bring in all the bci_ bytecode constants.
#include "rts/Bytecodes.h"
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/PPC/RegInfo.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/PPC/RegInfo.hs
index 019cf82f6a..2b74d1daea 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/PPC/RegInfo.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/PPC/RegInfo.hs
@@ -26,21 +26,18 @@ where
#include "nativeGen/NCG.h"
#include "HsVersions.h"
-import PPC.Regs
import PPC.Instr
import BlockId
import OldCmm
import CLabel
-import Outputable
import Unique
-data JumpDest = DestBlockId BlockId | DestImm Imm
+data JumpDest = DestBlockId BlockId
getJumpDestBlockId :: JumpDest -> Maybe BlockId
getJumpDestBlockId (DestBlockId bid) = Just bid
-getJumpDestBlockId _ = Nothing
canShortcut :: Instr -> Maybe JumpDest
canShortcut _ = Nothing
@@ -80,7 +77,5 @@ shortBlockId fn blockid =
case fn blockid of
Nothing -> mkAsmTempLabel uq
Just (DestBlockId blockid') -> shortBlockId fn blockid'
- Just (DestImm (ImmCLbl lbl)) -> lbl
- _other -> panic "shortBlockId"
where uq = getUnique blockid
diff --git a/compiler/rename/RnPat.lhs b/compiler/rename/RnPat.lhs
index c3b40fe0f2..9738585aa4 100644
--- a/compiler/rename/RnPat.lhs
+++ b/compiler/rename/RnPat.lhs
@@ -121,10 +121,26 @@ wrapSrcSpanCps fn (L loc a)
lookupConCps :: Located RdrName -> CpsRn (Located Name)
lookupConCps con_rdr
= CpsRn (\k -> do { con_name <- lookupLocatedOccRn con_rdr
- ; (r, fvs) <- k con_name
- ; return (r, fvs `plusFV` unitFV (unLoc con_name)) })
+ ; k con_name })
+ -- We do not add the constructor name to the free vars
+ -- See Note [Patterns are not uses]
+Note [Patterns are not uses]
+ module Foo( f, g ) where
+ data T = T1 | T2
+ f T1 = True
+ f T2 = False
+ g _ = T1
+Arguaby we should report T2 as unused, even though it appears in a
+pattern, because it never occurs in a constructed position. See
+Trac #7336.
%* *
Name makers