path: root/compiler/typecheck/TcTyDecls.lhs
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+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1999
+Analysis functions over data types. Specficially
+ a) detecting recursive types
+ b) computing argument variances
+This stuff is only used for source-code decls; it's recorded in interface
+files for imported data types.
+module TcTyDecls(
+ calcTyConArgVrcs,
+ calcRecFlags,
+ calcClassCycles, calcSynCycles
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import TypeRep ( Type(..), TyNote(..), PredType(..) ) -- friend
+import HsSyn ( TyClDecl(..), HsPred(..), LTyClDecl, isClassDecl )
+import RnHsSyn ( extractHsTyNames )
+import Type ( predTypeRep, tcView )
+import HscTypes ( TyThing(..), ModDetails(..) )
+import TyCon ( TyCon, ArgVrcs, tyConArity, tyConDataCons, tyConTyVars,
+ synTyConDefn, isSynTyCon, isAlgTyCon,
+ tyConName, isNewTyCon, isProductTyCon, tyConArgVrcs, newTyConRhs )
+import Class ( classTyCon )
+import DataCon ( dataConOrigArgTys )
+import Var ( TyVar )
+import VarSet
+import Name ( Name, isTyVarName )
+import NameEnv
+import NameSet
+import Digraph ( SCC(..), stronglyConnComp, stronglyConnCompR )
+import BasicTypes ( RecFlag(..) )
+import SrcLoc ( Located(..), unLoc )
+import Outputable
+%* *
+ Cycles in class and type synonym declarations
+%* *
+Checking for class-decl loops is easy, because we don't allow class decls
+in interface files.
+We allow type synonyms in hi-boot files, but we *trust* hi-boot files,
+so we don't check for loops that involve them. So we only look for synonym
+loops in the module being compiled.
+We check for type synonym and class cycles on the *source* code.
+Main reasons:
+ a) Otherwise we'd need a special function to extract type-synonym tycons
+ from a type, whereas we have extractHsTyNames already
+ b) If we checked for type synonym loops after building the TyCon, we
+ can't do a hoistForAllTys on the type synonym rhs, (else we fall into
+ a black hole) which seems unclean. Apart from anything else, it'd mean
+ that a type-synonym rhs could have for-alls to the right of an arrow,
+ which means adding new cases to the validity checker
+ Indeed, in general, checking for cycles beforehand means we need to
+ be less careful about black holes through synonym cycles.
+The main disadvantage is that a cycle that goes via a type synonym in an
+.hi-boot file can lead the compiler into a loop, because it assumes that cycles
+only occur entirely within the source code of the module being compiled.
+But hi-boot files are trusted anyway, so this isn't much worse than (say)
+a kind error.
+[ NOTE ----------------------------------------------
+If we reverse this decision, this comment came from tcTyDecl1, and should
+ go back there
+ -- dsHsType, not tcHsKindedType, to avoid a loop. tcHsKindedType does hoisting,
+ -- which requires looking through synonyms... and therefore goes into a loop
+ -- on (erroneously) recursive synonyms.
+ -- Solution: do not hoist synonyms, because they'll be hoisted soon enough
+ -- when they are substituted
+We'd also need to add back in this definition
+synTyConsOfType :: Type -> [TyCon]
+-- Does not look through type synonyms at all
+-- Return a list of synonym tycons
+synTyConsOfType ty
+ = nameEnvElts (go ty)
+ where
+ go :: Type -> NameEnv TyCon -- The NameEnv does duplicate elim
+ go (TyVarTy v) = emptyNameEnv
+ go (TyConApp tc tys) = go_tc tc tys
+ go (AppTy a b) = go a `plusNameEnv` go b
+ go (FunTy a b) = go a `plusNameEnv` go b
+ go (PredTy (IParam _ ty)) = go ty
+ go (PredTy (ClassP cls tys)) = go_s tys -- Ignore class
+ go (NoteTy _ ty) = go ty
+ go (ForAllTy _ ty) = go ty
+ go_tc tc tys | isSynTyCon tc = extendNameEnv (go_s tys) (tyConName tc) tc
+ | otherwise = go_s tys
+ go_s tys = foldr (plusNameEnv . go) emptyNameEnv tys
+---------------------------------------- END NOTE ]
+calcSynCycles :: [LTyClDecl Name] -> [SCC (LTyClDecl Name)]
+calcSynCycles decls
+ = stronglyConnComp syn_edges
+ where
+ syn_edges = [ (ldecl, unLoc (tcdLName decl),
+ mk_syn_edges (tcdSynRhs decl))
+ | ldecl@(L _ decl) <- decls ]
+ mk_syn_edges rhs = [ tc | tc <- nameSetToList (extractHsTyNames rhs),
+ not (isTyVarName tc) ]
+calcClassCycles :: [LTyClDecl Name] -> [[LTyClDecl Name]]
+calcClassCycles decls
+ = [decls | CyclicSCC decls <- stronglyConnComp cls_edges]
+ where
+ cls_edges = [ (ldecl, unLoc (tcdLName decl),
+ mk_cls_edges (unLoc (tcdCtxt decl)))
+ | ldecl@(L _ decl) <- decls, isClassDecl decl ]
+ mk_cls_edges ctxt = [ cls | L _ (HsClassP cls _) <- ctxt ]
+%* *
+ Deciding which type constructors are recursive
+%* *
+For newtypes, we label some as "recursive" such that
+ INVARIANT: there is no cycle of non-recursive newtypes
+In any loop, only one newtype need be marked as recursive; it is
+a "loop breaker". Labelling more than necessary as recursive is OK,
+provided the invariant is maintained.
+A newtype M.T is defined to be "recursive" iff
+ (a) it is declared in an hi-boot file (see RdrHsSyn.hsIfaceDecl)
+ (b) it is declared in a source file, but that source file has a
+ companion hi-boot file which declares the type
+ or (c) one can get from T's rhs to T via type
+ synonyms, or non-recursive newtypes *in M*
+ e.g. newtype T = MkT (T -> Int)
+(a) is conservative; declarations in hi-boot files are always
+ made loop breakers. That's why in (b) we can restrict attention
+ to tycons in M, because any loops through newtypes outside M
+ will be broken by those newtypes
+(b) ensures that a newtype is not treated as a loop breaker in one place
+and later as a non-loop-breaker. This matters in GHCi particularly, when
+a newtype T might be embedded in many types in the environment, and then
+T's source module is compiled. We don't want T's recursiveness to change.
+The "recursive" flag for algebraic data types is irrelevant (never consulted)
+for types with more than one constructor.
+An algebraic data type M.T is "recursive" iff
+ it has just one constructor, and
+ (a) it is declared in an hi-boot file (see RdrHsSyn.hsIfaceDecl)
+ (b) it is declared in a source file, but that source file has a
+ companion hi-boot file which declares the type
+ or (c) one can get from its arg types to T via type synonyms,
+ or by non-recursive newtypes or non-recursive product types in M
+ e.g. data T = MkT (T -> Int) Bool
+Just like newtype in fact
+A type synonym is recursive if one can get from its
+right hand side back to it via type synonyms. (This is
+reported as an error.)
+A class is recursive if one can get from its superclasses
+back to it. (This is an error too.)
+Hi-boot types
+A data type read from an hi-boot file will have an AbstractTyCon as its AlgTyConRhs
+and will respond True to isHiBootTyCon. The idea is that we treat these as if one
+could get from these types to anywhere. So when we see
+ module Baz where
+ import {-# SOURCE #-} Foo( T )
+ newtype S = MkS T
+then we mark S as recursive, just in case. What that means is that if we see
+ import Baz( S )
+ newtype R = MkR S
+then we don't need to look inside S to compute R's recursiveness. Since S is imported
+(not from an hi-boot file), one cannot get from R back to S except via an hi-boot file,
+and that means that some data type will be marked recursive along the way. So R is
+unconditionly non-recursive (i.e. there'll be a loop breaker elsewhere if necessary)
+This in turn means that we grovel through fewer interface files when computing
+recursiveness, because we need only look at the type decls in the module being
+compiled, plus the outer structure of directly-mentioned types.
+calcRecFlags :: ModDetails -> [TyThing] -> (Name -> RecFlag)
+-- The 'boot_names' are the things declared in M.hi-boot, if M is the current module.
+-- Any type constructors in boot_names are automatically considered loop breakers
+calcRecFlags boot_details tyclss
+ = is_rec
+ where
+ is_rec n | n `elemNameSet` rec_names = Recursive
+ | otherwise = NonRecursive
+ boot_name_set = md_exports boot_details
+ rec_names = boot_name_set `unionNameSets`
+ nt_loop_breakers `unionNameSets`
+ prod_loop_breakers
+ all_tycons = [ tc | tycls <- tyclss,
+ -- Recursion of newtypes/data types can happen via
+ -- the class TyCon, so tyclss includes the class tycons
+ let tc = getTyCon tycls,
+ not (tyConName tc `elemNameSet` boot_name_set) ]
+ -- Remove the boot_name_set because they are going
+ -- to be loop breakers regardless.
+ -------------------------------------------------
+ -- NOTE
+ -- These edge-construction loops rely on
+ -- every loop going via tyclss, the types and classes
+ -- in the module being compiled. Stuff in interface
+ -- files should be correctly marked. If not (e.g. a
+ -- type synonym in a hi-boot file) we can get an infinite
+ -- loop. We could program round this, but it'd make the code
+ -- rather less nice, so I'm not going to do that yet.
+ --------------- Newtypes ----------------------
+ new_tycons = filter isNewTyCon all_tycons
+ nt_loop_breakers = mkNameSet (findLoopBreakers nt_edges)
+ is_rec_nt tc = tyConName tc `elemNameSet` nt_loop_breakers
+ -- is_rec_nt is a locally-used helper function
+ nt_edges = [(t, mk_nt_edges t) | t <- new_tycons]
+ mk_nt_edges nt -- Invariant: nt is a newtype
+ = concatMap (mk_nt_edges1 nt) (tcTyConsOfType (new_tc_rhs nt))
+ -- tyConsOfType looks through synonyms
+ mk_nt_edges1 nt tc
+ | tc `elem` new_tycons = [tc] -- Loop
+ -- At this point we know that either it's a local *data* type,
+ -- or it's imported. Either way, it can't form part of a newtype cycle
+ | otherwise = []
+ --------------- Product types ----------------------
+ -- The "prod_tycons" are the non-newtype products
+ prod_tycons = [tc | tc <- all_tycons,
+ not (isNewTyCon tc), isProductTyCon tc]
+ prod_loop_breakers = mkNameSet (findLoopBreakers prod_edges)
+ prod_edges = [(tc, mk_prod_edges tc) | tc <- prod_tycons]
+ mk_prod_edges tc -- Invariant: tc is a product tycon
+ = concatMap (mk_prod_edges1 tc) (dataConOrigArgTys (head (tyConDataCons tc)))
+ mk_prod_edges1 ptc ty = concatMap (mk_prod_edges2 ptc) (tcTyConsOfType ty)
+ mk_prod_edges2 ptc tc
+ | tc `elem` prod_tycons = [tc] -- Local product
+ | tc `elem` new_tycons = if is_rec_nt tc -- Local newtype
+ then []
+ else mk_prod_edges1 ptc (new_tc_rhs tc)
+ -- At this point we know that either it's a local non-product data type,
+ -- or it's imported. Either way, it can't form part of a cycle
+ | otherwise = []
+new_tc_rhs tc = snd (newTyConRhs tc) -- Ignore the type variables
+getTyCon (ATyCon tc) = tc
+getTyCon (AClass cl) = classTyCon cl
+findLoopBreakers :: [(TyCon, [TyCon])] -> [Name]
+-- Finds a set of tycons that cut all loops
+findLoopBreakers deps
+ = go [(tc,tc,ds) | (tc,ds) <- deps]
+ where
+ go edges = [ name
+ | CyclicSCC ((tc,_,_) : edges') <- stronglyConnCompR edges,
+ name <- tyConName tc : go edges']
+These two functions know about type representations, so they could be
+in Type or TcType -- but they are very specialised to this module, so
+I've chosen to put them here.
+tcTyConsOfType :: Type -> [TyCon]
+-- tcTyConsOfType looks through all synonyms, but not through any newtypes.
+-- When it finds a Class, it returns the class TyCon. The reaons it's here
+-- (not in Type.lhs) is because it is newtype-aware.
+tcTyConsOfType ty
+ = nameEnvElts (go ty)
+ where
+ go :: Type -> NameEnv TyCon -- The NameEnv does duplicate elim
+ go ty | Just ty' <- tcView ty = go ty'
+ go (TyVarTy v) = emptyNameEnv
+ go (TyConApp tc tys) = go_tc tc tys
+ go (AppTy a b) = go a `plusNameEnv` go b
+ go (FunTy a b) = go a `plusNameEnv` go b
+ go (PredTy (IParam _ ty)) = go ty
+ go (PredTy (ClassP cls tys)) = go_tc (classTyCon cls) tys
+ go (ForAllTy _ ty) = go ty
+ go_tc tc tys = extendNameEnv (go_s tys) (tyConName tc) tc
+ go_s tys = foldr (plusNameEnv . go) emptyNameEnv tys
+%* *
+ Compuing TyCon argument variances
+%* *
+Computing the tyConArgVrcs info
+@tyConArgVrcs@ gives a list of (occPos,occNeg) flags, one for each
+tyvar. For @AlgTyCon@s and @SynTyCon@s, this info must be precomputed
+separately. Note that this is information about occurrences of type
+variables, not usages of term variables.
+The function @calcTyConArgVrcs@ must be passed a list of *algebraic or
+syntycons only* such that all tycons referred to (by mutual recursion)
+appear in the list. The fixpointing will be done on this set of
+tycons as a whole. It returns a list of @tyconVrcInfo@ data, ready to
+be (knot-tyingly?) stuck back into the appropriate fields.
+calcTyConArgVrcs :: [TyThing] -> Name -> ArgVrcs
+-- Gives arg variances for TyCons,
+-- including the class TyCon of a class
+calcTyConArgVrcs tyclss
+ = get_vrc
+ where
+ tycons = map getTyCon tyclss
+ -- We should only look up things that are in the map
+ get_vrc n = case lookupNameEnv final_oi n of
+ Just (_, pms) -> pms
+ Nothing -> pprPanic "calcVrcs" (ppr n)
+ -- We are going to fold over this map,
+ -- so we need the TyCon in the range
+ final_oi :: NameEnv (TyCon, ArgVrcs)
+ final_oi = tcaoFix initial_oi
+ initial_oi :: NameEnv (TyCon, ArgVrcs)
+ initial_oi = mkNameEnv [(tyConName tc, (tc, initial tc))
+ | tc <- tycons]
+ initial tc = replicate (tyConArity tc) (False,False)
+ tcaoFix :: NameEnv (TyCon, ArgVrcs) -- initial ArgVrcs per tycon
+ -> NameEnv (TyCon, ArgVrcs) -- fixpointed ArgVrcs per tycon
+ tcaoFix oi
+ | changed = tcaoFix oi'
+ | otherwise = oi'
+ where
+ (changed,oi') = foldNameEnv iterate (False,oi) oi
+ iterate (tc, pms) (changed,oi')
+ = (changed || (pms /= pms'),
+ extendNameEnv oi' (tyConName tc) (tc, pms'))
+ where
+ pms' = tcaoIter oi' tc -- seq not simult
+ tcaoIter :: NameEnv (TyCon, ArgVrcs) -- reference ArgVrcs (initial)
+ -> TyCon -- tycon to update
+ -> ArgVrcs -- new ArgVrcs for tycon
+ tcaoIter oi tc | isAlgTyCon tc
+ = map (\v -> anyVrc (vrcInTy (lookup oi) v) argtys) vs
+ where
+ data_cons = tyConDataCons tc
+ vs = tyConTyVars tc
+ argtys = concatMap dataConOrigArgTys data_cons -- Rep? or Orig?
+ tcaoIter oi tc | isSynTyCon tc
+ = let (tyvs,ty) = synTyConDefn tc
+ -- we use the already-computed result for tycons not in this SCC
+ in map (\v -> vrcInTy (lookup oi) v ty) tyvs
+ lookup oi tc = case lookupNameEnv oi (tyConName tc) of
+ Just (_, pms) -> pms
+ Nothing -> tyConArgVrcs tc
+ -- We use the already-computed result for tycons not in this SCC
+Variance of tyvars in a type
+A general variance-check function. We pass a function for determining
+the @ArgVrc@s of a tycon; when fixpointing this refers to the current
+value; otherwise this should be looked up from the tycon's own
+tyConArgVrcs. Again, it knows the representation of Types.
+vrcInTy :: (TyCon -> ArgVrcs) -- function to get argVrcs of a tycon (break out of recursion)
+ -> TyVar -- tyvar to check Vrcs of
+ -> Type -- type to check for occ in
+ -> (Bool,Bool) -- (occurs positively, occurs negatively)
+vrcInTy fao v (NoteTy (FTVNote ftv) ty) = if elemVarSet v ftv
+ then vrcInTy fao v ty
+ else (False,False)
+ -- note that ftv cannot be calculated as occPos||occNeg,
+ -- since if a tyvar occurs only as unused tyconarg,
+ -- occPos==occNeg==False, but ftv=True
+vrcInTy fao v (TyVarTy v') = if v==v'
+ then (True,False)
+ else (False,False)
+vrcInTy fao v (AppTy ty1 ty2) = if vrcInTy fao v ty2 /= (False,False)
+ then (True,True)
+ else vrcInTy fao v ty1
+ -- ty1 is probably unknown (or it would have been beta-reduced);
+ -- hence if v occurs in ty2 at all then it could occur with
+ -- either variance. Otherwise it occurs as it does in ty1.
+vrcInTy fao v (FunTy ty1 ty2) = negVrc (vrcInTy fao v ty1)
+ `orVrc`
+ vrcInTy fao v ty2
+vrcInTy fao v (ForAllTy v' ty) = if v==v'
+ then (False,False)
+ else vrcInTy fao v ty
+vrcInTy fao v (TyConApp tc tys) = let pms1 = map (vrcInTy fao v) tys
+ pms2 = fao tc
+ in orVrcs (zipWith timesVrc pms1 pms2)
+vrcInTy fao v (PredTy st) = vrcInTy fao v (predTypeRep st)
+Variance algebra
+orVrc :: (Bool,Bool) -> (Bool,Bool) -> (Bool,Bool)
+orVrc (p1,m1) (p2,m2) = (p1||p2,m1||m2)
+orVrcs :: [(Bool,Bool)] -> (Bool,Bool)
+orVrcs = foldl orVrc (False,False)
+negVrc :: (Bool,Bool) -> (Bool,Bool)
+negVrc (p1,m1) = (m1,p1)
+anyVrc :: (a -> (Bool,Bool)) -> [a] -> (Bool,Bool)
+anyVrc p as = foldl (\ pm a -> pm `orVrc` p a)
+ (False,False) as
+timesVrc :: (Bool,Bool) -> (Bool,Bool) -> (Bool,Bool)
+timesVrc (p1,m1) (p2,m2) = (p1 && p2 || m1 && m2,
+ p1 && m2 || m1 && p2)