path: root/compiler/typecheck/TcHsType.lhs
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1 files changed, 816 insertions, 0 deletions
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+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+\section[TcMonoType]{Typechecking user-specified @MonoTypes@}
+module TcHsType (
+ tcHsSigType, tcHsDeriv,
+ UserTypeCtxt(..),
+ -- Kind checking
+ kcHsTyVars, kcHsSigType, kcHsLiftedSigType,
+ kcCheckHsType, kcHsContext, kcHsType,
+ -- Typechecking kinded types
+ tcHsKindedContext, tcHsKindedType, tcHsBangType,
+ tcTyVarBndrs, dsHsType, tcLHsConResTy,
+ tcDataKindSig,
+ -- Pattern type signatures
+ tcHsPatSigType, tcPatSig
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import HsSyn ( HsType(..), LHsType, HsTyVarBndr(..), LHsTyVarBndr,
+ LHsContext, HsPred(..), LHsPred, HsExplicitForAll(..) )
+import RnHsSyn ( extractHsTyVars )
+import TcRnMonad
+import TcEnv ( tcExtendTyVarEnv, tcExtendKindEnvTvs,
+ tcLookup, tcLookupClass, tcLookupTyCon,
+ TyThing(..), getInLocalScope, getScopedTyVarBinds,
+ wrongThingErr
+ )
+import TcMType ( newKindVar,
+ zonkTcKindToKind,
+ tcInstBoxyTyVar, readFilledBox,
+ checkValidType
+ )
+import TcUnify ( boxyUnify, unifyFunKind, checkExpectedKind )
+import TcIface ( checkWiredInTyCon )
+import TcType ( Type, PredType(..), ThetaType, BoxySigmaType,
+ TcType, TcKind, isRigidTy,
+ UserTypeCtxt(..), pprUserTypeCtxt,
+ substTyWith, mkTyVarTys, tcEqType,
+ tcIsTyVarTy, mkFunTy, mkSigmaTy, mkPredTy,
+ mkTyConApp, mkAppTys, typeKind )
+import Kind ( Kind, isLiftedTypeKind, liftedTypeKind, ubxTupleKind,
+ openTypeKind, argTypeKind, splitKindFunTys )
+import Var ( TyVar, mkTyVar, tyVarName )
+import TyCon ( TyCon, tyConKind )
+import Class ( Class, classTyCon )
+import Name ( Name, mkInternalName )
+import OccName ( mkOccName, tvName )
+import NameSet
+import PrelNames ( genUnitTyConName )
+import TysWiredIn ( mkListTy, listTyCon, mkPArrTy, parrTyCon, tupleTyCon )
+import BasicTypes ( Boxity(..) )
+import SrcLoc ( Located(..), unLoc, noLoc, getLoc, srcSpanStart )
+import UniqSupply ( uniqsFromSupply )
+import Outputable
+ ----------------------------
+ General notes
+ ----------------------------
+Generally speaking we now type-check types in three phases
+ 1. kcHsType: kind check the HsType
+ *includes* performing any TH type splices;
+ so it returns a translated, and kind-annotated, type
+ 2. dsHsType: convert from HsType to Type:
+ perform zonking
+ expand type synonyms [mkGenTyApps]
+ hoist the foralls [tcHsType]
+ 3. checkValidType: check the validity of the resulting type
+Often these steps are done one after the other (tcHsSigType).
+But in mutually recursive groups of type and class decls we do
+ 1 kind-check the whole group
+ 2 build TyCons/Classes in a knot-tied way
+ 3 check the validity of types in the now-unknotted TyCons/Classes
+For example, when we find
+ (forall a m. m a -> m a)
+we bind a,m to kind varibles and kind-check (m a -> m a). This makes
+a get kind *, and m get kind *->*. Now we typecheck (m a -> m a) in
+an environment that binds a and m suitably.
+The kind checker passed to tcHsTyVars needs to look at enough to
+establish the kind of the tyvar:
+ * For a group of type and class decls, it's just the group, not
+ the rest of the program
+ * For a tyvar bound in a pattern type signature, its the types
+ mentioned in the other type signatures in that bunch of patterns
+ * For a tyvar bound in a RULE, it's the type signatures on other
+ universally quantified variables in the rule
+Note that this may occasionally give surprising results. For example:
+ data T a b = MkT (a b)
+Here we deduce a::*->*, b::*
+But equally valid would be a::(*->*)-> *, b::*->*
+Validity checking
+Some of the validity check could in principle be done by the kind checker,
+but not all:
+- During desugaring, we normalise by expanding type synonyms. Only
+ after this step can we check things like type-synonym saturation
+ e.g. type T k = k Int
+ type S a = a
+ Then (T S) is ok, because T is saturated; (T S) expands to (S Int);
+ and then S is saturated. This is a GHC extension.
+- Similarly, also a GHC extension, we look through synonyms before complaining
+ about the form of a class or instance declaration
+- Ambiguity checks involve functional dependencies, and it's easier to wait
+ until knots have been resolved before poking into them
+Also, in a mutually recursive group of types, we can't look at the TyCon until we've
+finished building the loop. So to keep things simple, we postpone most validity
+checking until step (3).
+Knot tying
+During step (1) we might fault in a TyCon defined in another module, and it might
+(via a loop) refer back to a TyCon defined in this module. So when we tie a big
+knot around type declarations with ARecThing, so that the fault-in code can get
+the TyCon being defined.
+%* *
+\subsection{Checking types}
+%* *
+tcHsSigType :: UserTypeCtxt -> LHsType Name -> TcM Type
+ -- Do kind checking, and hoist for-alls to the top
+ -- NB: it's important that the foralls that come from the top-level
+ -- HsForAllTy in hs_ty occur *first* in the returned type.
+ -- See Note [Scoped] with TcSigInfo
+tcHsSigType ctxt hs_ty
+ = addErrCtxt (pprHsSigCtxt ctxt hs_ty) $
+ do { kinded_ty <- kcTypeType hs_ty
+ ; ty <- tcHsKindedType kinded_ty
+ ; checkValidType ctxt ty
+ ; returnM ty }
+-- Used for the deriving(...) items
+tcHsDeriv :: LHsType Name -> TcM ([TyVar], Class, [Type])
+tcHsDeriv = addLocM (tc_hs_deriv [])
+tc_hs_deriv tv_names (HsPredTy (HsClassP cls_name hs_tys))
+ = kcHsTyVars tv_names $ \ tv_names' ->
+ do { cls_kind <- kcClass cls_name
+ ; (tys, res_kind) <- kcApps cls_kind (ppr cls_name) hs_tys
+ ; tcTyVarBndrs tv_names' $ \ tyvars ->
+ do { arg_tys <- dsHsTypes tys
+ ; cls <- tcLookupClass cls_name
+ ; return (tyvars, cls, arg_tys) }}
+tc_hs_deriv tv_names1 (HsForAllTy _ tv_names2 (L _ []) (L _ ty))
+ = -- Funny newtype deriving form
+ -- forall a. C [a]
+ -- where C has arity 2. Hence can't use regular functions
+ tc_hs_deriv (tv_names1 ++ tv_names2) ty
+tc_hs_deriv _ other
+ = failWithTc (ptext SLIT("Illegal deriving item") <+> ppr other)
+ These functions are used during knot-tying in
+ type and class declarations, when we have to
+ separate kind-checking, desugaring, and validity checking
+kcHsSigType, kcHsLiftedSigType :: LHsType Name -> TcM (LHsType Name)
+ -- Used for type signatures
+kcHsSigType ty = kcTypeType ty
+kcHsLiftedSigType ty = kcLiftedType ty
+tcHsKindedType :: LHsType Name -> TcM Type
+ -- Don't do kind checking, nor validity checking,
+ -- but do hoist for-alls to the top
+ -- This is used in type and class decls, where kinding is
+ -- done in advance, and validity checking is done later
+ -- [Validity checking done later because of knot-tying issues.]
+tcHsKindedType hs_ty = dsHsType hs_ty
+tcHsBangType :: LHsType Name -> TcM Type
+-- Permit a bang, but discard it
+tcHsBangType (L span (HsBangTy b ty)) = tcHsKindedType ty
+tcHsBangType ty = tcHsKindedType ty
+tcHsKindedContext :: LHsContext Name -> TcM ThetaType
+-- Used when we are expecting a ClassContext (i.e. no implicit params)
+-- Does not do validity checking, like tcHsKindedType
+tcHsKindedContext hs_theta = addLocM (mappM dsHsLPred) hs_theta
+%* *
+ The main kind checker: kcHsType
+%* *
+ First a couple of simple wrappers for kcHsType
+kcLiftedType :: LHsType Name -> TcM (LHsType Name)
+-- The type ty must be a *lifted* *type*
+kcLiftedType ty = kcCheckHsType ty liftedTypeKind
+kcTypeType :: LHsType Name -> TcM (LHsType Name)
+-- The type ty must be a *type*, but it can be lifted or
+-- unlifted or an unboxed tuple.
+kcTypeType ty = kcCheckHsType ty openTypeKind
+kcCheckHsType :: LHsType Name -> TcKind -> TcM (LHsType Name)
+-- Check that the type has the specified kind
+-- Be sure to use checkExpectedKind, rather than simply unifying
+-- with OpenTypeKind, because it gives better error messages
+kcCheckHsType (L span ty) exp_kind
+ = setSrcSpan span $
+ do { (ty', act_kind) <- add_ctxt ty (kc_hs_type ty)
+ -- Add the context round the inner check only
+ -- because checkExpectedKind already mentions
+ -- 'ty' by name in any error message
+ ; checkExpectedKind ty act_kind exp_kind
+ ; return (L span ty') }
+ where
+ -- Wrap a context around only if we want to
+ -- show that contexts. Omit invisble ones
+ -- and ones user's won't grok (HsPred p).
+ add_ctxt (HsPredTy p) thing = thing
+ add_ctxt (HsForAllTy Implicit tvs (L _ []) ty) thing = thing
+ add_ctxt other_ty thing = addErrCtxt (typeCtxt ty) thing
+ Here comes the main function
+kcHsType :: LHsType Name -> TcM (LHsType Name, TcKind)
+kcHsType ty = wrapLocFstM kc_hs_type ty
+-- kcHsType *returns* the kind of the type, rather than taking an expected
+-- kind as argument as tcExpr does.
+-- Reasons:
+-- (a) the kind of (->) is
+-- forall bx1 bx2. Type bx1 -> Type bx2 -> Type Boxed
+-- so we'd need to generate huge numbers of bx variables.
+-- (b) kinds are so simple that the error messages are fine
+-- The translated type has explicitly-kinded type-variable binders
+kc_hs_type (HsParTy ty)
+ = kcHsType ty `thenM` \ (ty', kind) ->
+ returnM (HsParTy ty', kind)
+kc_hs_type (HsTyVar name)
+ = kcTyVar name `thenM` \ kind ->
+ returnM (HsTyVar name, kind)
+kc_hs_type (HsListTy ty)
+ = kcLiftedType ty `thenM` \ ty' ->
+ returnM (HsListTy ty', liftedTypeKind)
+kc_hs_type (HsPArrTy ty)
+ = kcLiftedType ty `thenM` \ ty' ->
+ returnM (HsPArrTy ty', liftedTypeKind)
+kc_hs_type (HsNumTy n)
+ = returnM (HsNumTy n, liftedTypeKind)
+kc_hs_type (HsKindSig ty k)
+ = kcCheckHsType ty k `thenM` \ ty' ->
+ returnM (HsKindSig ty' k, k)
+kc_hs_type (HsTupleTy Boxed tys)
+ = mappM kcLiftedType tys `thenM` \ tys' ->
+ returnM (HsTupleTy Boxed tys', liftedTypeKind)
+kc_hs_type (HsTupleTy Unboxed tys)
+ = mappM kcTypeType tys `thenM` \ tys' ->
+ returnM (HsTupleTy Unboxed tys', ubxTupleKind)
+kc_hs_type (HsFunTy ty1 ty2)
+ = kcCheckHsType ty1 argTypeKind `thenM` \ ty1' ->
+ kcTypeType ty2 `thenM` \ ty2' ->
+ returnM (HsFunTy ty1' ty2', liftedTypeKind)
+kc_hs_type ty@(HsOpTy ty1 op ty2)
+ = addLocM kcTyVar op `thenM` \ op_kind ->
+ kcApps op_kind (ppr op) [ty1,ty2] `thenM` \ ([ty1',ty2'], res_kind) ->
+ returnM (HsOpTy ty1' op ty2', res_kind)
+kc_hs_type ty@(HsAppTy ty1 ty2)
+ = kcHsType fun_ty `thenM` \ (fun_ty', fun_kind) ->
+ kcApps fun_kind (ppr fun_ty) arg_tys `thenM` \ ((arg_ty':arg_tys'), res_kind) ->
+ returnM (foldl mk_app (HsAppTy fun_ty' arg_ty') arg_tys', res_kind)
+ where
+ (fun_ty, arg_tys) = split ty1 [ty2]
+ split (L _ (HsAppTy f a)) as = split f (a:as)
+ split f as = (f,as)
+ mk_app fun arg = HsAppTy (noLoc fun) arg -- Add noLocs for inner nodes of
+ -- the application; they are never used
+kc_hs_type (HsPredTy pred)
+ = kcHsPred pred `thenM` \ pred' ->
+ returnM (HsPredTy pred', liftedTypeKind)
+kc_hs_type (HsForAllTy exp tv_names context ty)
+ = kcHsTyVars tv_names $ \ tv_names' ->
+ kcHsContext context `thenM` \ ctxt' ->
+ kcLiftedType ty `thenM` \ ty' ->
+ -- The body of a forall is usually a type, but in principle
+ -- there's no reason to prohibit *unlifted* types.
+ -- In fact, GHC can itself construct a function with an
+ -- unboxed tuple inside a for-all (via CPR analyis; see
+ -- typecheck/should_compile/tc170)
+ --
+ -- Still, that's only for internal interfaces, which aren't
+ -- kind-checked, so we only allow liftedTypeKind here
+ returnM (HsForAllTy exp tv_names' ctxt' ty', liftedTypeKind)
+kc_hs_type (HsBangTy b ty)
+ = do { (ty', kind) <- kcHsType ty
+ ; return (HsBangTy b ty', kind) }
+kc_hs_type ty@(HsSpliceTy _)
+ = failWithTc (ptext SLIT("Unexpected type splice:") <+> ppr ty)
+kcApps :: TcKind -- Function kind
+ -> SDoc -- Function
+ -> [LHsType Name] -- Arg types
+ -> TcM ([LHsType Name], TcKind) -- Kind-checked args
+kcApps fun_kind ppr_fun args
+ = split_fk fun_kind (length args) `thenM` \ (arg_kinds, res_kind) ->
+ zipWithM kc_arg args arg_kinds `thenM` \ args' ->
+ returnM (args', res_kind)
+ where
+ split_fk fk 0 = returnM ([], fk)
+ split_fk fk n = unifyFunKind fk `thenM` \ mb_fk ->
+ case mb_fk of
+ Nothing -> failWithTc too_many_args
+ Just (ak,fk') -> split_fk fk' (n-1) `thenM` \ (aks, rk) ->
+ returnM (ak:aks, rk)
+ kc_arg arg arg_kind = kcCheckHsType arg arg_kind
+ too_many_args = ptext SLIT("Kind error:") <+> quotes ppr_fun <+>
+ ptext SLIT("is applied to too many type arguments")
+kcHsContext :: LHsContext Name -> TcM (LHsContext Name)
+kcHsContext ctxt = wrapLocM (mappM kcHsLPred) ctxt
+kcHsLPred :: LHsPred Name -> TcM (LHsPred Name)
+kcHsLPred = wrapLocM kcHsPred
+kcHsPred :: HsPred Name -> TcM (HsPred Name)
+kcHsPred pred -- Checks that the result is of kind liftedType
+ = kc_pred pred `thenM` \ (pred', kind) ->
+ checkExpectedKind pred kind liftedTypeKind `thenM_`
+ returnM pred'
+kc_pred :: HsPred Name -> TcM (HsPred Name, TcKind)
+ -- Does *not* check for a saturated
+ -- application (reason: used from TcDeriv)
+kc_pred pred@(HsIParam name ty)
+ = kcHsType ty `thenM` \ (ty', kind) ->
+ returnM (HsIParam name ty', kind)
+kc_pred pred@(HsClassP cls tys)
+ = kcClass cls `thenM` \ kind ->
+ kcApps kind (ppr cls) tys `thenM` \ (tys', res_kind) ->
+ returnM (HsClassP cls tys', res_kind)
+kcTyVar :: Name -> TcM TcKind
+kcTyVar name -- Could be a tyvar or a tycon
+ = traceTc (text "lk1" <+> ppr name) `thenM_`
+ tcLookup name `thenM` \ thing ->
+ traceTc (text "lk2" <+> ppr name <+> ppr thing) `thenM_`
+ case thing of
+ ATyVar _ ty -> returnM (typeKind ty)
+ AThing kind -> returnM kind
+ AGlobal (ATyCon tc) -> returnM (tyConKind tc)
+ other -> wrongThingErr "type" thing name
+kcClass :: Name -> TcM TcKind
+kcClass cls -- Must be a class
+ = tcLookup cls `thenM` \ thing ->
+ case thing of
+ AThing kind -> returnM kind
+ AGlobal (AClass cls) -> returnM (tyConKind (classTyCon cls))
+ other -> wrongThingErr "class" thing cls
+%* *
+ Desugaring
+%* *
+The type desugarer
+ * Transforms from HsType to Type
+ * Zonks any kinds
+It cannot fail, and does no validity checking, except for
+structural matters, such as
+ (a) spurious ! annotations.
+ (b) a class used as a type
+dsHsType :: LHsType Name -> TcM Type
+-- All HsTyVarBndrs in the intput type are kind-annotated
+dsHsType ty = ds_type (unLoc ty)
+ds_type ty@(HsTyVar name)
+ = ds_app ty []
+ds_type (HsParTy ty) -- Remove the parentheses markers
+ = dsHsType ty
+ds_type ty@(HsBangTy _ _) -- No bangs should be here
+ = failWithTc (ptext SLIT("Unexpected strictness annotation:") <+> ppr ty)
+ds_type (HsKindSig ty k)
+ = dsHsType ty -- Kind checking done already
+ds_type (HsListTy ty)
+ = dsHsType ty `thenM` \ tau_ty ->
+ checkWiredInTyCon listTyCon `thenM_`
+ returnM (mkListTy tau_ty)
+ds_type (HsPArrTy ty)
+ = dsHsType ty `thenM` \ tau_ty ->
+ checkWiredInTyCon parrTyCon `thenM_`
+ returnM (mkPArrTy tau_ty)
+ds_type (HsTupleTy boxity tys)
+ = dsHsTypes tys `thenM` \ tau_tys ->
+ checkWiredInTyCon tycon `thenM_`
+ returnM (mkTyConApp tycon tau_tys)
+ where
+ tycon = tupleTyCon boxity (length tys)
+ds_type (HsFunTy ty1 ty2)
+ = dsHsType ty1 `thenM` \ tau_ty1 ->
+ dsHsType ty2 `thenM` \ tau_ty2 ->
+ returnM (mkFunTy tau_ty1 tau_ty2)
+ds_type (HsOpTy ty1 (L span op) ty2)
+ = dsHsType ty1 `thenM` \ tau_ty1 ->
+ dsHsType ty2 `thenM` \ tau_ty2 ->
+ setSrcSpan span (ds_var_app op [tau_ty1,tau_ty2])
+ds_type (HsNumTy n)
+ = ASSERT(n==1)
+ tcLookupTyCon genUnitTyConName `thenM` \ tc ->
+ returnM (mkTyConApp tc [])
+ds_type ty@(HsAppTy _ _)
+ = ds_app ty []
+ds_type (HsPredTy pred)
+ = dsHsPred pred `thenM` \ pred' ->
+ returnM (mkPredTy pred')
+ds_type full_ty@(HsForAllTy exp tv_names ctxt ty)
+ = tcTyVarBndrs tv_names $ \ tyvars ->
+ mappM dsHsLPred (unLoc ctxt) `thenM` \ theta ->
+ dsHsType ty `thenM` \ tau ->
+ returnM (mkSigmaTy tyvars theta tau)
+dsHsTypes arg_tys = mappM dsHsType arg_tys
+Help functions for type applications
+ds_app :: HsType Name -> [LHsType Name] -> TcM Type
+ds_app (HsAppTy ty1 ty2) tys
+ = ds_app (unLoc ty1) (ty2:tys)
+ds_app ty tys
+ = dsHsTypes tys `thenM` \ arg_tys ->
+ case ty of
+ HsTyVar fun -> ds_var_app fun arg_tys
+ other -> ds_type ty `thenM` \ fun_ty ->
+ returnM (mkAppTys fun_ty arg_tys)
+ds_var_app :: Name -> [Type] -> TcM Type
+ds_var_app name arg_tys
+ = tcLookup name `thenM` \ thing ->
+ case thing of
+ ATyVar _ ty -> returnM (mkAppTys ty arg_tys)
+ AGlobal (ATyCon tc) -> returnM (mkTyConApp tc arg_tys)
+ other -> wrongThingErr "type" thing name
+dsHsLPred :: LHsPred Name -> TcM PredType
+dsHsLPred pred = dsHsPred (unLoc pred)
+dsHsPred pred@(HsClassP class_name tys)
+ = dsHsTypes tys `thenM` \ arg_tys ->
+ tcLookupClass class_name `thenM` \ clas ->
+ returnM (ClassP clas arg_tys)
+dsHsPred (HsIParam name ty)
+ = dsHsType ty `thenM` \ arg_ty ->
+ returnM (IParam name arg_ty)
+GADT constructor signatures
+tcLHsConResTy :: LHsType Name -> TcM (TyCon, [TcType])
+tcLHsConResTy ty@(L span _)
+ = setSrcSpan span $
+ addErrCtxt (gadtResCtxt ty) $
+ tc_con_res ty []
+tc_con_res (L _ (HsAppTy fun res_ty)) res_tys
+ = do { res_ty' <- dsHsType res_ty
+ ; tc_con_res fun (res_ty' : res_tys) }
+tc_con_res ty@(L _ (HsTyVar name)) res_tys
+ = do { thing <- tcLookup name
+ ; case thing of
+ AGlobal (ATyCon tc) -> return (tc, res_tys)
+ other -> failWithTc (badGadtDecl ty)
+ }
+tc_con_res ty _ = failWithTc (badGadtDecl ty)
+gadtResCtxt ty
+ = hang (ptext SLIT("In the result type of a data constructor:"))
+ 2 (ppr ty)
+badGadtDecl ty
+ = hang (ptext SLIT("Malformed constructor result type:"))
+ 2 (ppr ty)
+typeCtxt ty = ptext SLIT("In the type") <+> quotes (ppr ty)
+%* *
+ Type-variable binders
+%* *
+kcHsTyVars :: [LHsTyVarBndr Name]
+ -> ([LHsTyVarBndr Name] -> TcM r) -- These binders are kind-annotated
+ -- They scope over the thing inside
+ -> TcM r
+kcHsTyVars tvs thing_inside
+ = mappM (wrapLocM kcHsTyVar) tvs `thenM` \ bndrs ->
+ tcExtendKindEnvTvs bndrs (thing_inside bndrs)
+kcHsTyVar :: HsTyVarBndr Name -> TcM (HsTyVarBndr Name)
+ -- Return a *kind-annotated* binder, and a tyvar with a mutable kind in it
+kcHsTyVar (UserTyVar name) = newKindVar `thenM` \ kind ->
+ returnM (KindedTyVar name kind)
+kcHsTyVar (KindedTyVar name kind) = returnM (KindedTyVar name kind)
+tcTyVarBndrs :: [LHsTyVarBndr Name] -- Kind-annotated binders, which need kind-zonking
+ -> ([TyVar] -> TcM r)
+ -> TcM r
+-- Used when type-checking types/classes/type-decls
+-- Brings into scope immutable TyVars, not mutable ones that require later zonking
+tcTyVarBndrs bndrs thing_inside
+ = mapM (zonk . unLoc) bndrs `thenM` \ tyvars ->
+ tcExtendTyVarEnv tyvars (thing_inside tyvars)
+ where
+ zonk (KindedTyVar name kind) = do { kind' <- zonkTcKindToKind kind
+ ; return (mkTyVar name kind') }
+ zonk (UserTyVar name) = pprTrace "Un-kinded tyvar" (ppr name) $
+ return (mkTyVar name liftedTypeKind)
+tcDataKindSig :: Maybe Kind -> TcM [TyVar]
+-- GADT decls can have a (perhpas partial) kind signature
+-- e.g. data T :: * -> * -> * where ...
+-- This function makes up suitable (kinded) type variables for
+-- the argument kinds, and checks that the result kind is indeed *
+tcDataKindSig Nothing = return []
+tcDataKindSig (Just kind)
+ = do { checkTc (isLiftedTypeKind res_kind) (badKindSig kind)
+ ; span <- getSrcSpanM
+ ; us <- newUniqueSupply
+ ; let loc = srcSpanStart span
+ uniqs = uniqsFromSupply us
+ ; return [ mk_tv loc uniq str kind
+ | ((kind, str), uniq) <- arg_kinds `zip` names `zip` uniqs ] }
+ where
+ (arg_kinds, res_kind) = splitKindFunTys kind
+ mk_tv loc uniq str kind = mkTyVar name kind
+ where
+ name = mkInternalName uniq occ loc
+ occ = mkOccName tvName str
+ names :: [String] -- a,b,c...aa,ab,ac etc
+ names = [ c:cs | cs <- "" : names, c <- ['a'..'z'] ]
+badKindSig :: Kind -> SDoc
+badKindSig kind
+ = hang (ptext SLIT("Kind signature on data type declaration has non-* return kind"))
+ 2 (ppr kind)
+%* *
+ Scoped type variables
+%* *
+tcAddScopedTyVars is used for scoped type variables added by pattern
+type signatures
+ e.g. \ ((x::a), (y::a)) -> x+y
+They never have explicit kinds (because this is source-code only)
+They are mutable (because they can get bound to a more specific type).
+Usually we kind-infer and expand type splices, and then
+tupecheck/desugar the type. That doesn't work well for scoped type
+variables, because they scope left-right in patterns. (e.g. in the
+example above, the 'a' in (y::a) is bound by the 'a' in (x::a).
+The current not-very-good plan is to
+ * find all the types in the patterns
+ * find their free tyvars
+ * do kind inference
+ * bring the kinded type vars into scope
+ * BUT throw away the kind-checked type
+ (we'll kind-check it again when we type-check the pattern)
+This is bad because throwing away the kind checked type throws away
+its splices. But too bad for now. [July 03]
+Historical note:
+ We no longer specify that these type variables must be univerally
+ quantified (lots of email on the subject). If you want to put that
+ back in, you need to
+ a) Do a checkSigTyVars after thing_inside
+ b) More insidiously, don't pass in expected_ty, else
+ we unify with it too early and checkSigTyVars barfs
+ Instead you have to pass in a fresh ty var, and unify
+ it with expected_ty afterwards
+tcHsPatSigType :: UserTypeCtxt
+ -> LHsType Name -- The type signature
+ -> TcM ([TyVar], -- Newly in-scope type variables
+ Type) -- The signature
+-- Used for type-checking type signatures in
+-- (a) patterns e.g f (x::Int) = e
+-- (b) result signatures e.g. g x :: Int = e
+-- (c) RULE forall bndrs e.g. forall (x::Int). f x = x
+tcHsPatSigType ctxt hs_ty
+ = addErrCtxt (pprHsSigCtxt ctxt hs_ty) $
+ do { -- Find the type variables that are mentioned in the type
+ -- but not already in scope. These are the ones that
+ -- should be bound by the pattern signature
+ in_scope <- getInLocalScope
+ ; let span = getLoc hs_ty
+ sig_tvs = [ L span (UserTyVar n)
+ | n <- nameSetToList (extractHsTyVars hs_ty),
+ not (in_scope n) ]
+ -- Behave very like type-checking (HsForAllTy sig_tvs hs_ty),
+ -- except that we want to keep the tvs separate
+ ; (kinded_tvs, kinded_ty) <- kcHsTyVars sig_tvs $ \ kinded_tvs -> do
+ { kinded_ty <- kcTypeType hs_ty
+ ; return (kinded_tvs, kinded_ty) }
+ ; tcTyVarBndrs kinded_tvs $ \ tyvars -> do
+ { sig_ty <- dsHsType kinded_ty
+ ; checkValidType ctxt sig_ty
+ ; return (tyvars, sig_ty)
+ } }
+tcPatSig :: UserTypeCtxt
+ -> LHsType Name
+ -> BoxySigmaType
+ -> TcM (TcType, -- The type to use for "inside" the signature
+ [(Name,TcType)]) -- The new bit of type environment, binding
+ -- the scoped type variables
+tcPatSig ctxt sig res_ty
+ = do { (sig_tvs, sig_ty) <- tcHsPatSigType ctxt sig
+ ; if null sig_tvs then do {
+ -- The type signature binds no type variables,
+ -- and hence is rigid, so use it to zap the res_ty
+ boxyUnify sig_ty res_ty
+ ; return (sig_ty, [])
+ } else do {
+ -- Type signature binds at least one scoped type variable
+ -- A pattern binding cannot bind scoped type variables
+ -- The renamer fails with a name-out-of-scope error
+ -- if a pattern binding tries to bind a type variable,
+ -- So we just have an ASSERT here
+ ; let in_pat_bind = case ctxt of
+ BindPatSigCtxt -> True
+ other -> False
+ ; ASSERT( not in_pat_bind || null sig_tvs ) return ()
+ -- Check that pat_ty is rigid
+ ; checkTc (isRigidTy res_ty) (wobblyPatSig sig_tvs)
+ -- Now match the pattern signature against res_ty
+ -- For convenience, and uniform-looking error messages
+ -- we do the matching by allocating meta type variables,
+ -- unifying, and reading out the results.
+ -- This is a strictly local operation.
+ ; box_tvs <- mapM tcInstBoxyTyVar sig_tvs
+ ; boxyUnify (substTyWith sig_tvs (mkTyVarTys box_tvs) sig_ty) res_ty
+ ; sig_tv_tys <- mapM readFilledBox box_tvs
+ -- Check that each is bound to a distinct type variable,
+ -- and one that is not already in scope
+ ; let tv_binds = map tyVarName sig_tvs `zip` sig_tv_tys
+ ; binds_in_scope <- getScopedTyVarBinds
+ ; check binds_in_scope tv_binds
+ -- Phew!
+ ; return (res_ty, tv_binds)
+ } }
+ where
+ check in_scope [] = return ()
+ check in_scope ((n,ty):rest) = do { check_one in_scope n ty
+ ; check ((n,ty):in_scope) rest }
+ check_one in_scope n ty
+ = do { checkTc (tcIsTyVarTy ty) (scopedNonVar n ty)
+ -- Must bind to a type variable
+ ; checkTc (null dups) (dupInScope n (head dups) ty)
+ -- Must not bind to the same type variable
+ -- as some other in-scope type variable
+ ; return () }
+ where
+ dups = [n' | (n',ty') <- in_scope, tcEqType ty' ty]
+%* *
+ Scoped type variables
+%* *
+pprHsSigCtxt :: UserTypeCtxt -> LHsType Name -> SDoc
+pprHsSigCtxt ctxt hs_ty = vcat [ ptext SLIT("In") <+> pprUserTypeCtxt ctxt <> colon,
+ nest 2 (pp_sig ctxt) ]
+ where
+ pp_sig (FunSigCtxt n) = pp_n_colon n
+ pp_sig (ConArgCtxt n) = pp_n_colon n
+ pp_sig (ForSigCtxt n) = pp_n_colon n
+ pp_sig (RuleSigCtxt n) = pp_n_colon n
+ pp_sig other = ppr (unLoc hs_ty)
+ pp_n_colon n = ppr n <+> dcolon <+> ppr (unLoc hs_ty)
+wobblyPatSig sig_tvs
+ = hang (ptext SLIT("A pattern type signature cannot bind scoped type variables")
+ <+> pprQuotedList sig_tvs)
+ 2 (ptext SLIT("unless the pattern has a rigid type context"))
+scopedNonVar n ty
+ = vcat [sep [ptext SLIT("The scoped type variable") <+> quotes (ppr n),
+ nest 2 (ptext SLIT("is bound to the type") <+> quotes (ppr ty))],
+ nest 2 (ptext SLIT("You can only bind scoped type variables to type variables"))]
+dupInScope n n' ty
+ = hang (ptext SLIT("The scoped type variables") <+> quotes (ppr n) <+> ptext SLIT("and") <+> quotes (ppr n'))
+ 2 (vcat [ptext SLIT("are bound to the same type (variable)"),
+ ptext SLIT("Distinct scoped type variables must be distinct")])