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diff --git a/compiler/stranal/DmdAnal.lhs b/compiler/stranal/DmdAnal.lhs
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index 0000000000..c5cfb7b4bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/stranal/DmdAnal.lhs
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+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1998
+ -----------------
+ A demand analysis
+ -----------------
+module DmdAnal ( dmdAnalPgm, dmdAnalTopRhs,
+ both {- needed by WwLib -}
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import DynFlags ( DynFlags, DynFlag(..) )
+import StaticFlags ( opt_MaxWorkerArgs )
+import NewDemand -- All of it
+import CoreSyn
+import PprCore
+import CoreUtils ( exprIsHNF, exprIsTrivial, exprArity )
+import DataCon ( dataConTyCon )
+import TyCon ( isProductTyCon, isRecursiveTyCon )
+import Id ( Id, idType, idInlinePragma,
+ isDataConWorkId, isGlobalId, idArity,
+ idDemandInfo, idStrictness, idCprInfo, idName,
+ idNewStrictness, idNewStrictness_maybe,
+ setIdNewStrictness, idNewDemandInfo,
+ idNewDemandInfo_maybe,
+ setIdNewDemandInfo
+ )
+import IdInfo ( newStrictnessFromOld, newDemand )
+import Var ( Var )
+import VarEnv
+import TysWiredIn ( unboxedPairDataCon )
+import TysPrim ( realWorldStatePrimTy )
+import UniqFM ( plusUFM_C, addToUFM_Directly, lookupUFM_Directly,
+ keysUFM, minusUFM, ufmToList, filterUFM )
+import Type ( isUnLiftedType, coreEqType )
+import CoreLint ( showPass, endPass )
+import Util ( mapAndUnzip, mapAccumL, mapAccumR, lengthIs )
+import BasicTypes ( Arity, TopLevelFlag(..), isTopLevel, isNeverActive,
+ RecFlag(..), isRec )
+import Maybes ( orElse, expectJust )
+import Outputable
+To think about
+* set a noinline pragma on bottoming Ids
+* Consider f x = x+1 `fatbar` error (show x)
+ We'd like to unbox x, even if that means reboxing it in the error case.
+%* *
+\subsection{Top level stuff}
+%* *
+dmdAnalPgm :: DynFlags -> [CoreBind] -> IO [CoreBind]
+dmdAnalPgm dflags binds
+ = do {
+ showPass dflags "Demand analysis" ;
+ let { binds_plus_dmds = do_prog binds } ;
+ endPass dflags "Demand analysis"
+ Opt_D_dump_stranal binds_plus_dmds ;
+ -- Only if OLD_STRICTNESS is on, because only then is the old
+ -- strictness analyser run
+ let { dmd_changes = get_changes binds_plus_dmds } ;
+ printDump (text "Changes in demands" $$ dmd_changes) ;
+ return binds_plus_dmds
+ }
+ where
+ do_prog :: [CoreBind] -> [CoreBind]
+ do_prog binds = snd $ mapAccumL dmdAnalTopBind emptySigEnv binds
+dmdAnalTopBind :: SigEnv
+ -> CoreBind
+ -> (SigEnv, CoreBind)
+dmdAnalTopBind sigs (NonRec id rhs)
+ = let
+ ( _, _, (_, rhs1)) = dmdAnalRhs TopLevel NonRecursive sigs (id, rhs)
+ (sigs2, _, (id2, rhs2)) = dmdAnalRhs TopLevel NonRecursive sigs (id, rhs1)
+ -- Do two passes to improve CPR information
+ -- See comments with ignore_cpr_info in mk_sig_ty
+ -- and with extendSigsWithLam
+ in
+ (sigs2, NonRec id2 rhs2)
+dmdAnalTopBind sigs (Rec pairs)
+ = let
+ (sigs', _, pairs') = dmdFix TopLevel sigs pairs
+ -- We get two iterations automatically
+ -- c.f. the NonRec case above
+ in
+ (sigs', Rec pairs')
+dmdAnalTopRhs :: CoreExpr -> (StrictSig, CoreExpr)
+-- Analyse the RHS and return
+-- a) appropriate strictness info
+-- b) the unfolding (decorated with stricntess info)
+dmdAnalTopRhs rhs
+ = (sig, rhs2)
+ where
+ call_dmd = vanillaCall (exprArity rhs)
+ (_, rhs1) = dmdAnal emptySigEnv call_dmd rhs
+ (rhs_ty, rhs2) = dmdAnal emptySigEnv call_dmd rhs1
+ sig = mkTopSigTy rhs rhs_ty
+ -- Do two passes; see notes with extendSigsWithLam
+ -- Otherwise we get bogus CPR info for constructors like
+ -- newtype T a = MkT a
+ -- The constructor looks like (\x::T a -> x), modulo the coerce
+ -- extendSigsWithLam will optimistically give x a CPR tag the
+ -- first time, which is wrong in the end.
+%* *
+\subsection{The analyser itself}
+%* *
+dmdAnal :: SigEnv -> Demand -> CoreExpr -> (DmdType, CoreExpr)
+dmdAnal sigs Abs e = (topDmdType, e)
+dmdAnal sigs dmd e
+ | not (isStrictDmd dmd)
+ = let
+ (res_ty, e') = dmdAnal sigs evalDmd e
+ in
+ (deferType res_ty, e')
+ -- It's important not to analyse e with a lazy demand because
+ -- a) When we encounter case s of (a,b) ->
+ -- we demand s with U(d1d2)... but if the overall demand is lazy
+ -- that is wrong, and we'd need to reduce the demand on s,
+ -- which is inconvenient
+ -- b) More important, consider
+ -- f (let x = R in x+x), where f is lazy
+ -- We still want to mark x as demanded, because it will be when we
+ -- enter the let. If we analyse f's arg with a Lazy demand, we'll
+ -- just mark x as Lazy
+ -- c) The application rule wouldn't be right either
+ -- Evaluating (f x) in a L demand does *not* cause
+ -- evaluation of f in a C(L) demand!
+dmdAnal sigs dmd (Lit lit)
+ = (topDmdType, Lit lit)
+dmdAnal sigs dmd (Var var)
+ = (dmdTransform sigs var dmd, Var var)
+dmdAnal sigs dmd (Note n e)
+ = (dmd_ty, Note n e')
+ where
+ (dmd_ty, e') = dmdAnal sigs dmd' e
+ dmd' = case n of
+ Coerce _ _ -> evalDmd -- This coerce usually arises from a recursive
+ other -> dmd -- newtype, and we don't want to look inside them
+ -- for exactly the same reason that we don't look
+ -- inside recursive products -- we might not reach
+ -- a fixpoint. So revert to a vanilla Eval demand
+dmdAnal sigs dmd (App fun (Type ty))
+ = (fun_ty, App fun' (Type ty))
+ where
+ (fun_ty, fun') = dmdAnal sigs dmd fun
+-- Lots of the other code is there to make this
+-- beautiful, compositional, application rule :-)
+dmdAnal sigs dmd e@(App fun arg) -- Non-type arguments
+ = let -- [Type arg handled above]
+ (fun_ty, fun') = dmdAnal sigs (Call dmd) fun
+ (arg_ty, arg') = dmdAnal sigs arg_dmd arg
+ (arg_dmd, res_ty) = splitDmdTy fun_ty
+ in
+ (res_ty `bothType` arg_ty, App fun' arg')
+dmdAnal sigs dmd (Lam var body)
+ | isTyVar var
+ = let
+ (body_ty, body') = dmdAnal sigs dmd body
+ in
+ (body_ty, Lam var body')
+ | Call body_dmd <- dmd -- A call demand: good!
+ = let
+ sigs' = extendSigsWithLam sigs var
+ (body_ty, body') = dmdAnal sigs' body_dmd body
+ (lam_ty, var') = annotateLamIdBndr body_ty var
+ in
+ (lam_ty, Lam var' body')
+ | otherwise -- Not enough demand on the lambda; but do the body
+ = let -- anyway to annotate it and gather free var info
+ (body_ty, body') = dmdAnal sigs evalDmd body
+ (lam_ty, var') = annotateLamIdBndr body_ty var
+ in
+ (deferType lam_ty, Lam var' body')
+dmdAnal sigs dmd (Case scrut case_bndr ty [alt@(DataAlt dc,bndrs,rhs)])
+ | let tycon = dataConTyCon dc,
+ isProductTyCon tycon,
+ not (isRecursiveTyCon tycon)
+ = let
+ sigs_alt = extendSigEnv NotTopLevel sigs case_bndr case_bndr_sig
+ (alt_ty, alt') = dmdAnalAlt sigs_alt dmd alt
+ (alt_ty1, case_bndr') = annotateBndr alt_ty case_bndr
+ (_, bndrs', _) = alt'
+ case_bndr_sig = cprSig
+ -- Inside the alternative, the case binder has the CPR property.
+ -- Meaning that a case on it will successfully cancel.
+ -- Example:
+ -- f True x = case x of y { I# x' -> if x' ==# 3 then y else I# 8 }
+ -- f False x = I# 3
+ --
+ -- We want f to have the CPR property:
+ -- f b x = case fw b x of { r -> I# r }
+ -- fw True x = case x of y { I# x' -> if x' ==# 3 then x' else 8 }
+ -- fw False x = 3
+ -- Figure out whether the demand on the case binder is used, and use
+ -- that to set the scrut_dmd. This is utterly essential.
+ -- Consider f x = case x of y { (a,b) -> k y a }
+ -- If we just take scrut_demand = U(L,A), then we won't pass x to the
+ -- worker, so the worker will rebuild
+ -- x = (a, absent-error)
+ -- and that'll crash.
+ -- So at one stage I had:
+ -- dead_case_bndr = isAbsentDmd (idNewDemandInfo case_bndr')
+ -- keepity | dead_case_bndr = Drop
+ -- | otherwise = Keep
+ --
+ -- But then consider
+ -- case x of y { (a,b) -> h y + a }
+ -- where h : U(LL) -> T
+ -- The above code would compute a Keep for x, since y is not Abs, which is silly
+ -- The insight is, of course, that a demand on y is a demand on the
+ -- scrutinee, so we need to `both` it with the scrut demand
+ scrut_dmd = Eval (Prod [idNewDemandInfo b | b <- bndrs', isId b])
+ `both`
+ idNewDemandInfo case_bndr'
+ (scrut_ty, scrut') = dmdAnal sigs scrut_dmd scrut
+ in
+ (alt_ty1 `bothType` scrut_ty, Case scrut' case_bndr' ty [alt'])
+dmdAnal sigs dmd (Case scrut case_bndr ty alts)
+ = let
+ (alt_tys, alts') = mapAndUnzip (dmdAnalAlt sigs dmd) alts
+ (scrut_ty, scrut') = dmdAnal sigs evalDmd scrut
+ (alt_ty, case_bndr') = annotateBndr (foldr1 lubType alt_tys) case_bndr
+ in
+-- pprTrace "dmdAnal:Case" (ppr alts $$ ppr alt_tys)
+ (alt_ty `bothType` scrut_ty, Case scrut' case_bndr' ty alts')
+dmdAnal sigs dmd (Let (NonRec id rhs) body)
+ = let
+ (sigs', lazy_fv, (id1, rhs')) = dmdAnalRhs NotTopLevel NonRecursive sigs (id, rhs)
+ (body_ty, body') = dmdAnal sigs' dmd body
+ (body_ty1, id2) = annotateBndr body_ty id1
+ body_ty2 = addLazyFVs body_ty1 lazy_fv
+ in
+ -- If the actual demand is better than the vanilla call
+ -- demand, you might think that we might do better to re-analyse
+ -- the RHS with the stronger demand.
+ -- But (a) That seldom happens, because it means that *every* path in
+ -- the body of the let has to use that stronger demand
+ -- (b) It often happens temporarily in when fixpointing, because
+ -- the recursive function at first seems to place a massive demand.
+ -- But we don't want to go to extra work when the function will
+ -- probably iterate to something less demanding.
+ -- In practice, all the times the actual demand on id2 is more than
+ -- the vanilla call demand seem to be due to (b). So we don't
+ -- bother to re-analyse the RHS.
+ (body_ty2, Let (NonRec id2 rhs') body')
+dmdAnal sigs dmd (Let (Rec pairs) body)
+ = let
+ bndrs = map fst pairs
+ (sigs', lazy_fv, pairs') = dmdFix NotTopLevel sigs pairs
+ (body_ty, body') = dmdAnal sigs' dmd body
+ body_ty1 = addLazyFVs body_ty lazy_fv
+ in
+ sigs' `seq` body_ty `seq`
+ let
+ (body_ty2, _) = annotateBndrs body_ty1 bndrs
+ -- Don't bother to add demand info to recursive
+ -- binders as annotateBndr does;
+ -- being recursive, we can't treat them strictly.
+ -- But we do need to remove the binders from the result demand env
+ in
+ (body_ty2, Let (Rec pairs') body')
+dmdAnalAlt sigs dmd (con,bndrs,rhs)
+ = let
+ (rhs_ty, rhs') = dmdAnal sigs dmd rhs
+ (alt_ty, bndrs') = annotateBndrs rhs_ty bndrs
+ final_alt_ty | io_hack_reqd = alt_ty `lubType` topDmdType
+ | otherwise = alt_ty
+ -- There's a hack here for I/O operations. Consider
+ -- case foo x s of { (# s, r #) -> y }
+ -- Is this strict in 'y'. Normally yes, but what if 'foo' is an I/O
+ -- operation that simply terminates the program (not in an erroneous way)?
+ -- In that case we should not evaluate y before the call to 'foo'.
+ -- Hackish solution: spot the IO-like situation and add a virtual branch,
+ -- as if we had
+ -- case foo x s of
+ -- (# s, r #) -> y
+ -- other -> return ()
+ -- So the 'y' isn't necessarily going to be evaluated
+ --
+ -- A more complete example where this shows up is:
+ -- do { let len = <expensive> ;
+ -- ; when (...) (exitWith ExitSuccess)
+ -- ; print len }
+ io_hack_reqd = con == DataAlt unboxedPairDataCon &&
+ idType (head bndrs) `coreEqType` realWorldStatePrimTy
+ in
+ (final_alt_ty, (con, bndrs', rhs'))
+%* *
+%* *
+dmdFix :: TopLevelFlag
+ -> SigEnv -- Does not include bindings for this binding
+ -> [(Id,CoreExpr)]
+ -> (SigEnv, DmdEnv,
+ [(Id,CoreExpr)]) -- Binders annotated with stricness info
+dmdFix top_lvl sigs orig_pairs
+ = loop 1 initial_sigs orig_pairs
+ where
+ bndrs = map fst orig_pairs
+ initial_sigs = extendSigEnvList sigs [(id, (initialSig id, top_lvl)) | id <- bndrs]
+ loop :: Int
+ -> SigEnv -- Already contains the current sigs
+ -> [(Id,CoreExpr)]
+ -> (SigEnv, DmdEnv, [(Id,CoreExpr)])
+ loop n sigs pairs
+ | found_fixpoint
+ = (sigs', lazy_fv, pairs')
+ -- Note: use pairs', not pairs. pairs' is the result of
+ -- processing the RHSs with sigs (= sigs'), whereas pairs
+ -- is the result of processing the RHSs with the *previous*
+ -- iteration of sigs.
+ | n >= 10 = pprTrace "dmdFix loop" (ppr n <+> (vcat
+ [ text "Sigs:" <+> ppr [(id,lookup sigs id, lookup sigs' id) | (id,_) <- pairs],
+ text "env:" <+> ppr (ufmToList sigs),
+ text "binds:" <+> pprCoreBinding (Rec pairs)]))
+ (emptySigEnv, lazy_fv, orig_pairs) -- Safe output
+ -- The lazy_fv part is really important! orig_pairs has no strictness
+ -- info, including nothing about free vars. But if we have
+ -- letrec f = ....y..... in ...f...
+ -- where 'y' is free in f, we must record that y is mentioned,
+ -- otherwise y will get recorded as absent altogether
+ | otherwise = loop (n+1) sigs' pairs'
+ where
+ found_fixpoint = all (same_sig sigs sigs') bndrs
+ -- Use the new signature to do the next pair
+ -- The occurrence analyser has arranged them in a good order
+ -- so this can significantly reduce the number of iterations needed
+ ((sigs',lazy_fv), pairs') = mapAccumL (my_downRhs top_lvl) (sigs, emptyDmdEnv) pairs
+ my_downRhs top_lvl (sigs,lazy_fv) (id,rhs)
+ = -- pprTrace "downRhs {" (ppr id <+> (ppr old_sig))
+ -- (new_sig `seq`
+ -- pprTrace "downRhsEnd" (ppr id <+> ppr new_sig <+> char '}' )
+ ((sigs', lazy_fv'), pair')
+ -- )
+ where
+ (sigs', lazy_fv1, pair') = dmdAnalRhs top_lvl Recursive sigs (id,rhs)
+ lazy_fv' = plusUFM_C both lazy_fv lazy_fv1
+ -- old_sig = lookup sigs id
+ -- new_sig = lookup sigs' id
+ same_sig sigs sigs' var = lookup sigs var == lookup sigs' var
+ lookup sigs var = case lookupVarEnv sigs var of
+ Just (sig,_) -> sig
+ -- Get an initial strictness signature from the Id
+ -- itself. That way we make use of earlier iterations
+ -- of the fixpoint algorithm. (Cunning plan.)
+ -- Note that the cunning plan extends to the DmdEnv too,
+ -- since it is part of the strictness signature
+initialSig id = idNewStrictness_maybe id `orElse` botSig
+dmdAnalRhs :: TopLevelFlag -> RecFlag
+ -> SigEnv -> (Id, CoreExpr)
+ -> (SigEnv, DmdEnv, (Id, CoreExpr))
+-- Process the RHS of the binding, add the strictness signature
+-- to the Id, and augment the environment with the signature as well.
+dmdAnalRhs top_lvl rec_flag sigs (id, rhs)
+ = (sigs', lazy_fv, (id', rhs'))
+ where
+ arity = idArity id -- The idArity should be up to date
+ -- The simplifier was run just beforehand
+ (rhs_dmd_ty, rhs') = dmdAnal sigs (vanillaCall arity) rhs
+ (lazy_fv, sig_ty) = WARN( arity /= dmdTypeDepth rhs_dmd_ty && not (exprIsTrivial rhs), ppr id )
+ -- The RHS can be eta-reduced to just a variable,
+ -- in which case we should not complain.
+ mkSigTy top_lvl rec_flag id rhs rhs_dmd_ty
+ id' = id `setIdNewStrictness` sig_ty
+ sigs' = extendSigEnv top_lvl sigs id sig_ty
+%* *
+\subsection{Strictness signatures and types}
+%* *
+mkTopSigTy :: CoreExpr -> DmdType -> StrictSig
+ -- Take a DmdType and turn it into a StrictSig
+ -- NB: not used for never-inline things; hence False
+mkTopSigTy rhs dmd_ty = snd (mk_sig_ty False False rhs dmd_ty)
+mkSigTy :: TopLevelFlag -> RecFlag -> Id -> CoreExpr -> DmdType -> (DmdEnv, StrictSig)
+mkSigTy top_lvl rec_flag id rhs dmd_ty
+ = mk_sig_ty never_inline thunk_cpr_ok rhs dmd_ty
+ where
+ never_inline = isNeverActive (idInlinePragma id)
+ maybe_id_dmd = idNewDemandInfo_maybe id
+ -- Is Nothing the first time round
+ thunk_cpr_ok
+ | isTopLevel top_lvl = False -- Top level things don't get
+ -- their demandInfo set at all
+ | isRec rec_flag = False -- Ditto recursive things
+ | Just dmd <- maybe_id_dmd = isStrictDmd dmd
+ | otherwise = True -- Optimistic, first time round
+ -- See notes below
+The thunk_cpr_ok stuff [CPR-AND-STRICTNESS]
+If the rhs is a thunk, we usually forget the CPR info, because
+it is presumably shared (else it would have been inlined, and
+so we'd lose sharing if w/w'd it into a function.
+However, if the strictness analyser has figured out (in a previous
+iteration) that it's strict, then we DON'T need to forget the CPR info.
+Instead we can retain the CPR info and do the thunk-splitting transform
+(see WorkWrap.splitThunk).
+This made a big difference to PrelBase.modInt, which had something like
+ modInt = \ x -> let r = ... -> I# v in
+ ...body strict in r...
+r's RHS isn't a value yet; but modInt returns r in various branches, so
+if r doesn't have the CPR property then neither does modInt
+Another case I found in practice (in Complex.magnitude), looks like this:
+ let k = if ... then I# a else I# b
+ in ... body strict in k ....
+(For this example, it doesn't matter whether k is returned as part of
+the overall result; but it does matter that k's RHS has the CPR property.)
+Left to itself, the simplifier will make a join point thus:
+ let $j k = ...body strict in k...
+ if ... then $j (I# a) else $j (I# b)
+With thunk-splitting, we get instead
+ let $j x = let k = I#x in ...body strict in k...
+ in if ... then $j a else $j b
+This is much better; there's a good chance the I# won't get allocated.
+The difficulty with this is that we need the strictness type to
+look at the body... but we now need the body to calculate the demand
+on the variable, so we can decide whether its strictness type should
+have a CPR in it or not. Simple solution:
+ a) use strictness info from the previous iteration
+ b) make sure we do at least 2 iterations, by doing a second
+ round for top-level non-recs. Top level recs will get at
+ least 2 iterations except for totally-bottom functions
+ which aren't very interesting anyway.
+NB: strictly_demanded is never true of a top-level Id, or of a recursive Id.
+The Nothing case in thunk_cpr_ok [CPR-AND-STRICTNESS]
+Demand info now has a 'Nothing' state, just like strictness info.
+The analysis works from 'dangerous' towards a 'safe' state; so we
+start with botSig for 'Nothing' strictness infos, and we start with
+"yes, it's demanded" for 'Nothing' in the demand info. The
+fixpoint iteration will sort it all out.
+We can't start with 'not-demanded' because then consider
+ f x = let
+ t = ... I# x
+ in
+ if ... then t else I# y else f x'
+In the first iteration we'd have no demand info for x, so assume
+not-demanded; then we'd get TopRes for f's CPR info. Next iteration
+we'd see that t was demanded, and so give it the CPR property, but by
+now f has TopRes, so it will stay TopRes. Instead, with the Nothing
+setting the first time round, we say 'yes t is demanded' the first
+However, this does mean that for non-recursive bindings we must
+iterate twice to be sure of not getting over-optimistic CPR info,
+in the case where t turns out to be not-demanded. This is handled
+by dmdAnalTopBind.
+mk_sig_ty never_inline thunk_cpr_ok rhs (DmdType fv dmds res)
+ | never_inline && not (isBotRes res)
+ -- Don't strictness-analyse NOINLINE things. Why not? Because
+ -- the NOINLINE says "don't expose any of the inner workings at the call
+ -- site" and the strictness is certainly an inner working.
+ --
+ -- More concretely, the demand analyser discovers the following strictness
+ -- for unsafePerformIO: C(U(AV))
+ -- But then consider
+ -- unsafePerformIO (\s -> let r = f x in
+ -- case writeIORef v r s of (# s1, _ #) ->
+ -- (# s1, r #)
+ -- The strictness analyser will find that the binding for r is strict,
+ -- (becuase of uPIO's strictness sig), and so it'll evaluate it before
+ -- doing the writeIORef. This actually makes tests/lib/should_run/memo002
+ -- get a deadlock!
+ --
+ -- Solution: don't expose the strictness of unsafePerformIO.
+ --
+ -- But we do want to expose the strictness of error functions,
+ -- which are also often marked NOINLINE
+ -- {-# NOINLINE foo #-}
+ -- foo x = error ("wubble buggle" ++ x)
+ -- So (hack, hack) we only drop the strictness for non-bottom things
+ -- This is all very unsatisfactory.
+ = (deferEnv fv, topSig)
+ | otherwise
+ = (lazy_fv, mkStrictSig dmd_ty)
+ where
+ dmd_ty = DmdType strict_fv final_dmds res'
+ lazy_fv = filterUFM (not . isStrictDmd) fv
+ strict_fv = filterUFM isStrictDmd fv
+ -- We put the strict FVs in the DmdType of the Id, so
+ -- that at its call sites we unleash demands on its strict fvs.
+ -- An example is 'roll' in imaginary/wheel-sieve2
+ -- Something like this:
+ -- roll x = letrec
+ -- go y = if ... then roll (x-1) else x+1
+ -- in
+ -- go ms
+ -- We want to see that roll is strict in x, which is because
+ -- go is called. So we put the DmdEnv for x in go's DmdType.
+ --
+ -- Another example:
+ -- f :: Int -> Int -> Int
+ -- f x y = let t = x+1
+ -- h z = if z==0 then t else
+ -- if z==1 then x+1 else
+ -- x + h (z-1)
+ -- in
+ -- h y
+ -- Calling h does indeed evaluate x, but we can only see
+ -- that if we unleash a demand on x at the call site for t.
+ --
+ -- Incidentally, here's a place where lambda-lifting h would
+ -- lose the cigar --- we couldn't see the joint strictness in t/x
+ --
+ -- We don't want to put *all* the fv's from the RHS into the
+ -- DmdType, because that makes fixpointing very slow --- the
+ -- DmdType gets full of lazy demands that are slow to converge.
+ final_dmds = setUnpackStrategy dmds
+ -- Set the unpacking strategy
+ res' = case res of
+ RetCPR | ignore_cpr_info -> TopRes
+ other -> res
+ ignore_cpr_info = not (exprIsHNF rhs || thunk_cpr_ok)
+The unpack strategy determines whether we'll *really* unpack the argument,
+or whether we'll just remember its strictness. If unpacking would give
+rise to a *lot* of worker args, we may decide not to unpack after all.
+setUnpackStrategy :: [Demand] -> [Demand]
+setUnpackStrategy ds
+ = snd (go (opt_MaxWorkerArgs - nonAbsentArgs ds) ds)
+ where
+ go :: Int -- Max number of args available for sub-components of [Demand]
+ -> [Demand]
+ -> (Int, [Demand]) -- Args remaining after subcomponents of [Demand] are unpacked
+ go n (Eval (Prod cs) : ds)
+ | n' >= 0 = Eval (Prod cs') `cons` go n'' ds
+ | otherwise = Box (Eval (Prod cs)) `cons` go n ds
+ where
+ (n'',cs') = go n' cs
+ n' = n + 1 - non_abs_args
+ -- Add one to the budget 'cos we drop the top-level arg
+ non_abs_args = nonAbsentArgs cs
+ -- Delete # of non-absent args to which we'll now be committed
+ go n (d:ds) = d `cons` go n ds
+ go n [] = (n,[])
+ cons d (n,ds) = (n, d:ds)
+nonAbsentArgs :: [Demand] -> Int
+nonAbsentArgs [] = 0
+nonAbsentArgs (Abs : ds) = nonAbsentArgs ds
+nonAbsentArgs (d : ds) = 1 + nonAbsentArgs ds
+%* *
+\subsection{Strictness signatures and types}
+%* *
+splitDmdTy :: DmdType -> (Demand, DmdType)
+-- Split off one function argument
+-- We already have a suitable demand on all
+-- free vars, so no need to add more!
+splitDmdTy (DmdType fv (dmd:dmds) res_ty) = (dmd, DmdType fv dmds res_ty)
+splitDmdTy ty@(DmdType fv [] res_ty) = (resTypeArgDmd res_ty, ty)
+unitVarDmd var dmd = DmdType (unitVarEnv var dmd) [] TopRes
+addVarDmd top_lvl dmd_ty@(DmdType fv ds res) var dmd
+ | isTopLevel top_lvl = dmd_ty -- Don't record top level things
+ | otherwise = DmdType (extendVarEnv fv var dmd) ds res
+addLazyFVs (DmdType fv ds res) lazy_fvs
+ = DmdType both_fv1 ds res
+ where
+ both_fv = (plusUFM_C both fv lazy_fvs)
+ both_fv1 = modifyEnv (isBotRes res) (`both` Bot) lazy_fvs fv both_fv
+ -- This modifyEnv is vital. Consider
+ -- let f = \x -> (x,y)
+ -- in error (f 3)
+ -- Here, y is treated as a lazy-fv of f, but we must `both` that L
+ -- demand with the bottom coming up from 'error'
+ --
+ -- I got a loop in the fixpointer without this, due to an interaction
+ -- with the lazy_fv filtering in mkSigTy. Roughly, it was
+ -- letrec f n x
+ -- = letrec g y = x `fatbar`
+ -- letrec h z = z + ...g...
+ -- in h (f (n-1) x)
+ -- in ...
+ -- In the initial iteration for f, f=Bot
+ -- Suppose h is found to be strict in z, but the occurrence of g in its RHS
+ -- is lazy. Now consider the fixpoint iteration for g, esp the demands it
+ -- places on its free variables. Suppose it places none. Then the
+ -- x `fatbar` to h...
+ -- will give a x->V demand for x. That turns into a L demand for x,
+ -- which floats out of the defn for h. Without the modifyEnv, that
+ -- L demand doesn't get both'd with the Bot coming up from the inner
+ -- call to f. So we just get an L demand for x for g.
+ --
+ -- A better way to say this is that the lazy-fv filtering should give the
+ -- same answer as putting the lazy fv demands in the function's type.
+annotateBndr :: DmdType -> Var -> (DmdType, Var)
+-- The returned env has the var deleted
+-- The returned var is annotated with demand info
+-- No effect on the argument demands
+annotateBndr dmd_ty@(DmdType fv ds res) var
+ | isTyVar var = (dmd_ty, var)
+ | otherwise = (DmdType fv' ds res, setIdNewDemandInfo var dmd)
+ where
+ (fv', dmd) = removeFV fv var res
+annotateBndrs = mapAccumR annotateBndr
+annotateLamIdBndr dmd_ty@(DmdType fv ds res) id
+-- For lambdas we add the demand to the argument demands
+-- Only called for Ids
+ = ASSERT( isId id )
+ (DmdType fv' (hacked_dmd:ds) res, setIdNewDemandInfo id hacked_dmd)
+ where
+ (fv', dmd) = removeFV fv id res
+ hacked_dmd = argDemand dmd
+ -- This call to argDemand is vital, because otherwise we label
+ -- a lambda binder with demand 'B'. But in terms of calling
+ -- conventions that's Abs, because we don't pass it. But
+ -- when we do a w/w split we get
+ -- fw x = (\x y:B -> ...) x (error "oops")
+ -- And then the simplifier things the 'B' is a strict demand
+ -- and evaluates the (error "oops"). Sigh
+removeFV fv id res = (fv', zapUnlifted id dmd)
+ where
+ fv' = fv `delVarEnv` id
+ dmd = lookupVarEnv fv id `orElse` deflt
+ deflt | isBotRes res = Bot
+ | otherwise = Abs
+-- For unlifted-type variables, we are only
+-- interested in Bot/Abs/Box Abs
+zapUnlifted is Bot = Bot
+zapUnlifted id Abs = Abs
+zapUnlifted id dmd | isUnLiftedType (idType id) = lazyDmd
+ | otherwise = dmd
+%* *
+\subsection{Strictness signatures}
+%* *
+type SigEnv = VarEnv (StrictSig, TopLevelFlag)
+ -- We use the SigEnv to tell us whether to
+ -- record info about a variable in the DmdEnv
+ -- We do so if it's a LocalId, but not top-level
+ --
+ -- The DmdEnv gives the demand on the free vars of the function
+ -- when it is given enough args to satisfy the strictness signature
+emptySigEnv = emptyVarEnv
+extendSigEnv :: TopLevelFlag -> SigEnv -> Id -> StrictSig -> SigEnv
+extendSigEnv top_lvl env var sig = extendVarEnv env var (sig, top_lvl)
+extendSigEnvList = extendVarEnvList
+extendSigsWithLam :: SigEnv -> Id -> SigEnv
+-- Extend the SigEnv when we meet a lambda binder
+-- If the binder is marked demanded with a product demand, then give it a CPR
+-- signature, because in the likely event that this is a lambda on a fn defn
+-- [we only use this when the lambda is being consumed with a call demand],
+-- it'll be w/w'd and so it will be CPR-ish. E.g.
+-- f = \x::(Int,Int). if ...strict in x... then
+-- x
+-- else
+-- (a,b)
+-- We want f to have the CPR property because x does, by the time f has been w/w'd
+-- Also note that we only want to do this for something that
+-- definitely has product type, else we may get over-optimistic
+-- CPR results (e.g. from \x -> x!).
+extendSigsWithLam sigs id
+ = case idNewDemandInfo_maybe id of
+ Nothing -> extendVarEnv sigs id (cprSig, NotTopLevel)
+ -- Optimistic in the Nothing case;
+ -- See notes [CPR-AND-STRICTNESS]
+ Just (Eval (Prod ds)) -> extendVarEnv sigs id (cprSig, NotTopLevel)
+ other -> sigs
+dmdTransform :: SigEnv -- The strictness environment
+ -> Id -- The function
+ -> Demand -- The demand on the function
+ -> DmdType -- The demand type of the function in this context
+ -- Returned DmdEnv includes the demand on
+ -- this function plus demand on its free variables
+dmdTransform sigs var dmd
+ | isDataConWorkId var -- Data constructor
+ = let
+ StrictSig dmd_ty = idNewStrictness var -- It must have a strictness sig
+ DmdType _ _ con_res = dmd_ty
+ arity = idArity var
+ in
+ if arity == call_depth then -- Saturated, so unleash the demand
+ let
+ -- Important! If we Keep the constructor application, then
+ -- we need the demands the constructor places (always lazy)
+ -- If not, we don't need to. For example:
+ -- f p@(x,y) = (p,y) -- S(AL)
+ -- g a b = f (a,b)
+ -- It's vital that we don't calculate Absent for a!
+ dmd_ds = case res_dmd of
+ Box (Eval ds) -> mapDmds box ds
+ Eval ds -> ds
+ other -> Poly Top
+ -- ds can be empty, when we are just seq'ing the thing
+ -- If so we must make up a suitable bunch of demands
+ arg_ds = case dmd_ds of
+ Poly d -> replicate arity d
+ Prod ds -> ASSERT( ds `lengthIs` arity ) ds
+ in
+ mkDmdType emptyDmdEnv arg_ds con_res
+ -- Must remember whether it's a product, hence con_res, not TopRes
+ else
+ topDmdType
+ | isGlobalId var, -- Imported function
+ let StrictSig dmd_ty = idNewStrictness var
+ = if dmdTypeDepth dmd_ty <= call_depth then -- Saturated, so unleash the demand
+ dmd_ty
+ else
+ topDmdType
+ | Just (StrictSig dmd_ty, top_lvl) <- lookupVarEnv sigs var
+ = let
+ fn_ty | dmdTypeDepth dmd_ty <= call_depth = dmd_ty
+ | otherwise = deferType dmd_ty
+ -- NB: it's important to use deferType, and not just return topDmdType
+ -- Consider let { f x y = p + x } in f 1
+ -- The application isn't saturated, but we must nevertheless propagate
+ -- a lazy demand for p!
+ in
+ addVarDmd top_lvl fn_ty var dmd
+ | otherwise -- Default case
+ = unitVarDmd var dmd
+ where
+ (call_depth, res_dmd) = splitCallDmd dmd
+%* *
+%* *
+splitCallDmd :: Demand -> (Int, Demand)
+splitCallDmd (Call d) = case splitCallDmd d of
+ (n, r) -> (n+1, r)
+splitCallDmd d = (0, d)
+vanillaCall :: Arity -> Demand
+vanillaCall 0 = evalDmd
+vanillaCall n = Call (vanillaCall (n-1))
+deferType :: DmdType -> DmdType
+deferType (DmdType fv _ _) = DmdType (deferEnv fv) [] TopRes
+ -- Notice that we throw away info about both arguments and results
+ -- For example, f = let ... in \x -> x
+ -- We don't want to get a stricness type V->T for f.
+ -- Peter??
+deferEnv :: DmdEnv -> DmdEnv
+deferEnv fv = mapVarEnv defer fv
+argDemand :: Demand -> Demand
+-- The 'Defer' demands are just Lazy at function boundaries
+-- Ugly! Ask John how to improve it.
+argDemand Top = lazyDmd
+argDemand (Defer d) = lazyDmd
+argDemand (Eval ds) = Eval (mapDmds argDemand ds)
+argDemand (Box Bot) = evalDmd
+argDemand (Box d) = box (argDemand d)
+argDemand Bot = Abs -- Don't pass args that are consumed (only) by bottom
+argDemand d = d
+-- Consider (if x then y else []) with demand V
+-- Then the first branch gives {y->V} and the second
+-- *implicitly* has {y->A}. So we must put {y->(V `lub` A)}
+-- in the result env.
+lubType (DmdType fv1 ds1 r1) (DmdType fv2 ds2 r2)
+ = DmdType lub_fv2 (lub_ds ds1 ds2) (r1 `lubRes` r2)
+ where
+ lub_fv = plusUFM_C lub fv1 fv2
+ lub_fv1 = modifyEnv (not (isBotRes r1)) absLub fv2 fv1 lub_fv
+ lub_fv2 = modifyEnv (not (isBotRes r2)) absLub fv1 fv2 lub_fv1
+ -- lub is the identity for Bot
+ -- Extend the shorter argument list to match the longer
+ lub_ds (d1:ds1) (d2:ds2) = lub d1 d2 : lub_ds ds1 ds2
+ lub_ds [] [] = []
+ lub_ds ds1 [] = map (`lub` resTypeArgDmd r2) ds1
+ lub_ds [] ds2 = map (resTypeArgDmd r1 `lub`) ds2
+-- (t1 `bothType` t2) takes the argument/result info from t1,
+-- using t2 just for its free-var info
+-- NB: Don't forget about r2! It might be BotRes, which is
+-- a bottom demand on all the in-scope variables.
+-- Peter: can this be done more neatly?
+bothType (DmdType fv1 ds1 r1) (DmdType fv2 ds2 r2)
+ = DmdType both_fv2 ds1 (r1 `bothRes` r2)
+ where
+ both_fv = plusUFM_C both fv1 fv2
+ both_fv1 = modifyEnv (isBotRes r1) (`both` Bot) fv2 fv1 both_fv
+ both_fv2 = modifyEnv (isBotRes r2) (`both` Bot) fv1 fv2 both_fv1
+ -- both is the identity for Abs
+lubRes BotRes r = r
+lubRes r BotRes = r
+lubRes RetCPR RetCPR = RetCPR
+lubRes r1 r2 = TopRes
+-- If either diverges, the whole thing does
+-- Otherwise take CPR info from the first
+bothRes r1 BotRes = BotRes
+bothRes r1 r2 = r1
+modifyEnv :: Bool -- No-op if False
+ -> (Demand -> Demand) -- The zapper
+ -> DmdEnv -> DmdEnv -- Env1 and Env2
+ -> DmdEnv -> DmdEnv -- Transform this env
+ -- Zap anything in Env1 but not in Env2
+ -- Assume: dom(env) includes dom(Env1) and dom(Env2)
+modifyEnv need_to_modify zapper env1 env2 env
+ | need_to_modify = foldr zap env (keysUFM (env1 `minusUFM` env2))
+ | otherwise = env
+ where
+ zap uniq env = addToUFM_Directly env uniq (zapper current_val)
+ where
+ current_val = expectJust "modifyEnv" (lookupUFM_Directly env uniq)
+%* *
+\subsection{LUB and BOTH}
+%* *
+lub :: Demand -> Demand -> Demand
+lub Bot d2 = d2
+lub Abs d2 = absLub d2
+lub Top d2 = Top
+lub (Defer ds1) d2 = defer (Eval ds1 `lub` d2)
+lub (Call d1) (Call d2) = Call (d1 `lub` d2)
+lub d1@(Call _) (Box d2) = d1 `lub` d2 -- Just strip the box
+lub d1@(Call _) d2@(Eval _) = d2 -- Presumably seq or vanilla eval
+lub d1@(Call _) d2 = d2 `lub` d1 -- Bot, Abs, Top
+-- For the Eval case, we use these approximation rules
+-- Box Bot <= Eval (Box Bot ...)
+-- Box Top <= Defer (Box Bot ...)
+-- Box (Eval ds) <= Eval (map Box ds)
+lub (Eval ds1) (Eval ds2) = Eval (ds1 `lubs` ds2)
+lub (Eval ds1) (Box Bot) = Eval (mapDmds (`lub` Box Bot) ds1)
+lub (Eval ds1) (Box (Eval ds2)) = Eval (ds1 `lubs` mapDmds box ds2)
+lub (Eval ds1) (Box Abs) = deferEval (mapDmds (`lub` Box Bot) ds1)
+lub d1@(Eval _) d2 = d2 `lub` d1 -- Bot,Abs,Top,Call,Defer
+lub (Box d1) (Box d2) = box (d1 `lub` d2)
+lub d1@(Box _) d2 = d2 `lub` d1
+lubs = zipWithDmds lub
+-- box is the smart constructor for Box
+-- It computes <B,bot> & d
+-- INVARIANT: (Box d) => d = Bot, Abs, Eval
+-- Seems to be no point in allowing (Box (Call d))
+box (Call d) = Call d -- The odd man out. Why?
+box (Box d) = Box d
+box (Defer _) = lazyDmd
+box Top = lazyDmd -- Box Abs and Box Top
+box Abs = lazyDmd -- are the same <B,L>
+box d = Box d -- Bot, Eval
+defer :: Demand -> Demand
+-- defer is the smart constructor for Defer
+-- The idea is that (Defer ds) = <U(ds), L>
+-- It specifies what happens at a lazy function argument
+-- or a lambda; the L* operator
+-- Set the strictness part to L, but leave
+-- the boxity side unaffected
+-- It also ensures that Defer (Eval [LLLL]) = L
+defer Bot = Abs
+defer Abs = Abs
+defer Top = Top
+defer (Call _) = lazyDmd -- Approximation here?
+defer (Box _) = lazyDmd
+defer (Defer ds) = Defer ds
+defer (Eval ds) = deferEval ds
+-- deferEval ds = defer (Eval ds)
+deferEval ds | allTop ds = Top
+ | otherwise = Defer ds
+absLub :: Demand -> Demand
+-- Computes (Abs `lub` d)
+-- For the Bot case consider
+-- f x y = if ... then x else error x
+-- Then for y we get Abs `lub` Bot, and we really
+-- want Abs overall
+absLub Bot = Abs
+absLub Abs = Abs
+absLub Top = Top
+absLub (Call _) = Top
+absLub (Box _) = Top
+absLub (Eval ds) = Defer (absLubs ds) -- Or (Defer ds)?
+absLub (Defer ds) = Defer (absLubs ds) -- Or (Defer ds)?
+absLubs = mapDmds absLub
+both :: Demand -> Demand -> Demand
+both Abs d2 = d2
+both Bot Bot = Bot
+both Bot Abs = Bot
+both Bot (Eval ds) = Eval (mapDmds (`both` Bot) ds)
+ -- Consider
+ -- f x = error x
+ -- From 'error' itself we get demand Bot on x
+ -- From the arg demand on x we get
+ -- x :-> evalDmd = Box (Eval (Poly Abs))
+ -- So we get Bot `both` Box (Eval (Poly Abs))
+ -- = Seq Keep (Poly Bot)
+ --
+ -- Consider also
+ -- f x = if ... then error (fst x) else fst x
+ -- Then we get (Eval (Box Bot, Bot) `lub` Eval (SA))
+ -- = Eval (SA)
+ -- which is what we want.
+both Bot d = errDmd
+both Top Bot = errDmd
+both Top Abs = Top
+both Top Top = Top
+both Top (Box d) = Box d
+both Top (Call d) = Call d
+both Top (Eval ds) = Eval (mapDmds (`both` Top) ds)
+both Top (Defer ds) -- = defer (Top `both` Eval ds)
+ -- = defer (Eval (mapDmds (`both` Top) ds))
+ = deferEval (mapDmds (`both` Top) ds)
+both (Box d1) (Box d2) = box (d1 `both` d2)
+both (Box d1) d2@(Call _) = box (d1 `both` d2)
+both (Box d1) d2@(Eval _) = box (d1 `both` d2)
+both (Box d1) (Defer d2) = Box d1
+both d1@(Box _) d2 = d2 `both` d1
+both (Call d1) (Call d2) = Call (d1 `both` d2)
+both (Call d1) (Eval ds2) = Call d1 -- Could do better for (Poly Bot)?
+both (Call d1) (Defer ds2) = Call d1 -- Ditto
+both d1@(Call _) d2 = d1 `both` d1
+both (Eval ds1) (Eval ds2) = Eval (ds1 `boths` ds2)
+both (Eval ds1) (Defer ds2) = Eval (ds1 `boths` mapDmds defer ds2)
+both d1@(Eval ds1) d2 = d2 `both` d1
+both (Defer ds1) (Defer ds2) = deferEval (ds1 `boths` ds2)
+both d1@(Defer ds1) d2 = d2 `both` d1
+boths = zipWithDmds both
+%* *
+%* *
+get_changes binds = vcat (map get_changes_bind binds)
+get_changes_bind (Rec pairs) = vcat (map get_changes_pr pairs)
+get_changes_bind (NonRec id rhs) = get_changes_pr (id,rhs)
+get_changes_pr (id,rhs)
+ = get_changes_var id $$ get_changes_expr rhs
+get_changes_var var
+ | isId var = get_changes_str var $$ get_changes_dmd var
+ | otherwise = empty
+get_changes_expr (Type t) = empty
+get_changes_expr (Var v) = empty
+get_changes_expr (Lit l) = empty
+get_changes_expr (Note n e) = get_changes_expr e
+get_changes_expr (App e1 e2) = get_changes_expr e1 $$ get_changes_expr e2
+get_changes_expr (Lam b e) = {- get_changes_var b $$ -} get_changes_expr e
+get_changes_expr (Let b e) = get_changes_bind b $$ get_changes_expr e
+get_changes_expr (Case e b a) = get_changes_expr e $$ {- get_changes_var b $$ -} vcat (map get_changes_alt a)
+get_changes_alt (con,bs,rhs) = {- vcat (map get_changes_var bs) $$ -} get_changes_expr rhs
+get_changes_str id
+ | new_better && old_better = empty
+ | new_better = message "BETTER"
+ | old_better = message "WORSE"
+ | otherwise = message "INCOMPARABLE"
+ where
+ message word = text word <+> text "strictness for" <+> ppr id <+> info
+ info = (text "Old" <+> ppr old) $$ (text "New" <+> ppr new)
+ new = squashSig (idNewStrictness id) -- Don't report spurious diffs that the old
+ -- strictness analyser can't track
+ old = newStrictnessFromOld (idName id) (idArity id) (idStrictness id) (idCprInfo id)
+ old_better = old `betterStrictness` new
+ new_better = new `betterStrictness` old
+get_changes_dmd id
+ | isUnLiftedType (idType id) = empty -- Not useful
+ | new_better && old_better = empty
+ | new_better = message "BETTER"
+ | old_better = message "WORSE"
+ | otherwise = message "INCOMPARABLE"
+ where
+ message word = text word <+> text "demand for" <+> ppr id <+> info
+ info = (text "Old" <+> ppr old) $$ (text "New" <+> ppr new)
+ new = squashDmd (argDemand (idNewDemandInfo id)) -- To avoid spurious improvements
+ -- A bit of a hack
+ old = newDemand (idDemandInfo id)
+ new_better = new `betterDemand` old
+ old_better = old `betterDemand` new
+betterStrictness :: StrictSig -> StrictSig -> Bool
+betterStrictness (StrictSig t1) (StrictSig t2) = betterDmdType t1 t2
+betterDmdType t1 t2 = (t1 `lubType` t2) == t2
+betterDemand :: Demand -> Demand -> Bool
+-- If d1 `better` d2, and d2 `better` d2, then d1==d2
+betterDemand d1 d2 = (d1 `lub` d2) == d2
+squashSig (StrictSig (DmdType fv ds res))
+ = StrictSig (DmdType emptyDmdEnv (map squashDmd ds) res)
+ where
+ -- squash just gets rid of call demands
+ -- which the old analyser doesn't track
+squashDmd (Call d) = evalDmd
+squashDmd (Box d) = Box (squashDmd d)
+squashDmd (Eval ds) = Eval (mapDmds squashDmd ds)
+squashDmd (Defer ds) = Defer (mapDmds squashDmd ds)
+squashDmd d = d
diff --git a/compiler/stranal/SaAbsInt.lhs b/compiler/stranal/SaAbsInt.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a6a79ec166
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/stranal/SaAbsInt.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,925 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1998
+\section[SaAbsInt]{Abstract interpreter for strictness analysis}
+-- If OLD_STRICTNESS is off, omit all exports
+module SaAbsInt () where
+module SaAbsInt (
+ findStrictness,
+ findDemand, findDemandAlts,
+ absEval,
+ widen,
+ fixpoint,
+ isBot
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import StaticFlags ( opt_AllStrict, opt_NumbersStrict )
+import CoreSyn
+import CoreUnfold ( maybeUnfoldingTemplate )
+import Id ( Id, idType, idUnfolding, isDataConWorkId_maybe,
+ idStrictness,
+ )
+import DataCon ( dataConTyCon, splitProductType_maybe, dataConRepArgTys )
+import IdInfo ( StrictnessInfo(..) )
+import Demand ( Demand(..), wwPrim, wwStrict, wwUnpack, wwLazy,
+ mkStrictnessInfo, isLazy
+ )
+import SaLib
+import TyCon ( isProductTyCon, isRecursiveTyCon )
+import Type ( splitTyConApp_maybe,
+ isUnLiftedType, Type )
+import TyCon ( tyConUnique )
+import PrelInfo ( numericTyKeys )
+import Util ( isIn, nOfThem, zipWithEqual, equalLength )
+import Outputable
+%* *
+\subsection[AbsVal-ops]{Operations on @AbsVals@}
+%* *
+Least upper bound, greatest lower bound.
+lub, glb :: AbsVal -> AbsVal -> AbsVal
+lub AbsBot val2 = val2
+lub val1 AbsBot = val1
+lub (AbsProd xs) (AbsProd ys) = AbsProd (zipWithEqual "lub" lub xs ys)
+lub _ _ = AbsTop -- Crude, but conservative
+ -- The crudity only shows up if there
+ -- are functions involved
+-- Slightly funny glb; for absence analysis only;
+-- AbsBot is the safe answer.
+-- Using anyBot rather than just testing for AbsBot is important.
+-- Consider:
+-- f = \a b -> ...
+-- g = \x y z -> case x of
+-- [] -> f x
+-- (p:ps) -> f p
+-- Now, the abstract value of the branches of the case will be an
+-- AbsFun, but when testing for z's absence we want to spot that it's
+-- an AbsFun which can't possibly return AbsBot. So when glb'ing we
+-- mustn't be too keen to bale out and return AbsBot; the anyBot test
+-- spots that (f x) can't possibly return AbsBot.
+-- We have also tripped over the following interesting case:
+-- case x of
+-- [] -> \y -> 1
+-- (p:ps) -> f
+-- Now, suppose f is bound to AbsTop. Does this expression mention z?
+-- Obviously not. But the case will take the glb of AbsTop (for f) and
+-- an AbsFun (for \y->1). We should not bale out and give AbsBot, because
+-- that would say that it *does* mention z (or anything else for that matter).
+-- Nor can we always return AbsTop, because the AbsFun might be something
+-- like (\y->z), which obviously does mention z. The point is that we're
+-- glbing two functions, and AbsTop is not actually the top of the function
+-- lattice. It is more like (\xyz -> x|y|z); that is, AbsTop returns
+-- poison iff any of its arguments do.
+-- Deal with functions specially, because AbsTop isn't the
+-- top of their domain.
+glb v1 v2
+ | is_fun v1 || is_fun v2
+ = if not (anyBot v1) && not (anyBot v2)
+ then
+ AbsTop
+ else
+ AbsBot
+ where
+ is_fun (AbsFun _ _) = True
+ is_fun (AbsApproxFun _ _) = True -- Not used, but the glb works ok
+ is_fun other = False
+-- The non-functional cases are quite straightforward
+glb (AbsProd xs) (AbsProd ys) = AbsProd (zipWithEqual "glb" glb xs ys)
+glb AbsTop v2 = v2
+glb v1 AbsTop = v1
+glb _ _ = AbsBot -- Be pessimistic
+@isBot@ returns True if its argument is (a representation of) bottom. The
+``representation'' part is because we need to detect the bottom {\em function}
+too. To detect the bottom function, bind its args to top, and see if it
+returns bottom.
+Used only in strictness analysis:
+isBot :: AbsVal -> Bool
+isBot AbsBot = True
+isBot other = False -- Functions aren't bottom any more
+Used only in absence analysis:
+anyBot :: AbsVal -> Bool
+anyBot AbsBot = True -- poisoned!
+anyBot AbsTop = False
+anyBot (AbsProd vals) = any anyBot vals
+anyBot (AbsFun bndr_ty abs_fn) = anyBot (abs_fn AbsTop)
+anyBot (AbsApproxFun _ val) = anyBot val
+@widen@ takes an @AbsVal@, $val$, and returns and @AbsVal@ which is
+approximated by $val$. Furthermore, the result has no @AbsFun@s in
+it, so it can be compared for equality by @sameVal@.
+widen :: AnalysisKind -> AbsVal -> AbsVal
+-- Widening is complicated by the fact that funtions are lifted
+widen StrAnal the_fn@(AbsFun bndr_ty _)
+ = case widened_body of
+ AbsApproxFun ds val -> AbsApproxFun (d : ds) val
+ where
+ d = findRecDemand str_fn abs_fn bndr_ty
+ str_fn val = isBot (foldl (absApply StrAnal) the_fn
+ (val : [AbsTop | d <- ds]))
+ other -> AbsApproxFun [d] widened_body
+ where
+ d = findRecDemand str_fn abs_fn bndr_ty
+ str_fn val = isBot (absApply StrAnal the_fn val)
+ where
+ widened_body = widen StrAnal (absApply StrAnal the_fn AbsTop)
+ abs_fn val = False -- Always says poison; so it looks as if
+ -- nothing is absent; safe
+{- OLD comment...
+ This stuff is now instead handled neatly by the fact that AbsApproxFun
+ contains an AbsVal inside it. SLPJ Jan 97
+ | isBot abs_body = AbsBot
+ -- It's worth checking for a function which is unconditionally
+ -- bottom. Consider
+ --
+ -- f x y = let g y = case x of ...
+ -- in (g ..) + (g ..)
+ --
+ -- Here, when we are considering strictness of f in x, we'll
+ -- evaluate the body of f with x bound to bottom. The current
+ -- strategy is to bind g to its *widened* value; without the isBot
+ -- (...) test above, we'd bind g to an AbsApproxFun, and deliver
+ -- Top, not Bot as the value of f's rhs. The test spots the
+ -- unconditional bottom-ness of g when x is bottom. (Another
+ -- alternative here would be to bind g to its exact abstract
+ -- value, but that entails lots of potential re-computation, at
+ -- every application of g.)
+widen StrAnal (AbsProd vals) = AbsProd (map (widen StrAnal) vals)
+widen StrAnal other_val = other_val
+widen AbsAnal the_fn@(AbsFun bndr_ty _)
+ | anyBot widened_body = AbsBot
+ -- In the absence-analysis case it's *essential* to check
+ -- that the function has no poison in its body. If it does,
+ -- anywhere, then the whole function is poisonous.
+ | otherwise
+ = case widened_body of
+ AbsApproxFun ds val -> AbsApproxFun (d : ds) val
+ where
+ d = findRecDemand str_fn abs_fn bndr_ty
+ abs_fn val = not (anyBot (foldl (absApply AbsAnal) the_fn
+ (val : [AbsTop | d <- ds])))
+ other -> AbsApproxFun [d] widened_body
+ where
+ d = findRecDemand str_fn abs_fn bndr_ty
+ abs_fn val = not (anyBot (absApply AbsAnal the_fn val))
+ where
+ widened_body = widen AbsAnal (absApply AbsAnal the_fn AbsTop)
+ str_fn val = True -- Always says non-termination;
+ -- that'll make findRecDemand peer into the
+ -- structure of the value.
+widen AbsAnal (AbsProd vals) = AbsProd (map (widen AbsAnal) vals)
+ -- It's desirable to do a good job of widening for product
+ -- values. Consider
+ --
+ -- let p = (x,y)
+ -- in ...(case p of (x,y) -> x)...
+ --
+ -- Now, is y absent in this expression? Currently the
+ -- analyser widens p before looking at p's scope, to avoid
+ -- lots of recomputation in the case where p is a function.
+ -- So if widening doesn't have a case for products, we'll
+ -- widen p to AbsBot (since when searching for absence in y we
+ -- bind y to poison ie AbsBot), and now we are lost.
+widen AbsAnal other_val = other_val
+-- WAS: if anyBot val then AbsBot else AbsTop
+-- Nowadays widen is doing a better job on functions for absence analysis.
+@crudeAbsWiden@ is used just for absence analysis, and always
+returns AbsTop or AbsBot, so it widens to a two-point domain
+crudeAbsWiden :: AbsVal -> AbsVal
+crudeAbsWiden val = if anyBot val then AbsBot else AbsTop
+@sameVal@ compares two abstract values for equality. It can't deal with
+@AbsFun@, but that should have been removed earlier in the day by @widen@.
+sameVal :: AbsVal -> AbsVal -> Bool -- Can't handle AbsFun!
+#ifdef DEBUG
+sameVal (AbsFun _ _) _ = panic "sameVal: AbsFun: arg1"
+sameVal _ (AbsFun _ _) = panic "sameVal: AbsFun: arg2"
+sameVal AbsBot AbsBot = True
+sameVal AbsBot other = False -- widen has reduced AbsFun bots to AbsBot
+sameVal AbsTop AbsTop = True
+sameVal AbsTop other = False -- Right?
+sameVal (AbsProd vals1) (AbsProd vals2) = and (zipWithEqual "sameVal" sameVal vals1 vals2)
+sameVal (AbsProd _) AbsTop = False
+sameVal (AbsProd _) AbsBot = False
+sameVal (AbsApproxFun str1 v1) (AbsApproxFun str2 v2) = str1 == str2 && sameVal v1 v2
+sameVal (AbsApproxFun _ _) AbsTop = False
+sameVal (AbsApproxFun _ _) AbsBot = False
+sameVal val1 val2 = panic "sameVal: type mismatch or AbsFun encountered"
+@evalStrictness@ compares a @Demand@ with an abstract value, returning
+@True@ iff the abstract value is {\em less defined} than the demand.
+(@True@ is the exciting answer; @False@ is always safe.)
+evalStrictness :: Demand
+ -> AbsVal
+ -> Bool -- True iff the value is sure
+ -- to be less defined than the Demand
+evalStrictness (WwLazy _) _ = False
+evalStrictness WwStrict val = isBot val
+evalStrictness WwEnum val = isBot val
+evalStrictness (WwUnpack _ demand_info) val
+ = case val of
+ AbsTop -> False
+ AbsBot -> True
+ AbsProd vals
+ | not (equalLength vals demand_info) -> pprTrace "TELL SIMON: evalStrictness" (ppr demand_info $$ ppr val)
+ False
+ | otherwise -> or (zipWithEqual "evalStrictness" evalStrictness demand_info vals)
+ _ -> pprTrace "evalStrictness?" empty False
+evalStrictness WwPrim val
+ = case val of
+ AbsTop -> False
+ AbsBot -> True -- Can happen: consider f (g x), where g is a
+ -- recursive function returning an Int# that diverges
+ other -> pprPanic "evalStrictness: WwPrim:" (ppr other)
+For absence analysis, we're interested in whether "poison" in the
+argument (ie a bottom therein) can propagate to the result of the
+function call; that is, whether the specified demand can {\em
+possibly} hit poison.
+evalAbsence (WwLazy True) _ = False -- Can't possibly hit poison
+ -- with Absent demand
+evalAbsence (WwUnpack _ demand_info) val
+ = case val of
+ AbsTop -> False -- No poison in here
+ AbsBot -> True -- Pure poison
+ AbsProd vals
+ | not (equalLength vals demand_info) -> pprTrace "TELL SIMON: evalAbsence" (ppr demand_info $$ ppr val)
+ True
+ | otherwise -> or (zipWithEqual "evalAbsence" evalAbsence demand_info vals)
+ _ -> pprTrace "TELL SIMON: evalAbsence"
+ (ppr demand_info $$ ppr val)
+ True
+evalAbsence other val = anyBot val
+ -- The demand is conservative; even "Lazy" *might* evaluate the
+ -- argument arbitrarily so we have to look everywhere for poison
+%* *
+\subsection[absEval]{Evaluate an expression in the abstract domain}
+%* *
+-- The isBottomingId stuf is now dealt with via the Id's strictness info
+-- absId anal var env | isBottomingId var
+-- = case anal of
+-- StrAnal -> AbsBot -- See discussion below
+-- AbsAnal -> AbsTop -- Just want to see if there's any poison in
+ -- error's arg
+absId anal var env
+ = case (lookupAbsValEnv env var,
+ isDataConWorkId_maybe var,
+ idStrictness var,
+ maybeUnfoldingTemplate (idUnfolding var)) of
+ (Just abs_val, _, _, _) ->
+ abs_val -- Bound in the environment
+ (_, Just data_con, _, _) | isProductTyCon tycon &&
+ not (isRecursiveTyCon tycon)
+ -> -- A product. We get infinite loops if we don't
+ -- check for recursive products!
+ -- The strictness info on the constructor
+ -- isn't expressive enough to contain its abstract value
+ productAbsVal (dataConRepArgTys data_con) []
+ where
+ tycon = dataConTyCon data_con
+ (_, _, NoStrictnessInfo, Just unfolding) ->
+ -- We have an unfolding for the expr
+ -- Assume the unfolding has no free variables since it
+ -- came from inside the Id
+ absEval anal unfolding env
+ -- Notice here that we only look in the unfolding if we don't
+ -- have strictness info (an unusual situation).
+ -- We could have chosen to look in the unfolding if it exists,
+ -- and only try the strictness info if it doesn't, and that would
+ -- give more accurate results, at the cost of re-abstract-interpreting
+ -- the unfolding every time.
+ -- We found only one place where the look-at-unfolding-first
+ -- method gave better results, which is in the definition of
+ -- showInt in the Prelude. In its defintion, fromIntegral is
+ -- not inlined (it's big) but ab-interp-ing its unfolding gave
+ -- a better result than looking at its strictness only.
+ -- showInt :: Integral a => a -> [Char] -> [Char]
+ -- ! {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 122 _S_
+ -- "U(U(U(U(SA)AAAAAAAAL)AA)AAAAASAAASA)" {...} _N_ _N_ #-}
+ -- --- 42,44 ----
+ -- showInt :: Integral a => a -> [Char] -> [Char]
+ -- ! {-# GHC_PRAGMA _A_ 1 _U_ 122 _S_
+ (_, _, strictness_info, _) ->
+ -- Includes NoUnfolding
+ -- Try the strictness info
+ absValFromStrictness anal strictness_info
+productAbsVal [] rev_abs_args = AbsProd (reverse rev_abs_args)
+productAbsVal (arg_ty : arg_tys) rev_abs_args = AbsFun arg_ty (\ abs_arg -> productAbsVal arg_tys (abs_arg : rev_abs_args))
+absEval :: AnalysisKind -> CoreExpr -> AbsValEnv -> AbsVal
+absEval anal (Type ty) env = AbsTop
+absEval anal (Var var) env = absId anal var env
+Discussion about error (following/quoting Lennart): Any expression
+'error e' is regarded as bottom (with HBC, with the -ffail-strict
+flag, on with -O).
+Regarding it as bottom gives much better strictness properties for
+some functions. E.g.
+ f [x] y = x+y
+ f (x:xs) y = f xs (x+y)
+ f [] _ = error "no match"
+ f [x] y = x+y
+ f (x:xs) y = f xs (x+y)
+is strict in y, which you really want. But, it may lead to
+transformations that turn a call to \tr{error} into non-termination.
+(The odds of this happening aren't good.)
+Things are a little different for absence analysis, because we want
+to make sure that any poison (?????)
+absEval anal (Lit _) env = AbsTop
+ -- Literals terminate (strictness) and are not poison (absence)
+absEval anal (Lam bndr body) env
+ | isTyVar bndr = absEval anal body env -- Type lambda
+ | otherwise = AbsFun (idType bndr) abs_fn -- Value lambda
+ where
+ abs_fn arg = absEval anal body (addOneToAbsValEnv env bndr arg)
+absEval anal (App expr (Type ty)) env
+ = absEval anal expr env -- Type appplication
+absEval anal (App f val_arg) env
+ = absApply anal (absEval anal f env) -- Value applicationn
+ (absEval anal val_arg env)
+absEval anal expr@(Case scrut case_bndr alts) env
+ = let
+ scrut_val = absEval anal scrut env
+ alts_env = addOneToAbsValEnv env case_bndr scrut_val
+ in
+ case (scrut_val, alts) of
+ (AbsBot, _) -> AbsBot
+ (AbsProd arg_vals, [(con, bndrs, rhs)])
+ | con /= DEFAULT ->
+ -- The scrutinee is a product value, so it must be of a single-constr
+ -- type; so the constructor in this alternative must be the right one
+ -- so we can go ahead and bind the constructor args to the components
+ -- of the product value.
+ ASSERT(equalLength arg_vals val_bndrs)
+ absEval anal rhs rhs_env
+ where
+ val_bndrs = filter isId bndrs
+ rhs_env = growAbsValEnvList alts_env (val_bndrs `zip` arg_vals)
+ other -> absEvalAlts anal alts alts_env
+For @Lets@ we widen the value we get. This is nothing to
+do with fixpointing. The reason is so that we don't get an explosion
+in the amount of computation. For example, consider:
+ let
+ g a = case a of
+ q1 -> ...
+ q2 -> ...
+ f x = case x of
+ p1 -> ...g r...
+ p2 -> ...g s...
+ in
+ f e
+If we bind @f@ and @g@ to their exact abstract value, then we'll
+``execute'' one call to @f@ and {\em two} calls to @g@. This can blow
+up exponentially. Widening cuts it off by making a fixed
+approximation to @f@ and @g@, so that the bodies of @f@ and @g@ are
+not evaluated again at all when they are called.
+Of course, this can lose useful joint strictness, which is sad. An
+alternative approach would be to try with a certain amount of ``fuel''
+and be prepared to bale out.
+absEval anal (Let (NonRec binder e1) e2) env
+ = let
+ new_env = addOneToAbsValEnv env binder (widen anal (absEval anal e1 env))
+ in
+ -- The binder of a NonRec should *not* be of unboxed type,
+ -- hence no need to strictly evaluate the Rhs.
+ absEval anal e2 new_env
+absEval anal (Let (Rec pairs) body) env
+ = let
+ (binders,rhss) = unzip pairs
+ rhs_vals = cheapFixpoint anal binders rhss env -- Returns widened values
+ new_env = growAbsValEnvList env (binders `zip` rhs_vals)
+ in
+ absEval anal body new_env
+absEval anal (Note (Coerce _ _) expr) env = AbsTop
+ -- Don't look inside coerces, becuase they
+ -- are usually recursive newtypes
+ -- (Could improve, for the error case, but we're about
+ -- to kill this analyser anyway.)
+absEval anal (Note note expr) env = absEval anal expr env
+absEvalAlts :: AnalysisKind -> [CoreAlt] -> AbsValEnv -> AbsVal
+absEvalAlts anal alts env
+ = combine anal (map go alts)
+ where
+ combine StrAnal = foldr1 lub -- Diverge only if all diverge
+ combine AbsAnal = foldr1 glb -- Find any poison
+ go (con, bndrs, rhs)
+ = absEval anal rhs rhs_env
+ where
+ rhs_env = growAbsValEnvList env (filter isId bndrs `zip` repeat AbsTop)
+%* *
+\subsection[absApply]{Apply an abstract function to an abstract argument}
+%* *
+Easy ones first:
+absApply :: AnalysisKind -> AbsVal -> AbsVal -> AbsVal
+absApply anal AbsBot arg = AbsBot
+ -- AbsBot represents the abstract bottom *function* too
+absApply StrAnal AbsTop arg = AbsTop
+absApply AbsAnal AbsTop arg = if anyBot arg
+ then AbsBot
+ else AbsTop
+ -- To be conservative, we have to assume that a function about
+ -- which we know nothing (AbsTop) might look at some part of
+ -- its argument
+An @AbsFun@ with only one more argument needed---bind it and eval the
+result. A @Lam@ with two or more args: return another @AbsFun@ with
+an augmented environment.
+absApply anal (AbsFun bndr_ty abs_fn) arg = abs_fn arg
+absApply StrAnal (AbsApproxFun (d:ds) val) arg
+ = case ds of
+ [] -> val'
+ other -> AbsApproxFun ds val' -- Result is non-bot if there are still args
+ where
+ val' | evalStrictness d arg = AbsBot
+ | otherwise = val
+absApply AbsAnal (AbsApproxFun (d:ds) val) arg
+ = if evalAbsence d arg
+ then AbsBot -- Poison in arg means poison in the application
+ else case ds of
+ [] -> val
+ other -> AbsApproxFun ds val
+#ifdef DEBUG
+absApply anal f@(AbsProd _) arg
+ = pprPanic ("absApply: Duff function: AbsProd." ++ show anal) ((ppr f) <+> (ppr arg))
+%* *
+\subsection[findStrictness]{Determine some binders' strictness}
+%* *
+findStrictness :: Id
+ -> AbsVal -- Abstract strictness value of function
+ -> AbsVal -- Abstract absence value of function
+ -> StrictnessInfo -- Resulting strictness annotation
+findStrictness id (AbsApproxFun str_ds str_res) (AbsApproxFun abs_ds _)
+ -- You might think there's really no point in describing detailed
+ -- strictness for a divergent function;
+ -- If it's fully applied we get bottom regardless of the
+ -- argument. If it's not fully applied we don't get bottom.
+ -- Finally, we don't want to regard the args of a divergent function
+ -- as 'interesting' for inlining purposes (see Simplify.prepareArgs)
+ --
+ -- HOWEVER, if we make diverging functions appear lazy, they
+ -- don't get wrappers, and then we get dreadful reboxing.
+ -- See notes with WwLib.worthSplitting
+ = find_strictness id str_ds str_res abs_ds
+findStrictness id str_val abs_val
+ | isBot str_val = mkStrictnessInfo ([], True)
+ | otherwise = NoStrictnessInfo
+-- The list of absence demands passed to combineDemands
+-- can be shorter than the list of absence demands
+-- lookup = \ dEq -> letrec {
+-- lookup = \ key ds -> ...lookup...
+-- }
+-- in lookup
+-- Here the strictness value takes three args, but the absence value
+-- takes only one, for reasons I don't quite understand (see cheapFixpoint)
+find_strictness id orig_str_ds orig_str_res orig_abs_ds
+ = mkStrictnessInfo (go orig_str_ds orig_abs_ds, res_bot)
+ where
+ res_bot = isBot orig_str_res
+ go str_ds abs_ds = zipWith mk_dmd str_ds (abs_ds ++ repeat wwLazy)
+ mk_dmd str_dmd (WwLazy True)
+ = WARN( not (res_bot || isLazy str_dmd),
+ ppr id <+> ppr orig_str_ds <+> ppr orig_abs_ds )
+ -- If the arg isn't used we jolly well don't expect the function
+ -- to be strict in it. Unless the function diverges.
+ WwLazy True -- Best of all
+ mk_dmd (WwUnpack u str_ds)
+ (WwUnpack _ abs_ds) = WwUnpack u (go str_ds abs_ds)
+ mk_dmd str_dmd abs_dmd = str_dmd
+findDemand dmd str_env abs_env expr binder
+ = findRecDemand str_fn abs_fn (idType binder)
+ where
+ str_fn val = evalStrictness dmd (absEval StrAnal expr (addOneToAbsValEnv str_env binder val))
+ abs_fn val = not (evalAbsence dmd (absEval AbsAnal expr (addOneToAbsValEnv abs_env binder val)))
+findDemandAlts dmd str_env abs_env alts binder
+ = findRecDemand str_fn abs_fn (idType binder)
+ where
+ str_fn val = evalStrictness dmd (absEvalAlts StrAnal alts (addOneToAbsValEnv str_env binder val))
+ abs_fn val = not (evalAbsence dmd (absEvalAlts AbsAnal alts (addOneToAbsValEnv abs_env binder val)))
+@findRecDemand@ is where we finally convert strictness/absence info
+into ``Demands'' which we can pin on Ids (etc.).
+NOTE: What do we do if something is {\em both} strict and absent?
+Should \tr{f x y z = error "foo"} says that \tr{f}'s arguments are all
+strict (because of bottoming effect of \tr{error}) or all absent
+(because they're not used)?
+Well, for practical reasons, we prefer absence over strictness. In
+particular, it makes the ``default defaults'' for class methods (the
+ones that say \tr{ dict = error "I don't exist"}) come out
+nicely [saying ``the dict isn't used''], rather than saying it is
+strict in every component of the dictionary [massive gratuitious
+casing to take the dict apart].
+But you could have examples where going for strictness would be better
+than absence. Consider:
+ let x = something big
+ in
+ f x y z + g x
+If \tr{x} is marked absent in \tr{f}, but not strict, and \tr{g} is
+lazy, then the thunk for \tr{x} will be built. If \tr{f} was strict,
+then we'd let-to-case it:
+ case something big of
+ x -> f x y z + g x
+Ho hum.
+findRecDemand :: (AbsVal -> Bool) -- True => function applied to this value yields Bot
+ -> (AbsVal -> Bool) -- True => function applied to this value yields no poison
+ -> Type -- The type of the argument
+ -> Demand
+findRecDemand str_fn abs_fn ty
+ = if isUnLiftedType ty then -- It's a primitive type!
+ wwPrim
+ else if abs_fn AbsBot then -- It's absent
+ -- We prefer absence over strictness: see NOTE above.
+ WwLazy True
+ else if not (opt_AllStrict ||
+ (opt_NumbersStrict && is_numeric_type ty) ||
+ str_fn AbsBot) then
+ WwLazy False -- It's not strict and we're not pretending
+ else -- It's strict (or we're pretending it is)!
+ case splitProductType_maybe ty of
+ Nothing -> wwStrict -- Could have a test for wwEnum, but
+ -- we don't exploit it yet, so don't bother
+ Just (tycon,_,data_con,cmpnt_tys) -- Single constructor case
+ | isRecursiveTyCon tycon -- Recursive data type; don't unpack
+ -> wwStrict -- (this applies to newtypes too:
+ -- e.g. data Void = MkVoid Void)
+ | null compt_strict_infos -- A nullary data type
+ -> wwStrict
+ | otherwise -- Some other data type
+ -> wwUnpack compt_strict_infos
+ where
+ prod_len = length cmpnt_tys
+ compt_strict_infos
+ = [ findRecDemand
+ (\ cmpnt_val ->
+ str_fn (mkMainlyTopProd prod_len i cmpnt_val)
+ )
+ (\ cmpnt_val ->
+ abs_fn (mkMainlyTopProd prod_len i cmpnt_val)
+ )
+ cmpnt_ty
+ | (cmpnt_ty, i) <- cmpnt_tys `zip` [1..] ]
+ where
+ is_numeric_type ty
+ = case (splitTyConApp_maybe ty) of -- NB: duplicates stuff done above
+ Nothing -> False
+ Just (tycon, _) -> tyConUnique tycon `is_elem` numericTyKeys
+ where
+ is_elem = isIn "is_numeric_type"
+ -- mkMainlyTopProd: make an AbsProd that is all AbsTops ("n"-1 of
+ -- them) except for a given value in the "i"th position.
+ mkMainlyTopProd :: Int -> Int -> AbsVal -> AbsVal
+ mkMainlyTopProd n i val
+ = let
+ befores = nOfThem (i-1) AbsTop
+ afters = nOfThem (n-i) AbsTop
+ in
+ AbsProd (befores ++ (val : afters))
+%* *
+\subsection[fixpoint]{Fixpointer for the strictness analyser}
+%* *
+The @fixpoint@ functions take a list of \tr{(binder, expr)} pairs, an
+environment, and returns the abstract value of each binder.
+The @cheapFixpoint@ function makes a conservative approximation,
+by binding each of the variables to Top in their own right hand sides.
+That allows us to make rapid progress, at the cost of a less-than-wonderful
+cheapFixpoint :: AnalysisKind -> [Id] -> [CoreExpr] -> AbsValEnv -> [AbsVal]
+cheapFixpoint AbsAnal [id] [rhs] env
+ = [crudeAbsWiden (absEval AbsAnal rhs new_env)]
+ where
+ new_env = addOneToAbsValEnv env id AbsTop -- Unsafe starting point!
+ -- In the just-one-binding case, we guarantee to
+ -- find a fixed point in just one iteration,
+ -- because we are using only a two-point domain.
+ -- This improves matters in cases like:
+ --
+ -- f x y = letrec g = ...g...
+ -- in g x
+ --
+ -- Here, y isn't used at all, but if g is bound to
+ -- AbsBot we simply get AbsBot as the next
+ -- iteration too.
+cheapFixpoint anal ids rhss env
+ = [widen anal (absEval anal rhs new_env) | rhs <- rhss]
+ -- We do just one iteration, starting from a safe
+ -- approximation. This won't do a good job in situations
+ -- like:
+ -- \x -> letrec f = ...g...
+ -- g = ...f...x...
+ -- in
+ -- ...f...
+ -- Here, f will end up bound to Top after one iteration,
+ -- and hence we won't spot the strictness in x.
+ -- (A second iteration would solve this. ToDo: try the effect of
+ -- really searching for a fixed point.)
+ where
+ new_env = growAbsValEnvList env [(id,safe_val) | id <- ids]
+ safe_val
+ = case anal of -- The safe starting point
+ StrAnal -> AbsTop
+ AbsAnal -> AbsBot
+fixpoint :: AnalysisKind -> [Id] -> [CoreExpr] -> AbsValEnv -> [AbsVal]
+fixpoint anal [] _ env = []
+fixpoint anal ids rhss env
+ = fix_loop initial_vals
+ where
+ initial_val id
+ = case anal of -- The (unsafe) starting point
+ AbsAnal -> AbsTop
+ StrAnal -> AbsBot
+ -- At one stage for StrAnal we said:
+ -- if (returnsRealWorld (idType id))
+ -- then AbsTop -- this is a massively horrible hack (SLPJ 95/05)
+ -- but no one has the foggiest idea what this hack did,
+ -- and returnsRealWorld was a stub that always returned False
+ -- So this comment is all that is left of the hack!
+ initial_vals = [ initial_val id | id <- ids ]
+ fix_loop :: [AbsVal] -> [AbsVal]
+ fix_loop current_widened_vals
+ = let
+ new_env = growAbsValEnvList env (ids `zip` current_widened_vals)
+ new_vals = [ absEval anal rhs new_env | rhs <- rhss ]
+ new_widened_vals = map (widen anal) new_vals
+ in
+ if (and (zipWith sameVal current_widened_vals new_widened_vals)) then
+ current_widened_vals
+ -- NB: I was too chicken to make that a zipWithEqual,
+ -- lest I jump into a black hole. WDP 96/02
+ -- Return the widened values. We might get a slightly
+ -- better value by returning new_vals (which we used to
+ -- do, see below), but alas that means that whenever the
+ -- function is called we have to re-execute it, which is
+ -- expensive.
+ -- new_vals
+ -- Return the un-widened values which may be a bit better
+ -- than the widened ones, and are guaranteed safe, since
+ -- they are one iteration beyond current_widened_vals,
+ -- which itself is a fixed point.
+ else
+ fix_loop new_widened_vals
+For absence analysis, we make do with a very very simple approach:
+look for convergence in a two-point domain.
+We used to use just one iteration, starting with the variables bound
+to @AbsBot@, which is safe.
+Prior to that, we used one iteration starting from @AbsTop@ (which
+isn't safe). Why isn't @AbsTop@ safe? Consider:
+ letrec
+ x = ...p..d...
+ d = (x,y)
+ in
+ ...
+Here, if p is @AbsBot@, then we'd better {\em not} end up with a ``fixed
+point'' of @d@ being @(AbsTop, AbsTop)@! An @AbsBot@ initial value is
+safe because it gives poison more often than really necessary, and
+thus may miss some absence, but will never claim absence when it ain't
+Anyway, one iteration starting with everything bound to @AbsBot@ give
+bad results for
+ f = \ x -> ...f...
+Here, f would always end up bound to @AbsBot@, which ain't very
+clever, because then it would introduce poison whenever it was
+applied. Much better to start with f bound to @AbsTop@, and widen it
+to @AbsBot@ if any poison shows up. In effect we look for convergence
+in the two-point @AbsTop@/@AbsBot@ domain.
+What we miss (compared with the cleverer strictness analysis) is
+spotting that in this case
+ f = \ x y -> ...y...(f x y')...
+\tr{x} is actually absent, since it is only passed round the loop, never
+used. But who cares about missing that?
+NB: despite only having a two-point domain, we may still have many
+iterations, because there are several variables involved at once.
+#endif /* OLD_STRICTNESS */
diff --git a/compiler/stranal/SaLib.lhs b/compiler/stranal/SaLib.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..338a351530
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/stranal/SaLib.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1998
+\section[SaLib]{Basic datatypes, functions for the strictness analyser}
+See also: the ``library'' for the ``back end'' (@SaBackLib@).
+module SaLib () where
+module SaLib (
+ AbsVal(..),
+ AnalysisKind(..),
+ AbsValEnv{-abstract-}, StrictEnv, AbsenceEnv,
+ mkAbsApproxFun,
+ nullAbsValEnv, addOneToAbsValEnv, growAbsValEnvList,
+ lookupAbsValEnv,
+ absValFromStrictness
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import Type ( Type )
+import VarEnv
+import IdInfo ( StrictnessInfo(..) )
+import Demand ( Demand )
+import Outputable
+%* *
+\subsection[AbsVal-datatype]{@AbsVal@: abstract values (and @AbsValEnv@)}
+%* *
+@AnalysisKind@ tells what kind of analysis is being done.
+data AnalysisKind
+ = StrAnal -- We're doing strictness analysis
+ | AbsAnal -- We're doing absence analysis
+ deriving Show
+@AbsVal@ is the data type of HNF abstract values.
+data AbsVal
+ = AbsTop -- AbsTop is the completely uninformative
+ -- value
+ | AbsBot -- An expression whose abstract value is
+ -- AbsBot is sure to fail to terminate.
+ -- AbsBot represents the abstract
+ -- *function* bottom too.
+ | AbsProd [AbsVal] -- (Lifted) product of abstract values
+ -- "Lifted" means that AbsBot is *different* from
+ -- AbsProd [AbsBot, ..., AbsBot]
+ | AbsFun -- An abstract function, with the given:
+ Type -- Type of the *argument* to the function
+ (AbsVal -> AbsVal) -- The function
+ | AbsApproxFun -- This is used to represent a coarse
+ [Demand] -- approximation to a function value. It's an
+ AbsVal -- abstract function which is strict in its
+ -- arguments if the Demand so indicates.
+ -- INVARIANT: the [Demand] is non-empty
+ -- AbsApproxFun has to take a *list* of demands, no just one,
+ -- because function spaces are now lifted. Hence, (f bot top)
+ -- might be bot, but the partial application (f bot) is a *function*,
+ -- not bot.
+mkAbsApproxFun :: Demand -> AbsVal -> AbsVal
+mkAbsApproxFun d (AbsApproxFun ds val) = AbsApproxFun (d:ds) val
+mkAbsApproxFun d val = AbsApproxFun [d] val
+instance Outputable AbsVal where
+ ppr AbsTop = ptext SLIT("AbsTop")
+ ppr AbsBot = ptext SLIT("AbsBot")
+ ppr (AbsProd prod) = hsep [ptext SLIT("AbsProd"), ppr prod]
+ ppr (AbsFun bndr_ty body) = ptext SLIT("AbsFun")
+ ppr (AbsApproxFun demands val)
+ = ptext SLIT("AbsApprox") <+> brackets (interpp'SP demands) <+> ppr val
+An @AbsValEnv@ maps @Ids@ to @AbsVals@. Any unbound @Ids@ are
+implicitly bound to @AbsTop@, the completely uninformative,
+pessimistic value---see @absEval@ of a @Var@.
+newtype AbsValEnv = AbsValEnv (IdEnv AbsVal)
+type StrictEnv = AbsValEnv -- Environment for strictness analysis
+type AbsenceEnv = AbsValEnv -- Environment for absence analysis
+nullAbsValEnv -- this is the one and only way to create AbsValEnvs
+ = AbsValEnv emptyVarEnv
+addOneToAbsValEnv (AbsValEnv idenv) y z = AbsValEnv (extendVarEnv idenv y z)
+growAbsValEnvList (AbsValEnv idenv) ys = AbsValEnv (extendVarEnvList idenv ys)
+lookupAbsValEnv (AbsValEnv idenv) y
+ = lookupVarEnv idenv y
+absValFromStrictness :: AnalysisKind -> StrictnessInfo -> AbsVal
+absValFromStrictness anal NoStrictnessInfo = AbsTop
+absValFromStrictness anal (StrictnessInfo args_info bot_result)
+ = case args_info of -- Check the invariant that the arg list on
+ [] -> res -- AbsApproxFun is non-empty
+ _ -> AbsApproxFun args_info res
+ where
+ res | not bot_result = AbsTop
+ | otherwise = case anal of
+ StrAnal -> AbsBot
+ AbsAnal -> AbsTop
+#endif /* OLD_STRICTNESS */
diff --git a/compiler/stranal/StrictAnal.lhs b/compiler/stranal/StrictAnal.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..242a947074
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/stranal/StrictAnal.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,494 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1998
+\section[StrictAnal]{``Simple'' Mycroft-style strictness analyser}
+The original version(s) of all strictness-analyser code (except the
+Semantique analyser) was written by Andy Gill.
+module StrictAnal ( ) where
+module StrictAnal ( saBinds ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import DynFlags ( DynFlags, DynFlag(..) )
+import CoreSyn
+import Id ( setIdStrictness, setInlinePragma,
+ idDemandInfo, setIdDemandInfo, isBottomingId,
+ Id
+ )
+import CoreLint ( showPass, endPass )
+import ErrUtils ( dumpIfSet_dyn )
+import SaAbsInt
+import SaLib
+import Demand ( Demand, wwStrict, isStrict, isLazy )
+import Util ( zipWith3Equal, stretchZipWith, compareLength )
+import BasicTypes ( Activation( NeverActive ) )
+import Outputable
+import FastTypes
+%* *
+\subsection[Thoughts]{Random thoughts}
+%* *
+A note about worker-wrappering. If we have
+ f :: Int -> Int
+ f = let v = <expensive>
+ in \x -> <body>
+and we deduce that f is strict, it is nevertheless NOT safe to worker-wapper to
+ f = \x -> case x of Int x# -> fw x#
+ fw = \x# -> let x = Int x#
+ in
+ let v = <expensive>
+ in <body>
+because this obviously loses laziness, since now <expensive>
+is done each time. Alas.
+WATCH OUT! This can mean that something is unboxed only to be
+boxed again. For example
+ g x y = f x
+Here g is strict, and *will* split into worker-wrapper. A call to
+g, with the wrapper inlined will then be
+ case arg of Int a# -> gw a#
+Now g calls f, which has no wrapper, so it has to box it.
+ gw = \a# -> f (Int a#)
+Alas and alack.
+%* *
+\subsection[iface-StrictAnal]{Interface to the outside world}
+%* *
+@saBinds@ decorates bindings with strictness info. A later
+worker-wrapper pass can use this info to create wrappers and
+strict workers.
+saBinds :: DynFlags -> [CoreBind] -> IO [CoreBind]
+saBinds dflags binds
+ = do {
+ showPass dflags "Strictness analysis";
+ -- Mark each binder with its strictness
+ let { (binds_w_strictness, sa_stats) = saTopBinds binds nullSaStats };
+ dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_simpl_stats "Strictness analysis statistics"
+ (pp_stats sa_stats);
+ let { binds_w_strictness = saTopBindsBinds binds };
+ endPass dflags "Strictness analysis" Opt_D_dump_stranal
+ binds_w_strictness
+ }
+%* *
+\subsection[saBinds]{Strictness analysis of bindings}
+%* *
+[Some of the documentation about types, etc., in \tr{SaLib} may be
+helpful for understanding this module.]
+@saTopBinds@ tags each binder in the program with its @Demand@.
+That tells how each binder is {\em used}; if @Strict@, then the binder
+is sure to be evaluated to HNF; if @NonStrict@ it may or may not be;
+if @Absent@, then it certainly is not used. [DATED; ToDo: update]
+(The above info is actually recorded for posterity in each binder's
+IdInfo, notably its @DemandInfo@.)
+We proceed by analysing the bindings top-to-bottom, building up an
+environment which maps @Id@s to their abstract values (i.e., an
+@AbsValEnv@ maps an @Id@ to its @AbsVal@).
+saTopBinds :: [CoreBind] -> SaM [CoreBind] -- not exported
+saTopBinds binds
+ = let
+ starting_abs_env = nullAbsValEnv
+ in
+ do_it starting_abs_env starting_abs_env binds
+ where
+ do_it _ _ [] = returnSa []
+ do_it senv aenv (b:bs)
+ = saTopBind senv aenv b `thenSa` \ (senv2, aenv2, new_b) ->
+ do_it senv2 aenv2 bs `thenSa` \ new_bs ->
+ returnSa (new_b : new_bs)
+@saTopBind@ is only used for the top level. We don't add any demand
+info to these ids because we can't work it out. In any case, it
+doesn't do us any good to know whether top-level binders are sure to
+be used; we can't turn top-level @let@s into @case@s.
+saTopBind :: StrictEnv -> AbsenceEnv
+ -> CoreBind
+ -> SaM (StrictEnv, AbsenceEnv, CoreBind)
+saTopBind str_env abs_env (NonRec binder rhs)
+ = saExpr minDemand str_env abs_env rhs `thenSa` \ new_rhs ->
+ let
+ str_rhs = absEval StrAnal rhs str_env
+ abs_rhs = absEval AbsAnal rhs abs_env
+ widened_str_rhs = widen StrAnal str_rhs
+ widened_abs_rhs = widen AbsAnal abs_rhs
+ -- The widening above is done for efficiency reasons.
+ -- See notes on Let case in SaAbsInt.lhs
+ new_binder
+ = addStrictnessInfoToTopId
+ widened_str_rhs widened_abs_rhs
+ binder
+ -- Augment environments with a mapping of the
+ -- binder to its abstract values, computed by absEval
+ new_str_env = addOneToAbsValEnv str_env binder widened_str_rhs
+ new_abs_env = addOneToAbsValEnv abs_env binder widened_abs_rhs
+ in
+ returnSa (new_str_env, new_abs_env, NonRec new_binder new_rhs)
+saTopBind str_env abs_env (Rec pairs)
+ = let
+ (binders,rhss) = unzip pairs
+ str_rhss = fixpoint StrAnal binders rhss str_env
+ abs_rhss = fixpoint AbsAnal binders rhss abs_env
+ -- fixpoint returns widened values
+ new_str_env = growAbsValEnvList str_env (binders `zip` str_rhss)
+ new_abs_env = growAbsValEnvList abs_env (binders `zip` abs_rhss)
+ new_binders = zipWith3Equal "saTopBind" addStrictnessInfoToTopId
+ str_rhss abs_rhss binders
+ in
+ mapSa (saExpr minDemand new_str_env new_abs_env) rhss `thenSa` \ new_rhss ->
+ let
+ new_pairs = new_binders `zip` new_rhss
+ in
+ returnSa (new_str_env, new_abs_env, Rec new_pairs)
+-- Hack alert!
+-- Top level divergent bindings are marked NOINLINE
+-- This avoids fruitless inlining of top level error functions
+addStrictnessInfoToTopId str_val abs_val bndr
+ = if isBottomingId new_id then
+ new_id `setInlinePragma` NeverActive
+ else
+ new_id
+ where
+ new_id = addStrictnessInfoToId str_val abs_val bndr
+%* *
+\subsection[saExpr]{Strictness analysis of an expression}
+%* *
+@saExpr@ computes the strictness of an expression within a given
+saExpr :: Demand -> StrictEnv -> AbsenceEnv -> CoreExpr -> SaM CoreExpr
+ -- The demand is the least demand we expect on the
+ -- expression. WwStrict is the least, because we're only
+ -- interested in the expression at all if it's being evaluated,
+ -- but the demand may be more. E.g.
+ -- f E
+ -- where f has strictness u(LL), will evaluate E with demand u(LL)
+minDemand = wwStrict
+minDemands = repeat minDemand
+-- When we find an application, do the arguments
+-- with demands gotten from the function
+saApp str_env abs_env (fun, args)
+ = sequenceSa sa_args `thenSa` \ args' ->
+ saExpr minDemand str_env abs_env fun `thenSa` \ fun' ->
+ returnSa (mkApps fun' args')
+ where
+ arg_dmds = case fun of
+ Var var -> case lookupAbsValEnv str_env var of
+ Just (AbsApproxFun ds _)
+ | compareLength ds args /= LT
+ -- 'ds' is at least as long as 'args'.
+ -> ds ++ minDemands
+ other -> minDemands
+ other -> minDemands
+ sa_args = stretchZipWith isTypeArg (error "saApp:dmd")
+ sa_arg args arg_dmds
+ -- The arg_dmds are for value args only, we need to skip
+ -- over the type args when pairing up with the demands
+ -- Hence the stretchZipWith
+ sa_arg arg dmd = saExpr dmd' str_env abs_env arg
+ where
+ -- Bring arg demand up to minDemand
+ dmd' | isLazy dmd = minDemand
+ | otherwise = dmd
+saExpr _ _ _ e@(Var _) = returnSa e
+saExpr _ _ _ e@(Lit _) = returnSa e
+saExpr _ _ _ e@(Type _) = returnSa e
+saExpr dmd str_env abs_env (Lam bndr body)
+ = -- Don't bother to set the demand-info on a lambda binder
+ -- We do that only for let(rec)-bound functions
+ saExpr minDemand str_env abs_env body `thenSa` \ new_body ->
+ returnSa (Lam bndr new_body)
+saExpr dmd str_env abs_env e@(App fun arg)
+ = saApp str_env abs_env (collectArgs e)
+saExpr dmd str_env abs_env (Note note expr)
+ = saExpr dmd str_env abs_env expr `thenSa` \ new_expr ->
+ returnSa (Note note new_expr)
+saExpr dmd str_env abs_env (Case expr case_bndr alts)
+ = saExpr minDemand str_env abs_env expr `thenSa` \ new_expr ->
+ mapSa sa_alt alts `thenSa` \ new_alts ->
+ let
+ new_case_bndr = addDemandInfoToCaseBndr dmd str_env abs_env alts case_bndr
+ in
+ returnSa (Case new_expr new_case_bndr new_alts)
+ where
+ sa_alt (con, binders, rhs)
+ = saExpr dmd str_env abs_env rhs `thenSa` \ new_rhs ->
+ let
+ new_binders = map add_demand_info binders
+ add_demand_info bndr | isTyVar bndr = bndr
+ | otherwise = addDemandInfoToId dmd str_env abs_env rhs bndr
+ in
+ tickCases new_binders `thenSa_` -- stats
+ returnSa (con, new_binders, new_rhs)
+saExpr dmd str_env abs_env (Let (NonRec binder rhs) body)
+ = -- Analyse the RHS in the environment at hand
+ let
+ -- Find the demand on the RHS
+ rhs_dmd = findDemand dmd str_env abs_env body binder
+ -- Bind this binder to the abstract value of the RHS; analyse
+ -- the body of the `let' in the extended environment.
+ str_rhs_val = absEval StrAnal rhs str_env
+ abs_rhs_val = absEval AbsAnal rhs abs_env
+ widened_str_rhs = widen StrAnal str_rhs_val
+ widened_abs_rhs = widen AbsAnal abs_rhs_val
+ -- The widening above is done for efficiency reasons.
+ -- See notes on Let case in SaAbsInt.lhs
+ new_str_env = addOneToAbsValEnv str_env binder widened_str_rhs
+ new_abs_env = addOneToAbsValEnv abs_env binder widened_abs_rhs
+ -- Now determine the strictness of this binder; use that info
+ -- to record DemandInfo/StrictnessInfo in the binder.
+ new_binder = addStrictnessInfoToId
+ widened_str_rhs widened_abs_rhs
+ (binder `setIdDemandInfo` rhs_dmd)
+ in
+ tickLet new_binder `thenSa_` -- stats
+ saExpr rhs_dmd str_env abs_env rhs `thenSa` \ new_rhs ->
+ saExpr dmd new_str_env new_abs_env body `thenSa` \ new_body ->
+ returnSa (Let (NonRec new_binder new_rhs) new_body)
+saExpr dmd str_env abs_env (Let (Rec pairs) body)
+ = let
+ (binders,rhss) = unzip pairs
+ str_vals = fixpoint StrAnal binders rhss str_env
+ abs_vals = fixpoint AbsAnal binders rhss abs_env
+ -- fixpoint returns widened values
+ new_str_env = growAbsValEnvList str_env (binders `zip` str_vals)
+ new_abs_env = growAbsValEnvList abs_env (binders `zip` abs_vals)
+ in
+ saExpr dmd new_str_env new_abs_env body `thenSa` \ new_body ->
+ mapSa (saExpr minDemand new_str_env new_abs_env) rhss `thenSa` \ new_rhss ->
+ let
+-- DON'T add demand info in a Rec!
+-- a) it's useless: we can't do let-to-case
+-- b) it's incorrect. Consider
+-- letrec x = ...y...
+-- y = ...x...
+-- in ...x...
+-- When we ask whether y is demanded we'll bind y to bottom and
+-- evaluate the body of the letrec. But that will result in our
+-- deciding that y is absent, which is plain wrong!
+-- It's much easier simply not to do this.
+ improved_binders = zipWith3Equal "saExpr" addStrictnessInfoToId
+ str_vals abs_vals binders
+ new_pairs = improved_binders `zip` new_rhss
+ in
+ returnSa (Let (Rec new_pairs) new_body)
+%* *
+\subsection[computeInfos]{Add computed info to binders}
+%* *
+Important note (Sept 93). @addStrictnessInfoToId@ is used only for
+let(rec) bound variables, and is use to attach the strictness (not
+demand) info to the binder. We are careful to restrict this
+strictness info to the lambda-bound arguments which are actually
+visible, at the top level, lest we accidentally lose laziness by
+eagerly looking for an "extra" argument. So we "dig for lambdas" in a
+rather syntactic way.
+A better idea might be to have some kind of arity analysis to
+tell how many args could safely be grabbed.
+ :: AbsVal -- Abstract strictness value
+ -> AbsVal -- Ditto absence
+ -> Id -- The id
+ -> Id -- Augmented with strictness
+addStrictnessInfoToId str_val abs_val binder
+ = binder `setIdStrictness` findStrictness binder str_val abs_val
+addDemandInfoToId :: Demand -> StrictEnv -> AbsenceEnv
+ -> CoreExpr -- The scope of the id
+ -> Id
+ -> Id -- Id augmented with Demand info
+addDemandInfoToId dmd str_env abs_env expr binder
+ = binder `setIdDemandInfo` (findDemand dmd str_env abs_env expr binder)
+addDemandInfoToCaseBndr dmd str_env abs_env alts binder
+ = binder `setIdDemandInfo` (findDemandAlts dmd str_env abs_env alts binder)
+%* *
+\subsection{Monad used herein for stats}
+%* *
+data SaStats
+ = SaStats FastInt FastInt -- total/marked-demanded lambda-bound
+ FastInt FastInt -- total/marked-demanded case-bound
+ FastInt FastInt -- total/marked-demanded let-bound
+ -- (excl. top-level; excl. letrecs)
+nullSaStats = SaStats (_ILIT 0) (_ILIT 0) (_ILIT 0) (_ILIT 0) (_ILIT 0) (_ILIT 0)
+thenSa :: SaM a -> (a -> SaM b) -> SaM b
+thenSa_ :: SaM a -> SaM b -> SaM b
+returnSa :: a -> SaM a
+{-# INLINE thenSa #-}
+{-# INLINE thenSa_ #-}
+{-# INLINE returnSa #-}
+tickLambda :: Id -> SaM ()
+tickCases :: [CoreBndr] -> SaM ()
+tickLet :: Id -> SaM ()
+type SaM a = SaStats -> (a, SaStats)
+thenSa expr cont stats
+ = case (expr stats) of { (result, stats1) ->
+ cont result stats1 }
+thenSa_ expr cont stats
+ = case (expr stats) of { (_, stats1) ->
+ cont stats1 }
+returnSa x stats = (x, stats)
+tickLambda var (SaStats tlam dlam tc dc tlet dlet)
+ = case (tick_demanded var (0,0)) of { (totB, demandedB) ->
+ let tot = iUnbox totB ; demanded = iUnbox demandedB
+ in
+ ((), SaStats (tlam +# tot) (dlam +# demanded) tc dc tlet dlet) }
+tickCases vars (SaStats tlam dlam tc dc tlet dlet)
+ = case (foldr tick_demanded (0,0) vars) of { (totB, demandedB) ->
+ let tot = iUnbox totB ; demanded = iUnbox demandedB
+ in
+ ((), SaStats tlam dlam (tc +# tot) (dc +# demanded) tlet dlet) }
+tickLet var (SaStats tlam dlam tc dc tlet dlet)
+ = case (tick_demanded var (0,0)) of { (totB, demandedB) ->
+ let tot = iUnbox totB ; demanded = iUnbox demandedB
+ in
+ ((), SaStats tlam dlam tc dc (tlet +# tot) (dlet +# demanded)) }
+tick_demanded var (tot, demanded)
+ | isTyVar var = (tot, demanded)
+ | otherwise
+ = (tot + 1,
+ if (isStrict (idDemandInfo var))
+ then demanded + 1
+ else demanded)
+pp_stats (SaStats tlam dlam tc dc tlet dlet)
+ = hcat [ptext SLIT("Lambda vars: "), int (iBox dlam), char '/', int (iBox tlam),
+ ptext SLIT("; Case vars: "), int (iBox dc), char '/', int (iBox tc),
+ ptext SLIT("; Let vars: "), int (iBox dlet), char '/', int (iBox tlet)
+ ]
+-- identity monad
+type SaM a = a
+thenSa expr cont = cont expr
+thenSa_ expr cont = cont
+returnSa x = x
+tickLambda var = panic "OMIT_STRANAL_STATS: tickLambda"
+tickCases vars = panic "OMIT_STRANAL_STATS: tickCases"
+tickLet var = panic "OMIT_STRANAL_STATS: tickLet"
+#endif /* OMIT_STRANAL_STATS */
+mapSa :: (a -> SaM b) -> [a] -> SaM [b]
+mapSa f [] = returnSa []
+mapSa f (x:xs) = f x `thenSa` \ r ->
+ mapSa f xs `thenSa` \ rs ->
+ returnSa (r:rs)
+sequenceSa :: [SaM a] -> SaM [a]
+sequenceSa [] = returnSa []
+sequenceSa (m:ms) = m `thenSa` \ r ->
+ sequenceSa ms `thenSa` \ rs ->
+ returnSa (r:rs)
+#endif /* OLD_STRICTNESS */
diff --git a/compiler/stranal/WorkWrap.lhs b/compiler/stranal/WorkWrap.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..64eba89273
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/stranal/WorkWrap.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1998
+\section[WorkWrap]{Worker/wrapper-generating back-end of strictness analyser}
+module WorkWrap ( wwTopBinds, mkWrapper ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import CoreSyn
+import CoreUnfold ( certainlyWillInline )
+import CoreLint ( showPass, endPass )
+import CoreUtils ( exprType, exprIsHNF )
+import Id ( Id, idType, isOneShotLambda,
+ setIdNewStrictness, mkWorkerId,
+ setIdWorkerInfo, setInlinePragma,
+ idInfo )
+import MkId ( lazyIdKey, lazyIdUnfolding )
+import Type ( Type )
+import IdInfo ( WorkerInfo(..), arityInfo,
+ newDemandInfo, newStrictnessInfo, unfoldingInfo, inlinePragInfo
+ )
+import NewDemand ( Demand(..), StrictSig(..), DmdType(..), DmdResult(..),
+ Demands(..), mkTopDmdType, isBotRes, returnsCPR, topSig, isAbsent
+ )
+import UniqSupply ( UniqSupply, initUs_, returnUs, thenUs, mapUs, getUniqueUs, UniqSM )
+import Unique ( hasKey )
+import BasicTypes ( RecFlag(..), isNonRec, Activation(..) )
+import VarEnv ( isEmptyVarEnv )
+import Maybes ( orElse )
+import DynFlags
+import WwLib
+import Util ( lengthIs, notNull )
+import Outputable
+We take Core bindings whose binders have:
+\item Strictness attached (by the front-end of the strictness
+analyser), and / or
+\item Constructed Product Result information attached by the CPR
+analysis pass.
+and we return some ``plain'' bindings which have been
+worker/wrapper-ified, meaning:
+\item Functions have been split into workers and wrappers where
+appropriate. If a function has both strictness and CPR properties
+then only one worker/wrapper doing both transformations is produced;
+\item Binders' @IdInfos@ have been updated to reflect the existence of
+these workers/wrappers (this is where we get STRICTNESS and CPR pragma
+info for exported values).
+wwTopBinds :: DynFlags
+ -> UniqSupply
+ -> [CoreBind]
+ -> IO [CoreBind]
+wwTopBinds dflags us binds
+ = do {
+ showPass dflags "Worker Wrapper binds";
+ -- Create worker/wrappers, and mark binders with their
+ -- "strictness info" [which encodes their worker/wrapper-ness]
+ let { binds' = workersAndWrappers us binds };
+ endPass dflags "Worker Wrapper binds"
+ Opt_D_dump_worker_wrapper binds'
+ }
+workersAndWrappers :: UniqSupply -> [CoreBind] -> [CoreBind]
+workersAndWrappers us top_binds
+ = initUs_ us $
+ mapUs wwBind top_binds `thenUs` \ top_binds' ->
+ returnUs (concat top_binds')
+%* *
+\subsection[wwBind-wwExpr]{@wwBind@ and @wwExpr@}
+%* *
+@wwBind@ works on a binding, trying each \tr{(binder, expr)} pair in
+turn. Non-recursive case first, then recursive...
+wwBind :: CoreBind
+ -> UniqSM [CoreBind] -- returns a WwBinding intermediate form;
+ -- the caller will convert to Expr/Binding,
+ -- as appropriate.
+wwBind (NonRec binder rhs)
+ = wwExpr rhs `thenUs` \ new_rhs ->
+ tryWW NonRecursive binder new_rhs `thenUs` \ new_pairs ->
+ returnUs [NonRec b e | (b,e) <- new_pairs]
+ -- Generated bindings must be non-recursive
+ -- because the original binding was.
+wwBind (Rec pairs)
+ = mapUs do_one pairs `thenUs` \ new_pairs ->
+ returnUs [Rec (concat new_pairs)]
+ where
+ do_one (binder, rhs) = wwExpr rhs `thenUs` \ new_rhs ->
+ tryWW Recursive binder new_rhs
+@wwExpr@ basically just walks the tree, looking for appropriate
+annotations that can be used. Remember it is @wwBind@ that does the
+matching by looking for strict arguments of the correct type.
+@wwExpr@ is a version that just returns the ``Plain'' Tree.
+wwExpr :: CoreExpr -> UniqSM CoreExpr
+wwExpr e@(Type _) = returnUs e
+wwExpr e@(Lit _) = returnUs e
+wwExpr e@(Note InlineMe expr) = returnUs e
+ -- Don't w/w inside InlineMe's
+wwExpr e@(Var v)
+ | v `hasKey` lazyIdKey = returnUs lazyIdUnfolding
+ | otherwise = returnUs e
+ -- Inline 'lazy' after strictness analysis
+ -- (but not inside InlineMe's)
+wwExpr (Lam binder expr)
+ = wwExpr expr `thenUs` \ new_expr ->
+ returnUs (Lam binder new_expr)
+wwExpr (App f a)
+ = wwExpr f `thenUs` \ new_f ->
+ wwExpr a `thenUs` \ new_a ->
+ returnUs (App new_f new_a)
+wwExpr (Note note expr)
+ = wwExpr expr `thenUs` \ new_expr ->
+ returnUs (Note note new_expr)
+wwExpr (Let bind expr)
+ = wwBind bind `thenUs` \ intermediate_bind ->
+ wwExpr expr `thenUs` \ new_expr ->
+ returnUs (mkLets intermediate_bind new_expr)
+wwExpr (Case expr binder ty alts)
+ = wwExpr expr `thenUs` \ new_expr ->
+ mapUs ww_alt alts `thenUs` \ new_alts ->
+ returnUs (Case new_expr binder ty new_alts)
+ where
+ ww_alt (con, binders, rhs)
+ = wwExpr rhs `thenUs` \ new_rhs ->
+ returnUs (con, binders, new_rhs)
+%* *
+\subsection[tryWW]{@tryWW@: attempt a worker/wrapper pair}
+%* *
+@tryWW@ just accumulates arguments, converts strictness info from the
+front-end into the proper form, then calls @mkWwBodies@ to do
+the business.
+We have to BE CAREFUL that we don't worker-wrapperize an Id that has
+already been w-w'd! (You can end up with several liked-named Ids
+bouncing around at the same time---absolute mischief.) So the
+criterion we use is: if an Id already has an unfolding (for whatever
+reason), then we don't w-w it.
+The only reason this is monadised is for the unique supply.
+tryWW :: RecFlag
+ -> Id -- The fn binder
+ -> CoreExpr -- The bound rhs; its innards
+ -- are already ww'd
+ -> UniqSM [(Id, CoreExpr)] -- either *one* or *two* pairs;
+ -- if one, then no worker (only
+ -- the orig "wrapper" lives on);
+ -- if two, then a worker and a
+ -- wrapper.
+tryWW is_rec fn_id rhs
+ | isNonRec is_rec && certainlyWillInline unfolding
+ -- No point in worker/wrappering a function that is going to be
+ -- INLINEd wholesale anyway. If the strictness analyser is run
+ -- twice, this test also prevents wrappers (which are INLINEd)
+ -- from being re-done.
+ --
+ -- It's very important to refrain from w/w-ing an INLINE function
+ -- If we do so by mistake we transform
+ -- f = __inline (\x -> E)
+ -- into
+ -- f = __inline (\x -> case x of (a,b) -> fw E)
+ -- fw = \ab -> (__inline (\x -> E)) (a,b)
+ -- and the original __inline now vanishes, so E is no longer
+ -- inside its __inline wrapper. Death! Disaster!
+ = returnUs [ (new_fn_id, rhs) ]
+ | is_thunk && worthSplittingThunk maybe_fn_dmd res_info
+ = ASSERT2( isNonRec is_rec, ppr new_fn_id ) -- The thunk must be non-recursive
+ splitThunk new_fn_id rhs
+ | is_fun && worthSplittingFun wrap_dmds res_info
+ = splitFun new_fn_id fn_info wrap_dmds res_info inline_prag rhs
+ | otherwise
+ = returnUs [ (new_fn_id, rhs) ]
+ where
+ fn_info = idInfo fn_id
+ maybe_fn_dmd = newDemandInfo fn_info
+ unfolding = unfoldingInfo fn_info
+ inline_prag = inlinePragInfo fn_info
+ -- In practice it always will have a strictness
+ -- signature, even if it's a uninformative one
+ strict_sig = newStrictnessInfo fn_info `orElse` topSig
+ StrictSig (DmdType env wrap_dmds res_info) = strict_sig
+ -- new_fn_id has the DmdEnv zapped.
+ -- (a) it is never used again
+ -- (b) it wastes space
+ -- (c) it becomes incorrect as things are cloned, because
+ -- we don't push the substitution into it
+ new_fn_id | isEmptyVarEnv env = fn_id
+ | otherwise = fn_id `setIdNewStrictness`
+ StrictSig (mkTopDmdType wrap_dmds res_info)
+ is_fun = notNull wrap_dmds
+ is_thunk = not is_fun && not (exprIsHNF rhs)
+splitFun fn_id fn_info wrap_dmds res_info inline_prag rhs
+ = WARN( not (wrap_dmds `lengthIs` arity), ppr fn_id <+> (ppr arity $$ ppr wrap_dmds $$ ppr res_info) )
+ -- The arity should match the signature
+ mkWwBodies fun_ty wrap_dmds res_info one_shots `thenUs` \ (work_demands, wrap_fn, work_fn) ->
+ getUniqueUs `thenUs` \ work_uniq ->
+ let
+ work_rhs = work_fn rhs
+ work_id = mkWorkerId work_uniq fn_id (exprType work_rhs)
+ `setInlinePragma` inline_prag
+ `setIdNewStrictness` StrictSig (mkTopDmdType work_demands work_res_info)
+ -- Even though we may not be at top level,
+ -- it's ok to give it an empty DmdEnv
+ wrap_rhs = wrap_fn work_id
+ wrap_id = fn_id `setIdWorkerInfo` HasWorker work_id arity
+ `setInlinePragma` AlwaysActive -- Zap any inline pragma;
+ -- Put it on the worker instead
+ in
+ returnUs ([(work_id, work_rhs), (wrap_id, wrap_rhs)])
+ -- Worker first, because wrapper mentions it
+ -- mkWwBodies has already built a wrap_rhs with an INLINE pragma wrapped around it
+ where
+ fun_ty = idType fn_id
+ arity = arityInfo fn_info -- The arity is set by the simplifier using exprEtaExpandArity
+ -- So it may be more than the number of top-level-visible lambdas
+ work_res_info | isBotRes res_info = BotRes -- Cpr stuff done by wrapper
+ | otherwise = TopRes
+ one_shots = get_one_shots rhs
+-- If the original function has one-shot arguments, it is important to
+-- make the wrapper and worker have corresponding one-shot arguments too.
+-- Otherwise we spuriously float stuff out of case-expression join points,
+-- which is very annoying.
+get_one_shots (Lam b e)
+ | isId b = isOneShotLambda b : get_one_shots e
+ | otherwise = get_one_shots e
+get_one_shots (Note _ e) = get_one_shots e
+get_one_shots other = noOneShotInfo
+Thunk splitting
+Suppose x is used strictly (never mind whether it has the CPR
+ let
+ x* = x-rhs
+ in body
+splitThunk transforms like this:
+ let
+ x* = case x-rhs of { I# a -> I# a }
+ in body
+Now simplifier will transform to
+ case x-rhs of
+ I# a -> let x* = I# b
+ in body
+which is what we want. Now suppose x-rhs is itself a case:
+ x-rhs = case e of { T -> I# a; F -> I# b }
+The join point will abstract over a, rather than over (which is
+what would have happened before) which is fine.
+Notice that x certainly has the CPR property now!
+In fact, splitThunk uses the function argument w/w splitting
+function, so that if x's demand is deeper (say U(U(L,L),L))
+then the splitting will go deeper too.
+-- splitThunk converts the *non-recursive* binding
+-- x = e
+-- into
+-- x = let x = e
+-- in case x of
+-- I# y -> let x = I# y in x }
+-- See comments above. Is it not beautifully short?
+splitThunk fn_id rhs
+ = mkWWstr [fn_id] `thenUs` \ (_, wrap_fn, work_fn) ->
+ returnUs [ (fn_id, Let (NonRec fn_id rhs) (wrap_fn (work_fn (Var fn_id)))) ]
+%* *
+\subsection{Functions over Demands}
+%* *
+worthSplittingFun :: [Demand] -> DmdResult -> Bool
+ -- True <=> the wrapper would not be an identity function
+worthSplittingFun ds res
+ = any worth_it ds || returnsCPR res
+ -- worthSplitting returns False for an empty list of demands,
+ -- and hence do_strict_ww is False if arity is zero and there is no CPR
+ -- We used not to split if the result is bottom.
+ -- [Justification: there's no efficiency to be gained.]
+ -- But it's sometimes bad not to make a wrapper. Consider
+ -- fw = \x# -> let x = I# x# in case e of
+ -- p1 -> error_fn x
+ -- p2 -> error_fn x
+ -- p3 -> the real stuff
+ -- The re-boxing code won't go away unless error_fn gets a wrapper too.
+ -- [We don't do reboxing now, but in general it's better to pass
+ -- an unboxed thing to f, and have it reboxed in the error cases....]
+ where
+ worth_it Abs = True -- Absent arg
+ worth_it (Eval (Prod ds)) = True -- Product arg to evaluate
+ worth_it other = False
+worthSplittingThunk :: Maybe Demand -- Demand on the thunk
+ -> DmdResult -- CPR info for the thunk
+ -> Bool
+worthSplittingThunk maybe_dmd res
+ = worth_it maybe_dmd || returnsCPR res
+ where
+ -- Split if the thing is unpacked
+ worth_it (Just (Eval (Prod ds))) = not (all isAbsent ds)
+ worth_it other = False
+%* *
+\subsection{The worker wrapper core}
+%* *
+@mkWrapper@ is called when importing a function. We have the type of
+the function and the name of its worker, and we want to make its body (the wrapper).
+mkWrapper :: Type -- Wrapper type
+ -> StrictSig -- Wrapper strictness info
+ -> UniqSM (Id -> CoreExpr) -- Wrapper body, missing worker Id
+mkWrapper fun_ty (StrictSig (DmdType _ demands res_info))
+ = mkWwBodies fun_ty demands res_info noOneShotInfo `thenUs` \ (_, wrap_fn, _) ->
+ returnUs wrap_fn
+noOneShotInfo = repeat False
diff --git a/compiler/stranal/WwLib.lhs b/compiler/stranal/WwLib.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e44e521c83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/stranal/WwLib.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,514 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1998
+\section[WwLib]{A library for the ``worker/wrapper'' back-end to the strictness analyser}
+module WwLib ( mkWwBodies, mkWWstr, mkWorkerArgs ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import CoreSyn
+import CoreUtils ( exprType )
+import Id ( Id, idType, mkSysLocal, idNewDemandInfo, setIdNewDemandInfo,
+ isOneShotLambda, setOneShotLambda, setIdUnfolding,
+ setIdInfo
+ )
+import IdInfo ( vanillaIdInfo )
+import DataCon ( splitProductType_maybe, splitProductType )
+import NewDemand ( Demand(..), DmdResult(..), Demands(..) )
+import MkId ( realWorldPrimId, voidArgId, mkRuntimeErrorApp, rUNTIME_ERROR_ID )
+import TysWiredIn ( tupleCon )
+import Type ( Type, isUnLiftedType, mkFunTys,
+ splitForAllTys, splitFunTys, splitRecNewType_maybe, isAlgType
+ )
+import BasicTypes ( Boxity(..) )
+import Var ( Var, isId )
+import UniqSupply ( returnUs, thenUs, getUniquesUs, UniqSM )
+import Util ( zipWithEqual, notNull )
+import Outputable
+import List ( zipWith4 )
+%* *
+%* *
+Here's an example. The original function is:
+g :: forall a . Int -> [a] -> a
+g = /\ a -> \ x ys ->
+ case x of
+ 0 -> head ys
+ _ -> head (tail ys)
+From this, we want to produce:
+-- wrapper (an unfolding)
+g :: forall a . Int -> [a] -> a
+g = /\ a -> \ x ys ->
+ case x of
+ I# x# -> $wg a x# ys
+ -- call the worker; don't forget the type args!
+-- worker
+$wg :: forall a . Int# -> [a] -> a
+$wg = /\ a -> \ x# ys ->
+ let
+ x = I# x#
+ in
+ case x of -- note: body of g moved intact
+ 0 -> head ys
+ _ -> head (tail ys)
+Something we have to be careful about: Here's an example:
+-- "f" strictness: U(P)U(P)
+f (I# a) (I# b) = a +# b
+g = f -- "g" strictness same as "f"
+\tr{f} will get a worker all nice and friendly-like; that's good.
+{\em But we don't want a worker for \tr{g}}, even though it has the
+same strictness as \tr{f}. Doing so could break laziness, at best.
+Consequently, we insist that the number of strictness-info items is
+exactly the same as the number of lambda-bound arguments. (This is
+probably slightly paranoid, but OK in practice.) If it isn't the
+same, we ``revise'' the strictness info, so that we won't propagate
+the unusable strictness-info into the interfaces.
+%* *
+\subsection{The worker wrapper core}
+%* *
+@mkWwBodies@ is called when doing the worker/wrapper split inside a module.
+mkWwBodies :: Type -- Type of original function
+ -> [Demand] -- Strictness of original function
+ -> DmdResult -- Info about function result
+ -> [Bool] -- One-shot-ness of the function
+ -> UniqSM ([Demand], -- Demands for worker (value) args
+ Id -> CoreExpr, -- Wrapper body, lacking only the worker Id
+ CoreExpr -> CoreExpr) -- Worker body, lacking the original function rhs
+-- wrap_fn_args E = \x y -> E
+-- work_fn_args E = E x y
+-- wrap_fn_str E = case x of { (a,b) ->
+-- case a of { (a1,a2) ->
+-- E a1 a2 b y }}
+-- work_fn_str E = \a2 a2 b y ->
+-- let a = (a1,a2) in
+-- let x = (a,b) in
+-- E
+mkWwBodies fun_ty demands res_info one_shots
+ = mkWWargs fun_ty demands one_shots' `thenUs` \ (wrap_args, wrap_fn_args, work_fn_args, res_ty) ->
+ mkWWstr wrap_args `thenUs` \ (work_args, wrap_fn_str, work_fn_str) ->
+ let
+ (work_lam_args, work_call_args) = mkWorkerArgs work_args res_ty
+ in
+ -- Don't do CPR if the worker doesn't have any value arguments
+ -- Then the worker is just a constant, so we don't want to unbox it.
+ (if any isId work_args then
+ mkWWcpr res_ty res_info
+ else
+ returnUs (id, id, res_ty)
+ ) `thenUs` \ (wrap_fn_cpr, work_fn_cpr, cpr_res_ty) ->
+ returnUs ([idNewDemandInfo v | v <- work_args, isId v],
+ Note InlineMe . wrap_fn_args . wrap_fn_cpr . wrap_fn_str . applyToVars work_call_args . Var,
+ mkLams work_lam_args. work_fn_str . work_fn_cpr . work_fn_args)
+ -- We use an INLINE unconditionally, even if the wrapper turns out to be
+ -- something trivial like
+ -- fw = ...
+ -- f = __inline__ (coerce T fw)
+ -- The point is to propagate the coerce to f's call sites, so even though
+ -- f's RHS is now trivial (size 1) we still want the __inline__ to prevent
+ -- fw from being inlined into f's RHS
+ where
+ one_shots' = one_shots ++ repeat False
+%* *
+\subsection{Making wrapper args}
+%* *
+During worker-wrapper stuff we may end up with an unlifted thing
+which we want to let-bind without losing laziness. So we
+add a void argument. E.g.
+ f = /\a -> \x y z -> E::Int# -- E does not mention x,y,z
+ fw = /\ a -> \void -> E
+ f = /\ a -> \x y z -> fw realworld
+We use the state-token type which generates no code.
+mkWorkerArgs :: [Var]
+ -> Type -- Type of body
+ -> ([Var], -- Lambda bound args
+ [Var]) -- Args at call site
+mkWorkerArgs args res_ty
+ | any isId args || not (isUnLiftedType res_ty)
+ = (args, args)
+ | otherwise
+ = (args ++ [voidArgId], args ++ [realWorldPrimId])
+%* *
+\subsection{Coercion stuff}
+%* *
+We really want to "look through" coerces.
+Reason: I've seen this situation:
+ let f = coerce T (\s -> E)
+ in \x -> case x of
+ p -> coerce T' f
+ q -> \s -> E2
+ r -> coerce T' f
+If only we w/w'd f, we'd get
+ let f = coerce T (\s -> fw s)
+ fw = \s -> E
+ in ...
+Now we'll inline f to get
+ let fw = \s -> E
+ in \x -> case x of
+ p -> fw
+ q -> \s -> E2
+ r -> fw
+Now we'll see that fw has arity 1, and will arity expand
+the \x to get what we want.
+-- mkWWargs is driven off the function type and arity.
+-- It chomps bites off foralls, arrows, newtypes
+-- and keeps repeating that until it's satisfied the supplied arity
+mkWWargs :: Type
+ -> [Demand]
+ -> [Bool] -- True for a one-shot arg; ** may be infinite **
+ -> UniqSM ([Var], -- Wrapper args
+ CoreExpr -> CoreExpr, -- Wrapper fn
+ CoreExpr -> CoreExpr, -- Worker fn
+ Type) -- Type of wrapper body
+mkWWargs fun_ty demands one_shots
+ | Just rep_ty <- splitRecNewType_maybe fun_ty
+ -- The newtype case is for when the function has
+ -- a recursive newtype after the arrow (rare)
+ -- We check for arity >= 0 to avoid looping in the case
+ -- of a function whose type is, in effect, infinite
+ -- [Arity is driven by looking at the term, not just the type.]
+ --
+ -- It's also important when we have a function returning (say) a pair
+ -- wrapped in a recursive newtype, at least if CPR analysis can look
+ -- through such newtypes, which it probably can since they are
+ -- simply coerces.
+ = mkWWargs rep_ty demands one_shots `thenUs` \ (wrap_args, wrap_fn_args, work_fn_args, res_ty) ->
+ returnUs (wrap_args,
+ Note (Coerce fun_ty rep_ty) . wrap_fn_args,
+ work_fn_args . Note (Coerce rep_ty fun_ty),
+ res_ty)
+ | notNull demands
+ = getUniquesUs `thenUs` \ wrap_uniqs ->
+ let
+ (tyvars, tau) = splitForAllTys fun_ty
+ (arg_tys, body_ty) = splitFunTys tau
+ n_demands = length demands
+ n_arg_tys = length arg_tys
+ n_args = n_demands `min` n_arg_tys
+ new_fun_ty = mkFunTys (drop n_demands arg_tys) body_ty
+ new_demands = drop n_arg_tys demands
+ new_one_shots = drop n_args one_shots
+ val_args = zipWith4 mk_wrap_arg wrap_uniqs arg_tys demands one_shots
+ wrap_args = tyvars ++ val_args
+ in
+{- ASSERT( notNull tyvars || notNull arg_tys ) -}
+ if (null tyvars) && (null arg_tys) then
+ pprTrace "mkWWargs" (ppr fun_ty $$ ppr demands)
+ returnUs ([], id, id, fun_ty)
+ else
+ mkWWargs new_fun_ty
+ new_demands
+ new_one_shots `thenUs` \ (more_wrap_args, wrap_fn_args, work_fn_args, res_ty) ->
+ returnUs (wrap_args ++ more_wrap_args,
+ mkLams wrap_args . wrap_fn_args,
+ work_fn_args . applyToVars wrap_args,
+ res_ty)
+ | otherwise
+ = returnUs ([], id, id, fun_ty)
+applyToVars :: [Var] -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
+applyToVars vars fn = mkVarApps fn vars
+mk_wrap_arg uniq ty dmd one_shot
+ = set_one_shot one_shot (setIdNewDemandInfo (mkSysLocal FSLIT("w") uniq ty) dmd)
+ where
+ set_one_shot True id = setOneShotLambda id
+ set_one_shot False id = id
+%* *
+\subsection{Strictness stuff}
+%* *
+mkWWstr :: [Var] -- Wrapper args; have their demand info on them
+ -- *Includes type variables*
+ -> UniqSM ([Var], -- Worker args
+ CoreExpr -> CoreExpr, -- Wrapper body, lacking the worker call
+ -- and without its lambdas
+ -- This fn adds the unboxing
+ CoreExpr -> CoreExpr) -- Worker body, lacking the original body of the function,
+ -- and lacking its lambdas.
+ -- This fn does the reboxing
+nop_fn body = body
+mkWWstr []
+ = returnUs ([], nop_fn, nop_fn)
+mkWWstr (arg : args)
+ = mkWWstr_one arg `thenUs` \ (args1, wrap_fn1, work_fn1) ->
+ mkWWstr args `thenUs` \ (args2, wrap_fn2, work_fn2) ->
+ returnUs (args1 ++ args2, wrap_fn1 . wrap_fn2, work_fn1 . work_fn2)
+-- mkWWstr_one wrap_arg = (work_args, wrap_fn, work_fn)
+-- * wrap_fn assumes wrap_arg is in scope,
+-- brings into scope work_args (via cases)
+-- * work_fn assumes work_args are in scope, a
+-- brings into scope wrap_arg (via lets)
+mkWWstr_one arg
+ | isTyVar arg
+ = returnUs ([arg], nop_fn, nop_fn)
+ | otherwise
+ = case idNewDemandInfo arg of
+ -- Absent case. We don't deal with absence for unlifted types,
+ -- though, because it's not so easy to manufacture a placeholder
+ -- We'll see if this turns out to be a problem
+ Abs | not (isUnLiftedType (idType arg)) ->
+ returnUs ([], nop_fn, mk_absent_let arg)
+ -- Unpack case
+ Eval (Prod cs)
+ | Just (arg_tycon, tycon_arg_tys, data_con, inst_con_arg_tys)
+ <- splitProductType_maybe (idType arg)
+ -> getUniquesUs `thenUs` \ uniqs ->
+ let
+ unpk_args = zipWith mk_ww_local uniqs inst_con_arg_tys
+ unpk_args_w_ds = zipWithEqual "mkWWstr" set_worker_arg_info unpk_args cs
+ unbox_fn = mk_unpk_case arg unpk_args data_con arg_tycon
+ rebox_fn = Let (NonRec arg con_app)
+ con_app = mkConApp data_con (map Type tycon_arg_tys ++ map Var unpk_args)
+ in
+ mkWWstr unpk_args_w_ds `thenUs` \ (worker_args, wrap_fn, work_fn) ->
+ returnUs (worker_args, unbox_fn . wrap_fn, work_fn . rebox_fn)
+ -- Don't pass the arg, rebox instead
+ -- `seq` demand; evaluate in wrapper in the hope
+ -- of dropping seqs in the worker
+ Eval (Poly Abs)
+ -> let
+ arg_w_unf = arg `setIdUnfolding` evaldUnfolding
+ -- Tell the worker arg that it's sure to be evaluated
+ -- so that internal seqs can be dropped
+ in
+ returnUs ([arg_w_unf], mk_seq_case arg, nop_fn)
+ -- Pass the arg, anyway, even if it is in theory discarded
+ -- Consider
+ -- f x y = x `seq` y
+ -- x gets a (Eval (Poly Abs)) demand, but if we fail to pass it to the worker
+ -- we ABSOLUTELY MUST record that x is evaluated in the wrapper.
+ -- Something like:
+ -- f x y = x `seq` fw y
+ -- fw y = let x{Evald} = error "oops" in (x `seq` y)
+ -- If we don't pin on the "Evald" flag, the seq doesn't disappear, and
+ -- we end up evaluating the absent thunk.
+ -- But the Evald flag is pretty weird, and I worry that it might disappear
+ -- during simplification, so for now I've just nuked this whole case
+ -- Other cases
+ other_demand -> returnUs ([arg], nop_fn, nop_fn)
+ where
+ -- If the wrapper argument is a one-shot lambda, then
+ -- so should (all) the corresponding worker arguments be
+ -- This bites when we do w/w on a case join point
+ set_worker_arg_info worker_arg demand = set_one_shot (setIdNewDemandInfo worker_arg demand)
+ set_one_shot | isOneShotLambda arg = setOneShotLambda
+ | otherwise = \x -> x
+%* *
+\subsection{CPR stuff}
+%* *
+@mkWWcpr@ takes the worker/wrapper pair produced from the strictness
+info and adds in the CPR transformation. The worker returns an
+unboxed tuple containing non-CPR components. The wrapper takes this
+tuple and re-produces the correct structured output.
+The non-CPR results appear ordered in the unboxed tuple as if by a
+left-to-right traversal of the result structure.
+mkWWcpr :: Type -- function body type
+ -> DmdResult -- CPR analysis results
+ -> UniqSM (CoreExpr -> CoreExpr, -- New wrapper
+ CoreExpr -> CoreExpr, -- New worker
+ Type) -- Type of worker's body
+mkWWcpr body_ty RetCPR
+ | not (isAlgType body_ty)
+ = WARN( True, text "mkWWcpr: non-algebraic body type" <+> ppr body_ty )
+ returnUs (id, id, body_ty)
+ | n_con_args == 1 && isUnLiftedType con_arg_ty1
+ -- Special case when there is a single result of unlifted type
+ --
+ -- Wrapper: case ( worker..) of x -> C x
+ -- Worker: case ( ..body.. ) of C x -> x
+ = getUniquesUs `thenUs` \ (work_uniq : arg_uniq : _) ->
+ let
+ work_wild = mk_ww_local work_uniq body_ty
+ arg = mk_ww_local arg_uniq con_arg_ty1
+ con_app = mkConApp data_con (map Type tycon_arg_tys ++ [Var arg])
+ in
+ returnUs (\ wkr_call -> Case wkr_call arg (exprType con_app) [(DEFAULT, [], con_app)],
+ \ body -> workerCase body work_wild con_arg_ty1 [(DataAlt data_con, [arg], Var arg)],
+ con_arg_ty1)
+ | otherwise -- The general case
+ -- Wrapper: case ( worker..) of (# a, b #) -> C a b
+ -- Worker: case ( ...body... ) of C a b -> (# a, b #)
+ = getUniquesUs `thenUs` \ uniqs ->
+ let
+ (wrap_wild : work_wild : args) = zipWith mk_ww_local uniqs (ubx_tup_ty : body_ty : con_arg_tys)
+ arg_vars = map Var args
+ ubx_tup_con = tupleCon Unboxed n_con_args
+ ubx_tup_ty = exprType ubx_tup_app
+ ubx_tup_app = mkConApp ubx_tup_con (map Type con_arg_tys ++ arg_vars)
+ con_app = mkConApp data_con (map Type tycon_arg_tys ++ arg_vars)
+ in
+ returnUs (\ wkr_call -> Case wkr_call wrap_wild (exprType con_app) [(DataAlt ubx_tup_con, args, con_app)],
+ \ body -> workerCase body work_wild ubx_tup_ty [(DataAlt data_con, args, ubx_tup_app)],
+ ubx_tup_ty)
+ where
+ (_, tycon_arg_tys, data_con, con_arg_tys) = splitProductType "mkWWcpr" body_ty
+ n_con_args = length con_arg_tys
+ con_arg_ty1 = head con_arg_tys
+mkWWcpr body_ty other -- No CPR info
+ = returnUs (id, id, body_ty)
+-- If the original function looked like
+-- f = \ x -> _scc_ "foo" E
+-- then we want the CPR'd worker to look like
+-- \ x -> _scc_ "foo" (case E of I# x -> x)
+-- and definitely not
+-- \ x -> case (_scc_ "foo" E) of I# x -> x)
+-- This transform doesn't move work or allocation
+-- from one cost centre to another
+workerCase (Note (SCC cc) e) arg ty alts = Note (SCC cc) (Case e arg ty alts)
+workerCase e arg ty alts = Case e arg ty alts
+%* *
+%* *
+mk_absent_let arg body
+ | not (isUnLiftedType arg_ty)
+ = Let (NonRec arg abs_rhs) body
+ | otherwise
+ = panic "WwLib: haven't done mk_absent_let for primitives yet"
+ where
+ arg_ty = idType arg
+ abs_rhs = mkRuntimeErrorApp rUNTIME_ERROR_ID arg_ty msg
+ msg = "Oops! Entered absent arg " ++ showSDocDebug (ppr arg <+> ppr (idType arg))
+mk_unpk_case arg unpk_args boxing_con boxing_tycon body
+ -- A data type
+ = Case (Var arg)
+ (sanitiseCaseBndr arg)
+ (exprType body)
+ [(DataAlt boxing_con, unpk_args, body)]
+mk_seq_case arg body = Case (Var arg) (sanitiseCaseBndr arg) (exprType body) [(DEFAULT, [], body)]
+sanitiseCaseBndr :: Id -> Id
+-- The argument we are scrutinising has the right type to be
+-- a case binder, so it's convenient to re-use it for that purpose.
+-- But we *must* throw away all its IdInfo. In particular, the argument
+-- will have demand info on it, and that demand info may be incorrect for
+-- the case binder. e.g. case ww_arg of ww_arg { I# x -> ... }
+-- Quite likely ww_arg isn't used in '...'. The case may get discarded
+-- if the case binder says "I'm demanded". This happened in a situation
+-- like (x+y) `seq` ....
+sanitiseCaseBndr id = id `setIdInfo` vanillaIdInfo
+mk_ww_local uniq ty = mkSysLocal FSLIT("ww") uniq ty