path: root/compiler/stranal/StrictAnal.lhs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/stranal/StrictAnal.lhs')
1 files changed, 494 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/stranal/StrictAnal.lhs b/compiler/stranal/StrictAnal.lhs
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+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1998
+\section[StrictAnal]{``Simple'' Mycroft-style strictness analyser}
+The original version(s) of all strictness-analyser code (except the
+Semantique analyser) was written by Andy Gill.
+module StrictAnal ( ) where
+module StrictAnal ( saBinds ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import DynFlags ( DynFlags, DynFlag(..) )
+import CoreSyn
+import Id ( setIdStrictness, setInlinePragma,
+ idDemandInfo, setIdDemandInfo, isBottomingId,
+ Id
+ )
+import CoreLint ( showPass, endPass )
+import ErrUtils ( dumpIfSet_dyn )
+import SaAbsInt
+import SaLib
+import Demand ( Demand, wwStrict, isStrict, isLazy )
+import Util ( zipWith3Equal, stretchZipWith, compareLength )
+import BasicTypes ( Activation( NeverActive ) )
+import Outputable
+import FastTypes
+%* *
+\subsection[Thoughts]{Random thoughts}
+%* *
+A note about worker-wrappering. If we have
+ f :: Int -> Int
+ f = let v = <expensive>
+ in \x -> <body>
+and we deduce that f is strict, it is nevertheless NOT safe to worker-wapper to
+ f = \x -> case x of Int x# -> fw x#
+ fw = \x# -> let x = Int x#
+ in
+ let v = <expensive>
+ in <body>
+because this obviously loses laziness, since now <expensive>
+is done each time. Alas.
+WATCH OUT! This can mean that something is unboxed only to be
+boxed again. For example
+ g x y = f x
+Here g is strict, and *will* split into worker-wrapper. A call to
+g, with the wrapper inlined will then be
+ case arg of Int a# -> gw a#
+Now g calls f, which has no wrapper, so it has to box it.
+ gw = \a# -> f (Int a#)
+Alas and alack.
+%* *
+\subsection[iface-StrictAnal]{Interface to the outside world}
+%* *
+@saBinds@ decorates bindings with strictness info. A later
+worker-wrapper pass can use this info to create wrappers and
+strict workers.
+saBinds :: DynFlags -> [CoreBind] -> IO [CoreBind]
+saBinds dflags binds
+ = do {
+ showPass dflags "Strictness analysis";
+ -- Mark each binder with its strictness
+ let { (binds_w_strictness, sa_stats) = saTopBinds binds nullSaStats };
+ dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_simpl_stats "Strictness analysis statistics"
+ (pp_stats sa_stats);
+ let { binds_w_strictness = saTopBindsBinds binds };
+ endPass dflags "Strictness analysis" Opt_D_dump_stranal
+ binds_w_strictness
+ }
+%* *
+\subsection[saBinds]{Strictness analysis of bindings}
+%* *
+[Some of the documentation about types, etc., in \tr{SaLib} may be
+helpful for understanding this module.]
+@saTopBinds@ tags each binder in the program with its @Demand@.
+That tells how each binder is {\em used}; if @Strict@, then the binder
+is sure to be evaluated to HNF; if @NonStrict@ it may or may not be;
+if @Absent@, then it certainly is not used. [DATED; ToDo: update]
+(The above info is actually recorded for posterity in each binder's
+IdInfo, notably its @DemandInfo@.)
+We proceed by analysing the bindings top-to-bottom, building up an
+environment which maps @Id@s to their abstract values (i.e., an
+@AbsValEnv@ maps an @Id@ to its @AbsVal@).
+saTopBinds :: [CoreBind] -> SaM [CoreBind] -- not exported
+saTopBinds binds
+ = let
+ starting_abs_env = nullAbsValEnv
+ in
+ do_it starting_abs_env starting_abs_env binds
+ where
+ do_it _ _ [] = returnSa []
+ do_it senv aenv (b:bs)
+ = saTopBind senv aenv b `thenSa` \ (senv2, aenv2, new_b) ->
+ do_it senv2 aenv2 bs `thenSa` \ new_bs ->
+ returnSa (new_b : new_bs)
+@saTopBind@ is only used for the top level. We don't add any demand
+info to these ids because we can't work it out. In any case, it
+doesn't do us any good to know whether top-level binders are sure to
+be used; we can't turn top-level @let@s into @case@s.
+saTopBind :: StrictEnv -> AbsenceEnv
+ -> CoreBind
+ -> SaM (StrictEnv, AbsenceEnv, CoreBind)
+saTopBind str_env abs_env (NonRec binder rhs)
+ = saExpr minDemand str_env abs_env rhs `thenSa` \ new_rhs ->
+ let
+ str_rhs = absEval StrAnal rhs str_env
+ abs_rhs = absEval AbsAnal rhs abs_env
+ widened_str_rhs = widen StrAnal str_rhs
+ widened_abs_rhs = widen AbsAnal abs_rhs
+ -- The widening above is done for efficiency reasons.
+ -- See notes on Let case in SaAbsInt.lhs
+ new_binder
+ = addStrictnessInfoToTopId
+ widened_str_rhs widened_abs_rhs
+ binder
+ -- Augment environments with a mapping of the
+ -- binder to its abstract values, computed by absEval
+ new_str_env = addOneToAbsValEnv str_env binder widened_str_rhs
+ new_abs_env = addOneToAbsValEnv abs_env binder widened_abs_rhs
+ in
+ returnSa (new_str_env, new_abs_env, NonRec new_binder new_rhs)
+saTopBind str_env abs_env (Rec pairs)
+ = let
+ (binders,rhss) = unzip pairs
+ str_rhss = fixpoint StrAnal binders rhss str_env
+ abs_rhss = fixpoint AbsAnal binders rhss abs_env
+ -- fixpoint returns widened values
+ new_str_env = growAbsValEnvList str_env (binders `zip` str_rhss)
+ new_abs_env = growAbsValEnvList abs_env (binders `zip` abs_rhss)
+ new_binders = zipWith3Equal "saTopBind" addStrictnessInfoToTopId
+ str_rhss abs_rhss binders
+ in
+ mapSa (saExpr minDemand new_str_env new_abs_env) rhss `thenSa` \ new_rhss ->
+ let
+ new_pairs = new_binders `zip` new_rhss
+ in
+ returnSa (new_str_env, new_abs_env, Rec new_pairs)
+-- Hack alert!
+-- Top level divergent bindings are marked NOINLINE
+-- This avoids fruitless inlining of top level error functions
+addStrictnessInfoToTopId str_val abs_val bndr
+ = if isBottomingId new_id then
+ new_id `setInlinePragma` NeverActive
+ else
+ new_id
+ where
+ new_id = addStrictnessInfoToId str_val abs_val bndr
+%* *
+\subsection[saExpr]{Strictness analysis of an expression}
+%* *
+@saExpr@ computes the strictness of an expression within a given
+saExpr :: Demand -> StrictEnv -> AbsenceEnv -> CoreExpr -> SaM CoreExpr
+ -- The demand is the least demand we expect on the
+ -- expression. WwStrict is the least, because we're only
+ -- interested in the expression at all if it's being evaluated,
+ -- but the demand may be more. E.g.
+ -- f E
+ -- where f has strictness u(LL), will evaluate E with demand u(LL)
+minDemand = wwStrict
+minDemands = repeat minDemand
+-- When we find an application, do the arguments
+-- with demands gotten from the function
+saApp str_env abs_env (fun, args)
+ = sequenceSa sa_args `thenSa` \ args' ->
+ saExpr minDemand str_env abs_env fun `thenSa` \ fun' ->
+ returnSa (mkApps fun' args')
+ where
+ arg_dmds = case fun of
+ Var var -> case lookupAbsValEnv str_env var of
+ Just (AbsApproxFun ds _)
+ | compareLength ds args /= LT
+ -- 'ds' is at least as long as 'args'.
+ -> ds ++ minDemands
+ other -> minDemands
+ other -> minDemands
+ sa_args = stretchZipWith isTypeArg (error "saApp:dmd")
+ sa_arg args arg_dmds
+ -- The arg_dmds are for value args only, we need to skip
+ -- over the type args when pairing up with the demands
+ -- Hence the stretchZipWith
+ sa_arg arg dmd = saExpr dmd' str_env abs_env arg
+ where
+ -- Bring arg demand up to minDemand
+ dmd' | isLazy dmd = minDemand
+ | otherwise = dmd
+saExpr _ _ _ e@(Var _) = returnSa e
+saExpr _ _ _ e@(Lit _) = returnSa e
+saExpr _ _ _ e@(Type _) = returnSa e
+saExpr dmd str_env abs_env (Lam bndr body)
+ = -- Don't bother to set the demand-info on a lambda binder
+ -- We do that only for let(rec)-bound functions
+ saExpr minDemand str_env abs_env body `thenSa` \ new_body ->
+ returnSa (Lam bndr new_body)
+saExpr dmd str_env abs_env e@(App fun arg)
+ = saApp str_env abs_env (collectArgs e)
+saExpr dmd str_env abs_env (Note note expr)
+ = saExpr dmd str_env abs_env expr `thenSa` \ new_expr ->
+ returnSa (Note note new_expr)
+saExpr dmd str_env abs_env (Case expr case_bndr alts)
+ = saExpr minDemand str_env abs_env expr `thenSa` \ new_expr ->
+ mapSa sa_alt alts `thenSa` \ new_alts ->
+ let
+ new_case_bndr = addDemandInfoToCaseBndr dmd str_env abs_env alts case_bndr
+ in
+ returnSa (Case new_expr new_case_bndr new_alts)
+ where
+ sa_alt (con, binders, rhs)
+ = saExpr dmd str_env abs_env rhs `thenSa` \ new_rhs ->
+ let
+ new_binders = map add_demand_info binders
+ add_demand_info bndr | isTyVar bndr = bndr
+ | otherwise = addDemandInfoToId dmd str_env abs_env rhs bndr
+ in
+ tickCases new_binders `thenSa_` -- stats
+ returnSa (con, new_binders, new_rhs)
+saExpr dmd str_env abs_env (Let (NonRec binder rhs) body)
+ = -- Analyse the RHS in the environment at hand
+ let
+ -- Find the demand on the RHS
+ rhs_dmd = findDemand dmd str_env abs_env body binder
+ -- Bind this binder to the abstract value of the RHS; analyse
+ -- the body of the `let' in the extended environment.
+ str_rhs_val = absEval StrAnal rhs str_env
+ abs_rhs_val = absEval AbsAnal rhs abs_env
+ widened_str_rhs = widen StrAnal str_rhs_val
+ widened_abs_rhs = widen AbsAnal abs_rhs_val
+ -- The widening above is done for efficiency reasons.
+ -- See notes on Let case in SaAbsInt.lhs
+ new_str_env = addOneToAbsValEnv str_env binder widened_str_rhs
+ new_abs_env = addOneToAbsValEnv abs_env binder widened_abs_rhs
+ -- Now determine the strictness of this binder; use that info
+ -- to record DemandInfo/StrictnessInfo in the binder.
+ new_binder = addStrictnessInfoToId
+ widened_str_rhs widened_abs_rhs
+ (binder `setIdDemandInfo` rhs_dmd)
+ in
+ tickLet new_binder `thenSa_` -- stats
+ saExpr rhs_dmd str_env abs_env rhs `thenSa` \ new_rhs ->
+ saExpr dmd new_str_env new_abs_env body `thenSa` \ new_body ->
+ returnSa (Let (NonRec new_binder new_rhs) new_body)
+saExpr dmd str_env abs_env (Let (Rec pairs) body)
+ = let
+ (binders,rhss) = unzip pairs
+ str_vals = fixpoint StrAnal binders rhss str_env
+ abs_vals = fixpoint AbsAnal binders rhss abs_env
+ -- fixpoint returns widened values
+ new_str_env = growAbsValEnvList str_env (binders `zip` str_vals)
+ new_abs_env = growAbsValEnvList abs_env (binders `zip` abs_vals)
+ in
+ saExpr dmd new_str_env new_abs_env body `thenSa` \ new_body ->
+ mapSa (saExpr minDemand new_str_env new_abs_env) rhss `thenSa` \ new_rhss ->
+ let
+-- DON'T add demand info in a Rec!
+-- a) it's useless: we can't do let-to-case
+-- b) it's incorrect. Consider
+-- letrec x = ...y...
+-- y = ...x...
+-- in ...x...
+-- When we ask whether y is demanded we'll bind y to bottom and
+-- evaluate the body of the letrec. But that will result in our
+-- deciding that y is absent, which is plain wrong!
+-- It's much easier simply not to do this.
+ improved_binders = zipWith3Equal "saExpr" addStrictnessInfoToId
+ str_vals abs_vals binders
+ new_pairs = improved_binders `zip` new_rhss
+ in
+ returnSa (Let (Rec new_pairs) new_body)
+%* *
+\subsection[computeInfos]{Add computed info to binders}
+%* *
+Important note (Sept 93). @addStrictnessInfoToId@ is used only for
+let(rec) bound variables, and is use to attach the strictness (not
+demand) info to the binder. We are careful to restrict this
+strictness info to the lambda-bound arguments which are actually
+visible, at the top level, lest we accidentally lose laziness by
+eagerly looking for an "extra" argument. So we "dig for lambdas" in a
+rather syntactic way.
+A better idea might be to have some kind of arity analysis to
+tell how many args could safely be grabbed.
+ :: AbsVal -- Abstract strictness value
+ -> AbsVal -- Ditto absence
+ -> Id -- The id
+ -> Id -- Augmented with strictness
+addStrictnessInfoToId str_val abs_val binder
+ = binder `setIdStrictness` findStrictness binder str_val abs_val
+addDemandInfoToId :: Demand -> StrictEnv -> AbsenceEnv
+ -> CoreExpr -- The scope of the id
+ -> Id
+ -> Id -- Id augmented with Demand info
+addDemandInfoToId dmd str_env abs_env expr binder
+ = binder `setIdDemandInfo` (findDemand dmd str_env abs_env expr binder)
+addDemandInfoToCaseBndr dmd str_env abs_env alts binder
+ = binder `setIdDemandInfo` (findDemandAlts dmd str_env abs_env alts binder)
+%* *
+\subsection{Monad used herein for stats}
+%* *
+data SaStats
+ = SaStats FastInt FastInt -- total/marked-demanded lambda-bound
+ FastInt FastInt -- total/marked-demanded case-bound
+ FastInt FastInt -- total/marked-demanded let-bound
+ -- (excl. top-level; excl. letrecs)
+nullSaStats = SaStats (_ILIT 0) (_ILIT 0) (_ILIT 0) (_ILIT 0) (_ILIT 0) (_ILIT 0)
+thenSa :: SaM a -> (a -> SaM b) -> SaM b
+thenSa_ :: SaM a -> SaM b -> SaM b
+returnSa :: a -> SaM a
+{-# INLINE thenSa #-}
+{-# INLINE thenSa_ #-}
+{-# INLINE returnSa #-}
+tickLambda :: Id -> SaM ()
+tickCases :: [CoreBndr] -> SaM ()
+tickLet :: Id -> SaM ()
+type SaM a = SaStats -> (a, SaStats)
+thenSa expr cont stats
+ = case (expr stats) of { (result, stats1) ->
+ cont result stats1 }
+thenSa_ expr cont stats
+ = case (expr stats) of { (_, stats1) ->
+ cont stats1 }
+returnSa x stats = (x, stats)
+tickLambda var (SaStats tlam dlam tc dc tlet dlet)
+ = case (tick_demanded var (0,0)) of { (totB, demandedB) ->
+ let tot = iUnbox totB ; demanded = iUnbox demandedB
+ in
+ ((), SaStats (tlam +# tot) (dlam +# demanded) tc dc tlet dlet) }
+tickCases vars (SaStats tlam dlam tc dc tlet dlet)
+ = case (foldr tick_demanded (0,0) vars) of { (totB, demandedB) ->
+ let tot = iUnbox totB ; demanded = iUnbox demandedB
+ in
+ ((), SaStats tlam dlam (tc +# tot) (dc +# demanded) tlet dlet) }
+tickLet var (SaStats tlam dlam tc dc tlet dlet)
+ = case (tick_demanded var (0,0)) of { (totB, demandedB) ->
+ let tot = iUnbox totB ; demanded = iUnbox demandedB
+ in
+ ((), SaStats tlam dlam tc dc (tlet +# tot) (dlet +# demanded)) }
+tick_demanded var (tot, demanded)
+ | isTyVar var = (tot, demanded)
+ | otherwise
+ = (tot + 1,
+ if (isStrict (idDemandInfo var))
+ then demanded + 1
+ else demanded)
+pp_stats (SaStats tlam dlam tc dc tlet dlet)
+ = hcat [ptext SLIT("Lambda vars: "), int (iBox dlam), char '/', int (iBox tlam),
+ ptext SLIT("; Case vars: "), int (iBox dc), char '/', int (iBox tc),
+ ptext SLIT("; Let vars: "), int (iBox dlet), char '/', int (iBox tlet)
+ ]
+-- identity monad
+type SaM a = a
+thenSa expr cont = cont expr
+thenSa_ expr cont = cont
+returnSa x = x
+tickLambda var = panic "OMIT_STRANAL_STATS: tickLambda"
+tickCases vars = panic "OMIT_STRANAL_STATS: tickCases"
+tickLet var = panic "OMIT_STRANAL_STATS: tickLet"
+#endif /* OMIT_STRANAL_STATS */
+mapSa :: (a -> SaM b) -> [a] -> SaM [b]
+mapSa f [] = returnSa []
+mapSa f (x:xs) = f x `thenSa` \ r ->
+ mapSa f xs `thenSa` \ rs ->
+ returnSa (r:rs)
+sequenceSa :: [SaM a] -> SaM [a]
+sequenceSa [] = returnSa []
+sequenceSa (m:ms) = m `thenSa` \ r ->
+ sequenceSa ms `thenSa` \ rs ->
+ returnSa (r:rs)
+#endif /* OLD_STRICTNESS */