path: root/compiler/main/DriverPipeline.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/main/DriverPipeline.hs')
1 files changed, 13 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/main/DriverPipeline.hs b/compiler/main/DriverPipeline.hs
index 3bed3d0cd9..fe158460cb 100644
--- a/compiler/main/DriverPipeline.hs
+++ b/compiler/main/DriverPipeline.hs
@@ -1489,12 +1489,7 @@ mkExtraObj dflags extn xs
mkExtraObjToLinkIntoBinary :: DynFlags -> IO FilePath
mkExtraObjToLinkIntoBinary dflags = do
- let have_rts_opts_flags =
- isJust (rtsOpts dflags) || case rtsOptsEnabled dflags of
- RtsOptsSafeOnly -> False
- _ -> True
- when (dopt Opt_NoHsMain dflags && have_rts_opts_flags) $ do
+ when (dopt Opt_NoHsMain dflags && haveRtsOptsFlags dflags) $ do
log_action dflags dflags SevInfo noSrcSpan defaultUserStyle
(text "Warning: -rtsopts and -with-rtsopts have no effect with -no-hs-main." $$
text " Call hs_init_ghc() from your main() function to set these options.")
@@ -1881,7 +1876,13 @@ maybeCreateManifest dflags exe_filename
linkDynLib :: DynFlags -> [String] -> [PackageId] -> IO ()
-linkDynLib dflags o_files dep_packages = do
+linkDynLib dflags o_files dep_packages
+ = do
+ when (haveRtsOptsFlags dflags) $ do
+ log_action dflags dflags SevInfo noSrcSpan defaultUserStyle
+ (text "Warning: -rtsopts and -with-rtsopts have no effect with -shared." $$
+ text " Call hs_init_ghc() from your main() function to set these options.")
let verbFlags = getVerbFlags dflags
let o_file = outputFile dflags
@@ -2146,3 +2147,8 @@ touchObjectFile dflags path = do
createDirectoryIfMissing True $ takeDirectory path
SysTools.touch dflags "Touching object file" path
+haveRtsOptsFlags :: DynFlags -> Bool
+haveRtsOptsFlags dflags =
+ isJust (rtsOpts dflags) || case rtsOptsEnabled dflags of
+ RtsOptsSafeOnly -> False
+ _ -> True