path: root/compiler/main/CmdLineParser.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/main/CmdLineParser.hs')
1 files changed, 139 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/main/CmdLineParser.hs b/compiler/main/CmdLineParser.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e34b8c0857
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/main/CmdLineParser.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+-- Command-line parser
+-- This is an abstract command-line parser used by both StaticFlags and
+-- DynFlags.
+-- (c) The University of Glasgow 2005
+module CmdLineParser (
+ processArgs, OptKind(..),
+ CmdLineP(..), getCmdLineState, putCmdLineState
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import Util ( maybePrefixMatch, notNull, removeSpaces )
+#ifdef DEBUG
+import Panic ( assertPanic )
+data OptKind m
+ = NoArg (m ()) -- flag with no argument
+ | HasArg (String -> m ()) -- flag has an argument (maybe prefix)
+ | SepArg (String -> m ()) -- flag has a separate argument
+ | Prefix (String -> m ()) -- flag is a prefix only
+ | OptPrefix (String -> m ()) -- flag may be a prefix
+ | AnySuffix (String -> m ()) -- flag is a prefix, pass whole arg to fn
+ | PassFlag (String -> m ()) -- flag with no arg, pass flag to fn
+ | PrefixPred (String -> Bool) (String -> m ())
+ | AnySuffixPred (String -> Bool) (String -> m ())
+processArgs :: Monad m
+ => [(String, OptKind m)] -- cmdline parser spec
+ -> [String] -- args
+ -> m (
+ [String], -- spare args
+ [String] -- errors
+ )
+processArgs spec args = process spec args [] []
+ where
+ process _spec [] spare errs =
+ return (reverse spare, reverse errs)
+ process spec args@(('-':arg):args') spare errs =
+ case findArg spec arg of
+ Just (rest,action) ->
+ case processOneArg action rest args of
+ Left err -> process spec args' spare (err:errs)
+ Right (action,rest) -> do
+ action >> process spec rest spare errs
+ Nothing ->
+ process spec args' (('-':arg):spare) errs
+ process spec (arg:args) spare errs =
+ process spec args (arg:spare) errs
+processOneArg :: OptKind m -> String -> [String]
+ -> Either String (m (), [String])
+processOneArg action rest (dash_arg@('-':arg):args) =
+ case action of
+ NoArg a -> ASSERT(null rest) Right (a, args)
+ HasArg f ->
+ if rest /= ""
+ then Right (f rest, args)
+ else case args of
+ [] -> missingArgErr dash_arg
+ (arg1:args1) -> Right (f arg1, args1)
+ SepArg f ->
+ case args of
+ [] -> unknownFlagErr dash_arg
+ (arg1:args1) -> Right (f arg1, args1)
+ Prefix f ->
+ if rest /= ""
+ then Right (f rest, args)
+ else unknownFlagErr dash_arg
+ PrefixPred p f ->
+ if rest /= ""
+ then Right (f rest, args)
+ else unknownFlagErr dash_arg
+ OptPrefix f -> Right (f rest, args)
+ AnySuffix f -> Right (f dash_arg, args)
+ AnySuffixPred p f -> Right (f dash_arg, args)
+ PassFlag f ->
+ if rest /= ""
+ then unknownFlagErr dash_arg
+ else Right (f dash_arg, args)
+findArg :: [(String,OptKind a)] -> String -> Maybe (String,OptKind a)
+findArg spec arg
+ = case [ (removeSpaces rest, k)
+ | (pat,k) <- spec,
+ Just rest <- [maybePrefixMatch pat arg],
+ arg_ok k rest arg ]
+ of
+ [] -> Nothing
+ (one:_) -> Just one
+arg_ok (NoArg _) rest arg = null rest
+arg_ok (HasArg _) rest arg = True
+arg_ok (SepArg _) rest arg = null rest
+arg_ok (Prefix _) rest arg = notNull rest
+arg_ok (PrefixPred p _) rest arg = notNull rest && p rest
+arg_ok (OptPrefix _) rest arg = True
+arg_ok (PassFlag _) rest arg = null rest
+arg_ok (AnySuffix _) rest arg = True
+arg_ok (AnySuffixPred p _) rest arg = p arg
+unknownFlagErr :: String -> Either String a
+unknownFlagErr f = Left ("unrecognised flag: " ++ f)
+missingArgErr :: String -> Either String a
+missingArgErr f = Left ("missing argument for flag: " ++ f)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- A state monad for use in the command-line parser
+newtype CmdLineP s a = CmdLineP { runCmdLine :: s -> (a, s) }
+instance Monad (CmdLineP s) where
+ return a = CmdLineP $ \s -> (a, s)
+ m >>= k = CmdLineP $ \s -> let
+ (a, s') = runCmdLine m s
+ in runCmdLine (k a) s'
+getCmdLineState = CmdLineP $ \s -> (s,s)
+putCmdLineState s = CmdLineP $ \_ -> ((),s)