path: root/compiler/basicTypes/Name.lhs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/basicTypes/Name.lhs')
1 files changed, 384 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/Name.lhs b/compiler/basicTypes/Name.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1e1fb31f84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/Name.lhs
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+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+\section[Name]{@Name@: to transmit name info from renamer to typechecker}
+module Name (
+ -- Re-export the OccName stuff
+ module OccName,
+ -- The Name type
+ Name, -- Abstract
+ BuiltInSyntax(..),
+ mkInternalName, mkSystemName,
+ mkSystemVarName, mkSysTvName,
+ mkFCallName, mkIPName,
+ mkExternalName, mkWiredInName,
+ nameUnique, setNameUnique,
+ nameOccName, nameModule, nameModule_maybe,
+ tidyNameOcc,
+ hashName, localiseName,
+ nameSrcLoc, nameParent, nameParent_maybe, isImplicitName,
+ isSystemName, isInternalName, isExternalName,
+ isTyVarName, isWiredInName, isBuiltInSyntax,
+ wiredInNameTyThing_maybe,
+ nameIsLocalOrFrom,
+ -- Class NamedThing and overloaded friends
+ NamedThing(..),
+ getSrcLoc, getOccString
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import {-# SOURCE #-} TypeRep( TyThing )
+import OccName -- All of it
+import Module ( Module, moduleFS )
+import SrcLoc ( noSrcLoc, wiredInSrcLoc, SrcLoc )
+import Unique ( Unique, Uniquable(..), getKey, pprUnique )
+import Maybes ( orElse, isJust )
+import FastString ( FastString, zEncodeFS )
+import Outputable
+%* *
+\subsection[Name-datatype]{The @Name@ datatype, and name construction}
+%* *
+data Name = Name {
+ n_sort :: NameSort, -- What sort of name it is
+ n_occ :: !OccName, -- Its occurrence name
+ n_uniq :: Unique,
+ n_loc :: !SrcLoc -- Definition site
+ }
+-- NOTE: we make the n_loc field strict to eliminate some potential
+-- (and real!) space leaks, due to the fact that we don't look at
+-- the SrcLoc in a Name all that often.
+data NameSort
+ = External Module (Maybe Name)
+ -- (Just parent) => this Name is a subordinate name of 'parent'
+ -- e.g. data constructor of a data type, method of a class
+ -- Nothing => not a subordinate
+ | WiredIn Module (Maybe Name) TyThing BuiltInSyntax
+ -- A variant of External, for wired-in things
+ | Internal -- A user-defined Id or TyVar
+ -- defined in the module being compiled
+ | System -- A system-defined Id or TyVar. Typically the
+ -- OccName is very uninformative (like 's')
+data BuiltInSyntax = BuiltInSyntax | UserSyntax
+-- BuiltInSyntax is for things like (:), [], tuples etc,
+-- which have special syntactic forms. They aren't "in scope"
+-- as such.
+Notes about the NameSorts:
+1. Initially, top-level Ids (including locally-defined ones) get External names,
+ and all other local Ids get Internal names
+2. Things with a External name are given C static labels, so they finally
+ appear in the .o file's symbol table. They appear in the symbol table
+ in the form M.n. If originally-local things have this property they
+ must be made @External@ first.
+3. In the tidy-core phase, a External that is not visible to an importer
+ is changed to Internal, and a Internal that is visible is changed to External
+4. A System Name differs in the following ways:
+ a) has unique attached when printing dumps
+ b) unifier eliminates sys tyvars in favour of user provs where possible
+ Before anything gets printed in interface files or output code, it's
+ fed through a 'tidy' processor, which zaps the OccNames to have
+ unique names; and converts all sys-locals to user locals
+ If any desugarer sys-locals have survived that far, they get changed to
+ "ds1", "ds2", etc.
+Built-in syntax => It's a syntactic form, not "in scope" (e.g. [])
+Wired-in thing => The thing (Id, TyCon) is fully known to the compiler,
+ not read from an interface file.
+ E.g. Bool, True, Int, Float, and many others
+All built-in syntax is for wired-in things.
+nameUnique :: Name -> Unique
+nameOccName :: Name -> OccName
+nameModule :: Name -> Module
+nameSrcLoc :: Name -> SrcLoc
+nameUnique name = n_uniq name
+nameOccName name = n_occ name
+nameSrcLoc name = n_loc name
+nameIsLocalOrFrom :: Module -> Name -> Bool
+isInternalName :: Name -> Bool
+isExternalName :: Name -> Bool
+isSystemName :: Name -> Bool
+isWiredInName :: Name -> Bool
+isWiredInName (Name {n_sort = WiredIn _ _ _ _}) = True
+isWiredInName other = False
+wiredInNameTyThing_maybe :: Name -> Maybe TyThing
+wiredInNameTyThing_maybe (Name {n_sort = WiredIn _ _ thing _}) = Just thing
+wiredInNameTyThing_maybe other = Nothing
+isBuiltInSyntax (Name {n_sort = WiredIn _ _ _ BuiltInSyntax}) = True
+isBuiltInSyntax other = False
+isExternalName (Name {n_sort = External _ _}) = True
+isExternalName (Name {n_sort = WiredIn _ _ _ _}) = True
+isExternalName other = False
+isInternalName name = not (isExternalName name)
+nameParent_maybe :: Name -> Maybe Name
+nameParent_maybe (Name {n_sort = External _ p}) = p
+nameParent_maybe (Name {n_sort = WiredIn _ p _ _}) = p
+nameParent_maybe other = Nothing
+nameParent :: Name -> Name
+nameParent name = case nameParent_maybe name of
+ Just parent -> parent
+ Nothing -> name
+isImplicitName :: Name -> Bool
+-- An Implicit Name is one has a parent; that is, one whose definition
+-- derives from the parent thing
+isImplicitName name = isJust (nameParent_maybe name)
+nameModule name = nameModule_maybe name `orElse` pprPanic "nameModule" (ppr name)
+nameModule_maybe (Name { n_sort = External mod _}) = Just mod
+nameModule_maybe (Name { n_sort = WiredIn mod _ _ _}) = Just mod
+nameModule_maybe name = Nothing
+nameIsLocalOrFrom from name
+ | isExternalName name = from == nameModule name
+ | otherwise = True
+isTyVarName :: Name -> Bool
+isTyVarName name = isTvOcc (nameOccName name)
+isSystemName (Name {n_sort = System}) = True
+isSystemName other = False
+%* *
+\subsection{Making names}
+%* *
+mkInternalName :: Unique -> OccName -> SrcLoc -> Name
+mkInternalName uniq occ loc = Name { n_uniq = uniq, n_sort = Internal, n_occ = occ, n_loc = loc }
+ -- NB: You might worry that after lots of huffing and
+ -- puffing we might end up with two local names with distinct
+ -- uniques, but the same OccName. Indeed we can, but that's ok
+ -- * the insides of the compiler don't care: they use the Unique
+ -- * when printing for -ddump-xxx you can switch on -dppr-debug to get the
+ -- uniques if you get confused
+ -- * for interface files we tidyCore first, which puts the uniques
+ -- into the print name (see setNameVisibility below)
+mkExternalName :: Unique -> Module -> OccName -> Maybe Name -> SrcLoc -> Name
+mkExternalName uniq mod occ mb_parent loc
+ = Name { n_uniq = uniq, n_sort = External mod mb_parent,
+ n_occ = occ, n_loc = loc }
+mkWiredInName :: Module -> OccName -> Unique
+ -> Maybe Name -> TyThing -> BuiltInSyntax -> Name
+mkWiredInName mod occ uniq mb_parent thing built_in
+ = Name { n_uniq = uniq,
+ n_sort = WiredIn mod mb_parent thing built_in,
+ n_occ = occ, n_loc = wiredInSrcLoc }
+mkSystemName :: Unique -> OccName -> Name
+mkSystemName uniq occ = Name { n_uniq = uniq, n_sort = System,
+ n_occ = occ, n_loc = noSrcLoc }
+mkSystemVarName :: Unique -> FastString -> Name
+mkSystemVarName uniq fs = mkSystemName uniq (mkVarOccFS fs)
+mkSysTvName :: Unique -> FastString -> Name
+mkSysTvName uniq fs = mkSystemName uniq (mkOccNameFS tvName fs)
+mkFCallName :: Unique -> String -> Name
+ -- The encoded string completely describes the ccall
+mkFCallName uniq str = Name { n_uniq = uniq, n_sort = Internal,
+ n_occ = mkVarOcc str, n_loc = noSrcLoc }
+mkIPName :: Unique -> OccName -> Name
+mkIPName uniq occ
+ = Name { n_uniq = uniq,
+ n_sort = Internal,
+ n_occ = occ,
+ n_loc = noSrcLoc }
+-- When we renumber/rename things, we need to be
+-- able to change a Name's Unique to match the cached
+-- one in the thing it's the name of. If you know what I mean.
+setNameUnique name uniq = name {n_uniq = uniq}
+tidyNameOcc :: Name -> OccName -> Name
+-- We set the OccName of a Name when tidying
+-- In doing so, we change System --> Internal, so that when we print
+-- it we don't get the unique by default. It's tidy now!
+tidyNameOcc name@(Name { n_sort = System }) occ = name { n_occ = occ, n_sort = Internal}
+tidyNameOcc name occ = name { n_occ = occ }
+localiseName :: Name -> Name
+localiseName n = n { n_sort = Internal }
+%* *
+\subsection{Predicates and selectors}
+%* *
+hashName :: Name -> Int
+hashName name = getKey (nameUnique name)
+%* *
+\subsection[Name-instances]{Instance declarations}
+%* *
+cmpName n1 n2 = n_uniq n1 `compare` n_uniq n2
+instance Eq Name where
+ a == b = case (a `compare` b) of { EQ -> True; _ -> False }
+ a /= b = case (a `compare` b) of { EQ -> False; _ -> True }
+instance Ord Name where
+ a <= b = case (a `compare` b) of { LT -> True; EQ -> True; GT -> False }
+ a < b = case (a `compare` b) of { LT -> True; EQ -> False; GT -> False }
+ a >= b = case (a `compare` b) of { LT -> False; EQ -> True; GT -> True }
+ a > b = case (a `compare` b) of { LT -> False; EQ -> False; GT -> True }
+ compare a b = cmpName a b
+instance Uniquable Name where
+ getUnique = nameUnique
+instance NamedThing Name where
+ getName n = n
+%* *
+\subsection{Pretty printing}
+%* *
+instance Outputable Name where
+ ppr name = pprName name
+instance OutputableBndr Name where
+ pprBndr _ name = pprName name
+pprName (Name {n_sort = sort, n_uniq = uniq, n_occ = occ})
+ = getPprStyle $ \ sty ->
+ case sort of
+ WiredIn mod _ _ builtin -> pprExternal sty uniq mod occ True builtin
+ External mod _ -> pprExternal sty uniq mod occ False UserSyntax
+ System -> pprSystem sty uniq occ
+ Internal -> pprInternal sty uniq occ
+pprExternal sty uniq mod occ is_wired is_builtin
+ | codeStyle sty = ppr_z_module mod <> char '_' <> ppr_z_occ_name occ
+ -- In code style, always qualify
+ -- ToDo: maybe we could print all wired-in things unqualified
+ -- in code style, to reduce symbol table bloat?
+ | debugStyle sty = ppr mod <> dot <> ppr_occ_name occ
+ <> braces (hsep [if is_wired then ptext SLIT("(w)") else empty,
+ pprNameSpaceBrief (occNameSpace occ),
+ pprUnique uniq])
+ | BuiltInSyntax <- is_builtin = ppr_occ_name occ
+ -- never qualify builtin syntax
+ | unqualStyle sty mod occ = ppr_occ_name occ
+ | otherwise = ppr mod <> dot <> ppr_occ_name occ
+pprInternal sty uniq occ
+ | codeStyle sty = pprUnique uniq
+ | debugStyle sty = ppr_occ_name occ <> braces (hsep [pprNameSpaceBrief (occNameSpace occ),
+ pprUnique uniq])
+ | dumpStyle sty = ppr_occ_name occ <> char '_' <> pprUnique uniq
+ -- For debug dumps, we're not necessarily dumping
+ -- tidied code, so we need to print the uniques.
+ | otherwise = ppr_occ_name occ -- User style
+-- Like Internal, except that we only omit the unique in Iface style
+pprSystem sty uniq occ
+ | codeStyle sty = pprUnique uniq
+ | debugStyle sty = ppr_occ_name occ <> char '_' <> pprUnique uniq
+ <> braces (pprNameSpaceBrief (occNameSpace occ))
+ | otherwise = ppr_occ_name occ <> char '_' <> pprUnique uniq
+ -- If the tidy phase hasn't run, the OccName
+ -- is unlikely to be informative (like 's'),
+ -- so print the unique
+ppr_occ_name occ = ftext (occNameFS occ)
+ -- Don't use pprOccName; instead, just print the string of the OccName;
+ -- we print the namespace in the debug stuff above
+-- In code style, we Z-encode the strings. The results of Z-encoding each FastString are
+-- cached behind the scenes in the FastString implementation.
+ppr_z_occ_name occ = ftext (zEncodeFS (occNameFS occ))
+ppr_z_module mod = ftext (zEncodeFS (moduleFS mod))
+%* *
+\subsection{Overloaded functions related to Names}
+%* *
+class NamedThing a where
+ getOccName :: a -> OccName
+ getName :: a -> Name
+ getOccName n = nameOccName (getName n) -- Default method
+getSrcLoc :: NamedThing a => a -> SrcLoc
+getOccString :: NamedThing a => a -> String
+getSrcLoc = nameSrcLoc . getName
+getOccString = occNameString . getOccName