path: root/compiler/GHC/Stg/Lift
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diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Stg/Lift/Analysis.hs b/compiler/GHC/Stg/Lift/Analysis.hs
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index 0000000000..02d439cef7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Stg/Lift/Analysis.hs
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+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
+-- | Provides the heuristics for when it's beneficial to lambda lift bindings.
+-- Most significantly, this employs a cost model to estimate impact on heap
+-- allocations, by looking at an STG expression's 'Skeleton'.
+module GHC.Stg.Lift.Analysis (
+ -- * #when# When to lift
+ -- $when
+ -- * #clogro# Estimating closure growth
+ -- $clogro
+ -- * AST annotation
+ Skeleton(..), BinderInfo(..), binderInfoBndr,
+ LlStgBinding, LlStgExpr, LlStgRhs, LlStgAlt, tagSkeletonTopBind,
+ -- * Lifting decision
+ goodToLift,
+ closureGrowth -- Exported just for the docs
+ ) where
+import GhcPrelude
+import BasicTypes
+import Demand
+import DynFlags
+import Id
+import SMRep ( WordOff )
+import GHC.Stg.Syntax
+import qualified GHC.StgToCmm.ArgRep as StgToCmm.ArgRep
+import qualified GHC.StgToCmm.Closure as StgToCmm.Closure
+import qualified GHC.StgToCmm.Layout as StgToCmm.Layout
+import Outputable
+import Util
+import VarSet
+import Data.Maybe ( mapMaybe )
+-- Note [When to lift]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- $when
+-- The analysis proceeds in two steps:
+-- 1. It tags the syntax tree with analysis information in the form of
+-- 'BinderInfo' at each binder and 'Skeleton's at each let-binding
+-- by 'tagSkeletonTopBind' and friends.
+-- 2. The resulting syntax tree is treated by the "GHC.Stg.Lift"
+-- module, calling out to 'goodToLift' to decide if a binding is worthwhile
+-- to lift.
+-- 'goodToLift' consults argument occurrence information in 'BinderInfo'
+-- and estimates 'closureGrowth', for which it needs the 'Skeleton'.
+-- So the annotations from 'tagSkeletonTopBind' ultimately fuel 'goodToLift',
+-- which employs a number of heuristics to identify and exclude lambda lifting
+-- opportunities deemed non-beneficial:
+-- [Top-level bindings] can't be lifted.
+-- [Thunks] and data constructors shouldn't be lifted in order not to destroy
+-- sharing.
+-- [Argument occurrences] #arg_occs# of binders prohibit them to be lifted.
+-- Doing the lift would re-introduce the very allocation at call sites that
+-- we tried to get rid off in the first place. We capture analysis
+-- information in 'BinderInfo'. Note that we also consider a nullary
+-- application as argument occurrence, because it would turn into an n-ary
+-- partial application created by a generic apply function. This occurs in
+-- CPS-heavy code like the CS benchmark.
+-- [Join points] should not be lifted, simply because there's no reduction in
+-- allocation to be had.
+-- [Abstracting over join points] destroys join points, because they end up as
+-- arguments to the lifted function.
+-- [Abstracting over known local functions] turns a known call into an unknown
+-- call (e.g. some @stg_ap_*@), which is generally slower. Can be turned off
+-- with @-fstg-lift-lams-known@.
+-- [Calling convention] Don't lift when the resulting function would have a
+-- higher arity than available argument registers for the calling convention.
+-- Can be influenced with @-fstg-lift-(non)rec-args(-any)@.
+-- [Closure growth] introduced when former free variables have to be available
+-- at call sites may actually lead to an increase in overall allocations
+-- resulting from a lift. Estimating closure growth is described in
+-- "GHC.Stg.Lift.Analysis#clogro" and is what most of this module is ultimately
+-- concerned with.
+-- There's a < wiki page> with
+-- some more background and history.
+-- Note [Estimating closure growth]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- $clogro
+-- We estimate closure growth by abstracting the syntax tree into a 'Skeleton',
+-- capturing only syntactic details relevant to 'closureGrowth', such as
+-- * 'ClosureSk', representing closure allocation.
+-- * 'RhsSk', representing a RHS of a binding and how many times it's called
+-- by an appropriate 'DmdShell'.
+-- * 'AltSk', 'BothSk' and 'NilSk' for choice, sequence and empty element.
+-- This abstraction is mostly so that the main analysis function 'closureGrowth'
+-- can stay simple and focused. Also, skeletons tend to be much smaller than
+-- the syntax tree they abstract, so it makes sense to construct them once and
+-- and operate on them instead of the actual syntax tree.
+-- A more detailed treatment of computing closure growth, including examples,
+-- can be found in the paper referenced from the
+-- < wiki page>.
+llTrace :: String -> SDoc -> a -> a
+llTrace _ _ c = c
+-- llTrace a b c = pprTrace a b c
+type instance BinderP 'LiftLams = BinderInfo
+type instance XRhsClosure 'LiftLams = DIdSet
+type instance XLet 'LiftLams = Skeleton
+type instance XLetNoEscape 'LiftLams = Skeleton
+freeVarsOfRhs :: (XRhsClosure pass ~ DIdSet) => GenStgRhs pass -> DIdSet
+freeVarsOfRhs (StgRhsCon _ _ args) = mkDVarSet [ id | StgVarArg id <- args ]
+freeVarsOfRhs (StgRhsClosure fvs _ _ _ _) = fvs
+-- | Captures details of the syntax tree relevant to the cost model, such as
+-- closures, multi-shot lambdas and case expressions.
+data Skeleton
+ = ClosureSk !Id !DIdSet {- ^ free vars -} !Skeleton
+ | RhsSk !DmdShell {- ^ how often the RHS was entered -} !Skeleton
+ | AltSk !Skeleton !Skeleton
+ | BothSk !Skeleton !Skeleton
+ | NilSk
+bothSk :: Skeleton -> Skeleton -> Skeleton
+bothSk NilSk b = b
+bothSk a NilSk = a
+bothSk a b = BothSk a b
+altSk :: Skeleton -> Skeleton -> Skeleton
+altSk NilSk b = b
+altSk a NilSk = a
+altSk a b = AltSk a b
+rhsSk :: DmdShell -> Skeleton -> Skeleton
+rhsSk _ NilSk = NilSk
+rhsSk body_dmd skel = RhsSk body_dmd skel
+-- | The type used in binder positions in 'GenStgExpr's.
+data BinderInfo
+ = BindsClosure !Id !Bool -- ^ Let(-no-escape)-bound thing with a flag
+ -- indicating whether it occurs as an argument
+ -- or in a nullary application
+ -- (see "GHC.Stg.Lift.Analysis#arg_occs").
+ | BoringBinder !Id -- ^ Every other kind of binder
+-- | Gets the bound 'Id' out a 'BinderInfo'.
+binderInfoBndr :: BinderInfo -> Id
+binderInfoBndr (BoringBinder bndr) = bndr
+binderInfoBndr (BindsClosure bndr _) = bndr
+-- | Returns 'Nothing' for 'BoringBinder's and 'Just' the flag indicating
+-- occurrences as argument or in a nullary applications otherwise.
+binderInfoOccursAsArg :: BinderInfo -> Maybe Bool
+binderInfoOccursAsArg BoringBinder{} = Nothing
+binderInfoOccursAsArg (BindsClosure _ b) = Just b
+instance Outputable Skeleton where
+ ppr NilSk = text ""
+ ppr (AltSk l r) = vcat
+ [ text "{ " <+> ppr l
+ , text "ALT"
+ , text " " <+> ppr r
+ , text "}"
+ ]
+ ppr (BothSk l r) = ppr l $$ ppr r
+ ppr (ClosureSk f fvs body) = ppr f <+> ppr fvs $$ nest 2 (ppr body)
+ ppr (RhsSk body_dmd body) = hcat
+ [ text "λ["
+ , ppr str
+ , text ", "
+ , ppr use
+ , text "]. "
+ , ppr body
+ ]
+ where
+ str
+ | isStrictDmd body_dmd = '1'
+ | otherwise = '0'
+ use
+ | isAbsDmd body_dmd = '0'
+ | isUsedOnce body_dmd = '1'
+ | otherwise = 'ω'
+instance Outputable BinderInfo where
+ ppr = ppr . binderInfoBndr
+instance OutputableBndr BinderInfo where
+ pprBndr b = pprBndr b . binderInfoBndr
+ pprPrefixOcc = pprPrefixOcc . binderInfoBndr
+ pprInfixOcc = pprInfixOcc . binderInfoBndr
+ bndrIsJoin_maybe = bndrIsJoin_maybe . binderInfoBndr
+mkArgOccs :: [StgArg] -> IdSet
+mkArgOccs = mkVarSet . mapMaybe stg_arg_var
+ where
+ stg_arg_var (StgVarArg occ) = Just occ
+ stg_arg_var _ = Nothing
+-- | Tags every binder with its 'BinderInfo' and let bindings with their
+-- 'Skeleton's.
+tagSkeletonTopBind :: CgStgBinding -> LlStgBinding
+-- NilSk is OK when tagging top-level bindings. Also, top-level things are never
+-- lambda-lifted, so no need to track their argument occurrences. They can also
+-- never be let-no-escapes (thus we pass False).
+tagSkeletonTopBind bind = bind'
+ where
+ (_, _, _, bind') = tagSkeletonBinding False NilSk emptyVarSet bind
+-- | Tags binders of an 'StgExpr' with its 'BinderInfo' and let bindings with
+-- their 'Skeleton's. Additionally, returns its 'Skeleton' and the set of binder
+-- occurrences in argument and nullary application position
+-- (cf. "GHC.Stg.Lift.Analysis#arg_occs").
+tagSkeletonExpr :: CgStgExpr -> (Skeleton, IdSet, LlStgExpr)
+tagSkeletonExpr (StgLit lit)
+ = (NilSk, emptyVarSet, StgLit lit)
+tagSkeletonExpr (StgConApp con args tys)
+ = (NilSk, mkArgOccs args, StgConApp con args tys)
+tagSkeletonExpr (StgOpApp op args ty)
+ = (NilSk, mkArgOccs args, StgOpApp op args ty)
+tagSkeletonExpr (StgApp f args)
+ = (NilSk, arg_occs, StgApp f args)
+ where
+ arg_occs
+ -- This checks for nullary applications, which we treat the same as
+ -- argument occurrences, see "GHC.Stg.Lift.Analysis#arg_occs".
+ | null args = unitVarSet f
+ | otherwise = mkArgOccs args
+tagSkeletonExpr (StgLam _ _) = pprPanic "stgLiftLams" (text "StgLam")
+tagSkeletonExpr (StgCase scrut bndr ty alts)
+ = (skel, arg_occs, StgCase scrut' bndr' ty alts')
+ where
+ (scrut_skel, scrut_arg_occs, scrut') = tagSkeletonExpr scrut
+ (alt_skels, alt_arg_occss, alts') = mapAndUnzip3 tagSkeletonAlt alts
+ skel = bothSk scrut_skel (foldr altSk NilSk alt_skels)
+ arg_occs = unionVarSets (scrut_arg_occs:alt_arg_occss) `delVarSet` bndr
+ bndr' = BoringBinder bndr
+tagSkeletonExpr (StgTick t e)
+ = (skel, arg_occs, StgTick t e')
+ where
+ (skel, arg_occs, e') = tagSkeletonExpr e
+tagSkeletonExpr (StgLet _ bind body) = tagSkeletonLet False body bind
+tagSkeletonExpr (StgLetNoEscape _ bind body) = tagSkeletonLet True body bind
+mkLet :: Bool -> Skeleton -> LlStgBinding -> LlStgExpr -> LlStgExpr
+mkLet True = StgLetNoEscape
+mkLet _ = StgLet
+ :: Bool
+ -- ^ Is the binding a let-no-escape?
+ -> CgStgExpr
+ -- ^ Let body
+ -> CgStgBinding
+ -- ^ Binding group
+ -> (Skeleton, IdSet, LlStgExpr)
+ -- ^ RHS skeletons, argument occurrences and annotated binding
+tagSkeletonLet is_lne body bind
+ = (let_skel, arg_occs, mkLet is_lne scope bind' body')
+ where
+ (body_skel, body_arg_occs, body') = tagSkeletonExpr body
+ (let_skel, arg_occs, scope, bind')
+ = tagSkeletonBinding is_lne body_skel body_arg_occs bind
+ :: Bool
+ -- ^ Is the binding a let-no-escape?
+ -> Skeleton
+ -- ^ Let body skeleton
+ -> IdSet
+ -- ^ Argument occurrences in the body
+ -> CgStgBinding
+ -- ^ Binding group
+ -> (Skeleton, IdSet, Skeleton, LlStgBinding)
+ -- ^ Let skeleton, argument occurrences, scope skeleton of binding and
+ -- the annotated binding
+tagSkeletonBinding is_lne body_skel body_arg_occs (StgNonRec bndr rhs)
+ = (let_skel, arg_occs, scope, bind')
+ where
+ (rhs_skel, rhs_arg_occs, rhs') = tagSkeletonRhs bndr rhs
+ arg_occs = (body_arg_occs `unionVarSet` rhs_arg_occs) `delVarSet` bndr
+ bind_skel
+ | is_lne = rhs_skel -- no closure is allocated for let-no-escapes
+ | otherwise = ClosureSk bndr (freeVarsOfRhs rhs) rhs_skel
+ let_skel = bothSk body_skel bind_skel
+ occurs_as_arg = bndr `elemVarSet` body_arg_occs
+ -- Compared to the recursive case, this exploits the fact that @bndr@ is
+ -- never free in @rhs@.
+ scope = body_skel
+ bind' = StgNonRec (BindsClosure bndr occurs_as_arg) rhs'
+tagSkeletonBinding is_lne body_skel body_arg_occs (StgRec pairs)
+ = (let_skel, arg_occs, scope, StgRec pairs')
+ where
+ (bndrs, _) = unzip pairs
+ -- Local recursive STG bindings also regard the defined binders as free
+ -- vars. We want to delete those for our cost model, as these are known
+ -- calls anyway when we add them to the same top-level recursive group as
+ -- the top-level binding currently being analysed.
+ skel_occs_rhss' = map (uncurry tagSkeletonRhs) pairs
+ rhss_arg_occs = map sndOf3 skel_occs_rhss'
+ scope_occs = unionVarSets (body_arg_occs:rhss_arg_occs)
+ arg_occs = scope_occs `delVarSetList` bndrs
+ -- @skel_rhss@ aren't yet wrapped in closures. We'll do that in a moment,
+ -- but we also need the un-wrapped skeletons for calculating the @scope@
+ -- of the group, as the outer closures don't contribute to closure growth
+ -- when we lift this specific binding.
+ scope = foldr (bothSk . fstOf3) body_skel skel_occs_rhss'
+ -- Now we can build the actual Skeleton for the expression just by
+ -- iterating over each bind pair.
+ (bind_skels, pairs') = unzip (zipWith single_bind bndrs skel_occs_rhss')
+ let_skel = foldr bothSk body_skel bind_skels
+ single_bind bndr (skel_rhs, _, rhs') = (bind_skel, (bndr', rhs'))
+ where
+ -- Here, we finally add the closure around each @skel_rhs@.
+ bind_skel
+ | is_lne = skel_rhs -- no closure is allocated for let-no-escapes
+ | otherwise = ClosureSk bndr fvs skel_rhs
+ fvs = freeVarsOfRhs rhs' `dVarSetMinusVarSet` mkVarSet bndrs
+ bndr' = BindsClosure bndr (bndr `elemVarSet` scope_occs)
+tagSkeletonRhs :: Id -> CgStgRhs -> (Skeleton, IdSet, LlStgRhs)
+tagSkeletonRhs _ (StgRhsCon ccs dc args)
+ = (NilSk, mkArgOccs args, StgRhsCon ccs dc args)
+tagSkeletonRhs bndr (StgRhsClosure fvs ccs upd bndrs body)
+ = (rhs_skel, body_arg_occs, StgRhsClosure fvs ccs upd bndrs' body')
+ where
+ bndrs' = map BoringBinder bndrs
+ (body_skel, body_arg_occs, body') = tagSkeletonExpr body
+ rhs_skel = rhsSk (rhsDmdShell bndr) body_skel
+-- | How many times will the lambda body of the RHS bound to the given
+-- identifier be evaluated, relative to its defining context? This function
+-- computes the answer in form of a 'DmdShell'.
+rhsDmdShell :: Id -> DmdShell
+rhsDmdShell bndr
+ | is_thunk = oneifyDmd ds
+ | otherwise = peelManyCalls (idArity bndr) cd
+ where
+ is_thunk = idArity bndr == 0
+ -- Let's pray idDemandInfo is still OK after unarise...
+ (ds, cd) = toCleanDmd (idDemandInfo bndr)
+tagSkeletonAlt :: CgStgAlt -> (Skeleton, IdSet, LlStgAlt)
+tagSkeletonAlt (con, bndrs, rhs)
+ = (alt_skel, arg_occs, (con, map BoringBinder bndrs, rhs'))
+ where
+ (alt_skel, alt_arg_occs, rhs') = tagSkeletonExpr rhs
+ arg_occs = alt_arg_occs `delVarSetList` bndrs
+-- | Combines several heuristics to decide whether to lambda-lift a given
+-- @let@-binding to top-level. See "GHC.Stg.Lift.Analysis#when" for details.
+ :: DynFlags
+ -> TopLevelFlag
+ -> RecFlag
+ -> (DIdSet -> DIdSet) -- ^ An expander function, turning 'InId's into
+ -- 'OutId's. See 'GHC.Stg.Lift.Monad.liftedIdsExpander'.
+ -> [(BinderInfo, LlStgRhs)]
+ -> Skeleton
+ -> Maybe DIdSet -- ^ @Just abs_ids@ <=> This binding is beneficial to
+ -- lift and @abs_ids@ are the variables it would
+ -- abstract over
+goodToLift dflags top_lvl rec_flag expander pairs scope = decide
+ [ ("top-level", isTopLevel top_lvl) -- keep in sync with Note [When to lift]
+ , ("memoized", any_memoized)
+ , ("argument occurrences", arg_occs)
+ , ("join point", is_join_point)
+ , ("abstracts join points", abstracts_join_ids)
+ , ("abstracts known local function", abstracts_known_local_fun)
+ , ("args spill on stack", args_spill_on_stack)
+ , ("increases allocation", inc_allocs)
+ ] where
+ decide deciders
+ | not (fancy_or deciders)
+ = llTrace "stgLiftLams:lifting"
+ (ppr bndrs <+> ppr abs_ids $$
+ ppr allocs $$
+ ppr scope) $
+ Just abs_ids
+ | otherwise
+ = Nothing
+ ppr_deciders = vcat . map (text . fst) . filter snd
+ fancy_or deciders
+ = llTrace "stgLiftLams:goodToLift" (ppr bndrs $$ ppr_deciders deciders) $
+ any snd deciders
+ bndrs = map (binderInfoBndr . fst) pairs
+ bndrs_set = mkVarSet bndrs
+ rhss = map snd pairs
+ -- First objective: Calculate @abs_ids@, e.g. the former free variables
+ -- the lifted binding would abstract over. We have to merge the free
+ -- variables of all RHS to get the set of variables that will have to be
+ -- passed through parameters.
+ fvs = unionDVarSets (map freeVarsOfRhs rhss)
+ -- To lift the binding to top-level, we want to delete the lifted binders
+ -- themselves from the free var set. Local let bindings track recursive
+ -- occurrences in their free variable set. We neither want to apply our
+ -- cost model to them (see 'tagSkeletonRhs'), nor pass them as parameters
+ -- when lifted, as these are known calls. We call the resulting set the
+ -- identifiers we abstract over, thus @abs_ids@. These are all 'OutId's.
+ -- We will save the set in 'LiftM.e_expansions' for each of the variables
+ -- if we perform the lift.
+ abs_ids = expander (delDVarSetList fvs bndrs)
+ -- We don't lift updatable thunks or constructors
+ any_memoized = any is_memoized_rhs rhss
+ is_memoized_rhs StgRhsCon{} = True
+ is_memoized_rhs (StgRhsClosure _ _ upd _ _) = isUpdatable upd
+ -- Don't lift binders occurring as arguments. This would result in complex
+ -- argument expressions which would have to be given a name, reintroducing
+ -- the very allocation at each call site that we wanted to get rid off in
+ -- the first place.
+ arg_occs = or (mapMaybe (binderInfoOccursAsArg . fst) pairs)
+ -- These don't allocate anyway.
+ is_join_point = any isJoinId bndrs
+ -- Abstracting over join points/let-no-escapes spoils them.
+ abstracts_join_ids = any isJoinId (dVarSetElems abs_ids)
+ -- Abstracting over known local functions that aren't floated themselves
+ -- turns a known, fast call into an unknown, slow call:
+ --
+ -- let f x = ...
+ -- g y = ... f x ... -- this was a known call
+ -- in g 4
+ --
+ -- After lifting @g@, but not @f@:
+ --
+ -- l_g f y = ... f y ... -- this is now an unknown call
+ -- let f x = ...
+ -- in l_g f 4
+ --
+ -- We can abuse the results of arity analysis for this:
+ -- idArity f > 0 ==> known
+ known_fun id = idArity id > 0
+ abstracts_known_local_fun
+ = not (liftLamsKnown dflags) && any known_fun (dVarSetElems abs_ids)
+ -- Number of arguments of a RHS in the current binding group if we decide
+ -- to lift it
+ n_args
+ = length
+ . StgToCmm.Closure.nonVoidIds -- void parameters don't appear in Cmm
+ . (dVarSetElems abs_ids ++)
+ . rhsLambdaBndrs
+ max_n_args
+ | isRec rec_flag = liftLamsRecArgs dflags
+ | otherwise = liftLamsNonRecArgs dflags
+ -- We have 5 hardware registers on x86_64 to pass arguments in. Any excess
+ -- args are passed on the stack, which means slow memory accesses
+ args_spill_on_stack
+ | Just n <- max_n_args = maximum (map n_args rhss) > n
+ | otherwise = False
+ -- We only perform the lift if allocations didn't increase.
+ -- Note that @clo_growth@ will be 'infinity' if there was positive growth
+ -- under a multi-shot lambda.
+ -- Also, abstracting over LNEs is unacceptable. LNEs might return
+ -- unlifted tuples, which idClosureFootprint can't cope with.
+ inc_allocs = abstracts_join_ids || allocs > 0
+ allocs = clo_growth + mkIntWithInf (negate closuresSize)
+ -- We calculate and then add up the size of each binding's closure.
+ -- GHC does not currently share closure environments, and we either lift
+ -- the entire recursive binding group or none of it.
+ closuresSize = sum $ flip map rhss $ \rhs ->
+ closureSize dflags
+ . dVarSetElems
+ . expander
+ . flip dVarSetMinusVarSet bndrs_set
+ $ freeVarsOfRhs rhs
+ clo_growth = closureGrowth expander (idClosureFootprint dflags) bndrs_set abs_ids scope
+rhsLambdaBndrs :: LlStgRhs -> [Id]
+rhsLambdaBndrs StgRhsCon{} = []
+rhsLambdaBndrs (StgRhsClosure _ _ _ bndrs _) = map binderInfoBndr bndrs
+-- | The size in words of a function closure closing over the given 'Id's,
+-- including the header.
+closureSize :: DynFlags -> [Id] -> WordOff
+closureSize dflags ids = words + sTD_HDR_SIZE dflags
+ -- We go through sTD_HDR_SIZE rather than fixedHdrSizeW so that we don't
+ -- optimise differently when profiling is enabled.
+ where
+ (words, _, _)
+ -- Functions have a StdHeader (as opposed to ThunkHeader).
+ = StgToCmm.Layout.mkVirtHeapOffsets dflags StgToCmm.Layout.StdHeader
+ . StgToCmm.Closure.addIdReps
+ . StgToCmm.Closure.nonVoidIds
+ $ ids
+-- | The number of words a single 'Id' adds to a closure's size.
+-- Note that this can't handle unboxed tuples (which may still be present in
+-- let-no-escapes, even after Unarise), in which case
+-- @'GHC.StgToCmm.Closure.idPrimRep'@ will crash.
+idClosureFootprint:: DynFlags -> Id -> WordOff
+idClosureFootprint dflags
+ = StgToCmm.ArgRep.argRepSizeW dflags
+ . StgToCmm.ArgRep.idArgRep
+-- | @closureGrowth expander sizer f fvs@ computes the closure growth in words
+-- as a result of lifting @f@ to top-level. If there was any growing closure
+-- under a multi-shot lambda, the result will be 'infinity'.
+-- Also see "GHC.Stg.Lift.Analysis#clogro".
+ :: (DIdSet -> DIdSet)
+ -- ^ Expands outer free ids that were lifted to their free vars
+ -> (Id -> Int)
+ -- ^ Computes the closure footprint of an identifier
+ -> IdSet
+ -- ^ Binding group for which lifting is to be decided
+ -> DIdSet
+ -- ^ Free vars of the whole binding group prior to lifting it. These must be
+ -- available at call sites if we decide to lift the binding group.
+ -> Skeleton
+ -- ^ Abstraction of the scope of the function
+ -> IntWithInf
+ -- ^ Closure growth. 'infinity' indicates there was growth under a
+ -- (multi-shot) lambda.
+closureGrowth expander sizer group abs_ids = go
+ where
+ go NilSk = 0
+ go (BothSk a b) = go a + go b
+ go (AltSk a b) = max (go a) (go b)
+ go (ClosureSk _ clo_fvs rhs)
+ -- If no binder of the @group@ occurs free in the closure, the lifting
+ -- won't have any effect on it and we can omit the recursive call.
+ | n_occs == 0 = 0
+ -- Otherwise, we account the cost of allocating the closure and add it to
+ -- the closure growth of its RHS.
+ | otherwise = mkIntWithInf cost + go rhs
+ where
+ n_occs = sizeDVarSet (clo_fvs' `dVarSetIntersectVarSet` group)
+ -- What we close over considering prior lifting decisions
+ clo_fvs' = expander clo_fvs
+ -- Variables that would additionally occur free in the closure body if
+ -- we lift @f@
+ newbies = abs_ids `minusDVarSet` clo_fvs'
+ -- Lifting @f@ removes @f@ from the closure but adds all @newbies@
+ cost = foldDVarSet (\id size -> sizer id + size) 0 newbies - n_occs
+ go (RhsSk body_dmd body)
+ -- The conservative assumption would be that
+ -- 1. Every RHS with positive growth would be called multiple times,
+ -- modulo thunks.
+ -- 2. Every RHS with negative growth wouldn't be called at all.
+ --
+ -- In the first case, we'd have to return 'infinity', while in the
+ -- second case, we'd have to return 0. But we can do far better
+ -- considering information from the demand analyser, which provides us
+ -- with conservative estimates on minimum and maximum evaluation
+ -- cardinality. The @body_dmd@ part of 'RhsSk' is the result of
+ -- 'rhsDmdShell' and accurately captures the cardinality of the RHSs body
+ -- relative to its defining context.
+ | isAbsDmd body_dmd = 0
+ | cg <= 0 = if isStrictDmd body_dmd then cg else 0
+ | isUsedOnce body_dmd = cg
+ | otherwise = infinity
+ where
+ cg = go body
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Stg/Lift/Monad.hs b/compiler/GHC/Stg/Lift/Monad.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7d17e53cd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Stg/Lift/Monad.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+-- | Hides away distracting bookkeeping while lambda lifting into a 'LiftM'
+-- monad.
+module GHC.Stg.Lift.Monad (
+ decomposeStgBinding, mkStgBinding,
+ Env (..),
+ -- * #floats# Handling floats
+ -- $floats
+ FloatLang (..), collectFloats, -- Exported just for the docs
+ -- * Transformation monad
+ LiftM, runLiftM, withCaffyness,
+ -- ** Adding bindings
+ startBindingGroup, endBindingGroup, addTopStringLit, addLiftedBinding,
+ -- ** Substitution and binders
+ withSubstBndr, withSubstBndrs, withLiftedBndr, withLiftedBndrs,
+ -- ** Occurrences
+ substOcc, isLifted, formerFreeVars, liftedIdsExpander
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import BasicTypes
+import CostCentre ( isCurrentCCS, dontCareCCS )
+import DynFlags
+import FastString
+import Id
+import IdInfo
+import Name
+import Outputable
+import OrdList
+import GHC.Stg.Subst
+import GHC.Stg.Syntax
+import Type
+import UniqSupply
+import Util
+import VarEnv
+import VarSet
+import Control.Arrow ( second )
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
+import Control.Monad.Trans.RWS.Strict ( RWST, runRWST )
+import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.RWS.Strict as RWS
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Cont ( ContT (..) )
+import Data.ByteString ( ByteString )
+-- | @uncurry 'mkStgBinding' . 'decomposeStgBinding' = id@
+decomposeStgBinding :: GenStgBinding pass -> (RecFlag, [(BinderP pass, GenStgRhs pass)])
+decomposeStgBinding (StgRec pairs) = (Recursive, pairs)
+decomposeStgBinding (StgNonRec bndr rhs) = (NonRecursive, [(bndr, rhs)])
+mkStgBinding :: RecFlag -> [(BinderP pass, GenStgRhs pass)] -> GenStgBinding pass
+mkStgBinding Recursive = StgRec
+mkStgBinding NonRecursive = uncurry StgNonRec . head
+-- | Environment threaded around in a scoped, @Reader@-like fashion.
+data Env
+ = Env
+ { e_dflags :: !DynFlags
+ -- ^ Read-only.
+ , e_subst :: !Subst
+ -- ^ We need to track the renamings of local 'InId's to their lifted 'OutId',
+ -- because shadowing might make a closure's free variables unavailable at its
+ -- call sites. Consider:
+ -- @
+ -- let f y = x + y in let x = 4 in f x
+ -- @
+ -- Here, @f@ can't be lifted to top-level, because its free variable @x@ isn't
+ -- available at its call site.
+ , e_expansions :: !(IdEnv DIdSet)
+ -- ^ Lifted 'Id's don't occur as free variables in any closure anymore, because
+ -- they are bound at the top-level. Every occurrence must supply the formerly
+ -- free variables of the lifted 'Id', so they in turn become free variables of
+ -- the call sites. This environment tracks this expansion from lifted 'Id's to
+ -- their free variables.
+ --
+ -- 'InId's to 'OutId's.
+ --
+ -- Invariant: 'Id's not present in this map won't be substituted.
+ , e_in_caffy_context :: !Bool
+ -- ^ Are we currently analysing within a caffy context (e.g. the containing
+ -- top-level binder's 'idCafInfo' is 'MayHaveCafRefs')? If not, we can safely
+ -- assume that functions we lift out aren't caffy either.
+ }
+emptyEnv :: DynFlags -> Env
+emptyEnv dflags = Env dflags emptySubst emptyVarEnv False
+-- Note [Handling floats]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- $floats
+-- Consider the following expression:
+-- @
+-- f x =
+-- let g y = ... f y ...
+-- in g x
+-- @
+-- What happens when we want to lift @g@? Normally, we'd put the lifted @l_g@
+-- binding above the binding for @f@:
+-- @
+-- g f y = ... f y ...
+-- f x = g f x
+-- @
+-- But this very unnecessarily turns a known call to @f@ into an unknown one, in
+-- addition to complicating matters for the analysis.
+-- Instead, we'd really like to put both functions in the same recursive group,
+-- thereby preserving the known call:
+-- @
+-- Rec {
+-- g y = ... f y ...
+-- f x = g x
+-- }
+-- @
+-- But we don't want this to happen for just /any/ binding. That would create
+-- possibly huge recursive groups in the process, calling for an occurrence
+-- analyser on STG.
+-- So, we need to track when we lift a binding out of a recursive RHS and add
+-- the binding to the same recursive group as the enclosing recursive binding
+-- (which must have either already been at the top-level or decided to be
+-- lifted itself in order to preserve the known call).
+-- This is done by expressing this kind of nesting structure as a 'Writer' over
+-- @['FloatLang']@ and flattening this expression in 'runLiftM' by a call to
+-- 'collectFloats'.
+-- API-wise, the analysis will not need to know about the whole 'FloatLang'
+-- business and will just manipulate it indirectly through actions in 'LiftM'.
+-- | We need to detect when we are lifting something out of the RHS of a
+-- recursive binding (c.f. "GHC.Stg.Lift.Monad#floats"), in which case that
+-- binding needs to be added to the same top-level recursive group. This
+-- requires we detect a certain nesting structure, which is encoded by
+-- 'StartBindingGroup' and 'EndBindingGroup'.
+-- Although 'collectFloats' will only ever care if the current binding to be
+-- lifted (through 'LiftedBinding') will occur inside such a binding group or
+-- not, e.g. doesn't care about the nesting level as long as its greater than 0.
+data FloatLang
+ = StartBindingGroup
+ | EndBindingGroup
+ | PlainTopBinding OutStgTopBinding
+ | LiftedBinding OutStgBinding
+instance Outputable FloatLang where
+ ppr StartBindingGroup = char '('
+ ppr EndBindingGroup = char ')'
+ ppr (PlainTopBinding StgTopStringLit{}) = text "<str>"
+ ppr (PlainTopBinding (StgTopLifted b)) = ppr (LiftedBinding b)
+ ppr (LiftedBinding bind) = (if isRec rec then char 'r' else char 'n') <+> ppr (map fst pairs)
+ where
+ (rec, pairs) = decomposeStgBinding bind
+-- | Flattens an expression in @['FloatLang']@ into an STG program, see #floats.
+-- Important pre-conditions: The nesting of opening 'StartBindinGroup's and
+-- closing 'EndBindinGroup's is balanced. Also, it is crucial that every binding
+-- group has at least one recursive binding inside. Otherwise there's no point
+-- in announcing the binding group in the first place and an @ASSERT@ will
+-- trigger.
+collectFloats :: [FloatLang] -> [OutStgTopBinding]
+collectFloats = go (0 :: Int) []
+ where
+ go 0 [] [] = []
+ go _ _ [] = pprPanic "collectFloats" (text "unterminated group")
+ go n binds (f:rest) = case f of
+ StartBindingGroup -> go (n+1) binds rest
+ EndBindingGroup
+ | n == 0 -> pprPanic "collectFloats" (text "no group to end")
+ | n == 1 -> StgTopLifted (merge_binds binds) : go 0 [] rest
+ | otherwise -> go (n-1) binds rest
+ PlainTopBinding top_bind
+ | n == 0 -> top_bind : go n binds rest
+ | otherwise -> pprPanic "collectFloats" (text "plain top binding inside group")
+ LiftedBinding bind
+ | n == 0 -> StgTopLifted (rm_cccs bind) : go n binds rest
+ | otherwise -> go n (bind:binds) rest
+ map_rhss f = uncurry mkStgBinding . second (map (second f)) . decomposeStgBinding
+ rm_cccs = map_rhss removeRhsCCCS
+ merge_binds binds = ASSERT( any is_rec binds )
+ StgRec (concatMap (snd . decomposeStgBinding . rm_cccs) binds)
+ is_rec StgRec{} = True
+ is_rec _ = False
+-- | Omitting this makes for strange closure allocation schemes that crash the
+-- GC.
+removeRhsCCCS :: GenStgRhs pass -> GenStgRhs pass
+removeRhsCCCS (StgRhsClosure ext ccs upd bndrs body)
+ | isCurrentCCS ccs
+ = StgRhsClosure ext dontCareCCS upd bndrs body
+removeRhsCCCS (StgRhsCon ccs con args)
+ | isCurrentCCS ccs
+ = StgRhsCon dontCareCCS con args
+removeRhsCCCS rhs = rhs
+-- | The analysis monad consists of the following 'RWST' components:
+-- * 'Env': Reader-like context. Contains a substitution, info about how
+-- how lifted identifiers are to be expanded into applications and details
+-- such as 'DynFlags' and a flag helping with determining if a lifted
+-- binding is caffy.
+-- * @'OrdList' 'FloatLang'@: Writer output for the resulting STG program.
+-- * No pure state component
+-- * But wrapping around 'UniqSM' for generating fresh lifted binders.
+-- (The @uniqAway@ approach could give the same name to two different
+-- lifted binders, so this is necessary.)
+newtype LiftM a
+ = LiftM { unwrapLiftM :: RWST Env (OrdList FloatLang) () UniqSM a }
+ deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
+instance HasDynFlags LiftM where
+ getDynFlags = LiftM (RWS.asks e_dflags)
+instance MonadUnique LiftM where
+ getUniqueSupplyM = LiftM (lift getUniqueSupplyM)
+ getUniqueM = LiftM (lift getUniqueM)
+ getUniquesM = LiftM (lift getUniquesM)
+runLiftM :: DynFlags -> UniqSupply -> LiftM () -> [OutStgTopBinding]
+runLiftM dflags us (LiftM m) = collectFloats (fromOL floats)
+ where
+ (_, _, floats) = initUs_ us (runRWST m (emptyEnv dflags) ())
+-- | Assumes a given caffyness for the execution of the passed action, which
+-- influences the 'cafInfo' of lifted bindings.
+withCaffyness :: Bool -> LiftM a -> LiftM a
+withCaffyness caffy action
+ = LiftM (RWS.local (\e -> e { e_in_caffy_context = caffy }) (unwrapLiftM action))
+-- | Writes a plain 'StgTopStringLit' to the output.
+addTopStringLit :: OutId -> ByteString -> LiftM ()
+addTopStringLit id = LiftM . RWS.tell . unitOL . PlainTopBinding . StgTopStringLit id
+-- | Starts a recursive binding group. See #floats# and 'collectFloats'.
+startBindingGroup :: LiftM ()
+startBindingGroup = LiftM $ RWS.tell $ unitOL $ StartBindingGroup
+-- | Ends a recursive binding group. See #floats# and 'collectFloats'.
+endBindingGroup :: LiftM ()
+endBindingGroup = LiftM $ RWS.tell $ unitOL $ EndBindingGroup
+-- | Lifts a binding to top-level. Depending on whether it's declared inside
+-- a recursive RHS (see #floats# and 'collectFloats'), this might be added to
+-- an existing recursive top-level binding group.
+addLiftedBinding :: OutStgBinding -> LiftM ()
+addLiftedBinding = LiftM . RWS.tell . unitOL . LiftedBinding
+-- | Takes a binder and a continuation which is called with the substituted
+-- binder. The continuation will be evaluated in a 'LiftM' context in which that
+-- binder is deemed in scope. Think of it as a 'RWS.local' computation: After
+-- the continuation finishes, the new binding won't be in scope anymore.
+withSubstBndr :: Id -> (Id -> LiftM a) -> LiftM a
+withSubstBndr bndr inner = LiftM $ do
+ subst <- RWS.asks e_subst
+ let (bndr', subst') = substBndr bndr subst
+ RWS.local (\e -> e { e_subst = subst' }) (unwrapLiftM (inner bndr'))
+-- | See 'withSubstBndr'.
+withSubstBndrs :: Traversable f => f Id -> (f Id -> LiftM a) -> LiftM a
+withSubstBndrs = runContT . traverse (ContT . withSubstBndr)
+-- | Similarly to 'withSubstBndr', this function takes a set of variables to
+-- abstract over, the binder to lift (and generate a fresh, substituted name
+-- for) and a continuation in which that fresh, lifted binder is in scope.
+-- It takes care of all the details involved with copying and adjusting the
+-- binder, fresh name generation and caffyness.
+withLiftedBndr :: DIdSet -> Id -> (Id -> LiftM a) -> LiftM a
+withLiftedBndr abs_ids bndr inner = do
+ uniq <- getUniqueM
+ let str = "$l" ++ occNameString (getOccName bndr)
+ let ty = mkLamTypes (dVarSetElems abs_ids) (idType bndr)
+ -- When the enclosing top-level binding is not caffy, then the lifted
+ -- binding will not be caffy either. If we don't recognize this, non-caffy
+ -- things call caffy things and then codegen screws up.
+ in_caffy_ctxt <- LiftM (RWS.asks e_in_caffy_context)
+ let caf_info = if in_caffy_ctxt then MayHaveCafRefs else NoCafRefs
+ let bndr'
+ -- See Note [transferPolyIdInfo] in Id.hs. We need to do this at least
+ -- for arity information.
+ = transferPolyIdInfo bndr (dVarSetElems abs_ids)
+ -- Otherwise we confuse code gen if bndr was not caffy: the new bndr is
+ -- assumed to be caffy and will need an SRT. Transitive call sites might
+ -- not be caffy themselves and subsequently will miss a static link
+ -- field in their closure. Chaos ensues.
+ . flip setIdCafInfo caf_info
+ . mkSysLocal (mkFastString str) uniq
+ $ ty
+ LiftM $ RWS.local
+ (\e -> e
+ { e_subst = extendSubst bndr bndr' $ extendInScope bndr' $ e_subst e
+ , e_expansions = extendVarEnv (e_expansions e) bndr abs_ids
+ })
+ (unwrapLiftM (inner bndr'))
+-- | See 'withLiftedBndr'.
+withLiftedBndrs :: Traversable f => DIdSet -> f Id -> (f Id -> LiftM a) -> LiftM a
+withLiftedBndrs abs_ids = runContT . traverse (ContT . withLiftedBndr abs_ids)
+-- | Substitutes a binder /occurrence/, which was brought in scope earlier by
+-- 'withSubstBndr'\/'withLiftedBndr'.
+substOcc :: Id -> LiftM Id
+substOcc id = LiftM (RWS.asks (lookupIdSubst id . e_subst))
+-- | Whether the given binding was decided to be lambda lifted.
+isLifted :: InId -> LiftM Bool
+isLifted bndr = LiftM (RWS.asks (elemVarEnv bndr . e_expansions))
+-- | Returns an empty list for a binding that was not lifted and the list of all
+-- local variables the binding abstracts over (so, exactly the additional
+-- arguments at adjusted call sites) otherwise.
+formerFreeVars :: InId -> LiftM [OutId]
+formerFreeVars f = LiftM $ do
+ expansions <- RWS.asks e_expansions
+ pure $ case lookupVarEnv expansions f of
+ Nothing -> []
+ Just fvs -> dVarSetElems fvs
+-- | Creates an /expander function/ for the current set of lifted binders.
+-- This expander function will replace any 'InId' by their corresponding 'OutId'
+-- and, in addition, will expand any lifted binders by the former free variables
+-- it abstracts over.
+liftedIdsExpander :: LiftM (DIdSet -> DIdSet)
+liftedIdsExpander = LiftM $ do
+ expansions <- RWS.asks e_expansions
+ subst <- RWS.asks e_subst
+ -- We use @noWarnLookupIdSubst@ here in order to suppress "not in scope"
+ -- warnings generated by 'lookupIdSubst' due to local bindings within RHS.
+ -- These are not in the InScopeSet of @subst@ and extending the InScopeSet in
+ -- @goodToLift@/@closureGrowth@ before passing it on to @expander@ is too much
+ -- trouble.
+ let go set fv = case lookupVarEnv expansions fv of
+ Nothing -> extendDVarSet set (noWarnLookupIdSubst fv subst) -- Not lifted
+ Just fvs' -> unionDVarSet set fvs'
+ let expander fvs = foldl' go emptyDVarSet (dVarSetElems fvs)
+ pure expander