path: root/compiler/GHC/Iface/Load.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/Iface/Load.hs')
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diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Iface/Load.hs b/compiler/GHC/Iface/Load.hs
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index 0000000000..77eefc4c7b
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+++ b/compiler/GHC/Iface/Load.hs
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+(c) The University of Glasgow 2006
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+Loading interface files
+{-# LANGUAGE CPP, BangPatterns, RecordWildCards, NondecreasingIndentation #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
+module GHC.Iface.Load (
+ -- Importing one thing
+ tcLookupImported_maybe, importDecl,
+ checkWiredInTyCon, ifCheckWiredInThing,
+ -- RnM/TcM functions
+ loadModuleInterface, loadModuleInterfaces,
+ loadSrcInterface, loadSrcInterface_maybe,
+ loadInterfaceForName, loadInterfaceForNameMaybe, loadInterfaceForModule,
+ -- IfM functions
+ loadInterface,
+ loadSysInterface, loadUserInterface, loadPluginInterface,
+ findAndReadIface, readIface, -- Used when reading the module's old interface
+ loadDecls, -- Should move to GHC.IfaceToCore and be renamed
+ initExternalPackageState,
+ moduleFreeHolesPrecise,
+ needWiredInHomeIface, loadWiredInHomeIface,
+ pprModIfaceSimple,
+ ifaceStats, pprModIface, showIface
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.IfaceToCore
+ ( tcIfaceDecl, tcIfaceRules, tcIfaceInst, tcIfaceFamInst
+ , tcIfaceAnnotations, tcIfaceCompleteSigs )
+import DynFlags
+import GHC.Iface.Syntax
+import GHC.Iface.Env
+import HscTypes
+import BasicTypes hiding (SuccessFlag(..))
+import TcRnMonad
+import Constants
+import PrelNames
+import PrelInfo
+import PrimOp ( allThePrimOps, primOpFixity, primOpOcc )
+import MkId ( seqId )
+import TysPrim ( funTyConName )
+import Rules
+import TyCon
+import Annotations
+import InstEnv
+import FamInstEnv
+import Name
+import NameEnv
+import Avail
+import Module
+import Maybes
+import ErrUtils
+import Finder
+import UniqFM
+import SrcLoc
+import Outputable
+import GHC.Iface.Binary
+import Panic
+import Util
+import FastString
+import Fingerprint
+import Hooks
+import FieldLabel
+import GHC.Iface.Rename
+import UniqDSet
+import Plugins
+import Control.Monad
+import Control.Exception
+import Data.IORef
+import System.FilePath
+* *
+* tcImportDecl is the key function for "faulting in" *
+* imported things
+* *
+The main idea is this. We are chugging along type-checking source code, and
+find a reference to We call tcLookupGlobal, which doesn't find
+it in the EPS type envt. So it
+ 1 loads GHC.Base.hi
+ 2 gets the decl for
+ 3 typechecks it via tcIfaceDecl
+ 4 and adds it to the type env in the EPS
+Note that DURING STEP 4, we may find that map's type mentions a type
+constructor that also
+Notice that for imported things we read the current version from the EPS
+mutable variable. This is important in situations like
+ ...$(e1)...$(e2)...
+where the code that e1 expands to might import some defns that
+also turn out to be needed by the code that e2 expands to.
+tcLookupImported_maybe :: Name -> TcM (MaybeErr MsgDoc TyThing)
+-- Returns (Failed err) if we can't find the interface file for the thing
+tcLookupImported_maybe name
+ = do { hsc_env <- getTopEnv
+ ; mb_thing <- liftIO (lookupTypeHscEnv hsc_env name)
+ ; case mb_thing of
+ Just thing -> return (Succeeded thing)
+ Nothing -> tcImportDecl_maybe name }
+tcImportDecl_maybe :: Name -> TcM (MaybeErr MsgDoc TyThing)
+-- Entry point for *source-code* uses of importDecl
+tcImportDecl_maybe name
+ | Just thing <- wiredInNameTyThing_maybe name
+ = do { when (needWiredInHomeIface thing)
+ (initIfaceTcRn (loadWiredInHomeIface name))
+ -- See Note [Loading instances for wired-in things]
+ ; return (Succeeded thing) }
+ | otherwise
+ = initIfaceTcRn (importDecl name)
+importDecl :: Name -> IfM lcl (MaybeErr MsgDoc TyThing)
+-- Get the TyThing for this Name from an interface file
+-- It's not a wired-in thing -- the caller caught that
+importDecl name
+ = ASSERT( not (isWiredInName name) )
+ do { traceIf nd_doc
+ -- Load the interface, which should populate the PTE
+ ; mb_iface <- ASSERT2( isExternalName name, ppr name )
+ loadInterface nd_doc (nameModule name) ImportBySystem
+ ; case mb_iface of {
+ Failed err_msg -> return (Failed err_msg) ;
+ Succeeded _ -> do
+ -- Now look it up again; this time we should find it
+ { eps <- getEps
+ ; case lookupTypeEnv (eps_PTE eps) name of
+ Just thing -> return $ Succeeded thing
+ Nothing -> let doc = whenPprDebug (found_things_msg eps $$ empty)
+ $$ not_found_msg
+ in return $ Failed doc
+ }}}
+ where
+ nd_doc = text "Need decl for" <+> ppr name
+ not_found_msg = hang (text "Can't find interface-file declaration for" <+>
+ pprNameSpace (nameNameSpace name) <+> ppr name)
+ 2 (vcat [text "Probable cause: bug in .hi-boot file, or inconsistent .hi file",
+ text "Use -ddump-if-trace to get an idea of which file caused the error"])
+ found_things_msg eps =
+ hang (text "Found the following declarations in" <+> ppr (nameModule name) <> colon)
+ 2 (vcat (map ppr $ filter is_interesting $ nameEnvElts $ eps_PTE eps))
+ where
+ is_interesting thing = nameModule name == nameModule (getName thing)
+* *
+ Checks for wired-in things
+* *
+Note [Loading instances for wired-in things]
+We need to make sure that we have at least *read* the interface files
+for any module with an instance decl or RULE that we might want.
+* If the instance decl is an orphan, we have a whole separate mechanism
+ (loadOrphanModules)
+* If the instance decl is not an orphan, then the act of looking at the
+ TyCon or Class will force in the defining module for the
+ TyCon/Class, and hence the instance decl
+* BUT, if the TyCon is a wired-in TyCon, we don't really need its interface;
+ but we must make sure we read its interface in case it has instances or
+ rules. That is what GHC.Iface.Load.loadWiredInHomeIface does. It's called
+ from GHC.IfaceToCore.{tcImportDecl, checkWiredInTyCon, ifCheckWiredInThing}
+* HOWEVER, only do this for TyCons. There are no wired-in Classes. There
+ are some wired-in Ids, but we don't want to load their interfaces. For
+ example, Control.Exception.Base.recSelError is wired in, but that module
+ is compiled late in the base library, and we don't want to force it to
+ load before it's been compiled!
+All of this is done by the type checker. The renamer plays no role.
+(It used to, but no longer.)
+checkWiredInTyCon :: TyCon -> TcM ()
+-- Ensure that the home module of the TyCon (and hence its instances)
+-- are loaded. See Note [Loading instances for wired-in things]
+-- It might not be a wired-in tycon (see the calls in TcUnify),
+-- in which case this is a no-op.
+checkWiredInTyCon tc
+ | not (isWiredInName tc_name)
+ = return ()
+ | otherwise
+ = do { mod <- getModule
+ ; traceIf (text "checkWiredInTyCon" <+> ppr tc_name $$ ppr mod)
+ ; ASSERT( isExternalName tc_name )
+ when (mod /= nameModule tc_name)
+ (initIfaceTcRn (loadWiredInHomeIface tc_name))
+ -- Don't look for (non-existent) Float.hi when
+ -- compiling Float.hs, which mentions Float of course
+ -- A bit yukky to call initIfaceTcRn here
+ }
+ where
+ tc_name = tyConName tc
+ifCheckWiredInThing :: TyThing -> IfL ()
+-- Even though we are in an interface file, we want to make
+-- sure the instances of a wired-in thing are loaded (imagine f :: Double -> Double)
+-- Ditto want to ensure that RULES are loaded too
+-- See Note [Loading instances for wired-in things]
+ifCheckWiredInThing thing
+ = do { mod <- getIfModule
+ -- Check whether we are typechecking the interface for this
+ -- very module. E.g when compiling the base library in --make mode
+ -- we may typecheck GHC.Base.hi. At that point, GHC.Base is not in
+ -- the HPT, so without the test we'll demand-load it into the PIT!
+ -- C.f. the same test in checkWiredInTyCon above
+ ; let name = getName thing
+ ; ASSERT2( isExternalName name, ppr name )
+ when (needWiredInHomeIface thing && mod /= nameModule name)
+ (loadWiredInHomeIface name) }
+needWiredInHomeIface :: TyThing -> Bool
+-- Only for TyCons; see Note [Loading instances for wired-in things]
+needWiredInHomeIface (ATyCon {}) = True
+needWiredInHomeIface _ = False
+* *
+ loadSrcInterface, loadOrphanModules, loadInterfaceForName
+ These three are called from TcM-land
+* *
+-- | Load the interface corresponding to an @import@ directive in
+-- source code. On a failure, fail in the monad with an error message.
+loadSrcInterface :: SDoc
+ -> ModuleName
+ -> IsBootInterface -- {-# SOURCE #-} ?
+ -> Maybe FastString -- "package", if any
+ -> RnM ModIface
+loadSrcInterface doc mod want_boot maybe_pkg
+ = do { res <- loadSrcInterface_maybe doc mod want_boot maybe_pkg
+ ; case res of
+ Failed err -> failWithTc err
+ Succeeded iface -> return iface }
+-- | Like 'loadSrcInterface', but returns a 'MaybeErr'.
+loadSrcInterface_maybe :: SDoc
+ -> ModuleName
+ -> IsBootInterface -- {-# SOURCE #-} ?
+ -> Maybe FastString -- "package", if any
+ -> RnM (MaybeErr MsgDoc ModIface)
+loadSrcInterface_maybe doc mod want_boot maybe_pkg
+ -- We must first find which Module this import refers to. This involves
+ -- calling the Finder, which as a side effect will search the filesystem
+ -- and create a ModLocation. If successful, loadIface will read the
+ -- interface; it will call the Finder again, but the ModLocation will be
+ -- cached from the first search.
+ = do { hsc_env <- getTopEnv
+ ; res <- liftIO $ findImportedModule hsc_env mod maybe_pkg
+ ; case res of
+ Found _ mod -> initIfaceTcRn $ loadInterface doc mod (ImportByUser want_boot)
+ -- TODO: Make sure this error message is good
+ err -> return (Failed (cannotFindModule (hsc_dflags hsc_env) mod err)) }
+-- | Load interface directly for a fully qualified 'Module'. (This is a fairly
+-- rare operation, but in particular it is used to load orphan modules
+-- in order to pull their instances into the global package table and to
+-- handle some operations in GHCi).
+loadModuleInterface :: SDoc -> Module -> TcM ModIface
+loadModuleInterface doc mod = initIfaceTcRn (loadSysInterface doc mod)
+-- | Load interfaces for a collection of modules.
+loadModuleInterfaces :: SDoc -> [Module] -> TcM ()
+loadModuleInterfaces doc mods
+ | null mods = return ()
+ | otherwise = initIfaceTcRn (mapM_ load mods)
+ where
+ load mod = loadSysInterface (doc <+> parens (ppr mod)) mod
+-- | Loads the interface for a given Name.
+-- Should only be called for an imported name;
+-- otherwise loadSysInterface may not find the interface
+loadInterfaceForName :: SDoc -> Name -> TcRn ModIface
+loadInterfaceForName doc name
+ = do { when debugIsOn $ -- Check pre-condition
+ do { this_mod <- getModule
+ ; MASSERT2( not (nameIsLocalOrFrom this_mod name), ppr name <+> parens doc ) }
+ ; ASSERT2( isExternalName name, ppr name )
+ initIfaceTcRn $ loadSysInterface doc (nameModule name) }
+-- | Only loads the interface for external non-local names.
+loadInterfaceForNameMaybe :: SDoc -> Name -> TcRn (Maybe ModIface)
+loadInterfaceForNameMaybe doc name
+ = do { this_mod <- getModule
+ ; if nameIsLocalOrFrom this_mod name || not (isExternalName name)
+ then return Nothing
+ else Just <$> (initIfaceTcRn $ loadSysInterface doc (nameModule name))
+ }
+-- | Loads the interface for a given Module.
+loadInterfaceForModule :: SDoc -> Module -> TcRn ModIface
+loadInterfaceForModule doc m
+ = do
+ -- Should not be called with this module
+ when debugIsOn $ do
+ this_mod <- getModule
+ MASSERT2( this_mod /= m, ppr m <+> parens doc )
+ initIfaceTcRn $ loadSysInterface doc m
+* *
+ loadInterface
+ The main function to load an interface
+ for an imported module, and put it in
+ the External Package State
+* *
+-- | An 'IfM' function to load the home interface for a wired-in thing,
+-- so that we're sure that we see its instance declarations and rules
+-- See Note [Loading instances for wired-in things]
+loadWiredInHomeIface :: Name -> IfM lcl ()
+loadWiredInHomeIface name
+ = ASSERT( isWiredInName name )
+ do _ <- loadSysInterface doc (nameModule name); return ()
+ where
+ doc = text "Need home interface for wired-in thing" <+> ppr name
+-- | Loads a system interface and throws an exception if it fails
+loadSysInterface :: SDoc -> Module -> IfM lcl ModIface
+loadSysInterface doc mod_name = loadInterfaceWithException doc mod_name ImportBySystem
+-- | Loads a user interface and throws an exception if it fails. The first parameter indicates
+-- whether we should import the boot variant of the module
+loadUserInterface :: Bool -> SDoc -> Module -> IfM lcl ModIface
+loadUserInterface is_boot doc mod_name
+ = loadInterfaceWithException doc mod_name (ImportByUser is_boot)
+loadPluginInterface :: SDoc -> Module -> IfM lcl ModIface
+loadPluginInterface doc mod_name
+ = loadInterfaceWithException doc mod_name ImportByPlugin
+-- | A wrapper for 'loadInterface' that throws an exception if it fails
+loadInterfaceWithException :: SDoc -> Module -> WhereFrom -> IfM lcl ModIface
+loadInterfaceWithException doc mod_name where_from
+ = withException (loadInterface doc mod_name where_from)
+loadInterface :: SDoc -> Module -> WhereFrom
+ -> IfM lcl (MaybeErr MsgDoc ModIface)
+-- loadInterface looks in both the HPT and PIT for the required interface
+-- If not found, it loads it, and puts it in the PIT (always).
+-- If it can't find a suitable interface file, we
+-- a) modify the PackageIfaceTable to have an empty entry
+-- (to avoid repeated complaints)
+-- b) return (Left message)
+-- It's not necessarily an error for there not to be an interface
+-- file -- perhaps the module has changed, and that interface
+-- is no longer used
+loadInterface doc_str mod from
+ | isHoleModule mod
+ -- Hole modules get special treatment
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ -- Redo search for our local hole module
+ loadInterface doc_str (mkModule (thisPackage dflags) (moduleName mod)) from
+ | otherwise
+ = withTimingSilentD (text "loading interface") (pure ()) $
+ do { -- Read the state
+ (eps,hpt) <- getEpsAndHpt
+ ; gbl_env <- getGblEnv
+ ; traceIf (text "Considering whether to load" <+> ppr mod <+> ppr from)
+ -- Check whether we have the interface already
+ ; dflags <- getDynFlags
+ ; case lookupIfaceByModule hpt (eps_PIT eps) mod of {
+ Just iface
+ -> return (Succeeded iface) ; -- Already loaded
+ -- The (src_imp == mi_boot iface) test checks that the already-loaded
+ -- interface isn't a boot iface. This can conceivably happen,
+ -- if an earlier import had a before we got to real imports. I think.
+ _ -> do {
+ ; read_result <- case (wantHiBootFile dflags eps mod from) of
+ Failed err -> return (Failed err)
+ Succeeded hi_boot_file -> computeInterface doc_str hi_boot_file mod
+ ; case read_result of {
+ Failed err -> do
+ { let fake_iface = emptyFullModIface mod
+ ; updateEps_ $ \eps ->
+ eps { eps_PIT = extendModuleEnv (eps_PIT eps) (mi_module fake_iface) fake_iface }
+ -- Not found, so add an empty iface to
+ -- the EPS map so that we don't look again
+ ; return (Failed err) } ;
+ -- Found and parsed!
+ -- We used to have a sanity check here that looked for:
+ -- * System importing ..
+ -- * a home package module ..
+ -- * that we know nothing about (mb_dep == Nothing)!
+ --
+ -- But this is no longer valid because thNameToGhcName allows users to
+ -- cause the system to load arbitrary interfaces (by supplying an appropriate
+ -- Template Haskell original-name).
+ Succeeded (iface, loc) ->
+ let
+ loc_doc = text loc
+ in
+ initIfaceLcl (mi_semantic_module iface) loc_doc (mi_boot iface) $ do
+ dontLeakTheHPT $ do
+ -- Load the new ModIface into the External Package State
+ -- Even home-package interfaces loaded by loadInterface
+ -- (which only happens in OneShot mode; in Batch/Interactive
+ -- mode, home-package modules are loaded one by one into the HPT)
+ -- are put in the EPS.
+ --
+ -- The main thing is to add the ModIface to the PIT, but
+ -- we also take the
+ -- IfaceDecls, IfaceClsInst, IfaceFamInst, IfaceRules,
+ -- out of the ModIface and put them into the big EPS pools
+ -- NB: *first* we do loadDecl, so that the provenance of all the locally-defined
+ --- names is done correctly (notably, whether this is an .hi file or .hi-boot file).
+ -- If we do loadExport first the wrong info gets into the cache (unless we
+ -- explicitly tag each export which seems a bit of a bore)
+ ; ignore_prags <- goptM Opt_IgnoreInterfacePragmas
+ ; new_eps_decls <- loadDecls ignore_prags (mi_decls iface)
+ ; new_eps_insts <- mapM tcIfaceInst (mi_insts iface)
+ ; new_eps_fam_insts <- mapM tcIfaceFamInst (mi_fam_insts iface)
+ ; new_eps_rules <- tcIfaceRules ignore_prags (mi_rules iface)
+ ; new_eps_anns <- tcIfaceAnnotations (mi_anns iface)
+ ; new_eps_complete_sigs <- tcIfaceCompleteSigs (mi_complete_sigs iface)
+ ; let { final_iface = iface {
+ mi_decls = panic "No mi_decls in PIT",
+ mi_insts = panic "No mi_insts in PIT",
+ mi_fam_insts = panic "No mi_fam_insts in PIT",
+ mi_rules = panic "No mi_rules in PIT",
+ mi_anns = panic "No mi_anns in PIT"
+ }
+ }
+ ; let bad_boot = mi_boot iface && fmap fst (if_rec_types gbl_env) == Just mod
+ -- Warn warn against an EPS-updating import
+ -- of one's own boot file! (one-shot only)
+ -- See Note [Loading your own hi-boot file]
+ -- in GHC.Iface.Utils.
+ ; WARN( bad_boot, ppr mod )
+ updateEps_ $ \ eps ->
+ if elemModuleEnv mod (eps_PIT eps) || is_external_sig dflags iface
+ then eps
+ else if bad_boot
+ -- See Note [Loading your own hi-boot file]
+ then eps { eps_PTE = addDeclsToPTE (eps_PTE eps) new_eps_decls }
+ else
+ eps {
+ eps_PIT = extendModuleEnv (eps_PIT eps) mod final_iface,
+ eps_PTE = addDeclsToPTE (eps_PTE eps) new_eps_decls,
+ eps_rule_base = extendRuleBaseList (eps_rule_base eps)
+ new_eps_rules,
+ eps_complete_matches
+ = extendCompleteMatchMap
+ (eps_complete_matches eps)
+ new_eps_complete_sigs,
+ eps_inst_env = extendInstEnvList (eps_inst_env eps)
+ new_eps_insts,
+ eps_fam_inst_env = extendFamInstEnvList (eps_fam_inst_env eps)
+ new_eps_fam_insts,
+ eps_ann_env = extendAnnEnvList (eps_ann_env eps)
+ new_eps_anns,
+ eps_mod_fam_inst_env
+ = let
+ fam_inst_env =
+ extendFamInstEnvList emptyFamInstEnv
+ new_eps_fam_insts
+ in
+ extendModuleEnv (eps_mod_fam_inst_env eps)
+ mod
+ fam_inst_env,
+ eps_stats = addEpsInStats (eps_stats eps)
+ (length new_eps_decls)
+ (length new_eps_insts)
+ (length new_eps_rules) }
+ ; -- invoke plugins
+ res <- withPlugins dflags interfaceLoadAction final_iface
+ ; return (Succeeded res)
+ }}}}
+{- Note [Loading your own hi-boot file]
+Generally speaking, when compiling module M, we should not
+load M.hi boot into the EPS. After all, we are very shortly
+going to have full information about M. Moreover, see
+Note [Do not update EPS with your own hi-boot] in GHC.Iface.Utils.
+But there is a HORRIBLE HACK here.
+* At the end of tcRnImports, we call checkFamInstConsistency to
+ check consistency of imported type-family instances
+ See Note [The type family instance consistency story] in FamInst
+* Alas, those instances may refer to data types defined in M,
+ if there is a M.hs-boot.
+* And that means we end up loading M.hi-boot, because those
+ data types are not yet in the type environment.
+But in this weird case, /all/ we need is the types. We don't need
+instances, rules etc. And if we put the instances in the EPS
+we get "duplicate instance" warnings when we compile the "real"
+instance in M itself. Hence the strange business of just updateing
+the eps_PTE.
+This really happens in practice. The module HsExpr.hs gets
+"duplicate instance" errors if this hack is not present.
+This is a mess.
+Note [HPT space leak] (#15111)
+In IfL, we defer some work until it is demanded using forkM, such
+as building TyThings from IfaceDecls. These thunks are stored in
+the ExternalPackageState, and they might never be poked. If we're
+not careful, these thunks will capture the state of the loaded
+program when we read an interface file, and retain all that data
+for ever.
+Therefore, when loading a package interface file , we use a "clean"
+version of the HscEnv with all the data about the currently loaded
+program stripped out. Most of the fields can be panics because
+we'll never read them, but hsc_HPT needs to be empty because this
+interface will cause other interfaces to be loaded recursively, and
+when looking up those interfaces we use the HPT in loadInterface.
+We know that none of the interfaces below here can refer to
+home-package modules however, so it's safe for the HPT to be empty.
+dontLeakTheHPT :: IfL a -> IfL a
+dontLeakTheHPT thing_inside = do
+ let
+ cleanTopEnv HscEnv{..} =
+ let
+ -- wrinkle: when we're typechecking in --backpack mode, the
+ -- instantiation of a signature might reside in the HPT, so
+ -- this case breaks the assumption that EPS interfaces only
+ -- refer to other EPS interfaces. We can detect when we're in
+ -- typechecking-only mode by using hscTarget==HscNothing, and
+ -- in that case we don't empty the HPT. (admittedly this is
+ -- a bit of a hack, better suggestions welcome). A number of
+ -- tests in testsuite/tests/backpack break without this
+ -- tweak.
+ !hpt | hscTarget hsc_dflags == HscNothing = hsc_HPT
+ | otherwise = emptyHomePackageTable
+ in
+ HscEnv { hsc_targets = panic "cleanTopEnv: hsc_targets"
+ , hsc_mod_graph = panic "cleanTopEnv: hsc_mod_graph"
+ , hsc_IC = panic "cleanTopEnv: hsc_IC"
+ , hsc_HPT = hpt
+ , .. }
+ updTopEnv cleanTopEnv $ do
+ !_ <- getTopEnv -- force the updTopEnv
+ thing_inside
+-- | Returns @True@ if a 'ModIface' comes from an external package.
+-- In this case, we should NOT load it into the EPS; the entities
+-- should instead come from the local merged signature interface.
+is_external_sig :: DynFlags -> ModIface -> Bool
+is_external_sig dflags iface =
+ -- It's a signature iface...
+ mi_semantic_module iface /= mi_module iface &&
+ -- and it's not from the local package
+ moduleUnitId (mi_module iface) /= thisPackage dflags
+-- | This is an improved version of 'findAndReadIface' which can also
+-- handle the case when a user requests @p[A=<B>]:M@ but we only
+-- have an interface for @p[A=<A>]:M@ (the indefinite interface.
+-- If we are not trying to build code, we load the interface we have,
+-- *instantiating it* according to how the holes are specified.
+-- (Of course, if we're actually building code, this is a hard error.)
+-- In the presence of holes, 'computeInterface' has an important invariant:
+-- to load module M, its set of transitively reachable requirements must
+-- have an up-to-date local hi file for that requirement. Note that if
+-- we are loading the interface of a requirement, this does not
+-- apply to the requirement itself; e.g., @p[A=<A>]:A@ does not require
+-- A.hi to be up-to-date (and indeed, we MUST NOT attempt to read A.hi, unless
+-- we are actually typechecking p.)
+computeInterface ::
+ SDoc -> IsBootInterface -> Module
+ -> TcRnIf gbl lcl (MaybeErr MsgDoc (ModIface, FilePath))
+computeInterface doc_str hi_boot_file mod0 = do
+ MASSERT( not (isHoleModule mod0) )
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ case splitModuleInsts mod0 of
+ (imod, Just indef) | not (unitIdIsDefinite (thisPackage dflags)) -> do
+ r <- findAndReadIface doc_str imod mod0 hi_boot_file
+ case r of
+ Succeeded (iface0, path) -> do
+ hsc_env <- getTopEnv
+ r <- liftIO $
+ rnModIface hsc_env (indefUnitIdInsts (indefModuleUnitId indef))
+ Nothing iface0
+ case r of
+ Right x -> return (Succeeded (x, path))
+ Left errs -> liftIO . throwIO . mkSrcErr $ errs
+ Failed err -> return (Failed err)
+ (mod, _) ->
+ findAndReadIface doc_str mod mod0 hi_boot_file
+-- | Compute the signatures which must be compiled in order to
+-- load the interface for a 'Module'. The output of this function
+-- is always a subset of 'moduleFreeHoles'; it is more precise
+-- because in signature @p[A=<A>,B=<B>]:B@, although the free holes
+-- are A and B, B might not depend on A at all!
+-- If this is invoked on a signature, this does NOT include the
+-- signature itself; e.g. precise free module holes of
+-- @p[A=<A>,B=<B>]:B@ never includes B.
+ :: SDoc -> Module
+ -> TcRnIf gbl lcl (MaybeErr MsgDoc (UniqDSet ModuleName))
+moduleFreeHolesPrecise doc_str mod
+ | moduleIsDefinite mod = return (Succeeded emptyUniqDSet)
+ | otherwise =
+ case splitModuleInsts mod of
+ (imod, Just indef) -> do
+ let insts = indefUnitIdInsts (indefModuleUnitId indef)
+ traceIf (text "Considering whether to load" <+> ppr mod <+>
+ text "to compute precise free module holes")
+ (eps, hpt) <- getEpsAndHpt
+ case tryEpsAndHpt eps hpt `firstJust` tryDepsCache eps imod insts of
+ Just r -> return (Succeeded r)
+ Nothing -> readAndCache imod insts
+ (_, Nothing) -> return (Succeeded emptyUniqDSet)
+ where
+ tryEpsAndHpt eps hpt =
+ fmap mi_free_holes (lookupIfaceByModule hpt (eps_PIT eps) mod)
+ tryDepsCache eps imod insts =
+ case lookupInstalledModuleEnv (eps_free_holes eps) imod of
+ Just ifhs -> Just (renameFreeHoles ifhs insts)
+ _otherwise -> Nothing
+ readAndCache imod insts = do
+ mb_iface <- findAndReadIface (text "moduleFreeHolesPrecise" <+> doc_str) imod mod False
+ case mb_iface of
+ Succeeded (iface, _) -> do
+ let ifhs = mi_free_holes iface
+ -- Cache it
+ updateEps_ (\eps ->
+ eps { eps_free_holes = extendInstalledModuleEnv (eps_free_holes eps) imod ifhs })
+ return (Succeeded (renameFreeHoles ifhs insts))
+ Failed err -> return (Failed err)
+wantHiBootFile :: DynFlags -> ExternalPackageState -> Module -> WhereFrom
+ -> MaybeErr MsgDoc IsBootInterface
+-- Figure out whether we want Foo.hi or Foo.hi-boot
+wantHiBootFile dflags eps mod from
+ = case from of
+ ImportByUser usr_boot
+ | usr_boot && not this_package
+ -> Failed (badSourceImport mod)
+ | otherwise -> Succeeded usr_boot
+ ImportByPlugin
+ -> Succeeded False
+ ImportBySystem
+ | not this_package -- If the module to be imported is not from this package
+ -> Succeeded False -- don't look it up in eps_is_boot, because that is keyed
+ -- on the ModuleName of *home-package* modules only.
+ -- We never import boot modules from other packages!
+ | otherwise
+ -> case lookupUFM (eps_is_boot eps) (moduleName mod) of
+ Just (_, is_boot) -> Succeeded is_boot
+ Nothing -> Succeeded False
+ -- The boot-ness of the requested interface,
+ -- based on the dependencies in directly-imported modules
+ where
+ this_package = thisPackage dflags == moduleUnitId mod
+badSourceImport :: Module -> SDoc
+badSourceImport mod
+ = hang (text "You cannot {-# SOURCE #-} import a module from another package")
+ 2 (text "but" <+> quotes (ppr mod) <+> ptext (sLit "is from package")
+ <+> quotes (ppr (moduleUnitId mod)))
+-- Loading type/class/value decls
+-- We pass the full Module name here, replete with
+-- its package info, so that we can build a Name for
+-- each binder with the right package info in it
+-- All subsequent lookups, including crucially lookups during typechecking
+-- the declaration itself, will find the fully-glorious Name
+-- We handle ATs specially. They are not main declarations, but also not
+-- implicit things (in particular, adding them to `implicitTyThings' would mess
+-- things up in the renaming/type checking of source programs).
+addDeclsToPTE :: PackageTypeEnv -> [(Name,TyThing)] -> PackageTypeEnv
+addDeclsToPTE pte things = extendNameEnvList pte things
+loadDecls :: Bool
+ -> [(Fingerprint, IfaceDecl)]
+ -> IfL [(Name,TyThing)]
+loadDecls ignore_prags ver_decls
+ = do { thingss <- mapM (loadDecl ignore_prags) ver_decls
+ ; return (concat thingss)
+ }
+loadDecl :: Bool -- Don't load pragmas into the decl pool
+ -> (Fingerprint, IfaceDecl)
+ -> IfL [(Name,TyThing)] -- The list can be poked eagerly, but the
+ -- TyThings are forkM'd thunks
+loadDecl ignore_prags (_version, decl)
+ = do { -- Populate the name cache with final versions of all
+ -- the names associated with the decl
+ let main_name = ifName decl
+ -- Typecheck the thing, lazily
+ -- NB. Firstly, the laziness is there in case we never need the
+ -- declaration (in one-shot mode), and secondly it is there so that
+ -- we don't look up the occurrence of a name before calling mk_new_bndr
+ -- on the binder. This is important because we must get the right name
+ -- which includes its nameParent.
+ ; thing <- forkM doc $ do { bumpDeclStats main_name
+ ; tcIfaceDecl ignore_prags decl }
+ -- Populate the type environment with the implicitTyThings too.
+ --
+ -- Note [Tricky iface loop]
+ -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ -- Summary: The delicate point here is that 'mini-env' must be
+ -- buildable from 'thing' without demanding any of the things
+ -- 'forkM'd by tcIfaceDecl.
+ --
+ -- In more detail: Consider the example
+ -- data T a = MkT { x :: T a }
+ -- The implicitTyThings of T are: [ <datacon MkT>, <selector x>]
+ -- (plus their workers, wrappers, coercions etc etc)
+ --
+ -- We want to return an environment
+ -- [ "MkT" -> <datacon MkT>, "x" -> <selector x>, ... ]
+ -- (where the "MkT" is the *Name* associated with MkT, etc.)
+ --
+ -- We do this by mapping the implicit_names to the associated
+ -- TyThings. By the invariant on ifaceDeclImplicitBndrs and
+ -- implicitTyThings, we can use getOccName on the implicit
+ -- TyThings to make this association: each Name's OccName should
+ -- be the OccName of exactly one implicitTyThing. So the key is
+ -- to define a "mini-env"
+ --
+ -- [ 'MkT' -> <datacon MkT>, 'x' -> <selector x>, ... ]
+ -- where the 'MkT' here is the *OccName* associated with MkT.
+ --
+ -- However, there is a subtlety: due to how type checking needs
+ -- to be staged, we can't poke on the forkM'd thunks inside the
+ -- implicitTyThings while building this mini-env.
+ -- If we poke these thunks too early, two problems could happen:
+ -- (1) When processing mutually recursive modules across
+ -- hs-boot boundaries, poking too early will do the
+ -- type-checking before the recursive knot has been tied,
+ -- so things will be type-checked in the wrong
+ -- environment, and necessary variables won't be in
+ -- scope.
+ --
+ -- (2) Looking up one OccName in the mini_env will cause
+ -- others to be looked up, which might cause that
+ -- original one to be looked up again, and hence loop.
+ --
+ -- The code below works because of the following invariant:
+ -- getOccName on a TyThing does not force the suspended type
+ -- checks in order to extract the name. For example, we don't
+ -- poke on the "T a" type of <selector x> on the way to
+ -- extracting <selector x>'s OccName. Of course, there is no
+ -- reason in principle why getting the OccName should force the
+ -- thunks, but this means we need to be careful in
+ -- implicitTyThings and its helper functions.
+ --
+ -- All a bit too finely-balanced for my liking.
+ -- This mini-env and lookup function mediates between the
+ --'Name's n and the map from 'OccName's to the implicit TyThings
+ ; let mini_env = mkOccEnv [(getOccName t, t) | t <- implicitTyThings thing]
+ lookup n = case lookupOccEnv mini_env (getOccName n) of
+ Just thing -> thing
+ Nothing ->
+ pprPanic "loadDecl" (ppr main_name <+> ppr n $$ ppr (decl))
+ ; implicit_names <- mapM lookupIfaceTop (ifaceDeclImplicitBndrs decl)
+-- ; traceIf (text "Loading decl for " <> ppr main_name $$ ppr implicit_names)
+ ; return $ (main_name, thing) :
+ -- uses the invariant that implicit_names and
+ -- implicitTyThings are bijective
+ [(n, lookup n) | n <- implicit_names]
+ }
+ where
+ doc = text "Declaration for" <+> ppr (ifName decl)
+bumpDeclStats :: Name -> IfL () -- Record that one more declaration has actually been used
+bumpDeclStats name
+ = do { traceIf (text "Loading decl for" <+> ppr name)
+ ; updateEps_ (\eps -> let stats = eps_stats eps
+ in eps { eps_stats = stats { n_decls_out = n_decls_out stats + 1 } })
+ }
+* *
+\subsection{Reading an interface file}
+* *
+Note [Home module load error]
+If the sought-for interface is in the current package (as determined
+by -package-name flag) then it jolly well should already be in the HPT
+because we process home-package modules in dependency order. (Except
+in one-shot mode; see notes with hsc_HPT decl in HscTypes).
+It is possible (though hard) to get this error through user behaviour.
+ * Suppose package P (modules P1, P2) depends on package Q (modules Q1,
+ Q2, with Q2 importing Q1)
+ * We compile both packages.
+ * Now we edit package Q so that it somehow depends on P
+ * Now recompile Q with --make (without recompiling P).
+ * Then Q1 imports, say, P1, which in turn depends on Q2. So Q2
+ is a home-package module which is not yet in the HPT! Disaster.
+This actually happened with P=base, Q=ghc-prim, via the AMP warnings.
+See #8320.
+findAndReadIface :: SDoc
+ -- The unique identifier of the on-disk module we're
+ -- looking for
+ -> InstalledModule
+ -- The *actual* module we're looking for. We use
+ -- this to check the consistency of the requirements
+ -- of the module we read out.
+ -> Module
+ -> IsBootInterface -- True <=> Look for a .hi-boot file
+ -- False <=> Look for .hi file
+ -> TcRnIf gbl lcl (MaybeErr MsgDoc (ModIface, FilePath))
+ -- Nothing <=> file not found, or unreadable, or illegible
+ -- Just x <=> successfully found and parsed
+ -- It *doesn't* add an error to the monad, because
+ -- sometimes it's ok to fail... see notes with loadInterface
+findAndReadIface doc_str mod wanted_mod_with_insts hi_boot_file
+ = do traceIf (sep [hsep [text "Reading",
+ if hi_boot_file
+ then text "[boot]"
+ else Outputable.empty,
+ text "interface for",
+ ppr mod <> semi],
+ nest 4 (text "reason:" <+> doc_str)])
+ -- Check for GHC.Prim, and return its static interface
+ -- TODO: make this check a function
+ if mod `installedModuleEq` gHC_PRIM
+ then do
+ iface <- getHooked ghcPrimIfaceHook ghcPrimIface
+ return (Succeeded (iface,
+ "<built in interface for GHC.Prim>"))
+ else do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ -- Look for the file
+ hsc_env <- getTopEnv
+ mb_found <- liftIO (findExactModule hsc_env mod)
+ case mb_found of
+ InstalledFound loc mod -> do
+ -- Found file, so read it
+ let file_path = addBootSuffix_maybe hi_boot_file
+ (ml_hi_file loc)
+ -- See Note [Home module load error]
+ if installedModuleUnitId mod `installedUnitIdEq` thisPackage dflags &&
+ not (isOneShot (ghcMode dflags))
+ then return (Failed (homeModError mod loc))
+ else do r <- read_file file_path
+ checkBuildDynamicToo r
+ return r
+ err -> do
+ traceIf (text "...not found")
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ return (Failed (cannotFindInterface dflags
+ (installedModuleName mod) err))
+ where read_file file_path = do
+ traceIf (text "readIFace" <+> text file_path)
+ -- Figure out what is recorded in mi_module. If this is
+ -- a fully definite interface, it'll match exactly, but
+ -- if it's indefinite, the inside will be uninstantiated!
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let wanted_mod =
+ case splitModuleInsts wanted_mod_with_insts of
+ (_, Nothing) -> wanted_mod_with_insts
+ (_, Just indef_mod) ->
+ indefModuleToModule dflags
+ (generalizeIndefModule indef_mod)
+ read_result <- readIface wanted_mod file_path
+ case read_result of
+ Failed err -> return (Failed (badIfaceFile file_path err))
+ Succeeded iface -> return (Succeeded (iface, file_path))
+ -- Don't forget to fill in the package name...
+ checkBuildDynamicToo (Succeeded (iface, filePath)) = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ -- Indefinite interfaces are ALWAYS non-dynamic, and
+ -- that's OK.
+ let is_definite_iface = moduleIsDefinite (mi_module iface)
+ when is_definite_iface $
+ whenGeneratingDynamicToo dflags $ withDoDynamicToo $ do
+ let ref = canGenerateDynamicToo dflags
+ dynFilePath = addBootSuffix_maybe hi_boot_file
+ $ replaceExtension filePath (dynHiSuf dflags)
+ r <- read_file dynFilePath
+ case r of
+ Succeeded (dynIface, _)
+ | mi_mod_hash (mi_final_exts iface) == mi_mod_hash (mi_final_exts dynIface) ->
+ return ()
+ | otherwise ->
+ do traceIf (text "Dynamic hash doesn't match")
+ liftIO $ writeIORef ref False
+ Failed err ->
+ do traceIf (text "Failed to load dynamic interface file:" $$ err)
+ liftIO $ writeIORef ref False
+ checkBuildDynamicToo _ = return ()
+-- @readIface@ tries just the one file.
+readIface :: Module -> FilePath
+ -> TcRnIf gbl lcl (MaybeErr MsgDoc ModIface)
+ -- Failed err <=> file not found, or unreadable, or illegible
+ -- Succeeded iface <=> successfully found and parsed
+readIface wanted_mod file_path
+ = do { res <- tryMostM $
+ readBinIface CheckHiWay QuietBinIFaceReading file_path
+ ; dflags <- getDynFlags
+ ; case res of
+ Right iface
+ -- NB: This check is NOT just a sanity check, it is
+ -- critical for correctness of recompilation checking
+ -- (it lets us tell when -this-unit-id has changed.)
+ | wanted_mod == actual_mod
+ -> return (Succeeded iface)
+ | otherwise -> return (Failed err)
+ where
+ actual_mod = mi_module iface
+ err = hiModuleNameMismatchWarn dflags wanted_mod actual_mod
+ Left exn -> return (Failed (text (showException exn)))
+ }
+* *
+ Wired-in interface for GHC.Prim
+* *
+initExternalPackageState :: ExternalPackageState
+ = EPS {
+ eps_is_boot = emptyUFM,
+ eps_PIT = emptyPackageIfaceTable,
+ eps_free_holes = emptyInstalledModuleEnv,
+ eps_PTE = emptyTypeEnv,
+ eps_inst_env = emptyInstEnv,
+ eps_fam_inst_env = emptyFamInstEnv,
+ eps_rule_base = mkRuleBase builtinRules,
+ -- Initialise the EPS rule pool with the built-in rules
+ eps_mod_fam_inst_env
+ = emptyModuleEnv,
+ eps_complete_matches = emptyUFM,
+ eps_ann_env = emptyAnnEnv,
+ eps_stats = EpsStats { n_ifaces_in = 0, n_decls_in = 0, n_decls_out = 0
+ , n_insts_in = 0, n_insts_out = 0
+ , n_rules_in = length builtinRules, n_rules_out = 0 }
+ }
+* *
+ Wired-in interface for GHC.Prim
+* *
+ghcPrimIface :: ModIface
+ = empty_iface {
+ mi_exports = ghcPrimExports,
+ mi_decls = [],
+ mi_fixities = fixities,
+ mi_final_exts = (mi_final_exts empty_iface){ mi_fix_fn = mkIfaceFixCache fixities }
+ }
+ where
+ empty_iface = emptyFullModIface gHC_PRIM
+ -- The fixities listed here for @`seq`@ or @->@ should match
+ -- those in primops.txt.pp (from which Haddock docs are generated).
+ fixities = (getOccName seqId, Fixity NoSourceText 0 InfixR)
+ : (occName funTyConName, funTyFixity) -- trac #10145
+ : mapMaybe mkFixity allThePrimOps
+ mkFixity op = (,) (primOpOcc op) <$> primOpFixity op
+* *
+* *
+ifaceStats :: ExternalPackageState -> SDoc
+ifaceStats eps
+ = hcat [text "Renamer stats: ", msg]
+ where
+ stats = eps_stats eps
+ msg = vcat
+ [int (n_ifaces_in stats) <+> text "interfaces read",
+ hsep [ int (n_decls_out stats), text "type/class/variable imported, out of",
+ int (n_decls_in stats), text "read"],
+ hsep [ int (n_insts_out stats), text "instance decls imported, out of",
+ int (n_insts_in stats), text "read"],
+ hsep [ int (n_rules_out stats), text "rule decls imported, out of",
+ int (n_rules_in stats), text "read"]
+ ]
+* *
+ Printing interfaces
+* *
+Note [Name qualification with --show-iface]
+In order to disambiguate between identifiers from different modules, we qualify
+all names that don't originate in the current module. In order to keep visual
+noise as low as possible, we keep local names unqualified.
+For some background on this choice see trac #15269.
+-- | Read binary interface, and print it out
+showIface :: HscEnv -> FilePath -> IO ()
+showIface hsc_env filename = do
+ -- skip the hi way check; we don't want to worry about profiled vs.
+ -- non-profiled interfaces, for example.
+ iface <- initTcRnIf 's' hsc_env () () $
+ readBinIface IgnoreHiWay TraceBinIFaceReading filename
+ let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ -- See Note [Name qualification with --show-iface]
+ qualifyImportedNames mod _
+ | mod == mi_module iface = NameUnqual
+ | otherwise = NameNotInScope1
+ print_unqual = QueryQualify qualifyImportedNames
+ neverQualifyModules
+ neverQualifyPackages
+ putLogMsg dflags NoReason SevDump noSrcSpan
+ (mkDumpStyle dflags print_unqual) (pprModIface iface)
+-- Show a ModIface but don't display details; suitable for ModIfaces stored in
+-- the EPT.
+pprModIfaceSimple :: ModIface -> SDoc
+pprModIfaceSimple iface = ppr (mi_module iface) $$ pprDeps (mi_deps iface) $$ nest 2 (vcat (map pprExport (mi_exports iface)))
+pprModIface :: ModIface -> SDoc
+-- Show a ModIface
+pprModIface iface@ModIface{ mi_final_exts = exts }
+ = vcat [ text "interface"
+ <+> ppr (mi_module iface) <+> pp_hsc_src (mi_hsc_src iface)
+ <+> (if mi_orphan exts then text "[orphan module]" else Outputable.empty)
+ <+> (if mi_finsts exts then text "[family instance module]" else Outputable.empty)
+ <+> (if mi_hpc iface then text "[hpc]" else Outputable.empty)
+ <+> integer hiVersion
+ , nest 2 (text "interface hash:" <+> ppr (mi_iface_hash exts))
+ , nest 2 (text "ABI hash:" <+> ppr (mi_mod_hash exts))
+ , nest 2 (text "export-list hash:" <+> ppr (mi_exp_hash exts))
+ , nest 2 (text "orphan hash:" <+> ppr (mi_orphan_hash exts))
+ , nest 2 (text "flag hash:" <+> ppr (mi_flag_hash exts))
+ , nest 2 (text "opt_hash:" <+> ppr (mi_opt_hash exts))
+ , nest 2 (text "hpc_hash:" <+> ppr (mi_hpc_hash exts))
+ , nest 2 (text "plugin_hash:" <+> ppr (mi_plugin_hash exts))
+ , nest 2 (text "sig of:" <+> ppr (mi_sig_of iface))
+ , nest 2 (text "used TH splices:" <+> ppr (mi_used_th iface))
+ , nest 2 (text "where")
+ , text "exports:"
+ , nest 2 (vcat (map pprExport (mi_exports iface)))
+ , pprDeps (mi_deps iface)
+ , vcat (map pprUsage (mi_usages iface))
+ , vcat (map pprIfaceAnnotation (mi_anns iface))
+ , pprFixities (mi_fixities iface)
+ , vcat [ppr ver $$ nest 2 (ppr decl) | (ver,decl) <- mi_decls iface]
+ , vcat (map ppr (mi_insts iface))
+ , vcat (map ppr (mi_fam_insts iface))
+ , vcat (map ppr (mi_rules iface))
+ , ppr (mi_warns iface)
+ , pprTrustInfo (mi_trust iface)
+ , pprTrustPkg (mi_trust_pkg iface)
+ , vcat (map ppr (mi_complete_sigs iface))
+ , text "module header:" $$ nest 2 (ppr (mi_doc_hdr iface))
+ , text "declaration docs:" $$ nest 2 (ppr (mi_decl_docs iface))
+ , text "arg docs:" $$ nest 2 (ppr (mi_arg_docs iface))
+ ]
+ where
+ pp_hsc_src HsBootFile = text "[boot]"
+ pp_hsc_src HsigFile = text "[hsig]"
+ pp_hsc_src HsSrcFile = Outputable.empty
+When printing export lists, we print like this:
+ Avail f f
+ AvailTC C [C, x, y] C(x,y)
+ AvailTC C [x, y] C!(x,y) -- Exporting x, y but not C
+pprExport :: IfaceExport -> SDoc
+pprExport (Avail n) = ppr n
+pprExport (AvailTC _ [] []) = Outputable.empty
+pprExport (AvailTC n ns0 fs)
+ = case ns0 of
+ (n':ns) | n==n' -> ppr n <> pp_export ns fs
+ _ -> ppr n <> vbar <> pp_export ns0 fs
+ where
+ pp_export [] [] = Outputable.empty
+ pp_export names fs = braces (hsep (map ppr names ++ map (ppr . flLabel) fs))
+pprUsage :: Usage -> SDoc
+pprUsage usage@UsagePackageModule{}
+ = pprUsageImport usage usg_mod
+pprUsage usage@UsageHomeModule{}
+ = pprUsageImport usage usg_mod_name $$
+ nest 2 (
+ maybe Outputable.empty (\v -> text "exports: " <> ppr v) (usg_exports usage) $$
+ vcat [ ppr n <+> ppr v | (n,v) <- usg_entities usage ]
+ )
+pprUsage usage@UsageFile{}
+ = hsep [text "addDependentFile",
+ doubleQuotes (text (usg_file_path usage)),
+ ppr (usg_file_hash usage)]
+pprUsage usage@UsageMergedRequirement{}
+ = hsep [text "merged", ppr (usg_mod usage), ppr (usg_mod_hash usage)]
+pprUsageImport :: Outputable a => Usage -> (Usage -> a) -> SDoc
+pprUsageImport usage usg_mod'
+ = hsep [text "import", safe, ppr (usg_mod' usage),
+ ppr (usg_mod_hash usage)]
+ where
+ safe | usg_safe usage = text "safe"
+ | otherwise = text " -/ "
+pprDeps :: Dependencies -> SDoc
+pprDeps (Deps { dep_mods = mods, dep_pkgs = pkgs, dep_orphs = orphs,
+ dep_finsts = finsts })
+ = vcat [text "module dependencies:" <+> fsep (map ppr_mod mods),
+ text "package dependencies:" <+> fsep (map ppr_pkg pkgs),
+ text "orphans:" <+> fsep (map ppr orphs),
+ text "family instance modules:" <+> fsep (map ppr finsts)
+ ]
+ where
+ ppr_mod (mod_name, boot) = ppr mod_name <+> ppr_boot boot
+ ppr_pkg (pkg,trust_req) = ppr pkg <>
+ (if trust_req then text "*" else Outputable.empty)
+ ppr_boot True = text "[boot]"
+ ppr_boot False = Outputable.empty
+pprFixities :: [(OccName, Fixity)] -> SDoc
+pprFixities [] = Outputable.empty
+pprFixities fixes = text "fixities" <+> pprWithCommas pprFix fixes
+ where
+ pprFix (occ,fix) = ppr fix <+> ppr occ
+pprTrustInfo :: IfaceTrustInfo -> SDoc
+pprTrustInfo trust = text "trusted:" <+> ppr trust
+pprTrustPkg :: Bool -> SDoc
+pprTrustPkg tpkg = text "require own pkg trusted:" <+> ppr tpkg
+instance Outputable Warnings where
+ ppr = pprWarns
+pprWarns :: Warnings -> SDoc
+pprWarns NoWarnings = Outputable.empty
+pprWarns (WarnAll txt) = text "Warn all" <+> ppr txt
+pprWarns (WarnSome prs) = text "Warnings"
+ <+> vcat (map pprWarning prs)
+ where pprWarning (name, txt) = ppr name <+> ppr txt
+pprIfaceAnnotation :: IfaceAnnotation -> SDoc
+pprIfaceAnnotation (IfaceAnnotation { ifAnnotatedTarget = target, ifAnnotatedValue = serialized })
+ = ppr target <+> text "annotated by" <+> ppr serialized
+* *
+* *
+badIfaceFile :: String -> SDoc -> SDoc
+badIfaceFile file err
+ = vcat [text "Bad interface file:" <+> text file,
+ nest 4 err]
+hiModuleNameMismatchWarn :: DynFlags -> Module -> Module -> MsgDoc
+hiModuleNameMismatchWarn dflags requested_mod read_mod
+ | moduleUnitId requested_mod == moduleUnitId read_mod =
+ sep [text "Interface file contains module" <+> quotes (ppr read_mod) <> comma,
+ text "but we were expecting module" <+> quotes (ppr requested_mod),
+ sep [text "Probable cause: the source code which generated interface file",
+ text "has an incompatible module name"
+ ]
+ ]
+ | otherwise =
+ -- ToDo: This will fail to have enough qualification when the package IDs
+ -- are the same
+ withPprStyle (mkUserStyle dflags alwaysQualify AllTheWay) $
+ -- we want the Modules below to be qualified with package names,
+ -- so reset the PrintUnqualified setting.
+ hsep [ text "Something is amiss; requested module "
+ , ppr requested_mod
+ , text "differs from name found in the interface file"
+ , ppr read_mod
+ , parens (text "if these names look the same, try again with -dppr-debug")
+ ]
+homeModError :: InstalledModule -> ModLocation -> SDoc
+-- See Note [Home module load error]
+homeModError mod location
+ = text "attempting to use module " <> quotes (ppr mod)
+ <> (case ml_hs_file location of
+ Just file -> space <> parens (text file)
+ Nothing -> Outputable.empty)
+ <+> text "which is not loaded"