diff options
28 files changed, 779 insertions, 779 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/boxy/PList1.hs b/testsuite/tests/boxy/PList1.hs
index 80fac96d9f..6869d904cc 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/boxy/PList1.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/boxy/PList1.hs
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -XImpredicativeTypes -fno-warn-deprecated-flags #-}
-module PList1 where
--- Polymorphic lists 1: requires smart-app-res
+module PList1 where
+-- Polymorphic lists 1: requires smart-app-res
type Sid = forall a . a -> a
-ids :: [Sid]
-ids = []
+ids :: [Sid]
+ids = []
--- requires smart-app-res
-test0 :: [Sid]
-test0 = (\x->x) : ids
+-- requires smart-app-res
+test0 :: [Sid]
+test0 = (\x->x) : ids
-test1 :: [Sid] -- SLPJ added
-test1 = ids ++ test0
+test1 :: [Sid] -- SLPJ added
+test1 = ids ++ test0
-test2 :: [Sid]
-test2 = tail test1
+test2 :: [Sid]
+test2 = tail test1
-test3 :: [Sid] -- SLPJ added
-test3 = reverse test2
-test4 = (tail::([Sid]->[Sid])) test2
+test3 :: [Sid] -- SLPJ added
+test3 = reverse test2
+test4 = (tail::([Sid]->[Sid])) test2
-test5 = (head::([Sid]->Sid)) test2 \ No newline at end of file
+test5 = (head::([Sid]->Sid)) test2
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/boxy/PList2.hs b/testsuite/tests/boxy/PList2.hs
index 581ce086a9..316e8792ae 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/boxy/PList2.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/boxy/PList2.hs
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -XImpredicativeTypes -fno-warn-deprecated-flags #-}
-module PList2 where
+module PList2 where
-- Polymorphic lists 2: require smart-app-arg & smart-app-res: Should fail w/o smart-app-arg
-type Sid = forall a. a -> a
+type Sid = forall a. a -> a
-ids :: [Sid]
-ids = []
+ids :: [Sid]
+ids = []
-test0 :: [Sid]
+test0 :: [Sid]
test0 = (\x -> x):ids -- requires smart-app-res
-test1 :: [Sid] -- Added SLPJ
-test1 = ids ++ test0
+test1 :: [Sid] -- Added SLPJ
+test1 = ids ++ test0
test2 :: [Sid]
-test2 = tail test1 -- requires smart-app-arg
+test2 = tail test1 -- requires smart-app-arg
-test3 :: [Sid] -- Added SLPJ
-test3 = reverse test2
+test3 :: [Sid] -- Added SLPJ
+test3 = reverse test2
test4 :: Sid
test4 = head ids --requires smart-app-arg
test5 :: Sid
-test5 = head ids -- still requires smart-app-arg
+test5 = head ids -- still requires smart-app-arg
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/boxy/boxy.hs b/testsuite/tests/boxy/boxy.hs
index 4d2bd029b1..c4835b1c62 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/boxy/boxy.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/boxy/boxy.hs
@@ -12,14 +12,14 @@ g :: Maybe (forall a. [a] -> a) -> (Int, Char)
g Nothing = (0, '0')
g (Just get) = (get [1,2], get ['a','b','c'])
-sing x = [x]
+sing x = [x]
id1 :: forall a. a -> a
id1 = id
-ids :: [forall a. a -> a]
-ids = [id1,id1]
+ids :: [forall a. a -> a]
+ids = [id1,id1]
t1 :: [forall a. a -> a]
t1 = tail ids
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ qG choose id = choose id
qH :: (forall a. a -> a -> a) -> (forall a. a -> a) -> (forall b. b -> b) -> (forall b. b -> b)
qH choose id = choose id
choose :: forall a. a -> a -> a
choose x y = x
@@ -58,10 +58,10 @@ impred2 = id qF
--- all of these currently work in GHC with higher-rank types
self1 :: (forall a. a -> a) -> (forall a. a -> a)
-self1 f = f f
+self1 f = f f
self2 :: (forall a. a -> a) -> b -> b
-self2 f = f f
+self2 f = f f
gr1 = self1 id
@@ -109,8 +109,8 @@ fixMT :: (MapTree -> MapTree) -> MapTree
fixMT f = f (fixMT f)
mapTree' = fixMT (\ (mapTree :: MapTree) -> \f tree -> case tree of
- Branch a t -> Branch (f a) (mapTree (cross f) t)
- Leaf -> Leaf)
+ Branch a t -> Branch (f a) (mapTree (cross f) t)
+ Leaf -> Leaf)
-- polymorphic fix
fix :: (a -> a) -> a
@@ -119,6 +119,6 @@ fix f = f (fix f)
-- mapTree'' :: MapTree
mapTree'' = (fix :: (MapTree -> MapTree) -> MapTree)
- (\ mapTree -> \f tree -> case tree of
- Branch a t -> Branch (f a) (mapTree (cross f) t)
- Leaf -> Leaf)
+ (\ mapTree -> \f tree -> case tree of
+ Branch a t -> Branch (f a) (mapTree (cross f) t)
+ Leaf -> Leaf)
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/programs/Queens/queens.hs b/testsuite/tests/programs/Queens/queens.hs
index 548e20cb8d..249f37131e 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/programs/Queens/queens.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/programs/Queens/queens.hs
@@ -8,25 +8,25 @@ main =
solutions = queens 8
queens :: Int -> [[Int]]
-queens n = valid n n
+queens n = valid n n
valid :: Int -> Int -> [[Int]]
valid 0 n = [[]]
-valid m n = filter safe (extend n (valid (m-1) n))
+valid m n = filter safe (extend n (valid (m-1) n))
-extend n b = cp (fromTo 1 n) b
+extend n b = cp (fromTo 1 n) b
cp :: [a] -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
cp [] y = []
-cp (a:x) y = map (a:) y ++ cp x y
+cp (a:x) y = map (a:) y ++ cp x y
safe (a:b) = no_threat a b 1
no_threat a [] m = True
no_threat a (b:y) m =
- a /= b && a+m /= b && a-m /= b && no_threat a y (m+1)
+ a /= b && a+m /= b && a-m /= b && no_threat a y (m+1)
-board :: [Int] -> String
+board :: [Int] -> String
board b =
unlines (concat (zipWith rank (from 1) b))
@@ -34,12 +34,12 @@ board b =
map line ["o o o", " \\|/ ", " === "]
line crown_slice =
- concat (zipWith square (from 1) b)
+ concat (zipWith square (from 1) b)
- square scol _ =
- if scol == qcol then crown_slice
- else if (scol `rem` (2::Int)) == (r `rem` (2::Int)) then "....."
- else " "
+ square scol _ =
+ if scol == qcol then crown_slice
+ else if (scol `rem` (2::Int)) == (r `rem` (2::Int)) then "....."
+ else " "
-- in place of ..
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/programs/andre_monad/Main.hs b/testsuite/tests/programs/andre_monad/Main.hs
index 7e3dda6362..5df32d77b5 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/programs/andre_monad/Main.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/programs/andre_monad/Main.hs
@@ -6,57 +6,57 @@
-- The count monad
-type M a = (a, Int)
+type M a = (a, Int)
-unit :: a -> M a
-unit a = (a, 0)
+unit :: a -> M a
+unit a = (a, 0)
-bind :: M a -> (a -> M b) -> M b
-m `bind` k = case m of
- (a,i) -> case k a of
+bind :: M a -> (a -> M b) -> M b
+m `bind` k = case m of
+ (a,i) -> case k a of
(b,j) -> (b,i+j)
--- disp :: Text a => M a -> String
-disp (a,i) = show a ++ "\nCount: " ++ show i
+-- disp :: Text a => M a -> String
+disp (a,i) = show a ++ "\nCount: " ++ show i
-tick :: M ()
-tick = ((), 1)
+tick :: M ()
+tick = ((), 1)
-- The evaluator
-- Lines with * are only change from evalIdent
-data Op = Add | Sub | Mul | Quo
-data Term = Con Int | Bin Op Term Term
+data Op = Add | Sub | Mul | Quo
+data Term = Con Int | Bin Op Term Term
-eval :: Term -> M Int
-eval (Con i) = unit i
-eval (Bin op u v) = eval u `bind` (\a ->
- eval v `bind` (\b ->
- go op a b `bind` (\c -> -- *
- tick `bind` (\ () -> -- *
- unit c)))) -- *
+eval :: Term -> M Int
+eval (Con i) = unit i
+eval (Bin op u v) = eval u `bind` (\a ->
+ eval v `bind` (\b ->
+ go op a b `bind` (\c -> -- *
+ tick `bind` (\ () -> -- *
+ unit c)))) -- *
-go :: Op -> Int -> Int -> M Int
-go Add a b = unit (a+b)
-go Sub a b = unit (a-b)
-go Mul a b = unit (a*b)
-go Quo a b = unit (a `quot` b) -- WDP: was "div"
+go :: Op -> Int -> Int -> M Int
+go Add a b = unit (a+b)
+go Sub a b = unit (a-b)
+go Mul a b = unit (a*b)
+go Quo a b = unit (a `quot` b) -- WDP: was "div"
-test :: Term -> String
-test t = disp (eval t)
+test :: Term -> String
+test t = disp (eval t)
-- Test data
-add, sub, mul, quo :: Term -> Term -> Term
-u `add` v = Bin Add u v
-u `sub` v = Bin Sub u v
-u `mul` v = Bin Mul u v
-u `quo` v = Bin Quo u v
+add, sub, mul, quo :: Term -> Term -> Term
+u `add` v = Bin Add u v
+u `sub` v = Bin Sub u v
+u `mul` v = Bin Mul u v
+u `quo` v = Bin Quo u v
-term0,term1,term2 :: Term
-term0 = Con 6 `mul` Con 9
-term1 = (Con 4 `mul` Con 13) `add` Con 2
-term2 = (Con 1 `quo` Con 2) `add` Con 2
+term0,term1,term2 :: Term
+term0 = Con 6 `mul` Con 9
+term1 = (Con 4 `mul` Con 13) `add` Con 2
+term2 = (Con 1 `quo` Con 2) `add` Con 2
term3 = ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
Con 7777 `mul` Con 13) `quo` Con 13)
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/programs/barton-mangler-bug/Basic.hs b/testsuite/tests/programs/barton-mangler-bug/Basic.hs
index 1597a86d2f..f446ff2283 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/programs/barton-mangler-bug/Basic.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/programs/barton-mangler-bug/Basic.hs
@@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ instance Signal SignalRep where
toSig = id
instance (Physical a, Physical b) => Eq (a -> b) where
a == b = error "Attempt to apply equality to functions"
-binop:: (Physical a, Physical b) => (Float -> Float -> Float) ->
+binop:: (Physical a, Physical b) => (Float -> Float -> Float) ->
(a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> a -> b
binop op f g t = toPhysical ((fromPhysical (f t)) `op` (fromPhysical (g t)))
-unop:: (Physical a, Physical b ) => (Float -> Float) ->
+unop:: (Physical a, Physical b ) => (Float -> Float) ->
(a -> b) -> a -> b
unop op f t = toPhysical (op (fromPhysical (f t)))
instance (Physical a, Physical b) => Num (SignalRep a b) where
@@ -47,11 +47,11 @@ instance (Physical a, Physical b) => Num (SignalRep a b) where
signum f = FunctionRep (unop abs (mapSignal f))
fromInteger i = FunctionRep (\t -> toPhysical (fromInteger i))
--fromInt i = FunctionRep (\t -> toPhysical (fromInt i))
-instance (Physical a, Physical b) =>
+instance (Physical a, Physical b) =>
Fractional (SignalRep a b) where
f / g = FunctionRep (binop (/) (mapSignal f) (mapSignal g))
fromRational r = FunctionRep (\t -> (toPhysical (fromRational r)))
-instance (Physical a, Physical b) =>
+instance (Physical a, Physical b) =>
Floating (SignalRep a b) where
pi = FunctionRep (\t -> (toPhysical pi))
exp f = FunctionRep (unop exp (mapSignal f))
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ instance (Physical a, Physical b) =>
acosh f = FunctionRep (unop acosh (mapSignal f))
atanh f = FunctionRep (unop atanh (mapSignal f))
data Event =
- TimeEvent Float |
+ TimeEvent Float |
FunctionEvent (Float -> Bool) |
BurstEvent Int Event
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ instance Eq Event where
eventOccurs:: Event -> Float -> Float
eventOccurs (TimeEvent t) x = if x < t then x else t
eventOccurs (FunctionEvent f) x = stepEval f x
-eventOccurs (BurstEvent i e) x =
+eventOccurs (BurstEvent i e) x =
if i == 1 then
eventOccurs e x
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ eventOccurs (BurstEvent i e) x =
stepEval:: (Float -> Bool) -> Float -> Float
stepEval f x = if f x then x else stepEval f (x + eventEps x)
data ZeroIndicator = LocalZero | GlobalZero deriving (Eq, Show)
-data {- (Physical a, Physical b) => -} FunctionWindow a b =
+data {- (Physical a, Physical b) => -} FunctionWindow a b =
Window ZeroIndicator Event (SignalRep a b)
deriving (Eq, Show)
data PieceCont a b = Windows [FunctionWindow a b]
@@ -100,43 +100,43 @@ instance Signal PieceCont where
mapSignal (Windows wl) t = (mapSignal s) (toPhysical t')
where (t', (Window z e s), wl') = getWindow 0.0 (fromPhysical t) wl
toSig = PieceContRep
-getWindow:: (Physical a, Physical b) =>
- Float -> Float -> [ FunctionWindow a b ] ->
+getWindow:: (Physical a, Physical b) =>
+ Float -> Float -> [ FunctionWindow a b ] ->
(Float, FunctionWindow a b, [ FunctionWindow a b ])
getWindow st t [] = (t, Window LocalZero e f, [])
where e = TimeEvent (realmul 2 t)
f = FunctionRep (\t -> toPhysical 0.0)
-getWindow st t (w:wl) = if t' <= wt then (t',w,w:wl)
+getWindow st t (w:wl) = if t' <= wt then (t',w,w:wl)
else getWindow (st+wt) t wl
where wt = eventOccurs e t'
(Window z e s) = w
t' = if z == LocalZero then t-st else t
-(|>) :: (Physical a, Physical b) => FunctionWindow a b ->
+(|>) :: (Physical a, Physical b) => FunctionWindow a b ->
PieceCont a b -> PieceCont a b
w |> (Windows wl) = Windows (w:wl)
nullWindow = Windows []
-cycleWindows:: (Physical a, Physical b) =>
+cycleWindows:: (Physical a, Physical b) =>
PieceCont a b -> PieceCont a b
cycleWindows (Windows wl) = Windows (cycle wl)
constant:: (Physical a, Physical b) => b -> SignalRep a b
constant x = FunctionRep (\t -> x)
linear:: (Physical a, Physical b) => Float -> b -> SignalRep a b
linear m b = FunctionRep (\x -> toPhysical (realmul m (fromPhysical x) + (fromPhysical b)))
-sine:: (Physical a, Physical b) =>
+sine:: (Physical a, Physical b) =>
b -> Frequency -> Float -> SignalRep a b
sine mag omeg phase = FunctionRep (\x -> toPhysical (realmul (fromPhysical mag) (sin (realmul (realmul (realmul 2 pi) (fromPhysical omeg)) (fromPhysical x) + phase))))
waveform:: (Physical a, Physical b) => a -> [b] -> SignalRep a b
waveform samp ampls =
let stepSlope y y' = realdiv ((fromPhysical y') - (fromPhysical y)) (fromPhysical samp)
- makeWin (v,v') = Window LocalZero (TimeEvent (fromPhysical samp))
+ makeWin (v,v') = Window LocalZero (TimeEvent (fromPhysical samp))
(linear (stepSlope v v') v)
points = cycle ampls
in PieceContRep (Windows (map makeWin (zip points (tail points))))
-random:: (Physical a, Physical b) =>
+random:: (Physical a, Physical b) =>
Integer -> a -> SignalRep a b
random i s = waveform s (map toPhysical (rand i))
ramp:: (Physical a, Physical b) => a -> b -> SignalRep a b
-ramp per v =
+ramp per v =
let sig = linear (realdiv (fromPhysical v) (fromPhysical per)) (toPhysical 0.0)
in PieceContRep (Windows (cycle ([Window LocalZero (TimeEvent (fromPhysical per)) sig ])))
triangle:: (Physical a, Physical b) => a -> b -> SignalRep a b
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ pulse st wid lvl =
f t = if (fromPhysical t) < (fromPhysical st) then (toPhysical 0.0)
else if (fromPhysical t) < tr then lvl else (toPhysical 0.0)
in FunctionRep f
-trap:: (Physical a, Physical b) => a -> a -> a -> a -> b ->
+trap:: (Physical a, Physical b) => a -> a -> a -> a -> b ->
SignalRep a b
trap st r wid f lvl =
let stepSlope y y' t = realdiv (y' - y) (fromPhysical t)
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ pulse_ac = Pulse_ac {dc_offset = toPhysical 0.0,
amplitude = toPhysical 0.0}
-makeWin:: (Physical a, Physical b) => a -> a ->
+makeWin:: (Physical a, Physical b) => a -> a ->
SignalRep a b -> SignalRep a b
makeWin st wid sig =
let wins = Window LocalZero (TimeEvent (fromPhysical st)) (constant (toPhysical 0.0)) |>
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ instance Signal BasicSignal where
let ring = sine ringing oscillation 0.0
cond = asTypeOf (expc damp_fac) ring
sig = temp ring cond
- temp:: (Physical a, Physical b) => SignalRep a b ->
+ temp:: (Physical a, Physical b) => SignalRep a b ->
SignalRep a b -> SignalRep a b
temp f g = FunctionRep (binop (*) (mapSignal f) (mapSignal g))
-- temp f g = f * g
@@ -249,21 +249,21 @@ instance Signal BasicSignal where
in PieceContRep wins
toSig Pulse_dc{ start_delay = start_delay
, rise_time = rise_time
- , pulse_width = pulse_width
- , fall_time = fall_time
- , dc_offset = dc_offset
- , period = period
- , amplitude = amplitude
- , over = over
- , under = under
- } =
+ , pulse_width = pulse_width
+ , fall_time = fall_time
+ , dc_offset = dc_offset
+ , period = period
+ , amplitude = amplitude
+ , over = over
+ , under = under
+ } =
let pul = trap start_delay rise_time pulse_width fall_time amplitude
so = toPhysical ((fromPhysical start_delay) + (fromPhysical rise_time))
su = toPhysical ((fromPhysical so) + (fromPhysical pulse_width) + (fromPhysical fall_time))
oversh = toSig over{start_delay=so}
undersh = toSig under{start_delay=su}
off = constant dc_offset
- temp:: (Physical a, Physical b) => SignalRep a b ->
+ temp:: (Physical a, Physical b) => SignalRep a b ->
SignalRep a b -> SignalRep a b
temp f g = FunctionRep (binop (+) (mapSignal f) (mapSignal g))
sig = temp (temp (temp pul oversh) undersh) off
@@ -272,13 +272,13 @@ instance Signal BasicSignal where
in PieceContRep (cycleWindows wins)
sumSig:: (Physical a, Physical b, Signal s, Signal s') =>
(s a b) -> (s' a b) -> SignalRep a b
-sumSig f f' =
+sumSig f f' =
let s1 t = fromPhysical (mapSignal f t)
s2 t = fromPhysical (mapSignal f' t)
in FunctionRep (\t -> toPhysical ((s1 t) + (s2 t)))
mulSig:: (Physical a, Physical b, Signal s, Signal s') =>
(s a b) -> (s' a b) -> SignalRep a b
-mulSig f f' =
+mulSig f f' =
let f1 t = fromPhysical (mapSignal f t)
f2 t = fromPhysical (mapSignal f' t)
in FunctionRep (\t -> toPhysical ((f1 t) * (f2 t)))
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/programs/fast2haskell/Fast2haskell.hs b/testsuite/tests/programs/fast2haskell/Fast2haskell.hs
index da8789eca4..9bcd4de989 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/programs/fast2haskell/Fast2haskell.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/programs/fast2haskell/Fast2haskell.hs
@@ -6,12 +6,12 @@
land_i, lnot_i, lor_i, lshift_i, rshift_i,
destr_update, indassoc, lowbound, tabulate, upbound, update, valassoc) where {
- import Data.Bits;
+ import Data.Bits;
-- import Word2;
import Data.Word;
- import Data.Complex; -- 1.3
- import Data.Array; -- 1.3
--- import Data.Int ( Num(fromInt) );
+ import Data.Complex; -- 1.3
+ import Data.Array; -- 1.3
+-- import Data.Int ( Num(fromInt) );
type Complex_type = Complex Double;
type Array_type b = Array Int b;
type Assoc_type a = (Int, a);
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/programs/galois_raytrace/CSG.hs b/testsuite/tests/programs/galois_raytrace/CSG.hs
index ba37a17b25..f5680d575f 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/programs/galois_raytrace/CSG.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/programs/galois_raytrace/CSG.hs
@@ -4,10 +4,10 @@
-- which is included in the distribution.
module CSG(module Construct,
- module Geometry,
- module Intersections,
- module Interval,
- module Misc) where
+ module Geometry,
+ module Intersections,
+ module Interval,
+ module Misc) where
import Construct
import Geometry
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/programs/galois_raytrace/Construct.hs b/testsuite/tests/programs/galois_raytrace/Construct.hs
index 90dbc60f9e..c0702ad9b3 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/programs/galois_raytrace/Construct.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/programs/galois_raytrace/Construct.hs
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ data CSG a
-- the a is application-specific texture information
type Texture a = (Face, Point, a)
-union, intersect, difference :: CSG a -> CSG a -> CSG a
+union, intersect, difference :: CSG a -> CSG a -> CSG a
union p@(Box b1 _) q@(Box b2 _) = Box (mergeBox b1 b2) (Union p q)
union p q = Union p q
@@ -85,25 +85,25 @@ difference p q = Difference p q
mkBox b p = Box b p
-plane, sphere, cube, cylinder, cone :: a -> CSG a
+plane, sphere, cube, cylinder, cone :: a -> CSG a
plane = Plane
sphere s =
mkBox (B (-1 - epsilon) (1 + epsilon)
- (-1 - epsilon) (1 + epsilon)
- (-1 - epsilon) (1 + epsilon)) (Sphere s)
+ (-1 - epsilon) (1 + epsilon)
+ (-1 - epsilon) (1 + epsilon)) (Sphere s)
cone s =
mkBox (B (-1 - epsilon) (1 + epsilon)
- ( - epsilon) (1 + epsilon)
- (-1 - epsilon) (1 + epsilon)) (Cone s)
+ ( - epsilon) (1 + epsilon)
+ (-1 - epsilon) (1 + epsilon)) (Cone s)
cube s =
mkBox (B (- epsilon) (1 + epsilon)
- (- epsilon) (1 + epsilon)
- (- epsilon) (1 + epsilon)) (Cube s)
+ (- epsilon) (1 + epsilon)
+ (- epsilon) (1 + epsilon)) (Cube s)
cylinder s =
mkBox (B (-1 - epsilon) (1 + epsilon)
- ( - epsilon) (1 + epsilon)
- (-1 - epsilon) (1 + epsilon)) (Cylinder s)
+ ( - epsilon) (1 + epsilon)
+ (-1 - epsilon) (1 + epsilon)) (Cylinder s)
-- Object transformations
@@ -120,16 +120,16 @@ transform mm' (Difference p q) = Difference (transform mm' p) (trans
transform mm'@(m,_) (Box box p) = Box (transformBox m box) (transform mm' p)
transform (m, m') prim = Transform m m' prim
-translate :: Coords -> CSG a -> CSG a
-translateX, translateY, translateZ :: Double -> CSG a -> CSG a
+translate :: Coords -> CSG a -> CSG a
+translateX, translateY, translateZ :: Double -> CSG a -> CSG a
translate xyz = transform $ transM xyz
translateX x = translate (x, 0, 0)
translateY y = translate (0, y, 0)
translateZ z = translate (0, 0, z)
-scale :: Coords -> CSG a -> CSG a
-scaleX, scaleY, scaleZ, uscale :: Double -> CSG a -> CSG a
+scale :: Coords -> CSG a -> CSG a
+scaleX, scaleY, scaleZ, uscale :: Double -> CSG a -> CSG a
scale xyz = transform $ scaleM xyz
scaleX x = scale (x, 1, 1)
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ scaleY y = scale (1, y, 1)
scaleZ z = scale (1, 1, z)
uscale u = scale (u,u,u)
-rotateX, rotateY, rotateZ :: Radian -> CSG a -> CSG a
+rotateX, rotateY, rotateZ :: Radian -> CSG a -> CSG a
rotateX a = transform $ rotxM a
rotateY a = transform $ rotyM a
@@ -145,72 +145,72 @@ rotateZ a = transform $ rotzM a
unit = matrix
( ( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ),
- ( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ),
- ( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ),
- ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ) )
+ ( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ),
+ ( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ),
+ ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ) )
transM (x, y, z)
= ( matrix
( ( 1, 0, 0, x ),
- ( 0, 1, 0, y ),
- ( 0, 0, 1, z ),
- ( 0, 0, 0, 1 ) ),
+ ( 0, 1, 0, y ),
+ ( 0, 0, 1, z ),
+ ( 0, 0, 0, 1 ) ),
( ( 1, 0, 0, -x ),
- ( 0, 1, 0, -y ),
- ( 0, 0, 1, -z ),
- ( 0, 0, 0, 1 ) ) )
+ ( 0, 1, 0, -y ),
+ ( 0, 0, 1, -z ),
+ ( 0, 0, 0, 1 ) ) )
scaleM (x, y, z)
= ( matrix
( ( x', 0, 0, 0 ),
- ( 0, y', 0, 0 ),
- ( 0, 0, z', 0 ),
- ( 0, 0, 0, 1 ) ),
+ ( 0, y', 0, 0 ),
+ ( 0, 0, z', 0 ),
+ ( 0, 0, 0, 1 ) ),
( ( 1/x', 0, 0, 0 ),
- ( 0, 1/y', 0, 0 ),
- ( 0, 0, 1/z', 0 ),
- ( 0, 0, 0, 1 ) ) )
+ ( 0, 1/y', 0, 0 ),
+ ( 0, 0, 1/z', 0 ),
+ ( 0, 0, 0, 1 ) ) )
where x' = nonZero x
- y' = nonZero y
- z' = nonZero z
+ y' = nonZero y
+ z' = nonZero z
rotxM t
= ( matrix
( ( 1, 0, 0, 0 ),
- ( 0, cos t, -sin t, 0 ),
- ( 0, sin t, cos t, 0 ),
- ( 0, 0, 0, 1 ) ),
+ ( 0, cos t, -sin t, 0 ),
+ ( 0, sin t, cos t, 0 ),
+ ( 0, 0, 0, 1 ) ),
( ( 1, 0, 0, 0 ),
- ( 0, cos t, sin t, 0 ),
- ( 0, -sin t, cos t, 0 ),
- ( 0, 0, 0, 1 ) ) )
+ ( 0, cos t, sin t, 0 ),
+ ( 0, -sin t, cos t, 0 ),
+ ( 0, 0, 0, 1 ) ) )
rotyM t
= ( matrix
( ( cos t, 0, sin t, 0 ),
- ( 0, 1, 0, 0 ),
- ( -sin t, 0, cos t, 0 ),
- ( 0, 0, 0, 1 ) ),
+ ( 0, 1, 0, 0 ),
+ ( -sin t, 0, cos t, 0 ),
+ ( 0, 0, 0, 1 ) ),
( ( cos t, 0, -sin t, 0 ),
- ( 0, 1, 0, 0 ),
- ( sin t, 0, cos t, 0 ),
- ( 0, 0, 0, 1 ) ) )
+ ( 0, 1, 0, 0 ),
+ ( sin t, 0, cos t, 0 ),
+ ( 0, 0, 0, 1 ) ) )
rotzM t
= ( matrix
( ( cos t, -sin t, 0, 0 ),
- ( sin t, cos t, 0, 0 ),
- ( 0, 0, 1, 0 ),
- ( 0, 0, 0, 1 ) ),
+ ( sin t, cos t, 0, 0 ),
+ ( 0, 0, 1, 0 ),
+ ( 0, 0, 0, 1 ) ),
( ( cos t, sin t, 0, 0 ),
- ( -sin t, cos t, 0, 0 ),
- ( 0, 0, 1, 0 ),
- ( 0, 0, 0, 1 ) ) )
+ ( -sin t, cos t, 0, 0 ),
+ ( 0, 0, 1, 0 ),
+ ( 0, 0, 0, 1 ) ) )
-- Eye transformations
@@ -220,9 +220,9 @@ rotzM t
-- These are implemented as inverse transforms of the model.
-eye :: Transform
-translateEye :: Coords -> Transform -> Transform
-rotateEyeX, rotateEyeY, rotateEyeZ :: Radian -> Transform -> Transform
+eye :: Transform
+translateEye :: Coords -> Transform -> Transform
+rotateEyeX, rotateEyeY, rotateEyeZ :: Radian -> Transform -> Transform
eye = (unit, unit)
translateEye xyz (eye1, eye2)
@@ -255,11 +255,11 @@ transformBox t (B x1 x2 y1 y2 z1 z2)
(foldr1 min (map zCoord pts'))
(foldr1 max (map zCoord pts')))
where pts' = map (multMP t) pts
- pts = [point x1 y1 z1,
- point x1 y1 z2,
- point x1 y2 z1,
- point x1 y2 z2,
- point x2 y1 z1,
- point x2 y1 z2,
- point x2 y2 z1,
- point x2 y2 z2]
+ pts = [point x1 y1 z1,
+ point x1 y1 z2,
+ point x1 y2 z1,
+ point x1 y2 z2,
+ point x2 y1 z1,
+ point x2 y1 z2,
+ point x2 y2 z1,
+ point x2 y2 z2]
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/programs/galois_raytrace/Data.hs b/testsuite/tests/programs/galois_raytrace/Data.hs
index f02aabe7bf..6cbd112eac 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/programs/galois_raytrace/Data.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/programs/galois_raytrace/Data.hs
@@ -23,19 +23,19 @@ type Code = [GMLToken]
data GMLToken
-- All these can occur in parsed code
- = TOp GMLOp
- | TId Name
- | TBind Name
- | TBool Bool
- | TInt Int
- | TReal Double
- | TString String
- | TBody Code
- | TArray Code
- | TApply
- | TIf
- -- These can occur in optimized/transformed code
- -- NONE (yet!)
+ = TOp GMLOp
+ | TId Name
+ | TBind Name
+ | TBool Bool
+ | TInt Int
+ | TReal Double
+ | TString String
+ | TBody Code
+ | TArray Code
+ | TApply
+ | TIf
+ -- These can occur in optimized/transformed code
+ -- NONE (yet!)
instance Show GMLToken where
@@ -63,22 +63,22 @@ instance Show GMLToken where
type Stack = [GMLValue]
data GMLValue
- = VBool !Bool
- | VInt !Int
- | VReal !Double
- | VString String
- | VClosure Env Code
- | VArray (Array Int GMLValue) -- FIXME: Haskell array
+ = VBool !Bool
+ | VInt !Int
+ | VReal !Double
+ | VString String
+ | VClosure Env Code
+ | VArray (Array Int GMLValue) -- FIXME: Haskell array
-- uses the interpreter version of point
- | VPoint { xPoint :: !Double
+ | VPoint { xPoint :: !Double
, yPoint :: !Double
, zPoint :: !Double
-- these are abstract to the interpreter
- | VObject Object
- | VLight Light
- -- This is an abstract object, used by the abstract interpreter
- | VAbsObj AbsObj
+ | VObject Object
+ | VLight Light
+ -- This is an abstract object, used by the abstract interpreter
+ | VAbsObj AbsObj
-- There are only *3* basic abstract values,
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ opTable = [ (kwd,op) | (kwd,op,_) <- opcodes ]
opNameTable :: Array GMLOp Name
opNameTable = array (minBound,maxBound)
- [ (op,name) | (name,TOp op,_) <- opcodes ]
+ [ (op,name) | (name,TOp op,_) <- opcodes ]
undef = error "undefined function"
image = error "undefined function: talk to image group"
@@ -210,62 +210,62 @@ image = error "undefined function: talk to image group"
opcodes :: [(String,GMLToken,PrimOp)]
opcodes =
- [ ("apply", TApply, error "incorrect use of apply")
- , ("if", TIf, error "incorrect use of if")
- , ("false", TBool False, error "incorrect use of false")
- , ("true", TBool True, error "incorrect use of true")
+ [ ("apply", TApply, error "incorrect use of apply")
+ , ("if", TIf, error "incorrect use of if")
+ , ("false", TBool False, error "incorrect use of false")
+ , ("true", TBool True, error "incorrect use of true")
] ++ map (\ (a,b,c) -> (a,TOp b,c))
-- These are just invocation, any coercions need to occur between here
-- and before arriving at the application code (like deg -> rad).
- [ ("acos", Op_acos, Real_Real (rad2deg . acos))
- , ("addi", Op_addi, Int_Int_Int (+))
- , ("addf", Op_addf, Real_Real_Real (+))
- , ("asin", Op_asin, Real_Real (rad2deg . asin))
- , ("clampf", Op_clampf, Real_Real clampf)
- , ("cone", Op_cone, Surface_Obj cone)
- , ("cos", Op_cos, Real_Real (cos . deg2rad))
- , ("cube", Op_cube, Surface_Obj cube)
- , ("cylinder", Op_cylinder, Surface_Obj cylinder)
+ [ ("acos", Op_acos, Real_Real (rad2deg . acos))
+ , ("addi", Op_addi, Int_Int_Int (+))
+ , ("addf", Op_addf, Real_Real_Real (+))
+ , ("asin", Op_asin, Real_Real (rad2deg . asin))
+ , ("clampf", Op_clampf, Real_Real clampf)
+ , ("cone", Op_cone, Surface_Obj cone)
+ , ("cos", Op_cos, Real_Real (cos . deg2rad))
+ , ("cube", Op_cube, Surface_Obj cube)
+ , ("cylinder", Op_cylinder, Surface_Obj cylinder)
, ("difference", Op_difference, Obj_Obj_Obj difference)
- , ("divi", Op_divi, Int_Int_Int (ourQuot))
- , ("divf", Op_divf, Real_Real_Real (/))
- , ("eqi", Op_eqi, Int_Int_Bool (==))
- , ("eqf", Op_eqf, Real_Real_Bool (==))
- , ("floor", Op_floor, Real_Int floor)
- , ("frac", Op_frac, Real_Real (snd . properFraction))
- , ("get", Op_get, Arr_Int_Value ixGet)
- , ("getx", Op_getx, Point_Real (\ x y z -> x))
- , ("gety", Op_gety, Point_Real (\ x y z -> y))
- , ("getz", Op_getz, Point_Real (\ x y z -> z))
+ , ("divi", Op_divi, Int_Int_Int (ourQuot))
+ , ("divf", Op_divf, Real_Real_Real (/))
+ , ("eqi", Op_eqi, Int_Int_Bool (==))
+ , ("eqf", Op_eqf, Real_Real_Bool (==))
+ , ("floor", Op_floor, Real_Int floor)
+ , ("frac", Op_frac, Real_Real (snd . properFraction))
+ , ("get", Op_get, Arr_Int_Value ixGet)
+ , ("getx", Op_getx, Point_Real (\ x y z -> x))
+ , ("gety", Op_gety, Point_Real (\ x y z -> y))
+ , ("getz", Op_getz, Point_Real (\ x y z -> z))
, ("intersect", Op_intersect, Obj_Obj_Obj intersect)
- , ("length", Op_length, Arr_Int (succ . snd . bounds))
- , ("lessi", Op_lessi, Int_Int_Bool (<))
- , ("lessf", Op_lessf, Real_Real_Bool (<))
- , ("light", Op_light, Point_Color_Light light)
- , ("modi", Op_modi, Int_Int_Int (ourRem))
- , ("muli", Op_muli, Int_Int_Int (*))
- , ("mulf", Op_mulf, Real_Real_Real (*))
- , ("negi", Op_negi, Int_Int negate)
- , ("negf", Op_negf, Real_Real negate)
- , ("plane", Op_plane, Surface_Obj plane)
- , ("point", Op_point, Real_Real_Real_Point VPoint)
+ , ("length", Op_length, Arr_Int (succ . snd . bounds))
+ , ("lessi", Op_lessi, Int_Int_Bool (<))
+ , ("lessf", Op_lessf, Real_Real_Bool (<))
+ , ("light", Op_light, Point_Color_Light light)
+ , ("modi", Op_modi, Int_Int_Int (ourRem))
+ , ("muli", Op_muli, Int_Int_Int (*))
+ , ("mulf", Op_mulf, Real_Real_Real (*))
+ , ("negi", Op_negi, Int_Int negate)
+ , ("negf", Op_negf, Real_Real negate)
+ , ("plane", Op_plane, Surface_Obj plane)
+ , ("point", Op_point, Real_Real_Real_Point VPoint)
, ("pointlight", Op_pointlight, Point_Color_Light pointlight)
- , ("real", Op_real, Int_Real fromIntegral)
- , ("render", Op_render, Render $ render eye)
- , ("rotatex", Op_rotatex, Obj_Real_Obj (\ o d -> rotateX (deg2rad d) o))
- , ("rotatey", Op_rotatey, Obj_Real_Obj (\ o d -> rotateY (deg2rad d) o))
- , ("rotatez", Op_rotatez, Obj_Real_Obj (\ o d -> rotateZ (deg2rad d) o))
- , ("scale", Op_scale, Obj_Real_Real_Real_Obj (\ o x y z -> scale (x,y,z) o))
- , ("sin", Op_sin, Real_Real (sin . deg2rad))
- , ("sphere", Op_sphere, Surface_Obj sphere') -- see comment at end of file
+ , ("real", Op_real, Int_Real fromIntegral)
+ , ("render", Op_render, Render $ render eye)
+ , ("rotatex", Op_rotatex, Obj_Real_Obj (\ o d -> rotateX (deg2rad d) o))
+ , ("rotatey", Op_rotatey, Obj_Real_Obj (\ o d -> rotateY (deg2rad d) o))
+ , ("rotatez", Op_rotatez, Obj_Real_Obj (\ o d -> rotateZ (deg2rad d) o))
+ , ("scale", Op_scale, Obj_Real_Real_Real_Obj (\ o x y z -> scale (x,y,z) o))
+ , ("sin", Op_sin, Real_Real (sin . deg2rad))
+ , ("sphere", Op_sphere, Surface_Obj sphere') -- see comment at end of file
, ("spotlight", Op_spotlight, Point_Point_Color_Real_Real_Light mySpotlight)
- , ("sqrt", Op_sqrt, Real_Real ourSqrt)
- , ("subi", Op_subi, Int_Int_Int (-))
- , ("subf", Op_subf, Real_Real_Real (-))
+ , ("sqrt", Op_sqrt, Real_Real ourSqrt)
+ , ("subi", Op_subi, Int_Int_Int (-))
+ , ("subf", Op_subf, Real_Real_Real (-))
, ("trace", Op_trace, Value_String_Value mytrace)
, ("translate", Op_translate, Obj_Real_Real_Real_Obj (\ o x y z -> translate (x,y,z) o))
- , ("union", Op_union, Obj_Obj_Obj union)
- , ("uscale", Op_uscale, Obj_Real_Obj (\ o r -> uscale r o))
+ , ("union", Op_union, Obj_Obj_Obj union)
+ , ("uscale", Op_uscale, Obj_Real_Obj (\ o r -> uscale r o))
-- This enumerate all possible ways of calling the fixed primitives
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/programs/galois_raytrace/Eval.hs b/testsuite/tests/programs/galois_raytrace/Eval.hs
index bd9d419400..bf43d10605 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/programs/galois_raytrace/Eval.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/programs/galois_raytrace/Eval.hs
@@ -47,10 +47,10 @@ instance MonadEval IO where
err s = error s
data State
- = State { env :: Env
- , stack :: Stack
- , code :: Code
- } deriving Show
+ = State { env :: Env
+ , stack :: Stack
+ , code :: Code
+ } deriving Show
callback :: Env -> Code -> Stack -> Stack
callback env code stk
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ step _ = err "Tripped on sidewalk while stepping."
opFnTable :: Array GMLOp PrimOp
opFnTable = array (minBound,maxBound)
- [ (op,prim) | (_,TOp op,prim) <- opcodes ]
+ [ (op,prim) | (_,TOp op,prim) <- opcodes ]
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ doPrimOp (Surface_Obj fn) _ (VClosure env code:stk)
= case absapply env code [VAbsObj AbsFACE,VAbsObj AbsU,VAbsObj AbsV] of
Just [VReal r3,VReal r2,VReal r1,VPoint c1 c2 c3] ->
- res = prop (color c1 c2 c3) r1 r2 r3
+ res = prop (color c1 c2 c3) r1 r2 r3
return ((VObject (fn (SConst res))) : stk)
_ -> return ((VObject (fn (SFun call))) : stk)
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ doPrimOp (Surface_Obj fn) _ (VClosure env code:stk)
call i r1 r2 =
case callback env code [VReal r2,VReal r1,VInt i] of
[VReal r3,VReal r2,VReal r1,VPoint c1 c2 c3]
- -> prop (color c1 c2 c3) r1 r2 r3
+ -> prop (color c1 c2 c3) r1 r2 r3
stk -> error ("callback failed: incorrectly typed return arguments"
++ show stk)
@@ -241,10 +241,10 @@ doPrimOp primOp op args
= err ("\n\ntype error when attempting to execute builtin primitive \"" ++
show op ++ "\"\n\n| " ++
show op ++ " takes " ++ show (length types) ++ " argument" ++ s
- ++ " with" ++ the ++ " type" ++ s ++ "\n|\n|" ++
+ ++ " with" ++ the ++ " type" ++ s ++ "\n|\n|" ++
" " ++ unwords [ show ty | ty <- types ] ++ "\n|\n|" ++
" currently, the relevent argument" ++ s ++ " on the stack " ++
- are ++ "\n|\n| " ++
+ are ++ "\n|\n| " ++
unwords [ "(" ++ show arg ++ ")"
| arg <- reverse (take (length types) args) ] ++ "\n|\n| "
++ " (top of stack is on the right hand side)\n\n")
@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ doPrimOp primOp op args
doAllOp :: PrimOp -> GMLOp -> Stack -> IO Stack
doAllOp (Render render) Op_render
- (VString str:VInt ht:VInt wid:VReal fov
+ (VString str:VInt ht:VInt wid:VReal fov
:VInt dep:VObject obj:VArray arr
:VPoint r g b : stk)
= do { render (color r g b) lights obj dep (fov * (pi / 180.0)) wid ht str
@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ instance Applicative Abs where
instance Monad Abs where
(Abs fn) >>= k = Abs (\ s -> case fn s of
- AbsState r s' -> runAbs (k r) s'
+ AbsState r s' -> runAbs (k r) s'
AbsFail m -> AbsFail m)
return = pure
fail s = Abs (\ n -> AbsFail s)
@@ -333,9 +333,9 @@ mainEval prog = do { stk <- eval (State emptyEnv [] prog)
* Oops, one of the example actually has something
* on the stack at the end.
* Oh well...
- ; if null stk
+ ; if null stk
then return ()
- else do { putStrLn done
+ else do { putStrLn done
; print stk
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/programs/galois_raytrace/Geometry.hs b/testsuite/tests/programs/galois_raytrace/Geometry.hs
index de9d960450..8bca3a3e89 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/programs/galois_raytrace/Geometry.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/programs/galois_raytrace/Geometry.hs
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ tangents :: Vector -> (Vector, Vector)
tangents v@(V x y z)
= (v1, v `cross` v1)
where v1 | x == 0 = normalize (vector 0 z (-y))
- | otherwise = normalize (vector (-y) x 0)
+ | otherwise = normalize (vector (-y) x 0)
{-# INLINE dot4 #-}
dot4 :: Quad -> Quad -> Double
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ norm (V x y z) = sqrt (sq x + sq y + sq z)
normalize :: Vector -> Vector
normalize v@(V x y z)
| norm /= 0 = multSV (1/norm) v
- | otherwise = error "normalize empty!"
+ | otherwise = error "normalize empty!"
where norm = sqrt (sq x + sq y + sq z)
-- This does computes the distance *squared*
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/programs/galois_raytrace/Illumination.hs b/testsuite/tests/programs/galois_raytrace/Illumination.hs
index b68eea8bf2..5f780ffdff 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/programs/galois_raytrace/Illumination.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/programs/galois_raytrace/Illumination.hs
@@ -98,14 +98,14 @@ illum cxt (pos,normV,(col,kd,ks,n)) v
ambTerm = multSC kd (multCC amb col)
difTerm = multSC kd (sumCC [multSC (dot normV lj) (multCC intensity col)
- |(loc,intensity) <- visibleLights,
- let lj = normalize ({- pos `subVV` -} loc)])
+ |(loc,intensity) <- visibleLights,
+ let lj = normalize ({- pos `subVV` -} loc)])
-- ZZ might want to avoid the phong, when you can...
spcTerm = multSC ks (sumCC [multSC ((dot normV hj) ** n ) (multCC intensity col)
- |(loc,intensity) <- visibleLights,
- -- ZZ note this is specific to the light at infinity
- let lj = {- pos `subVV` -} normalize loc,
- let hj = normalize (lj `subVV` normalize v)])
+ |(loc,intensity) <- visibleLights,
+ -- ZZ note this is specific to the light at infinity
+ let lj = {- pos `subVV` -} normalize loc,
+ let hj = normalize (lj `subVV` normalize v)])
recTerm = if recCoeff `nearC` black then black else multCC recCoeff recRay
recCoeff = multSC ks col
recRay = illumination cxt (pos,newV)
@@ -203,8 +203,8 @@ castRay ray p
(False, (0, b, _) : _, _) -> Nothing -- eye is inside
(False, (i, False, _) : _, _) -> Nothing -- eye is inside
(False, (t, b, (s, p0)) : _, _) ->
- let (v, prop) = surface s p0 in
- Just (offsetToPoint ray t, v, prop)
+ let (v, prop) = surface s p0 in
+ Just (offsetToPoint ray t, v, prop)
intersects ray p
= case intersectRayWithObject ray p of
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/programs/galois_raytrace/Intersections.hs b/testsuite/tests/programs/galois_raytrace/Intersections.hs
index 58210c30f9..6d7f275385 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/programs/galois_raytrace/Intersections.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/programs/galois_raytrace/Intersections.hs
@@ -41,22 +41,22 @@ clampIntervals ivals@(False, is@((i, True, p) : is'), isOpen)
intersections ray (Union p q)
= unionIntervals is js
where is = intersections ray p
- js = intersections ray q
+ js = intersections ray q
intersections ray (Intersect p q)
= intersectIntervals is js
where is = intersections ray p
- js = intersections ray q
+ js = intersections ray q
intersections ray (Difference p q)
= differenceIntervals is (negateSurfaces js)
where is = intersections ray p
- js = intersections ray q
+ js = intersections ray q
intersections ray (Transform m m' p)
= mapI (xform m) is
where is = intersections (m' `multMR` ray) p
- xform m (i, b, (s, p0)) = (i, b, (transformSurface m s, p0))
+ xform m (i, b, (s, p0)) = (i, b, (transformSurface m s, p0))
intersections ray (Box box p)
| intersectWithBox ray box = intersections ray p
@@ -93,27 +93,27 @@ negateSurface (Conic p0 v0 v1)
transformSurface m (Planar p0 v0 v1)
= Planar p0' v0' v1'
where p0' = multMP m p0
- v0' = multMV m v0
- v1' = multMV m v1
+ v0' = multMV m v0
+ v1' = multMV m v1
transformSurface m (Spherical p0 v0 v1)
= Spherical p0' v0' v1'
where p0' = multMP m p0
- v0' = multMV m v0
- v1' = multMV m v1
+ v0' = multMV m v0
+ v1' = multMV m v1
-- ditto as above
transformSurface m (Cylindrical p0 v0 v1)
= Cylindrical p0' v0' v1'
where p0' = multMP m p0
- v0' = multMV m v0
- v1' = multMV m v1
+ v0' = multMV m v0
+ v1' = multMV m v1
transformSurface m (Conic p0 v0 v1)
= Conic p0' v0' v1'
where p0' = multMP m p0
- v0' = multMV m v0
- v1' = multMV m v1
+ v0' = multMV m v0
+ v1' = multMV m v1
-- Plane
@@ -133,25 +133,25 @@ intersectXZPlane n (r,v) yoffset texture
-- t may be negative (the ray starts within the halfspace),
-- but we'll catch that later when we clamp the intervals
- | b < 0 -- the ray is pointing downwards
+ | b < 0 -- the ray is pointing downwards
= (False, [mkEntry (t0, (Planar p0 v0 v1, (n, p0, texture)))], True)
- | otherwise -- the ray is pointing upwards
+ | otherwise -- the ray is pointing upwards
= (True, [mkExit (t0, (Planar p0 v0 v1, (n, p0, texture)))], False)
where t0 = (yoffset-y) / b
- x0 = x + a * t0
- z0 = z + c * t0
- p0 = point x0 0 z0
- v0 = vector 0 0 1
- v1 = vector 1 0 0
+ x0 = x + a * t0
+ z0 = z + c * t0
+ p0 = point x0 0 z0
+ v0 = vector 0 0 1
+ v1 = vector 1 0 0
- x = xCoord r
- y = yCoord r
- z = zCoord r
- a = xComponent v
- b = yComponent v
- c = zComponent v
+ x = xCoord r
+ y = yCoord r
+ z = zCoord r
+ a = xComponent v
+ b = yComponent v
+ c = zComponent v
@@ -166,26 +166,26 @@ intersectSphere ray@(r, v) texture
-- This is a quadratic equation in t:
-- t^2(a^2 + b^2 + c^2) + 2t(xa + yb + zc) + (x^2 + y^2 + z^2 - 1) = 0
let c1 = sq a + sq b + sq c
- c2 = 2 * (x * a + y * b + z * c)
- c3 = sq x + sq y + sq z - 1
+ c2 = 2 * (x * a + y * b + z * c)
+ c3 = sq x + sq y + sq z - 1
- case quadratic c1 c2 c3 of
+ case quadratic c1 c2 c3 of
Nothing -> emptyIList
Just (t1, t2) -> entryexit (g t1) (g t2)
where x = xCoord r
- y = yCoord r
- z = zCoord r
- a = xComponent v
- b = yComponent v
- c = zComponent v
- g t = (t, (Spherical origin v1 v2, (SphereFace, p0, texture)))
- where origin = point 0 0 0
- x0 = x + t * a
- y0 = y + t * b
- z0 = z + t * c
- p0 = point x0 y0 z0
- v0 = vector x0 y0 z0
- (v1, v2) = tangents v0
+ y = yCoord r
+ z = zCoord r
+ a = xComponent v
+ b = yComponent v
+ c = zComponent v
+ g t = (t, (Spherical origin v1 v2, (SphereFace, p0, texture)))
+ where origin = point 0 0 0
+ x0 = x + t * a
+ y0 = y + t * b
+ z0 = z + t * c
+ p0 = point x0 y0 z0
+ v0 = vector x0 y0 z0
+ (v1, v2) = tangents v0
@@ -200,32 +200,32 @@ intersectCube ray@(r, v) texture
-- The minimum and maximum such values of t give us the two
-- intersection points.
case intersectSlabIval (intersectCubeSlab face2 face3 x a)
- (intersectSlabIval (intersectCubeSlab face5 face4 y b)
- (intersectCubeSlab face0 face1 z c)) of
+ (intersectSlabIval (intersectCubeSlab face5 face4 y b)
+ (intersectCubeSlab face0 face1 z c)) of
Nothing -> emptyIList
Just (t1, t2) -> entryexit (g t1) (g t2)
where g ((n, v0, v1), t)
- = (t, (Planar p0 v0 v1, (n, p0, texture)))
- where p0 = offsetToPoint ray t
- face0 = (CubeFront, vectorY, vectorX)
- face1 = (CubeBack, vectorX, vectorY)
- face2 = (CubeLeft, vectorZ, vectorY)
- face3 = (CubeRight, vectorY, vectorZ)
- face4 = (CubeTop, vectorZ, vectorX)
- face5 = (CubeBottom, vectorX, vectorZ)
- vectorX = vector 1 0 0
- vectorY = vector 0 1 0
- vectorZ = vector 0 0 1
- x = xCoord r
- y = yCoord r
- z = zCoord r
- a = xComponent v
- b = yComponent v
- c = zComponent v
+ = (t, (Planar p0 v0 v1, (n, p0, texture)))
+ where p0 = offsetToPoint ray t
+ face0 = (CubeFront, vectorY, vectorX)
+ face1 = (CubeBack, vectorX, vectorY)
+ face2 = (CubeLeft, vectorZ, vectorY)
+ face3 = (CubeRight, vectorY, vectorZ)
+ face4 = (CubeTop, vectorZ, vectorX)
+ face5 = (CubeBottom, vectorX, vectorZ)
+ vectorX = vector 1 0 0
+ vectorY = vector 0 1 0
+ vectorZ = vector 0 0 1
+ x = xCoord r
+ y = yCoord r
+ z = zCoord r
+ a = xComponent v
+ b = yComponent v
+ c = zComponent v
intersectCubeSlab n m w d
| d `near` 0 = if (0 <= w) && (w <= 1)
- then Just ((n, -inf), (m, inf)) else Nothing
+ then Just ((n, -inf), (m, inf)) else Nothing
| d > 0 = Just ((n, (-w)/d), (m, (1-w)/d))
| otherwise = Just ((m, (1-w)/d), (n, (-w)/d))
@@ -233,15 +233,15 @@ intersectSlabIval Nothing Nothing = Nothing
intersectSlabIval Nothing (Just i) = Nothing
intersectSlabIval (Just i) Nothing = Nothing
intersectSlabIval (Just (nu1@(n1, u1), mv1@(m1, v1)))
- (Just (nu2@(n2, u2), mv2@(m2, v2)))
+ (Just (nu2@(n2, u2), mv2@(m2, v2)))
= checkInterval (nu, mv)
where nu = if u1 < u2 then nu2 else nu1
- mv = if v1 < v2 then mv1 else mv2
- checkInterval numv@(nu@(_, u), (m, v))
- -- rounding error may force us to push v out a bit
- | u `near` v = Just (nu, (m, u + epsilon))
- | u < v = Just numv
- | otherwise = Nothing
+ mv = if v1 < v2 then mv1 else mv2
+ checkInterval numv@(nu@(_, u), (m, v))
+ -- rounding error may force us to push v out a bit
+ | u `near` v = Just (nu, (m, u + epsilon))
+ | u < v = Just numv
+ | otherwise = Nothing
@@ -252,9 +252,9 @@ intersectCylinder :: Ray -> a -> IList (Surface, Texture a)
intersectCylinder ray texture
= isectSide `intersectIntervals` isectTop `intersectIntervals` isectBottom
where isectSide = intersectCylSide ray texture
- isectTop = intersectXZPlane CylinderTop ray 1.0 texture
- isectBottom = complementIntervals $ negateSurfaces $
- intersectXZPlane CylinderBottom ray 0.0 texture
+ isectTop = intersectXZPlane CylinderTop ray 1.0 texture
+ isectBottom = complementIntervals $ negateSurfaces $
+ intersectXZPlane CylinderBottom ray 0.0 texture
intersectCylSide (r, v) texture
= -- The ray (x + ta, y + tb, z + tc) intersects the sides of the
@@ -262,34 +262,34 @@ intersectCylSide (r, v) texture
-- (x + ta)^2 + (z + tc)^2 = 1 and 0 <= y + tb <= 1.
if (sq a + sq c) `near` 0
then -- The ray is parallel to the Y-axis, and does not intersect
- -- the cylinder sides. It's either all in, or all out
- if (sqxy `near` 1.0 || sqxy < 1.0) then openIList else emptyIList
+ -- the cylinder sides. It's either all in, or all out
+ if (sqxy `near` 1.0 || sqxy < 1.0) then openIList else emptyIList
else -- Find values of t that solve the quadratic equation
- -- (a^2 + c^2)t^2 + 2(ax + cz)t + x^2 + z^2 - 1 = 0
+ -- (a^2 + c^2)t^2 + 2(ax + cz)t + x^2 + z^2 - 1 = 0
let c1 = sq a + sq c
c2 = 2 * (x * a + z * c)
c3 = sq x + sq z - 1
- in
- case quadratic c1 c2 c3 of
+ in
+ case quadratic c1 c2 c3 of
Nothing -> emptyIList
Just (t1, t2) -> entryexit (g t1) (g t2)
where sqxy = sq x + sq y
- g t = (t, (Cylindrical origin v1 v2, (CylinderSide, p0, texture)))
- where origin = point 0 0 0
- x0 = x + t * a
- y0 = y + t * b
- z0 = z + t * c
- p0 = point x0 y0 z0
- v0 = vector x0 0 z0
- (v1, v2) = tangents v0
- x = xCoord r
- y = yCoord r
- z = zCoord r
- a = xComponent v
- b = yComponent v
- c = zComponent v
+ g t = (t, (Cylindrical origin v1 v2, (CylinderSide, p0, texture)))
+ where origin = point 0 0 0
+ x0 = x + t * a
+ y0 = y + t * b
+ z0 = z + t * c
+ p0 = point x0 y0 z0
+ v0 = vector x0 0 z0
+ (v1, v2) = tangents v0
+ x = xCoord r
+ y = yCoord r
+ z = zCoord r
+ a = xComponent v
+ b = yComponent v
+ c = zComponent v
@@ -300,9 +300,9 @@ intersectCone :: Ray -> a -> IList (Surface, Texture a)
intersectCone ray texture
= isectSide `intersectIntervals` isectTop `intersectIntervals` isectBottom
where isectSide = intersectConeSide ray texture
- isectTop = intersectXZPlane ConeBase ray 1.0 texture
- isectBottom = complementIntervals $ negateSurfaces $
- intersectXZPlane ConeBase ray 0.0 texture
+ isectTop = intersectXZPlane ConeBase ray 1.0 texture
+ isectBottom = complementIntervals $ negateSurfaces $
+ intersectXZPlane ConeBase ray 0.0 texture
intersectConeSide (r, v) texture
= -- Find the points where the ray intersects the cond side. At any points of
@@ -311,42 +311,42 @@ intersectConeSide (r, v) texture
-- which is the following quadratic equation:
-- t^2(a^2-b^2+c^2) + 2t(xa-yb+cz) + (x^2-y^2+z^2) = 0
let c1 = sq a - sq b + sq c
- c2 = 2 * (x * a - y * b + c * z)
- c3 = sq x - sq y + sq z
+ c2 = 2 * (x * a - y * b + c * z)
+ c3 = sq x - sq y + sq z
in case quadratic c1 c2 c3 of
- Nothing -> emptyIList
- Just (t1, t2) ->
- -- If either intersection strikes the middle, then the other
- -- can only be off by rounding error, so we make a tangent
- -- strike using the "good" value.
- -- If the intersections straddle the origin, then it's
- -- an exit/entry pair, otherwise it's an entry/exit pair.
- let y1 = y + t1 * b
- y2 = y + t2 * b
- in if y1 `near` 0 then entryexit (g t1) (g t1)
- else if y2 `near` 0 then entryexit (g t2) (g t2)
- else if (y1 < 0) `xor` (y2 < 0) then exitentry (g t1) (g t2)
- else entryexit (g t1) (g t2)
+ Nothing -> emptyIList
+ Just (t1, t2) ->
+ -- If either intersection strikes the middle, then the other
+ -- can only be off by rounding error, so we make a tangent
+ -- strike using the "good" value.
+ -- If the intersections straddle the origin, then it's
+ -- an exit/entry pair, otherwise it's an entry/exit pair.
+ let y1 = y + t1 * b
+ y2 = y + t2 * b
+ in if y1 `near` 0 then entryexit (g t1) (g t1)
+ else if y2 `near` 0 then entryexit (g t2) (g t2)
+ else if (y1 < 0) `xor` (y2 < 0) then exitentry (g t1) (g t2)
+ else entryexit (g t1) (g t2)
where g t = (t, (Conic origin v1 v2, (ConeSide, p0, texture)))
- where origin = point 0 0 0
- x0 = x + t * a
- y0 = y + t * b
- z0 = z + t * c
- p0 = point x0 y0 z0
- v0 = normalize $ vector x0 (-y0) z0
- (v1, v2) = tangents v0
- x = xCoord r
- y = yCoord r
- z = zCoord r
- a = xComponent v
- b = yComponent v
- c = zComponent v
- -- beyond me why this isn't defined in the prelude...
- xor False b = b
- xor True b = not b
+ where origin = point 0 0 0
+ x0 = x + t * a
+ y0 = y + t * b
+ z0 = z + t * c
+ p0 = point x0 y0 z0
+ v0 = normalize $ vector x0 (-y0) z0
+ (v1, v2) = tangents v0
+ x = xCoord r
+ y = yCoord r
+ z = zCoord r
+ a = xComponent v
+ b = yComponent v
+ c = zComponent v
+ -- beyond me why this isn't defined in the prelude...
+ xor False b = b
+ xor True b = not b
@@ -361,17 +361,17 @@ quadratic a b c =
in if d' < 0
then Nothing -- There are no real roots.
- if a > 0 then Just (((-b) - sqrt d') / (2 * a),
- ((-b) + sqrt d') / (2 * a))
- else Just (((-b) + sqrt d') / (2 * a),
- ((-b) - sqrt d') / (2 * a))
+ if a > 0 then Just (((-b) - sqrt d') / (2 * a),
+ ((-b) + sqrt d') / (2 * a))
+ else Just (((-b) + sqrt d') / (2 * a),
+ ((-b) - sqrt d') / (2 * a))
-- Bounding boxes
data MaybeInterval = Interval !Double !Double
- | NoInterval
+ | NoInterval
isInterval (Interval _ _) = True
isInterval _ = False
@@ -380,10 +380,10 @@ intersectWithBox :: Ray -> Box -> Bool
intersectWithBox (r, v) (B x1 x2 y1 y2 z1 z2)
= isInterval interval
where x_interval = intersectRayWithSlab (xCoord r) (xComponent v) (x1, x2)
- y_interval = intersectRayWithSlab (yCoord r) (yComponent v) (y1, y2)
- z_interval = intersectRayWithSlab (zCoord r) (zComponent v) (z1, z2)
- interval = intersectInterval x_interval
- (intersectInterval y_interval z_interval)
+ y_interval = intersectRayWithSlab (yCoord r) (yComponent v) (y1, y2)
+ z_interval = intersectRayWithSlab (zCoord r) (zComponent v) (z1, z2)
+ interval = intersectInterval x_interval
+ (intersectInterval y_interval z_interval)
intersectInterval :: MaybeInterval -> MaybeInterval -> MaybeInterval
intersectInterval NoInterval _ = NoInterval
@@ -399,6 +399,6 @@ intersectRayWithSlab xCoord alpha (x1, x2)
| alpha > 0 = Interval a b
| otherwise = Interval b a
where a = (x1 - xCoord) / alpha
- b = (x2 - xCoord) / alpha
+ b = (x2 - xCoord) / alpha
infInterval = Interval (-inf) inf
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/programs/galois_raytrace/Interval.hs b/testsuite/tests/programs/galois_raytrace/Interval.hs
index a4d313f66e..174b3ffff5 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/programs/galois_raytrace/Interval.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/programs/galois_raytrace/Interval.hs
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ import Geometry
-- solid. As a convenience, we also keep an additional flag that
-- indicates whether the last intersection ends inside or outside.
-type IList a = (Bool, [Intersection a], Bool)
-type Intersection a = (Double, Bool, a)
+type IList a = (Bool, [Intersection a], Bool)
+type Intersection a = (Double, Bool, a)
emptyIList = (False, [], False)
openIList = (True, [], True)
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ mkExit (t, a) = (t, False, a)
entryexit w1 w2 = (False, [mkEntry w1, mkExit w2], False)
exitentry w1 w2 = (True, [mkExit w1, mkEntry w2], True)
arrange w1@(t1, _) w2@(t2, _) | t1 < t2 = entryexit w1 w2
- | otherwise = entryexit w2 w1
+ | otherwise = entryexit w2 w1
cmpI :: Intersection a -> Intersection a -> Ordering
@@ -66,23 +66,23 @@ unionIntervals :: IList a -> IList a -> IList a
unionIntervals (isStartOpen, is, isEndOpen) (jsStartOpen, js, jsEndOpen)
= (isStartOpen || jsStartOpen, uniIntervals is js, isEndOpen || jsEndOpen)
where uniIntervals is [] | jsEndOpen = []
- | otherwise = is
- uniIntervals [] js | isEndOpen = []
- | otherwise = js
- uniIntervals is@(i : is') js@(j : js')
- = case cmpI i j of
- EQ -> if isEntry i == isEntry j then i : uniIntervals is' js'
- else uniIntervals is' js'
- LT -> if isEntry j then i : uniIntervals is' js
- else uniIntervals is' js
- GT -> if isEntry i then j : uniIntervals is js'
- else uniIntervals is js'
+ | otherwise = is
+ uniIntervals [] js | isEndOpen = []
+ | otherwise = js
+ uniIntervals is@(i : is') js@(j : js')
+ = case cmpI i j of
+ EQ -> if isEntry i == isEntry j then i : uniIntervals is' js'
+ else uniIntervals is' js'
+ LT -> if isEntry j then i : uniIntervals is' js
+ else uniIntervals is' js
+ GT -> if isEntry i then j : uniIntervals is js'
+ else uniIntervals is js'
intersectIntervals :: IList a -> IList a -> IList a
intersectIntervals is js
= complementIntervals (unionIntervals is' js')
where is' = complementIntervals is
- js' = complementIntervals js
+ js' = complementIntervals js
differenceIntervals :: IList a -> IList a -> IList a
differenceIntervals is js
@@ -114,8 +114,8 @@ t7 = differenceIntervals i2 i2
sh (o1,is,o2) =
do if o1 then putStr "..." else return ()
- putStr $ foldr1 (++) (map si is)
- if o2 then putStr "..." else return ()
+ putStr $ foldr1 (++) (map si is)
+ if o2 then putStr "..." else return ()
si (i, True, _, _) = "<" ++ show i
si (i, False, _, _) = " " ++ show i ++ ">"
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/programs/galois_raytrace/Pixmap.hs b/testsuite/tests/programs/galois_raytrace/Pixmap.hs
index edb75af4fa..4aa488c229 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/programs/galois_raytrace/Pixmap.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/programs/galois_raytrace/Pixmap.hs
@@ -11,29 +11,29 @@ import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
readPPM f
= do h <- openFile f ReadMode
- s <- hGetContents h
- case (parse parsePPM f s) of
- Left err -> error (show err)
- Right x -> return x
+ s <- hGetContents h
+ case (parse parsePPM f s) of
+ Left err -> error (show err)
+ Right x -> return x
writePPM f ppm
= do h <- openFile f WriteMode
- let s = showPPM (length (head ppm)) (length ppm) ppm
- hPutStr h s
+ let s = showPPM (length (head ppm)) (length ppm) ppm
+ hPutStr h s
-- parsing
= do string "P6"
- whiteSpace
- width <- number
- whiteSpace
- height <- number
- whiteSpace
- colormax <- number
- whiteSpace
- cs <- getInput
- return (chop width (chopColors cs))
+ whiteSpace
+ width <- number
+ whiteSpace
+ height <- number
+ whiteSpace
+ colormax <- number
+ whiteSpace
+ cs <- getInput
+ return (chop width (chopColors cs))
chopColors [] = []
chopColors (a:b:c:ds) = (ord a, ord b, ord c) : chopColors ds
@@ -44,15 +44,15 @@ chop n xs = h : chop n t
= do ds <- many1 digit
- return (read ds :: Int)
+ return (read ds :: Int)
= skipMany (simpleSpace <|> oneLineComment <?> "")
where simpleSpace = skipMany1 (oneOf " \t\n\r\v")
- oneLineComment =
- do char '#'
- skipMany (noneOf "\n\r\v")
- return ()
+ oneLineComment =
+ do char '#'
+ skipMany (noneOf "\n\r\v")
+ return ()
-- printing
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/programs/galois_raytrace/Surface.hs b/testsuite/tests/programs/galois_raytrace/Surface.hs
index 832f0fcae2..ea706eb42f 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/programs/galois_raytrace/Surface.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/programs/galois_raytrace/Surface.hs
@@ -53,42 +53,42 @@ evalSurface (SFun f) = f
surface (Planar _ v0 v1) (n, p0, fn)
= (norm, evalSurface fn n' u v)
where norm = normalize $ cross v0 v1
- (n', u, v) = planarUV n p0
+ (n', u, v) = planarUV n p0
surface (Spherical _ v0 v1) (_, p0, fn)
= (norm, evalSurface fn 0 u v)
where x = xCoord p0
- y = yCoord p0
- z = zCoord p0
- k = sqrt (1 - sq y)
- theta = adjustRadian (atan2 (x / k) (z / k))
- -- correct so that the image grows left-to-right
- -- instead of right-to-left
- u = 1.0 - clampf (theta / (2 * pi))
- v = clampf ((y + 1) / 2)
- norm = normalize $ cross v0 v1
+ y = yCoord p0
+ z = zCoord p0
+ k = sqrt (1 - sq y)
+ theta = adjustRadian (atan2 (x / k) (z / k))
+ -- correct so that the image grows left-to-right
+ -- instead of right-to-left
+ u = 1.0 - clampf (theta / (2 * pi))
+ v = clampf ((y + 1) / 2)
+ norm = normalize $ cross v0 v1
-- ZZ ignore the (incorrect) surface model, and estimate the normal
-- from the intersection in object space
surface (Cylindrical _ v0 v1) (_, p0, fn)
= (norm, evalSurface fn 0 u v)
where x = xCoord p0
- y = yCoord p0
- z = zCoord p0
- u = clampf $ adjustRadian (atan2 x z) / (2 * pi)
- v = y
- norm = normalize $ cross v0 v1
+ y = yCoord p0
+ z = zCoord p0
+ u = clampf $ adjustRadian (atan2 x z) / (2 * pi)
+ v = y
+ norm = normalize $ cross v0 v1
-- ZZ ignore the (incorrect) surface model, and estimate the normal
-- from the intersection in object space
surface (Conic _ v0 v1) (_, p0, fn)
= (norm, evalSurface fn 0 u v)
where x = xCoord p0
- y = yCoord p0
- z = zCoord p0
- u = clampf $ adjustRadian (atan2 (x / y) (z / y)) / (2 * pi)
- v = y
- norm = normalize $ cross v0 v1
+ y = yCoord p0
+ z = zCoord p0
+ u = clampf $ adjustRadian (atan2 (x / y) (z / y)) / (2 * pi)
+ v = y
+ norm = normalize $ cross v0 v1
planarUV face p0
= case face of
@@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ planarUV face p0
ConeBase -> (1, (x + 1) / 2, (z + 1) / 2)
where x = xCoord p0
- y = yCoord p0
- z = zCoord p0
+ y = yCoord p0
+ z = zCoord p0
-- misc
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/programs/joao-circular/Data_Lazy.hs b/testsuite/tests/programs/joao-circular/Data_Lazy.hs
index d5ab24a9ca..71c5a49483 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/programs/joao-circular/Data_Lazy.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/programs/joao-circular/Data_Lazy.hs
@@ -7,135 +7,135 @@ import LrcPrelude
data P
- = C_RootProd_1 !Defs
- deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
+ = C_RootProd_1 !Defs
+ deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
data Defs
- = C_Defs2_1 !Def !Defs
- | C_NoDefs_1
- deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
+ = C_Defs2_1 !Def !Defs
+ | C_NoDefs_1
+ deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
data Def
- = C_Arraydecl_1 !Type !Name !INT
- | C_Declfunc_1 !Type !Name !FormPars !Stats
- | C_Declfunc_header_1 !Type !Name !FormPars !Stats
- | C_Declfunc_header_novar_1 !Type !Name !FormPars !Stats
- | C_Vardecl_1 !Type !Name
- deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
+ = C_Arraydecl_1 !Type !Name !INT
+ | C_Declfunc_1 !Type !Name !FormPars !Stats
+ | C_Declfunc_header_1 !Type !Name !FormPars !Stats
+ | C_Declfunc_header_novar_1 !Type !Name !FormPars !Stats
+ | C_Vardecl_1 !Type !Name
+ deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
data Type
- = C_Booltype_1
- | C_Chartype_1
- | C_Errortype_1
- | C_Inttype_1
- | C_Realtype_1
- deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
+ = C_Booltype_1
+ | C_Chartype_1
+ | C_Errortype_1
+ | C_Inttype_1
+ | C_Realtype_1
+ deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
data Name
- = C_Ident_1 !STR
- deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
+ = C_Ident_1 !STR
+ deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
data FormPars
- = C_Emptyformpars_1
- | C_Lstformpars_1 !FormPar !FormPars
- deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
+ = C_Emptyformpars_1
+ | C_Lstformpars_1 !FormPar !FormPars
+ deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
data FormPar
- = C_Declformpar_1 !Type !Name
- deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
+ = C_Declformpar_1 !Type !Name
+ deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
data Stats
- = C_Emptystat_1
- | C_Lststats_1 !Stat !Stats
- deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
+ = C_Emptystat_1
+ | C_Lststats_1 !Stat !Stats
+ deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
data Stat
- = C_ArrAssign_1 !ArrayUse !Exp
- | C_Assign_1 !Name !Exp
- | C_Funccall_1 !Name !ActPars
- | C_If_t_e_1 !Exp !Stats !Stats
- | C_Input_1 !Name
- | C_LocalDecl_1 !Type !Name
- | C_Print_1 !Exp
- | C_While_1 !Exp !Stats
- deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
+ = C_ArrAssign_1 !ArrayUse !Exp
+ | C_Assign_1 !Name !Exp
+ | C_Funccall_1 !Name !ActPars
+ | C_If_t_e_1 !Exp !Stats !Stats
+ | C_Input_1 !Name
+ | C_LocalDecl_1 !Type !Name
+ | C_Print_1 !Exp
+ | C_While_1 !Exp !Stats
+ deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
data ArrayUse
- = C_ArrayInd_1 !Name !Exp
- deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
+ = C_ArrayInd_1 !Name !Exp
+ deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
data Exp
- = C_AddExp_1 !Exp !Exp
- | C_AndExp_1 !Exp !Exp
- | C_DivExp_1 !Exp !Exp
- | C_EqExp_1 !Exp !Exp
- | C_Factor_1 !Fac
- | C_GTExp_1 !Exp !Exp
- | C_LTExp_1 !Exp !Exp
- | C_MinExp_1 !Exp
- | C_MulExp_1 !Exp !Exp
- | C_NotExp_1 !Exp
- | C_OrExp_1 !Exp !Exp
- | C_SubExp_1 !Exp !Exp
- deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
+ = C_AddExp_1 !Exp !Exp
+ | C_AndExp_1 !Exp !Exp
+ | C_DivExp_1 !Exp !Exp
+ | C_EqExp_1 !Exp !Exp
+ | C_Factor_1 !Fac
+ | C_GTExp_1 !Exp !Exp
+ | C_LTExp_1 !Exp !Exp
+ | C_MinExp_1 !Exp
+ | C_MulExp_1 !Exp !Exp
+ | C_NotExp_1 !Exp
+ | C_OrExp_1 !Exp !Exp
+ | C_SubExp_1 !Exp !Exp
+ deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
data Fac
- = C_ArrayConst_1 !ArrayUse
- | C_BoolConst_1 !BOOL
- | C_CNIdent_1 !Name
- | C_Expr_1 !Exp
- | C_Funcinv_1 !Name !ActPars
- | C_IntConst_1 !INT
- | C_RealConst_1 !REAL
- deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
+ = C_ArrayConst_1 !ArrayUse
+ | C_BoolConst_1 !BOOL
+ | C_CNIdent_1 !Name
+ | C_Expr_1 !Exp
+ | C_Funcinv_1 !Name !ActPars
+ | C_IntConst_1 !INT
+ | C_RealConst_1 !REAL
+ deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
data ActPars
- = C_Emptyactpars_1
- | C_Lstactpars_1 !Exp !ActPars
- deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
+ = C_Emptyactpars_1
+ | C_Lstactpars_1 !Exp !ActPars
+ deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
data PPRoot
- = C_All_1 !PPS
- | C_Best_1 !PPS
- deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
+ = C_All_1 !PPS
+ | C_Best_1 !PPS
+ deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
data PPS
- = C_Above_1 !PPS !PPS
- | C_Apply_1 !PPC !PPSArgs
- | C_Beside_1 !PPS !PPS
- | C_Dup_1 !PPS !PPS
- | C_Empty_1
- | C_FillBlock_1 !INT !FillList
- | C_Filla_1 !FillList
- | C_Indent_1 !INT !PPS
- | C_Join_1 !PPS
- | C_Text_1 !STR
- deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
+ = C_Above_1 !PPS !PPS
+ | C_Apply_1 !PPC !PPSArgs
+ | C_Beside_1 !PPS !PPS
+ | C_Dup_1 !PPS !PPS
+ | C_Empty_1
+ | C_FillBlock_1 !INT !FillList
+ | C_Filla_1 !FillList
+ | C_Indent_1 !INT !PPS
+ | C_Join_1 !PPS
+ | C_Text_1 !STR
+ deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
data PPC
- = C_AboveC_1 !PPC !PPC
- | C_ApplyC_1 !PPC !PPCArgs
- | C_BesideC_1 !PPC !PPC
- | C_DupC_1 !PPC !PPC
- | C_IndentC_1 !INT !PPC
- | C_JoinC_1 !PPC
- | C_ParC_1
- deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
+ = C_AboveC_1 !PPC !PPC
+ | C_ApplyC_1 !PPC !PPCArgs
+ | C_BesideC_1 !PPC !PPC
+ | C_DupC_1 !PPC !PPC
+ | C_IndentC_1 !INT !PPC
+ | C_JoinC_1 !PPC
+ | C_ParC_1
+ deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
data PPCArgs
- = C_ConsPPCArgs_1 !PPC !PPCArgs
- | C_NilPPCArgs_1
- deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
+ = C_ConsPPCArgs_1 !PPC !PPCArgs
+ | C_NilPPCArgs_1
+ deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
data PPSArgs
- = C_ConsArgs_1 !PPS !PPSArgs
- | C_NilArgs_1
- deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
+ = C_ConsArgs_1 !PPS !PPSArgs
+ | C_NilArgs_1
+ deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
data FillList
- = C_ConsFillList_1 !PPS !FillList
- | C_NilFillList_1
- deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
+ = C_ConsFillList_1 !PPS !FillList
+ | C_NilFillList_1
+ deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
@@ -147,108 +147,108 @@ type Code = [Instr]
type CodeParams = [Code]
data Disp
- = C_Displ_1 !PPS
- deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
+ = C_Displ_1 !PPS
+ deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
data ENTRY
- = C_Consarray_1 !Type !INT !INT
- | C_Consfunc_1 !Type !INT !LSTPARAM
- | C_Consvar_1 !Type !INT
- | C_EmptyEntry_1
- deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
+ = C_Consarray_1 !Type !INT !INT
+ | C_Consfunc_1 !Type !INT !LSTPARAM
+ | C_Consvar_1 !Type !INT
+ | C_EmptyEntry_1
+ deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
type ERROR = [OneError]
data Format
- = C_Elem_1 !INT !INT !INT !Lst_Str
- deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
+ = C_Elem_1 !INT !INT !INT !Lst_Str
+ deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
type Formats = [Format]
data Instr
- = C_ALabel_1 !Name
- | C_Add_1
- | C_And_1
- | C_Call_1 !Name
- | C_Cod_1
- | C_Data_1
- | C_Div_1
- | C_Eq_1
- | C_Gt_1
- | C_Halt_1
- | C_IIn_1
- | C_IOut_1
- | C_Jump_1 !Name
- | C_Jumpf_1 !Name
- | C_Load_1
- | C_Lt_1
- | C_Minus_1
- | C_Mul_1
- | C_Neq_1
- | C_Not_1
- | C_Or_1
- | C_Pusha_1 !Name !INT
- | C_Pushb_1 !BOOL
- | C_Pushi_1 !INT
- | C_Pushr_1 !REAL
- | C_Ret_1
- | C_Store_1
- | C_Sub_1
- | C_Var_1 !Name !INT !Type
- deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
+ = C_ALabel_1 !Name
+ | C_Add_1
+ | C_And_1
+ | C_Call_1 !Name
+ | C_Cod_1
+ | C_Data_1
+ | C_Div_1
+ | C_Eq_1
+ | C_Gt_1
+ | C_Halt_1
+ | C_IIn_1
+ | C_IOut_1
+ | C_Jump_1 !Name
+ | C_Jumpf_1 !Name
+ | C_Load_1
+ | C_Lt_1
+ | C_Minus_1
+ | C_Mul_1
+ | C_Neq_1
+ | C_Not_1
+ | C_Or_1
+ | C_Pusha_1 !Name !INT
+ | C_Pushb_1 !BOOL
+ | C_Pushi_1 !INT
+ | C_Pushr_1 !REAL
+ | C_Ret_1
+ | C_Store_1
+ | C_Sub_1
+ | C_Var_1 !Name !INT !Type
+ deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
type LSTPARAM = [OneParam]
type Lst_Str = [STR]
data OneError
- = C_E_FormParam_AD_1 !Name
- | C_E_Fun_ND_1 !Name
- | C_E_Loc_Name_AD_1 !Name
- | C_E_Name_AD_1 !Name
- | C_E_Name_ND_1 !Name
- deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
+ = C_E_FormParam_AD_1 !Name
+ | C_E_Fun_ND_1 !Name
+ | C_E_Loc_Name_AD_1 !Name
+ | C_E_Name_AD_1 !Name
+ | C_E_Name_ND_1 !Name
+ deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
data OneParam
- = C_AParam_1 !Type !Name
- deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
+ = C_AParam_1 !Type !Name
+ deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
data OneTypeError
- = C_E_T_ActParam_1
- | C_E_T_BOP_1
- | C_E_T_DT_1 !Name
- | C_E_T_IndArrNotInt_1
- | C_E_T_NC_1 !Type !Type
- | C_E_T_NotArithExp_1
- | C_E_T_NotBooleanExp_1
- | C_E_T_if_t_e_1
- | C_E_T_while_1
- | C_NoTypeError_1
- deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
+ = C_E_T_ActParam_1
+ | C_E_T_BOP_1
+ | C_E_T_DT_1 !Name
+ | C_E_T_IndArrNotInt_1
+ | C_E_T_NC_1 !Type !Type
+ | C_E_T_NotArithExp_1
+ | C_E_T_NotBooleanExp_1
+ | C_E_T_if_t_e_1
+ | C_E_T_while_1
+ | C_NoTypeError_1
+ deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
data Pair_Formats
- = C_C_Pair_Formats_1 !Formats !BOOL
- deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
+ = C_C_Pair_Formats_1 !Formats !BOOL
+ deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
data Pair_Lst_T_Errs
- = C_CPair_Lst_T_Errs_1 !T_Errs !T_Errs
- deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
+ = C_CPair_Lst_T_Errs_1 !T_Errs !T_Errs
+ deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
data Pair_Lst_T_Fmts
- = C_CPair_Lst_T_Fmts_1 !T_Fmts !T_Fmts
- deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
+ = C_CPair_Lst_T_Fmts_1 !T_Fmts !T_Fmts
+ deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
data Pair_Lst_T_Mins
- = C_CPair_Lst_T_Mins_1 !T_Mins !T_Mins
- deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
+ = C_CPair_Lst_T_Mins_1 !T_Mins !T_Mins
+ deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
data Pair_T_Formats
- = C_C_Pair_T_Formats_1 !T_Formats !BOOL
- deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
+ = C_C_Pair_T_Formats_1 !T_Formats !BOOL
+ deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
data Sizes
- = C_Triple_1 !INT !INT !INT
- deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
+ = C_Triple_1 !INT !INT !INT
+ deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
type TYPES = [Type]
@@ -257,13 +257,13 @@ type T_Errs = [BOOL]
type T_Fmts = [T_Formats]
data T_Formats
- = C_AFormat_1 !Formats
- | C_TFormats_1 !Formats !Formats !BOOL !BOOL
- deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
+ = C_AFormat_1 !Formats
+ | C_TFormats_1 !Formats !Formats !BOOL !BOOL
+ deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
data T_Frame
- = C_F_1 !INT !INT
- deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
+ = C_F_1 !INT !INT
+ deriving (Show , Eq , Ord)
type T_Mins = [Sizes]
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/programs/jtod_circint/Signal.hs b/testsuite/tests/programs/jtod_circint/Signal.hs
index 38a1fc86f5..9e5b7835aa 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/programs/jtod_circint/Signal.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/programs/jtod_circint/Signal.hs
@@ -91,12 +91,12 @@ stake, sdrop :: Int -> Stream a -> Stream a
stake 0 xs = xs
--should be: stake (i+1) (Scons x xs) = Scons x (stake i xs)
stake i (Scons x xs) | i < 0 = error "Signal.stake: < 0"
- | otherwise = Scons x (stake (i-1) xs)
+ | otherwise = Scons x (stake (i-1) xs)
sdrop 0 xs = xs
--should be:sdrop (i+1) (Scons x xs) = sdrop i xs
-sdrop i (Scons x xs) | i < 0 = error "Signal.sdrop: < 0"
- | otherwise = sdrop i xs
+sdrop i (Scons x xs) | i < 0 = error "Signal.sdrop: < 0"
+ | otherwise = sdrop i xs
smap2 :: (a->b->c) -> Stream a -> Stream b -> Stream c
smap2 f as bs =
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/programs/lennart_range/Main.hs b/testsuite/tests/programs/lennart_range/Main.hs
index c45e4b2b36..0f9bcfb641 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/programs/lennart_range/Main.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/programs/lennart_range/Main.hs
@@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ Subject: ghc bug
Some floating constants that are within the floating range
-become wrong, e.g.
+become wrong, e.g.
- 1.82173691287639817263897126389712638972163e-300::Double
+ 1.82173691287639817263897126389712638972163e-300::Double
- -- Lennart
+ -- Lennart
PS. Maybe you use fromRational as defined in the Prelude?
That won't do. It is badly broken, tell me if you want
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/programs/lex/Main.hs b/testsuite/tests/programs/lex/Main.hs
index 4c9a44802d..9c535643ea 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/programs/lex/Main.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/programs/lex/Main.hs
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ module Main where
main = interact ( \ s -> shows (lex' s) "\n")
where lex' "" = []
- lex' s = tok : lex' s' where -- [(tok,s')] = lex s
- (tok,s') = case lex s of
- [r] -> r
- [] -> error ("Empty: " ++ s)
- other -> error ("Multi: " ++ s)
+ lex' s = tok : lex' s' where -- [(tok,s')] = lex s
+ (tok,s') = case lex s of
+ [r] -> r
+ [] -> error ("Empty: " ++ s)
+ other -> error ("Multi: " ++ s)
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/programs/life_space_leak/Main.hs b/testsuite/tests/programs/life_space_leak/Main.hs
index b794a3779a..f044ecf483 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/programs/life_space_leak/Main.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/programs/life_space_leak/Main.hs
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
--- The Game of Life --
+-- The Game of Life --
generations x = 30
@@ -70,20 +70,20 @@ gen1 n board = map1 row1 (shift1 (copy1 n 0) board)
row1 :: Tuple3 (L Int) (L Int) (L Int) -> L Int
row1 (T3 last this next)
- = zipWith31 elt1 (shift2 0 last)
- (shift2 0 this)
+ = zipWith31 elt1 (shift2 0 last)
+ (shift2 0 this)
(shift2 0 next)
-elt1 :: Tuple3 Int Int Int
- -> (Tuple3 Int Int Int)
+elt1 :: Tuple3 Int Int Int
+ -> (Tuple3 Int Int Int)
-> (Tuple3 Int Int Int) -> Int
-elt1 (T3 a b c) (T3 d e f) (T3 g h i)
+elt1 (T3 a b c) (T3 d e f) (T3 g h i)
= if (not (eq tot 2))
&& (not (eq tot 3))
then 0
else if (eq tot 3) then 1 else e
- where tot = a `plus` b `plus` c `plus` d
+ where tot = a `plus` b `plus` c `plus` d
`plus` f `plus` g `plus` h `plus` i
eq :: Int -> Int -> Bool
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ shiftr1 x xs = append2 (C1 x N) (init1 xs)
shiftl1 :: L Int -> L (L Int) -> L (L Int)
shiftl1 x xs = append2 (tail1 xs) (C1 x N)
-shift1 :: L Int -> L (L Int)
+shift1 :: L Int -> L (L Int)
-> L (Tuple3 (L Int) (L Int) (L Int))
shift1 x xs = zip31 (shiftr1 x xs) xs (shiftl1 x xs)
@@ -128,9 +128,9 @@ copy3 n x = C1 x (copy3 (n-1) x)
-- Displaying one generation
disp1 :: (Tuple2 (L Char) (L (L Int))) -> L Char
-disp1 (T2 gen xss)
- = append1 gen
- (append1 (C1 '\n' (C1 '\n' N))
+disp1 (T2 gen xss)
+ = append1 gen
+ (append1 (C1 '\n' (C1 '\n' N))
(foldr_1 (glue1 (C1 '\n' N)) N
(map4 (compose2 concat1 (map2 star1)) xss)))
@@ -139,13 +139,13 @@ star1 i = case i of
0 -> C1 ' ' (C1 ' ' N)
1 -> C1 ' ' (C1 'o' N)
-glue1 :: L Char -> L Char -> L Char -> L Char
+glue1 :: L Char -> L Char -> L Char -> L Char
glue1 s xs ys = append1 xs (append1 s ys)
-- Generating and displaying a sequence of generations
life1 :: Int -> L (L Int) -> L Char
-life1 n xss
+life1 n xss
= foldr_1 (glue1 (copy3 (n+2) '\VT')) N
(map5 disp1
(zip1_ (map6 ( (ints 0))
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ initial1 n xss = take1 n (append2 (map3 (compose1 (take2 n)
(`append3` (copy1 n 0))) xss)
(copy2 n (copy1 n 0)))
-iterate1 :: (L (L Int) -> L (L Int))
+iterate1 :: (L (L Int) -> L (L Int))
-> L (L Int) -> L (L (L Int))
iterate1 f x = C1 x (iterate1 f (f x))
@@ -177,14 +177,14 @@ take1 0 _ = N
take1 _ N = N
--should be:take1 (n+1) (C1 x xs) = C1 x (take1 n xs)
take1 n (C1 x xs) | n < 0 = error "Main.take1"
- | otherwise = C1 x (take1 (n-1) xs)
+ | otherwise = C1 x (take1 (n-1) xs)
take2 :: Int -> L Int -> L Int
take2 0 _ = N
take2 _ N = N
--should be:take2 (n+1) (C1 x xs) = C1 x (take2 n xs)
take2 n (C1 x xs) | n < 0 = error "Main.take2"
- | otherwise = C1 x (take2 (n-1) xs)
+ | otherwise = C1 x (take2 (n-1) xs)
take3 :: Int -> L (L (L Int))
-> L (L (L Int))
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ tail2 N = error "tail2 got a bad list"
-- maps
-map1 :: (Tuple3 (L Int) (L Int) (L Int) -> L Int) ->
+map1 :: (Tuple3 (L Int) (L Int) (L Int) -> L Int) ->
L (Tuple3 (L Int) (L Int) (L Int))
-> L (L Int)
map1 f N = N
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ map4 :: (L Int -> L Char)
map4 f N = N
map4 f (C1 x xs) = C1 (f x) (map4 f xs)
-map5 :: (Tuple2 (L Char) (L (L Int)) -> L Char)
+map5 :: (Tuple2 (L Char) (L (L Int)) -> L Char)
-> L (Tuple2 (L Char) (L (L Int)))
-> L (L Char)
map5 f N = N
@@ -247,12 +247,12 @@ map6 f (C1 x xs) = C1 (f x) (map6 f xs)
-- compose
-compose2 :: (L (L Char) -> L Char)
- -> (L Int -> L (L Char))
+compose2 :: (L (L Char) -> L Char)
+ -> (L Int -> L (L Char))
-> L Int -> L Char
compose2 f g xs = f (g xs)
-compose1 :: (L Int -> L Int)
+compose1 :: (L Int -> L Int)
-> (L Int -> L Int) -> L Int -> L Int
compose1 f g xs = f (g xs)
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ concat1 = foldr_1 append1 N
-- foldr
-foldr_1 :: (L Char -> L Char -> L Char)
+foldr_1 :: (L Char -> L Char -> L Char)
-> L Char -> L (L Char) -> L Char
foldr_1 f a N = a
foldr_1 f a (C1 x xs) = f x (foldr_1 f a xs)
@@ -297,26 +297,26 @@ zip1_ = pzip T2
zip2_ :: L (L Int)
-> L (L Int)
-> L (Tuple2 (L Int) (L Int))
-zip2_ = pzip T2
+zip2_ = pzip T2
-zip3d :: L Int -> (Tuple2 (L Int) (L Int))
+zip3d :: L Int -> (Tuple2 (L Int) (L Int))
-> (Tuple3 (L Int) (L Int) (L Int))
zip3d x (T2 y z) = T3 x y z
-zip3_ :: L (L Int)
+zip3_ :: L (L Int)
-> L (Tuple2 (L Int) (L Int))
-> L (Tuple3 (L Int) (L Int) (L Int))
zip3_ = pzip zip3d
zip4_ :: L Int
- -> L Int
+ -> L Int
-> L (Tuple2 Int Int)
zip4_ = pzip T2
zip5d :: Int -> (Tuple2 Int Int) -> (Tuple3 Int Int Int)
zip5d x (T2 y z) = T3 x y z
-zip5_ :: L Int
+zip5_ :: L Int
-> L (Tuple2 Int Int)
-> L (Tuple3 Int Int Int)
zip5_ = pzip zip5d
@@ -327,30 +327,30 @@ zip6_ :: L (Tuple3 Int Int Int)
(Tuple3 Int Int Int))
zip6_ = pzip T2
-zip31 :: L (L Int) -> L (L Int)
- -> L (L Int)
+zip31 :: L (L Int) -> L (L Int)
+ -> L (L Int)
-> L (Tuple3 (L Int) (L Int) (L Int))
zip31 as bs cs
= zip3_ as (zip2_ bs cs)
-zip32 :: L Int -> L Int -> L Int
+zip32 :: L Int -> L Int -> L Int
-> L (Tuple3 Int Int Int)
zip32 as bs cs
= zip5_ as (zip4_ bs cs)
-- zipWith
-zipWith21 :: ((Tuple3 Int Int Int)
- -> (Tuple2 (Tuple3 Int Int Int)
+zipWith21 :: ((Tuple3 Int Int Int)
+ -> (Tuple2 (Tuple3 Int Int Int)
(Tuple3 Int Int Int)) -> Int)
- -> L (Tuple3 Int Int Int)
- -> L (Tuple2 (Tuple3 Int Int Int)
+ -> L (Tuple3 Int Int Int)
+ -> L (Tuple2 (Tuple3 Int Int Int)
(Tuple3 Int Int Int))
-> L Int
-zipWith21 = pzip
+zipWith21 = pzip
-zipWith31 :: ((Tuple3 Int Int Int)
- -> (Tuple3 Int Int Int)
+zipWith31 :: ((Tuple3 Int Int Int)
+ -> (Tuple3 Int Int Int)
-> (Tuple3 Int Int Int) -> Int)
-> L (Tuple3 Int Int Int)
-> L (Tuple3 Int Int Int)
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/programs/maessen-hashtab/Data/HashTab.hs b/testsuite/tests/programs/maessen-hashtab/Data/HashTab.hs
index 8251a760c8..e96d5c5efa 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/programs/maessen-hashtab/Data/HashTab.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/programs/maessen-hashtab/Data/HashTab.hs
@@ -16,36 +16,36 @@
module Data.HashTab (
- -- * Basic hash table operations
- HashTable, new, insert, delete, lookup, update,
- -- * Converting to and from lists
- fromList, toList,
- -- * Hash functions
- -- $hash_functions
- hashInt, hashString,
- prime,
- -- * Diagnostics
- longestChain
+ -- * Basic hash table operations
+ HashTable, new, insert, delete, lookup, update,
+ -- * Converting to and from lists
+ fromList, toList,
+ -- * Hash functions
+ -- $hash_functions
+ hashInt, hashString,
+ prime,
+ -- * Diagnostics
+ longestChain
) where
-- This module is imported by Data.Typeable, which is pretty low down in the
-- module hierarchy, so don't import "high-level" modules
-- Right now we import high-level modules with gay abandon.
-import Prelude hiding ( lookup )
-import Data.Tuple ( fst )
+import Prelude hiding ( lookup )
+import Data.Tuple ( fst )
import Data.Bits
import Data.Maybe
-import Data.List ( maximumBy, partition, concat, foldl )
-import Data.Int ( Int32 )
+import Data.List ( maximumBy, partition, concat, foldl )
+import Data.Int ( Int32 )
import Data.Array.Base
import Data.Array hiding (bounds)
import Data.Array.IO
-import Data.Char ( ord )
-import Data.IORef ( IORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef )
-import Control.Monad ( mapM, sequence_ )
+import Data.Char ( ord )
+import Data.IORef ( IORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef )
+import Control.Monad ( mapM, sequence_ )
@@ -81,11 +81,11 @@ newtype HashTable key val = HashTable (IORef (HT key val))
data HT key val
= HT {
- kcount :: !Int32, -- Total number of keys.
- buckets :: !(HTArray [(key,val)]),
+ kcount :: !Int32, -- Total number of keys.
+ buckets :: !(HTArray [(key,val)]),
bmask :: !Int32,
- hash_fn :: key -> Int32,
- cmp :: key -> key -> Bool
+ hash_fn :: key -> Int32,
+ cmp :: key -> key -> Bool
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ hYSTERESIS = 0 :: Int32 -- entries to ignore in load computation
:: (key -> key -> Bool) -- ^ @eq@: An equality comparison on keys
- -> (key -> Int32) -- ^ @hash@: A hash function on keys
+ -> (key -> Int32) -- ^ @hash@: A hash function on keys
-> IO (HashTable key val) -- ^ Returns: an empty hash table
new cmpr hash = do
@@ -190,9 +190,9 @@ insert (HashTable ref) key val = do
writeMutArray bkts' indx ((key,val):bucket)
freezeArray bkts'
table2 <-
- if tooBig k b
- then expandHashTable table1
- else return table1
+ if tooBig k b
+ then expandHashTable table1
+ else return table1
writeIORef ref table2
tooBig :: Int32 -> Int32 -> Bool
@@ -280,9 +280,9 @@ update (HashTable ref) key val = do
writeMutArray bkts' indx ((key,val):bucket')
freezeArray bkts'
table2 <-
- if tooBig k' b -- off by one from insert's resize heuristic.
- then expandHashTable table1
- else return table1
+ if tooBig k' b -- off by one from insert's resize heuristic.
+ then expandHashTable table1
+ else return table1
writeIORef ref table2
return (deleted>0)
@@ -297,8 +297,8 @@ lookup (HashTable ref) key = do
let indx = bucketIndex table key
bucket <- readHTArray bkts indx
case [ val | (key',val) <- bucket, cmpr key key' ] of
- [] -> return Nothing
- (v:_) -> return (Just v)
+ [] -> return Nothing
+ (v:_) -> return (Just v)
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Converting to/from lists
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/programs/record_upd/Main.hs b/testsuite/tests/programs/record_upd/Main.hs
index 3b6b3ae2f9..0fd8e80ab6 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/programs/record_upd/Main.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/programs/record_upd/Main.hs
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
-{- The purpose of this is to test that record update is
- sufficiently polymorphic. See comments with
- tcExpr (RecordUpd) in TcExpr.lhs
+{- The purpose of this is to test that record update is
+ sufficiently polymorphic. See comments with
+ tcExpr (RecordUpd) in TcExpr.lhs
module Main where
data T a b c d = MkT1 { op1 :: a, op2 :: b }
- | MkT2 { op1 :: a, op3 :: c }
- | MkT3 { op4 :: a, op5 :: d }
+ | MkT2 { op1 :: a, op3 :: c }
+ | MkT3 { op4 :: a, op5 :: d }
update1 :: a2 -> T a b c d -> T a2 b c d2
update1 x t = t { op1 = x }
- -- NB: the MkT3.op4 case doesn't constrain the result because
- -- it doesn't have an op1 field
+ -- NB: the MkT3.op4 case doesn't constrain the result because
+ -- it doesn't have an op1 field
update2 :: a2 -> T a b c d -> T a2 b2 c2 d
update2 x t = t { op4 = x }
-main = print (op4 $
- update2 True $
- MkT3 { op4 = op2 $
- update1 (1::Int) $
- MkT1 { op1 = True }
- })
+main = print (op4 $
+ update2 True $
+ MkT3 { op4 = op2 $
+ update1 (1::Int) $
+ MkT1 { op1 = True }
+ })
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/programs/rittri/Main.hs b/testsuite/tests/programs/rittri/Main.hs
index e62c8a4667..1bc0203924 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/programs/rittri/Main.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/programs/rittri/Main.hs
@@ -1,39 +1,39 @@
-infixr ->!,=\
+infixr ->!,=\
-- auxiliary functions -----------------------------------------------------
g u v w (x:y:z) = i(v x y)(u x y (w z) z)(x:w(y:z))
-g u v w [x] = [x,512]
-q u v w nil = u : 95 : z v : w
+g u v w [x] = [x,512]
+q u v w nil = u : 95 : z v : w
long = several.length
-a = g q f
-y = (-)32
-z = (+)32
-several = (>)2
+a = g q f
+y = (-)32
+z = (+)32
+several = (>)2
fairlySmall = (<)64
notTooSmall = (>)91
justRight = (==)95
notTooBig = (<)96
-veryBig = (>)123
+veryBig = (>)123
goodSize x =foldr(&&)
otherwise =\($x)->![notTooBig,veryBig]
-f y z =fairlySmall(z)&&goodSize(y)&&notTooSmall(z)
+f y z =fairlySmall(z)&&goodSize(y)&&notTooSmall(z)
i cond th el=if(cond)then(th)else(el)
-- main functions ----------------------------------------------------------
- g = interact$map
- fromEnum
+ g = interact$map
+ fromEnum
main =
toBeIsToDoAndToDoIsToBeSaidConFuTse(let h=a;t=x where x x=i(long x)x(h t x)
- q v w x z = - y w:x
- a = g q f
- f x y = justRight x
- && goodSize y
- in t)
+ q v w x z = - y w:x
+ a = g q f
+ f x y = justRight x
+ && goodSize y
+ in t)
-- ---------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/programs/strict_anns/Main.hs b/testsuite/tests/programs/strict_anns/Main.hs
index b2ee82d4bc..d9deac65f6 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/programs/strict_anns/Main.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/programs/strict_anns/Main.hs
@@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
-- at least parse correctly. In GHC 2.02 they didn't!
module Main where
data Foo1 = Crunch1 ! Int ! Int Int deriving( Show )
data Foo2 = Crunch2 ! Int Int Int deriving( Show )
main = do
- print (Crunch1 (1+1) (2+2) (3+3))
- print (Crunch2 (1+1) (2+2) (3+3))
+ print (Crunch1 (1+1) (2+2) (3+3))
+ print (Crunch2 (1+1) (2+2) (3+3))
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/programs/thurston-modular-arith/Main.hs b/testsuite/tests/programs/thurston-modular-arith/Main.hs
index 608025b1e1..024c1dd6d2 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/programs/thurston-modular-arith/Main.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/programs/thurston-modular-arith/Main.hs
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances, ExistentialQuantification,
ScopedTypeVariables, Rank2Types #-}
--- Modular arithmetic, due to Dale Thurston
+-- Modular arithmetic, due to Dale Thurston
-- Here's a way to mimic dependent types using existential types,
-- illustrated by an implementation of modular arithmetic. To try it
-- out, load modulus.hs and try something like
--- inModulus (mkModulus (1234567890123::Integer)) (^ 98765432198765) 2
+-- inModulus (mkModulus (1234567890123::Integer)) (^ 98765432198765) 2
-- to compute 2 to the 98765432198765'th power modulo 1234567890123.
-- The key is the definitions at the top of TypeVal.hs:
-- class TypeVal a t | t -> a where
-- -- typeToVal should ignore its argument.
-- typeToVal :: t -> a
-- data Wrapper a = forall t . (TypeVal a t) => Wrapper t
-- class ValToType a where
-- valToType :: a -> Wrapper a
-- `valToType' takes a value `x' and returns a (wrapped version of a)
-- fake value in a new type; from the new type, `x' can be recovered by
-- applying typeToVal.
@@ -45,13 +45,13 @@ data Modulus a = forall s. TypeVal a s => Modulus (a -> Mod s a) (Mod s a -> a)
mkModulus :: (ValToType a, Integral a) => a -> Modulus a
mkModulus x = case valToType x of {Wrapper (y :: t) ->
- Modulus normalize (value :: Mod t a -> a)}
+ Modulus normalize (value :: Mod t a -> a)}
normalize :: forall a s. (TypeVal a s, Integral a) => a -> Mod s a
normalize x = (Mod (x `mod` typeToVal (undefined::s)))
inModulus :: Modulus a -> (forall s . TypeVal a s => Mod s a -> Mod s a)
- -> a -> a
+ -> a -> a
inModulus (Modulus in_ out) f x = out (f (in_ x))
instance (TypeVal a s, Integral a) => Num (Mod s a) where
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/programs/thurston-modular-arith/TypeVal.hs b/testsuite/tests/programs/thurston-modular-arith/TypeVal.hs
index f1608a7dfe..8562d89482 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/programs/thurston-modular-arith/TypeVal.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/programs/thurston-modular-arith/TypeVal.hs
@@ -48,18 +48,18 @@ instance (TypeVal Integer n) => TypeVal Integer (Dbl n)
instance ValToType Integer where
valToType n | n == 0 = Wrapper (undefined :: Zero)
- | even n =
- case valToType (div n 2) of {Wrapper x ->
- case x of {(_ :: t) ->
- Wrapper (undefined :: Dbl t)}}
- | n > 0 =
- case valToType (n-1) of {Wrapper x ->
- case x of {(_ :: t) ->
- Wrapper (undefined :: Succ t)}}
- | n < 1 =
- case valToType (n+1) of {Wrapper x ->
- case x of {(_ :: t) ->
- Wrapper (undefined :: Pred t)}}
+ | even n =
+ case valToType (div n 2) of {Wrapper x ->
+ case x of {(_ :: t) ->
+ Wrapper (undefined :: Dbl t)}}
+ | n > 0 =
+ case valToType (n-1) of {Wrapper x ->
+ case x of {(_ :: t) ->
+ Wrapper (undefined :: Succ t)}}
+ | n < 1 =
+ case valToType (n+1) of {Wrapper x ->
+ case x of {(_ :: t) ->
+ Wrapper (undefined :: Pred t)}}
--- ValToType (a,b)
--- Doesn't work. Perhaps a bug in ghc?
@@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ instance ValToType Integer where
--instance (ValToType a, ValToType b) => ValToType (a,b) where
-- valToType (a,b) = case valToType a of {x ->
--- case valToType b of {y ->
--- Wrapper (x,y)}}
+-- case valToType b of {y ->
+-- Wrapper (x,y)}}
data NIL a = Dummy20
instance TypeVal [a] (NIL a)
@@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ instance (TypeVal [a] r, TypeVal a t) => TypeVal [a] (CONS t r)
instance (ValToType a) => ValToType [a] where
valToType [] = Wrapper (undefined::NIL a)
valToType (x:xs) = case valToType x of {Wrapper x' ->
- case x' of {(_::xt) ->
- case valToType xs of {Wrapper xs' ->
- case xs' of {(_::xst) ->
- Wrapper (undefined::CONS xt xst)}}}}
+ case x' of {(_::xt) ->
+ case valToType xs of {Wrapper xs' ->
+ case xs' of {(_::xst) ->
+ Wrapper (undefined::CONS xt xst)}}}}