path: root/compiler/typecheck/Flattening-notes
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authorSimon Peyton Jones <>2014-12-10 14:56:30 +0000
committerSimon Peyton Jones <>2014-12-10 16:01:19 +0000
commita225c70e00586e2f38a0e27fae698324ae81b006 (patch)
treeeefa979d19e3455f17e016954bb93305c1068529 /compiler/typecheck/Flattening-notes
parentfca85c9b1617417a6170f3591a29d1fe36d35da5 (diff)
Comments only: move flattening notes to TcFlatten
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/typecheck/Flattening-notes')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 201 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/Flattening-notes b/compiler/typecheck/Flattening-notes
index ffe39ab5e5..2aa9243743 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/Flattening-notes
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/Flattening-notes
@@ -9,207 +9,6 @@ ToDo:
* RAE: I think it would be better to split off CNonCanonical into its own
type, and remove it completely from Ct. Then, we would keep CIrredCan
-The inert equalities
-Definition: can-rewrite relation.
-A "can-rewrite" relation between flavours, written f1 >= f2, is a
-binary relation with the following properties
- R1. >= is transitive
- R2. If f1 >= f, and f2 >= f,
- then either f1 >= f2 or f2 >= f1
-Lemma. If f1 >= f then f1 >= f1
-Proof. By property (R2), with f1=f2
-Definition: generalised substitution.
-A "generalised substitution" S is a set of triples (a -f-> t), where
- a is a type variable
- t is a type
- f is a flavour
-such that
- (WF1) if (a -f1-> t1) in S
- (a -f2-> t2) in S
- then neither (f1 >= f2) nor (f2 >= f1) hold
- (WF2) if (a -f-> t) is in S, then t /= a
-Definition: applying a generalised substitution.
-If S is a generalised substitution
- S(f,a) = t, if (a -fs-> t) in S, and fs >= f
- = a, otherwise
-Application extends naturally to types S(f,t)
-Theorem: S(f,a) is well defined as a function.
-Proof: Suppose (a -f1-> t1) and (a -f2-> t2) are both in S,
- and f1 >= f and f2 >= f
- Then by (R2) f1 >= f2 or f2 >= f1, which contradicts (WF)
-Notation: repeated application.
- S^0(f,t) = t
- S^(n+1)(f,t) = S(f, S^n(t))
-Definition: inert generalised substitution
-A generalised substitution S is "inert" iff
- (IG1) there is an n such that
- for every f,t, S^n(f,t) = S^(n+1)(f,t)
- (IG2) if (b -f-> t) in S, and f >= f, then S(f,t) = t
- that is, each individual binding is "self-stable"
-Our main invariant:
- the inert CTyEqCans should be an inert generalised substitution
-Note that inertness is not the same as idempotence. To apply S to a
-type, you may have to apply it recursive. But inertness does
-guarantee that this recursive use will terminate.
-The main theorem.
- Suppose we have a "work item"
- a -fw-> t
- and an inert generalised substitution S,
- such that
- (T1) S(fw,a) = a -- LHS of work-item is a fixpoint of S(fw,_)
- (T2) S(fw,t) = t -- RHS of work-item is a fixpoint of S(fw,_)
- (T3) a not in t -- No occurs check in the work item
- (K1) if (a -fs-> s) is in S then not (fw >= fs)
- (K2) if (b -fs-> s) is in S, where b /= a, then
- (K2a) not (fs >= fs)
- or (K2b) not (fw >= fs)
- or (K2c) a not in s
- or (K3) if (b -fs-> a) is in S then not (fw >= fs)
- (a stronger version of (K2))
- then the extended substition T = S+(a -fw-> t)
- is an inert generalised substitution.
-The idea is that
-* (T1-2) are guaranteed by exhaustively rewriting the work-item
- with S(fw,_).
-* T3 is guaranteed by a simple occurs-check on the work item.
-* (K1-3) are the "kick-out" criteria. (As stated, they are really the
- "keep" criteria.) If the current inert S contains a triple that does
- not satisfy (K1-3), then we remove it from S by "kicking it out",
- and re-processing it.
-* Note that kicking out is a Bad Thing, because it means we have to
- re-process a constraint. The less we kick out, the better.
-* Assume we have G>=G, G>=W, D>=D, and that's all. Then, when performing
- a unification we add a new given a -G-> ty. But doing so does NOT require
- us to kick out an inert wanted that mentions a, because of (K2a). This
- is a common case, hence good not to kick out.
-* Lemma (L1): The conditions of the Main Theorem imply that there is no
- (a fs-> t) in S, s.t. (fs >= fw).
- Proof. Suppose the contrary (fs >= fw). Then because of (T1),
- S(fw,a)=a. But since fs>=fw, S(fw,a) = s, hence s=a. But now we
- have (a -fs-> a) in S, which contradicts (WF2).
-* The extended substitution satisfies (WF1) and (WF2)
- - (K1) plus (L1) guarantee that the extended substiution satisfies (WF1).
- - (T3) guarantees (WF2).
-* (K2) is about inertness. Intuitively, any infinite chain T^0(f,t),
- T^1(f,t), T^2(f,T).... must pass through the new work item infnitely
- often, since the substution without the work item is inert; and must
- pass through at least one of the triples in S infnitely often.
- - (K2a): if not(fs>=fs) then there is no f that fs can rewrite (fs>=f),
- and hence this triple never plays a role in application S(f,a).
- It is always safe to extend S with such a triple.
- (NB: we could strengten K1) in this way too, but see K3.
- - (K2b): If this holds, we can't pass through this triple infinitely
- often, because if we did then fs>=f, fw>=f, hence fs>=fw,
- contradicting (L1), or fw>=fs contradicting K2b.
- - (K2c): if a not in s, we hae no further opportunity to apply the
- work item.
- NB: this reasoning isn't water tight.
-Key lemma to make it watertight.
- Under the conditions of the Main Theorem,
- forall f st fw >= f, a is not in S^k(f,t), for any k
-K3: completeness. (K3) is not ncessary for the extended substitution
-to be inert. In fact K1 could be made stronger by saying
- ... then (not (fw >= fs) or not (fs >= fs))
-But it's not enough for S to be inert; we also want completeness.
-That is, we want to be able to solve all soluble wanted equalities.
-Suppose we have
- work-item b -G-> a
- inert-item a -W-> b
-Assuming (G >= W) but not (W >= W), this fulfills all the conditions,
-so we could extend the inerts, thus:
- inert-items b -G-> a
- a -W-> b
-But if we kicked-out the inert item, we'd get
- work-item a -W-> b
- inert-item b -G-> a
-Then rewrite the work-item gives us (a -W-> a), which is soluble via Refl.
-So we add one more clause to the kick-out criteria
-Another way to understand (K3) is that we treat an inert item
- a -f-> b
-in the same way as
- b -f-> a
-So if we kick out one, we should kick out the other. The orientation
-is somewhat accidental.
-RAE: To prove that K3 is sufficient for completeness (as opposed to a rule that
-looked for `a` *anywhere* on the RHS, not just at the top), we need this property:
-All types in the inert set are "rigid". Here, rigid means that a type is one of
-two things: a type that can equal only itself, or a type variable. Because the
-inert set defines rewritings for type variables, a type variable can be considered
-rigid because it will be rewritten only to a rigid type.
-In the current world, this rigidity property is true: all type families are
-flattened away before adding equalities to the inert set. But, when we add
-representational equality, that is no longer true! Newtypes are not rigid
-w.r.t. representational equality. Accordingly, we would to change (K3) thus:
-(K3) If (b -fs-> s) is in S with (fw >= fs), then
- (K3a) If the role of fs is nominal: s /= a
- (K3b) If the role of fs is representational: EITHER
- a not in s, OR
- the path from the top of s to a includes at least one non-newtype
-SPJ/DV: this looks important... follow up
-RAE: Do we have evidence to support our belief that kicking out is bad? I can
-imagine scenarios where kicking out *more* equalities is more efficient, in that
-kicking out a Given, say, might then discover that the Given is reflexive and
-thus can be dropped. Once this happens, then the Given is no longer used in
-rewriting, making later flattenings faster. I tend to thing that, probably,
-kicking out is something to avoid, but it would be nice to have data to support
-this conclusion. And, that data is not terribly hard to produce: we can just
-twiddle some settings and then time the testsuite in some sort of controlled
-SPJ: yes it would be good to do that.
The coercion solver
Our hope. In GHC currently drawn from {G,W,D}, but with the coercion
@@ -230,3 +29,4 @@ flattening algorithm. Flattening (T a) looks at the roles of
T's parameters, and chooses the role for flattening `a` appropriately.
This is why there must be the [Role] parameter to flattenMany.
Of course, this non-uniform rewriting may gum up the proof works.