path: root/compiler/rename
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authorSimon Peyton Jones <>2012-08-28 13:37:13 +0100
committerSimon Peyton Jones <>2012-08-28 13:37:13 +0100
commit1bbdbe55970310f92122fb5321b65705646835b4 (patch)
treea3353c79609fbbcfacf29ae699363df78cefb67b /compiler/rename
parent7dfbed230ceab5b25cc75a0c42bfc94aa918a1bf (diff)
parent0e7d2906e706acdd716f121abb19c433986ae830 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/rename')
1 files changed, 116 insertions, 75 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/rename/RnNames.lhs b/compiler/rename/RnNames.lhs
index 4ce57024b5..0a20f59061 100644
--- a/compiler/rename/RnNames.lhs
+++ b/compiler/rename/RnNames.lhs
@@ -644,24 +644,32 @@ filterImports iface decl_spec (Just (want_hiding, import_items))
lookup_lie :: Bool -> LIE RdrName -> TcRn [(LIE Name, AvailInfo)]
lookup_lie opt_typeFamilies (L loc ieRdr)
= do
- stuff <- setSrcSpan loc $
- case lookup_ie opt_typeFamilies ieRdr of
- Failed err -> addErr err >> return []
- Succeeded a -> return a
- checkDodgyImport stuff
+ (stuff, warns) <- setSrcSpan loc .
+ liftM (fromMaybe ([],[])) $
+ run_lookup (lookup_ie opt_typeFamilies ieRdr)
+ mapM_ emit_warning warns
return [ (L loc ie, avail) | (ie,avail) <- stuff ]
-- Warn when importing T(..) if T was exported abstractly
- checkDodgyImport stuff
- | IEThingAll n <- ieRdr, (_, AvailTC _ [_]):_ <- stuff
- = ifWOptM Opt_WarnDodgyImports (addWarn (dodgyImportWarn n))
- -- NB. use the RdrName for reporting the warning
- | IEThingAll {} <- ieRdr
- , not (is_qual decl_spec)
- = ifWOptM Opt_WarnMissingImportList $
- addWarn (missingImportListItem ieRdr)
- checkDodgyImport _
- = return ()
+ emit_warning (DodgyImport n) = ifWOptM Opt_WarnDodgyImports $
+ addWarn (dodgyImportWarn n)
+ emit_warning MissingImportList = ifWOptM Opt_WarnMissingImportList $
+ addWarn (missingImportListItem ieRdr)
+ emit_warning BadImportW = ifWOptM Opt_WarnDodgyImports $
+ addWarn (lookup_err_msg BadImport)
+ run_lookup :: IELookupM a -> TcRn (Maybe a)
+ run_lookup m = case m of
+ Failed err -> addErr (lookup_err_msg err) >> return Nothing
+ Succeeded a -> return (Just a)
+ lookup_err_msg err = case err of
+ BadImport -> badImportItemErr iface decl_spec ieRdr all_avails
+ IllegalImport -> illegalImportItemErr
+ QualImportError rdr -> qualImportItemErr rdr
+ TypeItemError children -> typeItemErr
+ (head . filter isTyConName $ children)
+ (text "in import list")
-- For each import item, we convert its RdrNames to Names,
-- and at the same time construct an AvailInfo corresponding
@@ -673,78 +681,111 @@ filterImports iface decl_spec (Just (want_hiding, import_items))
-- data constructors of an associated family, we need separate
-- AvailInfos for the data constructors and the family (as they have
-- different parents). See the discussion at occ_env.
- lookup_ie :: Bool -> IE RdrName -> MaybeErr MsgDoc [(IE Name,AvailInfo)]
- lookup_ie opt_typeFamilies ie
- = let bad_ie :: MaybeErr MsgDoc a
- bad_ie = Failed (badImportItemErr iface decl_spec ie all_avails)
- lookup_name rdr
- | isQual rdr = Failed (qualImportItemErr rdr)
- | Just nm <- lookupOccEnv occ_env (rdrNameOcc rdr) = return nm
- | otherwise = bad_ie
- in
- case ie of
- IEVar n -> do
- (name, avail, _) <- lookup_name n
- return [(IEVar name, trimAvail avail name)]
- IEThingAll tc -> do
- (name, avail@(AvailTC name2 subs), mb_parent) <- lookup_name tc
- case mb_parent of
- -- non-associated ty/cls
- Nothing -> return [(IEThingAll name, avail)]
- -- associated ty
- Just parent -> return [(IEThingAll name,
- AvailTC name2 (subs \\ [name])),
- (IEThingAll name, AvailTC parent [name])]
- IEThingAbs tc
- | want_hiding -- hiding ( C )
- -- Here the 'C' can be a data constructor
- -- *or* a type/class, or even both
- -> let tc_name = lookup_name tc
- dc_name = lookup_name (setRdrNameSpace tc srcDataName)
- in
- case catMaybeErr [ tc_name, dc_name ] of
- [] -> bad_ie
- names -> return [mkIEThingAbs name | name <- names]
- | otherwise
- -> do nameAvail <- lookup_name tc
- return [mkIEThingAbs nameAvail]
- IEThingWith tc ns -> do
- (name, AvailTC _ subnames, mb_parent) <- lookup_name tc
- let
- env = mkOccEnv [(nameOccName s, s) | s <- subnames]
- mb_children = map (lookupOccEnv env . rdrNameOcc) ns
- children <- if any isNothing mb_children
- then bad_ie
- else return (catMaybes mb_children)
- -- check for proper import of type families
- when (not opt_typeFamilies && any isTyConName children) $
- Failed (typeItemErr (head . filter isTyConName $ children)
- (text "in import list"))
+ lookup_ie :: Bool -> IE RdrName -> IELookupM ([(IE Name, AvailInfo)], [IELookupWarning])
+ lookup_ie opt_typeFamilies ie = handle_bad_import $ do
+ let lookup_name rdr
+ | isQual rdr
+ = failLookupWith (QualImportError rdr)
+ | Just nm <- lookupOccEnv occ_env (rdrNameOcc rdr)
+ = return nm
+ | otherwise
+ = failLookupWith BadImport
+ case ie of
+ IEVar n -> do
+ (name, avail, _) <- lookup_name n
+ return ([(IEVar name, trimAvail avail name)], [])
+ IEThingAll tc -> do
+ (name, avail@(AvailTC name2 subs), mb_parent) <- lookup_name tc
+ let warns
+ | null (drop 1 subs)
+ = [DodgyImport tc]
+ | not (is_qual decl_spec)
+ = [MissingImportList]
+ | otherwise
+ = []
case mb_parent of
-- non-associated ty/cls
- Nothing -> return [(IEThingWith name children,
- AvailTC name (name:children))]
+ Nothing -> return ([(IEThingAll name, avail)], warns)
-- associated ty
- Just parent -> return [(IEThingWith name children,
+ Just parent -> return ([(IEThingAll name,
+ AvailTC name2 (subs \\ [name])),
+ (IEThingAll name, AvailTC parent [name])],
+ warns)
+ IEThingAbs tc
+ | want_hiding -- hiding ( C )
+ -- Here the 'C' can be a data constructor
+ -- *or* a type/class, or even both
+ -> let tc_name = lookup_name tc
+ dc_name = lookup_name (setRdrNameSpace tc srcDataName)
+ in
+ case catIELookupM [ tc_name, dc_name ] of
+ [] -> failLookupWith BadImport
+ names -> return ([mkIEThingAbs name | name <- names], [])
+ | otherwise
+ -> do nameAvail <- lookup_name tc
+ return ([mkIEThingAbs nameAvail], [])
+ IEThingWith tc ns -> do
+ (name, AvailTC _ subnames, mb_parent) <- lookup_name tc
+ let
+ env = mkOccEnv [(nameOccName s, s) | s <- subnames]
+ mb_children = map (lookupOccEnv env . rdrNameOcc) ns
+ children <- if any isNothing mb_children
+ then failLookupWith BadImport
+ else return (catMaybes mb_children)
+ -- check for proper import of type families
+ when (not opt_typeFamilies && any isTyConName children) $
+ failLookupWith (TypeItemError children)
+ case mb_parent of
+ -- non-associated ty/cls
+ Nothing -> return ([(IEThingWith name children,
+ AvailTC name (name:children))],
+ [])
+ -- associated ty
+ Just parent -> return ([(IEThingWith name children,
AvailTC name children),
(IEThingWith name children,
- AvailTC parent [name])]
+ AvailTC parent [name])],
+ [])
- _other -> Failed illegalImportItemErr
- -- could be IEModuleContents, IEGroup, IEDoc, IEDocNamed
- -- all errors.
+ _other -> failLookupWith IllegalImport
+ -- could be IEModuleContents, IEGroup, IEDoc, IEDocNamed
+ -- all errors.
mkIEThingAbs (n, av, Nothing ) = (IEThingAbs n, trimAvail av n)
mkIEThingAbs (n, _, Just parent) = (IEThingAbs n, AvailTC parent [n])
+ handle_bad_import m = catchIELookup m $ \err -> case err of
+ BadImport | want_hiding -> return ([], [BadImportW])
+ _ -> failLookupWith err
+type IELookupM = MaybeErr IELookupError
+data IELookupWarning
+ = BadImportW
+ | MissingImportList
+ | DodgyImport RdrName
+ -- NB. use the RdrName for reporting a "dodgy" import
+data IELookupError
+ = QualImportError RdrName
+ | BadImport
+ | IllegalImport
+ | TypeItemError [Name]
+failLookupWith :: IELookupError -> IELookupM a
+failLookupWith err = Failed err
+catchIELookup :: IELookupM a -> (IELookupError -> IELookupM a) -> IELookupM a
+catchIELookup m h = case m of
+ Succeeded r -> return r
+ Failed err -> h err
-catMaybeErr :: [MaybeErr err a] -> [a]
-catMaybeErr ms = [ a | Succeeded a <- ms ]
+catIELookupM :: [IELookupM a] -> [a]
+catIELookupM ms = [ a | Succeeded a <- ms ]