path: root/compiler/deSugar/MatchLit.hs
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authorAustin Seipp <>2014-12-03 12:46:28 -0600
committerAustin Seipp <>2014-12-03 13:52:28 -0600
commit4d5f83a8dcf1f1125863a8fb4f847d78766f1617 (patch)
tree40aa811220bf9260c60d7ff513c08f774597db6e /compiler/deSugar/MatchLit.hs
parentb57ff272257bba8945b4c9409585b6a1d3bed21b (diff)
compiler: de-lhs deSugar/
Signed-off-by: Austin Seipp <>
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/deSugar/MatchLit.hs')
1 files changed, 471 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/MatchLit.hs b/compiler/deSugar/MatchLit.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1f54780c6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/MatchLit.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,471 @@
+(c) The University of Glasgow 2006
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+Pattern-matching literal patterns
+{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+module MatchLit ( dsLit, dsOverLit, hsLitKey, hsOverLitKey
+ , tidyLitPat, tidyNPat
+ , matchLiterals, matchNPlusKPats, matchNPats
+ , warnAboutIdentities, warnAboutEmptyEnumerations
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import {-# SOURCE #-} Match ( match )
+import {-# SOURCE #-} DsExpr ( dsExpr )
+import DsMonad
+import DsUtils
+import HsSyn
+import Id
+import CoreSyn
+import MkCore
+import TyCon
+import DataCon
+import TcHsSyn ( shortCutLit )
+import TcType
+import Name
+import Type
+import PrelNames
+import TysWiredIn
+import Literal
+import SrcLoc
+import Data.Ratio
+import Outputable
+import BasicTypes
+import DynFlags
+import Util
+import FastString
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.Int
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 709
+import Data.Traversable (traverse)
+import Data.Word
+* *
+ Desugaring literals
+ [used to be in DsExpr, but DsMeta needs it,
+ and it's nice to avoid a loop]
+* *
+We give int/float literals type @Integer@ and @Rational@, respectively.
+The typechecker will (presumably) have put \tr{from{Integer,Rational}s}
+around them.
+ToDo: put in range checks for when converting ``@i@''
+(or should that be in the typechecker?)
+For numeric literals, we try to detect there use at a standard type
+(@Int@, @Float@, etc.) are directly put in the right constructor.
+[NB: down with the @App@ conversion.]
+See also below where we look for @DictApps@ for \tr{plusInt}, etc.
+dsLit :: HsLit -> DsM CoreExpr
+dsLit (HsStringPrim _ s) = return (Lit (MachStr s))
+dsLit (HsCharPrim _ c) = return (Lit (MachChar c))
+dsLit (HsIntPrim _ i) = return (Lit (MachInt i))
+dsLit (HsWordPrim _ w) = return (Lit (MachWord w))
+dsLit (HsInt64Prim _ i) = return (Lit (MachInt64 i))
+dsLit (HsWord64Prim _ w) = return (Lit (MachWord64 w))
+dsLit (HsFloatPrim f) = return (Lit (MachFloat (fl_value f)))
+dsLit (HsDoublePrim d) = return (Lit (MachDouble (fl_value d)))
+dsLit (HsChar _ c) = return (mkCharExpr c)
+dsLit (HsString _ str) = mkStringExprFS str
+dsLit (HsInteger _ i _) = mkIntegerExpr i
+dsLit (HsInt _ i) = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ return (mkIntExpr dflags i)
+dsLit (HsRat r ty) = do
+ num <- mkIntegerExpr (numerator (fl_value r))
+ denom <- mkIntegerExpr (denominator (fl_value r))
+ return (mkCoreConApps ratio_data_con [Type integer_ty, num, denom])
+ where
+ (ratio_data_con, integer_ty)
+ = case tcSplitTyConApp ty of
+ (tycon, [i_ty]) -> ASSERT(isIntegerTy i_ty && tycon `hasKey` ratioTyConKey)
+ (head (tyConDataCons tycon), i_ty)
+ x -> pprPanic "dsLit" (ppr x)
+dsOverLit :: HsOverLit Id -> DsM CoreExpr
+dsOverLit lit = do { dflags <- getDynFlags
+ ; warnAboutOverflowedLiterals dflags lit
+ ; dsOverLit' dflags lit }
+dsOverLit' :: DynFlags -> HsOverLit Id -> DsM CoreExpr
+-- Post-typechecker, the SyntaxExpr field of an OverLit contains
+-- (an expression for) the literal value itself
+dsOverLit' dflags (OverLit { ol_val = val, ol_rebindable = rebindable
+ , ol_witness = witness, ol_type = ty })
+ | not rebindable
+ , Just expr <- shortCutLit dflags val ty = dsExpr expr -- Note [Literal short cut]
+ | otherwise = dsExpr witness
+Note [Literal short cut]
+The type checker tries to do this short-cutting as early as possible, but
+because of unification etc, more information is available to the desugarer.
+And where it's possible to generate the correct literal right away, it's
+much better to do so.
+* *
+ Warnings about overflowed literals
+* *
+Warn about functions like toInteger, fromIntegral, that convert
+between one type and another when the to- and from- types are the
+same. Then it's probably (albeit not definitely) the identity
+warnAboutIdentities :: DynFlags -> CoreExpr -> Type -> DsM ()
+warnAboutIdentities dflags (Var conv_fn) type_of_conv
+ | wopt Opt_WarnIdentities dflags
+ , idName conv_fn `elem` conversionNames
+ , Just (arg_ty, res_ty) <- splitFunTy_maybe type_of_conv
+ , arg_ty `eqType` res_ty -- So we are converting ty -> ty
+ = warnDs (vcat [ ptext (sLit "Call of") <+> ppr conv_fn <+> dcolon <+> ppr type_of_conv
+ , nest 2 $ ptext (sLit "can probably be omitted")
+ , parens (ptext (sLit "Use -fno-warn-identities to suppress this message"))
+ ])
+warnAboutIdentities _ _ _ = return ()
+conversionNames :: [Name]
+ = [ toIntegerName, toRationalName
+ , fromIntegralName, realToFracName ]
+ -- We can't easily add fromIntegerName, fromRationalName,
+ -- because they are generated by literals
+warnAboutOverflowedLiterals :: DynFlags -> HsOverLit Id -> DsM ()
+warnAboutOverflowedLiterals dflags lit
+ | wopt Opt_WarnOverflowedLiterals dflags
+ , Just (i, tc) <- getIntegralLit lit
+ = if tc == intTyConName then check i tc (undefined :: Int)
+ else if tc == int8TyConName then check i tc (undefined :: Int8)
+ else if tc == int16TyConName then check i tc (undefined :: Int16)
+ else if tc == int32TyConName then check i tc (undefined :: Int32)
+ else if tc == int64TyConName then check i tc (undefined :: Int64)
+ else if tc == wordTyConName then check i tc (undefined :: Word)
+ else if tc == word8TyConName then check i tc (undefined :: Word8)
+ else if tc == word16TyConName then check i tc (undefined :: Word16)
+ else if tc == word32TyConName then check i tc (undefined :: Word32)
+ else if tc == word64TyConName then check i tc (undefined :: Word64)
+ else return ()
+ | otherwise = return ()
+ where
+ check :: forall a. (Bounded a, Integral a) => Integer -> Name -> a -> DsM ()
+ check i tc _proxy
+ = when (i < minB || i > maxB) $ do
+ warnDs (vcat [ ptext (sLit "Literal") <+> integer i
+ <+> ptext (sLit "is out of the") <+> ppr tc <+> ptext (sLit "range")
+ <+> integer minB <> ptext (sLit "..") <> integer maxB
+ , sug ])
+ where
+ minB = toInteger (minBound :: a)
+ maxB = toInteger (maxBound :: a)
+ sug | minB == -i -- Note [Suggest NegativeLiterals]
+ , i > 0
+ , not (xopt Opt_NegativeLiterals dflags)
+ = ptext (sLit "If you are trying to write a large negative literal, use NegativeLiterals")
+ | otherwise = Outputable.empty
+Note [Suggest NegativeLiterals]
+If you write
+ x :: Int8
+ x = -128
+it'll parse as (negate 128), and overflow. In this case, suggest NegativeLiterals.
+We get an erroneous suggestion for
+ x = 128
+but perhaps that does not matter too much.
+warnAboutEmptyEnumerations :: DynFlags -> LHsExpr Id -> Maybe (LHsExpr Id) -> LHsExpr Id -> DsM ()
+-- Warns about [2,3 .. 1] which returns the empty list
+-- Only works for integral types, not floating point
+warnAboutEmptyEnumerations dflags fromExpr mThnExpr toExpr
+ | wopt Opt_WarnEmptyEnumerations dflags
+ , Just (from,tc) <- getLHsIntegralLit fromExpr
+ , Just mThn <- traverse getLHsIntegralLit mThnExpr
+ , Just (to,_) <- getLHsIntegralLit toExpr
+ , let check :: forall a. (Enum a, Num a) => a -> DsM ()
+ check _proxy
+ = when (null enumeration) $
+ warnDs (ptext (sLit "Enumeration is empty"))
+ where
+ enumeration :: [a]
+ enumeration = case mThn of
+ Nothing -> [fromInteger from .. fromInteger to]
+ Just (thn,_) -> [fromInteger from, fromInteger thn .. fromInteger to]
+ = if tc == intTyConName then check (undefined :: Int)
+ else if tc == int8TyConName then check (undefined :: Int8)
+ else if tc == int16TyConName then check (undefined :: Int16)
+ else if tc == int32TyConName then check (undefined :: Int32)
+ else if tc == int64TyConName then check (undefined :: Int64)
+ else if tc == wordTyConName then check (undefined :: Word)
+ else if tc == word8TyConName then check (undefined :: Word8)
+ else if tc == word16TyConName then check (undefined :: Word16)
+ else if tc == word32TyConName then check (undefined :: Word32)
+ else if tc == word64TyConName then check (undefined :: Word64)
+ else return ()
+ | otherwise = return ()
+getLHsIntegralLit :: LHsExpr Id -> Maybe (Integer, Name)
+-- See if the expression is an Integral literal
+-- Remember to look through automatically-added tick-boxes! (Trac #8384)
+getLHsIntegralLit (L _ (HsPar e)) = getLHsIntegralLit e
+getLHsIntegralLit (L _ (HsTick _ e)) = getLHsIntegralLit e
+getLHsIntegralLit (L _ (HsBinTick _ _ e)) = getLHsIntegralLit e
+getLHsIntegralLit (L _ (HsOverLit over_lit)) = getIntegralLit over_lit
+getLHsIntegralLit _ = Nothing
+getIntegralLit :: HsOverLit Id -> Maybe (Integer, Name)
+getIntegralLit (OverLit { ol_val = HsIntegral _ i, ol_type = ty })
+ | Just tc <- tyConAppTyCon_maybe ty
+ = Just (i, tyConName tc)
+getIntegralLit _ = Nothing
+* *
+ Tidying lit pats
+* *
+tidyLitPat :: HsLit -> Pat Id
+-- Result has only the following HsLits:
+-- HsIntPrim, HsWordPrim, HsCharPrim, HsFloatPrim
+-- HsDoublePrim, HsStringPrim, HsString
+-- * HsInteger, HsRat, HsInt can't show up in LitPats
+-- * We get rid of HsChar right here
+tidyLitPat (HsChar src c) = unLoc (mkCharLitPat src c)
+tidyLitPat (HsString src s)
+ | lengthFS s <= 1 -- Short string literals only
+ = unLoc $ foldr (\c pat -> mkPrefixConPat consDataCon
+ [mkCharLitPat src c, pat] [charTy])
+ (mkNilPat charTy) (unpackFS s)
+ -- The stringTy is the type of the whole pattern, not
+ -- the type to instantiate (:) or [] with!
+tidyLitPat lit = LitPat lit
+tidyNPat :: (HsLit -> Pat Id) -- How to tidy a LitPat
+ -- We need this argument because tidyNPat is called
+ -- both by Match and by Check, but they tidy LitPats
+ -- slightly differently; and we must desugar
+ -- literals consistently (see Trac #5117)
+ -> HsOverLit Id -> Maybe (SyntaxExpr Id) -> SyntaxExpr Id
+ -> Pat Id
+tidyNPat tidy_lit_pat (OverLit val False _ ty) mb_neg _
+ -- False: Take short cuts only if the literal is not using rebindable syntax
+ --
+ -- Once that is settled, look for cases where the type of the
+ -- entire overloaded literal matches the type of the underlying literal,
+ -- and in that case take the short cut
+ -- NB: Watch out for weird cases like Trac #3382
+ -- f :: Int -> Int
+ -- f "blah" = 4
+ -- which might be ok if we hvae 'instance IsString Int'
+ --
+ | isIntTy ty, Just int_lit <- mb_int_lit
+ = mk_con_pat intDataCon (HsIntPrim "" int_lit)
+ | isWordTy ty, Just int_lit <- mb_int_lit
+ = mk_con_pat wordDataCon (HsWordPrim "" int_lit)
+ | isFloatTy ty, Just rat_lit <- mb_rat_lit = mk_con_pat floatDataCon (HsFloatPrim rat_lit)
+ | isDoubleTy ty, Just rat_lit <- mb_rat_lit = mk_con_pat doubleDataCon (HsDoublePrim rat_lit)
+ | isStringTy ty, Just str_lit <- mb_str_lit
+ = tidy_lit_pat (HsString "" str_lit)
+ where
+ mk_con_pat :: DataCon -> HsLit -> Pat Id
+ mk_con_pat con lit = unLoc (mkPrefixConPat con [noLoc $ LitPat lit] [])
+ mb_int_lit :: Maybe Integer
+ mb_int_lit = case (mb_neg, val) of
+ (Nothing, HsIntegral _ i) -> Just i
+ (Just _, HsIntegral _ i) -> Just (-i)
+ _ -> Nothing
+ mb_rat_lit :: Maybe FractionalLit
+ mb_rat_lit = case (mb_neg, val) of
+ (Nothing, HsIntegral _ i) -> Just (integralFractionalLit (fromInteger i))
+ (Just _, HsIntegral _ i) -> Just (integralFractionalLit
+ (fromInteger (-i)))
+ (Nothing, HsFractional f) -> Just f
+ (Just _, HsFractional f) -> Just (negateFractionalLit f)
+ _ -> Nothing
+ mb_str_lit :: Maybe FastString
+ mb_str_lit = case (mb_neg, val) of
+ (Nothing, HsIsString _ s) -> Just s
+ _ -> Nothing
+tidyNPat _ over_lit mb_neg eq
+ = NPat over_lit mb_neg eq
+* *
+ Pattern matching on LitPat
+* *
+matchLiterals :: [Id]
+ -> Type -- Type of the whole case expression
+ -> [[EquationInfo]] -- All PgLits
+ -> DsM MatchResult
+matchLiterals (var:vars) ty sub_groups
+ = ASSERT( notNull sub_groups && all notNull sub_groups )
+ do { -- Deal with each group
+ ; alts <- mapM match_group sub_groups
+ -- Combine results. For everything except String
+ -- we can use a case expression; for String we need
+ -- a chain of if-then-else
+ ; if isStringTy (idType var) then
+ do { eq_str <- dsLookupGlobalId eqStringName
+ ; mrs <- mapM (wrap_str_guard eq_str) alts
+ ; return (foldr1 combineMatchResults mrs) }
+ else
+ return (mkCoPrimCaseMatchResult var ty alts)
+ }
+ where
+ match_group :: [EquationInfo] -> DsM (Literal, MatchResult)
+ match_group eqns
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let LitPat hs_lit = firstPat (head eqns)
+ match_result <- match vars ty (shiftEqns eqns)
+ return (hsLitKey dflags hs_lit, match_result)
+ wrap_str_guard :: Id -> (Literal,MatchResult) -> DsM MatchResult
+ -- Equality check for string literals
+ wrap_str_guard eq_str (MachStr s, mr)
+ = do { -- We now have to convert back to FastString. Perhaps there
+ -- should be separate MachBytes and MachStr constructors?
+ let s' = mkFastStringByteString s
+ ; lit <- mkStringExprFS s'
+ ; let pred = mkApps (Var eq_str) [Var var, lit]
+ ; return (mkGuardedMatchResult pred mr) }
+ wrap_str_guard _ (l, _) = pprPanic "matchLiterals/wrap_str_guard" (ppr l)
+matchLiterals [] _ _ = panic "matchLiterals []"
+hsLitKey :: DynFlags -> HsLit -> Literal
+-- Get a Core literal to use (only) a grouping key
+-- Hence its type doesn't need to match the type of the original literal
+-- (and doesn't for strings)
+-- It only works for primitive types and strings;
+-- others have been removed by tidy
+hsLitKey dflags (HsIntPrim _ i) = mkMachInt dflags i
+hsLitKey dflags (HsWordPrim _ w) = mkMachWord dflags w
+hsLitKey _ (HsInt64Prim _ i) = mkMachInt64 i
+hsLitKey _ (HsWord64Prim _ w) = mkMachWord64 w
+hsLitKey _ (HsCharPrim _ c) = MachChar c
+hsLitKey _ (HsStringPrim _ s) = MachStr s
+hsLitKey _ (HsFloatPrim f) = MachFloat (fl_value f)
+hsLitKey _ (HsDoublePrim d) = MachDouble (fl_value d)
+hsLitKey _ (HsString _ s) = MachStr (fastStringToByteString s)
+hsLitKey _ l = pprPanic "hsLitKey" (ppr l)
+hsOverLitKey :: OutputableBndr a => HsOverLit a -> Bool -> Literal
+-- Ditto for HsOverLit; the boolean indicates to negate
+hsOverLitKey (OverLit { ol_val = l }) neg = litValKey l neg
+litValKey :: OverLitVal -> Bool -> Literal
+litValKey (HsIntegral _ i) False = MachInt i
+litValKey (HsIntegral _ i) True = MachInt (-i)
+litValKey (HsFractional r) False = MachFloat (fl_value r)
+litValKey (HsFractional r) True = MachFloat (negate (fl_value r))
+litValKey (HsIsString _ s) neg = ASSERT( not neg) MachStr
+ (fastStringToByteString s)
+* *
+ Pattern matching on NPat
+* *
+matchNPats :: [Id] -> Type -> [EquationInfo] -> DsM MatchResult
+matchNPats (var:vars) ty (eqn1:eqns) -- All for the same literal
+ = do { let NPat lit mb_neg eq_chk = firstPat eqn1
+ ; lit_expr <- dsOverLit lit
+ ; neg_lit <- case mb_neg of
+ Nothing -> return lit_expr
+ Just neg -> do { neg_expr <- dsExpr neg
+ ; return (App neg_expr lit_expr) }
+ ; eq_expr <- dsExpr eq_chk
+ ; let pred_expr = mkApps eq_expr [Var var, neg_lit]
+ ; match_result <- match vars ty (shiftEqns (eqn1:eqns))
+ ; return (mkGuardedMatchResult pred_expr match_result) }
+matchNPats vars _ eqns = pprPanic "matchOneNPat" (ppr (vars, eqns))
+* *
+ Pattern matching on n+k patterns
+* *
+For an n+k pattern, we use the various magic expressions we've been given.
+We generate:
+ if ge var lit then
+ let n = sub var lit
+ in <expr-for-a-successful-match>
+ else
+ <try-next-pattern-or-whatever>
+matchNPlusKPats :: [Id] -> Type -> [EquationInfo] -> DsM MatchResult
+-- All NPlusKPats, for the *same* literal k
+matchNPlusKPats (var:vars) ty (eqn1:eqns)
+ = do { let NPlusKPat (L _ n1) lit ge minus = firstPat eqn1
+ ; ge_expr <- dsExpr ge
+ ; minus_expr <- dsExpr minus
+ ; lit_expr <- dsOverLit lit
+ ; let pred_expr = mkApps ge_expr [Var var, lit_expr]
+ minusk_expr = mkApps minus_expr [Var var, lit_expr]
+ (wraps, eqns') = mapAndUnzip (shift n1) (eqn1:eqns)
+ ; match_result <- match vars ty eqns'
+ ; return (mkGuardedMatchResult pred_expr $
+ mkCoLetMatchResult (NonRec n1 minusk_expr) $
+ adjustMatchResult (foldr1 (.) wraps) $
+ match_result) }
+ where
+ shift n1 eqn@(EqnInfo { eqn_pats = NPlusKPat (L _ n) _ _ _ : pats })
+ = (wrapBind n n1, eqn { eqn_pats = pats })
+ -- The wrapBind is a no-op for the first equation
+ shift _ e = pprPanic "matchNPlusKPats/shift" (ppr e)
+matchNPlusKPats vars _ eqns = pprPanic "matchNPlusKPats" (ppr (vars, eqns))