path: root/compiler/basicTypes/Demand.hs
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authorSebastian Graf <>2019-02-07 15:34:07 +0100
committerMarge Bot <>2019-04-30 20:23:21 -0400
commit014ed644eea9037427c1ebeaac16189b00f9dbc7 (patch)
tree4e41d1183e559e81a0fbdb1cf9c16fae0448ee43 /compiler/basicTypes/Demand.hs
parent1abb76ab8e32e7be224631506201d1beec62a5c2 (diff)
Compute demand signatures assuming idArity
This does four things: 1. Look at `idArity` instead of manifest lambdas to decide whether to use LetUp 2. Compute the strictness signature in LetDown assuming at least `idArity` incoming arguments 3. Remove the special case for trivial RHSs, which is subsumed by 2 4. Don't perform the W/W split when doing so would eta expand a binding. Otherwise we would eta expand PAPs, causing unnecessary churn in the Simplifier. NoFib Results -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program Allocs Instrs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fannkuch-redux +0.3% 0.0% gg -0.0% -0.1% maillist +0.2% +0.2% minimax 0.0% +0.8% pretty 0.0% -0.1% reptile -0.0% -1.2% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Min -0.0% -1.2% Max +0.3% +0.8% Geometric Mean +0.0% -0.0%
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/basicTypes/Demand.hs')
1 files changed, 89 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/Demand.hs b/compiler/basicTypes/Demand.hs
index 184f3d5f39..9fdac2cc8c 100644
--- a/compiler/basicTypes/Demand.hs
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/Demand.hs
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ module Demand (
DmdType(..), dmdTypeDepth, lubDmdType, bothDmdType,
nopDmdType, botDmdType, mkDmdType,
- addDemand, removeDmdTyArgs,
+ addDemand, ensureArgs,
BothDmdArg, mkBothDmdArg, toBothDmdArg,
DmdEnv, emptyDmdEnv,
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ module Demand (
vanillaCprProdRes, cprSumRes,
appIsBottom, isBottomingSig, pprIfaceStrictSig,
trimCPRInfo, returnsCPR_maybe,
- StrictSig(..), mkStrictSig, mkClosedStrictSig,
+ StrictSig(..), mkStrictSigForArity, mkClosedStrictSig,
nopSig, botSig, cprProdSig,
isTopSig, hasDemandEnvSig,
splitStrictSig, strictSigDmdEnv,
@@ -47,10 +47,10 @@ module Demand (
postProcessUnsat, postProcessDmdType,
- splitProdDmd_maybe, peelCallDmd, peelManyCalls, mkCallDmd,
+ splitProdDmd_maybe, peelCallDmd, peelManyCalls, mkCallDmd, mkCallDmds,
mkWorkerDemand, dmdTransformSig, dmdTransformDataConSig,
dmdTransformDictSelSig, argOneShots, argsOneShots, saturatedByOneShots,
- trimToType, TypeShape(..),
+ TypeShape(..), peelTsFuns, trimToType,
useCount, isUsedOnce, reuseEnv,
killUsageDemand, killUsageSig, zapUsageDemand, zapUsageEnvSig,
@@ -675,10 +675,15 @@ mkProdDmd dx
= JD { sd = mkSProd $ map getStrDmd dx
, ud = mkUProd $ map getUseDmd dx }
+-- | Wraps the 'CleanDemand' with a one-shot call demand: @d@ -> @C1(d)@.
mkCallDmd :: CleanDemand -> CleanDemand
mkCallDmd (JD {sd = d, ud = u})
= JD { sd = mkSCall d, ud = mkUCall One u }
+-- | @mkCallDmds n d@ returns @C1(C1...(C1 d))@ where there are @n@ @C1@'s.
+mkCallDmds :: Arity -> CleanDemand -> CleanDemand
+mkCallDmds arity cd = iterate mkCallDmd cd !! arity
-- See Note [Demand on the worker] in WorkWrap
mkWorkerDemand :: Int -> Demand
mkWorkerDemand n = JD { sd = Lazy, ud = Use One (go n) }
@@ -804,6 +809,13 @@ instance Outputable TypeShape where
ppr (TsFun ts) = text "TsFun" <> parens (ppr ts)
ppr (TsProd tss) = parens (hsep $ punctuate comma $ map ppr tss)
+-- | @peelTsFuns n ts@ tries to peel off @n@ 'TsFun' constructors from @ts@ and
+-- returns 'Just' the wrapped 'TypeShape' on success, and 'Nothing' otherwise.
+peelTsFuns :: Arity -> TypeShape -> Maybe TypeShape
+peelTsFuns 0 ts = Just ts
+peelTsFuns n (TsFun ts) = peelTsFuns (n-1) ts
+peelTsFuns _ _ = Nothing
trimToType :: Demand -> TypeShape -> Demand
-- See Note [Trimming a demand to a type]
trimToType (JD { sd = ms, ud = mu }) ts
@@ -1207,12 +1219,8 @@ mkDmdType fv ds res = DmdType fv ds res
dmdTypeDepth :: DmdType -> Arity
dmdTypeDepth (DmdType _ ds _) = length ds
--- Remove any demand on arguments. This is used in dmdAnalRhs on the body
-removeDmdTyArgs :: DmdType -> DmdType
-removeDmdTyArgs = ensureArgs 0
--- This makes sure we can use the demand type with n arguments,
--- It extends the argument list with the correct resTypeArgDmd
+-- | This makes sure we can use the demand type with n arguments.
+-- It extends the argument list with the correct resTypeArgDmd.
-- It also adjusts the DmdResult: Divergence survives additional arguments,
-- CPR information does not (and definite converge also would not).
ensureArgs :: Arity -> DmdType -> DmdType
@@ -1567,8 +1575,56 @@ and <L,U(U,U)> on the second, then returning a constructor.
If this same function is applied to one arg, all we can say is that it
uses x with <L,U>, and its arg with demand <L,U>.
+Note [Understanding DmdType and StrictSig]
+Demand types are sound approximations of an expression's semantics relative to
+the incoming demand we put the expression under. Consider the following
+ \x y -> x `seq` (y, 2*x)
+Here is a table with demand types resulting from different incoming demands we
+put that expression under. Note the monotonicity; a stronger incoming demand
+yields a more precise demand type:
+ incoming demand | demand type
+ ----------------------------------------------------
+ <S ,HU > | <L,U><L,U>{}
+ <C(C(S )),C1(C1(U ))> | <S,U><L,U>{}
+ <C(C(S(S,L))),C1(C1(U(1*U,A)))> | <S,1*HU><S,1*U>{}
+Note that in the first example, the depth of the demand type was *higher* than
+the arity of the incoming call demand due to the anonymous lambda.
+The converse is also possible and happens when we unleash demand signatures.
+In @f x y@, the incoming call demand on f has arity 2. But if all we have is a
+demand signature with depth 1 for @f@ (which we can safely unleash, see below),
+the demand type of @f@ under a call demand of arity 2 has a *lower* depth of 1.
+So: Demand types are elicited by putting an expression under an incoming (call)
+demand, the arity of which can be lower or higher than the depth of the
+resulting demand type.
+In contrast, a demand signature summarises a function's semantics *without*
+immediately specifying the incoming demand it was produced under. Despite StrSig
+being a newtype wrapper around DmdType, it actually encodes two things:
+ * The threshold (i.e., minimum arity) to unleash the signature
+ * A demand type that is sound to unleash when the minimum arity requirement is
+ met.
+Here comes the subtle part: The threshold is encoded in the wrapped demand
+type's depth! So in mkStrictSigForArity we make sure to trim the list of
+argument demands to the given threshold arity. Call sites will make sure that
+this corresponds to the arity of the call demand that elicited the wrapped
+demand type. See also Note [What are demand signatures?] in DmdAnal.
+Besides trimming argument demands, mkStrictSigForArity will also trim CPR
+information if necessary.
+-- | The depth of the wrapped 'DmdType' encodes the arity at which it is safe
+-- to unleash. Better construct this through 'mkStrictSigForArity'.
+-- See Note [Understanding DmdType and StrictSig]
newtype StrictSig = StrictSig DmdType
deriving( Eq )
@@ -1580,34 +1636,43 @@ pprIfaceStrictSig :: StrictSig -> SDoc
pprIfaceStrictSig (StrictSig (DmdType _ dmds res))
= hcat (map ppr dmds) <> ppr res
-mkStrictSig :: DmdType -> StrictSig
-mkStrictSig dmd_ty = StrictSig dmd_ty
+-- | Turns a 'DmdType' computed for the particular 'Arity' into a 'StrictSig'
+-- unleashable at that arity. See Note [Understanding DmdType and StrictSig]
+mkStrictSigForArity :: Arity -> DmdType -> StrictSig
+mkStrictSigForArity arity dmd_ty = StrictSig (ensureArgs arity dmd_ty)
mkClosedStrictSig :: [Demand] -> DmdResult -> StrictSig
-mkClosedStrictSig ds res = mkStrictSig (DmdType emptyDmdEnv ds res)
+mkClosedStrictSig ds res = mkStrictSigForArity (length ds) (DmdType emptyDmdEnv ds res)
splitStrictSig :: StrictSig -> ([Demand], DmdResult)
splitStrictSig (StrictSig (DmdType _ dmds res)) = (dmds, res)
increaseStrictSigArity :: Int -> StrictSig -> StrictSig
--- Add extra arguments to a strictness signature
+-- ^ Add extra arguments to a strictness signature.
+-- In contrast to 'etaExpandStrictSig', this /prepends/ additional argument
+-- demands and leaves CPR info intact.
increaseStrictSigArity arity_increase sig@(StrictSig dmd_ty@(DmdType env dmds res))
| isTopDmdType dmd_ty = sig
- | arity_increase <= 0 = sig
+ | arity_increase == 0 = sig
+ | arity_increase < 0 = WARN( True, text "increaseStrictSigArity:"
+ <+> text "negative arity increase"
+ <+> ppr arity_increase )
+ nopSig
| otherwise = StrictSig (DmdType env dmds' res)
dmds' = replicate arity_increase topDmd ++ dmds
etaExpandStrictSig :: Arity -> StrictSig -> StrictSig
--- We are expanding (\x y. e) to (\x y z. e z)
--- Add exta demands to the /end/ of the arg demands if necessary
-etaExpandStrictSig arity sig@(StrictSig dmd_ty@(DmdType env dmds res))
- | isTopDmdType dmd_ty = sig
- | arity_increase <= 0 = sig
- | otherwise = StrictSig (DmdType env dmds' res)
- where
- arity_increase = arity - length dmds
- dmds' = dmds ++ replicate arity_increase topDmd
+-- ^ We are expanding (\x y. e) to (\x y z. e z).
+-- In contrast to 'increaseStrictSigArity', this /appends/ extra arg demands if
+-- necessary, potentially destroying the signature's CPR property.
+etaExpandStrictSig arity (StrictSig dmd_ty)
+ | arity < dmdTypeDepth dmd_ty
+ -- an arity decrease must zap the whole signature, because it was possibly
+ -- computed for a higher incoming call demand.
+ = nopSig
+ | otherwise
+ = StrictSig $ ensureArgs arity dmd_ty
isTopSig :: StrictSig -> Bool
isTopSig (StrictSig ty) = isTopDmdType ty