path: root/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Sig.hs
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authorSylvain Henry <>2020-03-19 10:28:01 +0100
committerMarge Bot <>2020-04-07 18:36:49 -0400
commit255418da5d264fb2758bc70925adb2094f34adc3 (patch)
tree39e3d7f84571e750f2a087c1bc2ab87198e9b147 /compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Sig.hs
parent3d2991f8b4c1b686323b2c9452ce845a60b8d94c (diff)
Modules: type-checker (#13009)
Update Haddock submodule
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Sig.hs')
1 files changed, 836 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Sig.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Sig.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a6dfdcc2f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Sig.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,836 @@
+(c) The University of Glasgow 2006-2012
+(c) The GRASP Project, Glasgow University, 1992-2002
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+module GHC.Tc.Gen.Sig(
+ TcSigInfo(..),
+ TcIdSigInfo(..), TcIdSigInst,
+ TcPatSynInfo(..),
+ TcSigFun,
+ isPartialSig, hasCompleteSig, tcIdSigName, tcSigInfoName,
+ completeSigPolyId_maybe,
+ tcTySigs, tcUserTypeSig, completeSigFromId,
+ tcInstSig,
+ TcPragEnv, emptyPragEnv, lookupPragEnv, extendPragEnv,
+ mkPragEnv, tcSpecPrags, tcSpecWrapper, tcImpPrags, addInlinePrags
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import GhcPrelude
+import GHC.Hs
+import GHC.Tc.Gen.HsType
+import GHC.Tc.Types
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.Monad
+import GHC.Tc.Types.Origin
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcMType
+import GHC.Tc.Validity ( checkValidType )
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify( tcSkolemise, unifyType )
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.Instantiate( topInstantiate )
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.Env( tcLookupId )
+import GHC.Tc.Types.Evidence( HsWrapper, (<.>) )
+import GHC.Core.Type ( mkTyVarBinders )
+import GHC.Driver.Session
+import GHC.Types.Var ( TyVar, tyVarKind )
+import GHC.Types.Id ( Id, idName, idType, idInlinePragma, setInlinePragma, mkLocalId )
+import PrelNames( mkUnboundName )
+import GHC.Types.Basic
+import GHC.Types.Module( getModule )
+import GHC.Types.Name
+import GHC.Types.Name.Env
+import Outputable
+import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
+import Util( singleton )
+import Maybes( orElse )
+import Data.Maybe( mapMaybe )
+import Control.Monad( unless )
+{- -------------------------------------------------------------
+ Note [Overview of type signatures]
+Type signatures, including partial signatures, are jolly tricky,
+especially on value bindings. Here's an overview.
+ f :: forall a. [a] -> [a]
+ g :: forall b. _ -> b
+ f = ...g...
+ g = ...f...
+* HsSyn: a signature in a binding starts off as a TypeSig, in
+ type HsBinds.Sig
+* When starting a mutually recursive group, like f/g above, we
+ call tcTySig on each signature in the group.
+* tcTySig: Sig -> TcIdSigInfo
+ - For a /complete/ signature, like 'f' above, tcTySig kind-checks
+ the HsType, producing a Type, and wraps it in a CompleteSig, and
+ extend the type environment with this polymorphic 'f'.
+ - For a /partial/signature, like 'g' above, tcTySig does nothing
+ Instead it just wraps the pieces in a PartialSig, to be handled
+ later.
+* tcInstSig: TcIdSigInfo -> TcIdSigInst
+ In tcMonoBinds, when looking at an individual binding, we use
+ tcInstSig to instantiate the signature forall's in the signature,
+ and attribute that instantiated (monomorphic) type to the
+ binder. You can see this in GHC.Tc.Gen.Bind.tcLhsId.
+ The instantiation does the obvious thing for complete signatures,
+ but for /partial/ signatures it starts from the HsSyn, so it
+ has to kind-check it etc: tcHsPartialSigType. It's convenient
+ to do this at the same time as instantiation, because we can
+ make the wildcards into unification variables right away, raather
+ than somehow quantifying over them. And the "TcLevel" of those
+ unification variables is correct because we are in tcMonoBinds.
+Note [Scoped tyvars]
+The -XScopedTypeVariables flag brings lexically-scoped type variables
+into scope for any explicitly forall-quantified type variables:
+ f :: forall a. a -> a
+ f x = e
+Then 'a' is in scope inside 'e'.
+However, we do *not* support this
+ - For pattern bindings e.g
+ f :: forall a. a->a
+ (f,g) = e
+Note [Binding scoped type variables]
+The type variables *brought into lexical scope* by a type signature
+may be a subset of the *quantified type variables* of the signatures,
+for two reasons:
+* With kind polymorphism a signature like
+ f :: forall f a. f a -> f a
+ may actually give rise to
+ f :: forall k. forall (f::k -> *) (a:k). f a -> f a
+ So the sig_tvs will be [k,f,a], but only f,a are scoped.
+ NB: the scoped ones are not necessarily the *initial* ones!
+* Even aside from kind polymorphism, there may be more instantiated
+ type variables than lexically-scoped ones. For example:
+ type T a = forall b. b -> (a,b)
+ f :: forall c. T c
+ Here, the signature for f will have one scoped type variable, c,
+ but two instantiated type variables, c' and b'.
+However, all of this only applies to the renamer. The typechecker
+just puts all of them into the type environment; any lexical-scope
+errors were dealt with by the renamer.
+{- *********************************************************************
+* *
+ Utility functions for TcSigInfo
+* *
+********************************************************************* -}
+tcIdSigName :: TcIdSigInfo -> Name
+tcIdSigName (CompleteSig { sig_bndr = id }) = idName id
+tcIdSigName (PartialSig { psig_name = n }) = n
+tcSigInfoName :: TcSigInfo -> Name
+tcSigInfoName (TcIdSig idsi) = tcIdSigName idsi
+tcSigInfoName (TcPatSynSig tpsi) = patsig_name tpsi
+completeSigPolyId_maybe :: TcSigInfo -> Maybe TcId
+completeSigPolyId_maybe sig
+ | TcIdSig sig_info <- sig
+ , CompleteSig { sig_bndr = id } <- sig_info = Just id
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+{- *********************************************************************
+* *
+ Typechecking user signatures
+* *
+********************************************************************* -}
+tcTySigs :: [LSig GhcRn] -> TcM ([TcId], TcSigFun)
+tcTySigs hs_sigs
+ = checkNoErrs $
+ do { -- Fail if any of the signatures is duff
+ -- Hence mapAndReportM
+ -- See Note [Fail eagerly on bad signatures]
+ ty_sigs_s <- mapAndReportM tcTySig hs_sigs
+ ; let ty_sigs = concat ty_sigs_s
+ poly_ids = mapMaybe completeSigPolyId_maybe ty_sigs
+ -- The returned [TcId] are the ones for which we have
+ -- a complete type signature.
+ -- See Note [Complete and partial type signatures]
+ env = mkNameEnv [(tcSigInfoName sig, sig) | sig <- ty_sigs]
+ ; return (poly_ids, lookupNameEnv env) }
+tcTySig :: LSig GhcRn -> TcM [TcSigInfo]
+tcTySig (L _ (IdSig _ id))
+ = do { let ctxt = FunSigCtxt (idName id) False
+ -- False: do not report redundant constraints
+ -- The user has no control over the signature!
+ sig = completeSigFromId ctxt id
+ ; return [TcIdSig sig] }
+tcTySig (L loc (TypeSig _ names sig_ty))
+ = setSrcSpan loc $
+ do { sigs <- sequence [ tcUserTypeSig loc sig_ty (Just name)
+ | L _ name <- names ]
+ ; return (map TcIdSig sigs) }
+tcTySig (L loc (PatSynSig _ names sig_ty))
+ = setSrcSpan loc $
+ do { tpsigs <- sequence [ tcPatSynSig name sig_ty
+ | L _ name <- names ]
+ ; return (map TcPatSynSig tpsigs) }
+tcTySig _ = return []
+tcUserTypeSig :: SrcSpan -> LHsSigWcType GhcRn -> Maybe Name
+ -> TcM TcIdSigInfo
+-- A function or expression type signature
+-- Returns a fully quantified type signature; even the wildcards
+-- are quantified with ordinary skolems that should be instantiated
+-- The SrcSpan is what to declare as the binding site of the
+-- any skolems in the signature. For function signatures we
+-- use the whole `f :: ty' signature; for expression signatures
+-- just the type part.
+-- Just n => Function type signature name :: type
+-- Nothing => Expression type signature <expr> :: type
+tcUserTypeSig loc hs_sig_ty mb_name
+ | isCompleteHsSig hs_sig_ty
+ = do { sigma_ty <- tcHsSigWcType ctxt_F hs_sig_ty
+ ; traceTc "tcuser" (ppr sigma_ty)
+ ; return $
+ CompleteSig { sig_bndr = mkLocalId name sigma_ty
+ , sig_ctxt = ctxt_T
+ , sig_loc = loc } }
+ -- Location of the <type> in f :: <type>
+ -- Partial sig with wildcards
+ | otherwise
+ = return (PartialSig { psig_name = name, psig_hs_ty = hs_sig_ty
+ , sig_ctxt = ctxt_F, sig_loc = loc })
+ where
+ name = case mb_name of
+ Just n -> n
+ Nothing -> mkUnboundName (mkVarOcc "<expression>")
+ ctxt_F = case mb_name of
+ Just n -> FunSigCtxt n False
+ Nothing -> ExprSigCtxt
+ ctxt_T = case mb_name of
+ Just n -> FunSigCtxt n True
+ Nothing -> ExprSigCtxt
+completeSigFromId :: UserTypeCtxt -> Id -> TcIdSigInfo
+-- Used for instance methods and record selectors
+completeSigFromId ctxt id
+ = CompleteSig { sig_bndr = id
+ , sig_ctxt = ctxt
+ , sig_loc = getSrcSpan id }
+isCompleteHsSig :: LHsSigWcType GhcRn -> Bool
+-- ^ If there are no wildcards, return a LHsSigType
+isCompleteHsSig (HsWC { hswc_ext = wcs
+ , hswc_body = HsIB { hsib_body = hs_ty } })
+ = null wcs && no_anon_wc hs_ty
+isCompleteHsSig (HsWC _ (XHsImplicitBndrs nec)) = noExtCon nec
+isCompleteHsSig (XHsWildCardBndrs nec) = noExtCon nec
+no_anon_wc :: LHsType GhcRn -> Bool
+no_anon_wc lty = go lty
+ where
+ go (L _ ty) = case ty of
+ HsWildCardTy _ -> False
+ HsAppTy _ ty1 ty2 -> go ty1 && go ty2
+ HsAppKindTy _ ty ki -> go ty && go ki
+ HsFunTy _ ty1 ty2 -> go ty1 && go ty2
+ HsListTy _ ty -> go ty
+ HsTupleTy _ _ tys -> gos tys
+ HsSumTy _ tys -> gos tys
+ HsOpTy _ ty1 _ ty2 -> go ty1 && go ty2
+ HsParTy _ ty -> go ty
+ HsIParamTy _ _ ty -> go ty
+ HsKindSig _ ty kind -> go ty && go kind
+ HsDocTy _ ty _ -> go ty
+ HsBangTy _ _ ty -> go ty
+ HsRecTy _ flds -> gos $ map (cd_fld_type . unLoc) flds
+ HsExplicitListTy _ _ tys -> gos tys
+ HsExplicitTupleTy _ tys -> gos tys
+ HsForAllTy { hst_bndrs = bndrs
+ , hst_body = ty } -> no_anon_wc_bndrs bndrs
+ && go ty
+ HsQualTy { hst_ctxt = L _ ctxt
+ , hst_body = ty } -> gos ctxt && go ty
+ HsSpliceTy _ (HsSpliced _ _ (HsSplicedTy ty)) -> go $ L noSrcSpan ty
+ HsSpliceTy{} -> True
+ HsTyLit{} -> True
+ HsTyVar{} -> True
+ HsStarTy{} -> True
+ XHsType (NHsCoreTy{}) -> True -- Core type, which does not have any wildcard
+ gos = all go
+no_anon_wc_bndrs :: [LHsTyVarBndr GhcRn] -> Bool
+no_anon_wc_bndrs ltvs = all (go . unLoc) ltvs
+ where
+ go (UserTyVar _ _) = True
+ go (KindedTyVar _ _ ki) = no_anon_wc ki
+ go (XTyVarBndr nec) = noExtCon nec
+{- Note [Fail eagerly on bad signatures]
+If a type signature is wrong, fail immediately:
+ * the type sigs may bind type variables, so proceeding without them
+ can lead to a cascade of errors
+ * the type signature might be ambiguous, in which case checking
+ the code against the signature will give a very similar error
+ to the ambiguity error.
+ToDo: this means we fall over if any top-level type signature in the
+module is wrong, because we typecheck all the signatures together
+(see GHC.Tc.Gen.Bind.tcValBinds). Moreover, because of top-level
+captureTopConstraints, only insoluble constraints will be reported.
+We typecheck all signatures at the same time because a signature
+like f,g :: blah might have f and g from different SCCs.
+So it's a bit awkward to get better error recovery, and no one
+has complained!
+{- *********************************************************************
+* *
+ Type checking a pattern synonym signature
+* *
+Note [Pattern synonym signatures]
+Pattern synonym signatures are surprisingly tricky (see #11224 for example).
+In general they look like this:
+ pattern P :: forall univ_tvs. req_theta
+ => forall ex_tvs. prov_theta
+ => arg1 -> .. -> argn -> res_ty
+For parsing and renaming we treat the signature as an ordinary LHsSigType.
+Once we get to type checking, we decompose it into its parts, in tcPatSynSig.
+* Note that 'forall univ_tvs' and 'req_theta =>'
+ and 'forall ex_tvs' and 'prov_theta =>'
+ are all optional. We gather the pieces at the top of tcPatSynSig
+* Initially the implicitly-bound tyvars (added by the renamer) include both
+ universal and existential vars.
+* After we kind-check the pieces and convert to Types, we do kind generalisation.
+Note [solveEqualities in tcPatSynSig]
+It's important that we solve /all/ the equalities in a pattern
+synonym signature, because we are going to zonk the signature to
+a Type (not a TcType), in GHC.Tc.TyCl.PatSyn.tc_patsyn_finish, and that
+fails if there are un-filled-in coercion variables mentioned
+in the type (#15694).
+The best thing is simply to use solveEqualities to solve all the
+equalites, rather than leaving them in the ambient constraints
+to be solved later. Pattern synonyms are top-level, so there's
+no problem with completely solving them.
+(NB: this solveEqualities wraps newImplicitTKBndrs, which itself
+does a solveLocalEqualities; so solveEqualities isn't going to
+make any further progress; it'll just report any unsolved ones,
+and fail, as it should.)
+tcPatSynSig :: Name -> LHsSigType GhcRn -> TcM TcPatSynInfo
+-- See Note [Pattern synonym signatures]
+-- See Note [Recipe for checking a signature] in GHC.Tc.Gen.HsType
+tcPatSynSig name sig_ty
+ | HsIB { hsib_ext = implicit_hs_tvs
+ , hsib_body = hs_ty } <- sig_ty
+ , (univ_hs_tvs, hs_req, hs_ty1) <- splitLHsSigmaTyInvis hs_ty
+ , (ex_hs_tvs, hs_prov, hs_body_ty) <- splitLHsSigmaTyInvis hs_ty1
+ = do { traceTc "tcPatSynSig 1" (ppr sig_ty)
+ ; (implicit_tvs, (univ_tvs, (ex_tvs, (req, prov, body_ty))))
+ <- pushTcLevelM_ $
+ solveEqualities $ -- See Note [solveEqualities in tcPatSynSig]
+ bindImplicitTKBndrs_Skol implicit_hs_tvs $
+ bindExplicitTKBndrs_Skol univ_hs_tvs $
+ bindExplicitTKBndrs_Skol ex_hs_tvs $
+ do { req <- tcHsContext hs_req
+ ; prov <- tcHsContext hs_prov
+ ; body_ty <- tcHsOpenType hs_body_ty
+ -- A (literal) pattern can be unlifted;
+ -- e.g. pattern Zero <- 0# (#12094)
+ ; return (req, prov, body_ty) }
+ ; let ungen_patsyn_ty = build_patsyn_type [] implicit_tvs univ_tvs
+ req ex_tvs prov body_ty
+ -- Kind generalisation
+ ; kvs <- kindGeneralizeAll ungen_patsyn_ty
+ ; traceTc "tcPatSynSig" (ppr ungen_patsyn_ty)
+ -- These are /signatures/ so we zonk to squeeze out any kind
+ -- unification variables. Do this after kindGeneralize which may
+ -- default kind variables to *.
+ ; implicit_tvs <- zonkAndScopedSort implicit_tvs
+ ; univ_tvs <- mapM zonkTyCoVarKind univ_tvs
+ ; ex_tvs <- mapM zonkTyCoVarKind ex_tvs
+ ; req <- zonkTcTypes req
+ ; prov <- zonkTcTypes prov
+ ; body_ty <- zonkTcType body_ty
+ -- Skolems have TcLevels too, though they're used only for debugging.
+ -- If you don't do this, the debugging checks fail in GHC.Tc.TyCl.PatSyn.
+ -- Test case: patsyn/should_compile/T13441
+ ; tclvl <- getTcLevel
+ ; let env0 = mkEmptyTCvSubst $ mkInScopeSet $ mkVarSet kvs
+ (env1, implicit_tvs') = promoteSkolemsX tclvl env0 implicit_tvs
+ (env2, univ_tvs') = promoteSkolemsX tclvl env1 univ_tvs
+ (env3, ex_tvs') = promoteSkolemsX tclvl env2 ex_tvs
+ req' = substTys env3 req
+ prov' = substTys env3 prov
+ body_ty' = substTy env3 body_ty
+ ; let implicit_tvs' = implicit_tvs
+ univ_tvs' = univ_tvs
+ ex_tvs' = ex_tvs
+ req' = req
+ prov' = prov
+ body_ty' = body_ty
+ -- Now do validity checking
+ ; checkValidType ctxt $
+ build_patsyn_type kvs implicit_tvs' univ_tvs' req' ex_tvs' prov' body_ty'
+ -- arguments become the types of binders. We thus cannot allow
+ -- levity polymorphism here
+ ; let (arg_tys, _) = tcSplitFunTys body_ty'
+ ; mapM_ (checkForLevPoly empty) arg_tys
+ ; traceTc "tcTySig }" $
+ vcat [ text "implicit_tvs" <+> ppr_tvs implicit_tvs'
+ , text "kvs" <+> ppr_tvs kvs
+ , text "univ_tvs" <+> ppr_tvs univ_tvs'
+ , text "req" <+> ppr req'
+ , text "ex_tvs" <+> ppr_tvs ex_tvs'
+ , text "prov" <+> ppr prov'
+ , text "body_ty" <+> ppr body_ty' ]
+ ; return (TPSI { patsig_name = name
+ , patsig_implicit_bndrs = mkTyVarBinders Inferred kvs ++
+ mkTyVarBinders Specified implicit_tvs'
+ , patsig_univ_bndrs = univ_tvs'
+ , patsig_req = req'
+ , patsig_ex_bndrs = ex_tvs'
+ , patsig_prov = prov'
+ , patsig_body_ty = body_ty' }) }
+ where
+ ctxt = PatSynCtxt name
+ build_patsyn_type kvs imp univ req ex prov body
+ = mkInvForAllTys kvs $
+ mkSpecForAllTys (imp ++ univ) $
+ mkPhiTy req $
+ mkSpecForAllTys ex $
+ mkPhiTy prov $
+ body
+tcPatSynSig _ (XHsImplicitBndrs nec) = noExtCon nec
+ppr_tvs :: [TyVar] -> SDoc
+ppr_tvs tvs = braces (vcat [ ppr tv <+> dcolon <+> ppr (tyVarKind tv)
+ | tv <- tvs])
+{- *********************************************************************
+* *
+ Instantiating user signatures
+* *
+********************************************************************* -}
+tcInstSig :: TcIdSigInfo -> TcM TcIdSigInst
+-- Instantiate a type signature; only used with plan InferGen
+tcInstSig sig@(CompleteSig { sig_bndr = poly_id, sig_loc = loc })
+ = setSrcSpan loc $ -- Set the binding site of the tyvars
+ do { (tv_prs, theta, tau) <- tcInstType newMetaTyVarTyVars poly_id
+ -- See Note [Pattern bindings and complete signatures]
+ ; return (TISI { sig_inst_sig = sig
+ , sig_inst_skols = tv_prs
+ , sig_inst_wcs = []
+ , sig_inst_wcx = Nothing
+ , sig_inst_theta = theta
+ , sig_inst_tau = tau }) }
+tcInstSig hs_sig@(PartialSig { psig_hs_ty = hs_ty
+ , sig_ctxt = ctxt
+ , sig_loc = loc })
+ = setSrcSpan loc $ -- Set the binding site of the tyvars
+ do { traceTc "Staring partial sig {" (ppr hs_sig)
+ ; (wcs, wcx, tv_prs, theta, tau) <- tcHsPartialSigType ctxt hs_ty
+ -- See Note [Checking partial type signatures] in GHC.Tc.Gen.HsType
+ ; let inst_sig = TISI { sig_inst_sig = hs_sig
+ , sig_inst_skols = tv_prs
+ , sig_inst_wcs = wcs
+ , sig_inst_wcx = wcx
+ , sig_inst_theta = theta
+ , sig_inst_tau = tau }
+ ; traceTc "End partial sig }" (ppr inst_sig)
+ ; return inst_sig }
+{- Note [Pattern bindings and complete signatures]
+ data T a = MkT a a
+ f :: forall a. a->a
+ g :: forall b. b->b
+ MkT f g = MkT (\x->x) (\y->y)
+Here we'll infer a type from the pattern of 'T a', but if we feed in
+the signature types for f and g, we'll end up unifying 'a' and 'b'
+So we instantiate f and g's signature with TyVarTv skolems
+(newMetaTyVarTyVars) that can unify with each other. If too much
+unification takes place, we'll find out when we do the final
+impedance-matching check in GHC.Tc.Gen.Bind.mkExport
+See Note [Signature skolems] in GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType
+None of this applies to a function binding with a complete
+signature, which doesn't use tcInstSig. See GHC.Tc.Gen.Bind.tcPolyCheck.
+{- *********************************************************************
+* *
+ Pragmas and PragEnv
+* *
+********************************************************************* -}
+type TcPragEnv = NameEnv [LSig GhcRn]
+emptyPragEnv :: TcPragEnv
+emptyPragEnv = emptyNameEnv
+lookupPragEnv :: TcPragEnv -> Name -> [LSig GhcRn]
+lookupPragEnv prag_fn n = lookupNameEnv prag_fn n `orElse` []
+extendPragEnv :: TcPragEnv -> (Name, LSig GhcRn) -> TcPragEnv
+extendPragEnv prag_fn (n, sig) = extendNameEnv_Acc (:) singleton prag_fn n sig
+mkPragEnv :: [LSig GhcRn] -> LHsBinds GhcRn -> TcPragEnv
+mkPragEnv sigs binds
+ = foldl' extendPragEnv emptyNameEnv prs
+ where
+ prs = mapMaybe get_sig sigs
+ get_sig :: LSig GhcRn -> Maybe (Name, LSig GhcRn)
+ get_sig (L l (SpecSig x lnm@(L _ nm) ty inl))
+ = Just (nm, L l $ SpecSig x lnm ty (add_arity nm inl))
+ get_sig (L l (InlineSig x lnm@(L _ nm) inl))
+ = Just (nm, L l $ InlineSig x lnm (add_arity nm inl))
+ get_sig (L l (SCCFunSig x st lnm@(L _ nm) str))
+ = Just (nm, L l $ SCCFunSig x st lnm str)
+ get_sig _ = Nothing
+ add_arity n inl_prag -- Adjust inl_sat field to match visible arity of function
+ | Inline <- inl_inline inl_prag
+ -- add arity only for real INLINE pragmas, not INLINABLE
+ = case lookupNameEnv ar_env n of
+ Just ar -> inl_prag { inl_sat = Just ar }
+ Nothing -> WARN( True, text "mkPragEnv no arity" <+> ppr n )
+ -- There really should be a binding for every INLINE pragma
+ inl_prag
+ | otherwise
+ = inl_prag
+ -- ar_env maps a local to the arity of its definition
+ ar_env :: NameEnv Arity
+ ar_env = foldr lhsBindArity emptyNameEnv binds
+lhsBindArity :: LHsBind GhcRn -> NameEnv Arity -> NameEnv Arity
+lhsBindArity (L _ (FunBind { fun_id = id, fun_matches = ms })) env
+ = extendNameEnv env (unLoc id) (matchGroupArity ms)
+lhsBindArity _ env = env -- PatBind/VarBind
+addInlinePrags :: TcId -> [LSig GhcRn] -> TcM TcId
+addInlinePrags poly_id prags_for_me
+ | inl@(L _ prag) : inls <- inl_prags
+ = do { traceTc "addInlinePrag" (ppr poly_id $$ ppr prag)
+ ; unless (null inls) (warn_multiple_inlines inl inls)
+ ; return (poly_id `setInlinePragma` prag) }
+ | otherwise
+ = return poly_id
+ where
+ inl_prags = [L loc prag | L loc (InlineSig _ _ prag) <- prags_for_me]
+ warn_multiple_inlines _ [] = return ()
+ warn_multiple_inlines inl1@(L loc prag1) (inl2@(L _ prag2) : inls)
+ | inlinePragmaActivation prag1 == inlinePragmaActivation prag2
+ , noUserInlineSpec (inlinePragmaSpec prag1)
+ = -- Tiresome: inl1 is put there by virtue of being in a hs-boot loop
+ -- and inl2 is a user NOINLINE pragma; we don't want to complain
+ warn_multiple_inlines inl2 inls
+ | otherwise
+ = setSrcSpan loc $
+ addWarnTc NoReason
+ (hang (text "Multiple INLINE pragmas for" <+> ppr poly_id)
+ 2 (vcat (text "Ignoring all but the first"
+ : map pp_inl (inl1:inl2:inls))))
+ pp_inl (L loc prag) = ppr prag <+> parens (ppr loc)
+{- *********************************************************************
+* *
+ SPECIALISE pragmas
+* *
+Note [Handling SPECIALISE pragmas]
+The basic idea is this:
+ foo :: Num a => a -> b -> a
+ {-# SPECIALISE foo :: Int -> b -> Int #-}
+We check that
+ (forall a b. Num a => a -> b -> a)
+ is more polymorphic than
+ forall b. Int -> b -> Int
+(for which we could use tcSubType, but see below), generating a HsWrapper
+to connect the two, something like
+ wrap = /\b. <hole> Int b dNumInt
+This wrapper is put in the TcSpecPrag, in the ABExport record of
+the AbsBinds.
+ f :: (Eq a, Ix b) => a -> b -> Bool
+ {-# SPECIALISE f :: (Ix p, Ix q) => Int -> (p,q) -> Bool #-}
+ f = <poly_rhs>
+From this the typechecker generates
+ AbsBinds [ab] [d1,d2] [([ab], f, f_mono, prags)] binds
+ SpecPrag (wrap_fn :: forall a b. (Eq a, Ix b) => XXX
+ -> forall p q. (Ix p, Ix q) => XXX[ Int/a, (p,q)/b ])
+From these we generate:
+ Rule: forall p, q, (dp:Ix p), (dq:Ix q).
+ f Int (p,q) dInt ($dfInPair dp dq) = f_spec p q dp dq
+ Spec bind: f_spec = wrap_fn <poly_rhs>
+Note that
+ * The LHS of the rule may mention dictionary *expressions* (eg
+ $dfIxPair dp dq), and that is essential because the dp, dq are
+ needed on the RHS.
+ * The RHS of f_spec, <poly_rhs> has a *copy* of 'binds', so that it
+ can fully specialise it.
+From the TcSpecPrag, in GHC.HsToCore.Binds we generate a binding for f_spec and a RULE:
+ f_spec :: Int -> b -> Int
+ f_spec = wrap<f rhs>
+ RULE: forall b (d:Num b). f b d = f_spec b
+The RULE is generated by taking apart the HsWrapper, which is a little
+delicate, but works.
+Some wrinkles
+1. We don't use full-on tcSubType, because that does co and contra
+ variance and that in turn will generate too complex a LHS for the
+ RULE. So we use a single invocation of skolemise /
+ topInstantiate in tcSpecWrapper. (Actually I think that even
+ the "deeply" stuff may be too much, because it introduces lambdas,
+ though I think it can be made to work without too much trouble.)
+2. We need to take care with type families (#5821). Consider
+ type instance F Int = Bool
+ f :: Num a => a -> F a
+ {-# SPECIALISE foo :: Int -> Bool #-}
+ We *could* try to generate an f_spec with precisely the declared type:
+ f_spec :: Int -> Bool
+ f_spec = <f rhs> Int dNumInt |> co
+ RULE: forall d. f Int d = f_spec |> sym co
+ but the 'co' and 'sym co' are (a) playing no useful role, and (b) are
+ hard to generate. At all costs we must avoid this:
+ RULE: forall d. f Int d |> co = f_spec
+ because the LHS will never match (indeed it's rejected in
+ decomposeRuleLhs).
+ So we simply do this:
+ - Generate a constraint to check that the specialised type (after
+ skolemiseation) is equal to the instantiated function type.
+ - But *discard* the evidence (coercion) for that constraint,
+ so that we ultimately generate the simpler code
+ f_spec :: Int -> F Int
+ f_spec = <f rhs> Int dNumInt
+ RULE: forall d. f Int d = f_spec
+ You can see this discarding happening in
+3. Note that the HsWrapper can transform *any* function with the right
+ type prefix
+ forall ab. (Eq a, Ix b) => XXX
+ regardless of XXX. It's sort of polymorphic in XXX. This is
+ useful: we use the same wrapper to transform each of the class ops, as
+ well as the dict. That's what goes on in GHC.Tc.TyCl.Instance.mk_meth_spec_prags
+tcSpecPrags :: Id -> [LSig GhcRn]
+ -> TcM [LTcSpecPrag]
+-- Add INLINE and SPECIALSE pragmas
+-- INLINE prags are added to the (polymorphic) Id directly
+-- SPECIALISE prags are passed to the desugarer via TcSpecPrags
+-- Pre-condition: the poly_id is zonked
+-- Reason: required by tcSubExp
+tcSpecPrags poly_id prag_sigs
+ = do { traceTc "tcSpecPrags" (ppr poly_id <+> ppr spec_sigs)
+ ; unless (null bad_sigs) warn_discarded_sigs
+ ; pss <- mapAndRecoverM (wrapLocM (tcSpecPrag poly_id)) spec_sigs
+ ; return $ concatMap (\(L l ps) -> map (L l) ps) pss }
+ where
+ spec_sigs = filter isSpecLSig prag_sigs
+ bad_sigs = filter is_bad_sig prag_sigs
+ is_bad_sig s = not (isSpecLSig s || isInlineLSig s || isSCCFunSig s)
+ warn_discarded_sigs
+ = addWarnTc NoReason
+ (hang (text "Discarding unexpected pragmas for" <+> ppr poly_id)
+ 2 (vcat (map (ppr . getLoc) bad_sigs)))
+tcSpecPrag :: TcId -> Sig GhcRn -> TcM [TcSpecPrag]
+tcSpecPrag poly_id prag@(SpecSig _ fun_name hs_tys inl)
+-- See Note [Handling SPECIALISE pragmas]
+-- The Name fun_name in the SpecSig may not be the same as that of the poly_id
+-- Example: SPECIALISE for a class method: the Name in the SpecSig is
+-- for the selector Id, but the poly_id is something like $cop
+-- However we want to use fun_name in the error message, since that is
+-- what the user wrote (#8537)
+ = addErrCtxt (spec_ctxt prag) $
+ do { warnIf (not (isOverloadedTy poly_ty || isInlinePragma inl))
+ (text "SPECIALISE pragma for non-overloaded function"
+ <+> quotes (ppr fun_name))
+ -- Note [SPECIALISE pragmas]
+ ; spec_prags <- mapM tc_one hs_tys
+ ; traceTc "tcSpecPrag" (ppr poly_id $$ nest 2 (vcat (map ppr spec_prags)))
+ ; return spec_prags }
+ where
+ name = idName poly_id
+ poly_ty = idType poly_id
+ spec_ctxt prag = hang (text "In the pragma:") 2 (ppr prag)
+ tc_one hs_ty
+ = do { spec_ty <- tcHsSigType (FunSigCtxt name False) hs_ty
+ ; wrap <- tcSpecWrapper (FunSigCtxt name True) poly_ty spec_ty
+ ; return (SpecPrag poly_id wrap inl) }
+tcSpecPrag _ prag = pprPanic "tcSpecPrag" (ppr prag)
+tcSpecWrapper :: UserTypeCtxt -> TcType -> TcType -> TcM HsWrapper
+-- A simpler variant of tcSubType, used for SPECIALISE pragmas
+-- See Note [Handling SPECIALISE pragmas], wrinkle 1
+tcSpecWrapper ctxt poly_ty spec_ty
+ = do { (sk_wrap, inst_wrap)
+ <- tcSkolemise ctxt spec_ty $ \ _ spec_tau ->
+ do { (inst_wrap, tau) <- topInstantiate orig poly_ty
+ ; _ <- unifyType Nothing spec_tau tau
+ -- Deliberately ignore the evidence
+ -- See Note [Handling SPECIALISE pragmas],
+ -- wrinkle (2)
+ ; return inst_wrap }
+ ; return (sk_wrap <.> inst_wrap) }
+ where
+ orig = SpecPragOrigin ctxt
+tcImpPrags :: [LSig GhcRn] -> TcM [LTcSpecPrag]
+-- SPECIALISE pragmas for imported things
+tcImpPrags prags
+ = do { this_mod <- getModule
+ ; dflags <- getDynFlags
+ ; if (not_specialising dflags) then
+ return []
+ else do
+ { pss <- mapAndRecoverM (wrapLocM tcImpSpec)
+ [L loc (name,prag)
+ | (L loc prag@(SpecSig _ (L _ name) _ _)) <- prags
+ , not (nameIsLocalOrFrom this_mod name) ]
+ ; return $ concatMap (\(L l ps) -> map (L l) ps) pss } }
+ where
+ -- Ignore SPECIALISE pragmas for imported things
+ -- when we aren't specialising, or when we aren't generating
+ -- code. The latter happens when Haddocking the base library;
+ -- we don't want complaints about lack of INLINABLE pragmas
+ not_specialising dflags
+ | not (gopt Opt_Specialise dflags) = True
+ | otherwise = case hscTarget dflags of
+ HscNothing -> True
+ HscInterpreted -> True
+ _other -> False
+tcImpSpec :: (Name, Sig GhcRn) -> TcM [TcSpecPrag]
+tcImpSpec (name, prag)
+ = do { id <- tcLookupId name
+ ; unless (isAnyInlinePragma (idInlinePragma id))
+ (addWarnTc NoReason (impSpecErr name))
+ ; tcSpecPrag id prag }
+impSpecErr :: Name -> SDoc
+impSpecErr name
+ = hang (text "You cannot SPECIALISE" <+> quotes (ppr name))
+ 2 (vcat [ text "because its definition has no INLINE/INLINABLE pragma"
+ , parens $ sep
+ [ text "or its defining module" <+> quotes (ppr mod)
+ , text "was compiled without -O"]])
+ where
+ mod = nameModule name