diff options
authorSimon Peyton Jones <>2011-07-18 11:28:19 +0100
committerSimon Peyton Jones <>2011-07-18 11:28:19 +0100
commitcc0899735af668071d7f9cf36d0beca22297bb1a (patch)
parentbaf3b5124c34b0eeb1c9064cf6aea1ee1e255c36 (diff)
Test Trac #5329
2 files changed, 131 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/ghc-regress/simplCore/should_compile/T5329.hs b/testsuite/tests/ghc-regress/simplCore/should_compile/T5329.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cf659110ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/ghc-regress/simplCore/should_compile/T5329.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+module T5329 where
+data PZero
+data PSucc p
+data Peano n where
+ PZero ∷ Peano PZero
+ PSucc ∷ IsPeano p ⇒ Peano p → Peano (PSucc p)
+class IsPeano n where
+ peano ∷ Peano n
+instance IsPeano PZero where
+ peano = PZero
+instance IsPeano p ⇒ IsPeano (PSucc p) where
+ peano = PSucc peano
+class (n ~ PSucc (PPred n)) ⇒ PHasPred n where
+ type PPred n
+instance PHasPred (PSucc p) where
+ type PPred (PSucc p) = p
+pPred ∷ Peano (PSucc p) → Peano p
+pPred (PSucc p) = p
+infixl 6 :+:
+class (IsPeano n, IsPeano m, IsPeano (n :+: m), (n :+: m) ~ (m :+: n))
+ ⇒ PAdd n m where
+ type n :+: m
+instance PAdd PZero PZero where
+ type PZero :+: PZero = PZero
+instance IsPeano p ⇒ PAdd PZero (PSucc p) where
+ type PZero :+: (PSucc p) = PSucc p
+instance IsPeano p ⇒ PAdd (PSucc p) PZero where
+ type (PSucc p) :+: PZero = PSucc p
+instance (IsPeano n, IsPeano m, PAdd n m) ⇒ PAdd (PSucc n) (PSucc m) where
+ type (PSucc n) :+: (PSucc m) = PSucc (PSucc (n :+: m))
+data PAddResult n m r where
+ PAddResult ∷ (PAdd n m, PAdd m n, (n :+: m) ~ r)
+ ⇒ PAddResult n m r
+pAddLeftZero ∷ ∀ n . IsPeano n ⇒ PAddResult PZero n n
+pAddLeftZero = case peano ∷ Peano n of
+ PZero → PAddResult
+ PSucc _ → PAddResult
+pAddRightZero ∷ ∀ n . IsPeano n ⇒ PAddResult n PZero n
+pAddRightZero = case peano ∷ Peano n of
+ PZero → PAddResult
+ PSucc _ → PAddResult
+data PAddSucc n m where
+ PAddSucc ∷ (PAdd n m, PAdd m n,
+ PAdd (PSucc n) m, PAdd m (PSucc n),
+ PAdd n (PSucc m), PAdd (PSucc m) n,
+ (PSucc n :+: m) ~ PSucc (n :+: m),
+ (n :+: PSucc m) ~ PSucc (n :+: m))
+ ⇒ PAddSucc n m
+pAddSucc ∷ ∀ n m . (IsPeano n, IsPeano m) ⇒ PAddSucc n m
+pAddSucc = case (peano ∷ Peano n, peano ∷ Peano m) of
+ (PZero, PZero) → PAddSucc
+ (PZero, PSucc _) → case pAddLeftZero ∷ PAddResult n (PPred m) (PPred m) of
+ PAddResult → PAddSucc
+ (PSucc _, PZero) → case pAddRightZero ∷ PAddResult (PPred n) m (PPred n) of
+ PAddResult → PAddSucc
+ (PSucc _, PSucc _) → case pAddSucc ∷ PAddSucc (PPred n) (PPred m) of
+ PAddSucc → PAddSucc
+data PAdd2 n m where
+ PAdd2 ∷ (PAdd n m, PAdd m n) ⇒ PAdd2 n m
+pAdd2 ∷ ∀ n m . (IsPeano n, IsPeano m) ⇒ PAdd2 n m
+pAdd2 = case (peano ∷ Peano n, peano ∷ Peano m) of
+ (PZero, PZero) → PAdd2
+ (PZero, PSucc _) → PAdd2
+ (PSucc _, PZero) → PAdd2
+ (PSucc _, PSucc _) → case pAdd2 ∷ PAdd2 (PPred n) (PPred m) of
+ PAdd2 → PAdd2
+data PAdd3 n m k where
+ PAdd3 ∷ (PAdd n m, PAdd m k, PAdd m n, PAdd k m, PAdd n k, PAdd k n,
+ PAdd (n :+: m) k, PAdd k (m :+: n),
+ PAdd n (m :+: k), PAdd (m :+: k) n,
+ PAdd (n :+: k) m, PAdd m (n :+: k),
+ ((n :+: m) :+: k) ~ (n :+: (m :+: k)),
+ (m :+: (n :+: k)) ~ ((m :+: n) :+: k))
+ ⇒ PAdd3 n m k
+pAdd3 ∷ ∀ n m k . (IsPeano n, IsPeano m, IsPeano k) ⇒ PAdd3 n m k
+pAdd3 = case (peano ∷ Peano n, peano ∷ Peano m, peano ∷ Peano k) of
+ (PZero, PZero, PZero) → PAdd3
+ (PZero, PZero, PSucc _) → PAdd3
+ (PZero, PSucc _, PZero) → PAdd3
+ (PSucc _, PZero, PZero) → PAdd3
+ (PZero, PSucc _, PSucc _) →
+ case pAdd2 ∷ PAdd2 (PPred m) (PPred k) of
+ PAdd2 → PAdd3
+ (PSucc _, PZero, PSucc _) →
+ case pAdd2 ∷ PAdd2 (PPred n) (PPred k) of
+ PAdd2 → PAdd3
+ (PSucc _, PSucc _, PZero) →
+ case pAdd2 ∷ PAdd2 (PPred n) (PPred m) of
+ PAdd2 → PAdd3
+ (PSucc _, PSucc _, PSucc _) →
+ case pAdd3 ∷ PAdd3 (PPred n) (PPred m) (PPred k) of
+ PAdd3 → case pAddSucc ∷ PAddSucc (PPred n :+: PPred m) (PPred k) of
+ PAddSucc → case pAddSucc ∷ PAddSucc (PPred n :+: PPred k) (PPred m) of
+ PAddSucc → case pAddSucc ∷ PAddSucc (PPred m :+: PPred k) (PPred n) of
+ PAddSucc → PAdd3
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/ghc-regress/simplCore/should_compile/all.T b/testsuite/tests/ghc-regress/simplCore/should_compile/all.T
index f7a15a3711..2705d8f3a3 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/ghc-regress/simplCore/should_compile/all.T
+++ b/testsuite/tests/ghc-regress/simplCore/should_compile/all.T
@@ -121,3 +121,5 @@ test('T5168',
['$MAKE -s --no-print-directory T5168'])
+test('T5329', normal, compile, [''])