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authorJoachim Breitner <>2014-02-21 10:57:34 +0100
committerJoachim Breitner <>2014-03-05 15:27:20 +0100
commitcb8a63cb61af3cbc871b73071c6b894780f04cc5 (patch)
parent01f9ac3e977fb128388467a31f62e84d769e17ec (diff)
Major Call Arity rework
This patch improves the call arity analysis in various ways. Most importantly, it enriches the analysis result information so that when looking at a call, we do not have to make a random choice about what side we want to take the information from. Instead we can combine the results in a way that does not lose valuable information. To do so, besides the incoming arities, we store remember "what can be called with what", i.e. an undirected graph between the (interesting) free variables of an expression. Of course it makes combining the results a bit more tricky (especially mutual recursion), but still doable. The actually implemation of the graph structure is abstractly put away in a module of its own (UnVarGraph.hs) The implementation is geared towards efficiently representing the graphs that we need (which can contain large complete and large complete bipartite graphs, which would be huge in other representations). If someone feels like designing data structures: There is surely some speed-up to be obtained by improving that data structure. Additionally, the analysis now takes into account that if a RHS stays a thunk, then its calls happen only once, even if the variables the RHS is bound to is evaluated multiple times, or is part of a recursive group.
7 files changed, 593 insertions, 309 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index 2356df8c8e..bf62ac3996 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -165,6 +165,7 @@ Library
+ UnVarGraph
diff --git a/compiler/simplCore/CallArity.hs b/compiler/simplCore/CallArity.hs
index f3fedb5608..6334d8d245 100644
--- a/compiler/simplCore/CallArity.hs
+++ b/compiler/simplCore/CallArity.hs
@@ -14,9 +14,10 @@ import DynFlags ( DynFlags )
import BasicTypes
import CoreSyn
import Id
-import CoreArity ( exprArity, typeArity )
+import CoreArity ( typeArity )
import CoreUtils ( exprIsHNF )
-import Outputable
+--import Outputable
+import UnVarGraph
import Control.Arrow ( first, second )
@@ -58,55 +59,142 @@ The specification of the `calledArity` field is:
No work will be lost if you eta-expand me to the arity in `calledArity`.
-The specification of the analysis
-The analysis only does a conservative approximation, there are plenty of
-situations where eta-expansion would be ok, but we do not catch it. We are
-content if all the code that foldl-via-foldr generates is being optimized
-The work-hourse of the analysis is the function `callArityAnal`, with the
-following type:
- data Count = Many | OnceAndOnly
- type CallCount = (Count, Arity)
- type CallArityEnv = VarEnv (CallCount, Arity)
- callArityAnal ::
- Arity -> -- The arity this expression is called with
- VarSet -> -- The set of interesting variables
- CoreExpr -> -- The expression to analyse
- (CallArityEnv, CoreExpr)
-and the following specification:
- (callArityEnv, expr') = callArityEnv arity interestingIds expr
- <=>
- Assume the expression `expr` is being passed `arity` arguments. Then it calls
- the functions mentioned in `interestingIds` according to `callArityEnv`:
- * The domain of `callArityEnv` is a subset of `interestingIds`.
- * Any variable from interestingIds that is not mentioned in the `callArityEnv`
- is absent, i.e. not called at all.
- * Of all the variables that are mapped to OnceAndOnly by the `callArityEnv`,
- at most one is being called, at most once, with at least that many
- arguments.
- * Variables mapped to Many are called an unknown number of times, but if they
- are called, then with at least that many arguments.
- Furthermore, expr' is expr with the callArity field of the `IdInfo` updated.
-The (pointwise) domain is a product domain:
- Many 0
- | × |
- OneAndOnly 1
- |
- ...
-The at-most-once is important for various reasons:
- 1. Consider:
+What we want to know for a variable
+For every let-bound variable we'd like to know:
+ 1. A lower bound on the arity of all calls to the variable, and
+ 2. whether the variable is being called at most once or possible multiple
+ times.
+It is always ok to lower the arity, or pretend that there are multiple calls.
+In particular, "Minimum arity 0 and possible called multiple times" is always
+What we want to know from an expression
+In order to obtain that information for variables, we analyize expression and
+obtain bits of information:
+ I. The arity analysis:
+ For every variable, whether it is absent, or called,
+ and if called, which what arity.
+ II. The Co-Called analysis:
+ For every two variables, whether there is a possibility that both are being
+ called.
+ We obtain as a special case: For every variables, whether there is a
+ possibility that it is being called twice.
+For efficiency reasons, we gather this information only for a set of
+*interesting variables*, to avoid spending time on, e.g., variables from pattern matches.
+The two analysis are not completely independent, as a higher arity can improve
+the information about what variables are being called once or multiple times.
+Note [Analysis I: The arity analyis]
+The arity analysis is quite straight forward: The information about an
+expression is an
+ VarEnv Arity
+where absent variables are bound to Nothing and otherwise to a lower bound to
+their arity.
+When we analyize an expression, we analyize it with a given context arity.
+Lambdas decrease and applications increase the incoming arity. Analysizing a
+variable will put that arity in the environment. In lets or cases all the
+results from the various subexpressions are lubed, which takes the point-wise
+minimum (considering Nothing an infinity).
+Note [Analysis II: The Co-Called analysis]
+The second part is more sophisticated. For reasons explained below, it is not
+sufficient to simply know how often an expression evalutes a variable. Instead
+we need to know which variables are possibly called together.
+The data structure here is an undirected graph of variables, which is provided
+by the abstract
+ UnVarGraph
+It is safe to return a larger graph, i.e. one with more edges. The worst case
+(i.e. the least useful and always correct result) is the complete graph on all
+free variables, which means that anything can be called together with anything
+(including itself).
+Notation for the following:
+C(e) is the co-called result for e.
+G₁∪G₂ is the union of two graphs
+fv is the set of free variables (conveniently the domain of the arity analysis result)
+S₁×S₂ is the complete bipartite graph { {a,b} | a ∈ S₁, b ∈ S₂ }
+S² is the complete graph on the set of variables S, S² = S×S
+C'(e) is a variant for bound expression:
+ If e is called at most once, or it is and stays a thunk (after the analysis),
+ it is simply C(e). Otherwise, the expression can be called multiple times
+ and we return (fv e)²
+The interesting cases of the analysis:
+ * Var v:
+ No other variables are being called.
+ Return {} (the empty graph)
+ * Lambda v e, under arity 0:
+ This means that e can be evaluated many times and we cannot get
+ any useful co-call information.
+ Return (fv e)²
+ * Case alternatives alt₁,alt₂,...:
+ Only one can be execuded, so
+ Return (alt₁ ∪ alt₂ ∪...)
+ * App e₁ e₂ (and analogously Case scrut alts):
+ We get the results from both sides. Additionally, anything called by e₁ can
+ possibly called with anything from e₂.
+ Return: C(e₁) ∪ C(e₂) ∪ (fv e₁) × (fv e₂)
+ * Let v = rhs in body:
+ In addition to the results from the subexpressions, add all co-calls from
+ everything that the body calls together with v to everthing that is called
+ by v.
+ Return: C'(rhs) ∪ C(body) ∪ (fv rhs) × {v'| {v,v'} ∈ C(body)}
+ * Letrec v₁ = rhs₁ ... vₙ = rhsₙ in body
+ Tricky.
+ We assume that it is really mutually recursive, i.e. that every variable
+ calls one of the others, and that this is strongly connected (otherwise we
+ return an over-approximation, so that's ok), see note [Recursion and fixpointing].
+ Let V = {v₁,...vₙ}.
+ Assume that the vs have been analysed with an incoming demand and
+ cardinality consistent with the final result (this is the fixed-pointing).
+ Again we can use the results from all subexpressions.
+ In addition, for every variable vᵢ, we need to find out what it is called
+ with (calls this set Sᵢ). There are two cases:
+ * If vᵢ is a function, we need to go through all right-hand-sides and bodies,
+ and collect every variable that is called together with any variable from V:
+ Sᵢ = {v' | j ∈ {1,...,n}, {v',vⱼ} ∈ C'(rhs₁) ∪ ... ∪ C'(rhsₙ) ∪ C(body) }
+ * If vᵢ is a thunk, then its rhs is evaluated only once, so we need to
+ exclude it from this set:
+ Sᵢ = {v' | j ∈ {1,...,n}, j≠i, {v',vⱼ} ∈ C'(rhs₁) ∪ ... ∪ C'(rhsₙ) ∪ C(body) }
+ Finally, combine all this:
+ Return: C(body) ∪
+ C'(rhs₁) ∪ ... ∪ C'(rhsₙ) ∪
+ (fv rhs₁) × S₁) ∪ ... ∪ (fv rhsₙ) × Sₙ)
+Using the result: Eta-Expansion
+We use the result of these two analyses to decide whether we can eta-expand the
+rhs of a let-bound variable.
+If the variable is already a function (exprIsHNF), and all calls to the
+variables have a higher arity than the current manifest arity (i.e. the number
+of lambdas), expand.
+If the variable is a thunk we must be careful: Eta-Expansion will prevent
+sharing of work, so this is only safe if there is at most one call to the
+function. Therefore, we check whether {v,v} ∈ G.
+ Example:
let n = case .. of .. -- A thunk!
in n 0 + n 1
@@ -121,24 +209,12 @@ The at-most-once is important for various reasons:
once in the body of the outer let. So we need to know, for each variable
individually, that it is going to be called at most once.
- 2. We need to know it for non-thunks as well, because they might call a thunk:
- let n = case .. of ..
- f x = n (x+1)
- in f 1 + f 2
- vs.
- let n = case .. of ..
- f x = n (x+1)
- in case .. of T -> f 0
- F -> f 1
- Here, the body of f calls n exactly once, but f itself is being called
- multiple times, so eta-expansion is not allowed.
+Why the co-call graph?
- 3. We need to know that at most one of the interesting functions is being
- called, because of recursion. Consider:
+Why is it not sufficient to simply remember which variables are called once and
+which are called multiple times? It would be in the previous example, but consider
let n = case .. of ..
in case .. of
@@ -148,7 +224,7 @@ The at-most-once is important for various reasons:
in go 1
False -> n
- vs.
let n = case .. of ..
in case .. of
@@ -158,131 +234,117 @@ The at-most-once is important for various reasons:
in go 1
False -> n
- In both cases, the body and the rhs of the inner let call n at most once.
- But only in the second case that holds for the whole expression! The
- crucial difference is that in the first case, the rhs of `go` can call
- *both* `go` and `n`, and hence can call `n` multiple times as it recurses,
- while in the second case it calls `go` or `n`, but not both.
+In both cases, the body and the rhs of the inner let call n at most once.
+But only in the second case that holds for the whole expression! The
+crucial difference is that in the first case, the rhs of `go` can call
+*both* `go` and `n`, and hence can call `n` multiple times as it recurses,
+while in the second case find out that `go` and `n` are not called together.
-Note [Which variables are interesting]
-Unfortunately, the set of interesting variables is not irrelevant for the
-precision of the analysis. Consider this example (and ignore the pointlessnes
-of `d` recursing into itself):
+Why co-call information for functions?
- let n = ... :: Int
- in let d = let d = case ... of
- False -> d
- True -> id
- in \z -> d (x + z)
- in d 0
+Although for eta-expansion we need the information only for thunks, we still
+need to know whether functions are being called once or multiple times, and
+together with what other functions.
-Of course, `d` should be interesting. If we consider `n` as interesting as
-well, then the body of the second let will return
- { go |-> (Many, 1) , n |-> (OnceAndOnly, 0) }
- { go |-> (OnceAndOnly, 1), n |-> (Many, 0)}.
-Only the latter is useful, but it is hard to decide that locally.
-(Returning OnceAndOnly for both would be wrong, as both are being called.)
+ Example:
-So the heuristics is:
+ let n = case .. of ..
+ f x = n (x+1)
+ in f 1 + f 2
- Variables are interesting if their RHS has a lower exprArity than
- typeArity.
+ vs.
-(which is precisely the those variables where this analysis can actually cause
-some eta-expansion.)
+ let n = case .. of ..
+ f x = n (x+1)
+ in case .. of T -> f 0
+ F -> f 1
-But this is not uniformly a win. Consider:
+ Here, the body of f calls n exactly once, but f itself is being called
+ multiple times, so eta-expansion is not allowed.
- let go = \x -> let d = case ... of
- False -> go (x+1)
- True -> id
- n x = d (x+1)
- in \z -> n (x + z)
- in go n 0
-Now `n` is not going to be considered interesting (its type is `Int -> Int`).
-But this will prevent us from detecting how often the body of the let calls
-`d`, and we will not find out anything.
+Note [Analysis type signature]
+The work-hourse of the analysis is the function `callArityAnal`, with the
+following type:
+ type CallArityRes = (UnVarGraph, VarEnv Arity)
+ callArityAnal ::
+ Arity -> -- The arity this expression is called with
+ VarSet -> -- The set of interesting variables
+ CoreExpr -> -- The expression to analyse
+ (CallArityRes, CoreExpr)
+and the following specification:
+ ((coCalls, callArityEnv), expr') = callArityEnv arity interestingIds expr
-It might be possible to be smarter here; this needs find-tuning as we find more
+ <=>
+ Assume the expression `expr` is being passed `arity` arguments. Then it holds that
+ * The domain of `callArityEnv` is a subset of `interestingIds`.
+ * Any variable from `interestingIds` that is not mentioned in the `callArityEnv`
+ is absent, i.e. not called at all.
+ * Every call from `expr` to a variable bound to n in `callArityEnv` has at
+ least n value arguments.
+ * For two interesting variables `v1` and `v2`, they are not adjacent in `coCalls`,
+ then in no execution of `expr` both are being called.
+ Furthermore, expr' is expr with the callArity field of the `IdInfo` updated.
+Note [Which variables are interesting]
+The analysis would quickly become prohibitive expensive if we would analyse all
+variables; for most variables we simply do not care about how often they are
+called, i.e. variables bound in a pattern match. So interesting are variables that are
+ * top-level or let bound
+ * and possibly functions (typeArity > 0)
Note [Recursion and fixpointing]
-For a recursive let, we begin by analysing the body, using the same incoming
-arity as for the whole expression.
- * We use the arity from the body on the variable as the incoming demand on the
- rhs. Then we check if the rhs calls itself with the same arity.
- - If so, we are done.
- - If not, we re-analise the rhs with the reduced arity. We do that until
- we are down to the exprArity, which then is certainly correct.
- * If the rhs calls itself many times, we must (conservatively) pass the result
- through forgetOnceCalls.
- * Similarly, if the body calls the variable many times, we must pass the
- result of the fixpointing through forgetOnceCalls.
- * Then we can `lubEnv` the results from the body and the rhs: If all mentioned
- calls are OnceAndOnly calls, then the body calls *either* the rhs *or* one
- of the other mentioned variables. Similarly, the rhs calls *either* itself
- again *or* one of the other mentioned variables. This precision is required!
- If the recursive function is called by the body, or the rhs, tagged with Many
- then we can also just `lubEnv`, because the result will no longer contain
- any OnceAndOnly values.
-Note [Case and App: Which side to take?]
-Combining the case branches is easy, just `lubEnv` them – at most one branch is
-But how to combine that with the information coming from the scrunitee? Very
-similarly, how to combine the information from the callee and argument of an
-It would not be correct to just `lubEnv` then: `f n` obviously calls *both* `f`
-and `n`. We need to forget about the cardinality of calls from one side using
-`forgetOnceCalls`. But which one?
-Both are correct, and sometimes one and sometimes the other is more precise
-(also see example in [Which variables are interesting]).
-So currently, we first check the scrunitee (resp. the callee) if the returned
-value has any usesful information, and if so, we use that; otherwise we use the
-information from the alternatives (resp. the argument).
-It might be smarter to look for “more important” variables first, i.e. the
-innermost recursive variable.
+For a mutually recursive let, we begin by
+ 1. analysing the body, using the same incoming arity as for the whole expression.
+ 2. Then we iterate, memoizing for each of the bound variables the last
+ analysis call, i.e. incoming arity, whether it is called once, and the CallArityRes.
+ 3. We combine the analysis result from the body and the memoized results for
+ the arguments (if already present).
+ 4. For each variable, we find out the incoming arity and whether it is called
+ once, based on the the current analysis result. If this differs from the
+ memoized results, we re-analyse the rhs and update the memoized table.
+ 5. If nothing had to be reanalized, we are done.
+ Otherwise, repeat from step 3.
Note [Analysing top-level binds]
We can eta-expand top-level-binds if they are not exported, as we see all calls
to them. The plan is as follows: Treat the top-level binds as nested lets around
-a body representing “all external calls”, which returns a CallArityEnv that calls
-every exported function with the top of the lattice.
-This means that the incoming arity on all top-level binds will have a Many
-attached, and we will never eta-expand CAFs. Which is good.
+a body representing “all external calls”, which returns a pessimistic
+CallArityRes (the co-call graph is the complete graph, all arityies 0).
+-- Main entry point
callArityAnalProgram :: DynFlags -> CoreProgram -> CoreProgram
callArityAnalProgram _dflags binds = binds'
(_, binds') = callArityTopLvl [] emptyVarSet binds
-- See Note [Analysing top-level-binds]
-callArityTopLvl :: [Var] -> VarSet -> [CoreBind] -> (CallArityEnv, [CoreBind])
+callArityTopLvl :: [Var] -> VarSet -> [CoreBind] -> (CallArityRes, [CoreBind])
callArityTopLvl exported _ []
- = (mkVarEnv $ zip exported (repeat topCallCount), [])
+ = ( calledMultipleTimes $ (emptyUnVarGraph, mkVarEnv $ [(v, 0) | v <- exported])
+ , [] )
callArityTopLvl exported int1 (b:bs)
= (ae2, b':bs')
- int2 = interestingBinds b
+ int2 = bindersOf b
exported' = filter isExportedId int2 ++ exported
int' = int1 `addInterestingBinds` b
(ae1, bs') = callArityTopLvl exported' int' bs
@@ -292,30 +354,22 @@ callArityTopLvl exported int1 (b:bs)
callArityRHS :: CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
callArityRHS = snd . callArityAnal 0 emptyVarSet
-data Count = Many | OnceAndOnly deriving (Eq, Ord)
-type CallCount = (Count, Arity)
-topCallCount :: CallCount
-topCallCount = (Many, 0)
-type CallArityEnv = VarEnv CallCount
+-- The main analysis function. See Note [Analysis type signature]
callArityAnal ::
Arity -> -- The arity this expression is called with
VarSet -> -- The set of interesting variables
CoreExpr -> -- The expression to analyse
- (CallArityEnv, CoreExpr)
+ (CallArityRes, CoreExpr)
-- How this expression uses its interesting variables
-- and the expression with IdInfo updated
-- The trivial base cases
callArityAnal _ _ e@(Lit _)
- = (emptyVarEnv, e)
+ = (emptyArityRes, e)
callArityAnal _ _ e@(Type _)
- = (emptyVarEnv, e)
+ = (emptyArityRes, e)
callArityAnal _ _ e@(Coercion _)
- = (emptyVarEnv, e)
+ = (emptyArityRes, e)
-- The transparent cases
callArityAnal arity int (Tick t e)
= second (Tick t) $ callArityAnal arity int e
@@ -325,38 +379,27 @@ callArityAnal arity int (Cast e co)
-- The interesting case: Variables, Lambdas, Lets, Applications, Cases
callArityAnal arity int e@(Var v)
| v `elemVarSet` int
- = (unitVarEnv v (OnceAndOnly, arity), e)
+ = (unitArityRes v arity, e)
| otherwise
- = (emptyVarEnv, e)
+ = (emptyArityRes, e)
-- Non-value lambdas are ignored
callArityAnal arity int (Lam v e) | not (isId v)
= second (Lam v) $ callArityAnal arity (int `delVarSet` v) e
--- We have a lambda that we are not sure to call. Tail calls therein
--- are no longer OneAndOnly calls
+-- We have a lambda that may be called multiple times, so its free variables
+-- can all be co-called.
callArityAnal 0 int (Lam v e)
= (ae', Lam v e')
(ae, e') = callArityAnal 0 (int `delVarSet` v) e
- ae' = forgetOnceCalls ae
+ ae' = calledMultipleTimes ae
-- We have a lambda that we are calling. decrease arity.
callArityAnal arity int (Lam v e)
= (ae, Lam v e')
(ae, e') = callArityAnal (arity - 1) (int `delVarSet` v) e
--- For lets, use callArityBind
-callArityAnal arity int (Let bind e)
- = -- pprTrace "callArityAnal:Let"
- -- (vcat [ppr v, ppr arity, ppr n, ppr final_ae ])
- (final_ae, Let bind' e')
- where
- int_body = int `addInterestingBinds` bind
- (ae_body, e') = callArityAnal arity int_body e
- (final_ae, bind') = callArityBind ae_body int bind
-- Application. Increase arity for the called expresion, nothing to know about
-- the second
callArityAnal arity int (App e (Type t))
@@ -367,13 +410,9 @@ callArityAnal arity int (App e1 e2)
(ae1, e1') = callArityAnal (arity + 1) int e1
(ae2, e2') = callArityAnal 0 int e2
-- See Note [Case and App: Which side to take?]
- final_ae = ae1 `useBetterOf` ae2
+ final_ae = ae1 `both` ae2
--- Case expression. Here we decide whether
--- we want to look at calls from the scrunitee or the alternatives;
--- one of them we set to Nothing.
--- Naive idea: If there are interesting calls in the scrunitee,
--- zap the alternatives
+-- Case expression.
callArityAnal arity int (Case scrut bndr ty alts)
= -- pprTrace "callArityAnal:Case"
-- (vcat [ppr scrut, ppr final_ae])
@@ -382,147 +421,201 @@ callArityAnal arity int (Case scrut bndr ty alts)
(alt_aes, alts') = unzip $ map go alts
go (dc, bndrs, e) = let (ae, e') = callArityAnal arity int e
in (ae, (dc, bndrs, e'))
- alt_ae = foldl lubEnv emptyVarEnv alt_aes
+ alt_ae = lubRess alt_aes
(scrut_ae, scrut') = callArityAnal 0 int scrut
-- See Note [Case and App: Which side to take?]
- final_ae = scrut_ae `useBetterOf` alt_ae
+ final_ae = scrut_ae `both` alt_ae
+-- For lets, use callArityBind
+callArityAnal arity int (Let bind e)
+ = -- pprTrace "callArityAnal:Let"
+ -- (vcat [ppr v, ppr arity, ppr n, ppr final_ae ])
+ (final_ae, Let bind' e')
+ where
+ int_body = int `addInterestingBinds` bind
+ (ae_body, e') = callArityAnal arity int_body e
+ (final_ae, bind') = callArityBind ae_body int bind
+-- This is a variant of callArityAnal that is additionally told whether
+-- the expression is called once or multiple times, and treats thunks appropriately.
+-- It also returns the actual arity that can be used for this expression.
+callArityBound :: Bool -> Arity -> VarSet -> CoreExpr -> (CallArityRes, Arity, CoreExpr)
+callArityBound called_once arity int e
+ = -- pprTrace "callArityBound" (vcat [ppr (called_once, arity), ppr is_thunk, ppr safe_arity]) $
+ (final_ae, safe_arity, e')
+ where
+ is_thunk = not (exprIsHNF e)
+ safe_arity | called_once = arity
+ | is_thunk = 0 -- A thunk! Do not eta-expand
+ | otherwise = arity
+ (ae, e') = callArityAnal safe_arity int e
+ final_ae | called_once = ae
+ | safe_arity == 0 = ae -- If it is not a function, its body is evaluated only once
+ | otherwise = calledMultipleTimes ae
-- Which bindings should we look at?
-- See Note [Which variables are interesting]
interestingBinds :: CoreBind -> [Var]
-interestingBinds bind =
- map fst $ filter go $ case bind of (NonRec v e) -> [(v,e)]
- (Rec ves) -> ves
- where
- go (v,e) = exprArity e < length (typeArity (idType v))
+interestingBinds = filter go . bindersOf
+ where go v = 0 < length (typeArity (idType v))
addInterestingBinds :: VarSet -> CoreBind -> VarSet
addInterestingBinds int bind
= int `delVarSetList` bindersOf bind -- Possible shadowing
`extendVarSetList` interestingBinds bind
--- This function pretens a (Many 0) call for every variable bound in the binder
--- that is not interesting, as calls to these are not reported by the analysis.
-fakeBoringCalls :: VarSet -> CoreBind -> CallArityEnv
-fakeBoringCalls int bind
- = mkVarEnv [ (v, topCallCount) | v <- bindersOf bind, not (v `elemVarSet` int) ]
-- Used for both local and top-level binds
-- First argument is the demand from the body
-callArityBind :: CallArityEnv -> VarSet -> CoreBind -> (CallArityEnv, CoreBind)
+callArityBind :: CallArityRes -> VarSet -> CoreBind -> (CallArityRes, CoreBind)
-- Non-recursive let
callArityBind ae_body int (NonRec v rhs)
+ | otherwise
= -- pprTrace "callArityBind:NonRec"
-- (vcat [ppr v, ppr ae_body, ppr int, ppr ae_rhs, ppr safe_arity])
(final_ae, NonRec v' rhs')
- callcount = lookupWithDefaultVarEnv ae_body topCallCount v
- (ae_rhs, safe_arity, rhs') = callArityBound callcount int rhs
- final_ae = ae_rhs `lubEnv` (ae_body `delVarEnv` v)
+ (arity, called_once) = lookupCallArityRes ae_body v
+ (ae_rhs, safe_arity, rhs') = callArityBound called_once arity int rhs
+ final_ae = callArityNonRecEnv v ae_rhs ae_body
v' = v `setIdCallArity` safe_arity
-- Recursive let. See Note [Recursion and fixpointing]
callArityBind ae_body int b@(Rec binds)
- = (final_ae, Rec binds')
+ = -- pprTrace "callArityBind:Rec"
+ -- (vcat [ppr (Rec binds'), ppr ae_body, ppr int, ppr ae_rhs]) $
+ (final_ae, Rec binds')
int_body = int `addInterestingBinds` b
- -- We are ignoring calls to boring binds, so we need to pretend them here!
- ae_body' = ae_body `lubEnv` (fakeBoringCalls int_body b)
- (ae_rhs, binds') = callArityFix ae_body' int_body [(i,Nothing,e) | (i,e) <- binds]
- final_ae = ae_rhs `delVarEnvList` interestingBinds b
--- Here we do the fix-pointing for possibly mutually recursive values. The
--- idea is that we start with the calls coming from the body, and analyize
--- every called value with that arity, adding lub these calls into the
--- environment. We also remember for each variable the CallCount we analised it
--- with. Then we check for every variable if in the new envrionment, it is
--- called with a different (i.e. lower) arity. If so, we reanalize that, and
--- lub the result back into the environment. If we had a change for any of the
--- variables, we repeat this step, otherwise we are done.
-callArityFix ::
- CallArityEnv -> VarSet ->
- [(Id, Maybe CallCount, CoreExpr)] ->
- (CallArityEnv, [(Id, CoreExpr)])
-callArityFix ae int ann_binds
- | any_change
- = callArityFix ae' int ann_binds'
- | otherwise
- = (ae', map (\(i, a, e) -> (i `setArity` a, e)) ann_binds')
- where
- (changes, ae's, ann_binds') = unzip3 $ map rerun ann_binds
- any_change = or changes
- ae' = foldl lubEnv ae ae's
+ (ae_rhs, binds') = fix initial_binds
+ final_ae = bindersOf b `resDelList` ae_rhs
- rerun (i, mbArity, rhs)
- | mb_new_arity == mbArity
- -- No change. No need to re-analize, and no need to change the arity
- -- environment
- = (False, emptyVarEnv, (i,mbArity, rhs))
- | Just new_arity <- mb_new_arity
- -- We previously analized this with a different arity (or not at all)
- = let (ae_rhs, safe_arity, rhs') = callArityBound new_arity int rhs
- in (True, ae_rhs, (i `setIdCallArity` safe_arity, mb_new_arity, rhs'))
+ initial_binds = [(i,Nothing,e) | (i,e) <- binds]
+ fix :: [(Id, Maybe (Bool, Arity, CallArityRes), CoreExpr)] -> (CallArityRes, [(Id, CoreExpr)])
+ fix ann_binds
+ | -- pprTrace "callArityBind:fix" (vcat [ppr ann_binds, ppr any_change, ppr ae]) $
+ any_change
+ = fix ann_binds'
| otherwise
- -- No call to this yet, so do nothing
- = (False, emptyVarEnv, (i, mbArity, rhs))
+ = (ae, map (\(i, _, e) -> (i, e)) ann_binds')
- mb_new_arity = lookupVarEnv ae i
- setArity i Nothing = i -- Completely absent value
- setArity i (Just (_, a)) = i `setIdCallArity` a
--- This is a variant of callArityAnal that takes a CallCount (i.e. an arity with a
--- cardinality) and adjust the resulting environment accordingly. It is to be used
--- on bound expressions that can possibly be shared.
--- It also returns the safe arity used: For a thunk that is called multiple
--- times, this will be 0!
-callArityBound :: CallCount -> VarSet -> CoreExpr -> (CallArityEnv, Arity, CoreExpr)
-callArityBound (count, arity) int e = (final_ae, safe_arity, e')
- where
- is_thunk = not (exprIsHNF e)
- safe_arity | OnceAndOnly <- count = arity
- | is_thunk = 0 -- A thunk! Do not eta-expand
- | otherwise = arity
- (ae, e') = callArityAnal safe_arity int e
- final_ae | OnceAndOnly <- count = ae
- | otherwise = forgetOnceCalls ae
-anyGoodCalls :: CallArityEnv -> Bool
-anyGoodCalls = foldVarEnv ((||) . isOnceCall) False
-isOnceCall :: CallCount -> Bool
-isOnceCall (OnceAndOnly, _) = True
-isOnceCall (Many, _) = False
-forgetOnceCalls :: CallArityEnv -> CallArityEnv
-forgetOnceCalls = mapVarEnv (first (const Many))
--- See Note [Case and App: Which side to take?]
-useBetterOf :: CallArityEnv -> CallArityEnv -> CallArityEnv
-useBetterOf ae1 ae2 | anyGoodCalls ae1 = ae1 `lubEnv` forgetOnceCalls ae2
-useBetterOf ae1 ae2 | otherwise = forgetOnceCalls ae1 `lubEnv` ae2
+ aes_old = [ (i,ae) | (i, Just (_,_,ae), _) <- ann_binds ]
+ ae = callArityRecEnv aes_old ae_body
+ rerun (i, mbLastRun, rhs)
+ | i `elemVarSet` int_body && not (i `elemUnVarSet` domRes ae)
+ -- No call to this yet, so do nothing
+ = (False, (i, Nothing, rhs))
+ | Just (old_called_once, old_arity, _) <- mbLastRun
+ , called_once == old_called_once
+ , new_arity == old_arity
+ -- No change, no need to re-analize
+ = (False, (i, mbLastRun, rhs))
+ | otherwise
+ -- We previously analized this with a different arity (or not at all)
+ = let (ae_rhs, safe_arity, rhs') = callArityBound called_once new_arity int_body rhs
+ in (True, (i `setIdCallArity` safe_arity, Just (called_once, new_arity, ae_rhs), rhs'))
+ where
+ (new_arity, called_once) = lookupCallArityRes ae i
+ (changes, ann_binds') = unzip $ map rerun ann_binds
+ any_change = or changes
+-- Combining the results from body and rhs, non-recursive case
+-- See Note [Analysis II: The Co-Called analysis]
+callArityNonRecEnv :: Var -> CallArityRes -> CallArityRes -> CallArityRes
+callArityNonRecEnv v ae_rhs ae_body
+ = addCrossCoCalls called_by_v called_with_v $ ae_rhs `lubRes` resDel v ae_body
+ where
+ called_by_v = domRes ae_rhs
+ called_with_v = calledWith ae_body v `delUnVarSet` v
+-- Combining the results from body and rhs, (mutually) recursive case
+-- See Note [Analysis II: The Co-Called analysis]
+callArityRecEnv :: [(Var, CallArityRes)] -> CallArityRes -> CallArityRes
+callArityRecEnv ae_rhss ae_body
+ = -- pprTrace "callArityRecEnv" (vcat [ppr ae_rhss, ppr ae_body, ppr ae_new])
+ ae_new
+ where
+ vars = map fst ae_rhss
-lubCallCount :: CallCount -> CallCount -> CallCount
-lubCallCount (count1, arity1) (count2, arity2)
- = (count1 `lubCount` count2, arity1 `min` arity2)
+ ae_combined = lubRess (map snd ae_rhss) `lubRes` ae_body
-lubCount :: Count -> Count -> Count
-lubCount OnceAndOnly OnceAndOnly = OnceAndOnly
-lubCount _ _ = Many
+ cross_calls = unionUnVarGraphs $ map cross_call ae_rhss
+ cross_call (v, ae_rhs) = completeBipartiteGraph called_by_v called_with_v
+ where
+ is_thunk = idCallArity v == 0
+ -- What rhs are relevant as happening before (or after) calling v?
+ -- If v is a thunk, everything from all the _other_ variables
+ -- If v is not a thunk, everything can happen.
+ ae_before_v | is_thunk = lubRess (map snd $ filter ((/= v) . fst) ae_rhss) `lubRes` ae_body
+ | otherwise = ae_combined
+ -- What do we want to know from these?
+ -- Which calls can happen next to any recursive call.
+ called_with_v
+ = unionUnVarSets $ map (calledWith ae_before_v) vars
+ called_by_v = domRes ae_rhs
+ ae_new = first (cross_calls `unionUnVarGraph`) ae_combined
+-- Functions related to CallArityRes --
+-- Result type for the two analyses.
+-- See Note [Analysis I: The arity analyis]
+-- and Note [Analysis II: The Co-Called analysis]
+type CallArityRes = (UnVarGraph, VarEnv Arity)
+emptyArityRes :: CallArityRes
+emptyArityRes = (emptyUnVarGraph, emptyVarEnv)
+unitArityRes :: Var -> Arity -> CallArityRes
+unitArityRes v arity = (emptyUnVarGraph, unitVarEnv v arity)
+resDelList :: [Var] -> CallArityRes -> CallArityRes
+resDelList vs ae = foldr resDel ae vs
+resDel :: Var -> CallArityRes -> CallArityRes
+resDel v (g, ae) = (g `delNode` v, ae `delVarEnv` v)
+domRes :: CallArityRes -> UnVarSet
+domRes (_, ae) = varEnvDom ae
+-- In the result, find out the minimum arity and whether the variable is called
+-- at most once.
+lookupCallArityRes :: CallArityRes -> Var -> (Arity, Bool)
+lookupCallArityRes (g, ae) v
+ = case lookupVarEnv ae v of
+ Just a -> (a, not (v `elemUnVarSet` (neighbors g v)))
+ Nothing -> (0, False)
+calledWith :: CallArityRes -> Var -> UnVarSet
+calledWith (g, _) v = neighbors g v
+addCrossCoCalls :: UnVarSet -> UnVarSet -> CallArityRes -> CallArityRes
+addCrossCoCalls set1 set2 = first (completeBipartiteGraph set1 set2 `unionUnVarGraph`)
+-- Replaces the co-call graph by a complete graph (i.e. no information)
+calledMultipleTimes :: CallArityRes -> CallArityRes
+calledMultipleTimes res = first (const (completeGraph (domRes res))) res
+-- Used for application and cases
+both :: CallArityRes -> CallArityRes -> CallArityRes
+both r1 r2 = addCrossCoCalls (domRes r1) (domRes r2) $ r1 `lubRes` r2
-- Used when combining results from alternative cases; take the minimum
-lubEnv :: CallArityEnv -> CallArityEnv -> CallArityEnv
-lubEnv = plusVarEnv_C lubCallCount
+lubRes :: CallArityRes -> CallArityRes -> CallArityRes
+lubRes (g1, ae1) (g2, ae2) = (g1 `unionUnVarGraph` g2, ae1 `lubArityEnv` ae2)
+lubArityEnv :: VarEnv Arity -> VarEnv Arity -> VarEnv Arity
+lubArityEnv = plusVarEnv_C min
-instance Outputable Count where
- ppr Many = text "Many"
- ppr OnceAndOnly = text "OnceAndOnly"
+lubRess :: [CallArityRes] -> CallArityRes
+lubRess = foldl lubRes emptyArityRes
diff --git a/compiler/utils/UnVarGraph.hs b/compiler/utils/UnVarGraph.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..228f3b5220
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/utils/UnVarGraph.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+Copyright (c) 2014 Joachim Breitner
+A data structure for undirected graphs of variables
+(or in plain terms: Sets of unordered pairs of numbers)
+This is very specifically tailored for the use in CallArity. In particular it
+stores the graph as a union of complete and complete bipartite graph, which
+would be very expensive to store as sets of edges or as adjanceny lists.
+It does not normalize the graphs. This means that g `unionUnVarGraph` g is
+equal to g, but twice as expensive and large.
+module UnVarGraph
+ ( UnVarSet
+ , emptyUnVarSet, mkUnVarSet, varEnvDom, unionUnVarSet, unionUnVarSets
+ , delUnVarSet
+ , elemUnVarSet, isEmptyUnVarSet
+ , UnVarGraph
+ , emptyUnVarGraph
+ , unionUnVarGraph, unionUnVarGraphs
+ , completeGraph, completeBipartiteGraph
+ , neighbors
+ , delNode
+ ) where
+import Id
+import VarEnv
+import UniqFM
+import Outputable
+import Data.List
+import Bag
+import Unique
+import qualified Data.IntSet as S
+-- We need a type for sets of variables (UnVarSet).
+-- We do not use VarSet, because for that we need to have the actual variable
+-- at hand, and we do not have that when we turn the domain of a VarEnv into a UnVarSet.
+-- Therefore, use a IntSet directly (which is likely also a bit more efficient).
+-- Set of uniques, i.e. for adjancet nodes
+newtype UnVarSet = UnVarSet (S.IntSet)
+ deriving Eq
+k :: Var -> Int
+k v = getKey (getUnique v)
+emptyUnVarSet :: UnVarSet
+emptyUnVarSet = UnVarSet S.empty
+elemUnVarSet :: Var -> UnVarSet -> Bool
+elemUnVarSet v (UnVarSet s) = k v `S.member` s
+isEmptyUnVarSet :: UnVarSet -> Bool
+isEmptyUnVarSet (UnVarSet s) = S.null s
+delUnVarSet :: UnVarSet -> Var -> UnVarSet
+delUnVarSet (UnVarSet s) v = UnVarSet $ k v `S.delete` s
+mkUnVarSet :: [Var] -> UnVarSet
+mkUnVarSet vs = UnVarSet $ S.fromList $ map k vs
+varEnvDom :: VarEnv a -> UnVarSet
+varEnvDom ae = UnVarSet $ ufmToSet_Directly ae
+unionUnVarSet :: UnVarSet -> UnVarSet -> UnVarSet
+unionUnVarSet (UnVarSet set1) (UnVarSet set2) = UnVarSet (set1 `S.union` set2)
+unionUnVarSets :: [UnVarSet] -> UnVarSet
+unionUnVarSets = foldr unionUnVarSet emptyUnVarSet
+instance Outputable UnVarSet where
+ ppr (UnVarSet s) = braces $
+ hcat $ punctuate comma [ ppr (getUnique i) | i <- S.toList s]
+-- The graph type. A list of complete bipartite graphs
+data Gen = CBPG UnVarSet UnVarSet -- complete bipartite
+ | CG UnVarSet -- complete
+newtype UnVarGraph = UnVarGraph (Bag Gen)
+emptyUnVarGraph :: UnVarGraph
+emptyUnVarGraph = UnVarGraph emptyBag
+unionUnVarGraph :: UnVarGraph -> UnVarGraph -> UnVarGraph
+Premature optimisation, it seems.
+unionUnVarGraph (UnVarGraph [CBPG s1 s2]) (UnVarGraph [CG s3, CG s4])
+ | s1 == s3 && s2 == s4
+ = pprTrace "unionUnVarGraph fired" empty $
+ completeGraph (s1 `unionUnVarSet` s2)
+unionUnVarGraph (UnVarGraph [CBPG s1 s2]) (UnVarGraph [CG s3, CG s4])
+ | s2 == s3 && s1 == s4
+ = pprTrace "unionUnVarGraph fired2" empty $
+ completeGraph (s1 `unionUnVarSet` s2)
+unionUnVarGraph (UnVarGraph g1) (UnVarGraph g2)
+ = -- pprTrace "unionUnVarGraph" (ppr (length g1, length g2)) $
+ UnVarGraph (g1 `unionBags` g2)
+unionUnVarGraphs :: [UnVarGraph] -> UnVarGraph
+unionUnVarGraphs = foldl' unionUnVarGraph emptyUnVarGraph
+-- completeBipartiteGraph A B = { {a,b} | a ∈ A, b ∈ B }
+completeBipartiteGraph :: UnVarSet -> UnVarSet -> UnVarGraph
+completeBipartiteGraph s1 s2 = prune $ UnVarGraph $ unitBag $ CBPG s1 s2
+completeGraph :: UnVarSet -> UnVarGraph
+completeGraph s = prune $ UnVarGraph $ unitBag $ CG s
+neighbors :: UnVarGraph -> Var -> UnVarSet
+neighbors (UnVarGraph g) v = unionUnVarSets $ concatMap go $ bagToList g
+ where go (CG s) = (if v `elemUnVarSet` s then [s] else [])
+ go (CBPG s1 s2) = (if v `elemUnVarSet` s1 then [s2] else []) ++
+ (if v `elemUnVarSet` s2 then [s1] else [])
+delNode :: UnVarGraph -> Var -> UnVarGraph
+delNode (UnVarGraph g) v = prune $ UnVarGraph $ mapBag go g
+ where go (CG s) = CG (s `delUnVarSet` v)
+ go (CBPG s1 s2) = CBPG (s1 `delUnVarSet` v) (s2 `delUnVarSet` v)
+prune :: UnVarGraph -> UnVarGraph
+prune (UnVarGraph g) = UnVarGraph $ filterBag go g
+ where go (CG s) = not (isEmptyUnVarSet s)
+ go (CBPG s1 s2) = not (isEmptyUnVarSet s1) && not (isEmptyUnVarSet s2)
+instance Outputable Gen where
+ ppr (CG s) = ppr s <> char '²'
+ ppr (CBPG s1 s2) = ppr s1 <+> char 'x' <+> ppr s2
+instance Outputable UnVarGraph where
+ ppr (UnVarGraph g) = ppr g
diff --git a/compiler/utils/UniqFM.lhs b/compiler/utils/UniqFM.lhs
index 52cd3dd791..a13a17c412 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/UniqFM.lhs
+++ b/compiler/utils/UniqFM.lhs
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ module UniqFM (
lookupUFM, lookupUFM_Directly,
lookupWithDefaultUFM, lookupWithDefaultUFM_Directly,
eltsUFM, keysUFM, splitUFM,
+ ufmToSet_Directly,
) where
@@ -69,6 +70,7 @@ import Compiler.Hoopl hiding (Unique)
import Data.Function (on)
import qualified Data.IntMap as M
+import qualified Data.IntSet as S
import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
import qualified Data.Traversable as Traversable
import Data.Typeable
@@ -180,6 +182,7 @@ lookupWithDefaultUFM_Directly
:: UniqFM elt -> elt -> Unique -> elt
keysUFM :: UniqFM elt -> [Unique] -- Get the keys
eltsUFM :: UniqFM elt -> [elt]
+ufmToSet_Directly :: UniqFM elt -> S.IntSet
ufmToList :: UniqFM elt -> [(Unique, elt)]
@@ -293,6 +296,7 @@ lookupWithDefaultUFM (UFM m) v k = M.findWithDefault v (getKey $ getUnique k) m
lookupWithDefaultUFM_Directly (UFM m) v u = M.findWithDefault v (getKey u) m
keysUFM (UFM m) = map getUnique $ M.keys m
eltsUFM (UFM m) = M.elems m
+ufmToSet_Directly (UFM m) = M.keysSet m
ufmToList (UFM m) = map (\(k, v) -> (getUnique k, v)) $ M.toList m
-- Hoopl
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/callarity/unittest/CallArity1.hs b/testsuite/tests/callarity/unittest/CallArity1.hs
index ddfc8586c9..8a142d54c7 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/callarity/unittest/CallArity1.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/callarity/unittest/CallArity1.hs
@@ -57,11 +57,12 @@ exprs =
mkLams [z] $ Var d `mkVarApps` [x] )$
Var go2 `mkApps` [mkLit 1] ) $
go `mkLApps` [0, 0]
- , ("d0",) $
+ , ("d0 (go 2 would be bad)",) $
mkRFun go [x]
(mkLet d (mkACase (Var go `mkVarApps` [x])
(mkLams [y] $ Var y)
- ) $ mkLams [z] $ Var f `mkApps` [ Var d `mkVarApps` [x], Var d `mkVarApps` [x] ]) $
+ ) $
+ mkLams [z] $ Var f `mkApps` [ Var d `mkVarApps` [x], Var d `mkVarApps` [x] ]) $
go `mkLApps` [0, 0]
, ("go2 (in case crut)",) $
mkRFun go [x]
@@ -90,7 +91,11 @@ exprs =
(mkLams [y] $ Var y)
) $ mkLams [z] $ Var d `mkVarApps` [x]) $
Var f `mkApps` [Var z, go `mkLApps` [0, 0]]
- , ("two recursions (both arity 1 would be good!)",) $
+ , ("two calls, one from let and from body (d 1 would be bad)",) $
+ mkLet d (mkACase (mkLams [y] $ mkLit 0) (mkLams [y] $ mkLit 0)) $
+ mkFun go [x,y] (mkVarApps (Var d) [x]) $
+ mkApps (Var d) [mkLApps go [1,2]]
+ , ("two recursions",) $
mkRLet n (mkACase (mkLams [y] $ mkLit 0) (Var n)) $
mkRLet d (mkACase (mkLams [y] $ mkLit 0) (Var d)) $
Var n `mkApps` [d `mkLApps` [0]]
@@ -135,6 +140,29 @@ exprs =
Let (Rec [ (go, mkLams [x, y] (Var d `mkApps` [go2 `mkLApps` [1,2]]))
, (go2, mkLams [x] (mkACase (mkLams [y] $ mkLit 0) (Var go `mkVarApps` [x])))]) $
Var d `mkApps` [go2 `mkLApps` [0,1]]
+ , ("a thunk (non-function-type), called twice, still calls once",) $
+ mkLet d (f `mkLApps` [0]) $
+ mkLet x (d `mkLApps` [1]) $
+ Var f `mkVarApps` [x, x]
+ , ("a thunk (function type), called multiple times, still calls once",) $
+ mkLet d (f `mkLApps` [0]) $
+ mkLet n (Var f `mkApps` [d `mkLApps` [1]]) $
+ mkLams [x] $ Var n `mkVarApps` [x]
+ , ("a thunk (non-function-type), in mutual recursion, still calls once (d 1 would be good)",) $
+ mkLet d (f `mkLApps` [0]) $
+ Let (Rec [ (x, Var d `mkApps` [go `mkLApps` [1,2]])
+ , (go, mkLams [x] $ mkACase (mkLams [z] $ Var x) (Var go `mkVarApps` [x]) ) ]) $
+ Var go `mkApps` [mkLit 0, go `mkLApps` [0,1]]
+ , ("a thunk (function type), in mutual recursion, still calls once (d 1 would be good)",) $
+ mkLet d (f `mkLApps` [0]) $
+ Let (Rec [ (n, Var go `mkApps` [d `mkLApps` [1]])
+ , (go, mkLams [x] $ mkACase (Var n) (Var go `mkApps` [Var n `mkVarApps` [x]]) ) ]) $
+ Var go `mkApps` [mkLit 0, go `mkLApps` [0,1]]
+ , ("a thunk (function type), in mutual recursion, still calls once, d part of mutual recursion (d 1 would be good)",) $
+ Let (Rec [ (d, Var f `mkApps` [n `mkLApps` [1]])
+ , (n, Var go `mkApps` [d `mkLApps` [1]])
+ , (go, mkLams [x] $ mkACase (Var n) (Var go `mkApps` [Var n `mkVarApps` [x]]) ) ]) $
+ Var go `mkApps` [mkLit 0, go `mkLApps` [0,1]]
main = do
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/callarity/unittest/CallArity1.stderr b/testsuite/tests/callarity/unittest/CallArity1.stderr
index eebeaf8d2d..d5d7d91f77 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/callarity/unittest/CallArity1.stderr
+++ b/testsuite/tests/callarity/unittest/CallArity1.stderr
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ nested_go2:
go2 2
d 1
n 1
+d0 (go 2 would be bad):
go 1
d 0
go2 (in case crut):
@@ -23,8 +23,11 @@ go2 (using surrounding boring let):
go 2
d 1
z 0
-two recursions (both arity 1 would be good!):
+two calls, one from let and from body (d 1 would be bad):
+ go 2
d 0
+two recursions:
+ d 1
n 1
two recursions (semantically like the previous case):
d 1
@@ -54,6 +57,24 @@ mutual recursion (functions), but no thunks:
go 2
go2 2
mutual recursion (functions), one boring (d 1 would be bad):
- go 0
+ go 2
go2 2
d 0
+a thunk (non-function-type), called twice, still calls once:
+ x 0
+ d 1
+a thunk (function type), called multiple times, still calls once:
+ d 1
+ n 0
+a thunk (non-function-type), in mutual recursion, still calls once (d 1 would be good):
+ go 2
+ x 0
+ d 1
+a thunk (function type), in mutual recursion, still calls once (d 1 would be good):
+ go 1
+ d 1
+ n 0
+a thunk (function type), in mutual recursion, still calls once, d part of mutual recursion (d 1 would be good):
+ go 1
+ d 1
+ n 0
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/all.T b/testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/all.T
index f8ab5cf265..fc0abc9131 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/all.T
+++ b/testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/all.T
@@ -392,10 +392,11 @@ test('T6048',
[(wordsize(32), 48887164, 10),
# prev: 38000000 (x86/Linux)
# 2012-10-08: 48887164 (x86/Linux)
- (wordsize(64), 95960720, 10)])
+ (wordsize(64), 110646312, 10)])
# 18/09/2012 97247032 amd64/Linux
# 16/01/2014 108578664 amd64/Linux (unknown, likely foldl-via-foldr)
# 18/01/2014 95960720 amd64/Linux Call Arity improvements
# 28/02/2014 105556793 amd64/Linux (unknown, tweak in base/4d9e7c9e3 resulted in change)
+ # 05/03/2014 110646312 amd64/Linux Call Arity became more elaborate