diff options
authorThomas Winant <>2015-02-18 10:13:37 -0600
committerAustin Seipp <>2015-02-18 19:18:49 -0600
commite9d72cefeda243d5962d0615fe7ad22ff615d134 (patch)
parent35d464bf54373cbe37e1e3310cc6a95f63f257f0 (diff)
Fix #10045
Summary: SPJ's solution is to only bring the `TcId` (which includes the type) of a binder into scope when it had a non-partial type signature. Take care of this by only storing the `TcId` in `TcSigInfo` of non-partial type signatures, hence the change to `sig_poly_id :: Maybe TcId`. Only in case of a `Just` will we bring the `TcId` in scope. We still need to know the name of the binder, even when it has a partial type signature, so add a `sig_name :: Name` field. The field `sig_partial :: Bool` is no longer necessary, so reimplement `isPartialSig` in terms of `sig_poly_id`. Note that the new test case fails, but not because of a panic, but because the `Num a` constraint is missing. Adding an extra-constraints wildcard to `copy`'s signature would fix it. Test Plan: validate Reviewers: simonpj, austin Reviewed By: simonpj Subscribers: thomie Differential Revision: GHC Trac Issues: #10045
7 files changed, 139 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.hs
index 9d0bb551bf..acdaf8f876 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.hs
@@ -544,16 +544,17 @@ tcPolyCheck :: RecFlag -- Whether it's recursive after breaking
-- it binds a single variable,
-- it has a signature,
tcPolyCheck rec_tc prag_fn
- sig@(TcSigInfo { sig_id = poly_id, sig_tvs = tvs_w_scoped
+ sig@(TcSigInfo { sig_name = name, sig_poly_id = Just poly_id
+ , sig_tvs = tvs_w_scoped
, sig_nwcs = sig_nwcs, sig_theta = theta
, sig_tau = tau, sig_loc = loc
, sig_warn_redundant = warn_redundant })
= ASSERT( null sig_nwcs ) -- We should be in tcPolyInfer if there are wildcards
do { ev_vars <- newEvVars theta
- ; let ctxt = FunSigCtxt (idName poly_id) warn_redundant
+ ; let ctxt = FunSigCtxt name warn_redundant
skol_info = SigSkol ctxt (mkPhiTy theta tau)
- prag_sigs = prag_fn (idName poly_id)
+ prag_sigs = prag_fn name
tvs = map snd tvs_w_scoped
; (ev_binds, (binds', [mono_info]))
<- setSrcSpan loc $
@@ -640,11 +641,10 @@ mkExport prag_fn qtvs inferred_theta (poly_name, mb_sig, mono_id)
; poly_id <- case mb_sig of
Nothing -> mkInferredPolyId poly_name qtvs inferred_theta mono_ty
Just (TcPatSynInfo _) -> panic "mkExport"
- Just sig | isPartialSig sig
- -> do { final_theta <- completeTheta inferred_theta sig
+ Just sig | Just id <- sig_poly_id sig
+ -> return id
+ Just sig -> do { final_theta <- completeTheta inferred_theta sig
; mkInferredPolyId poly_name qtvs final_theta mono_ty }
- | otherwise
- -> return (sig_id sig)
-- NB: poly_id has a zonked type
; poly_id <- addInlinePrags poly_id prag_sigs
@@ -724,8 +724,7 @@ completeTheta :: TcThetaType -> TcSigInfo -> TcM TcThetaType
completeTheta _ (TcPatSynInfo _)
= panic "Extra-constraints wildcard not supported in a pattern signature"
completeTheta inferred_theta
- sig@(TcSigInfo { sig_id = poly_id
- , sig_extra_cts = mb_extra_cts
+ sig@(TcSigInfo { sig_extra_cts = mb_extra_cts
, sig_theta = annotated_theta })
| Just loc <- mb_extra_cts
= do { annotated_theta <- zonkTcThetaType annotated_theta
@@ -752,7 +751,7 @@ completeTheta inferred_theta
2 (text "with inferred constraints:")
<+> pprTheta inferred_diff
, if suppress_hint then empty else pts_hint
- , typeSigCtxt (idName poly_id) sig ]
+ , typeSigCtxt sig ]
Note [Partial type signatures and generalisation]
@@ -843,13 +842,15 @@ where F is a non-injective type function.
recoveryCode :: [Name] -> TcSigFun -> TcM (LHsBinds TcId, [Id], TopLevelFlag)
recoveryCode binder_names sig_fn
= do { traceTc "tcBindsWithSigs: error recovery" (ppr binder_names)
- ; poly_ids <- mapM mk_dummy binder_names
+ ; let poly_ids = map mk_dummy binder_names
; return (emptyBag, poly_ids, if all is_closed poly_ids
then TopLevel else NotTopLevel) }
mk_dummy name
- | isJust (sig_fn name) = tcLookupId name -- Had signature; look it up
- | otherwise = return (mkLocalId name forall_a_a) -- No signature
+ | Just (TcSigInfo { sig_poly_id = Just poly_id }) <- sig_fn name
+ = poly_id
+ | otherwise
+ = mkLocalId name forall_a_a
is_closed poly_id = isEmptyVarSet (tyVarsOfType (idType poly_id))
@@ -1348,7 +1349,7 @@ tcLhs sig_fn no_gen (FunBind { fun_id = L nm_loc name, fun_infix = inf, fun_matc
-- Both InferGen and CheckGen gives rise to LetLclBndr
do { mono_name <- newLocalName name
; let mono_id = mkLocalId mono_name (sig_tau sig)
- ; addErrCtxt (typeSigCtxt name sig) $
+ ; addErrCtxt (typeSigCtxt sig) $
emitWildcardHoleConstraints (sig_nwcs sig)
; return (TcFunBind (name, Just sig, mono_id) nm_loc inf matches) }
@@ -1507,7 +1508,10 @@ tcTySigs hs_sigs
= checkNoErrs $ -- See Note [Fail eagerly on bad signatures]
do { (ty_sigs_s, tyvarsl) <- unzip <$> mapAndRecoverM tcTySig hs_sigs
; let ty_sigs = concat ty_sigs_s
- poly_ids = [id | TcSigInfo{ sig_id = id } <- ty_sigs]
+ poly_ids = [id | TcSigInfo { sig_poly_id = Just id } <- ty_sigs]
+ -- The returned [TcId] are the ones for which we have a
+ -- *complete* type signatures.
+ -- See Note [Complete and partial type signatures]
env = mkNameEnv [(getName sig, sig) | sig <- ty_sigs]
; return (poly_ids, lookupNameEnv env, concat tyvarsl) }
@@ -1561,12 +1565,12 @@ instTcTySigFromId id
= do { let loc = getSrcSpan id
; (tvs, theta, tau) <- tcInstType (tcInstSigTyVarsLoc loc)
(idType id)
- ; return (TcSigInfo { sig_id = id, sig_loc = loc
+ ; return (TcSigInfo { sig_name = idName id
+ , sig_poly_id = Just id, sig_loc = loc
, sig_tvs = [(Nothing, tv) | tv <- tvs]
, sig_nwcs = []
, sig_theta = theta, sig_tau = tau
, sig_extra_cts = Nothing
- , sig_partial = False
, sig_warn_redundant = False
-- Do not report redundant constraints for
-- instance methods and record selectors
@@ -1580,13 +1584,16 @@ instTcTySig :: LHsType Name -> TcType -- HsType and corresponding TcType
-> TcM TcSigInfo
instTcTySig hs_ty@(L loc _) sigma_ty extra_cts nwcs name
= do { (inst_tvs, theta, tau) <- tcInstType tcInstSigTyVars sigma_ty
- ; return (TcSigInfo { sig_id = mkLocalId name sigma_ty
+ ; let mb_poly_id | isNothing extra_cts && null nwcs
+ = Just $ mkLocalId name sigma_ty -- non-partial
+ | otherwise = Nothing -- partial type signature
+ ; return (TcSigInfo { sig_name = name
+ , sig_poly_id = mb_poly_id
, sig_loc = loc
, sig_tvs = findScopedTyVars hs_ty sigma_ty inst_tvs
, sig_nwcs = nwcs
, sig_theta = theta, sig_tau = tau
, sig_extra_cts = extra_cts
- , sig_partial = isJust extra_cts || not (null nwcs)
, sig_warn_redundant = True
}) }
@@ -1773,12 +1780,12 @@ patMonoBindsCtxt :: (OutputableBndr id, Outputable body) => LPat id -> GRHSs Nam
patMonoBindsCtxt pat grhss
= hang (ptext (sLit "In a pattern binding:")) 2 (pprPatBind pat grhss)
-typeSigCtxt :: Name -> TcSigInfo -> SDoc
-typeSigCtxt _ (TcPatSynInfo _)
+typeSigCtxt :: TcSigInfo -> SDoc
+typeSigCtxt (TcPatSynInfo _)
= panic "Should only be called with a TcSigInfo"
-typeSigCtxt name (TcSigInfo { sig_id = _id, sig_tvs = tvs
- , sig_theta = theta, sig_tau = tau
- , sig_extra_cts = extra_cts })
+typeSigCtxt (TcSigInfo { sig_name = name, sig_tvs = tvs
+ , sig_theta = theta, sig_tau = tau
+ , sig_extra_cts = extra_cts })
= sep [ text "In" <+> pprUserTypeCtxt (FunSigCtxt name False) <> colon
, nest 2 (pprSigmaTypeExtraCts (isJust extra_cts)
(mkSigmaTy (map snd tvs) theta tau)) ]
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcClassDcl.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcClassDcl.hs
index 4d6b3ce5b0..26c6a012a4 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcClassDcl.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcClassDcl.hs
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ module TcClassDcl ( tcClassSigs, tcClassDecl2,
import HsSyn
import TcEnv
-import TcPat( addInlinePrags )
+import TcPat( addInlinePrags, completeSigPolyId )
import TcEvidence( idHsWrapper )
import TcBinds
import TcUnify
@@ -233,7 +233,10 @@ tcDefMeth clas tyvars this_dict binds_in
(L bind_loc lm_bind)
; let export = ABE { abe_poly = global_dm_id
- , abe_mono = sig_id local_dm_sig'
+ -- We have created a complete type signature in
+ -- instTcTySig, hence it is safe to call
+ -- completeSigPolyId
+ , abe_mono = completeSigPolyId local_dm_sig'
, abe_wrap = idHsWrapper
, abe_prags = IsDefaultMethod }
full_bind = AbsBinds { abs_tvs = tyvars
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcInstDcls.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcInstDcls.hs
index 3d9e425c4b..9b07554a45 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcInstDcls.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcInstDcls.hs
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import TcTyClsDecls
import TcClassDcl( tcClassDecl2,
HsSigFun, lookupHsSig, mkHsSigFun,
findMethodBind, instantiateMethod )
-import TcPat ( addInlinePrags )
+import TcPat ( addInlinePrags, completeSigPolyId )
import TcRnMonad
import TcValidity
import TcMType
@@ -1387,7 +1387,9 @@ tcMethods dfun_id clas tyvars dfun_ev_vars inst_tys
rhs = HsWrap (mkWpEvVarApps [self_dict] <.> mkWpTyApps inst_tys) $
HsVar dm_id
- local_meth_id = sig_id local_meth_sig
+ -- A method always has a complete type signature,
+ -- hence it is safe to call completeSigPolyId
+ local_meth_id = completeSigPolyId local_meth_sig
meth_bind = mkVarBind local_meth_id (L inst_loc rhs)
meth_id1 = meth_id `setInlinePragma` dm_inline_prag
-- Copy the inline pragma (if any) from the default
@@ -1435,7 +1437,9 @@ tcMethodBody clas tyvars dfun_ev_vars inst_tys
inst_tys sel_id
; let prags = prag_fn (idName sel_id)
- local_meth_id = sig_id local_meth_sig
+ -- A method always has a complete type signature, hence
+ -- it is safe to call completeSigPolyId
+ local_meth_id = completeSigPolyId local_meth_sig
lm_bind = meth_bind { fun_id = L bndr_loc (idName local_meth_id) }
-- Substitute the local_meth_name for the binder
-- NB: the binding is always a FunBind
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcPat.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcPat.hs
index daf0fbd756..7856413612 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcPat.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcPat.hs
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ TcPat: Typechecking patterns
module TcPat ( tcLetPat, TcSigFun, TcPragFun
, TcSigInfo(..), TcPatSynInfo(..)
- , findScopedTyVars, isPartialSig
+ , findScopedTyVars, isPartialSig, completeSigPolyId
, LetBndrSpec(..), addInlinePrags, warnPrags
, tcPat, tcPats, newNoSigLetBndr
, addDataConStupidTheta, badFieldCon, polyPatSig ) where
@@ -47,7 +47,6 @@ import Util
import Outputable
import FastString
import Control.Monad
* *
@@ -137,7 +136,16 @@ type TcSigFun = Name -> Maybe TcSigInfo
data TcSigInfo
= TcSigInfo {
- sig_id :: TcId, -- *Polymorphic* binder for this value...
+ sig_name :: Name, -- The binder name of the type signature. When
+ -- sig_id = Just id, then sig_name = idName id.
+ sig_poly_id :: Maybe TcId,
+ -- Just <=> complete type signature of
+ -- which the polymorphic type is known.
+ -- Nothing <=> partial type signature of
+ -- which the type is not yet fully
+ -- known.
+ -- See Note [Complete and partial type signatures]
sig_tvs :: [(Maybe Name, TcTyVar)],
-- Instantiated type and kind variables
@@ -161,9 +169,6 @@ data TcSigInfo
sig_loc :: SrcSpan, -- The location of the signature
- sig_partial :: Bool, -- True <=> a partial type signature
- -- containing wildcards
sig_warn_redundant :: Bool -- True <=> report redundant constraints
-- when typechecking the value binding
-- for this type signature
@@ -204,20 +209,30 @@ findScopedTyVars hs_ty sig_ty inst_tvs
(sig_tvs,_) = tcSplitForAllTys sig_ty
instance NamedThing TcSigInfo where
- getName TcSigInfo{ sig_id = id } = idName id
+ getName TcSigInfo{ sig_name = name } = name
getName (TcPatSynInfo tpsi) = patsig_name tpsi
instance Outputable TcSigInfo where
- ppr (TcSigInfo { sig_id = id, sig_tvs = tyvars, sig_theta = theta, sig_tau = tau })
- = ppr id <+> dcolon <+> vcat [ pprSigmaType (mkSigmaTy (map snd tyvars) theta tau)
- , ppr (map fst tyvars) ]
+ ppr (TcSigInfo { sig_name = name, sig_poly_id = mb_poly_id, sig_tvs = tyvars
+ , sig_theta = theta, sig_tau = tau })
+ = maybe (ppr name) ppr mb_poly_id <+> dcolon <+>
+ vcat [ pprSigmaType (mkSigmaTy (map snd tyvars) theta tau)
+ , ppr (map fst tyvars) ]
ppr (TcPatSynInfo tpsi) = text "TcPatSynInfo" <+> ppr tpsi
instance Outputable TcPatSynInfo where
ppr (TPSI{ patsig_name = name}) = ppr name
isPartialSig :: TcSigInfo -> Bool
-isPartialSig = sig_partial
+isPartialSig (TcSigInfo { sig_poly_id = Nothing }) = True
+isPartialSig _ = False
+-- Helper for cases when we know for sure we have a complete type
+-- signature, e.g. class methods.
+completeSigPolyId :: TcSigInfo -> TcId
+completeSigPolyId (TcSigInfo { sig_poly_id = Just id }) = id
+completeSigPolyId _ = panic "completeSigPolyId"
Note [Binding scoped type variables]
@@ -271,6 +286,20 @@ bound by C don't unify with the free variables of pat_ty, OR res_ty
(or of course the environment). Hence we need to keep track of the
res_ty free vars.
+Note [Complete and partial type signatures]
+A type signature is partial when it contains one or more wildcards.
+The wildcard can either be:
+* A (type) wildcard occurring in sig_theta or sig_tau. These are
+ stored in sig_nwcs.
+ f :: Bool -> _
+ g :: Eq _a => _a -> _a -> Bool
+* Or an extra-constraints wildcard, stored in sig_extra_cts:
+ h :: (Num a, _) => a -> a
+A type signature is a complete type signature when there are no
+wildcards in the type signature, i.e. iff sig_nwcs is empty and
+sig_extra_cts is Nothing.
* *
@@ -287,7 +316,8 @@ tcPatBndr (PE { pe_ctxt = LetPat lookup_sig no_gen}) bndr_name pat_ty
-- See Note [Typing patterns in pattern bindings]
| LetGblBndr prags <- no_gen
, Just sig <- lookup_sig bndr_name
- = do { bndr_id <- addInlinePrags (sig_id sig) (prags bndr_name)
+ , Just poly_id <- sig_poly_id sig
+ = do { bndr_id <- addInlinePrags poly_id (prags bndr_name)
; traceTc "tcPatBndr(gbl,sig)" (ppr bndr_id $$ ppr (idType bndr_id))
; co <- unifyPatType (idType bndr_id) pat_ty
; return (co, bndr_id) }
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/partial-sigs/should_fail/Trac10045.hs b/testsuite/tests/partial-sigs/should_fail/Trac10045.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e7c07470aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/partial-sigs/should_fail/Trac10045.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+module Trac10045 where
+newtype Meta = Meta ()
+foo (Meta ws1) =
+ let copy :: _
+ copy w from = copy w 1
+ in copy ws1 1
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/partial-sigs/should_fail/Trac10045.stderr b/testsuite/tests/partial-sigs/should_fail/Trac10045.stderr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8c8e42f704
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/partial-sigs/should_fail/Trac10045.stderr
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+ Found hole ‘_’ with type: t1 -> a -> t2
+ Where: ‘t1’ is a rigid type variable bound by
+ the inferred type of copy :: Num a => t1 -> a -> t2
+ at Trac10045.hs:7:9
+ ‘t2’ is a rigid type variable bound by
+ the inferred type of copy :: Num a => t1 -> a -> t2
+ at Trac10045.hs:7:9
+ ‘a’ is a rigid type variable bound by
+ the inferred type of copy :: Num a => t1 -> a -> t2
+ at Trac10045.hs:7:9
+ To use the inferred type, enable PartialTypeSignatures
+ Relevant bindings include
+ ws1 :: () (bound at Trac10045.hs:5:11)
+ foo :: Meta -> t (bound at Trac10045.hs:5:1)
+ In the type signature for ‘copy’: _
+ In the expression:
+ let
+ copy :: _
+ copy w from = copy w 1
+ in copy ws1 1
+ In an equation for ‘foo’:
+ foo (Meta ws1)
+ = let
+ copy :: _
+ copy w from = copy w 1
+ in copy ws1 1
+ No instance for (Num a)
+ When checking that ‘copy’ has the specified type
+ copy :: forall t t1 a. t -> a -> t1
+ Probable cause: the inferred type is ambiguous
+ In the expression:
+ let
+ copy :: _
+ copy w from = copy w 1
+ in copy ws1 1
+ In an equation for ‘foo’:
+ foo (Meta ws1)
+ = let
+ copy :: _
+ copy w from = copy w 1
+ in copy ws1 1
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/partial-sigs/should_fail/all.T b/testsuite/tests/partial-sigs/should_fail/all.T
index 7e56d15c71..c49a36fe34 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/partial-sigs/should_fail/all.T
+++ b/testsuite/tests/partial-sigs/should_fail/all.T
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ test('ScopedNamedWildcardsBad', normal, compile_fail, [''])
test('TidyClash', normal, compile_fail, [''])
# Bug
test('TidyClash2', expect_fail, compile_fail, [''])
+test('Trac10045', normal, compile_fail, [''])
test('UnnamedConstraintWildcard1', normal, compile_fail, [''])
test('UnnamedConstraintWildcard2', normal, compile_fail, [''])
test('WildcardInADT1', normal, compile_fail, [''])