diff options
authorIan Lynagh <>2012-08-05 20:44:38 +0100
committerIan Lynagh <>2012-08-05 20:44:38 +0100
commit1235c2742ee991d15e1db4e2b2ed8587951221ea (patch)
parentc9820b25cbbeb0412813f4683596aa8b5c9e21e9 (diff)
Improve some code layout in SysTools
1 files changed, 139 insertions, 138 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/main/SysTools.lhs b/compiler/main/SysTools.lhs
index da24631b97..4bf63facf1 100644
--- a/compiler/main/SysTools.lhs
+++ b/compiler/main/SysTools.lhs
@@ -166,144 +166,145 @@ initSysTools :: Maybe String -- Maybe TopDir path (without the '-B' prefix)
-- (b) the package-config file
-- (c) the GHC usage message
initSysTools mbMinusB
- = do { top_dir <- findTopDir mbMinusB
- -- see [Note topdir]
- -- NB: top_dir is assumed to be in standard Unix
- -- format, '/' separated
- ; let settingsFile = top_dir </> "settings"
- installed :: FilePath -> FilePath
- installed file = top_dir </> file
- ; settingsStr <- readFile settingsFile
- ; mySettings <- case maybeReadFuzzy settingsStr of
- Just s ->
- return s
- Nothing ->
- pgmError ("Can't parse " ++ show settingsFile)
- ; let getSetting key = case lookup key mySettings of
- Just xs ->
- return $ case stripPrefix "$topdir" xs of
- Just [] ->
- top_dir
- Just xs'@(c:_)
- | isPathSeparator c ->
- top_dir ++ xs'
- _ ->
- xs
- Nothing -> pgmError ("No entry for " ++ show key ++ " in " ++ show settingsFile)
- readSetting key = case lookup key mySettings of
- Just xs ->
- case maybeRead xs of
- Just v -> return v
- Nothing -> pgmError ("Failed to read " ++ show key ++ " value " ++ show xs)
- Nothing -> pgmError ("No entry for " ++ show key ++ " in " ++ show settingsFile)
- ; targetArch <- readSetting "target arch"
- ; targetOS <- readSetting "target os"
- ; targetWordSize <- readSetting "target word size"
- ; targetHasGnuNonexecStack <- readSetting "target has GNU nonexec stack"
- ; targetHasIdentDirective <- readSetting "target has .ident directive"
- ; targetHasSubsectionsViaSymbols <- readSetting "target has subsections via symbols"
- ; myExtraGccViaCFlags <- getSetting "GCC extra via C opts"
- -- On Windows, mingw is distributed with GHC,
- -- so we look in TopDir/../mingw/bin
- -- It would perhaps be nice to be able to override this
- -- with the settings file, but it would be a little fiddly
- -- to make that possible, so for now you can't.
- ; gcc_prog <- getSetting "C compiler command"
- ; gcc_args_str <- getSetting "C compiler flags"
- ; let gcc_args = map Option (words gcc_args_str)
- ; perl_path <- getSetting "perl command"
- ; let pkgconfig_path = installed "package.conf.d"
- ghc_usage_msg_path = installed "ghc-usage.txt"
- ghci_usage_msg_path = installed "ghci-usage.txt"
- -- For all systems, unlit, split, mangle are GHC utilities
- -- architecture-specific stuff is done when building Config.hs
- unlit_path = installed cGHC_UNLIT_PGM
- -- split is a Perl script
- split_script = installed cGHC_SPLIT_PGM
- ; windres_path <- getSetting "windres command"
- ; tmpdir <- getTemporaryDirectory
- ; touch_path <- getSetting "touch command"
- ; let -- On Win32 we don't want to rely on #!/bin/perl, so we prepend
- -- a call to Perl to get the invocation of split.
- -- On Unix, scripts are invoked using the '#!' method. Binary
- -- installations of GHC on Unix place the correct line on the
- -- front of the script at installation time, so we don't want
- -- to wire-in our knowledge of $(PERL) on the host system here.
- (split_prog, split_args)
- | isWindowsHost = (perl_path, [Option split_script])
- | otherwise = (split_script, [])
- ; mkdll_prog <- getSetting "dllwrap command"
- ; let mkdll_args = []
- -- cpp is derived from gcc on all platforms
- -- HACK, see setPgmP below. We keep 'words' here to remember to fix
- -- Config.hs one day.
- ; let cpp_prog = gcc_prog
- cpp_args = Option "-E"
- : map Option (words cRAWCPP_FLAGS)
- ++ gcc_args
- -- Other things being equal, as and ld are simply gcc
- ; let as_prog = gcc_prog
- as_args = gcc_args
- ld_prog = gcc_prog
- ld_args = gcc_args
- -- We just assume on command line
- ; lc_prog <- getSetting "LLVM llc command"
- ; lo_prog <- getSetting "LLVM opt command"
- ; return $ Settings {
- sTargetPlatform = Platform {
- platformArch = targetArch,
- platformOS = targetOS,
- platformWordSize = targetWordSize,
- platformHasGnuNonexecStack = targetHasGnuNonexecStack,
- platformHasIdentDirective = targetHasIdentDirective,
- platformHasSubsectionsViaSymbols = targetHasSubsectionsViaSymbols
- },
- sTmpDir = normalise tmpdir,
- sGhcUsagePath = ghc_usage_msg_path,
- sGhciUsagePath = ghci_usage_msg_path,
- sTopDir = top_dir,
- sRawSettings = mySettings,
- sExtraGccViaCFlags = words myExtraGccViaCFlags,
- sSystemPackageConfig = pkgconfig_path,
- sPgm_L = unlit_path,
- sPgm_P = (cpp_prog, cpp_args),
- sPgm_F = "",
- sPgm_c = (gcc_prog, gcc_args),
- sPgm_s = (split_prog,split_args),
- sPgm_a = (as_prog, as_args),
- sPgm_l = (ld_prog, ld_args),
- sPgm_dll = (mkdll_prog,mkdll_args),
- sPgm_T = touch_path,
- sPgm_sysman = top_dir ++ "/ghc/rts/parallel/SysMan",
- sPgm_windres = windres_path,
- sPgm_lo = (lo_prog,[]),
- sPgm_lc = (lc_prog,[]),
- -- Hans: this isn't right in general, but you can
- -- elaborate it in the same way as the others
- sOpt_L = [],
- sOpt_P = [],
- sOpt_F = [],
- sOpt_c = [],
- sOpt_a = [],
- sOpt_l = [],
- sOpt_windres = [],
- sOpt_lo = [],
- sOpt_lc = []
- }
- }
+ = do top_dir <- findTopDir mbMinusB
+ -- see [Note topdir]
+ -- NB: top_dir is assumed to be in standard Unix
+ -- format, '/' separated
+ let settingsFile = top_dir </> "settings"
+ installed :: FilePath -> FilePath
+ installed file = top_dir </> file
+ settingsStr <- readFile settingsFile
+ mySettings <- case maybeReadFuzzy settingsStr of
+ Just s ->
+ return s
+ Nothing ->
+ pgmError ("Can't parse " ++ show settingsFile)
+ let getSetting key = case lookup key mySettings of
+ Just xs ->
+ return $ case stripPrefix "$topdir" xs of
+ Just [] ->
+ top_dir
+ Just xs'@(c:_)
+ | isPathSeparator c ->
+ top_dir ++ xs'
+ _ ->
+ xs
+ Nothing -> pgmError ("No entry for " ++ show key ++ " in " ++ show settingsFile)
+ readSetting key = case lookup key mySettings of
+ Just xs ->
+ case maybeRead xs of
+ Just v -> return v
+ Nothing -> pgmError ("Failed to read " ++ show key ++ " value " ++ show xs)
+ Nothing -> pgmError ("No entry for " ++ show key ++ " in " ++ show settingsFile)
+ targetArch <- readSetting "target arch"
+ targetOS <- readSetting "target os"
+ targetWordSize <- readSetting "target word size"
+ targetHasGnuNonexecStack <- readSetting "target has GNU nonexec stack"
+ targetHasIdentDirective <- readSetting "target has .ident directive"
+ targetHasSubsectionsViaSymbols <- readSetting "target has subsections via symbols"
+ myExtraGccViaCFlags <- getSetting "GCC extra via C opts"
+ -- On Windows, mingw is distributed with GHC,
+ -- so we look in TopDir/../mingw/bin
+ -- It would perhaps be nice to be able to override this
+ -- with the settings file, but it would be a little fiddly
+ -- to make that possible, so for now you can't.
+ gcc_prog <- getSetting "C compiler command"
+ gcc_args_str <- getSetting "C compiler flags"
+ let gcc_args = map Option (words gcc_args_str)
+ perl_path <- getSetting "perl command"
+ let pkgconfig_path = installed "package.conf.d"
+ ghc_usage_msg_path = installed "ghc-usage.txt"
+ ghci_usage_msg_path = installed "ghci-usage.txt"
+ -- For all systems, unlit, split, mangle are GHC utilities
+ -- architecture-specific stuff is done when building Config.hs
+ unlit_path = installed cGHC_UNLIT_PGM
+ -- split is a Perl script
+ split_script = installed cGHC_SPLIT_PGM
+ windres_path <- getSetting "windres command"
+ tmpdir <- getTemporaryDirectory
+ touch_path <- getSetting "touch command"
+ let -- On Win32 we don't want to rely on #!/bin/perl, so we prepend
+ -- a call to Perl to get the invocation of split.
+ -- On Unix, scripts are invoked using the '#!' method. Binary
+ -- installations of GHC on Unix place the correct line on the
+ -- front of the script at installation time, so we don't want
+ -- to wire-in our knowledge of $(PERL) on the host system here.
+ (split_prog, split_args)
+ | isWindowsHost = (perl_path, [Option split_script])
+ | otherwise = (split_script, [])
+ mkdll_prog <- getSetting "dllwrap command"
+ let mkdll_args = []
+ -- cpp is derived from gcc on all platforms
+ -- HACK, see setPgmP below. We keep 'words' here to remember to fix
+ -- Config.hs one day.
+ let cpp_prog = gcc_prog
+ cpp_args = Option "-E"
+ : map Option (words cRAWCPP_FLAGS)
+ ++ gcc_args
+ -- Other things being equal, as and ld are simply gcc
+ let as_prog = gcc_prog
+ as_args = gcc_args
+ ld_prog = gcc_prog
+ ld_args = gcc_args
+ -- We just assume on command line
+ lc_prog <- getSetting "LLVM llc command"
+ lo_prog <- getSetting "LLVM opt command"
+ let platform = Platform {
+ platformArch = targetArch,
+ platformOS = targetOS,
+ platformWordSize = targetWordSize,
+ platformHasGnuNonexecStack = targetHasGnuNonexecStack,
+ platformHasIdentDirective = targetHasIdentDirective,
+ platformHasSubsectionsViaSymbols = targetHasSubsectionsViaSymbols
+ }
+ return $ Settings {
+ sTargetPlatform = platform,
+ sTmpDir = normalise tmpdir,
+ sGhcUsagePath = ghc_usage_msg_path,
+ sGhciUsagePath = ghci_usage_msg_path,
+ sTopDir = top_dir,
+ sRawSettings = mySettings,
+ sExtraGccViaCFlags = words myExtraGccViaCFlags,
+ sSystemPackageConfig = pkgconfig_path,
+ sPgm_L = unlit_path,
+ sPgm_P = (cpp_prog, cpp_args),
+ sPgm_F = "",
+ sPgm_c = (gcc_prog, gcc_args),
+ sPgm_s = (split_prog,split_args),
+ sPgm_a = (as_prog, as_args),
+ sPgm_l = (ld_prog, ld_args),
+ sPgm_dll = (mkdll_prog,mkdll_args),
+ sPgm_T = touch_path,
+ sPgm_sysman = top_dir ++ "/ghc/rts/parallel/SysMan",
+ sPgm_windres = windres_path,
+ sPgm_lo = (lo_prog,[]),
+ sPgm_lc = (lc_prog,[]),
+ -- Hans: this isn't right in general, but you can
+ -- elaborate it in the same way as the others
+ sOpt_L = [],
+ sOpt_P = [],
+ sOpt_F = [],
+ sOpt_c = [],
+ sOpt_a = [],
+ sOpt_l = [],
+ sOpt_windres = [],
+ sOpt_lo = [],
+ sOpt_lc = []
+ }