path: root/gtk
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authorMatthias Clasen <>2011-12-05 17:50:17 -0500
committerRyan Lortie <>2011-12-19 12:51:11 -0500
commit0baa663182d501d311a3105a74dae6d8366a60c5 (patch)
tree2a0d40f803223660e15deb97c619d6e0156d1b50 /gtk
parent073a9244812e6841bc48e2dff8a158d81a309d9e (diff)
GtkApplicationWindow: Always install accelerators
We want accelerators to work, even if the menus are not shown locally, so we can't rely on the GtkMenu code to set them up for us. Currently, this code only installs accelerators when the window is realized.
Diffstat (limited to 'gtk')
1 files changed, 142 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gtk/gtkapplicationwindow.c b/gtk/gtkapplicationwindow.c
index 16cdcfcf94..ce7d02795d 100644
--- a/gtk/gtkapplicationwindow.c
+++ b/gtk/gtkapplicationwindow.c
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
#include "gtkmodelmenu.h"
#include "gactionmuxer.h"
#include "gtkaccelgroup.h"
+#include "gtkaccelmap.h"
#include "gtkintl.h"
@@ -83,6 +84,7 @@ struct _GtkApplicationWindowPrivate
GSimpleActionGroup *actions;
GtkWidget *menubar;
GtkAccelGroup *accels;
+ GSList *accel_closures;
GMenu *app_menu_section;
GMenu *menubar_section;
@@ -190,6 +192,143 @@ gtk_application_window_update_shell_shows_menubar (GtkApplicationWindow *window,
+typedef struct {
+ GClosure closure;
+ gchar *action_name;
+ GVariant *parameter;
+} AccelClosure;
+static void
+accel_activate (GClosure *closure,
+ GValue *return_value,
+ guint n_param_values,
+ const GValue *param_values,
+ gpointer invocation_hint,
+ gpointer marshal_data)
+ AccelClosure *aclosure = (AccelClosure*)closure;
+ GActionGroup *actions;
+ actions = G_ACTION_GROUP (closure->data);
+ if (g_action_group_get_action_enabled (actions, aclosure->action_name))
+ {
+ g_action_group_activate_action (actions, aclosure->action_name, aclosure->parameter);
+ /* we handled the accelerator */
+ g_value_set_boolean (return_value, TRUE);
+ }
+static void
+free_accel_closures (GtkApplicationWindow *window)
+ GSList *l;
+ for (l = window->priv->accel_closures; l; l = l->next)
+ {
+ AccelClosure *closure = l->data;
+ gtk_accel_group_disconnect (window->priv->accels, &closure->closure);
+ g_object_unref (closure->;
+ if (closure->parameter)
+ g_variant_unref (closure->parameter);
+ g_free (closure->action_name);
+ g_closure_invalidate (&closure->closure);
+ g_closure_unref (&closure->closure);
+ }
+ g_slist_free (window->priv->accel_closures);
+ window->priv->accel_closures = NULL;
+typedef struct {
+ GtkApplicationWindow *window;
+ GActionGroup *actions;
+} AccelData;
+/* Hack. We iterate over the accel map instead of the actions,
+ * in order to pull the parameters out of accel map entries
+ */
+static void
+add_accel_closure (gpointer data,
+ const gchar *accel_path,
+ guint accel_key,
+ GdkModifierType accel_mods,
+ gboolean changed)
+ AccelData *d = data;
+ GtkApplicationWindow *window = d->window;
+ GActionGroup *actions = d->actions;
+ const gchar *path;
+ const gchar *p;
+ gchar *action_name;
+ GVariant *parameter;
+ AccelClosure *closure;
+ if (accel_key == 0)
+ return;
+ if (!g_str_has_prefix (accel_path, "<Actions>/"))
+ return;
+ path = accel_path + strlen ("<Actions>/");
+ p = strchr (path, '/');
+ if (p)
+ {
+ action_name = g_strndup (path, p - path);
+ parameter = g_variant_parse (NULL, p + 1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ if (!parameter)
+ g_warning ("Failed to parse parameter from '%s'\n", accel_path);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ action_name = g_strdup (path);
+ parameter = NULL;
+ }
+ if (g_action_group_has_action (actions, action_name))
+ {
+ closure = (AccelClosure*) g_closure_new_object (sizeof (AccelClosure), g_object_ref (actions));
+ g_closure_set_marshal (&closure->closure, accel_activate);
+ closure->action_name = g_strdup (action_name);
+ closure->parameter = parameter ? g_variant_ref_sink (parameter) : NULL;
+ window->priv->accel_closures = g_slist_prepend (window->priv->accel_closures, g_closure_ref (&closure->closure));
+ g_closure_sink (&closure->closure);
+ gtk_accel_group_connect_by_path (window->priv->accels, accel_path, &closure->closure);
+ }
+ g_free (action_name);
+static void
+gtk_application_window_update_accels (GtkApplicationWindow *window)
+ GtkApplication *application;
+ AccelData data;
+ GActionMuxer *muxer;
+ /* FIXME: we should keep the muxer around, and listen for changes.
+ * Also, we should listen for accel map changes
+ */
+ application = gtk_window_get_application (GTK_WINDOW (window));
+ free_accel_closures (window);
+ muxer = g_action_muxer_new ();
+ g_action_muxer_insert (muxer, "app", G_ACTION_GROUP (application));
+ g_action_muxer_insert (muxer, "win", G_ACTION_GROUP (window));
+ data.window = window;
+ data.actions = G_ACTION_GROUP (muxer);
+ gtk_accel_map_foreach (&data, add_accel_closure);
+ g_object_unref (muxer);
static void
gtk_application_window_shell_shows_app_menu_changed (GObject *object,
GParamSpec *pspec,
@@ -448,6 +587,7 @@ gtk_application_window_real_realize (GtkWidget *widget)
gtk_application_window_update_shell_shows_app_menu (window, settings);
gtk_application_window_update_shell_shows_menubar (window, settings);
gtk_application_window_update_menubar (window);
+ gtk_application_window_update_accels (window);
GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (gtk_application_window_parent_class)
->realize (widget);
@@ -545,6 +685,8 @@ gtk_application_window_dispose (GObject *object)
window->priv->menubar = NULL;
+ free_accel_closures (window);
g_clear_object (&window->priv->app_menu_section);
g_clear_object (&window->priv->menubar_section);
g_clear_object (&window->priv->actions);