path: root/gtk
diff options
authorMatthias Clasen <>2014-02-02 01:07:39 -0500
committerMatthias Clasen <>2014-02-02 01:07:39 -0500
commit30cc1512e634417eb040bd5a287736c1ef7782d9 (patch)
tree7fcb1dbbe0e184f762bc6f29dd6e362cd01112e3 /gtk
parent09d1b28249af38448be0b52d00dd9924adac5d1c (diff)
Docs: Use markdown for lists
This greatly reduces the amount of xml in the docs.
Diffstat (limited to 'gtk')
16 files changed, 191 insertions, 312 deletions
diff --git a/gtk/gtkdrawingarea.c b/gtk/gtkdrawingarea.c
index 07c1053b8b..50ff45abe5 100644
--- a/gtk/gtkdrawingarea.c
+++ b/gtk/gtkdrawingarea.c
@@ -38,34 +38,19 @@
* elements. It's essentially a blank widget; you can draw on it. After
* creating a drawing area, the application may want to connect to:
- * <itemizedlist>
- * <listitem>
- * <para>
- * Mouse and button press signals to respond to input from
- * the user. (Use gtk_widget_add_events() to enable events
- * you wish to receive.)
- * </para>
- * </listitem>
- * <listitem>
- * <para>
- * The #GtkWidget::realize signal to take any necessary actions
- * when the widget is instantiated on a particular display.
- * (Create GDK resources in response to this signal.)
- * </para>
- * </listitem>
- * <listitem>
- * <para>
- * The #GtkWidget::configure-event signal to take any necessary
- * actions when the widget changes size.
- * </para>
- * </listitem>
- * <listitem>
- * <para>
- * The #GtkWidget::draw signal to handle redrawing the
- * contents of the widget.
- * </para>
- * </listitem>
- * </itemizedlist>
+ * - Mouse and button press signals to respond to input from
+ * the user. (Use gtk_widget_add_events() to enable events
+ * you wish to receive.)
+ *
+ * - The #GtkWidget::realize signal to take any necessary actions
+ * when the widget is instantiated on a particular display.
+ * (Create GDK resources in response to this signal.)
+ *
+ * - The #GtkWidget::configure-event signal to take any necessary
+ * actions when the widget changes size.
+ *
+ * - The #GtkWidget::draw signal to handle redrawing the
+ * contents of the widget.
* The following code portion demonstrates using a drawing
* area to display a circle in the normal widget foreground
diff --git a/gtk/gtkentry.c b/gtk/gtkentry.c
index 01ca5c3e1d..8c050aa1f7 100644
--- a/gtk/gtkentry.c
+++ b/gtk/gtkentry.c
@@ -1599,11 +1599,9 @@ gtk_entry_class_init (GtkEntryClass *class)
* the variant with the Shift modifier extends the selection,
* the variant without the Shift modifer does not.
* There are too many key combinations to list them all here.
- * <itemizedlist>
- * <listitem>Arrow keys move by individual characters/lines</listitem>
- * <listitem>Ctrl-arrow key combinations move by words/paragraphs</listitem>
- * <listitem>Home/End keys move to the ends of the buffer</listitem>
- * </itemizedlist>
+ * - Arrow keys move by individual characters/lines
+ * - Ctrl-arrow key combinations move by words/paragraphs
+ * - Home/End keys move to the ends of the buffer
signals[MOVE_CURSOR] =
g_signal_new (I_("move-cursor"),
diff --git a/gtk/gtkfilechooserdialog.c b/gtk/gtkfilechooserdialog.c
index 1ae2574ceb..d2622bc4a4 100644
--- a/gtk/gtkfilechooserdialog.c
+++ b/gtk/gtkfilechooserdialog.c
@@ -110,26 +110,23 @@
* ]|
* </para>
* </example>
- * <section id="gtkfilechooserdialog-setting-up">
- * <title>Setting up a file chooser dialog</title>
+ *
+ * ## Setting up a file chooser dialog
+ *
+ * <para id="gtkfilechooserdialog-setting-up">
* There are various cases in which you may need to use a #GtkFileChooserDialog:
- * <itemizedlist><listitem>To select a file for opening. Use
- * </listitem>
- * <listitem>To save a file for the first time. Use
- * #GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE, and suggest a name such as
- * "Untitled" with gtk_file_chooser_set_current_name().
- * </listitem>
- * <listitem>To save a file under a different name. Use
- * #GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE, and set the existing filename
- * with gtk_file_chooser_set_filename().
- * </listitem>
- * <listitem>To choose a folder instead of a file. Use
- * </listitem></itemizedlist>
- * <note>
- * <para>
- * Old versions of the file chooser's documentation suggested
+ *
+ * - To select a file for opening. Use #GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN.
+ *
+ * - To save a file for the first time. Use #GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE,
+ * and suggest a name such as "Untitled" with gtk_file_chooser_set_current_name().
+ *
+ * - To save a file under a different name. Use #GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE,
+ * and set the existing filename with gtk_file_chooser_set_filename().
+ *
+ * - To choose a folder instead of a file. Use #GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SELECT_FOLDER.
+ *
+ * Note that old versions of the file chooser's documentation suggested
* using gtk_file_chooser_set_current_folder() in various
* situations, with the intention of letting the application
* suggest a reasonable default folder. This is no longer
@@ -139,16 +136,14 @@
* when it is appropriate to use gtk_file_chooser_set_filename(),
* i.e. when you are doing a Save As command and you already
* have a file saved somewhere.
- * </para>
- * </note>
- * </section>
- * <section id="gtkfilechooserdialog-response-codes">
- * <title>Response Codes</title>
+ *
+ * ## Response Codes
+ *
+ * <para id="gtkfilechooserdialog-response-codes">
* #GtkFileChooserDialog inherits from #GtkDialog, so buttons that
* go in its action area have response codes such as
* could call gtk_file_chooser_dialog_new() as follows:
- * <para>
* |[
* GtkWidget *dialog;
@@ -160,6 +155,8 @@
* NULL);
* ]|
* </para>
+ *
+ * <para id="gtkfilechooserdialog-responses">
* This will create buttons for "Cancel" and "Open" that use stock
* response identifiers from #GtkResponseType. For most dialog
* boxes you can use your own custom response codes rather than the
@@ -167,27 +164,21 @@
* its "accept"-type action, e.g. an "Open" or "Save" button,
* will have one of the following response
* codes:
- * <para>
- * <simplelist id="gtkfilechooserdialog-responses">
- * <member>#GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT</member>
- * <member>#GTK_RESPONSE_OK</member>
- * <member>#GTK_RESPONSE_YES</member>
- * <member>#GTK_RESPONSE_APPLY</member>
- * </simplelist>
* </para>
+ *
* This is because #GtkFileChooserDialog must intercept responses
* and switch to folders if appropriate, rather than letting the
* dialog terminate &mdash; the implementation uses these known
* response codes to know which responses can be blocked if
* appropriate.
- * <para>
- * <note>
+ *
* To summarize, make sure you use a
* <link linkend="gtkfilechooserdialog-responses">stock response code</link>
* when you use #GtkFileChooserDialog to ensure proper operation.
- * </note>
- * </para>
- * </section>
diff --git a/gtk/gtkfixed.c b/gtk/gtkfixed.c
index 1d2ab3f772..07665b2977 100644
--- a/gtk/gtkfixed.c
+++ b/gtk/gtkfixed.c
@@ -37,23 +37,18 @@
* results in broken applications. With #GtkFixed, the following
* things will result in truncated text, overlapping widgets, and
* other display bugs:
- * <itemizedlist>
- * <listitem><para>
- * Themes, which may change widget sizes.
- * </para></listitem>
- * <listitem><para>
- * Fonts other than the one you used to write the app will of course
+ *
+ * - Themes, which may change widget sizes.
+ *
+ * - Fonts other than the one you used to write the app will of course
* change the size of widgets containing text; keep in mind that
* users may use a larger font because of difficulty reading the
* default, or they may be using Windows or the framebuffer port of
* GTK+, where different fonts are available.
- * </para></listitem>
- * <listitem><para>
- * Translation of text into other languages changes its size. Also,
+ *
+ * - Translation of text into other languages changes its size. Also,
* display of non-English text will use a different font in many
* cases.
- * </para></listitem>
- * </itemizedlist>
* In addition, the fixed widget can't properly be mirrored in
* right-to-left languages such as Hebrew and Arabic. i.e. normally
diff --git a/gtk/gtkflowbox.c b/gtk/gtkflowbox.c
index 6bdadbe7e6..2d6a4a330b 100644
--- a/gtk/gtkflowbox.c
+++ b/gtk/gtkflowbox.c
@@ -3841,11 +3841,9 @@ gtk_flow_box_class_init (GtkFlowBoxClass *class)
* the variant with the Shift modifier extends the selection,
* the variant without the Shift modifer does not.
* There are too many key combinations to list them all here.
- * <itemizedlist>
- * <listitem>Arrow keys move by individual children</listitem>
- * <listitem>Home/End keys move to the ends of the box</listitem>
- * <listitem>PageUp/PageDown keys move vertically by pages</listitem>
- * </itemizedlist>
+ * - Arrow keys move by individual children
+ * - Home/End keys move to the ends of the box
+ * - PageUp/PageDown keys move vertically by pages
signals[MOVE_CURSOR] = g_signal_new ("move-cursor",
diff --git a/gtk/gtkicontheme.c b/gtk/gtkicontheme.c
index 898898a7bb..685cc02e1c 100644
--- a/gtk/gtkicontheme.c
+++ b/gtk/gtkicontheme.c
@@ -80,27 +80,23 @@
* Named icons are similar to the <xref linkend="gtk3-Themeable-Stock-Images"/>
* facility, and the distinction between the two may be a bit confusing.
* A few things to keep in mind:
- * <itemizedlist>
- * <listitem>
- * Stock images usually are used in conjunction with
- * <xref linkend="gtk3-Stock-Items"/>, such as %GTK_STOCK_OK or
- * %GTK_STOCK_OPEN. Named icons are easier to set up and therefore
- * are more useful for new icons that an application wants to
- * add, such as application icons or window icons.
- * </listitem>
- * <listitem>
- * Stock images can only be loaded at the symbolic sizes defined
- * by the #GtkIconSize enumeration, or by custom sizes defined
- * by gtk_icon_size_register(), while named icons are more flexible
- * and any pixel size can be specified.
- * </listitem>
- * <listitem>
- * Because stock images are closely tied to stock items, and thus
- * to actions in the user interface, stock images may come in
- * multiple variants for different widget states or writing
- * directions.
- * </listitem>
- * </itemizedlist>
+ *
+ * - Stock images usually are used in conjunction with
+ * <xref linkend="gtk3-Stock-Items"/>, such as %GTK_STOCK_OK or
+ * %GTK_STOCK_OPEN. Named icons are easier to set up and therefore
+ * are more useful for new icons that an application wants to
+ * add, such as application icons or window icons.
+ *
+ * - Stock images can only be loaded at the symbolic sizes defined
+ * by the #GtkIconSize enumeration, or by custom sizes defined
+ * by gtk_icon_size_register(), while named icons are more flexible
+ * and any pixel size can be specified.
+ *
+ * - Because stock images are closely tied to stock items, and thus
+ * to actions in the user interface, stock images may come in
+ * multiple variants for different widget states or writing
+ * directions.
+ *
* A good rule of thumb is that if there is a stock image for what
* you want to use, use it, otherwise use a named icon. It turns
* out that internally stock images are generally defined in
diff --git a/gtk/gtkiconview.c b/gtk/gtkiconview.c
index 39d257d2ee..68ab8aeb60 100644
--- a/gtk/gtkiconview.c
+++ b/gtk/gtkiconview.c
@@ -849,12 +849,9 @@ gtk_icon_view_class_init (GtkIconViewClass *klass)
* programmatically.
* The default bindings for this signal include
- * <itemizedlist>
- * <listitem>Arrow keys which move by individual steps</listitem>
- * <listitem>Home/End keys which move to the first/last item</listitem>
- * <listitem>PageUp/PageDown which move by "pages"</listitem>
- * </itemizedlist>
- *
+ * - Arrow keys which move by individual steps
+ * - Home/End keys which move to the first/last item
+ * - PageUp/PageDown which move by "pages"
* All of these will extend the selection when combined with
* the Shift modifier.
diff --git a/gtk/gtklabel.c b/gtk/gtklabel.c
index acff4b5263..778c435c70 100644
--- a/gtk/gtklabel.c
+++ b/gtk/gtklabel.c
@@ -593,10 +593,9 @@ gtk_label_class_init (GtkLabelClass *class)
* the variant with the Shift modifier extends the selection,
* the variant without the Shift modifer does not.
* There are too many key combinations to list them all here.
- * <itemizedlist>
- * <listitem>Arrow keys move by individual characters/lines</listitem>
- * <listitem>Ctrl-arrow key combinations move by words/paragraphs</listitem>
- * <listitem>Home/End keys move to the ends of the buffer</listitem>
+ * - Arrow keys move by individual characters/lines
+ * - Ctrl-arrow key combinations move by words/paragraphs
+ * - Home/End keys move to the ends of the buffer
* </itemizedlist>
signals[MOVE_CURSOR] =
diff --git a/gtk/gtkmain.c b/gtk/gtkmain.c
index 72c2e19f9c..a83669ad56 100644
--- a/gtk/gtkmain.c
+++ b/gtk/gtkmain.c
@@ -1467,51 +1467,33 @@ rewrite_event_for_grabs (GdkEvent *event)
* know how exactly events are handled. So here is what this function
* does with the event:
- * <orderedlist>
- * <listitem><para>
- * Compress enter/leave notify events. If the event passed build an
- * enter/leave pair together with the next event (peeked from GDK), both
- * events are thrown away. This is to avoid a backlog of (de-)highlighting
- * widgets crossed by the pointer.
- * </para></listitem>
- * <listitem><para>
- * Find the widget which got the event. If the widget can't be determined
- * the event is thrown away unless it belongs to a INCR transaction.
- * </para></listitem>
- * <listitem><para>
- * Then the event is pushed onto a stack so you can query the currently
- * handled event with gtk_get_current_event().
- * </para></listitem>
- * <listitem><para>
- * The event is sent to a widget. If a grab is active all events for widgets
- * that are not in the contained in the grab widget are sent to the latter
- * with a few exceptions:
- * <itemizedlist>
- * <listitem><para>
- * Deletion and destruction events are still sent to the event widget for
- * obvious reasons.
- * </para></listitem>
- * <listitem><para>
- * Events which directly relate to the visual representation of the event
- * widget.
- * </para></listitem>
- * <listitem><para>
- * Leave events are delivered to the event widget if there was an enter
- * event delivered to it before without the paired leave event.
- * </para></listitem>
- * <listitem><para>
- * Drag events are not redirected because it is unclear what the semantics
- * of that would be.
- * </para></listitem>
- * </itemizedlist>
- * Another point of interest might be that all key events are first passed
- * through the key snooper functions if there are any. Read the description
- * of gtk_key_snooper_install() if you need this feature.
- * </para></listitem>
- * <listitem><para>
- * After finishing the delivery the event is popped from the event stack.
- * </para></listitem>
- * </orderedlist>
+ * 1. Compress enter/leave notify events. If the event passed build an
+ * enter/leave pair together with the next event (peeked from GDK), both
+ * events are thrown away. This is to avoid a backlog of (de-)highlighting
+ * widgets crossed by the pointer.
+ *
+ * 2. Find the widget which got the event. If the widget can't be determined
+ * the event is thrown away unless it belongs to a INCR transaction.
+ *
+ * 3. Then the event is pushed onto a stack so you can query the currently
+ * handled event with gtk_get_current_event().
+ *
+ * 4. The event is sent to a widget. If a grab is active all events for widgets
+ * that are not in the contained in the grab widget are sent to the latter
+ * with a few exceptions:
+ * - Deletion and destruction events are still sent to the event widget for
+ * obvious reasons.
+ * - Events which directly relate to the visual representation of the event
+ * widget.
+ * - Leave events are delivered to the event widget if there was an enter
+ * event delivered to it before without the paired leave event.
+ * - Drag events are not redirected because it is unclear what the semantics
+ * of that would be.
+ * Another point of interest might be that all key events are first passed
+ * through the key snooper functions if there are any. Read the description
+ * of gtk_key_snooper_install() if you need this feature.
+ *
+ * 5. After finishing the delivery the event is popped from the event stack.
gtk_main_do_event (GdkEvent *event)
diff --git a/gtk/gtkshow.c b/gtk/gtkshow.c
index 58f1cb3fab..2de66be56d 100644
--- a/gtk/gtkshow.c
+++ b/gtk/gtkshow.c
@@ -37,11 +37,9 @@
* need to install gvfs to get support for uri schemes such as http://
* or ftp://, as only local files are handled by GIO itself).
* Typical examples are
- * <simplelist>
- * <member><filename>file:///home/gnome/pict.jpg</filename></member>
- * <member><filename></filename></member>
- * <member><filename>mailto:me&commat;</filename></member>
- * </simplelist>
+ * - <filename>file:///home/gnome/pict.jpg</filename>
+ * - <filename></filename>
+ * - <filename>mailto:me&commat;</filename>
* Ideally the timestamp is taken from the event triggering
* the gtk_show_uri() call. If timestamp is not known you can take
diff --git a/gtk/gtktextview.c b/gtk/gtktextview.c
index e63147bc18..e684c7fed2 100644
--- a/gtk/gtktextview.c
+++ b/gtk/gtktextview.c
@@ -940,13 +940,11 @@ gtk_text_view_class_init (GtkTextViewClass *klass)
* the variant with the Shift modifier extends the selection,
* the variant without the Shift modifer does not.
* There are too many key combinations to list them all here.
- * <itemizedlist>
- * <listitem>Arrow keys move by individual characters/lines</listitem>
- * <listitem>Ctrl-arrow key combinations move by words/paragraphs</listitem>
- * <listitem>Home/End keys move to the ends of the buffer</listitem>
- * <listitem>PageUp/PageDown keys move vertically by pages</listitem>
- * <listitem>Ctrl-PageUp/PageDown keys move horizontally by pages</listitem>
- * </itemizedlist>
+ * - Arrow keys move by individual characters/lines
+ * - Ctrl-arrow key combinations move by words/paragraphs
+ * - Home/End keys move to the ends of the buffer
+ * - PageUp/PageDown keys move vertically by pages
+ * - Ctrl-PageUp/PageDown keys move horizontally by pages
signals[MOVE_CURSOR] =
g_signal_new (I_("move-cursor"),
diff --git a/gtk/gtktoolitem.c b/gtk/gtktoolitem.c
index 01634d0c21..ceb3331a26 100644
--- a/gtk/gtktoolitem.c
+++ b/gtk/gtktoolitem.c
@@ -37,22 +37,7 @@
* SECTION:gtktoolitem
* @short_description: The base class of widgets that can be added to GtkToolShell
* @Title: GtkToolItem
- * @see_also: <variablelist>
- * <varlistentry>
- * <term>#GtkToolbar</term>
- * <listitem><para>The toolbar widget</para></listitem>
- * </varlistentry>
- * <varlistentry>
- * <term>#GtkToolButton</term>
- * <listitem><para>A subclass of #GtkToolItem that displays buttons on
- * the toolbar</para></listitem>
- * </varlistentry>
- * <varlistentry>
- * <term>#GtkSeparatorToolItem</term>
- * <listitem><para>A subclass of #GtkToolItem that separates groups of
- * items on a toolbar</para></listitem>
- * </varlistentry>
- * </variablelist>
+ * @see_also: #GtkToolbar, #GtkToolButton, #GtkSeparatorToolItem
* #GtkToolItem<!-- -->s are widgets that can appear on a toolbar. To
* create a toolbar item that contain something else than a button, use
@@ -221,20 +206,17 @@ gtk_tool_item_class_init (GtkToolItemClass *klass)
* This signal is emitted when the toolbar needs information from @tool_item
* about whether the item should appear in the toolbar overflow menu. In
* response the tool item should either
- * <itemizedlist>
- * <listitem>call gtk_tool_item_set_proxy_menu_item() with a %NULL
- * pointer and return %TRUE to indicate that the item should not appear
- * in the overflow menu
- * </listitem>
- * <listitem> call gtk_tool_item_set_proxy_menu_item() with a new menu
- * item and return %TRUE, or
- * </listitem>
- * <listitem> return %FALSE to indicate that the signal was not
- * handled by the item. This means that
- * the item will not appear in the overflow menu unless a later handler
- * installs a menu item.
- * </listitem>
- * </itemizedlist>
+ *
+ * - call gtk_tool_item_set_proxy_menu_item() with a %NULL
+ * pointer and return %TRUE to indicate that the item should not appear
+ * in the overflow menu
+ *
+ * - call gtk_tool_item_set_proxy_menu_item() with a new menu
+ * item and return %TRUE, or
+ *
+ * - return %FALSE to indicate that the signal was not handled by the item.
+ * This means that the item will not appear in the overflow menu unless
+ * a later handler installs a menu item.
* The toolbar may cache the result of this signal. When the tool item changes
* how it will respond to this signal it must call gtk_tool_item_rebuild_menu()
@@ -259,12 +241,10 @@ gtk_tool_item_class_init (GtkToolItemClass *klass)
* This signal is emitted when some property of the toolbar that the
* item is a child of changes. For custom subclasses of #GtkToolItem,
* the default handler of this signal use the functions
- * <itemizedlist>
- * <listitem>gtk_tool_shell_get_orientation()</listitem>
- * <listitem>gtk_tool_shell_get_style()</listitem>
- * <listitem>gtk_tool_shell_get_icon_size()</listitem>
- * <listitem>gtk_tool_shell_get_relief_style()</listitem>
- * </itemizedlist>
+ * - gtk_tool_shell_get_orientation()
+ * - gtk_tool_shell_get_style()
+ * - gtk_tool_shell_get_icon_size()
+ * - gtk_tool_shell_get_relief_style()
* to find out what the toolbar should look like and change
* themselves accordingly.
@@ -796,16 +776,12 @@ gtk_tool_item_get_orientation (GtkToolItem *tool_item)
* the toolbar is displayed and change themselves accordingly
* Possibilities are:
- * <itemizedlist>
- * <listitem> GTK_TOOLBAR_BOTH, meaning the tool item should show
- * both an icon and a label, stacked vertically </listitem>
- * <listitem> GTK_TOOLBAR_ICONS, meaning the toolbar shows
- * only icons </listitem>
- * <listitem> GTK_TOOLBAR_TEXT, meaning the tool item should only
- * show text</listitem>
- * <listitem> GTK_TOOLBAR_BOTH_HORIZ, meaning the tool item should show
- * both an icon and a label, arranged horizontally</listitem>
- * </itemizedlist>
+ * - %GTK_TOOLBAR_BOTH, meaning the tool item should show
+ * both an icon and a label, stacked vertically
+ * - %GTK_TOOLBAR_ICONS, meaning the toolbar shows only icons
+ * - %GTK_TOOLBAR_TEXT, meaning the tool item should only show text
+ * - %GTK_TOOLBAR_BOTH_HORIZ, meaning the tool item should show
+ * both an icon and a label, arranged horizontally
* Return value: A #GtkToolbarStyle indicating the toolbar style used
* for @tool_item.
diff --git a/gtk/gtktooltip.c b/gtk/gtktooltip.c
index 71b99646c4..d0a544804b 100644
--- a/gtk/gtktooltip.c
+++ b/gtk/gtktooltip.c
@@ -52,58 +52,34 @@
* When you need a tooltip with a little more fancy contents, like adding an
* image, or you want the tooltip to have different contents per #GtkTreeView
* row or cell, you will have to do a little more work:
- * <itemizedlist>
- * <listitem>
- * <para>
- * Set the #GtkWidget:has-tooltip property to %TRUE, this will make GTK+
- * monitor the widget for motion and related events which are needed to
- * determine when and where to show a tooltip.
- * </para>
- * </listitem>
- * <listitem>
- * <para>
- * Connect to the #GtkWidget::query-tooltip signal. This signal will be
- * emitted when a tooltip is supposed to be shown. One of the arguments passed
- * to the signal handler is a GtkTooltip object. This is the object that we
- * are about to display as a tooltip, and can be manipulated in your callback
- * using functions like gtk_tooltip_set_icon(). There are functions for setting
- * the tooltip's markup, setting an image from a named icon, or even putting in
- * a custom widget.
- * </para>
- * </listitem>
- * <listitem>
- * <para>
- * Return %TRUE from your query-tooltip handler. This causes the tooltip to be
- * show. If you return %FALSE, it will not be shown.
- * </para>
- * </listitem>
- * </itemizedlist>
+ *
+ * - Set the #GtkWidget:has-tooltip property to %TRUE, this will make GTK+
+ * monitor the widget for motion and related events which are needed to
+ * determine when and where to show a tooltip.
+ *
+ * - Connect to the #GtkWidget::query-tooltip signal. This signal will be
+ * emitted when a tooltip is supposed to be shown. One of the arguments passed
+ * to the signal handler is a GtkTooltip object. This is the object that we
+ * are about to display as a tooltip, and can be manipulated in your callback
+ * using functions like gtk_tooltip_set_icon(). There are functions for setting
+ * the tooltip's markup, setting an image from a named icon, or even putting in
+ * a custom widget.
+ *
+ * Return %TRUE from your query-tooltip handler. This causes the tooltip to be
+ * show. If you return %FALSE, it will not be shown.
* In the probably rare case where you want to have even more control over the
* tooltip that is about to be shown, you can set your own #GtkWindow which
* will be used as tooltip window. This works as follows:
- * <itemizedlist>
- * <listitem>
- * <para>
- * Set #GtkWidget:has-tooltip and connect to #GtkWidget::query-tooltip as
- * before.
- * </para>
- * </listitem>
- * <listitem>
- * <para>
- * Use gtk_widget_set_tooltip_window() to set a #GtkWindow created by you as
- * tooltip window.
- * </para>
- * </listitem>
- * <listitem>
- * <para>
- * In the #GtkWidget::query-tooltip callback you can access your window using
- * gtk_widget_get_tooltip_window() and manipulate as you wish. The semantics of
- * the return value are exactly as before, return %TRUE to show the window,
- * %FALSE to not show it.
- * </para>
- * </listitem>
- * </itemizedlist>
+ *
+ * - Set #GtkWidget:has-tooltip and connect to #GtkWidget::query-tooltip as before.
+ * Use gtk_widget_set_tooltip_window() to set a #GtkWindow created by you as
+ * tooltip window.
+ *
+ * - In the #GtkWidget::query-tooltip callback you can access your window using
+ * gtk_widget_get_tooltip_window() and manipulate as you wish. The semantics of
+ * the return value are exactly as before, return %TRUE to show the window,
+ * %FALSE to not show it.
diff --git a/gtk/gtktreemodel.c b/gtk/gtktreemodel.c
index 6cb6da3f84..931d9ff766 100644
--- a/gtk/gtktreemodel.c
+++ b/gtk/gtktreemodel.c
@@ -209,21 +209,20 @@
* When working with reference counting, the following rules must be taken
* into account:
- * <itemizedlist>
- * <listitem><para>Never take a reference on a node without owning a
- * reference on its parent. This means that all parent nodes of a referenced
- * node must be referenced as well.</para></listitem>
- * <listitem><para>Outstanding references on a deleted node are not released.
- * This is not possible because the node has already been deleted by the
- * time the row-deleted signal is received.
- * </para></listitem>
- * <listitem><para>Models are not obligated to emit a signal on rows of
- * which none of its siblings are referenced. To phrase this differently,
- * signals are only required for levels in which nodes are referenced. For
- * the root level however, signals must be emitted at all times (however the
- * root level is always referenced when any view is attached).
- * </para></listitem>
- * </itemizedlist>
+ *
+ * - Never take a reference on a node without owning a reference on its parent.
+ * This means that all parent nodes of a referenced node must be referenced
+ * as well.
+ *
+ * - Outstanding references on a deleted node are not released. This is not
+ * possible because the node has already been deleted by the time the
+ * row-deleted signal is received.
+ *
+ * - Models are not obligated to emit a signal on rows of which none of its
+ * siblings are referenced. To phrase this differently, signals are only
+ * required for levels in which nodes are referenced. For the root level
+ * however, signals must be emitted at all times (however the root level
+ * is always referenced when any view is attached).
diff --git a/gtk/gtktreemodelfilter.c b/gtk/gtktreemodelfilter.c
index f4c6a81c78..17029a0a72 100644
--- a/gtk/gtktreemodelfilter.c
+++ b/gtk/gtktreemodelfilter.c
@@ -32,25 +32,21 @@
* A #GtkTreeModelFilter is a tree model which wraps another tree model,
* and can do the following things:
- * <itemizedlist>
- * <listitem><para>
- * Filter specific rows, based on data from a "visible column", a column
- * storing booleans indicating whether the row should be filtered or not,
- * or based on the return value of a "visible function", which gets a
- * model, iter and user_data and returns a boolean indicating whether the
- * row should be filtered or not.
- * </para></listitem>
- * <listitem><para>
- * Modify the "appearance" of the model, using a modify function.
- * This is extremely powerful and allows for just changing
- * some values and also for creating a completely different model based on
- * the given child model.
- * </para></listitem>
- * <listitem><para>
- * Set a different root node, also known as a "virtual root". You can pass in
- * a #GtkTreePath indicating the root node for the filter at construction time.
- * </para></listitem>
- * </itemizedlist>
+ *
+ * - Filter specific rows, based on data from a "visible column", a column
+ * storing booleans indicating whether the row should be filtered or not,
+ * or based on the return value of a "visible function", which gets a
+ * model, iter and user_data and returns a boolean indicating whether the
+ * row should be filtered or not.
+ *
+ * - Modify the "appearance" of the model, using a modify function.
+ * This is extremely powerful and allows for just changing some
+ * values and also for creating a completely different model based
+ * on the given child model.
+ *
+ * - Set a different root node, also known as a "virtual root". You can pass
+ * in a #GtkTreePath indicating the root node for the filter at construction
+ * time.
* The basic API is similar to #GtkTreeModelSort. For an example on its usage,
* see the section on #GtkTreeModelSort.
diff --git a/gtk/gtktreesortable.c b/gtk/gtktreesortable.c
index 0eeadc5e8b..14100190ca 100644
--- a/gtk/gtktreesortable.c
+++ b/gtk/gtktreesortable.c
@@ -147,16 +147,11 @@ gtk_tree_sortable_get_sort_column_id (GtkTreeSortable *sortable,
* resort itself to reflect this change, after emitting a
* #GtkTreeSortable::sort-column-changed signal. @sort_column_id may either be
* a regular column id, or one of the following special values:
- * <variablelist>
- * <varlistentry>
- * <listitem>the default sort function will be used, if it is set</listitem>
- * </varlistentry>
- * <varlistentry>
- * <listitem>no sorting will occur</listitem>
- * </varlistentry>
- * </variablelist>
+ *
+ * - %GTK_TREE_SORTABLE_DEFAULT_SORT_COLUMN_ID: the default sort function
+ * will be used, if it is set
+ *
+ * - %GTK_TREE_SORTABLE_UNSORTED_SORT_COLUMN_ID: no sorting will occur
gtk_tree_sortable_set_sort_column_id (GtkTreeSortable *sortable,