path: root/docs/tutorial/gtk-tut.sgml
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authorBST 2002 Tony Gale <>2002-08-26 11:35:57 +0000
committerTony Gale <>2002-08-26 11:35:57 +0000
commit5abc7156b6880b213ce770580fa01f82d11052da (patch)
tree1eaa2349feb627ac7130930cc6d9c7c3771fef12 /docs/tutorial/gtk-tut.sgml
parent7049e0cb59270dfd6885724805f056f0d133f72a (diff)
Mon Aug 26 12:21:16 BST 2002 Tony Gale <> * docs/tutorial/ cleanups * docs/tutorial/gtk-tut.sgml: new content for the ItemFactory section. Originally from Robert Cleaver Ancell.
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/tutorial/gtk-tut.sgml')
1 files changed, 453 insertions, 74 deletions
diff --git a/docs/tutorial/gtk-tut.sgml b/docs/tutorial/gtk-tut.sgml
index c4b3d8677b..53325ed438 100755
--- a/docs/tutorial/gtk-tut.sgml
+++ b/docs/tutorial/gtk-tut.sgml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
<book id="gtk-tut">
- <date>August 24, 2002</date>
+ <date>August 26, 2002</date>
<title>GTK+ 2.0 Tutorial</title>
@@ -8586,6 +8586,326 @@ table, bind keys to menu functions.</para>
<para>Now that we've shown you the hard way, here's how you do it using the
gtk_item_factory calls.</para>
+<para>ItemFactory creates a menu out of an array of ItemFactory entries. This
+means you can define your menu in its simplest form and then create the
+menu/menubar widgets with a minimum of function calls.</para>
+<!-- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -->
+<sect2 id="sec-ItemFactoryEntries">
+<title>ItemFactory entries</title>
+<para>At the core of ItemFactory is the ItemFactoryEntry. This structure defines
+one menu item, and when an array of these entries is defined a whole
+menu is formed. The ItemFactory entry struct definition looks like this:</para>
+<programlisting role="C">
+struct _GtkItemFactoryEntry
+ gchar *path;
+ gchar *accelerator;
+ GtkItemFactoryCallback callback;
+ guint callback_action;
+ gchar *item_type;
+<para>Each field defines part of the menu item.</para>
+<para><literal>*path</literal> is a string which defines both the name and the
+path of a menu item, for example, "/File/Open" would be the name of a menu
+item which would come under the ItemFactory entry with path "/File". Note however
+that "/File/Open" would be displayed in the File menu as "Open". Also note
+since the forward slashes are used to define the path of the menu,
+they cannot be used as part of the name. A letter preceded by an underscore
+indicates an accelerator (shortcut) key once the menu is open.</para>
+<literal>*accelerator</literal> is a string that indicates a key combination
+that can be used as a shortcut to that menu item. The string can be made up
+of either a single character, or a combination of modifier keys with a single
+character. It is case insensitive.</para>
+<para>The available modifier keys are:</para>
+<programlisting role="C">
+"&lt;ALT&gt; - alt
+"&lt;CTL&gt;" or "&lt;CTRL&gt;" or "&lt;CONTROL&gt;" - control
+"&lt;MOD1&gt;" to "&lt;MOD5&gt;" - modn
+"&lt;SHFT&gt;" or "&lt;SHIFT&gt;" - shift
+<programlisting role="C">
+<literal>callback</literal> is the function that is called when the menu item
+emits the "activate" signal. The form of the callback is described
+in the <link linkend="sec-ItemFactoryCallback">Callback Description</link>
+The value of <literal>callback_action</literal> is passed to the callback
+function. It also affects the function prototype, as shown
+in the <link linkend="sec-ItemFactoryCallback">Callback Description</link>
+<literal>item_type</literal> is a string that defines what type of widget is
+packed into the menu items container. It can be:</para>
+<programlisting role="C">
+NULL or "" or "&lt;Item&gt;" - create a simple item
+"&lt;Title&gt;" - create a title item
+"&lt;CheckItem&gt;" - create a check item
+"&lt;ToggleItem&gt;" - create a toggle item
+"&lt;RadioItem&gt;" - create a (root) radio item
+"Path" - create a sister radio item
+"&lt;Tearoff&gt;" - create a tearoff
+"&lt;Separator&gt;" - create a separator
+"&lt;Branch&gt;" - create an item to hold submenus (optional)
+"&lt;LastBranch&gt;" - create a right justified branch
+<para>Note that &lt;LastBranch&gt; is only useful for one submenu of
+a menubar.</para>
+<!-- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -->
+<sect3 id="sec-ItemFactoryCallback">
+<title>Callback Description</title>
+The callback for an ItemFactory entry can take two forms. If
+<literal>callback_action</literal> is zero, it is of the following
+<programlisting role="C">
+void callback(void)
+<para>otherwise it is of the form:</para>
+<programlisting role="C">
+void callback(gpointer callback_data,
+ guint callback_action,
+ GtkWidget *widget)
+<literal>callback_data</literal> is a pointer to an arbitrary piece of data and
+is set during the call to gtk_item_factory_create_items().</para>
+<literal>callback_action</literal> is the same value as
+<literal>callback_action</literal> in the ItemFactory entry.</para>
+<literal>*widget</literal> is a pointer to a menu item widget
+(described in <link linkend="sec-ManualMenuCreation">Manual Menu Creation</link>).
+<!-- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -->
+<sect3 id="sec-ItemFactoryEntryExamples">
+<title>ItemFactory entry examples</title>
+<para>Creating a simple menu item:</para>
+<programlisting role="C">
+GtkItemFactoryEntry entry = {"/_File/_Open...", "&lt;CTRL&gt;O", print_hello,
+ 0, "&lt;Item&gt;"};
+<para>This will define a new simple menu entry "/File/Open" (displayed as "Open"),
+under the menu entry "/File". It has the accelerator (shortcut) control+'O'
+that when clicked calls the function print_hello(). print_hello() is of
+the form <literal>void print_hello(void)</literal> since the callback_action
+field is zero. When displayed the 'O' in "Open" will be underlined and if the
+menu item is visible on the screen pressing 'O' will activate the item. Note
+that "File/_Open" could also have been used as the path instead of
+<para>Creating an entry with a more complex callback:</para>
+<programlisting role="C">
+GtkItemFactoryEntry entry = {"/_View/Display _FPS", NULL, print_state,
+ 7,"&lt;CheckItem&gt;"};
+<para>This defines a new menu item displayed as "Display FPS" which is under
+the menu item "View". When clicked the function print_state() will be called.
+Since <literal>callback_action</literal> is not zero print_state() is of the
+<programlisting role="C">
+void print_state(gpointer callback_data,
+ guint callback_action,
+ GtkWidget *widget)
+<para>with <literal>callback_action</literal> equal to 7.</para>
+<para>Creating a radio button set:</para>
+<programlisting role="C">
+GtkItemFactoryEntry entry1 = {"/_View/_Low Resolution", NULL, change_resolution,
+ 1, "&lt;RadioButton&gt;"};
+GtkItemFactoryEntry entry2 = {"/_View/_High Resolution", NULL, change_resolution,
+ 2, "/View/Low Resolution"};
+<para><literal>entry1</literal> defines a lone radio button that when toggled
+calls the function change_resolution() with the parameter
+<literal>callback_action</literal> equal to 1. change_resolution() is of
+the form:</para>
+<programlisting role="C">
+void change_resolution(gpointer callback_data,
+ guint callback_action,
+ GtkWidget *widget)
+<para><literal>entry2</literal> defines a radio button that belongs to the
+radio group that entry1 belongs to. It calls the same function when toggled
+but with the parameter <literal>callback_action</literal> equal to 2. Note that
+the item_type of <literal>entry2</literal> is the path of entry1
+<emphasis>without</emphasis> the accelerators ('_'). If another radio button was
+required in the same group then it would be defined in the same way as
+<literal>entry2</literal> was with its <literal>item_type</literal> again
+equal to "/View/Low Resolution".</para>
+<!-- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -->
+<sect3 id="sec-ItemFactoryEntryArrays">
+<title>ItemFactoryEntry Arrays</title>
+<para>An ItemFactoryEntry on it's own however isn't useful. An array of
+entries is what's required to define a menu. Below is an example of how
+you'd declare this array.</para>
+<programlisting role="C">
+static GtkItemFactoryEntry entries[] = {
+ { "/_File", NULL, NULL, 0, "&lt;Branch&gt;" },
+ { "/File/tear1", NULL, NULL, 0, "&lt;Tearoff&gt;" },
+ { "/File/_New", "&lt;CTRL&gt;N", new_file, 1, "&lt;Item&gt;" },
+ { "/File/_Open...", "&lt;CTRL&gt;O", open_file, 1, "&lt;Item&gt;" },
+ { "/File/sep1", NULL, NULL, 0, "&lt;Seperator&gt;" },
+ { "/File/_Quit", "&lt;CTRL&gt;Q", quit_program, 0, "&lt;Item&gt;"} };
+<!-- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -->
+<sect2 id="sec-ItemFactoryCreation">
+<title>Creating an ItemFactory</title>
+<para>An array of GtkItemFactoryEntry items defines a menu. Once this
+array is defined then the item factory can be created. The function that
+does this is:</para>
+<programlisting role="C">
+GtkItemFactory* gtk_item_factory_new( GtkType container_type,
+ const gchar *path,
+ GtkAccelGroup *accel_group );
+<para><literal>container_type</literal> can be one of:</para>
+<programlisting role="C">
+<para><literal>container_type</literal> defines what type of menu
+you want, so when you extract it later it is either a menu (for pop-ups
+for instance), a menu bar, or an option menu (like a combo box but with
+a menu of pull downs).</para>
+<para><literal>path</literal> defines the path of the root of the menu.
+Basically it is a unique name for the root of the menu, it must be
+surrounded by "&lt;&gt;". This is important for the naming of the
+accelerators and should be unique. It should be unique both for each
+menu and between each program. For example in a program named 'foo', the
+main menu should be called "&lt;FooMain&gt;", and a pop-up menu
+"&lt;FooImagePopUp&gt;", or similar. What's important is that they're unique.</para>
+<para><literal>accel_group</literal> is a pointer to a gtk_accel_group. The
+item factory sets up the accelerator table while generating menus. New
+accelerator groups are generated by gtk_accel_group_new().</para>
+<para>But this is just the first step. To convert the array of GtkItemFactoryEntry
+information into widgets the following function is used:</para>
+<programlisting role="C">
+void gtk_item_factory_create_items( GtkItemFactory *ifactory,
+ guint n_entries,
+ GtkItemFactoryEntry *entries,
+ gpointer callback_data );
+<para><literal>*ifactory</literal> a pointer to the above created item factory.</para>
+<para><literal>n_entries</literal> is the number of entries in the
+GtkItemFactoryEntry array.</para>
+<para><literal>*entries</literal> is a pointer to the GtkItemFactoryEntry array.</para>
+<para><literal>callback_data</literal> is what gets passed to all the callback functions
+for all the entries with callback_action != 0.</para>
+<para>The accelerator group has now been formed, so you'll probably want
+to attach it to the window the menu is in:</para>
+<programlisting role="C">
+void gtk_window_add_accel_group( GtkWindow *window,
+ GtkAccelGroup *accel_group);
+<!-- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -->
+<sect2 id="sec-UsingMenuandItems">
+<title>Making use of the menu and its menu items</title>
+<para>The last thing to do is make use of the menu. The following function
+extracts the relevant widgets from the ItemFactory:</para>
+<programlisting role="C">
+GtkWidget* gtk_item_factory_get_widget( GtkItemFactory *ifactory,
+ const gchar *path );
+<para>For instance if an ItemFactory has two entries "/File" and "/File/New",
+using a path of "/File" would retrieve a <emphasis>menu</emphasis> widget from the
+ItemFactory. Using a path of "/File/New" would retrieve a
+<emphasis>menu item</emphasis> widget. This makes it possible to set the initial state
+of menu items. For example to set the default radio
+item to the one with the path "/Shape/Oval" then the following code would
+be used:</para>
+<programlisting role="C">
+ GTK_CHECK_MENU_ITEM (gtk_item_factory_get_item (item_factory, "/Shape/Oval")),
+ TRUE);
+<para>Finally to retrieve the root of the menu use gtk_item_factory_get_item()
+with a path of "&lt;main&gt;" (or whatever path was used in
+gtk_item_factory_new()). In the case of the ItemFactory being created with
+type GTK_TYPE_MENU_BAR this returns a menu bar widget. With type GTK_TYPE_MENU
+a menu widget is returned. With type GTK_TYPE_OPTION_MENU an option menu
+widget is returned.</para>
+<para><emphasis>Remember</emphasis> for an entry defined with path "/_File"
+the path here is actually "/File".</para>
+<para>Now you have a menubar or menu which can be manipulated in the same
+way as shown in the
+<link linkend="sec-ManualMenuCreation">Manual Menu Creation</link>
<!-- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -->
@@ -8595,10 +8915,10 @@ gtk_item_factory calls.</para>
<para>Here is an example using the GTK item factory.</para>
<programlisting role="C">
-<!-- example-start menu itemfactory.c -->
+/* example-start menu itemfactory.c */
-#include &lt;gtk/gtk.h&gt;
-#include &lt;strings.h&gt;
+#include &amp;lt;gtk/gtk.h&amp;gt;
+#include &amp;lt;strings.h&amp;gt;
/* Obligatory basic callback */
static void print_hello( GtkWidget *w,
@@ -8607,63 +8927,58 @@ static void print_hello( GtkWidget *w,
g_message ("Hello, World!\n");
-/* This is the GtkItemFactoryEntry structure used to generate new menus.
- Item 1: The menu path. The letter after the underscore indicates an
- accelerator key once the menu is open.
- Item 2: The accelerator key for the entry
- Item 3: The callback function.
- Item 4: The callback action. This changes the parameters with
- which the function is called. The default is 0.
- Item 5: The item type, used to define what kind of an item it is.
- Here are the possible values:
- NULL -&gt; "&lt;Item&gt;"
- "" -&gt; "&lt;Item&gt;"
- "&lt;Title&gt;" -&gt; create a title item
- "&lt;Item&gt;" -&gt; create a simple item
- "&lt;CheckItem&gt;" -&gt; create a check item
- "&lt;ToggleItem&gt;" -&gt; create a toggle item
- "&lt;RadioItem&gt;" -&gt; create a radio item
- &lt;path&gt; -&gt; path of a radio item to link against
- "&lt;Separator&gt;" -&gt; create a separator
- "&lt;Branch&gt;" -&gt; create an item to hold sub items (optional)
- "&lt;LastBranch&gt;" -&gt; create a right justified branch
+/* For the check button */
+static void print_toggle(gpointer callback_data,
+ guint callback_action,
+ GtkWidget *menu_item)
+ g_message ("Check button state - %d\n",
+ GTK_CHECK_MENU_ITEM(menu_item)-&amp;gt;active);
+/* For the radio buttons */
+static void print_selected(gpointer callback_data,
+ guint callback_action,
+ GtkWidget *menu_item)
+ if(GTK_CHECK_MENU_ITEM(menu_item)-&amp;gt;active)
+ g_message("Radio button %d selected\n", callback_action);
+/* Our menu, an array of GtkItemFactoryEntry structures that defines each menu item */
static GtkItemFactoryEntry menu_items[] = {
- { "/_File", NULL, NULL, 0, "&lt;Branch&gt;" },
- { "/File/_New", "&lt;control&gt;N", print_hello, 0, NULL },
- { "/File/_Open", "&lt;control&gt;O", print_hello, 0, NULL },
- { "/File/_Save", "&lt;control&gt;S", print_hello, 0, NULL },
- { "/File/Save _As", NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
- { "/File/sep1", NULL, NULL, 0, "&lt;Separator&gt;" },
- { "/File/Quit", "&lt;control&gt;Q", gtk_main_quit, 0, NULL },
- { "/_Options", NULL, NULL, 0, "&lt;Branch&gt;" },
- { "/Options/Test", NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
- { "/_Help", NULL, NULL, 0, "&lt;LastBranch&gt;" },
- { "/_Help/About", NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "/_File", NULL, NULL, 0, "&amp;lt;Branch&amp;gt;" },
+ { "/File/_New", "&amp;lt;control&amp;gt;N", print_hello, 0, "&lt;Item&gt;" },
+ { "/File/_Open", "&amp;lt;control&amp;gt;O", print_hello, 0, "&lt;Item&gt;" },
+ { "/File/_Save", "&amp;lt;control&amp;gt;S", print_hello, 0, "&lt;Item&gt;" },
+ { "/File/Save _As", NULL, NULL, 0, "&lt;Item&gt;" },
+ { "/File/sep1", NULL, NULL, 0, "&amp;lt;Separator&amp;gt;" },
+ { "/File/Quit", "&amp;lt;control&amp;gt;Q", gtk_main_quit, 0, "&lt;Item&gt;" },
+ { "/_Options", NULL, NULL, 0, "&amp;lt;Branch&amp;gt;" },
+ { "/Options/tear", NULL, NULL, 0, "&amp;lt;Tearoff&amp;gt;" },
+ { "/Options/Check", NULL, print_toggle, 1, "&amp;lt;CheckItem&amp;gt;" },
+ { "/Options/sep", NULL, NULL, 0, "&amp;lt;Separator&amp;gt;" },
+ { "/Options/Rad1", NULL, print_selected, 1, "&amp;lt;RadioItem&amp;gt;" },
+ { "/Options/Rad2", NULL, print_selected, 2, "/Options/Rad1" },
+ { "/Options/Rad3", NULL, print_selected, 3, "/Options/Rad1" },
+ { "/_Help", NULL, NULL, 0, "&amp;lt;LastBranch&amp;gt;" },
+ { "/_Help/About", NULL, NULL, 0, "&lt;Item&gt;" },
+static gint nmenu_items = sizeof (menu_items) / sizeof (menu_items[0]);
-void get_main_menu( GtkWidget *window,
- GtkWidget **menubar )
+/* Returns a menubar widget made from the above menu */
+GtkWidget *get_menubar_menu( GtkWidget *window)
GtkItemFactory *item_factory;
GtkAccelGroup *accel_group;
- gint nmenu_items = sizeof (menu_items) / sizeof (menu_items[0]);
+ /* Make an accelerator group (shortcut keys) */
accel_group = gtk_accel_group_new ();
- /* This function initializes the item factory.
- Param 1: The type of menu - can be GTK_TYPE_MENU_BAR, GTK_TYPE_MENU,
- Param 2: The path of the menu.
- Param 3: A pointer to a gtk_accel_group. The item factory sets up
- the accelerator table while generating menus.
- */
- item_factory = gtk_item_factory_new (GTK_TYPE_MENU_BAR, "&lt;main&gt;",
- accel_group);
+ /* Make an ItemFactory (that makes a menubar) */
+ item_factory = gtk_item_factory_new (GTK_TYPE_MENU_BAR, "&amp;lt;main&amp;gt;",
+ accel_group);
/* This function generates the menu items. Pass the item factory,
the number of items in the array, the array itself, and any
@@ -8673,48 +8988,112 @@ void get_main_menu( GtkWidget *window,
/* Attach the new accelerator group to the window. */
gtk_window_add_accel_group (GTK_WINDOW (window), accel_group);
- if (menubar)
- /* Finally, return the actual menu bar created by the item factory. */
- *menubar = gtk_item_factory_get_widget (item_factory, "&lt;main&gt;");
+ /* Finally, return the actual menu bar created by the item factory. */
+ return gtk_item_factory_get_widget (item_factory, "&amp;lt;main&amp;gt;");
+/* Popup the menu when the popup button is pressed */
+static gint popup_cb(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event, GtkWidget *menu)
+ GdkEventButton *bevent = (GdkEventButton *)event;
+ /* Only take button presses */
+ if(event-&amp;gt;type != GDK_BUTTON_PRESS)
+ return FALSE;
+ /* Show the menu */
+ gtk_menu_popup(GTK_MENU(menu), NULL, NULL,
+ NULL, NULL, bevent-&amp;gt;button, bevent-&amp;gt;time);
+ return TRUE;
+/* Same as with get_menubar_menu() but just return a button with a signal to
+ call a popup menu */
+GtkWidget *get_popup_menu(void)
+ GtkItemFactory *item_factory;
+ GtkWidget *button, *menu;
+ /* Same as before but don't bother with the accelerators */
+ item_factory = gtk_item_factory_new (GTK_TYPE_MENU, "&amp;lt;main&amp;gt;",
+ NULL);
+ gtk_item_factory_create_items (item_factory, nmenu_items, menu_items, NULL);
+ menu = gtk_item_factory_get_widget(item_factory, "&amp;lt;main&amp;gt;");
+ /* Make a button to activate the popup menu */
+ button = gtk_button_new_with_label("Popup");
+ /* Make the menu popup when clicked */
+ g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(button),
+ "event",
+ G_CALLBACK(popup_cb),
+ (gpointer) menu);
+ return button;
+/* Same again but return an option menu */
+GtkWidget *get_option_menu(void)
+ GtkItemFactory *item_factory;
+ GtkWidget *option_menu;
+ /* Same again, not bothering with the accelerators */
+ item_factory = gtk_item_factory_new (GTK_TYPE_OPTION_MENU, "&amp;lt;main&amp;gt;",
+ NULL);
+ gtk_item_factory_create_items (item_factory, nmenu_items, menu_items, NULL);
+ option_menu = gtk_item_factory_get_widget(item_factory, "&amp;lt;main&amp;gt;");
+ return option_menu;
+/* You have to start somewhere */
int main( int argc,
char *argv[] )
GtkWidget *window;
GtkWidget *main_vbox;
- GtkWidget *menubar;
+ GtkWidget *menubar, *option_menu, *popup_button;
+ /* Initialize GTK */
gtk_init (&amp;argc, &amp;argv);
+ /* Make a window */
window = gtk_window_new (GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
- g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (window), "destroy",
- G_CALLBACK (gtk_main_quit),
- NULL);
- gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Item Factory");
- gtk_widget_set_size_request (GTK_WIDGET (window), 300, 200);
+ g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (window), "destroy",
+ G_CALLBACK (gtk_main_quit),
+ NULL);
+ gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW(window), "Item Factory");
+ gtk_widget_set_size_request (GTK_WIDGET(window), 300, 200);
+ /* Make a vbox to put the three menus in */
main_vbox = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 1);
gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (main_vbox), 1);
gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (window), main_vbox);
- gtk_widget_show (main_vbox);
- get_main_menu (window, &amp;menubar);
+ /* Get the three types of menu */
+ /* Note: all three menus are separately created, so they are not the
+ same menu */
+ menubar = get_menubar_menu (window);
+ popup_button = get_popup_menu();
+ option_menu = get_option_menu();
+ /* Pack it all together */
gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (main_vbox), menubar, FALSE, TRUE, 0);
- gtk_widget_show (menubar);
- gtk_widget_show (window);
+ gtk_box_pack_end (GTK_BOX (main_vbox), popup_button, FALSE, TRUE, 0);
+ gtk_box_pack_end (GTK_BOX (main_vbox), option_menu, FALSE, TRUE, 0);
- gtk_main ();
+ /* Show the widgets */
+ gtk_widget_show_all (window);
- return 0;
+ /* Finished! */
+ gtk_main ();
+ return(0);
-<!-- example-end -->
+/* example-end */
-<para>For now, there's only this example. An explanation and lots 'o' comments
-will follow later.</para>