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authorVincent Penquerc'h <>2016-02-03 16:28:42 +0000
committerVincent Penquerc'h <>2016-02-03 16:36:10 +0000
commit1ef601e7d3c5689ef6832c21e05b1c75865d9194 (patch)
parent8e9345ec865a3d76b12026066df9d607cf3f1145 (diff)
opus: fix FEC
FEC may only be used when PLC is enabled on the audio decoder, as it relies on empty buffers to generate audio from the next buffer. Hooking to the gap events doesn't work as the audio decoder does not like more buffers output than it sends. The length of data to generate using FEC from the next packet is determined by rounding the gap duration to nearest. This ensures that duration imprecision does not cause quantization to 2.5 milliseconds less than available. Doing so causes the Opus API to fail decoding. Such duration imprecision is common in live cases. The buffer to consider when determining the length of audio to be decoded is the previous buffer when using FEC, and the new buffer otherwise. In the FEC case, this means we determine the amount of audio from the previous buffer, whether it was missing or not (and get the data either from this buffer, or the current one if the previous one was missing).
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/ext/opus/gstopusdec.c b/ext/opus/gstopusdec.c
index 649cc0c61..1470ea321 100644
--- a/ext/opus/gstopusdec.c
+++ b/ext/opus/gstopusdec.c
@@ -133,8 +133,8 @@ gst_opus_dec_class_init (GstOpusDecClass * klass)
"Vincent Penquerc'h <>");
g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_USE_INBAND_FEC,
g_param_spec_boolean ("use-inband-fec", "Use in-band FEC",
- "Use forward error correction if available", DEFAULT_USE_INBAND_FEC,
+ "Use forward error correction if available (needs PLC enabled)",
g_object_class_install_property (gobject_class, PROP_APPLY_GAIN,
g_param_spec_boolean ("apply-gain", "Apply gain",
@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ opus_dec_chain_parse_data (GstOpusDec * dec, GstBuffer * buffer)
GstFlowReturn res = GST_FLOW_OK;
gsize size;
guint8 *data;
- GstBuffer *outbuf;
+ GstBuffer *outbuf, *bufd;
gint16 *out_data;
int n, err;
int samples;
@@ -429,6 +429,9 @@ opus_dec_chain_parse_data (GstOpusDec * dec, GstBuffer * buffer)
&& gst_buffer_get_size (dec->last_buffer) >
0) ? dec->last_buffer : buffer;
+ /* That's the buffer we get duration from */
+ bufd = dec->use_inband_fec ? dec->last_buffer : buffer;
if (buf && gst_buffer_get_size (buf) > 0) {
gst_buffer_map (buf, &map, GST_MAP_READ);
data =;
@@ -441,10 +444,10 @@ opus_dec_chain_parse_data (GstOpusDec * dec, GstBuffer * buffer)
size = 0;
- if (gst_buffer_get_size (buf) == 0) {
+ if (gst_buffer_get_size (bufd) == 0) {
GstClockTime const opus_plc_alignment = 2500 * GST_USECOND;
GstClockTime aligned_missing_duration;
- GstClockTime missing_duration = GST_BUFFER_DURATION (buf);
+ GstClockTime missing_duration = GST_BUFFER_DURATION (bufd);
"missing buffer, doing PLC duration %" GST_TIME_FORMAT
@@ -455,9 +458,10 @@ opus_dec_chain_parse_data (GstOpusDec * dec, GstBuffer * buffer)
missing_duration += dec->leftover_plc_duration;
/* align the combined buffer and leftover PLC duration to multiples
- * of 2.5ms, always rounding down, and store excess duration for later */
+ * of 2.5ms, rounding to nearest, and store excess duration for later */
aligned_missing_duration =
- (missing_duration / opus_plc_alignment) * opus_plc_alignment;
+ ((missing_duration +
+ opus_plc_alignment / 2) / opus_plc_alignment) * opus_plc_alignment;
dec->leftover_plc_duration = missing_duration - aligned_missing_duration;
/* Opus' PLC cannot operate with less than 2.5ms; skip PLC