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-\chapter{More on certificate authentication}
-\index{Certificate authentication}
-\section{The X.509\index{X.509 certificates} trust model}
-The X.509 protocols rely on a hierarchical trust model. In this trust model
-Certification Authorities (CAs) are used to certify entities.
-Usually more than one certification authorities exist, and certification
-authorities may certify other authorities to issue certificates as well,
-following a hierarchical model.
-\caption{X.509 certification}
-One needs to trust one or more CAs for his secure
-communications. In that case only the certificates issued by the trusted
-authorities are acceptable. See figure \ref{fig:x509-1} for a typical example.
-The API for handling X.509 certificates is described at section \ref{sec:x509api}
-on page \pageref{sec:x509api}. Some examples are listed below.
-\subsection{X.509 certificates}
-An X.509 certificate usually contains information about the certificate
-holder, the signer, a unique serial number, expiration dates and some other
-fields \cite{RFC3280} as shown in the table below.
-version & the field that indicates the version of the certificate.
-serialNumber & this field holds a unique serial number per certificate.
-issuer & holds the issuer's distinguished name
-validity & the activation and expiration dates.
-subject & the subject's distinguished name of the certificate.
-extensions & The extensions are fields only present in version 3 certificates.
-The certificate's \emph{subject or issuer name} is not just a single string. It is
-a Distinguished name and in the ASN.1 notation is a sequence of several object
-IDs with their corresponding values. Some of available OIDs to be used in an X.509
-distinguished name are defined in \emph{gnutls/x509.h}.
-The \emph{Version} field in a certificate has values either 1 or 3 for version 3 certificates.
-Version 1 certificates do not support the extensions field so it is not possible
-to distinguish a CA from a person, thus their usage should be avoided.
-The \emph{validity} dates are there to indicate the date that the specific certificate
-was activated and the date the certificate's key would be considered invalid.
-Certificate \emph{extensions} are there to include information about the certificate's
-subject that did not fit in the typical certificate fields. Those may be
-e-mail addresses, flags that indicate whether the belongs to a CA etc.
-All the supported X.509 version 3 extensions are shown in the table below.
-subject key id & & An identifier of the key of the subject.
-authority key id & & An identifier of the authority's key used to sign the certificate.
-subject alternative name & & Alternative names to subject's distinguished name.
-key usage & & Constraints the key's usage of the certificate.
-extended key usage & & Constraints the purpose of the certificate.
-basic constraints & & Indicates whether this is a CA certificate or not.
-CRL distribution points & & This extension is set by the CA, in order to inform about the issued CRLs.
-In \gnutls{} the X.509 certificate structures are handled using the
-\emph{gnutls\_x509\_crt\_t} type and the corresponding private keys with
-the \emph{gnutls\_x509\_privkey\_t} type.
-All the available functions for X.509 certificate handling have their
-prototypes in \emph{gnutls/x509.h}. An example program to demonstrate the
-X.509 parsing capabilities can be found at section \ref{ex:x509-info} on
-page \pageref{ex:x509-info}.
-\subsection{Verifying X.509 certificate paths}
-Verifying certificate\index{Verifying certificate paths} paths is important
-in X.509 authentication. For this purpose the function
-\printfunc{gnutls_x509_crt_verify}{gnutls\_x509\_crt\_verify} is provided. The
-output of this function is the bitwise OR of the elements of the
-``gnutls\_certificate\_status'' enumeration. A detailed description of
-these elements can be found in figure \ref{fig:verify}.
-The function \printfunc{gnutls_certificate_verify_peers}{gnutls\_certificate\_verify\_peers}
-is equivalent to the previous one, and will verify the peer's certificate in a TLS session.
-CERT\_INVALID & The certificate is not signed by one of the known authorities, or
-the signature is invalid.
-CERT\_REVOKED & The certificate has been revoked.
-CERT\_SIGNER\_NOT\_FOUND & The certificate's issuer is not known.
-\caption{X.509 certificate verification}
-Although the verification of a certificate path indicates that the
-certificate is signed by trusted authority, does not reveal anything
-about the peer's identity. It is required to verify if the certificate's
-owner is the one you expect. See \cite{RFC2818} and section \ref{ex:verify-chain}
-on page \pageref{ex:verify-chain} for an example.
-\subsection{PKCS \#10 certificate requests\index{Certificate requests}\index
-{PKCS \#10}}
-A certificate request is a structure, which
-contain information about an applicant of a certificate service.
-It usually contains a private key, a distinguished name and secondary
-data such as a challenge password. \gnutls{} supports the requests
-defined in PKCS \#10 \cite{RFC2986}. Other certificate request's format such as
-PKIX's RFC2511 \cite{RFC2511} are not currently supported.
-In \gnutls{} the PKCS \#10 structures are handled using the
-\emph{gnutls\_x509\_crq\_t} type.
-An example of a certificate request generation can be found at section \ref{ex:crq}
-on page \pageref{ex:crq}.
-\subsection{PKCS \#12 structures\index{PKCS \#12}}
-A PKCS \#12 structure \cite{PKCS12} usually contains a user's private keys and
-certificates. It is commonly used in browsers to export and import
-the user's identities.
-In \gnutls{} the PKCS \#12 structures are handled using the
-\emph{gnutls\_pkcs12\_t} type. This is an abstract type that
-may hold several \emph{gnutls\_pkcs12\_bag\_t} types. The Bag types are the
-holders of the actual data, which may be certificates, private
-keys or encrypted data. An Bag of type encrypted should be decrypted
-in order for its data to be accessed.
-An example of a PKCS \#12 structure generation can be found at section \ref{ex:pkcs12}
-on page \pageref{ex:pkcs12}.
-\section{The OpenPGP\index{OpenPGP!Keys} trust model}
-The OpenPGP key authentication relies on a distributed trust model, called
-the "web of trust". The "web of trust" uses a decentralized system of
-trusted introducers, which are the same as a CA. OpenPGP allows anyone to
-sign anyone's else public key. When Alice signs Bob's key, she is introducing
-Bob's key to anyone who trusts Alice. If someone trusts Alice to introduce
-keys, then Alice is a trusted introducer in the mind of that observer.
-For example: If David trusts Alice to be an introducer, and Alice signed
-Bob's key, Dave also trusts Bob's key to be the real one.
-There are some key points that are important in that model. In the example
-Alice has to sign Bob's key, only if she is sure that the key belongs
-to Bob. Otherwise she may also make Dave falsely believe that this
-is Bob's key. Dave has also the responsibility to know who to trust.
-This model is similar to real life relations.
-Just see how Charlie behaves in the previous example. Although he has
-signed Bob's key - because he knows, somehow, that it belongs to Bob -
-he does not trust Bob to be an introducer. Charlie decided to trust only
-Kevin, for some reason. A reason could be that Bob is lazy enough, and
-signs other people's keys without being sure that they belong to the
-actual owner.
-\subsection*{OpenPGP keys}
-In \gnutls{} the OpenPGP key structures \cite{RFC2440} are handled using the
-\emph{gnutls\_openpgp\_key\_t} type and the corresponding private keys with
-the \emph{gnutls\_openpgp\_privkey\_t} type. All the prototypes for the key handling
-functions can be found at \emph{gnutls/openpgp.h}.
-\subsection*{Verifying an OpenPGP key}
-The verification functions of OpenPGP keys, included in \gnutls{},
-are simple ones, and do not use the features of the ``web of trust''.
-For that reason, if the verification needs are complex,
-the assistance of external tools like GnuPG and GPGME\footnote{
-Available at \htmladdnormallink{\_software/gpgme/}}
-is recommended.
-There are two verification functions in \gnutls{},
-The \printfunc{gnutls_openpgp_key_verify_ring}{gnutls\_openpgp\_key\_verify\_ring}
-and the \printfunc{gnutls_openpgp_key_verify_trustdb}{gnutls\_openpgp\_key\_verify\_trustdb}.
-The first one checks an OpenPGP key against a given set of public keys (keyring) and
-returns the key status. The key verification status is the same as in X.509 certificates,
-although the meaning and interpretation are different. For example an OpenPGP key may
-be valid, if the self signature is ok, even if no signers were found.
-The meaning of verification status is shown in figure \ref{fig:pgp_verify}.
-The latter function checks a GnuPG trust database for the given key. This function does not
-check the key signatures, only checks for disabled and revoked keys.
-CERT\_INVALID & A signature on the key is invalid. That means that the key was modified
-by somebody, or corrupted during transport.
-CERT\_REVOKED & The key has been revoked by its owner.
-CERT\_SIGNER\_NOT\_FOUND & The key was not signed by a known signer.
-\caption{OpenPGP key verification}