path: root/doc/protocol/draft-rescorla-dtls-03.txt
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- E. Rescorla
- RTFM, Inc.
- N. Modadugu
-INTERNET-DRAFT Stanford University
-<draft-rescorla-dtls-03.txt> February 2004 (Expires August 2005)
- Datagram Transport Layer Security
-Status of this Memo
-By submitting this Internet-Draft, I certify that any applicable
-patent or other IPR claims of which I am aware have been disclosed,
-and any of which I become aware will be disclosed, in accordance with
-RFC 3668.
-Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
-Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups. Note that other
-groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts.
-Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
-and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
-time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
-material or to cite them other than a "work in progress."
-The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at
-The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at
-Copyright Notice
- Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1999-2004). All Rights Reserved.
-Rescorla, Modadugu [Page 1]
- This document specifies Version 1.0 of the Datagram Transport Layer
- Security (DTLS) protocol. The DTLS protocol provides communications
- privacy for datagram protocols. The protocol allows client/server
- applications to communicate in a way that is designed to prevent
- eavesdropping, tampering, or message forgery. The DTLS protocol is
- based on the TLS protocol and provides equivalent security
- guarantees. Datagram semantics of the underlying transport are
- preserved by the DTLS protocol.
-1. Introduction
- TLS [TLS] is the most widely deployed protocol for securing network
- traffic. It is widely used for protecting Web traffic and for e-mail
- protocols such as IMAP [IMAP] and POP [POP]. The primary advantage of
- TLS is that it provides a transparent connection-oriented channel.
- Thus, it is easy to secure an application protocol by inserting TLS
- between the application layer and the transport layer. However, TLS
- must run over a reliable transport channel--typically TCP [TCP]. It
- therefore cannot be used to secure unreliable datagram traffic.
- However, over the past few years an increasing number of application
- layer protocols have been designed which UDP transport. In particular
- such protocols as the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) [SIP], and
- electronic gaming protocols are increasingly popular. (Note that SIP
- can run over both TCP and UDP, but that there are situations in which
- UDP is preferable). Currently, designers of these applications are
- faced with a number of unsatisfactory choices. First, they can use
- IPsec [RFC2401]. However, for a number of reasons detailed in
- [WHYIPSEC], this is only suitable for some applications. Second, they
- can design a custom application layer security protocol. SIP, for
- instance, uses a subsert of S/MIME to secure its traffic.
- Unfortunately, while application layer security protocols generally
- provide superior security properties (e.g., end-to-end security in
- the case of S/MIME) it typically require a large amount of effort to
- design--by contrast to the relatively small amount of effort required
- to run the protocol over TLS.
- In many cases, the most desirable way to secure client/server
- applications would be to use TLS; however the requirement for
- datagram semantics automatically prohibits use of TLS. Thus, a
-Rescorla, Modadugu [Page 2]
- datagram-compatible variant of TLS would be very desirable. This memo
- describes such a protocol: Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS).
- DTLS is deliberately designed to be as similar to to TLS as possible,
- both to minimize new security invention and to maximize the amount of
- code and infrastructure reuse.
-1.1. Requirements Terminology
- "MAY" that appear in this document are to be interpreted as described
- in RFC 2119 [REQ].
-2. Usage Model
- The DTLS protocol is designed to secure data between communicating
- applications. It is designed to run in application space, without
- requiring any kernel modifications. While the design of the DTLS
- protocol does not preclude its use in securing arbitrary datagram
- traffic, it is primarily expected to secure communication based on
- datagram sockets.
- Datagram transport does not require or provide reliable or in-order
- delivery of data. The DTLS protocol preserves this property for
- payload data. Applications such as media streaming, Internet
- telephony and online gaming use datagram transport for communication
- due to the delay-sensitive nature of transported data. The behavior
- of such applications is unchanged when the DTLS protocol is used to
- secure communication, since the DTLS protocol does not compensate for
- lost or re-ordered data traffic.
-3. Overview of DTLS
- The basic design philosophy of DTLS is to construct "TLS over
- datagram". The reason that TLS cannot be used directly in datagram
- environments is simply that packets may be lost or reordered. TLS has
- no internal facilities to handle this kind of unreliability and
- therefore TLS implementations break when rehosted on datagram
- transport. The purpose of DTLS is to make only the minimal changes to
- TLS required to fix this problem. To the greatest extent possible,
- DTLS is identical to TLS. Whenever we need to invent new mechanisms,
- we attempt to do so in such a way that it preserves the style of TLS.
- Unreliability creates problems for TLS at two levels:
- 1. TLS's traffic encryption layer does not allow independent
- decryption of individual records. If record N is not received,
- then record N+1 cannot be decrypted.
-Rescorla, Modadugu [Page 3]
- 2. The TLS handshake layer assumes that handshake messages are
- delivered reliably and breaks if those messages are lost.
- The rest of this section describes the approach that DTLS uses to
- solve these problems.
-3.1. Loss-insensitive messaging
- In TLS's traffic encryption layer (called the TLS Record Layer),
- records are not independent. There are two kinds of inter-record
- dependency:
- 1. Cryptographic context (CBC state, stream cipher key stream) is
- chained between records.
- 2. Anti-replay and message reordering protection are provided by a
- MAC which includes a sequence number, but the sequence numbers are
- implicit in the records.
- The fix for both of these problems is straightforward and well-known
- from IPsec ESP [ESP]: add explicit state to the records. TLS 1.1
- [TLS11] is already adding explicit CBC state to TLS records. DTLS
- borrows that mechanism and adds explicit sequence numbers.
-3.2. Providing Reliability for Handshake
- The TLS handshake is a lockstep cryptographic handshake. Messages
- must be transmitted and received in a defined order and any other
- order is an error. Clearly, this is incompatible with reordering and
- message loss. In addition, TLS handshake messages are potentially
- larger than any given datagram, thus creating the problem of
- fragmentation. DTLS must provide fixes for both these problems.
-3.2.1. Packet Loss
- DTLS uses a simple retransmission timer to handle packet loss. The
- following figure demonstrates the basic concept using the first phase
- of the DTLS handshake:
- Client Server
- ------ ------
- ClientHello ------>
- X<-- HelloVerifyRequest
- (lost)
- [Timer Expires]
-Rescorla, Modadugu [Page 4]
- ClientHello ------>
- (retransmit)
- Once the client has transmitted the ClientHello message, it expects
- to see a HelloVerifyRequest from the server. However, if the server's
- message is lost the client knows that either the ClientHello or the
- HelloVerifyRequest has been lost and retransmits. When the server
- receives the retransmission, it knows to retransmit. The server also
- maintains a retransmission timer and retransmits when that timer
- expires.
-3.2.2. Reordering
- In DTLS, each handshake message is assigned a specific sequence
- number within that handshake. When a peer receives a handshake
- message, it can quickly determine whether that message is the next
- message it expects. If it is, then it processes it. If not, it queues
- it up for future handling once all previous messages have been
- received.
-3.2.3. Message Size
- TLS and DTLS handshake messages can be quite large (in theory up to
- 2^24-1 bytes, in practice many kilobytes). By contrast, UDP datagrams
- are often limited to <1500 bytes. In order to compensate for this
- limitation, each DTLS handshake message may be fragmented over
- several DTLS records. Each DTLS handshake message contains both a
- fragment offset and a fragment length. Thus, a recipient in
- possession of all bytes of a handshake message can reassemble the
- original unfragmented message.
-3.3. Replay Detection
- DTLS optionally supports record replay detection. The technique used
- is the same as in IPsec AH/ESP, by maintaining a bitmap window of
- received records. Records that are too old to fit in the window and
- records that have been previously received are silently discarded.
- The replay detection feature is optional, since packet duplication is
- not always malicious, but can also occur due to routing errors.
- Applications may conceivably detect duplicate packets and accordingly
- modify their data transmission strategy.
-4. Differences from TLS
- As mentioned in Section 3., DTLS is intentionally very similar to
- TLS. Therefore, instead of presenting DTLS as a new protocol, we
- instead present it as a series of deltas from TLS 1.1 [TLS11]. Where
- we do not explicitly call out differences, DTLS is the same as TLS.
-Rescorla, Modadugu [Page 5]
-4.1. Record Layer
- The DTLS record layer is extremely similar to that of TLS 1.1. The
- only change is the inclusion of an explicit sequence number in the
- record. This sequence number allows the recipient to correctly verify
- the TLS MAC. The DTLS record format is shown below:
- struct {
- ContentType type;
- ProtocolVersion version;
- uint16 epoch; // New field
- uint48 sequence_number; // New field
- uint16 length;
- opaque fragment[DTLSPlaintext.length];
- } DTLSPlaintext;
- type
- Equivalent to the type field in a TLS 1.1 record.
- version
- The version of the protocol being employed. This document
- describes DTLS Version 1.0, which uses the version { 254, 255
- }. The version value of 254.255 is the 1's complement of DTLS
- Version 1.0. This maximal spacing between TLS and DTLS version
- numbers ensures that records from the two protocols can be
- easily distinguished.
- epoch
- A counter value that is incremented on every cipher state
- change.
- sequence_number
- The sequence number for this record.
- length
- Identical to the length field in a TLS 1.1 record. As in TLS
- 1.1, the length should not exceed 2^14.
- fragment
- Identical to the fragment field of a TLS 1.1 record.
- DTLS uses an explicit rather than implicit sequence number, carried
- in the sequence_number field of the record. As with TLS, the sequence
- number is set to zero after each ChangeCipherSpec message is sent.
- If several handshakes are performed in close succession, there might
- be multiple records on the wire with the same sequence number but
- from different cipher states. The epoch field allows recipients to
-Rescorla, Modadugu [Page 6]
- distinguish such packets. The epoch number is initially zero and is
- incremented each time the ChangeCipherSpec messages is sent. In order
- to ensure that any given sequence/epoch pair is unique,
- implementations MUST NOT allow the same epoch value to be reused
- within two times the maximum segment lifetime. In practice, TLS
- implementations rehandshake rarely and we therefore do not expect
- this to be a problem.
-4.1.1. Transport Layer Mapping
- Each DTLS record MUST fit within a single datagram. In order to avoid
- IP fragmentation [MOGUL], DTLS implementations SHOULD determine the
- MTU and send records smaller than the MTU. DTLS implementations
- SHOULD provide a way for applications to determine the value of the
- MTU (optimally the maximum application datagram size, which is the
- PMTU minus the DTLS per-record overhead). If the application attempts
- to send a record larger than the MTU, the DTLS implementation MUST
- either generate an error or fragment the packet.
- Multiple DTLS records may be placed in a single datagram. They are
- simply encoded consecutively. The DTLS record framing is sufficient
- to determine the boundaries. Note, however, that the first byte of
- the datagram payload must be the beginning of a record. Records may
- not span datagrams.
- PMTU Discovery
- The PMTU SHOULD be initialized from the interface MTU that will be
- used to send packets.
- To perform PMTU discovery, the DTLS sender sets the IP Don't Fragment
- (DF) bit. As specified in [RFC 1191], when a router receives a packet
- with DF set that is larger than the next link's MTU, it sends an ICMP
- Destination Unreachable message to the source of the datagram with
- the Code indicating "fragmentation needed and DF set" (also known as
- a "Datagram Too Big" message). When a DTLS implementation receives a
- Datagram Too Big message, it decreases its PMTU to the Next-Hop MTU
- value given in the ICMP message. If the MTU given in the message is
- zero, the sender chooses a value for PMTU using the algorithm
- described in Section 7 of [RFC 1191]. If the MTU given in the message
- is greater than the current PMTU, the Datagram Too Big message is
- ignored, as described in [RFC 1191].
- A DTLS implementation may allow the application to occasionally
- request that PMTU discovery be performed again. This will reset the
- PMTU to the outgoing interface's MTU. Such requests SHOULD be rate
- limited, to one per two seconds, for example.
-Rescorla, Modadugu [Page 7]
- Because some firewalls and routers screen out ICMP messages, it is
- difficult to distinguish packet loss from a large PMTU estimate. In
- order to allow connections under these circumstances, DTLS
- implementations MAY choose to back off their PMTU estimate during the
- retransmit backoff described in Section 4.2.4.. For instance, if a
- large packet is being sent, after 3 retransmits a sender might choose
- to fragment the packet.
-4.1.2. Record payload protection
- Like TLS, DTLS transmits data as a series of protected records. The
- rest of this section describes the details of that format.
- The DTLS MAC is the same as that of TLS 1.1. However, rather than
- using TLS's implicit sequence number, the sequence number used to
- compute the MAC is the 64-bit value formed by concatenating the epoch
- and the sequence number in the order they appear on the wire. Note
- that the DTLS epoch + sequence number is the same length as the TLS
- sequence number.
- Null or standard stream cipher
- The DTLS NULL cipher is performed exactly as the TLS 1.1 NULL cipher.
- The only stream cipher described in TLS 1.1 is RC4, which cannot be
- randomly accessed. RC4 MUST NOT be used with DTLS.
- Block Cipher
- DTLS block cipher encryption and decryption are performed exactly as
- with TLS 1.1.
- New Cipher Suites
- Upon registration, new TLS cipher suites MUST indicate whether they
- are suitable for DTLS usage and what, if any, adaptations must be
- made.
- Anti-Replay
- DTLS records contain a sequence number to provide replay protection.
- Sequence number verification SHOULD be performed using the following
- sliding, window procedure, borrowed from Section 3.4.3 of [RFC 2402]
- The receiver packet counter for this session MUST be initialized to
- zero when the session is established. For each received record, the
-Rescorla, Modadugu [Page 8]
- receiver MUST verify that the record contains a Sequence Number that
- does not duplicate the Sequence Number of any other record received
- during the life of this session. This SHOULD be the first check
- applied to a packet after it has been matched to a session, to speed
- rejection of duplicate records.
- Duplicates are rejected through the use of a sliding receive window.
- (How the window is implemented is a local matter, but the following
- text describes the functionality that the implementation must
- exhibit.) A minimum window size of 32 MUST be supported; but a window
- size of 64 is preferred and SHOULD be employed as the default.
- Another window size (larger than the minimum) MAY be chosen by the
- receiver. (The receiver does not notify the sender of the window
- size.)
- The "right" edge of the window represents the highest, validated
- Sequence Number value received on this session. Records that contain
- Sequence Numbers lower than the "left" edge of the window are
- rejected. Packets falling within the window are checked against a
- list of received packets within the window. An efficient means for
- performing this check, based on the use of a bit mask, is described
- in Appendix C of [RFC 2401].
- If the received record falls within the window and is new, or if the
- packet is to the right of the window, then the receiver proceeds to
- MAC verification. If the MAC validation fails, the receiver MUST
- discard the received record as invalid. The receive window is updated
- only if the MAC verification succeeds.
-4.2. The DTLS Handshake Protocol
- DTLS uses all of the same handshake messages and flows as TLS, with
- three principal changes:
- 1. A stateless cookie exchange has been added to prevent denial of
- service attacks.
- 2. Modifications to the handshake header to handle message loss,
- reordering and fragmentation.
- 3. Retransmission timers to handle message loss.
- With these exceptions, the DTLS message formats, flows, and logic are
- the same as those of TLS 1.1.
-Rescorla, Modadugu [Page 9]
-4.2.1. Denial of Service Countermeasures
- Datagram security protocols are extremely susceptible to a variety of
- denial of service (DoS) attacks. Two attacks are of particular
- concern:
- 1. An attacker can consume excessive resources on the server by
- transmitting a series of handshake initiation requests, causing
- the server to allocate state and potentially perform expensive
- cryptographic operations.
- 2. An attacker can use the server as an amplifier by sending
- connection initiation messages with a forged source of the victim.
- The server then sends its next message (in DTLS, a Certificate
- message, which can be quite large) to the victim machine, thus
- flooding it.
- In order to prevent both of these attacks, DTLS borrows the stateless
- cookie technique used by Photuris [PHOTURIS] and IKEv2 [IKE]. When
- the client sends its ClientHello message to the server, the server
- MAY respond with a HelloVerifyRequest message. This message contains
- a stateless cookie generated using the technique of [PHOTURIS]. The
- client MUST retransmit the ClientHello with the cookie added. The
- server then verifies the cookie and proceeds with the handshake only
- if it is valid.
- The exchange is shown below:
- Client Server
- ------ ------
- ClientHello ------>
- <----- HelloVerifyRequest
- (contains cookie)
- ClientHello ------>
- (with cookie)
- [Rest of handshake]
- DTLS therefore modifies the ClientHello message to add the cookie
- value.
- struct {
- ProtocolVersion client_version;
- Random random;
- SessionID session_id;
- Cookie cookie<0..32>; // New field
-Rescorla, Modadugu [Page 10]
- CipherSuite cipher_suites<2..2^16-1>;
- CompressionMethod compression_methods<1..2^8-1>;
- } ClientHello;
- If the client does not have a cookie for a given server, it should
- use a zero-length cookie.
- The definition of HelloVerifyRequest is as follows:
- struct {
- Cookie cookie<0..32>;
- } HelloVerifyRequest;
- The HelloVerifyRequest message type is hello_verify_request(3).
- When responding to a HelloVerifyRequest the client MUST use the same
- parameter values (version, random, session_id, cipher_suites,
- compression_method) as in the original ClientHello. The server SHOULD
- use those values to generate its cookie and verify that they are
- correct upon cookie receipt.
- Although DTLS servers are not required to do a cookie exchange, they
- SHOULD do so whenever a new handshake is performed in order to avoid
- being used as amplifiers. If the server is being operated in an
- environment where amplification is not a problem, the server MAY
- choose not to perform a cookie exchange. In addition, the server MAY
- choose not do to a cookie exchange when a session is resumed. Clients
- MUST be prepared to do a cookie exchange with every handshake.
-4.2.2. Handshake Message Format
- In order to support message loss, reordering, and fragmentation DTLS
- modifies the TLS 1.1 handshake header:
- struct {
- HandshakeType msg_type;
- uint24 length;
- uint16 message_seq; // New field
- uint24 fragment_offset; // New field
- uint24 fragment_length; // New field
- select (HandshakeType) {
- case hello_request: HelloRequest;
- case client_hello: ClientHello;
- case hello_verify_request: HelloVerifyRequest; // New type
- case server_hello: ServerHello;
- case certificate:Certificate;
- case server_key_exchange: ServerKeyExchange;
- case certificate_request: CertificateRequest;
-Rescorla, Modadugu [Page 11]
- case server_hello_done:ServerHelloDone;
- case certificate_verify: CertificateVerify;
- case client_key_exchange: ClientKeyExchange;
- case finished:Finished;
- } body;
- } Handshake;
- The first message each side transmits in each handshake always has
- message_seq = 0. Whenever each new message is generated, the
- message_seq value is incremented by one. When a message is
- retransmitted, the same message_seq value is used. For example.
- Client Server
- ------ ------
- ClientHello (seq=0) ------>
- X<-- HelloVerifyRequest (seq=0)
- (lost)
- [Timer Expires]
- ClientHello (seq=0) ------>
- (retransmit)
- <------ HelloVerifyRequest (seq=0)
- ClientHello (seq=1) ------>
- (with cookie)
- <------ ServerHello (seq=1)
- <------ Certificate (seq=2)
- <------ ServerHelloDone (seq=3)
- [Rest of handshake]
- DTLS implementations maintain (at least notionally) a
- next_receive_seq counter. This counter is initially set to zero. When
- a message is received, if its sequence number matches
- next_receive_seq, next_receive_seq is incremented and the message is
- processed. If the sequence number is less than next_receive_seq the
- message MUST be discarded. If the sequence number is greater than
- next_receive_seq, the implementation SHOULD queue the message but MAY
- discard it. (This is a simple space/bandwidth tradeoff).
-4.2.3. Message Fragmentation and Reassembly
- As noted in Section 4.1.1., each DTLS message MUST fit within a
- single transport layer datagram. However, handshake messages are
-Rescorla, Modadugu [Page 12]
- potentially bigger than the maximum record size. Therefore DTLS
- provides a mechanism for fragmenting a handshake message over a
- number of records.
- When transmitting the handshake message, the sender divides the
- message into a series of N contiguous data ranges. These range MUST
- NOT be larger than the maximum handshake fragment size and MUST
- jointly contain the entire handshake message. The ranges SHOULD NOT
- overlap. The sender then creates N handshake messages, all with the
- same message_seq value as the original handshake message. Each new
- message is labelled with the fragment_offset (the number of bytes
- contained in previous fragments) and the fragment_length (the length
- of this fragment). The length field in all messages is the same as
- the length field of the original message. An unfragmented message is
- a degenerate case with fragment_offset=0 and fragment_length=length.
- When a DTLS implementation receives a handshake message fragment, it
- MUST buffer it until it has the entire handshake message. DTLS
- implementations MUST be able to handle overlapping fragment ranges.
- This allows senders to retransmit handshake messages with smaller
- fragment sizes during path MTU discovery.
- Note that as with TLS, multiple handshake messages may be placed in
- the same DTLS record, provided that there is room and that they are
- part of the same flight. Thus, there are two acceptable ways to pack
- two DTLS messages into the same datagram: in the same record or in
- separate records.
-4.2.4. Timeout and Retransmission
- DTLS messages are grouped into a series of message flights, according
- the diagrams below. Although each flight of messages may consist of a
- number of messages, they should be viewed as monolithic for the
- purpose of timeout and retransmission.
-Rescorla, Modadugu [Page 13]
- Client Server
- ------ ------
- ClientHello --------> Flight 1
- <------- HelloVerifyRequest Flight 2
- ClientHello --------> Flight 3
- ServerHello \
- Certificate* \
- ServerKeyExchange* Flight 4
- CertificateRequest* /
- <-------- ServerHelloDone /
- Certificate* \
- ClientKeyExchange \
- CertificateVerify* Flight 5
- [ChangeCipherSpec] /
- Finished --------> /
- [ChangeCipherSpec] \ Flight 6
- <-------- Finished /
- Figure 1: Message flights for full handshake
- Client Server
- ------ ------
- ClientHello --------> Flight 1
- ServerHello \
- [ChangeCipherSpec] Flight 2
- <-------- Finished /
- [ChangeCipherSpec] \Flight 3
- Finished --------> /
- Figure 2: Message flights for session resuming handshake (no cookie exchange)
- DTLS uses a simple timeout and retransmission scheme with the
- following state machine. Because DTLS clients send the first message
- (ClientHello) they start in the PREPARING state. DTLS servers start
- in the WAITING state, but with empty buffers and no retransmit timer.
-Rescorla, Modadugu [Page 14]
- +-----------+
- +---> | |
- | | |
- | +-----------+
- | |
- | |
- | | Buffer next flight
- | |
- | \|/
- | +-----------+
- | | |
- | | SENDING |<------------------+
- | | | |
- | +-----------+ |
- Receive | | |
- next | | Send flight |
- flight | +--------+ |
- | | | Set retransmit timer |
- | | \|/ |
- | | +-----------+ |
- | | | | |
- +--)--| WAITING |-------------------+
- | | | | Timer expires |
- | | +-----------+ |
- | | | |
- | | | |
- | | +------------------------+
- | | Read retransmit
- Receive | |
- last | |
- flight | |
- | |
- \|/\|/
- +-----------+
- | |
- | |
- +-----------+
- Figure 3: DTLS timeout and retransmission state machine
- The state machine has three basic states.
- In the PREPARING state the implementation does whatever computations
- are necessary to prepare the next flight of messages. It then buffers
-Rescorla, Modadugu [Page 15]
- them up for transmission (emptying the buffer first) and enters the
- SENDING state.
- In the SENDING state, the implementation transmits the buffered
- flight of messages. Once the messages have been sent, the
- implementation then enters the FINISHED state if this is the last
- flight in the handshake, or, if the implementation expects to receive
- more messages, sets a retransmit timer and then enters the WAITING
- state.
- There are three ways to exit the WAITING state:
- 1. The retransmit timer expires: the implementation transitions to
- the SENDING state, where it retransmits the flight, resets the
- retransmit timer, and returns to the WAITING state.
- 2. The implementation reads a retransmitted flight from the peer:
- the implementation transitions to the SENDING state, where it
- retransmits the flight, resets the retransmit timer, and returns
- to the WAITING state. The rationale here is that the receipt of a
- duplicate message is the likely result of timer expiry on the peer
- and therefore suggests that part of one's previous flight was
- lost.
- 3. The implementation receives the next flight of messages: if
- this is the final flight of messages the implementation
- transitions to FINISHED. If the implementation needs to send a new
- flight, it transitions to the PREPARING state. Partial reads
- (whether partial messages or only some of the messages in the
- flight) do not cause state transitions or timer resets.
- Timer Values
- Timer value choices are a local matter. We RECOMMEND that
- implementations use an initial timer value of 500 ms and double the
- value at each retransmission, up to twice the TCP Maximum Segment
- Lifetime. [TCP] Implementations SHOULD start the timer value at the
- initial value with each new flight of messages.
-4.2.5. ChangeCipherSpec
- As with TLS, the ChangeCipherSpec message is not technically a
- handshake message but MUST be treated as part of the same flight as
- the associated Finished message for the purposes of timeout and
- retransmission.
-Rescorla, Modadugu [Page 16]
-4.2.6. Finished messages
- Finished messages have the same format as in TLS. However, in order
- to remove sensitivity to fragmentation, the Finished MAC MUST be
- computed as if each handshake message had been sent as a single
- fragment. Note that in cases where the cookie exchange is used, the
- initial ClientHello and HelloVerifyRequest MUST BE included in the
- Finished MAC.
-A.1Summary of new syntax
- This section includes specifications for the data structures that
- have changed between TLS 1.1 and DTLS.
-4.2. Record Layer
- struct {
- ContentType type;
- ProtocolVersion version;
- uint16 epoch; // New field
- uint48 sequence_number; // New field
- uint16 length;
- opaque fragment[DTLSPlaintext.length];
- } DTLSPlaintext;
- struct {
- ContentType type;
- ProtocolVersion version;
- uint16 epoch; // New field
- uint48 sequence_number; // New field
- uint16 length;
- opaque fragment[DTLSCompressed.length];
- } DTLSCompressed;
- struct {
- ContentType type;
- ProtocolVersion version;
- uint16 epoch; // New field
- uint48 sequence_number; // New field
- uint16 length;
- select (CipherSpec.cipher_type) {
- case block: GenericBlockCipher;
- } fragment;
- } DTLSCiphertext;
-Rescorla, Modadugu [Page 17]
-4.3. Handshake Protocol
- enum {
- hello_request(0), client_hello(1), server_hello(2),
- hello_verify_request(3), // New field
- certificate(11), server_key_exchange (12),
- certificate_request(13), server_hello_done(14),
- certificate_verify(15), client_key_exchange(16),
- finished(20), (255)
- } HandshakeType;
- struct {
- HandshakeType msg_type;
- uint24 length;
- uint16 message_seq; // New field
- uint24 fragment_offset; // New field
- uint24 fragment_length; // New field
- select (HandshakeType) {
- case hello_request: HelloRequest;
- case client_hello: ClientHello;
- case server_hello: ServerHello;
- case hello_verify_request: HelloVerifyRequest; // New field
- case certificate:Certificate;
- case server_key_exchange: ServerKeyExchange;
- case certificate_request: CertificateRequest;
- case server_hello_done:ServerHelloDone;
- case certificate_verify: CertificateVerify;
- case client_key_exchange: ClientKeyExchange;
- case finished:Finished;
- } body;
- } Handshake;
- struct {
- Cookie cookie<H0..32>;
- } HelloVerifyRequest;
-5. Security Considerations
- This document describes a variant of TLS 1.1 and therefore most of
- the security considerations are the same as those of TLS 1.1 [TLS11],
- described in Appendices D, E, and F.
- The primary additional security consideration raised by DTLS is that
- of denial of service. DTLS includes a cookie exchange designed to
- protect against denial of service. However, implementations which do
- not use this cookie exchange are still vulnerable to DoS. In
- particular, DTLS servers which do not use the cookie exchange may be
- used as attack amplifiers even if they themselves are not
-Rescorla, Modadugu [Page 18]
- experiencing DoS. Therefore DTLS servers SHOULD use the cookie
- exchange unless there is good reason to believe that amplification is
- not a threat in their environment.
-6. IANA Considerations
- This document uses the same identifier space as TLS [TLS11], so no
- IANA registries are required beyond those for TLS. Identifiers MAY
- NOT be assigned for DTLS that conflict with TLS. When new identifiers
- are assigned for TLS, authors MUST specify whether they are suitable
- for DTLS.
-Normative References
- [PHOTURIS] Karn, P., Simpson, W., "Photuris: Session-Key Management
- Protocol", RFC 2521, March 1999.
- [REQ] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
- Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.
- [REQ]
- [RFC1191] Mogul, J. C., Deering, S.E., "Path MTU Discovery",
- RFC 1191, November 1990.
- [RFC2401] Kent, S., Atkinson, R., "Security Architecture for the
- Internet Protocol", RFC2401, November 1998.
- [TCP] Postel, J., "Transmission Control Protocol",
- RFC 793, September 1981.
- [TLS] Dierks, T., and Allen, C., "The TLS Protocol Version 1.0",
- RFC 2246, January 1999.
- [TLS11] Dierks, T., Rescorla, E., "The TLS Protocol Version 1.1",
- draft-ietf-tls-rfc2246-bis-05.txt, July 2003.
-Informative References
- [AH] Kent, S., and Atkinson, R., "IP Authentication Header",
- RFC 2402, November 1998.
- [DCCP] Kohler, E., Handley, M., Floyd, S., Padhye, J., "Datagram
- Congestion Control Protocol", draft-ietf-dccp-spec-05.txt,
- October 2003
-Rescorla, Modadugu [Page 19]
- [DTLS] Modadugu, N., Rescorla, E., "The Design and Implementation
- of Datagram TLS", in Proceedings of ISOC NDSS 2004,
- February 2004.
- [ESP] Kent, S., and Atkinson, R., "IP Encapsulating Security
- Payload (ESP)", RFC 2406, November 1998.
- [IKE] Harkins, D., Carrel, D., "The Internet Key Exchange (IKE)",
- RFC 2409, November 1998.
- [IMAP] Crispin, M., "Internet Message Access Protocol - Version
- 4rev1", RFC 3501, March 2003.
- [POP] Myers, J., and Rose, M., "Post Office Protocol -
- Version 3", RFC 1939, May 1996.
- [SIP] Rosenberg, J., Schulzrinne, Camarillo, G., Johnston, A.,
- Peterson, J., Sparks, R., Handley, M., Schooler, E.,
- "SIP: Session Initiation Protocol", RFC 3261,
- June 2002.
- [WHYIPSEC] Bellovin, S., "Guidelines for Mandating the Use of IPsec",
- draft-bellovin-useipsec-02.txt, October 2003
-Authors' Address
- Eric Rescorla <>
- RTFM, Inc.
- 2064 Edgewood Drive
- Palo Alto, CA 94303
- Nagendra Modadugu <>
- Computer Science Department
- 353 Serra Mall
- Stanford University
- Stanford, CA 94305
- The authors would like to thank Dan Boneh, Eu-Jin Goh, Russ Housley,
- Constantine Sapuntzakis, and Hovav Shacham for discussions and
- comments on the design of DTLS. Thanks to the anonymous NDSS
- reviewers of our original NDSS paper on DTLS [DTLS] for their
- comments. Also, thanks to Steve Kent for feedback that helped clarify
-Rescorla, Modadugu [Page 20]
- many points. The section on PMTU was cribbed from the DCCP
- specification [DCCP].
-Rescorla, Modadugu [Page 21]
-Full Copyright Statement
- The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any
- Intellectual Property Rights or other rights that might be claimed to
- pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in
- this document or the extent to which any license under such rights
- might or might not be available; nor does it represent that it has
- made any independent effort to identify any such rights. Information
- on the procedures with respect to rights in RFC documents can be
- found in BCP 78 and BCP 79.
- Copies of IPR disclosures made to the IETF Secretariat and any
- assurances of licenses to be made available, or the result of an
- attempt made to obtain a general license or permission for the use of
- such proprietary rights by implementers or users of this
- specification can be obtained from the IETF on-line IPR repository at
- The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any
- copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary
- rights that may cover technology that may be required to implement
- this standard. Please address the information to the IETF at ietf-
-Copyright Notice
- Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003). This document is subject
- to the rights, licenses and restrictions contained in BCP 78, and
- except as set forth therein, the authors retain all their rights.
- This document and the information contained herein are provided on an
-Rescorla, Modadugu [Page 22]